The Sarah McAbee Show

Defending Free Speech Rights w/ Joeylynn Mesaros | Episode 2

May 16, 2024 Joeylynn Mesaros Episode 2
Defending Free Speech Rights w/ Joeylynn Mesaros | Episode 2
The Sarah McAbee Show
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The Sarah McAbee Show
Defending Free Speech Rights w/ Joeylynn Mesaros | Episode 2
May 16, 2024 Episode 2
Joeylynn Mesaros

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Joeylynn Mesaros shares her story of being sued by the Biden White House officials and Democrats under the Ku Klux Klan law of 1871. She and her husband were driving next to the Biden bus during its campaign in 2020 with Trump flags on their truck. The media spread lies about their actions, portraying them as white supremacists and threats to democracy. They are now facing a civil lawsuit where plaintiffs claim emotional damage from their exercise of free speech. Joey Lynn discusses the impact of mainstream media on public perception and the role of influencers in shaping the narrative. She emphasizes the importance of defending free speech rights for all Americans.
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Joeylynn Mesaros shares her story of being sued by the Biden White House officials and Democrats under the Ku Klux Klan law of 1871. She and her husband were driving next to the Biden bus during its campaign in 2020 with Trump flags on their truck. The media spread lies about their actions, portraying them as white supremacists and threats to democracy. They are now facing a civil lawsuit where plaintiffs claim emotional damage from their exercise of free speech. Joey Lynn discusses the impact of mainstream media on public perception and the role of influencers in shaping the narrative. She emphasizes the importance of defending free speech rights for all Americans.
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Welcome to the Sarah McAbee show. Today in the studio, we have special virtual guest, Joey Lynn mess our oaths. Her and her husband are being sued by the Biden White House officials and Democrats, politicians and federal court under the Ku Klux Klan law of 1871.

for simply driving next to the Biden bus during its campaign in 2020. There are zero criminal charges. This is a civil lawsuit where plaintiffs claim they have emotional damage from the couple's exercise of free speech and claim that they are seeking financial compensation. However, it is clear that what they are actually after is much greater. Let's hear her story. Joi Lin, welcome to the Sarah McVie show.

Joeylynn Mesaros (01:27.13)
Sarah, thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here. I love getting to meet you at CPAC and we hit it off right away as two fighting women. And so I love that you've just gone off in so many directions to wake other people up about what's happening in America and how they can get activated. So thank you for giving me a platform to share our story.

absolutely. It was an honor to meet you at CPAC and just the, as we had talked earlier this week that, you know, the Lord puts people in our lives for a reason. And I feel that way about you and many other people that have come along this journey. So thanks for joining us. Walk us through your story from the beginning to where you are now.

Joeylynn Mesaros (02:03.002)
So it's completely insane. I feel like people remember the viral story of the Trump train in Texas, the convoy of vehicles driving next to the Biden bus in 2020. It made viral news for weeks because it happened during the early election. And so, you know, at the time my husband and I were driving next to the Biden bus.

in our personal truck with a Trump flag on the back, an American flag, a come and take it flag, and I think a don't tread on me flag. So we had quite a few flags back there. We were with about 40 other vehicles when the Biden Harris campaign bus drove through Texas. And so we were excited and hoping for a chance to make the news so President Trump could see the support he had here in New Bromfield, Texas. We were not prepared.

for the outright lies that the media would start covering our story with, circling around the election time. So this was October 30th, 2020, right during early election time. And so, you know, for us, we're driving next to the Biden bus. On mainstream media, we're starting to see headlines that emboldened racist bigots were crawling out from under their rocks and would be flying Trump flags next to a Biden bus first, but later would be burning crosses in people's front yards.

that we were trying to run the bus off the road or that we did run the bus off the road, we were completely shocked at just the blatant lies of the media and then not having a voice to advocate for ourselves. And where we thought that was bad enough, we were not prepared that eight months later after all of that died down in the media, that we would actually get sued for that, that we would be dragged through the federal court process by White House officials.

Democrat politicians and Biden -Harris campaign staffers and be sued under the Ku Klux Klan law while they use verbiage indicating that being a Trump supporter is synonymous with white supremacy and political extremism and threats to democracy.

So you said this was in 2020 during the campaign season and then eight months later. So when did they come after you all?

Joeylynn Mesaros (04:04.89)
Yeah, so they came after us in the summer of 2021. So they definitely waited until Biden was occupying the White House and they claimed only to have emotional damage. I guess it took them eight months to figure out that their feelings were heard about that and that they wanted some sort of emotional compensation for our exercise of free speech, which is protected under the First Amendment of our Constitution. And so it's insane to me that we have to fight to defend our basic rights, that we're

were actually guilty until proven innocent and where there are no criminal charges, but were essentially tried by the media. And so, you know, it's been ongoing for nearly four years. So we found out about it in the summer of 2021. We didn't even understand what was happening or what was going on. We had heard about what was happening to the J -6ers.

We were terrified that that was going to be happening to us next, that we'd be whisked away from our child because my husband and I were listed in the lawsuit, and that we would not see our friends and family again because we dared to support President Trump and speak out about that. We are watching that happen to other Americans, as you are well aware. And so we were very scared when this presented itself to us. When we finally consulted with an attorney, they explained the difference between a civil and a criminal.

matter, which I didn't understand the difference of at that point. And then they very, very frankly let us know that we'd be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend ourselves in what was known as a lawfare, that these individuals had weaponized the law against average Americans that do not have the resources to defend themselves or stand up for themselves, and that they would drag it out as long as possible until we ran out of energy or money. And they have certainly put us through the wringer.

made us black and blue trying to do that, but by God's grace being the strength of our hearts, we have refused to quit, even most recently as they tried to force us into settling before heading to trial. And so we expected our trial to begin previously. It's been postponed multiple times, but we thought we'd be heading to trial in June and it's been postponed yet again, very, very conveniently in an election year.

So you mentioned this is the third time your court date has been rescheduled. What are your expectations or thoughts on the outcome of this?

Joeylynn Mesaros (06:29.274)
I, it's a mix of emotions because as a Christian, I know that God is victorious. I know that he has the ultimate victory and we walk through that. I know that the truth is on our side and I know that we did not do the things that they lied about, are egregiously claiming that we did. What concerns me though, here on this side of heaven, here on earth, is how we have seen the judicial system weaponized. We've seen the unfair bias in the court system and I don't feel,

hopeful or confident with the way that the odds are stacked against us. So I think we're going to have to fight tooth and nail to vindicate ourselves. And to quote my attorney, we actually plan on using their evidence against us as the very evidence that vindicates us because their story's full of holes. There's nothing to substantiate their claims. It's all based on feeling.

And so we're gonna have to fight to prove it. And if we are not successful before a jury in federal court, we will have to appeal that to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and then ultimately the Supreme Court. So I feel that it's going to be a very long journey. It's a very expensive journey. Most people do not have the money or resources to fight this. We've seen other defendants in our lawsuits settle because they've been overwhelmed, stressed, or coerced.

perhaps by the plaintiff's counsel into doing that. That's an opinion my attorney has shared on his Facebook page, considering what their apology looks like, right? That statement kind of looks as if maybe it was drafted, not by the defendant. And so we're just seeing people drop like flies or afraid to stand in the gap to defend their basic rights and to make sure it doesn't happen to other people. But God has given us the strength and the determination not to quit. And so as we've had the support of the American people fundraising our legal defense,

we've been able to stay in this game for nearly four years.

Nicole (08:19.969)
You know, I absolutely believe that individuals such as yourself and your husband Robert were chosen for such a time as this because it's very similar to other situations that I'm very familiar about, you know, where people are coerced into taking some sort of plea deal. They've been broken financially, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. And when they the federal government can't break you in that aspect, they try to break you physically.

Joeylynn Mesaros (08:31.322)
I'm going to go to bed.

Joeylynn Mesaros (08:36.794)
Mm -hmm. Yes.

Joeylynn Mesaros (08:43.29)
Mm -hmm.

Nicole (08:43.297)
And so for you all to stand strong is it's very empowering to other people. So how do you respond to the characterization of you and your husband, Robert, as political extremists with white supremacist tendencies as presented by the plaintiffs expert witness?

Joeylynn Mesaros (08:58.202)
Yep, they have hired individuals to portray us as political extremists and these individuals are experts in studying white supremacists, which is such an insult that such, it's a travesty of justice in my opinion to see the way that people abuse their positions of power and authority to weaponize the law against Americans. And so it frustrates me to my core that,

they make these accusations and they've got a national platform to do it. They have the mainstream media doing press releases before they're even filing records with the court system, right? So we're having to hear about it on the news before we hear about it in court. And so it's hard to put into words what it does to your heart and your mind when you hear people talk about you in this way and you cannot advocate for yourself.

You cannot say that is absolutely not true. I never would do that. I never did do that. It's certainly defamatory, but it's dehumanizing. And you know, the Ku Klux Klan law was put into place by Republicans to protect people of color who at the time in the 1800s were working to be emancipated from slavery. They wanted to work, vote, go to school. The Democrats who were the party of the Ku Klux Klan.

and still are today, were literally killing people and harming people to prevent them from being free from slavery, especially in regards to voting. And so the law was put into place to protect the civil liberties of people of color and people who were trying to empower them. And so now we see that very party weaponizing that law against the people that were for the emancipation of slaves, that were wanting that equality for all mankind.

And the law specifically states that it is to be used only by American people, we the people, to protect themselves from state actors or government officials. And what we see now are government officials using this against average Americans. And as I see in the media, these laws and these bills that are pop -courting up either at state levels or federal levels that talk about deeming certain subjects as hate speech and with the repercussions of being sued or

Joeylynn Mesaros (11:21.946)
criminally prosecuted for infringing on people's civil liberties. Well, that's exactly what they're trying to do to us, Sarah. And I feel that they're trying to use us like a blueprint or a test balloon to see how easily they can get away with doing this to other people to squash free speech rights and the First Amendment.

No, you're absolutely right with saying that. I mean, you go back and you look at anything really that's happened from 2015, 2016 on, it's always been how much further can we push them? What more can we do to different groups of people, right? Different than what you and I are going through to sit there and say, you know, you have the school board moms, you have the border, you have COVID and the vaccines, you have all these different things as little test subjects along the way.

how much more are the American people, how much more are they gonna take? And that's the, at what point does the bubble pop? At what point do people say enough, right? We're definitely, as you and I say all the time, we're past that point. But unfortunately to the general public of America, they're not, you know, that hasn't affected them personally yet.

Joeylynn Mesaros (12:10.362)
Mm -hmm.

Joeylynn Mesaros (12:16.442)

Joeylynn Mesaros (12:25.594)

Can you discuss the role of mainstream media and other influencers in shaping public perception of the events in question and how this has impacted your ability to defend yourself?

Joeylynn Mesaros (12:38.586)
Yeah, that's a great question and it has happened in a huge way for a very long time. So initially we were seeing very, very infamous and notorious people that were shaping their ideas around what happened based on the lies, right? So Biden himself gets up on a press release behind a podium and says, we ran the bus off the road. Then we've got Wolfie Goldberg on the view, which I know that nobody on the right really takes seriously, but there is a huge consumer group that...


Joeylynn Mesaros (13:05.082)
religiously follows the show, right? And so they're talking about, I've actually never seen this movie. Is it called Mississippi Burning? There's like this old movie that portrays white supremacists. And they're saying that we look like a scene out of that movie and that we're coming essentially for black Americans as white supremacists. And so we were losing friends and family.

like flies, they were dropping like flies saying, we heard about this on the news, we had no idea you were a white supremacist, this is insane, but you're not allowed around our children, you can't come to our church, we don't want you at our home at Thanksgiving, Christmas, whatever, don't talk to us again. And I didn't even have a chance to advocate for myself. And so seeing how largely this has been blown up in the media with headlines like Ku Klux Klan white supremacists run Biden bus off the road or, you know,

white supremacist threat to democracy or Joey Lynn Massaros is Texas's number one biggest liar. You know, it's hard, I can't recover my reputation. And so I can only wonder how that would impact a jury or as we head to trial, just the public opinion of a story that's been so heavily slandered. And it's in my opinion that it was actually to not only chill free speech, but to interfere with upcoming elections for their opposition. So.

during the impeachment trial, they heavily hung their coat on January 6th and they also dragged our Biden bus incident through the impeachment trial saying that we were essentially in tandem with that, with January 6th. And then in the 14th Amendment hearing, we see the prosecuting attorney's opening remarks saying that we ran the Biden bus off the road where they tried to claim that Trump was unconstitutionally fit to be on the ballot. And you know all about this from

your personal perspective. And so I'm over here thinking this is absolutely not what happened. That's not even the truth. But I cannot advocate for myself. I don't have access to the mainstream media. And when I see it at the level that it's at, it's very concerning to me, especially because as the days go on, Sarah, you and I know we just recently went to a fundraising event with Carrie Lake and we both got to give our stories as we opened for her.

Joeylynn Mesaros (15:23.866)
And after she spoke, I learned that she is getting sued by the exact same people who are suing me and my husband and several other Texans. And we also know that Trump is getting sued for January 6th by the same people suing us under the same Ku Klux Klan law, claiming that emotional damage is negatively impacting the Capitol police. We know that Brandon Strachow was sued under the Ku Klux Klan law for January 6th.

that Dinesh D'Souza has been sued under the Ku Klux Klan law by the same people suing us for his documentary 2000 Mules. And then we also know about Doug Mackey, who was facing 10 years prison time for the Hillary meme, surprise, surprise, the same law. And so I'm just watching these people essentially shooting out the bright light bulbs of the conservative party to try to control the narrative. And we're essentially collateral damage that's getting swept up in it. And how many more people have to be affected?

before we actually recover our freedoms and we protect other people from that happening to them.

Nicole (16:23.777)
Joy Lynn, who are these people you think are involved in going after you and the American patriots?

Joeylynn Mesaros (16:30.234)
So in our lawsuit specifically, the lawsuit has been brought by Protect Democracy, the Texas Civil Rights Project, and Wilkie Farr and Gallagher. They have over 20 DC attorneys. These are multiple legal nonprofits funding this lawsuit. And you can trace large donors like George Soros to these groups. I mean, they're receiving major funding. They have unlimited resources, and they flex that when we do depositions and...

hearings, I mean, they will fly their whole team from Washington DC down and have the most expensive equipment on a giant conference table. And then when it's time for our deposition, it's just us and our attorney and like a little recording device. You know, it's like they're hoping to rack up this huge bill that they hold us accountable for while they spend unlimited resources to spin this tail and drag us through the legal system and abuse us while we don't have a voice to advocate for ourselves.

unless we're lucky enough to be able to afford to stay in it long enough to get to trial and take a shot at it if the jury hasn't already been influenced by what they've seen in the media.

Absolutely. Looking ahead, what are your hopes and expectations for the upcoming trial and its potential implications for free speech rights for all Americans?

Joeylynn Mesaros (17:48.538)
So my hope hinges on hope. I don't know if I can even say that and that makes sense. Like I am remaining hopeful because I believe God is gonna show up and the truth is gonna come out. Even through the deposition process over this really strenuous and abusive series of like a year and a half worth of discovery where we were cooperative with every step of the way, right?

Once we got to being able to deposing the plaintiffs, we obtained footage from inside the bus and it shows the bus driver. And at the time she was running for Congress, Wendy Davis, and the Biden Harris campaign staffer who is now a White House official. They are mocking us, laughing at us. They are making threats.

and or jokes about running us off the highway in multiple instances, talking about running us the F off the road or putting their bumper right on our ASS and pushing us and ramming us. So, you know, when you obtain the footage of what actually happened that day, despite what the media lies about and says happened that day, you just have to be able to get all the way to showing that to a jury, right? Like maybe this is what you've heard or what you know about it, but here's the truth. We have the truth on our side and so.

I hope and believe, like I said earlier, we will use their very evidence that they're trying to use against us to be what vindicates us. And I hope that a jury sees that and that we get a federal win for free speech rights because this is politically phenomenal. This is precedent setting in the way that they have coerced other defendants into settling. And they also sued the city of San Marcos, Texas police department under the Ku Klux Klan law.

saying that because they refused to provide them a police escort at the last minute, they allowed us to intimidate them. The city settled. The city rolled over, apologized, said, we're so sorry. We agreed to put our entire police force through political violence training to prepare for upcoming elections. And here's $175 ,000 of taxpayer money to make you feel better. Right? And so they're setting a precedent when they do that. And then the plaintiffs are trying to force us to settle by pointing to the past incidents and saying, well, it makes sense to settle. So...

Joeylynn Mesaros (20:03.258)
judge, we want them to settle. So by God's grace, thankfully we do not have to settle. We have a chance to vindicate ourselves and head to trial, but we want to set the correct precedent. We want to be able to be the case law where other people say, you can't sue me for this because of this case.

Joi -Lynn, how has this affected your personal life?

Joeylynn Mesaros (20:24.026)
Well, I'm a completely different person than I was when this happened. I cannot recognize the person that I was before. So honestly, you know what? Thank you a lot for that. By that, I think mostly the credit and grace goes to God, not really to them, but they have empowered me to find my voice, to find a purpose, and to link up with other people that are doing the same thing in this season, and to make a difference in our nation now to...

maintain our freedoms for generations to come. And so I prioritize this lawsuit as part of that mission, but I have also branched out into other areas where I spend really large amounts of time at a local level of government here in my hometown, attending the city council meetings and the library board meetings and putting pressure on those elected officials to do their job properly because they are not. So in our 76 % conservative town,

We are overrun in our elected positions by people with progressive values that are ushering in these Marxist agendas in the school and the library systems and unapologetically. And they're not even abiding by policies and procedures within the city. But if you do not know what their job is and their obligation is and what your rights are, who's holding them accountable? They're just doing whatever they want to do. And so I have found additionally a voice in.

holding them accountable and being a demonstration and an example to other mothers, hey, you can do the same thing. You don't even have to be good at it. You just get up there and you speak from your heart and other people will do the same thing. You don't know where to start. Just take a tiny baby step and God provides the knowledge, the strength and the grace to do it. And so, you know, I was just minding my business in 2020 and now I'm like, what next? What can I take on next to make this nation a better place for my kid and his kids?

No, for sure. You've definitely stepped up to the plate and have helped more than just your own cause. You know, you're very well versed in a lot of things. Just as you talked about the local politicians, I think that's where it starts is on the local side of things. You know, it's like you can either fight the beast or you could feed the people fighting the beast. And that's the federal government. Right. And so and like you've got involved on a local level because that's where it starts. I mean, the corruption starts.

Joeylynn Mesaros (22:26.842)

Joeylynn Mesaros (22:35.642)

Joeylynn Mesaros (22:39.194)
Mm -hmm.

right in our hometowns or where we live and then it just works its way up. I vividly remember someone coming into my family's business and has been in Tennessee government for 20 plus years. And my mom had asked him, why haven't you moved on to Washington DC and went to the federal level? And he said, when I want to stop doing good for my community, I will go to Washington DC. And I think that was just so profound that these individuals,

Joeylynn Mesaros (23:04.026)
Mm -hmm.

They go in with good intentions, right? They campaign on all these things and yet they don't keep their promises. And ultimately it affects their constituents. So like in our situation, our representatives haven't represented us. Have your representatives represented you?

Joeylynn Mesaros (23:11.29)
Yep. Right.

Joeylynn Mesaros (23:23.45)
No, they have not. And that has been, I think, almost harder than being falsely accused and dragged through the legal process. It's that the people who should support us are not. And there's no accountability for it.

So we've applied to over 50 nonprofits that specialize in First Amendment rights and none of them want to touch our case. They prefer religious freedom. I think it's easier cases to win and they don't want to align politically because of their 501c3 statuses. We have reached out to every single elected official and they all default like out the back door with, we're legislators and it's a legal issue so it's a conflict of interest. We can't get involved. Meanwhile, our Senator Ted Cruz nominated...

the judge that we have now, Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn nominated the judge that we have in this case who Obama appointed. And he has a very, very progressive values and rulings and historical alignments. And so it's like, wait a second, we're your constituents, you've sworn an oath to uphold and defend the constitution for us.

and now our constitutional rights are being attacked by the very people you have nominated into office, but you don't wanna get involved. Got it. You know, it's been extremely disheartening and frustrating. You asked earlier kind of how this has impacted us, and I think I went one route where like, hey, it's empowered us and given us a voice, but it's in moments like that that it takes a toll. It's emotionally draining and frustrating and devastating and confusing, and you feel isolated and alone and like nobody understands.

and why aren't the people who are supposed to be there taking care of you, taking care of you. That's like when you're a child and you need somebody to step in and advocate for you and they don't, we all know what that kind of abuse feels like and those bullying tactics when you don't have a defense system. And so that has been devastating and it's taken a toll on our family. But we regroup, every day we regroup and remind ourselves what's important. They haven't taken our health, they haven't taken us away from each other, they can't have that. And so you know what, everything else might be fair game, but God,

Joeylynn Mesaros (25:36.218)
God is in it and so we're trusting him in that. But you know, I look in the mirror and I'm 20 pounds heavier. I have wrinkles that weren't there before. I have gray hair that wasn't there before. It's like I dislike strongly that their abuse has taken a toll on my appearance and it reflects it. So I'm currently trying to eat healthy and take care of myself with what very little energy I have to try to recover who.

I feel like I was before this started, even though in some areas I've grown as a person. So it's kind of a mix of emotions, but it's a lot to carry that never ceases. And I know that you can relate to that.

Nicole (26:13.281)
Well, I just have to say that you're absolutely stunning. So it doesn't matter what you've put on or the wrinkles because they all tell a story, right? Every wrinkle, every gray hair, they're going to tell a story that you can tell your grandkids later on in life that you were a warrior woman that fought the good fight. I mean, that's ultimately what it boils down to is you could have either bowed down and kissed the ring and said, I'm just going to settle. We're not going to fight this. We want to go back to our life.

Joeylynn Mesaros (26:27.61)

or you could fight and you decided to fight because you're not only fighting for you, your husband and your son, you're fighting for all Americans in their free speech because if we don't have our first amendment, we have nothing as a country. That's why we left England way back when and history is just repeating itself. So where can people find more information about your story and support your cause?

Joeylynn Mesaros (26:42.49)

Joeylynn Mesaros (26:57.498)

Joeylynn Mesaros (27:04.89)
Thank you so much. So we definitely do need support to be able to stay in this fight. We don't want them to win by default because we ran out of resources. We have given it 1000%. We have no problem being the tip of the spear. We just need an army behind us, right? And so people can support us at At, we've got a story about us, a 90 second video. You can share that with friends, family, put it on social media. We have...

the give tab and that's where people can access our fundraiser. We have a give send go, that's give send go forward slash masaros, that's on our website. You can find that under the give tab where we're fundraising our legal defense. So we have managed to raise about $267 ,000 in three and a half years, which is phenomenal. I wish we could raise half a million dollars overnight like the frat boys did, but I know that God is, he's providing every time we have a legal fee that is due.

And so it's been thanks to American people spending five, 10, 20, $100 here and there as they're able to keep us in this fight. There's other ways to give as well so that we can capture people's support in any way that they want, whether that's prayer, Venmo, sending a check, it's all on the Give tab. We've got our Legal Updates tab where we're gonna be talking about anything that's happening in our court case. And...

as we head into trial, how people can specifically be praying for and supporting us in that case. And so if we get deplatformed off social media, they can always find us on our website at And like the awesome shirt that you're wearing, the Biden is the worst shirt that is on our shop tab. We have Biden is the worst merchandise that benefits our fight as well. And of course there's a contact us tab. So anything people need to know, to learn about or to share and support us, it's at

So explain Biden is the worst because I didn't know this until we just went to that event recently, but it's a very fun story.

Joeylynn Mesaros (29:03.45)
Yes, so we have, okay, this is so funny. I'm in New Braunfels, Texas. It was founded by a German prince in the 1800s. And so we have this annual tradition called Worst Fest. And it's very much like Germany's Oktoberfest. And so it is a 10 -day salute to sausage. And so it draws people from all over, not just the United States, but people from Germany come as well.

and this huge festival day in and day out for 10 days with lots of German beer, lots of delicious food, lots of like folk music, very like cultural music, polka, that kind of stuff. And so when I was in 2021 and we went to Worst Fest, I just didn't really have the heart or spirit to go because we had just learned we were getting sued a couple months before and life felt like it was falling apart. And I was like, I guess I'll go, but if I go, I'm gonna make myself this shirt.

And so I made this Biden is the worst shirt just expressing my truest sentiments. My friend had made the pun previously and she's like, ha, you should put that on a shirt. So worst vest comes around and put it on a shirt and I go, I could not take two steps without somebody stopping and just, where did you get that shirt? I need that shirt. So while I'm going through worst vest, I'm taking an order form with these random strangers and I wound up taking 600 orders. I was making them with a cricket and a heat press like,

Crafty moms do. My hands were like not even working. I'd made so many shirts. My husband's like, this is insane. You have to stop. You can't make any more. And so I was just like, I just want to capture all this support. Well, we started seeing our shirts all over town. People were posting on Facebook. Where can I get these shirts? I saw these shirts at RoastFest. Where can I get them? And I thought I have to capture this interest. So we made signs that say Biden is the worst. And I put our website under it and was like, people will see it. They'll go there and buy the shirts. Then people start posting in the Facebook groups.

Where can I get the signs? And so I'm like, my gosh, God has provided us with this, I never could have imagined in a million years, he would have used that funny pun to bring in probably tens of thousands of dollars of support for our legal defense. We've shipped them to all 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii. People will send us pictures of them on the beach in Hawaii or in the snow in Alaska. People overseas in Africa, Scotland, Norway.

Joeylynn Mesaros (31:19.002)
I mean, all over they're like, how can I get that stuff here? It's hilarious. We're across the pond, but we agree Biden is a wiener. So it has just taken off Sarah. And so that's how God's crazy. He just provides in the most unexpected ways. But in that same way, he called us to it in a very unexpected way. We just put flags on the back of the truck and we went and drove down the road.

Thank you.

Joeylynn Mesaros (31:40.602)
But he decided to use that for what he wanted to use it for if we're willing, if we keep putting one foot in front of the other. So for anybody that's watching or just feels like, well, I don't know what my thing is, or I don't know how to get involved or what to do. I mean, if you just get out there, if you start planting yourself like a tree in a community that's shifting and changing and you're unchanging and you make your values and your truth known, God will use you and he'll equip you along the way. I couldn't ever have imagined that we would be here.

I would not change it for the world even though it has been one of the most trying and devastating experiences of my life. It's also been one of the most incredible watching what God's doing.

I would absolutely agree watching your all's journey from where you were to now. Share any final thoughts that you have.

Joeylynn Mesaros (32:25.914)
I'm just, I'm so excited to get to share our story on your platform because you have a wonderfully curated audience. People who follow you value free speech rights. They value the Constitution. They value our nation and doing their part to rescue it. And so I would just ask that anybody that sees this is compelled to act, whether that's sharing the story or financially contributing, but not letting it die.

that we would keep it alive because we don't have the power of the media. So it requires these grassroots efforts to share and to talk about it at the dinner table, to tell your kids about it and to understand that it may seem like something bad is happening to us, but it represents the average American. So it's really everybody's job to care about it, to link arms and to stand up right now. And so I just want to make sure everybody is in.

courage that's watching, I think that it's easy to become discouraged and frustrated with the judicial system or this administration and what's happening to Americans and then to feel chilled, silenced, like, well, I'm not going to go put a flag on my truck because that could happen to me next. But that's like essentially our freedom. How do you say this word? Like a trophying, atrophying? Like where the muscle just shrinks up.

Right? Like if you don't use it, you don't flex it, you lose it and it's almost impossible to get it back. So now is the time for us to know and understand what our freedoms are and to be exercising them wholeheartedly.

Mm -hmm.

Absolutely. Joeylynn, thank you for coming on the Sarah McAbee Show.

Joeylynn Mesaros (33:52.186)
Thank you, Sarah.