Activate Your Divine Power

03. The Divine Impact of Speaking Your Truth

Lisa Moore Episode 3

In this episode, I talk about the transformational power of owning & speaking your truth. I discuss the profound impact it has on others & collective consciousness, as I share my personal challenges & experiences with self-expression to FULLY OWN my voice. I also shine a light on the connection between your personal wounds, your soul tribe & being the badass light leader you came here to be ⚡️👑⚡️


01:21 - My personal journey of healing my self-expression
03:20 - Embracing vulnerability
04:03 - Impacting your soul tribe & collective consciousness
08:19 - Navigating loneliness & connection
09:45 - The impact of sharing your Soul’s Truth
12:18 - Embracing Divine Timing & trusting your journey


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Welcome to the'Activate Your Divine Power' podcast. If you're a badass light leader, who's ready to break free from fear, lack limitation to shine your unique Divine Light BRIGHT, then this podcast is for YOU. I'm Lisa, a Divine Power Healer, Activator Speaker, on a mission to help you uncover your Soul's Truth and FULLY OWN your Divine Power. To boldly create a life you love on your own terms, raise collective consciousness and help us birth a new 5D world together. As a 5/1 Manifester, expect to be activated into greater consciousness and transformation as I dive deep into our collective shadows. Unveiling profound truth and perspective shifts to reveal the light. Thank you so much for being here and doing this powerful work with me. And without further ado, let's dive in. Welcome back to this episode of activate your Divine Power, where today I'm going to be talking about the Divine importance of speaking your truth. Not from the lens of why you need to speak your truth to fulfill your purpose, well, this is kind of about fulfilling your purpose as well, but like you know, all the benefits that you get from speaking your truth. This is more about the benefits that others around you get from you speaking your truth. Because through my own wounds and healings, me speaking my truth is, is huge for me. It's really huge. I have Chiron in Taurus in the 3rd house. The 3rd house, which is Gemini, the house of communication and self-expression. And my north node, which is something that I'm here to master in this lifetime is Leo in the 7th house. So Leo is very much the heart-led leader that's like big and bold and like woohoo look at me, you know, in their Divine Creativity and shining light and bright. Now, this is not something that has come easily to me. Let me tell you. So, Chiron in the 3rd house, I struggled with friends throughout all of, like, up until about 25. I really, really struggled with people. I was bullied, they either felt intimidated by me, you know, Manifestor energy is quite big and when I was young I wanted to express myself. I was always the one at the front, like we laugh in my family because I was always, you know when you do the dance parties when you're 8 and you spend like hours choreographing it with your sister and then you, you get your family around and you put on this dance party. And I'm always like pushing my sister to the back because I'm like, I'm in the front. I'm here. I'm here to shine, get out my way type vibe. Which I've had to do quite a lot of healing around because that's not the kind of leadership I'm here for in this lifetime. But where was I going with this? So yeah, like from a young age, I really wanted to express myself. I really wanted to be seen and be bold. And then as soon as I got to school, around, you know, 8, 9, 10, and then secondary school where in the UK you go at 11 and I went to an all girls school and yeah, I mean, my light just got so fricking dimmed because I just wasn't accepted by anyone really. Not fully accepted. So I've really struggled with that up until my mid 20s. And then you know, I found, I found friends that who really kind of got me and that was amazing. But that is very different to showing up and being vulnerable and speaking publicly. That is completely different. And I'm turning 44 this year so it's taken me like 20 years with a lot of healing to get to the point where I can express myself publicly and share from my heart and obviously on top of that, you've got a spiritual awakening that happened 4 years ago, so you know you're not just expressing any old 3D stuff. You're expressing pretty out there, radical, 5D perspectives, world-changing, empowering stuff that a lot of people don't get yet. So I get it. All of that is to say I get it and it's, it's not easy. But the point I'm making is your soul tribe, which is why it's so important that you express your truth, are literally going through the same. So obviously we are all connected. All that is, you know, every human being, every being everywhere is connected. But your soul tribe particularly, they are on your frequency. And whilst stuff on the surface might be happening differently for them, you know, in their life and in their business, you know, the circumstances may be different, but actually what's at the roots of that are the same core wounds. We're experiencing the same core wounds. You know, I've already spoken about my you know, my fear of loss. So wouldn't surprise me if you've had that, uh, or you're still moving through that. I don't think we ever you know, completely heal it, but that's because we're here to continuously evolve. And that's what these wounds are here to help us do. So that's why I'm so passionate about tuning in and identifying, which is what my work is around, identifying the collectively held subconscious limiting beliefs, feelings, programs, and misunderstandings that basically created this 3D matrix. Because this 3D matrix has been being created, we've all agreed to this matrix, and it's been created over thousands and thousands of years and many incarnations. It's like so much of it, it's just, it isn't serving us anymore, it's not what we came here to evolve into in this lifetime. But if you resonate with me, then it's because we are here to transmute guilt, G-U-I-L-T to gold. G-I-L-T, gilt meaning gold. So we are here to transmute guilt and shame and fear into gold.To be the most GILTY gold badass light leader shining bright in our lights because when we do that we show others that they are not alone. What you're going through, I'm going through. And vice versa, because we're all at this frequency. And there's so much stuff that we hold individually, in our subconscious and in our energy, that needs to be transmuted. But there's so much that is held collectively and we came here to do this work together. We came here to transmute our own stuff, but also to come together to transmute the collectively held stuff and break free from 3D so that we can shine our Divine Light bright and bring in the 5D codes that are going to create the new 5D matrix. And that is what I'm so passionate about and what my work is about. My love, I invite you to just take a pause now, take a deep breath, and ground into this present moment of the infinite here and now. I have a question for you. Do you desire to know what's lurking at the deepest depths of your subconscious mind? What's stopping you from fully owning your Soul's Truth and Divine Power to create everything your Soul desires? A divinely prosperous life and business on your own terms whilst helping co-create a new 5D world of unconditional love, unity consciousness, freedom, abundance, and joy for all. And would you love all of that for free? I've created a super special, completely unique, an insanely powerful free consciousness guide to help you identify what's blocking your unique Divine Energy. This powerful guide contains the 45 collectively-held subconscious limiting beliefs at the root of the 3D matrix so you can identify which ones you personally hold, starting the process of transmutation to break free. Just by becoming aware of those you have, you're helping raise the frequency of our collective consciousness. So if you'd love this powerful free consciousness guide, you'll find the link in the show notes. It's Divine Time to heal, rise, and be the badass light leader you came here to be. And now my love, let's get back to the episode. So ultimately, you know, this work can feel lonely. I think the majority of people, if you ask them to listen to this podcast, they'd be like, what the hell are you talking about? But you get it because you're at my frequency. So you get it. And ultimately like the Ego is always wanting us to feel alone and to feel like we're misunderstood and to feel disconnected. And it does it because it wants to keep us safe. And we love it for that. We're not trying to kill it. I know there's a whole kind of stream of let's kill the Ego. I don't agree with that. You know, it's about training the Ego to work for us. So the Ego holds the gold of what it is we need to transmute if we know how to listen to it. So that's incredible in itself. You don't want to get rid of that. You want to listen to it and go, thanks, I understand what you're saying, but I'm not going to get caught in your story. I'm going to go and transmute that. So that's what we're here for. But you know, this work can feel lonely and you can feel isolated when you have a spiritual awakening. The healing journey, it's intense, especially if you're the first one in your kind of, you know, group that's woken up. So I just want you to know that by me speaking my truth now, I am showing you that you are not alone. I am here to show you that you have permission and that it's safe and it's possible for you to evolve and for you to fully own your Divine Power. And when you speak your truth, those who are here to connect with you and to hear that, they feel less alone. And it just really creates this deep bridge of resonance between you. And as well as that, you are literally helping them unlock what it is that they need to work on. By me sharing my experience with you, I'm showing you that it's safe, and I'm showing you that you're able, that you know how, and you can trust yourself to rise above Egoic fear and continue on your path of spiritual evolution. Because if I'm doing it, you can too. But as well as that, when I'm sharing and showing up and sharing my wisdom and, you know, all the things I've been through, just my experiences, you are going to receive something from that. You are going to get a download. You're going to go, ah, that connects the dots. That's something that I've just been reading recently. Oh my God, that's the most Divinely timed message. And I think that is the beautiful thing that I just want to remind you is that you never know how your words are going to land with somebody. You are never going to know. It's going to, you're going to say something. I get so many people say to me, oh, when you said that something clicked and it changed the trajectory of my life and I was like, I don't even remember what I said. And for me, if I was to analyse the paragraph of what it was that I said, the bit that they were activated by was probably the bit that I thought was throwaway and that was nothing. So this is a thing you never know what you're going to activate in someone else when you speak your truth. And if you're speaking from your heart and your Soul, they are Divinely orchestrated to pick that up in that perfect Divine moment. So this is the Divine importance of speaking your truth. And I just to wrap up, you know, just remember that whilst it can feel lonely, when you do start speaking your truth, you're going to be surprised that people are going to come out of the woodwork and be like, Oh my God, the same. Thank you so much. What you just said, hugely, hugely helped something that I'm going through. So it's so important and I'm just also so grateful that I can sit here and share this with you. And I'm just going to pat myself on the back, quite frankly, because it's been a long journey for me coming to be able to sit here and express this so, yeah, boldly. Because that's the other thing, you might want to express yourself but it takes time to actually get the words and understand, you know, what it is you're trying to communicate. So that is also a reminder to celebrate yourself on this journey. Just whenever you feel like you aren't making progress, one of my little tips and tricks is that I go into my journal and I look back a week ago or a month ago, six months, a year, whatever, and I see how far I've come. And whilst you might not be, you know, spraying yourself all over the internet right now, I can assure you that you have made so much progress around speaking your truth. Even in the last week, but you know, go back month, six months, a year. You've made so much progress. And it is coming in Divine Time. I think that's my final thing I want to share is that everything happens in Divine Time. There you go. Throat chakra clearing. Everything happens in Divine Time. And I have had to sit on the sidelines and for 4 years watch all these incredible light leaders come out speaking their truth and I've wanted that for myself. But I knew this podcast, it wasn't the Divine Time to start it. I knew, and clair cognisance is my, my dominant with clairvoyance closely after that. And I knew it wasn't the Divine Time, but it's the Divine Time now. And I just want to remind you that if you are comparing yourself to anyone on the internet, myself included, just know, that there is a Divine Time for you. Everything is unfolding in Divine Time, and you just have to put one foot in front of the other. Know that we're in this together, we have been training for this for lifetimes, your voice, what you came here to express is going to come online at the perfect moment for all those who need to see, feel, hear and know it. And together we're going to heal and rise. So leave the comparison at the door, trust your own process, your own Divine Time, your own Soul, your own gifts, your own voice. Do what you need to behind the scenes with grace, knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly. And my love, with that, I'm going to wrap this episode up. So just to say thank you so, so much for being here and being on this journey with me as we navigate the highs and lows together. And I'm just so grateful and blessed, honestly, so grateful and blessed. I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise. if this episode has served you in any way, I ask you to please share it with a fellow soul sister or brother to help them heal or create a higher, more expansive perspective. Please share and tag me on Instagram at with any key takeaways, any downloads you received or what you loved from this episode, you can also DM me with any questions or feedback. As a manifestor I love hearing the impact I've had on you. Your support truly means the world. And I'm beyond grateful to have you as part of the GILTY soul tribe. Of bad-ass light leaders. Co-creating a new 5D world together. So, thank you so much from the bottom of my GILTY gold soul. Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving a five-star review. So we can continue to evolve and expand together. I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise.

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