Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots...with BZ (Brenton Zwarts)

April 28, 2024 Adam Leishman Episode 1
Connecting the Dots...with BZ (Brenton Zwarts)
Connecting the Dots
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Connecting the Dots
Connecting the Dots...with BZ (Brenton Zwarts)
Apr 28, 2024 Episode 1
Adam Leishman

My video first go at chatting to someone, and setting up to publish. 

Show Notes Transcript

My video first go at chatting to someone, and setting up to publish. 


Hello, you just caught me on my way out and that's because usually it's about that time of week where I would mark off The dot that represents my week Because I got this when I turned 48 my life in weeks and you cross off the dot each week to represent your Progress throughout the year and i'm 49 now turned 49 a week ago So I wanted to do something different this year and that is I thought i'd chat to other people about their week as well And I threw around a few ideas with BZ. So I thought BZ should be the first person I talk to. And so instead of my life and weeks that we did last year, as I mark off each dot and ask somebody else about their dot each week, I thought I'd call it connecting the dots. So here we go. Let's chat to BZ. BZ was gracious enough to be my guinea pig, and we were chatting about some ideas on a run one morning, and I said let's just give it a go. So without no real plan of what we're doing, this is BZ, and we're going to talk about a week that was. How are you, BZ? Good mate. And we should start off with cheers, because we thought we'd do it on location too. I've had a great week. I've done things like It was obviously my birthday, so that started off really well this week. So that's the big dot item this week for me. And I love wearing my Run Gear 2. Work on my birthday, so I was able to do that. I had birthday drinks with the guys here at Mr Henderson's not once but twice both the day of my birthday and a couple of days later Got to do some lovely morning Sunrise runs at Sandgate down here. I went flying and I'll talk to talk about that in a little bit I went to an REIQ business leaders breakfast to learn some more stuff with some, you know I great people in the industry and some time down here at Henderson's with Doggo. But, BC, what was in your week this week? Oh, mine was probably, yeah, enjoying running. Work wasn't the greatest, but always get enjoyment out of running. We've got quite a few stepping up into their first half marathons this year. It always inspires me to hear other people on their journey because I can always reflect back on my journey. Yeah, that's been really enjoyable this week. Obviously, Anzac Day as well. For me, I take that opportunity just to reflect on, my grandparents. I had a couple of grandparents who were active in different wars. And, but also, What it means to me to be here in Australia, my Dutch grandparents, and their journey to emigrate to Australia, and the hard work that they put in to, create the life that I now live. It's been a good week. Enjoyment with mates and yeah, reflecting back as well on a family basis too. Yeah, awesome. One of the things we spoke about when we ran and had this little idea was around some questions. So I've got five questions that I threw, I think maybe most of the questions at you at yesterday. So I'm got heaps of time. This week that's gone, what gave you the most uplift or energy or enjoyment? I went for an unplanned long run yesterday at Enoggera, had the day off work, so yeah, just loved being back in the bush, going for an easy run. Wasn't about pace, it was just getting out there and enjoying the scenery and there was absolutely no one out there so that was magical and then racked up my 100th park run this morning volunteering. Yeah awesome. So that was great, always love giving back to the community so it was good to see people get out there and achieve their goals for the day. Yeah excellent. For me the thing that gave me the most enjoyment this week was going for a fly in a light aircraft, haven't done that in many years and I just I booked it, went for an introductory lesson and thought I would just go check that out. What event held you back the most this week? Oh, held me back, probably appliances breaking down at home. Currently have a stockpile of laundry that needs to be done, including her. Yeah, a trough full of water with my sweats from yesterday. Excellent. That was probably the most disappointing. For me, it was actually doing this. It was just going you're going to interview somebody else. You're going to do it differently. It's something new. And I was just trying to get my head around that. What was the most important thing you did this week? Probably it would have just been Get a lot of buzz from running in the community. So Chrissy was well this week. So I jumped in and did the speed session this week. So normally I just do the Thursday social run. Yeah, Thursday was good to jump back in with a few who didn't know how to pace themselves and commit to those eight reps of 800 meters and actually plan it out properly. But there's a lot of people that have been asking questions in the prep of their first half marathon, first marathon. So being able to share. my little pieces of wisdom and see them achieving their goals. That's been the, yeah, I've loved enjoying this week. Yeah, awesome. I was lucky enough to go to the REIQ breakfast for the business leaders in the industry and they had a senior investigator from Office of Fair Trading come along and talk to us about some activities around trust money and stuff like that. So that was the most important thing I did this week, I think, in terms of skilling up and learning about some things there. What, if anything, is in your next week that you'd like to avoid or take out? Oh, a week off work would be great. But I tend to each night just reflect on the day that was. And while you can pick out those little, the thorns of your day like finish off the day, just being able to pick something out of the day that was something you can take back and appreciate. So yeah, I certainly don't look forward to the negatives, but they're in every day, but yeah, certainly appreciating the people and the good things that happen each day. Yeah. Awesome. I'd love to learn how to remove fear from, as you're about to go to, that anxiousness. Yeah. fear and getting better at converting that into anxiousness, into excitement or turning it that way. But yeah, I hate fear and what it does to hold you back. What do you plan to put in your next week to make it great? Yeah, I get the luxury this week of we've got our club jam site next weekend. So there'll be a lot of coordination this week reaching out to a few people who want to give and volunteer to support us. And then, yeah, it's going to be a great weekend of run directing against Saturday and then putting on hosting our club run on Sunday. Looking forward to that. Yeah, awesome. I get to go to Parliament House every couple of months and have dinner there. Thank you Andrew Powell for inviting me along. And I'm doing that on Wednesday nights. I'm looking forward to that. And that's it. That's, hopefully gonna be just one of many things next week that make my week great. Thank you BZ for coming and chatting to me this week. It was my, test, tested it and because of that, I'm going to get you back many times as I evolve this and turn it into something and why do I do this? I do it, I don't know why. I think I want to just explore having fun with, chatting to people and And Filling my dot with great things and hearing about people filling their dot with great things and that's why I'm going to call it Connect The Dots. Have a great week.