The Sarah McAbee Show

Special Guest Nick Searcy | Episode 1

May 14, 2024 Sarah McAbee Episode 1
Special Guest Nick Searcy | Episode 1
The Sarah McAbee Show
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The Sarah McAbee Show
Special Guest Nick Searcy | Episode 1
May 14, 2024 Episode 1
Sarah McAbee

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In this conversation, Sarah McAbee interviews Nick Searcy, an actor and filmmaker, about his experiences and perspectives on various topics, including his career in Hollywood, the events of January 6th, and his new autobiography. They discuss the media's portrayal of the January 6th events and the ongoing persecution of individuals involved. They also touch on the corruption in Hollywood and the education system. Nick shares his insights and the importance of speaking out against injustice and standing up for what is right.

The War On Truth Documentary:

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X: @yesnicksearcy

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In this conversation, Sarah McAbee interviews Nick Searcy, an actor and filmmaker, about his experiences and perspectives on various topics, including his career in Hollywood, the events of January 6th, and his new autobiography. They discuss the media's portrayal of the January 6th events and the ongoing persecution of individuals involved. They also touch on the corruption in Hollywood and the education system. Nick shares his insights and the importance of speaking out against injustice and standing up for what is right.

The War On Truth Documentary:

Follow Nick on Social Media:
Instagram: @yesnickef2c 
X: @yesnicksearcy

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 Welcome to the Sarah McAbee Show. Today in the studio we have a special guest and dear friend, Nick Searcy. Nick has a career in the acting and film industry. Nick started an off -Broadway classics like guys and dolls. He swiftly made his mark in the world of cinema

delivering an unforgettable performances and celebrated films like fried green tomatoes and three billboards outside Ebington, Missouri. His television portfolio is equally impressive with reoccurring appearances and beloved series such as American Gothic and Seven Days. He is best known for his role as father on Disney channel hit movie, Double Teamed, as we all know it from the nineties and chief deputy United States marshal Art Mullen and FX justified.

Sarah McAbee (01:58.588)
Outside of acting, Nick has also delved into directing and producing independent films. Nick, welcome to the Sarah McAbee show. Thanks for having me Sarah. It's like double teamed. If you know that movie, I know how old you are. Yeah. So I was talking with Nicole, the producer, and she was like, that's where I know him from. Like we grew up on that stuff. Yeah. Well, everybody who's about your age saw that movie about 50 times. Probably more than that. They showed it over and over again.

So every time I meet a young lady and she goes, you look familiar. I go double team. She goes, that was you. You know, it's so funny going back to like, we can talk about this, but how we met. I mean, I remember when we were filming part of the documentary sitting on the porch and you had said double teamed and it's just like, it all clicked. And I was like, I just felt like sitting there, like, how did I not know this a month before when we had met? Right. Well, I've aged a bit since then.

So Nick, you were in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021. Can you, going back, what led you to go to Washington DC that day? You know, I was not planning to go. My friend, Chris Burgard, who you know, who directed the films, he said, come on, Nick, we need to go. We need, it's going to be a part of history. Let's go witness it. And I was like, all right. I was planning to come to North Carolina anyway, to visit my parents.

So I just flew a couple of days early. I went to Washington first and then went on to North Carolina after. So that's, that's how I wound up there. And then, of course what happened that day, after I got back to the room that we were singing that night and they showed me what had happened on television, I was shocked because I didn't see any of that. I, I, I had thought it was just like a, a peaceful gathering of people that were waving flags and singing songs.

Well, that's what a lot of people that were there that day said that the atmosphere was like. And yet the media has portrayed something so different. You were there. I was not there. My husband was. And it's just so interesting. Every person that I've talked to that was there that day says it's completely different from what the media has said. Even that night, like you said, going back to their hotel rooms, they were like, we didn't see any of that. Yeah. And it really goes to.

Sarah McAbee (04:14.908)
you know, prove the premise that it was set up because the media, how did the media know to only have their cameras at the White House? There was no footage, you know, the footage that we have in our movie of the size of the crowd, the peaceful quality of the crowd, the flag waving, the singing hymns praying for the country. None of that was on television. They didn't put any of that on the air. No, because it goes against their narrative. Right. The only thing they wanted you to see.

was the narrative that this was a group of angry, crazy, white supremacist Trump supporters who were trying to destroy the nation. And that was planned from the beginning. Right. So you have done a lot in advocating for the January 6 political hostages, going and speaking to them if they've been out and to their families.

Why knowing that you were there and that you could be facing something similar to what they're facing, why do you continue to advocate on behalf of them? Well, it moved me. I mean, when we made the first film and we talked to the people that had been had their doors broken down, had suffered miscarriages, just, and these people have never been arrested for anything before in their lives. Most of them Christians, most of them decent, hardworking people.

And the way they were being treated, I was shocked by it. And in the first movie, when we went to talk to these people, it was hard to believe. And then after that movie was released, it continued. They're continuing to arrest people and people like your husband had been in jail for so long. And I just felt like, you know, somebody's got to tell the story because the media won't. The media is not letting these stories come out.

And in fact, in many cases, as I'm sure you've experienced the media attacks these people rather than telling their story. Like they demonize them in the press and Easton Cantwell, who's featured in the movie. I mean, he lost everything, not just because of the charges by the department of justice, but because his name was so vilified in the media that they shut down, you know, he had to go out of business. He had three coffee shops that he had to close and.

Sarah McAbee (06:33.276)
I mean, the real reason I was very reluctant to make a sequel because I just thought it's too late and it's over and you know how this happened. I met you and I felt like, this is a sign. This is a sign I need to make this. So let's go back to that day because I just, I feel like throughout this entire process, the Lord has put people into our lives at different times for different reasons. And so my family owns a local business in Tennessee and.

the night before my sister had texted me, it was a holiday season. And she said, Hey, I think we should open for a few hours. Can you come just hang out with me? And I was like, Okay, no problem. Like I usually don't work in there. So I don't do much, you know. And so she was actually in the back when you and Leslie had walked in. And you'd asked about a holiday order. And I had that season I had never taken a holiday order. And so and so I was like, right, as soon as you had said your name, I was like,

Okay, I know that name from somewhere. But you know, being in Tennessee in the area we're in, a lot of people of stature walk in. And so we just like try to keep it cool, calm and collective. And so we got all of your information and you had left. And I was like, I told my sister Emily, I'm like, Emily, I think I know him from somewhere. And she was like, we'll go look him up. So we go into the office and we look you up and it said cast away and justified and all these things that I'm like, I

just don't think that's it. Maybe it is right, but I'm not a big movie buff. So I'm like, maybe that's not it. And anyway, I had gotten on the phone with a guy that was in DC, a January six defendant, I was like, Nick, seriously, just came in here. And he was like, Sarah, do you know who that is? And I'm like, I looked him up, but I'm not in each and he had said, No, Sarah, he was the first one that made a January six documentary about us. And that's when I was like, my God. And so I went and told my sister and

She was like, Sarah, and which funny, if you look back at things, I was wearing my free the J six political prisoner shirt, if I would have just turned around, there would have been a conversation. And so she was like, you have to reach out to him. And I'm like, no, I don't cross personal and business. And I'm not going to let it affect you all. And she was like, if you don't, I will. So I hemmed and hauled, I took a picture of your, your order sheet. And I hemmed and hauled the entire day. And she was like, if you don't do it by midnight, I'm calling him tomorrow.

Sarah McAbee (08:56.924)
And so I said, fine. So that's when I had texted you and I said, Hey, you know, and you were probably like, what the heck is wrong? Well, when you texted me, I thought, there's something wrong with the meat. Right. Well, maybe they couldn't get the roast or something. Right. Right. So when I called you and you told me who you were, I was like, okay, God, this is a sign. This is it. Right. I guess I'm going to have to interview you. Just so interesting how the Lord puts people in.

our lives, you know, throughout this entire and I think that is one blessing that has come from this atrocity, honestly, a stain on American history is there are now 1400 people across America and 1400 families that have been connected through this. And I do believe that change will happen. And so a huge thanks to you and Chris for continuing to.

you put these real stories out. I mean, it costs a lot of money, a lot of time. And not only are you continuing to put yourself out there and Chris out there because you were there that day, never knowing if you're going to get a pre -dawn rate on your house for simply being there that day, but not being afraid to speak up. And I think that that's a big thing that we have seen not only with January 6th, but of COVID and our border and all the things is the government has instilled fear.

into the American people. And it's people like you that that courage is contagious. And I think people look up to you and say, you know what, he was there that day. He has put his entire life on the line. I mean, what would happen to your family if you were taken and thrown into jail for three plus years? You know, I'm sure that is something that always sits in the back of your mind, but you continue to forge forward anyway. So thank you on behalf of all of us for that. It's really it's an honor to do it. And, you know, that they've

There's no reason to believe that they won't someday get around to me. They came to Chris Burgard's ranch and tried to get him to talk to them. And it wasn't like a violent pre -dawn raid like so many people have experienced, but the fear is intentional. That's what they're trying to do is make everyone afraid to speak out. That's what Hollywood is trying to do to actors for years, for decades. It's like, don't be, don't.

Sarah McAbee (11:09.66)
Don't say you're not voting for Obama or anything. And like, I think in my case and, you know, in that regard, it wasn't so much courage as like, I just didn't know that I was supposed to keep my mouth shut until it was too late. And so everybody already knew. And so I figured then that, you know, after January six, I just thought everybody knows who I am already. I'm not hurting my reputation. My reputation has already been hurt and just, you know, from meeting you and.

And people like Derek Kennison and Easton Cantwell and Annette Keene and Victoria White and Ashley Babbitt's mother. And just for meeting all these people, it's like, yeah, I can't stop. I'll go there. Cause it's not, they're not stopping. They're continuing to destroy people's lives. They're arresting five to seven new people a week. I mean, it's, it's ongoing. I don't think the American people.

truly understand that they might be ignorant to all of the details about January 6, but I don't think they understand that this is an ongoing investigation into people three plus years later for simply being there. I mean, you look at what happened to Steve Baker and Stephen Horn and all of these independent journalists that were there doing their job and now they're being prosecuted for it. No, it's it's unreal. And and people don't

don't know about it and some people don't want to know about it. That's the hardest thing is that a lot of people on the left, they won't even look at my movie because they don't want their worldview upset. They want to believe that they're on the right side of things. And I don't believe anybody that watches the war on truth that sees what's happening to these people could really support it unless they're just pure evil. I mean, cause this is...

This is an injustice. It's an outrage. It's an outrage what's happening. Yeah. So we've been talking about this documentary for quite a while and it's finally come to fruition. What are your favorite parts about the documentary? Well, besides my incredible, incisive interview questions, no, I mean, just to me, the most important thing is telling people's stories.

Sarah McAbee (13:28.028)
That's really the most exciting part of it to me or the part that I'm most moved by. Nicole Reffett's story, your story, you know, there's so many, so many people don't know this is happening and the kinds of people that it's happening to. And also I think the one thing that this movie reveals outside of that, that I'm kind of proud of is how much the police were involved in instigating the crowd. You know, that they intentionally fired munitions into the middle of the crowd.

when there was nothing happening, when there was no reason to do it. And how they, in many cases, they targeted women to sort of infuriate the crowd. You know, the beating of Roseanne Boylan, the beating of Victoria White, that's inexplicable. When you watch the film, it's like, why are they doing this? And the only reason I can come up with is that they were intentionally trying to infuriate the men in the crowd and incite them into fighting back.

Do you think that as part of the narrative that they wanted it to be worse than what it was? Absolutely. I think they wanted a bloodbath. There's a man named Tarek Johnson, who was a Capitol policeman that day. And he was radioing into his superiors going, we've got to get the, we've got to clear the house and Senate because there are people in the building and he never got a command back. He never got any response. And he cleared the building himself. He got them out of there on his own volition.

was suspended the next day for it because he did that. And he says, you know, if any of those protesters had actually blundered into the house or Senate while it was in session and people were in there, it would have been a bloodbath because they would have opened fire. And that's what they wanted. They wanted it to be this terrible, terrible event that they could then blame on.

Trump and these crazy white supremacy. That they're still pushing over three years later, I think is just astonishing too. I mean, you know, that a charge at this point has already gone in front of the Supreme Court and now we're just waiting to see. I mean, this is the fate of over 350 individuals, including Trump on the overcharging and over prosecuting people for.

Sarah McAbee (15:39.868)
for simply being there that day. I mean, you look at what happened at the inauguration in 2017. You look at what happened in the summer of love. You look at what's happening right now as we speak happening on these colleges campuses. It's just, they talk about two tiers of justice, but I think there are multiple tiers of justice that we are seeing unfold in America. Yeah. Well, the BLM riots, the Antifa riots, even going back to the Occupy Wall Street stuff.

It's all the same people. These are all protests, violent protests that are instigated by forces that want to bring down this country. Right. And so those protests, those protesters, if they are arrested, they get out the next day and they're continuing to arrest, you know, grandmothers and people that just happened to be there. Matthew Graves came out and said, we're going to arrest a thousand more people. And now we're going to start arresting the people who never went in the building.

Right. Because in his, you know, the way he looks at it, they, if they were close to the building, they'd already entered a restricted area, which as you know, all the signs saying we're gone, we're gone. They took all the signs down. So people didn't know they were in a restricted area. So it's very sinister and it's ongoing. It is. I think it's, it's an atrocity in our history. And do you, as you have been, you were there and have investigated this. Do you feel like there's any hope?

for these individuals, do you think these wrongs will be righted? Well, it's going to have to come from the very top. Yeah. It's going to have to, I think the only chance for these people is President Trump. You know, if he gets back in and pardons, I think he should pardon every single person that had ever been charged for anything to do with January 6th, because it was a totally a setup. It did not have to happen.

If the national guard had been there like Trump had asked for that none of this would have happened. And the reason they didn't bring in the national guard is they wanted this to happen so they could hang it on Trump and his supporters. So I think that's the only way. Do you think we will get a true January 6th committee to look into the pipe bomb, to look into why no orders from the Capitol police, even the Metro police were being answered? I think ultimately what January 6th showed,

Sarah McAbee (18:02.812)
Is that our nation's capital is protected by an untrained police force. And I do believe that there were bad agitators on each side. Do you think that we will truly get an investigation into what happened that day? I think it's very unlikely because I think sadly our system, our political leaders are corrupted and in many cases compromised. I mean, I think there's probably.

You know, every time somebody gets elected in Washington, somebody comes to visit them from the intelligence agencies and says, just by the way, we want you to know that we have these photos of you. We have this, you know, your, your internet browsing history or whatever it is. And they just go, just want you to know that we have this. So I think that it'll be a very, very surprising turn of events. If you get a legitimate look into what the intelligence community has done.

I mean, you look at Mike Johnson, right? He came in and was supposed to just, you know, take a bull by its horns, you know, and we had the house and we finally had somebody that was gonna fight for us. And then it was like, you look at what he has voted on and what he has done. And you're like, did somebody come visit you in the dark of the night? And say, I have x, y and z on you, you're gonna do what we say because

Yeah. And I think that's part of the problem on our side on the Republican side is there's constant infighting and at least on the Democratic side, they are all they regardless if they feel like they should vote on it or not, they do. They are a unit. And I think that's why things get done. And so I feel like we're constantly two steps behind. Yeah, they're a pack of wolves. They're a gang of bullies. Yeah. And we are, you know, by nature sort of independent thinkers and libertarians and we think we're nuanced and

You know, and there is, there's a lot of us that are basically in Washington, not to serve the people, but to serve themselves and to serve the ruling class, the uniparty as they call it. There's that famous shot of, Mike Johnson going in, coming out of a room with speaker Ryan, with Paul Ryan. And right after that is when everything started to change. So I'm very, very certain that something happened to Mike Johnson.

Sarah McAbee (20:19.58)
Unfortunately, I think so too. I mean, you have a lot of even going back to January six, you have a lot of these politicians, these people who are supposed to represent us that don't do anything. And you've met with some of them. Have you seen them do anything for their constituents or have you seen them move the needle in this fight for justice for January six? Very few. And frankly, very few of them would talk to me. You know, it's like Louie Gohmert would talk to me and Troy Nels. And that's about it. I mean,

We tried to get other people. We tried to get, you know, McCarthy and we tried to get, Marjorie Taylor green and you know, we couldn't, we could, they won't talk to us. So I know that in Troy Nell's case, he's been very outspoken. Yes. And so is Louie, but then Louie resigned, you know, but, yeah, it's, it's, it's hard to find real courage in Washington. It's a lot like Hollywood. Tell us a little bit about your experience in Hollywood and with everything coming out.

recently, like I just find it so interesting that a lot of these people were called conspiracy theorists for a very long time. But you, I hope you haven't witnessed it firsthand, but you being in Hollywood, how do you feel about everything crumbling right now? You mean the Hollywood industry? Yes. Yeah. I mean, I've been calling for it for years. I made a speech about four years ago, I think, where I said, you know, Hollywood's destroyed itself.

we've got to step up and make something new. Yes. And that's happening. I mean, there's a lot of the faith based films and the films that are coming out of Nashville now, you know, a lot of films that are made here are in response to that, what's happening in Hollywood, but Hollywood is not learning its lesson. I'll say that. I mean, a lot of the stuff that comes my way, I look at it and I go, no, they haven't learned anything yet. This is a bunch of woke garbage and, you know, they're, they're continuing to make things.

for each other instead of for an audience. And that's the problem with Hollywood because now with all the streaming services and everything with people paying a subscription every month, you're not really buying a ticket for a particular movie. You're subsidizing an entire platform. So the way you get a movie on Netflix or get a show on Netflix now is not by getting the most people to watch it. It's by impressing the leftist next to you in the cubicle at Disney or whatever.

Sarah McAbee (22:42.972)
So that's why you get so much garbage coming out of Hollywood. Right. I mean, you look at what it's all gone back to. I read a thing on LinkedIn this morning. It said, you do not see any the...

colleges or what you see are rioting, you don't see technical schools or film schools or anything like that, that's writing. And so you look at the indoctrination of what's happened since these kids were young. I mean, unfortunately, you go back to Nickelodeon and look at what's happening, the imploding on Nickelodeon right now and Disney and all these things that started at a young age. This didn't happen overnight, all the way up through people that that are watching movies and seeing they're just

There is always more to the story than the storyline that they're portraying. And what's happening in the universities that's who's the people that the Ivy league are churning out are who are they're running Hollywood. Right. People in their thirties that have been had their brains destroyed by going to college are now making the decisions in Hollywood. And, you know, I have friends ask me all the time where my daughter wants to go to college, you know, where should I, where should I send her? I said, if you don't send her to Hillsdale, Hillsdale.

Right. You might as well. She'd be better off working at McDonald's. Yeah. Real world experience. You know, it's just, unfortunately we have been trained to go to college, get a good education and get a good job, but that's what the government wants. I mean, because the all debt is forgivable except for student loans, other than what Biden has just signed into law. but other than that, like you just, and now these kids are getting out and realizing that.

the world isn't what they thought it was. And they've been coerced this entire time and bottle fed, and then they're stuck out. And then those are the people that are now gonna ride in the streets because they have nothing better to do because their friends are doing it or because they're paid, whatever that is. It's just, this has been a recipe for a disaster for a very long period of time. Well, they've been doing this for decades. I mean, in the 50s, they'd say, a famous communist said, we're gonna march through your institutions.

Sarah McAbee (24:50.268)
and take you over without firing a shot. And that's what they've done. They've corrupted every institution in this country, especially the education industry, especially the higher education. They've totally, totally corrupted it. And it is now an indoctrination system. It is. It's very sad to watch, but I am thankful for people like you and Chris who go out there and continue. I mean, we just spoke about it earlier. You're going to go somewhere else and film another documentary to.

portray what's going on to continue to unveil people's eyes that you know, I walk into a restaurant all the time or to church or even in my neighborhood and I'm like how many of you all have no idea what is going on even in our town, you know with the NGOs that's happening in Williamson County. It's just it is astonishing that so many people have been lulled to sleep and they are slowly starting to wake up. It's been a long process. It has been.

And, you know, the, the, the fear that's been spread is intentional. A lot of these people just want to keep their heads down and go to work and, and live their lives and not be harassed by the government. So it's in their best interest to keep their mouth shut. I mean, they, you know, I, I probably should keep mine shut too, but I can't, I've never been able to. No, you know, I say all the time, I, when I get done speaking at an event, I say, I hope the Lord puts this.

so hard on your heart tonight and that your stomach is so upset about what's happening in what used to be the greatest country in the world that you can't sleep tonight. And he continues to put it on your heart until you do something about it. Cause I think that's the thing. And I'm sure you've seen in your documentaries, so many people are willing to talk, but talk and action are two different things. And I think that is why apathy. I say all the time, that's the reason we are like we are in this country right now is because enough good people have sat back and said, well, it doesn't affect me.

But it does, they don't understand that it does when they go to the grocery store or to fill up their gas tank, that it is affecting them on all levels. And it's just, it's so sad to see that this country has fallen the way that has, but it's been a planned thing for a very long time. Yeah. And I, I left California because I lived there for 30 years and I watched it completely deteriorate. I watched it be systematically destroyed by its politicians to the point now.

Sarah McAbee (27:13.084)
That the election system is so corrupt in California. There's no way to get these people out of there. Right. There's no way to get them out. And that is the strategy. They're going to do this across the country. You know, they want to put Gavin Newsom on the, as a president of the United States someday, you know, cause he's ruined California and he'll ruin the United States. Cause that is their intention. That's their goal. No, it is. I had a neighbor that moved from the West coast right outside of Seattle and they had moved during.

2021 right after COVID had hit. And they came out and we were talking one day and they said what the governor of Washington state wanted to do was to put a tax for people that had left the state, but they wanted to retro it. And so they were going to be affected that if they chose to leave, which we have choices in America, we have freedom. If you don't want to live in that state, go somewhere else. They wanted to tax them for leaving the state. yeah. Because they...

they're literally each individual state they're trying to destroy themselves. Yeah, and they're they're trying to pass that law in California, too. You know, that's, but that's the strategy in California. It's like they raise taxes to the point that everybody leaves. And then they go, Well, our tax base has shrunk so much, we've got to raise taxes again. Yes. Yes. It's just a perpetual. At one point, I know if you looked to get a U haul or some sort of moving company out of California, the wait was three months long. Yeah.

I had a friend who moved to Texas from California and he ended up renting a U -Haul in Texas and driving it out there and driving it back because it was cheaper. Cheaper and probably the wait list was much less. Yeah. I mean, he said if I rented one in California, it'd be $7 ,000 just to rent the truck. That's just insane. And people aren't leaving Texas, right? No, no. They're not leaving Texas. They're not leaving Tennessee or Florida. No, no. It's very interesting. I know in California too, talking about the elections, that there are so many...

Christians that are out there. There's 14 million Christians in California that don't vote because their pastors tell them well, we are not of this world But we live in this world and it affects our brothers and our sisters And so we have to urge these people to get out and vote That's one thing that we have left in America Maybe if they're not gonna steal our vote, but is to go out and vote and make our voices heard Yeah, I get very frustrated with some

Sarah McAbee (29:32.668)
Christian pastors that I know and some Christians that I know who just, yeah, I like to stay out of politics. You know, God's in charge and God's in control. And, you know, I don't want to get, get involved in that. Well, you know, God's not going to do anything if you're not going to do anything. God can't steer a parked car. Right? Right. I mean, that's the thing. It's just, it's just astonishing that these people have their heads in the stands thinking that the storm is going to blow over and they'll pop back up and things are going to be great. Well, they're going to pop back up and their civilization is going to be destroyed. That's right.

Everything's going to be gone. People, some people ask me sometimes, you know, do you think it's hurt your career? And I go, well, maybe it has, but you know, what good is saving my career if the country goes to hell? Right. Then what? What do you have? Have a career anyway. Right. Exactly. Speaking of your career, tell us about your new autobiography, justify this. Well, I got approached to write a book and so I kind of did and it's coming out.

May 28th, the book comes out and I should have brought you a signed copy I meant to. Well, I have my copy coming, so I'm going to bring it to you to have signed. But yeah, it's mostly about, you know, how I became an actor, my rise to mediocrity, as I say, but, you know, becoming a character actor out of a little town in North Carolina where I didn't know anybody who'd ever been an actor and I just sort of figured it out. So there's some politics in it. There's discussion of...

January six things, but it's mostly just about my, my acting career. I think everybody needs to read it. Honestly. We're going to urge our audience to buy it. Make it a best seller list. Right. But it's, it's, it's a fun read. I mean, you know, I jokingly say one of the best things about the book is how thin it is. It's not really a big commitment. So everybody should read it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Nick, any last thoughts?

No, thanks for having me. I've been sort of, you know, I feel like, like we said, I feel like God put us together, you know, put you in my life to teach me a lesson and you have, and it's been really a pleasure just to be, it's strange to say, but it's a pleasure to be part of this January 6th thing in a way. I mean, it's horrible what's happening, but I often am grateful.

Sarah McAbee (31:55.932)
You know that I went there that day because if I hadn't, I wouldn't know any of this stuff. Right. And I feel also like a lot of the people I talked to, you're like, if I had been in their position on that day or where they were, I might've wound up the same way. I might've done the same thing that they did and it would be me in that jail. Right. You know, and so I feel like God put me there and he also put me in a place where I would be free to do what I've been doing. Right.

and tell their stories. Well, I think everybody on this journey has a specific part to play for say, you know, and I feel like the guys on the inside, they're there for a reason. They're there to expose not only our justice system, but how our prison system is so broken in America. People, you know, this has been happening for we've been ignorant to it for a long time, but this has been happening to the poor, the black and the brown families for a very long period of time. And very few people even want to talk.

actually justice reform is a very democratic thing. Yeah. Conservatives don't want to touch it, but I think this has been, it's been politicized. Right. And so I think even you being out here, God has chosen you for such a time as this to be a voice for these individuals and for these families. Cause you have a platform to do it. Yeah. I mean, just going into the plea bargain system, you know, that, that whole system.

has been ruining people's lives for years. And the same thing to see it happening to the January 6th defendants, it's the same thing they've been doing. They run up all these charges on a person who can't afford to defend themselves. And so just to stop the bleeding, they say, OK, I'll plead guilty to this one thing and only do five or 10 years. It's just, it's horrifying. And they're still destroyed financially because they've lost an income and their families are trying to figure it out. It's just.

It's a horrific injustice. And I just pray that the wrongs will be righted. And it might not even be in our time. This is all in the Lord's timing. But I hope that these individuals that have been persecuted by their own government rise up after this and say, you know what? This might have happened to me and my life might have been destroyed. But I'm going to be a victor of this. And I'm not going to be a victim. And your courage is inspiring to me too. I mean, the way you've stepped out and really.

Sarah McAbee (34:14.428)
taken a hold of this and, and tried to turn it into something positive. It was very moving and I support you any way I can. It's definitely an uphill battle, but for sure. Will you tell our audience how they can find you and how they can support you? You can find the movie at the war on truth movie .com. It's also going to be on the Salem now website and you can buy my book, preorder it on Amazon where mine's coming from. And Barnes and Noble, I think we'll have it soon. And.

Hopefully it's going to be in every Walmart and Costco in America. Where can they find the new documentary war on truth? The war on truth, the and on May 17th, we're going to release it. So it's going to be released on multiple platforms. I need to get them all listed in my head, but those are the two that I remember because the last movie capital punishment, we released it on one website and we got cyber attack. And  so this way.

We'll have multiple platforms. There'll be some way you can find it. Yeah, absolutely. And we will promote it. So we'll be there for the premiere. That's right. We'll be there. We're excited to ring it in with you all. But Nick, thank you so much for joining us on The Sarah McAbee Show. My pleasure, Sarah. Thank you.