The Inner Architect

Mindful Living: Strategies for Natural Stress Relief and Emotional Balance

June 02, 2024 Mindmekka
Mindful Living: Strategies for Natural Stress Relief and Emotional Balance
The Inner Architect
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The Inner Architect
Mindful Living: Strategies for Natural Stress Relief and Emotional Balance
Jun 02, 2024

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Can relying on alcohol or prescription drugs to manage anxiety lead to more harm than good? This episode tackles the often-overlooked dangers of using substances as a crutch for stress relief. We'll expose the harsh realities of alcohol dependency and the serious health risks it brings, such as liver and kidney disease. Additionally, we explore the growing problem of prescription drug dependency and advocate for a more holistic approach to mental health, promoting alternatives like meditation and massage therapy. Plus, we emphasize the importance of staying calm in financial decisions to avoid costly mistakes driven by panic.

In our follow-up segment, we provide practical strategies for managing stress and maintaining composure in various stressful situations. From the legalities of returning purchases to the advantages of having a solid financial plan and consulting a trustworthy advisor, we've got all the bases covered. We also dive into tips for effectively handling exam stress, focusing on study habits and nutrition. Lastly, discover the mental and physical benefits of starting new hobbies and practicing meditation, alongside complementary activities like yoga and positive affirmations. Tune in to gain valuable insights that can help you navigate life's challenges with confidence and calm.

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Can relying on alcohol or prescription drugs to manage anxiety lead to more harm than good? This episode tackles the often-overlooked dangers of using substances as a crutch for stress relief. We'll expose the harsh realities of alcohol dependency and the serious health risks it brings, such as liver and kidney disease. Additionally, we explore the growing problem of prescription drug dependency and advocate for a more holistic approach to mental health, promoting alternatives like meditation and massage therapy. Plus, we emphasize the importance of staying calm in financial decisions to avoid costly mistakes driven by panic.

In our follow-up segment, we provide practical strategies for managing stress and maintaining composure in various stressful situations. From the legalities of returning purchases to the advantages of having a solid financial plan and consulting a trustworthy advisor, we've got all the bases covered. We also dive into tips for effectively handling exam stress, focusing on study habits and nutrition. Lastly, discover the mental and physical benefits of starting new hobbies and practicing meditation, alongside complementary activities like yoga and positive affirmations. Tune in to gain valuable insights that can help you navigate life's challenges with confidence and calm.

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Speaker 1:

Don't rely on alcohol to stay calm. You get home from a stressful day at work. Your boss is writing you hard about several deadlines looming At home. Your spouse tells you one of your kids is not doing well in school. You also find out that your utility bills are costing more. You pour yourself a nice glass of wine to try and forget about all these problems.

Speaker 1:

Having a glass of wine on occasion is nice. It can be a way to relax people. Too often, however, it turns into more frequently than on occasion. The habit starts to grow. You have one glass every night. That turns into three glasses over time. Next thing you know you're drinking a full bottle of wine all by yourself.

Speaker 1:

For others, a glass of wine just doesn't do the trick. They feel that hard alcohol gets the job done much quicker. Like wine, this too starts out small. With one or two glasses a night, however, it's too easy to fall into a trap and increase your alcohol intake. There is a positive feedback loop with alcohol as it relates to relaxation or calmness. One glass of alcohol will relax you, so why not take two or three for more relaxation?

Speaker 1:

There are several problems with this thinking. The first is too much alcohol can damage your internal organs, you increase the risk of kidney and liver disease. You may think you can simply find a donor for these organs. However, alcoholics will be on the bottom of the list for organ donations. So this should never be a solution to the problem. Alcohol tends to cause sleeplessness, which seems counterintuitive. That is until you realize that when you fall asleep in an alcohol-induced state, you go into a deep sleep. You sleep harder than you would without the alcohol. Then you typically will start to wake up in the middle of the night and find it difficult to go back to sleep.

Speaker 1:

Take notice of your patterns of alcohol consumption over the years. Do you drink more now than you did five years ago? If so, try to scale back or give it up completely. Some people may suggest that you give up drinking for a month to prove you can do it. However, many alcoholics will accept this challenge only to show others they can do it. However, many alcoholics will accept this challenge only to show others they can do it. When they go back to drinking the next day after the challenge, they can use the fact that they accomplished the challenge as an excuse to keep drinking.

Speaker 1:

Has your doctor prescribed drugs to stay calm? It's becoming easier to get anxious in this fast-paced world. People are expected to do more with less. If you're lucky enough to survive a cutback at work, you'll be required to take up the slack. Cutbacks mean more work for you, and that can give anyone increased anxiety. If you have a high-strung personality, you may be tempted to see a doctor for help.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, many doctors will simply prescribe drugs to help you calm down. While they may work, this solution may not be the best for you. Your doctor may receive kickbacks for prescribing drugs, so it makes you wonder if they have your best interests at heart. The situation is even worse now that pharmaceutical companies are pushing drugs. They even go so far as to advertise that people should ask their doctor about the drugs they're selling. Shouldn't your doctor be the one telling you what's best, rather than you suggesting to your doctor what you need?

Speaker 1:

Drugs should never be the first course of action. There are too many side effects and it's often unclear what the long-term effects may be. Society likes to label any condition for the sake of putting yet another drug on people. It's no wonder abuse of prescription drugs is at an all-time high.

Speaker 1:

Doctors need to take a more holistic approach and consider the long-term effects of the drugs they're prescribing. They need to take a step back and look at any other medications you may be taking. They don't currently do this. They tend to treat whatever the condition du jour. It's easier for them to do this instead of looking at your entire case. It's also more profitable for them, as a holistic approach requires more work. After all, it's not fair to peg all doctors as being pill pushers. However, if you discover your doctor is pill happy whenever you go to see them, you need to evaluate if you have the right doctor. At the very least, don't accept the diagnosis without asking questions. The first question is whether you need the drugs If you want to live a calmer life. Try to consider all your options. Have you considered alternative methods of becoming calm, like meditation or massage therapy? There are legitimate reasons for the use of drugs. However, it's always best to let your body do as much of the healing without drugs. How Staying Calm Can Help your Finances.

Speaker 1:

Have you ever been through a stock market panic? Most people try to get out as quickly as possible, but end up selling at much lower prices than they'd hoped. When the dust settles, they discover the price has eventually recovered and they sold for no reason. In other words, they got caught up in the frenzy of the panic. It's not just the stock market that people panic with their money. Sometimes you may get conned into buying something that costs a lot of money and goes against your financial plan. For instance, if you've ever been face-to-face with a timeshare salesperson, you could get caught up with buying into one. You may have made some impulse buys with high price tags that made you feel buyer's remorse after doing so. Impulse buying is common, but don't beat yourself up. In this day of advertising bombardment, most people will fall into this trap on occasion.

Speaker 1:

In many states, you have a certain amount of time to return something by law. When the item or service is over a certain dollar amount, you'll need to check your state or country's laws. The point is to stay calm and consider all your options. If you're stuck with the purchase, you can try to sell it. You may have to take a little loss on the item, but at least you should be able to recoup some of the loss.

Speaker 1:

The best advice is to come up with a financial plan. Measure any action you're going to take against that and if it doesn't fit, don't take action. For instance, treat the stock market as a vehicle to buy companies. Most people treat stocks as a piece of paper they believe will continue to go up in value. These people are prime candidates for panicking during extreme market conditions. You, on the other hand, will stay calm because you measure the situation on how it fits with your long-term financial plan. If you struggle with coming up with a plan, find a financial planner or advisor. It pays to be critical when choosing one. A bad planner will end up costing you more in fees and poor investment choices. If you can find others who you trust for recommendations, this is often a great way to choose a financial planner. However, remember that you have the ultimate decisions, as it's your money.

Speaker 1:

How to stay calm before an exam. If you get stressed when taking an exam, some tips can help reduce the impact. The first tip is to make sure you study for the exam. Try not to wait until the last minute and cram in all your learning. While some people can get away with this, it adds to your stress levels and your recall will not be as good. It's too big of a chance to take, especially when your overall grade depends on it. If it's a timed test, most will be. You want to tackle the sections that you're comfortable with first. If possible, skip questions where you struggle. You want to use saved time to go back and work on the questions that are giving you trouble.

Speaker 1:

Make sure you have a checklist of everything you need for the test. While this seems trivial, if you forget an important item, it could mean the difference between doing well and a fail. Going through the checklist a couple of times before you leave for the test can avoid this. Eat foods that are high in energy. Stay away from high-fat foods, as they can make you feel sleepy. Drinking some coffee is okay. Too much can make you jumpy and this will distract you when taking the test. Fruit and nuts are a good source of energy. You may be allowed to bring these on your test, which can boost your energy during the exam. Be sure to check ahead of time if this is allowed.

Speaker 1:

If it's been a long time since you've had to take exams, try to find practice exams for the tests you're planning on taking. This practice can help you get back into the rhythm of exams. Don't beat yourself up if you don't do well when taking the first practice exams. It takes practice to get good at them again. Some tests will have courses to help people pass them. These are usually worth the price as they guarantee either a certain score or an improvement from a previous score. In most cases, people who have taken the exams recently and scored well run these classes. These instructors take the tests frequently and will take note of when the tests have changed. They adjust their curriculum accordingly. You won't usually find this kind of service with self-study preparation guides. Make sure any course you consider addresses all the items described in this paragraph.

Speaker 1:

Increase your confidence to stay calm. If you want to learn how to stay calm, try increasing your confidence. When you are confident, you know whatever you're doing is the right thing to do. It's only natural that you'll be calm when that happens. People can learn how to be confident. It does take a bit of out-of-the-box thinking, but once you take the steps you'll be happy you did. It does require a commitment on your part. That's not always easy for people to accept. Sometimes they start out with high energy, but then the effort to become confident fizzles out. A large part of success with confidence is your attitude. If you are a negative thinker, you'll have a difficult time being confident. This difficulty makes sense since negative thinking will cause anxiety, which may lead to panic.

Speaker 1:

In situations where you should be calm, affirmations are a great way to turn your negative thinking around. You need to constantly tell yourself that you're a good person and that you're confident. It also helps to focus on a particular area where you want to increase your confidence. For instance, if you're not assertive at work, start telling yourself that you are an assertive person. Continue this until you strike up the courage to be assertive. Then it becomes easier once you break the barrier.

Speaker 1:

Confidence is about conviction and belief. If you believe what you're doing is the correct plan of action, you have a better chance of achieving what you want. It also requires a leap of faith to help you when your parts of the plan don't pan out as hoped. Just keep your eye on the prize, knowing that you will eventually get there. Confidence will help you significantly in achieving any plan. An unintended consequence positive of your confidence is that it can help others stay calm. When they see that you have the situation under control, they should relax. If they don't, you can be the one to help them through it. They'll appreciate you for taking action.

Speaker 1:

You're bombarded daily with negativity. The news channels broadcast a constant barrage of negative news. Your co-workers are complaining about the boss or the company. You may even have family members who can't seem to cope with situations. However, when you learn to be confident, you can tune much of this out, and this by itself can be calming. Is it possible to use essential oils to keep calm? These days, there seems to be an essential oil for whatever ails you. Anything from impulsive behaviors to ADHD can find relief from essential oils. There are several available that are supposed to have calming abilities.

Speaker 1:

Essential oils are not new. They have found uses in medicine for a few thousand years, but there has been a resurgence lately, most likely due to the widespread use of the internet. While there are benefits to using essential oils, they should not be a replacement for proper medical care without consulting a qualified professional. It's a controversial topic and one that is not currently regulated. Also, most essential oils are not for ingestion. The primary use is through burning for the aromas they emit. Essential oils are concentrated and powerful, so you should follow their instructions for safe use. Another caution is that house pets may not tolerate essential oils. Cats specifically lack the enzymes to break down the smells that enter their bodies. This problem can cause permanent damage to their internal organs. It's difficult to imagine smells can hurt animals, but this is true. Be sure to consult with your vet before using any essential oils. Many essential oils have an expiration date. If you find, over time, that they don't smell the same as when you first bought them, this could be the reason why the benefits they're supposed to give will probably diminish over time as well, and so you need to buy the correct sizes for your needs. If you are a casual user, try to find the smallest bottles possible.

Speaker 1:

Lavender is an essential oil that's particularly useful in keeping you calm. It's meant to handle anxiety, which is one of the leading causes of stress and not being calm. It's also a multi-purpose oil that has antiseptic properties, among others. Calming is a particular attribute. Another oil that's supposed to help with anxiety and depression has the odd name yang-yang. It's also quite sensitive to the skin, so care is needed when handling. Sometimes, essential oils can lose their effect as your body becomes accustomed to prolonged use. For this reason, it's best to vary the oils that you use for calming. Several other essential oils are meant to help with calming people. The best way to determine which will work for you is to try them out. As always, take every precaution when trying them out.

Speaker 1:

It's time to live in the present. If you're depressed, you're thinking too much about the past. If you're anxious, you're obsessing about your future. The best way to handle either of these is to concentrate on the present moment, which can help calm you. Some believe this message came from Buddhist philosophy. No matter where it came from, it's an important message to heed. For instance, if you're worried about what you've done in the past, remember there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot change it. Using experiences of your past is okay, since you want to try to avoid making the same mistakes, but when you're constantly thinking about past events to the point where they stress you out, it's time to let them go. You may be dealing with the consequences of something that you were responsible for in the past. However, you're still dealing with the consequences now, in the present, and so you should handle them with that in mind. The most important aspect of the past is to make sure you learn from it.

Speaker 1:

Planning certain aspects of your future is important. However, nothing is for sure, and any plan you set up may not come to pass. In that case, you'd probably need to change the plan. You may also need to change plans that you're making now. You'll need to make decisions now that affect your future, but don't obsess about this either.

Speaker 1:

Some people get so hung up on planning for their future that they forget to live their lives. What happens if you're not around to enjoy those plans? You will have spent your entire life not living the way you should. Another problem with living entirely for the future is you'll miss out on enjoying life with your kids. They grow so fast and that's one part of your past. You will regret not spending time and doing more with them. By living in the present and not worrying so much about other time frames, you'll have memories with your family that you can always look back on. Family memories are a great part of your past and something that you can happily think about anytime you want. If you do look back on your life, you'll see that everything worked out. When situations occurred, you handled them and you moved on. Just think about that the next time you find yourself dwelling on the past or the future. Someday, the situation you're experiencing right now will be a part of your past.

Speaker 1:

Staying calm at work when your co-workers don't do what they're supposed to do? Do you blow up at them? Are you the one who reacts, or even overreacts, to every adverse situation? If you answered yes to either of these, it might be time to adjust your strategy. Your co-workers are going to rebel against you eventually if you don't.

Speaker 1:

People have different personalities at work. Some are laid back, while others want to be the center of attention. When working with a group of people, it's helpful to know what type of personalities they have, so that you know how to react to each person individually. A one-size-fits-all approach is not effective. Some people are highly sensitive to overzealous reactions and they'll resent you for putting them through the stress. If you become calm by yelling at others, understand that you may be stressing them out. If you're a manager at work, you still need to figure out the right way to handle delicate situations. Many managers believe they can yell and that'll solve the problem. While yelling will work on occasion, as a long-term solution it becomes less useful.

Speaker 1:

Think about people in your life who constantly get upset at every little thing. After a while, you probably don't pay much attention to them. They're going to get mad no matter what you do, so you continue without regard to their reactions. Choosing your battles is useful. Try to let the little items go. It's not worth the energy you expend getting upset.

Speaker 1:

Suppose you are someone who never gets upset. Then a situation occurs where you do get upset. Do you think people will take notice when that happens? It's highly likely they will and know that you mean business. Situation occurs where you do get upset. Do you think people will take notice when that happens? It's highly likely they will and know that you mean business. If you aren't in a management position but are getting upset at co-workers, you should ask yourself why. They'll wonder why you believe you have the right to get upset with them. That's not in your remit. Besides, staying calm will often lead to better results. People expect others to get upset and you throw them off when you remain calm. It's a better tactic than most people believe, but we're conditioned to think that yelling is the way to get our point across. If you're a highly strung individual, it may be time to consider anger management sessions. These can help you overcome your anger issues, which will, in turn, make you a calmer person. The calmness will give you an edge over your colleagues Trying to stay calm.

Speaker 1:

Time to take up a hobby Hobbies can be a great way to give yourself a break from your daily routine. Sometimes you may take up a hobby with family and friends. More often, however, people like to start a hobby on their own. It gives them the peace of mind needed to stay calm. You may believe you don't have time for a hobby on their own. It gives them the peace of mind needed to stay calm. You may believe you don't have time for a hobby. The truth is, you cannot afford not to have one. If you're stressed out at work or with your home life, taking on a hobby may help you survive. It helps you escape for a moment in time. Of course, you don't want to use a hobby to escape the point of not dealing with your problems. You still need to handle your day-to-day situations when they arise. A hobby is supposed to enhance your life, not replace it.

Speaker 1:

How do you get started with a hobby? First, determine what hobbies you like. If you daydream about certain activities frequently, this is a good place to start. Think back to your childhood. What hobbies did you like to do then? Some that you liked may have been specifically for children, but you may be able to find adult versions of those hobbies. Many hobbies will have support or interest groups that meet regularly. Although these groups may have been around for many years, these days they'll probably have some internet presence, and so they should be easy to find. Search for the hobby and include the keyword, forum or group.

Speaker 1:

Hobby stores still exist, although they're not as prevalent. However, you can find websites to these stores and reach out to them via email or phone. They don't have to be near you, but it's better if they are. Ask a lot of questions and find out some of the people who may be involved in the hobby. Reach out to these people to find out how to get started. There are no rules for hobbies. Any interests that you have could be a hobby If it's something you want to pursue. Just be creative about how to get going. The internet has a wealth of information on most topics, and you may even find video tutorials about your hobby. No rule says you can only take up one hobby. Start as many as you want. You may not have the time to do them all, but trying different ones can help you find the ones that are right for you.

Speaker 1:

Meditation to stay calm. To paraphrase the Dalai Lama, if the whole world practiced meditation, there would be no wars. He spoke of the calming effects meditation has on people. Meditation gives you the ability to reflect and focus on what's important while disregarding what isn't. Letting go of the little stuff is important to stay calm. Letting go makes sense since if you're getting stressed out over every situation you come across, you simply cannot relax, and being stressed out is a surefire way to a nervous breakdown. Meditation allows you to clear your mind and has a calming effect. Since you're not thinking about your problems as you finish your meditative sessions, you tend to remain calm. You're also more prepared to handle problems that come your way.

Speaker 1:

The biggest problem with meditation is it takes time for it to be effective. Because of this, some people pass it off as being nonsense and think only gurus on mountaintops use it. You need to stick with it for a while before it starts to show benefits for you. We are too conditioned for instant gratification. People simply give up because they don't think meditation is right for them.

Speaker 1:

It's a good idea to start with guided meditation. When you first begin With guided meditation, the person speaking has experience in how to get you to a relaxed state. Of course, there will be some due diligence on your part to make sure you find a qualified and experienced meditation specialist. Ask friends, family and colleagues for people who have gone through it successfully. Be careful with the information you find online. Many people will appoint themselves experts when they have no experience.

Speaker 1:

It's not a regulated field, so you get plenty of pretenders and wannabes. These people are usually offering up courses that others are offering. Why not just go directly to the course of a qualified trainer? Sometimes meditation and yoga classes run alongside each other, which can be useful for a more well-rounded experience. It'll help with your mind and your body. When trying to become calm, you shouldn't overlook your body. If your muscles are hurting, this can cause you to become stressed out. Too many people believe yoga does not get you fit like vigorous exercise. However, when you look at most yoga instructors, you'll see they're in fantastic shape. The naysayers are ones who have never given yoga a try.

Alcohol and Drug Use for Anxiety
Managing Stress and Staying Calm
Getting Started With Hobbies and Meditation