Activate Your Divine Power

02. 3 Powerful Perspective Shifts To Overcome The Fear Of Loss

Lisa Moore Episode 2

In this episode, I share three powerful perspective shifts to conquer the fear of loss on your path to success. I explore the deep roots of this fear, the role of the Ego, the illusion of separation, and the importance of living with gratitude in the present moment. You’ll discover how to choose love over fear and experience a life of freedom, abundance and joy as you journey towards soul-aligned success ⚡️👑⚡️


00:58 - The root of our fear of loss
02:27 - Understanding the role of the Ego
09:57 - Embracing unity consciousness
11:32 - The power of presence & gratitude
14:13 - Embracing love over fear


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Welcome to the'Activate Your Divine Power' podcast. If you're a badass light leader, who's ready to break free from fear, lack limitation to shine your unique Divine Light BRIGHT, then this podcast is for YOU. I'm Lisa, a Divine Power Healer, Activator Speaker, on a mission to help you uncover your Soul's Truth and FULLY OWN your Divine Power. To boldly create a life you love on your own terms, raise collective consciousness and help us birth a new 5D world together. As a 5/1 Manifester, expect to be activated into greater consciousness and transformation as I dive deep into our collective shadows. Unveiling profound truth and perspective shifts to reveal the light. Thank you so much for being here and doing this powerful work with me. And without further ado, let's dive in. Hello my love and welcome back to this episode of Activate Your Divine Power. So in this episode, I'm going to be sharing three perspective shifts to stop fearing loss on your path to success. This is something that I have personally experienced many, many times. My deepest fear is loss. It's loss of loved ones. And I totally know that that is part of the witch wound. You know, so much, so many horrible things have happened to us over lifetimes, we've been doing this work for, you know, thousands of years, we've experienced so much loss, personally, in our tribes, collectively, you know, it has been frikking painful and all of that is held and trapped in our DNA, that pain, that trauma, that fear is trapped in our DNA. And for me, that shows up as fear of loss of loved ones. So I want to do this episode today to share three perspective shifts that really helped me when I get hit with something that's triggering me around loss. And obviously I will always be an advocate of identifying the deepest roots, belief, fear, feeling, program, or misunderstanding that's created that. But also part of this work is shifting your perspective, not just clearing the 3D subconscious fear. It is also bringing in the 5D most expansive empowering belief system. And these perspective shifts, they are part of that. So, without further ado, the first one. So, We all know that your Ego creates crazy stories to keep you safe, and to stop you from going after your dreams. Not because it's evil, but because it's here to keep you safe. And you know, over thousands of years, it has learned how to do that. But that is only keeping us stuck where we are. And that's not what we came here to experience in this lifetime, particularly this lifetime with everything that's happening at a global planetary level for humanity's evolution. So like I said, your Ego creates these crazy stories. Now to have, well, I don't like using the word have your Soul's desires you already have your Soul's desires on some level. So it's to experience your Soul's desires in this physical plane, you need to become the person that experiences those Soul's desires. So whenever I get kind of caught up in"Oh my God, what's going to happen? What's going to happen?" Am I going to lose this person, this thing, this like comfort zone, whatever that is. I just remind myself, that to become the person who experiences those Soul's desires, you are going to need to be a different person by then. And by the time you become that different person, you are going to be able to deal with the current situation of fear that you're experiencing. So for example, it could be, you know, a classic is that you're here to have crazy amounts of money that no one has ever had in your lineage. Now that is really scary. Money is an amplifier of energy and you know, there's so much fear around money anyway. So it's so normal for us light leaders to fear making money because it will separate us from the rest of our family, or we'll be rejected by them, or we'll be judged by them, or we'd be misunderstood as to our true motive, why we'd want that money when, you know, rich people are evil, quote unquote. So, what's going on here is that to be that different person in the future, who experiences that Soul desire of having lots of money so that you can do incredible things in the world as part of your soul purpose and why you incarnated here at this time, you need to become that person who has that abundance of soul-aligned money. So you are going to need to address all of those inner conflicts first and those external conversations with your family in the process of creating this dream life and this dream vision that you have. So I think what happens with the Ego is it jumps straight forward to what if, as though it's like all of a sudden you're here and then next you're there and you've lost everything. And I just invite you to remember that this is a one step at a time and to become the person that holds that money, you are going to need to heal things every step of the way. You are going to need to have those external conversations with your loved ones, informing them of what you're doing and why, how they can support you on your journey. And ultimately, by the time you get to this place that your Ego is fearing where you've lost everything, the fear which represents the conflict that you're currently worrying about will have disappeared. Because it just doesn't exist in the first place. So, you know, soul-aligned sovereign success doesn't happen overnight. And it requires you to be fully embodied in your Soul's Truth and in your Divine Power, every step of the way, resolving conflicts on the journey to becoming your best, badass, boldest, bravest Self. The Divine light leader that you came here to be. So ultimately any time your Ego is projecting this fear into the future, it is just an illusion and I just invite you to focus on just come back into the present moment and focus on the next step on your soul-aligned path and clearing what's in the way for you getting to the next step because ultimately just one step at a time resolving things, you know, I have totally seen that my relationships outside of me have just gotten better and better over time. Because the more I deepen into my Soul's Truth and my Divine Power and I bring those loved ones on the journey with me, then ultimately I'm going to be able to manifest my Soul's desires and experience those before I know it. And also I'm going to look around and those loved ones have been coming on the journey with me. And obviously this is not to say that every single loved one is going to come with you. I'm not saying that because we have soul contracts and not all of those are lifelong. But what I'm saying is when the Ego pops up and is like, Oh, if you have this success that you desire, if you manifest your Soul's desires, you're going to lose everything like you did like 248 lifetimes ago, or well for 248 lifetimes. And you can understand why it thinks that, but we're not here for that. We are here for complete rewiring of our subconscious mind and our energy from 3D to 5D, and we're here for literally taking back and owning our Divine Power to create our own unique world within the collective world of what we desire to experience in this lifetime, to help raise collective consciousness and evolve humanity into where we're going next, because this is a pivotal lifetime. So that is my first perspective shift. I would love to know how that lands with you. And in the meantime, let's move on to number two. My love, I invite you to just take a pause now, take a deep breath, and ground into this present moment of the infinite here and now. I have a question for you. Do you desire to know what's lurking at the deepest depths of your subconscious mind? What's stopping you from fully owning your Soul's Truth and Divine Power to create everything your Soul desires? A divinely prosperous life and business on your own terms whilst helping co-create a new 5D world of unconditional love, unity consciousness, freedom, abundance, and joy for all. And would you love all of that for free? I've created a super special, completely unique, an insanely powerful free consciousness guide to help you identify what's blocking your unique Divine Energy. This powerful guide contains the 45 collectively-held subconscious limiting beliefs at the root of the 3D matrix so you can identify which ones you personally hold, starting the process of transmutation to break free. Just by becoming aware of those you have, you're helping raise the frequency of our collective consciousness. So if you'd love this powerful free consciousness guide, you'll find the link in the show notes. It's Divine Time to heal, rise, and be the badass light leader you came here to be. And now my love, let's get back to the episode. So the wise Buddha once said,"You can only lose what you cling to". So, I was thinking about this and what came to me is that ultimately if you cling to something, what does it mean? What are you saying? You're saying that you're separate from it, but if you've been on this path for a while, you will know that you're not separate from anything. We are all connected. We are all one. We are all unique sparks, Divine sparks that emanate from Divine Source. And together, we create unity consciousness. So you are never separate from anything. I'm not separate from you. I'm not, I'm not separate from anything at all. And when you realise that you are actually one with everything, and that we are all together in unity consciousness, then my question to you is, if you are the thing that you cling to, how is it possible to lose it? So, I'm just going to drop that one there, that's a shorter one, that second one, but ultimately you can't lose anything. You can't. And clinging to it is again the Ego saying, I'm separate from this. We are all different, of course, but we are all connected and therefore you can't lose, you cannot lose something that you are intrinsically connected to. And the third, so this again comes back to the concept of time, which is something that the Ego has created. So ultimately, if you are fully embodied in the present moment, with gratitude, it is impossible to fear, worry, or doubt the future. Because your Ego is only ever thinking about the past or the future. It literally does not exist in the present moment. So any time, you are ruminating over the past, you are projecting fears into the future. That is your Ego. And that is something as well as episode 1 that has been hugely pivotal for me in taking back my Divine Power and fully owning it, is just remembering that when my mind is wandering off to the past or the future, it's the Ego every single time. Eckhart Tolle's work is incredible, it's incredible. So, I more recently read A New Earth and it blew my mind. I want to basically continuously read it. Um, Get to the end, start again, because every day we're a new level of consciousness. So his work is so potent. And it really, really helped shine a light on the Ego and how, and how it works. So just to recap, you know, in the present moment, the Ego does not exist. And you are only connected to love in the present moment. You are only connected to your Soul. You are only connected to the here and present moment of the infinite now, which is what I call it. And ultimately, where there is love, there is no fear. So presence and gratitude is the gateway to living in love over fear. And I just invite you to anytime your mind is spiraling with your Ego going into the future, worrying about what if and anything that you fear that you're going to lose, is come back to the present moment and just give thanks. Knowing that you are safe, right here, right now, you are safe. And the next step is going to reveal itself at every moment, back to perspective shift number 1, and you will be able to deal with it every single step of the way. You are a fricking badass. You have so many tools and tips and tricks under your sleeve that you're already aware of and those that are coming to you in Divine Time. You have got this. You know what to do when you trust your Soul. You know, and that in every step you can move forward in your Soul's Truth and your Divine Power taking your loved ones with you on the journey. So, or whatever it is, whether it's a person or a thing, you can take that with you on the journey. So in summary, my love, I just invite you to remember that whenever you're clinging to the fear of loss, that is the game of the Ego. And to start loving that you already are everything and you already are experiencing everything that you are supposed to be experiencing in this moment of the here and present infinite now. Everything you're going through is designed for your Divine sovereign soul-aligned success. Even the shit. It's designed for you to learn from, to heal, to integrate, to embrace, to love, to accept, and to full on frickin' own your Power and show others that it's possible, it's safe, and they have permission to do the same. So I think the final thing I want to leave you with, which is the biggest perspective shift of them all, which is when you commit to alchemising and transmuting your fear to love, ultimately, ultimately, ultimately, the destination can only be that of love. Just let that drop in. If you are committed to this path of Ego transmutation into more Soul's Truth and Divine Power, you are only heading towards more love in your life. More love. Feel that in your heart. More love. Loved ones, more loved ones. Deeper relationships with your current loved ones. More love. You are safe. You've got this. There is nothing to fear. So my love, I just want to say thank you so much for being on this journey with me as we navigate all the highs and the lows. And I just want to invite you to take whatever resonates from today and implement it if it feels aligned to do so, or leave it if it doesn't feel aligned. That is okay, that is your Divine Choice, my love. You came here to experience Divine Choice and you get to do that on your own terms and I'm celebrating that every step of the way. So until next time, my love, I truly am so grateful to be here. I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise. if this episode has served you in any way, I ask you to please share it with a fellow soul sister or brother to help them heal or create a higher, more expansive perspective. Please share and tag me on Instagram at with any key takeaways, any downloads you received or what you loved from this episode, you can also DM me with any questions or feedback. As a manifestor I love hearing the impact I've had on you. Your support truly means the world. And I'm beyond grateful to have you as part of the GILTY soul tribe. Of bad-ass light leaders. Co-creating a new 5D world together. So, thank you so much from the bottom of my GILTY gold soul. Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving a five-star review. So we can continue to evolve and expand together. I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise.

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