What's Next

Embodied AI with Wayve's Alex Kendall

May 08, 2024 Balderton Capital Episode 1
Embodied AI with Wayve's Alex Kendall
What's Next
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What's Next
Embodied AI with Wayve's Alex Kendall
May 08, 2024 Episode 1
Balderton Capital

Welcome to What's Next with Balderton Capital, where we take a closer look at emerging technologies, the people behind them and the potential impact on our lives.

Wayve has just raised a landmark $1.05 billion Series C round to launch their first Embodied AI solutions for autonomous vehicles. James Wise sat down with co-founder and CEO Alex Kendall to chat about the company's early days, what embodied AI actually is, and why Wayve decided to tackle transportation first.

Find out more about Wayve here and follow them on LinkedIn
Find Balderton Capital here and follow us on LinkedIn 

Show Notes

Welcome to What's Next with Balderton Capital, where we take a closer look at emerging technologies, the people behind them and the potential impact on our lives.

Wayve has just raised a landmark $1.05 billion Series C round to launch their first Embodied AI solutions for autonomous vehicles. James Wise sat down with co-founder and CEO Alex Kendall to chat about the company's early days, what embodied AI actually is, and why Wayve decided to tackle transportation first.

Find out more about Wayve here and follow them on LinkedIn
Find Balderton Capital here and follow us on LinkedIn