The Inner Architect

Effortless Relaxation: Proven Techniques for Stress Relief and Self-Care

June 19, 2024 Mindmekka
Effortless Relaxation: Proven Techniques for Stress Relief and Self-Care
The Inner Architect
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The Inner Architect
Effortless Relaxation: Proven Techniques for Stress Relief and Self-Care
Jun 19, 2024

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Feeling constantly stressed and overwhelmed? Discover the transformative power of relaxation in your fast-paced life. In this episode, we uncover why it's so challenging to unwind amidst cultural pressures and financial burdens. From the necessity of taking time for yourself to finding balance, you'll learn how to reclaim your peace and improve your quality of life.

Join us as we explore the "Take 10" theme and share practical techniques to effortlessly integrate relaxation into your daily routine. Whether it's deep breathing exercises, meditation, or spending a few moments in quiet reflection, these methods are designed to lower stress and enhance your overall well-being. Learn how to make relaxation not just an occasional luxury, but a consistent and enjoyable part of your day.

Finally, we delve into the profound impact of self-care on stress relief and relationships. Discover how simple acts like accepting pampering gestures, getting extra sleep, and spending time outdoors can rejuvenate you. We'll discuss the benefits of engaging in hobbies and healthy outlets for tension relief, empowering you to prioritize your mental health. With these strategies, you can foster better relationships and become a more fulfilled, balanced individual. Listen in and be inspired to take those vital moments for yourself.

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Feeling constantly stressed and overwhelmed? Discover the transformative power of relaxation in your fast-paced life. In this episode, we uncover why it's so challenging to unwind amidst cultural pressures and financial burdens. From the necessity of taking time for yourself to finding balance, you'll learn how to reclaim your peace and improve your quality of life.

Join us as we explore the "Take 10" theme and share practical techniques to effortlessly integrate relaxation into your daily routine. Whether it's deep breathing exercises, meditation, or spending a few moments in quiet reflection, these methods are designed to lower stress and enhance your overall well-being. Learn how to make relaxation not just an occasional luxury, but a consistent and enjoyable part of your day.

Finally, we delve into the profound impact of self-care on stress relief and relationships. Discover how simple acts like accepting pampering gestures, getting extra sleep, and spending time outdoors can rejuvenate you. We'll discuss the benefits of engaging in hobbies and healthy outlets for tension relief, empowering you to prioritize your mental health. With these strategies, you can foster better relationships and become a more fulfilled, balanced individual. Listen in and be inspired to take those vital moments for yourself.

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Thanks for listening and for being one of our valued subscribers! Our GiveAway Contest Is Running For Another 30 Days - you gotta keep those entries ticking up if you want a shot at the MacBook Air. You can enter here

Speaker 1:

Introduction we live in a fast-paced world and we live busy lives. We run from task to task, trying to balance family, friends and work, while being bombarded with information from all sides along the way. It's no wonder we feel stressed out now more than any other period in history. As a result, stress-related illnesses are on the rise. What most of us seem to forget is that it's perfectly fine and beneficial to take 10 and spend a little time each day de-stressing and taking care of ourselves. That's what this short guide is all about. I want to inspire you to start taking care of yourself and doing what you can to decompress and combat the stress I'm sure you're under in your everyday life. I want to inspire you to start reading books again, take long hot baths or walks on the beach, pick up a new hobby or give meditation and yoga a try. In other words, I want you to learn how to relax. Living a happy and fulfilled life is all about balance and stress tips the scales one way we need to actively do things to help us balance those scales. Taking 10, doing things to unwind and relax helps us do just that. It calms us down and helps us process our busy lives. Taking some time to unwind allows us to slow down and appreciate everything we have in our lives, and that's a very good thing. We live in amazing times. Yes, there's lots of things that add to our stress, but we're also incredibly blessed. We have the time to stop and smell the roses. We just have to make sure we take it. Yes, we're busy and yes, there's always something or someone out there trying to get our attention. But where there's a will, there's a way, and I promise you that there are plenty of opportunities throughout your busy days to take a few minutes to slow down and do something that'll help you relax.

Speaker 1:

Let me show you how We'll start in this next chapter by taking a closer look at why it's so hard for most of us to relax. Knowing this will help you pinpoint what's keeping you from taking more time for yourself. With that information, you can be more proactive about making relaxing a priority. Next, we'll move into 10 different ways to relax and let go. I have plenty of tips and ideas for you that will help inspire you. Give them a try. Use them as inspiration and do whatever it takes to let go and relax more. Use them as inspiration and do whatever it takes to let go and relax more. You'll be pleasantly surprised how much it will affect your quality of life in a positive way. Ready to get started? Why can't we just relax? You may not feel all that stressed out, but chances are you're experiencing it more than you realize.

Speaker 1:

We all need to make an effort to relax more, but it's hard for most of us to take the time to relax, unwind and de-stress At the same time. Most of the basics of living, like having shelter, food and clean water, have never been easier. We don't have to spend much effort to find and clean our clothes. We don't have to go out and hunt down our food. Instead, we drive to the grocery store and buy what we need. Staying alive has become easy and convenient. We don't have to go hungry at night or worry about where we're going to sleep. That should leave us with less stress and more time to relax and do things we enjoy.

Speaker 1:

Yet we're busier and more stressed than ever. Why is that? There are multiple reasons why we're so busy and stressed and they all mix and match to combine to make up the pressure we're under to get it all done. Part of it's cultural. We live in a time and age where much is expected from us, both in our professional lives and socially. We're expected to work hard, often bringing homework or staying late at the office. At the same time, we need to be involved parents participating in after-school activities and being active in the PTA. And then let's not forget about the house Our even larger homes, and many belongings need to be taken care of. It's no wonder all this work, all the obligations and all this stuff are stressing us out. There's often just too much to do. Yet we expect ourselves to get it all done. We strive to be super dad, super mom, super spouse and super friend.

Speaker 1:

Most households these days are two-income households. With both partners working, there's less time to take care of the cleaning, cooking and taking care of the kids. We have to get it all done before and after work, running around from chore to chore and appointment to appointment. Before getting dinner on the table by the time evening rolls around, all we're capable of is watching an hour of TV before bed. Yet with our current standard of living, it takes two full-time incomes to pay the bills. Sometimes even that isn't enough and we work on a little side hustle to pay off the ever-growing credit card bills. In other words, we're under a lot of financial pressure and stress. That makes it hard to relax.

Speaker 1:

Next, there is the constant bombardment of information that we're under. Thanks to our smartphones, we're always reachable. Emails, text messages, phone calls and alerts from various apps come in at all hours of the day. Add to that our addiction to constantly checking social media and various news sites, and it's no wonder we're overwhelmed with a constant flow of information. It's hard to take everything in If we don't give ourselves time to process said information. It adds to the stress we're already feeling. Technology and information are great, provided we don't let them run our lives and stress us out More damagingly. We allow our digital devices to constantly disrupt the little bit of downtime we have. We're all guilty of it. We have the TV or computer on until bedtime and then we stare at our phone and tablet screens in bed until we drift off to sleep.

Speaker 1:

The last piece of the stress puzzle is our diet. What we eat and how we eat has changed a lot over the past 50 years. We've gone from eating three home-cooked meals made from real food at home to grabbing fast food and convenience meals on the run. As a result, our processed food consumption has gone way up, particularly when it comes to sugar, salt and wheat. Eating so much junk food takes a toll on our bodies and it adds to the stress we're experiencing. What it all boils down to is this as a society and culture, we've forgotten how to slow down and smell the roses. Sure, there are rare individuals who are good at it, but for most of us, taking 10 has become a bit of a lost art, and that's something we need to change if we want to improve our quality of life and, more importantly, our health and life expectancy.

Speaker 1:

I've said it before, but I'll say it again Stress kills, and that's no joke. It's something we need to fix both on an individual and cultural level. We need to relearn how to relax and unwind. We all knew how to do this and live carefree as young children. Now it's time to rediscover these skills, and that's what the rest of this short report is all about. Thankfully, it doesn't take much time or effort. In fact, you can do a lot to decompress and relax by simply taking 10 minutes for yourself. Ready to take 10 and start taking better care of yourself.

Speaker 1:

Let's dive right in Take 10. Let's get into the fun part. We've spent some time talking about the dangers of not taking time and relaxing, and we've covered at least some of the reasons why it's so hard for us to relax and take time to unwind. By now I'm sure you're ready to take 10 and give this whole relaxation thing a try. Over the coming pages I'll share 10 different ways to relax and unwind with you. Most of them won't take more than a few minutes here and there. Give each of them a try and see what you enjoy, what works well for you and what you can fit into your own busy life.

Speaker 1:

The basic theme here is to take 10, as in take 10 minutes to unwind and relax. That said, I'm using the term rather loosely and won't stick to that 10-minute rule most of the time. Sure, you can take a relaxing hot bath in 10 minutes or less, but trust me, it's much more relaxing when you get to soak without a countdown timer. One more thing before you get to soak without a countdown timer. One more thing before we get into the actual ideas and activities. You want this to be fun and relaxing.

Speaker 1:

The trick to making Take 10 work for you is to find a few simple ways to unwind that you find helpful and enjoyable. Try some different ideas and suggestions and find your own favorites. After that, it's simply a matter of making time for them. Since none of them take very long, that shouldn't be hard to do. Make yourself a priority, and taking the time to unwind and relax will quickly become your favorite part of the day and, of course, a daily habit. Let's jump in and talk about these 10 different ways to relax and de-stress. Try them out, but don't feel like you have to stick to this particular list. Use what I'm sharing below to inspire you to come up with your very own personalized Take 10 rituals.

Speaker 1:

Take 10. Idea. Number one Take a breath. Let's start with something very simple that you can do anytime, anywhere. Take a deep breath or, even better, do some relaxing and breathing exercises. Slowing down and deepening your breath, focusing on nothing but the air moving in and out of your body, can be very relaxing. Yes, it takes a little practice to perfect the technique and get in the habit of tuning everything else around you out for a few minutes, but it's well worth it. Breathing exercises have quite a few different benefits, from lowering your blood pressure and heart rate to providing your body, including your brain, with more oxygen. In other words, taking the time to take a deep breath, or 10, is actually good for both your mind and your health.

Speaker 1:

Deep breathing exercises can instantly calm you, improve your overall well-being and energy. It also helps detoxify as you breathe out. The deeper you breathe, the more of the bad stuff you'll exhale. And let's not forget about pain relief. There's a reason. Pregnant women practice breathing exercises in preparation for labor. Deep breathing is a great way to relieve pain, which will come in handy the next time you get a bad headache. When you're out and about in preparation for labor, deep breathing is a great way to relieve pain, which will come in handy the next time you get a bad headache when you're out and about.

Speaker 1:

Here's an easy way to practice deep breathing. Start by breathing in deeply through your nose to a count of five. Hold your breath for a count of three, then slowly breathe out through your mouth to a count of five. The key to being able to do breathing exercises as a way to calm down in stressful situations is to practice daily. This simple little exercise will become natural, a habit you can rely on when you're stressed or not feeling well. As an added bonus, practicing deep breathing regularly will automatically make you breathe deeper and stronger in your natural breathing, helping you to stay healthier and more energized throughout the day. To make this a habit or second nature, take a few deep breaths each morning as soon as you wake up, and at night when you lay down to go to sleep. Then try to remember to practice a few times throughout the day and, of course, anytime you feel particularly stressed. Closing your eyes and focusing only on the breathing with this and any other deep breathing exercises you do will help with the overall calming and relaxing effect that this has.

Speaker 1:

Other breathing exercises to try Breath counting. Breath counting is another great exercise to help you calm down. Use it whenever you feel stressed or upset, or try it when you're having a hard time falling asleep. Take slow breaths and start to count on each exhale. Breathe in exhale, count to one. Breathe in exhale count to two. Breathe in exhale count two. Breathe in exhale, three and so forth. Go up to a count of five. Then start back at one. If you find yourself counting into your 20s, you'll know you've calmed down and zoned out Additional breathing. Sit relaxed and comfortable or lay down. Put your hand on your stomach and start breathing slowly. Notice how your abdomen expands and contracts as you breathe.

Speaker 1:

Alternate nostril breathing there's an ancient breathing technique that comes out of the yogi tradition. It promises to restore balance in your body and bring calm. Sit in a relaxed position and bring your right hand up to your nose. Use your thumb to cover the right nostril and breathe in through the left one. Switch and use your index or middle finger to cover your left nostril, exhaling through the right one. Breathe in through the right nostril. Switch fingers and exhale through the left. Keep switching back and forth, breathing through alternate nostrils. Practice these breathing techniques regularly so you can quickly rely on them to calm you down in stressful situations. Take 10 idea number two practice meditation From breathing exercises. You may want to move into giving meditation a try.

Speaker 1:

Many forms of guided meditation use breathing exercises to get your body and mind ready for meditation. Meditation is a state of thoughtless awareness. To get there, we have to practice by using various exercises and techniques to calm our minds and bodies until we reach this state. This practice will force you to slow down and relax, thus allowing your busy mind to calm down and de-stress. Meditation has been around for thousands of years and has been practiced all over the world, originating in the Far East. There are all sorts of different types of meditation, including mantra meditation, mindfulness meditation, yogi meditation, vipanasana meditation and zen meditation. Vipanasana meditation and zen meditation, to name just a few. While these techniques and practices vary, they all have the same end goal to get you to a state of thoughtless awareness. While it may take you years and even decades to get to that state, the benefits of practicing meditation are immediate.

Speaker 1:

A simple meditation exercise Lay down, close your eyes and relax. Focus all your attention on your breathing, breathe in, breathe out. As your mind and your body starts to calm down. Start focusing on relaxing every single muscle in your body, starting at your toes and moving your way up to your head. Muscle in your body, starting at your toes and moving your way up to your head If your mind starts to wander, and it will bring it back by focusing on your breathing and continue to relax your body. Other meditations to try Guided meditation, candle meditation, mantra meditation. Look them up online or get some guided meditation recordings and give these techniques a try.

Speaker 1:

Overall, the key, as with breathing exercises, is to practice daily. It doesn't have to be long. Even 5 to 10 minutes of meditation a day can have a positive impact on how you feel. With practice, it'll become easier to hold your meditation and get closer and closer to that state of thoughtless awareness. After a bit of practice, you'll be able to tune out and calm down in even the loudest, busiest and most stressful situations. If you ask me, that's a pretty cool superpower to have. That'll come in handy more often than you think. Take 10, idea number three Take a day off.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes the best thing you can do for your sanity is to take the day off and simply take a break from everything for a bit. Yes, you heard me right. Playing hooky can be quite beneficial. If you've been working hard or are going through a particularly busy and stressful time, give yourself the day off. If you're worried about finances, spend an entire day without looking at or dealing with bills. If you're stressed about final exams at work, take a day off from studying. In other words, take whatever stresses you out and ignore it for the day. Go do something fun instead Schedule a massage, go for a hike or just curl up on the couch with a good book or binge watch some Netflix.

Speaker 1:

Take your mind off everything negative in your life and just allow yourself to relax and be lazy for a bit. Not only is it beneficial in helping you calm down and relax for a bit while taking this time out, but there are other benefits as well. One of the most important ones is the fact that, while you're no longer consciously thinking and worrying about your troubles, your subconscious isn't taking the day off. Instead, you're giving it time to work on the issues and come up with possible solutions. Your conscious mind wouldn't conceive. The end result is that you come out of your day off refreshed, energized and with some fresh new ideas on how to tackle the obstacles you're facing. If that isn't the perfect reason to be lazy for a bit and stay in your PJs all day, I don't know what is.

Speaker 1:

Stop feeling guilty and take that much-deserved time off when you really need it. Call in sick, postpone a meeting for a day and take care of yourself. While calling in sick at work or school is fairly easy, taking a day off for yourself when you have children and other family obligations can be a bit trickier. You have options, though. You can either find someone to take the little ones off your hands for the day, even if just for a few hours, or you can include them in your day off. There's nothing wrong with everyone staying in their PJs, ignoring dishes and laundry for the day and changing the meal plan to cold cereal and pizza delivery. Hang out with the kids, snuggle up on the couch, spend the day napping and watching movies. A lazy day in won't hurt them any more than it will you? Have fun, don't feel guilty and just enjoy your much-deserved time off, even if it isn't for an entire day.

Speaker 1:

Make an effort to take at least a few hours when you need it. Take 10. Idea number four get some exercise. I'm sure this doesn't come as news to you. Exercise is one of the best stress busters out there. You know you feel better, sleep better and are more relaxed after a workout.

Speaker 1:

Yet most of us still struggle with finding the time and motivation to make some sort of physical activity part of our daily routine. Part of the reason we're reluctant to commit or stick with an exercise routine is the fact that we highly overestimate just how much working out it takes to see beneficial results. As it turns out, something as simple as going for a 10-minute stroll each day can have big benefits. In other words, you don't have to work out hard or get a gym membership to benefit from exercise, taking a few minutes here and there to do a few exercises or stretches is all it takes to see some real benefits. Exercise will help you stay focused and energized throughout the day. The next time you're feeling that afternoon slump, skip the sweet coffee drink and go for a 10-minute walk instead. Not only will you get an instant boost of energy, you'll even sleep better at night, and that's important. Sleep helps you process everything that's been happening to you during the day, allowing you to move on and deal with it instead of letting it fester and stress you out even more.

Speaker 1:

Make it a goal to get a little bit of exercise every single day. It doesn't have to be difficult, it doesn't have to take long and it doesn't have to be a chore. Pick something that's fun and or easy to do. Once you start experiencing the benefits for yourself, you're going to want to keep going. Here are a few simple suggestions Go for a walk, take a swim, start jogging. Join a group to go on bike rides or hikes with. Practice yoga in the morning. Sign up for a Pilates or kickboxing class. Try Zumba or take up ballroom dancing. Play a pickup game of basketball. Take up tennis or golf again. Most importantly, don't make it a chore. Your workout should be fun and something you look forward to, not something that adds more stress to your life. Find something fun and enjoy this little bit of me time while benefiting from exercise.

Speaker 1:

Take 10, idea number five time to pamper yourself. Now let's talk about my favorite take 10 idea. It's to simply take the time to pamper yourself. Do something nice, get a treat and just enjoy. This can be as simple as buying a bar of dark chocolate with sea salt or going out and booking yourself a day spa. It could be as simple as relaxing in a hot bath with a glass of wine or as involved as taking a mini vacation. There are so many different little and big things you can do to pamper yourself. You know yourself best what would be a treat for you. Think of a few different things, small and big, that you can do to treat and pamper yourself While you're at it. Why not make a list?

Speaker 1:

When we're feeling stressed out and need to take 10 to pamper ourselves the most, it can be tough to come up with a good treat idea. We feel like we need to tough it out and see things through when what we really want is to take a little break In those moments. Grab your list and pick something fun and exciting. Treat yourself and just take a mini timeout. Have something prepared when you know you have a challenging time ahead of you. If you know there's a time-consuming project at work or you're studying for exams, have a few pampering treats on hand. Knowing that special bar of chocolate, those fizzy bath bombs, the bottle of craft beer or that new video game are waiting for you will help you push through. Then, when you need it most, your pampering treat is ready and waiting for you.

Speaker 1:

Trust me, no matter how stressed you are, how shitty your day was or how big the challenges you're facing are, taking a few minutes to pamper yourself and doing some simple self-care will help you relax. It makes you feel better and re-energizes you to keep going. No, it won't fix the challenges you're facing. It's not an easy button, but it does give you that little bit of breathing room that helps keep you going. Don't ever feel bad about taking the time to pamper yourself Before we move on to the next.

Speaker 1:

Take 10 idea. Let's talk about occasions where your loved one offers to pamper you. Maybe your mom schedules a massage for you, your spouse cooks a nice dinner or your best friend invites you out for a cup of coffee. Make it a habit to say yes, even and especially when you're super busy and stressed. Knowing that those around you care and that they see you need a little pampering is a good feeling and not something you should take for granted or ignore. Indulge yourself for a little while, then get back to work refreshed and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way. Take 10 idea number six Get some extra shut-eye.

Speaker 1:

Here's a simple idea when you're feeling tired and worn out, get a little extra sleep. Burning the midnight oil can be counterproductive when you have a lot to get done and are under a time crunch. When you're working on little to no sleep, you're not at the top of your game, you're working slower and you tend to make more mistakes. Despite popular belief, you may actually be a lot better off spending a few hours sleeping and then coming back able to work faster than before. There are a lot of different options when it comes to getting more sleep. You can go to bed a little earlier, earlier, or choose to sleep in and get to work a little later. Or you can skip your morning coffee ritual or the breakfast meeting with your friends in favor of grabbing a little more sleep.

Speaker 1:

And let's not forget about naps. They aren't just for toddlers and can be a great way to relax and de-stress while getting a little extra sleep. The next time you feel worn out, try a power nap before diving back in. You can even try coffee naps. The idea here is to drink a cup of coffee right before laying down for a short nap. By the time you wake up 20 minutes or so later, the caffeine made its way through your system and you're good to go. The bottom line is this Don't underestimate the power of getting enough sleep when you're feeling worn out. Do what you can to get more. You'll start feeling better after a little more shut-eye.

Speaker 1:

Take 10 idea number 7. Go spend some time in the great outdoors. Another great strategy for decompressing and relaxing is getting outside. There's something very soothing about being out in nature. Spending a little time in the great outdoors, soaking up the sun and fresh air, is a great way to stress less. It's been shown to be calming to both body and mind when you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, head outside and find a pretty spot out in nature. Go sit in a park, take a walk through the forest, hike a mountain or stare out at a lake. You'll instantly notice how you're starting to calm down. Your nervous system calms down, your blood pressure and heart rate drop, and even your levels of cortisol the stress hormones start to go down. Studies have shown that people who spend their lives living in green spaces or those that make an effort to go out into nature experience less stress and suffer from fewer stress-related illnesses.

Speaker 1:

We're not entirely sure what causes this gentle de-stressing effect. It may be part of the plants out there, it may be the better air quality and higher oxygen levels, or it may be the sunshine. It doesn't matter what's causing it. We can take advantage of its beneficial effects, without completely understanding it, simply by walking out the door and enjoying the beauty nature has to offer. Of course, you can increase the benefits by spending your time outside, by walking, jogging or otherwise exercising. Why not combine these two great stress busters and gain a compounding effect? Ten minutes spent walking in the park will give you twice the benefits and help you calm down even faster. Think about this the next time you feel stressed out or don't know where to turn. Get outside, find a pretty green space and soak in nature. You'll feel better and, more importantly, calmer than you did before and are ready to get back to your task. Take 10 idea number eight Find a hobby.

Speaker 1:

Do you have a hobby? Being able to go to do something you can enjoy can be a great way to unwind. Hobbies help bring balance to our lives. They give us something to do without pressure or expectations unless, of course, we put that pressure on ourselves. For the most part, though, our hobbies allow us to unwind.

Speaker 1:

Before family and work obligations started to take over, most of us enjoyed a hobby or two. Maybe it was playing golf, maybe it was painting, or maybe it was a craft like woodworking or knitting. Then our jobs became more demanding. We got married, bought a house that needed upkeeping and had children. Hobbies these days seem to fall by the wayside. Instead of reading a book a week, you're lucky if you have the energy to read a magazine article before bed.

Speaker 1:

It happens to all of us, but, truth be told, we have time for the things we make time for, and that means you can find time for your favorite hobby. It doesn't have to be a lot of time, but it's important that you do something for yourself. It's important that you find something you enjoy doing. Hobbies are a great way to bust stress. While you may not have the time to spend hours upon hours for your favorite pursuits, you can snatch a few minutes here and there for your favorite activities. Knitting and crocheting, in particular, have been shown to be very effective in lowering your level of stress and your blood pressure. The rhythmic movement is very meditative and calming. No matter how you choose to spend your time, do make sure you set some time aside for your favorite hobby. You'll come back refreshed and in a better frame of mind when you do. That in turn will make you a better and more productive person in all areas of your life.

Speaker 1:

Take 10 idea number 9. Blow off some steam. There's just something about blowing off steam. Sometimes you just have to punch a pillow yell at the top of your lungs or have a stiff drink. There are many different ways to blow off steam. The important thing is to realize when you're feeling under so much pressure that you have to let it off, and then finding an outlet to do just that. Don't feel like you're limited to just one way of blowing off steam. If you find something that works, well, great. Don't expect it to work in every single situation, though. Sometimes you can vent your frustration by going out for a run, while other times require a nice bitching session with a close friend, and that's okay. Do whatever it takes to work out those frustrations so you can get back to your calm, friendly and productive self.

Speaker 1:

For some of us, blowing off steam comes naturally. It's something we've done all our lives. Others were raised to bottle up those feelings Without an outlet. It adds to the stress and pressure you're under already. Make an effort to find that outlet. Maybe it's just locking yourself in a room to scream. Maybe it's a good cry. Maybe it's writing everything down in a journal or creating an anonymous blog as your outlet. Do whatever it takes to find a few different ways to let off steam to prevent those feelings of frustration and anger from staying bottled up.

Speaker 1:

Not only is it bad for your health to be under that much pressure all the time. You're eventually going to blow Just like that old-fashioned pressure cooker your mom or grandma used. When there's no safe way to release the steam, the whole thing will blow and take everything around it down with it. You don't want to fly into a blind rage at a completely inappropriate time. Blowing off steam in a controlled fashion is a much better way to deal with it when in doubt about what to do. Get some exercise. Go for a walk or run, climb some stairs, hit the gym or sign up for a kickboxing class. Physical exertion is a great way to clear your mind, vent that frustration, and the endorphins your body produces are a nice added feel-good bonus. Stress kills. Fight back by blowing off some steam whenever you need to. Don't be shy about it. It's a good thing. Take 10, idea number 10.

Speaker 1:

Lose yourself in a good book, movie or game. Sometimes we simply need a little time out. We need to escape from it all the reports piling up on our desk at work, the credit card bill that's out of control, the screaming toddler who's doing all he can to push his boundaries and the pile of laundry waiting to be washed. When life gets too crazy, it doesn't hurt to take a little break from it by losing yourself in a good book, movie or the like. You know what does the trick for you? For some it's a novel by our favorite author. For others it's a favorite movie we've seen 30 times. For some it's binging on a TV show on Netflix. For others it's playing a favorite video game. Find the thing that you do that transports you to another world. Find something you can do that makes you lose track of space and time. Give yourself a precious little time out from reality when you need it.

Speaker 1:

Conclusion by now I'm sure you've realized how important it is to take some time to do something just for yourself, and you know it's something you should be doing regularly. Reading through the various different take 10 strategies and tips has given you some good ideas. Maybe you've even given one or two a try. Now it's time to make it a regular habit. Before you go to sleep at night, ask yourself what you've done for yourself today. If you come up empty, vow to make it happen tomorrow, even better. Decide on something you can do right then and there Write it down and make it a priority the next day.

Speaker 1:

We have to take time to take care of ourselves. Not only is it important to reduce stress and improve our health, it also makes us better people. You know yourself that when you're relaxed and your life is balanced, you're a better spouse, a better friend, a better parent, a better co-worker, business partner or boss. We have to spend time to relax, unwind and combat some of the stress we're all under. Don't ever feel guilty for taking 10. It benefits not only you, but everyone around you.

Speaker 1:

I have a little challenge for you before we wrap this up. What can you do today, this week and this month to make sure you're spending at least 10 minutes every single day doing something to help you relax? Make a list, write it down and make sure you spend those 10 minutes or more every single day on yourself. You'll be surprised how big of an impact it'll have on your life. I hope you continue to use this guide as a resource and reminder to take that time to unwind.

Speaker 1:

Reread chapter one anytime you need a reminder about why it's important to relax or why it's such a big challenge for most of us when you find yourself stuck in a rut and don't know what you can do to unwind. Come back to the last chapter and browse through the 10 different ways I shared with you. I'm sure you'll find something you can do, no matter how busy your life is, how tight your finances are or where you're at. Breathing exercises or going for a walk won't cost you a thing and they don't take more than a few minutes out of your busy day. Make yourself a priority and start taking care of yourself. You'll be glad you did when you start to see the results. Go do something fun to unwind.

Taking Time to Relax Is Vital
Practical Ways to Relax and Unwind
Self-Care Strategies for Stress Relief
Prioritizing Self-Care for Better Relationships