Activate Your Divine Power

04. Why Discernment is Your Secret Sauce to Success

Lisa Moore Episode 4

In this episode, I explore why discernment is your secret sauce to your success. With so much conflicting information in the world, it's crucial to learn how to navigate it and discern what's true for you. Tune in as I share insights on the importance of questioning everything, identifying your unique Soul’s Truth, and why embracing it is revolutionary and serves the world ⚡️👑⚡️


01:03 - Navigating the Maze of Conflicting Information
02:53 - Embracing Your Unique Divine Truth
08:33 - Understanding The Roles of Ego vs. Soul
12:05 - Using Your Inner Authority & Body Wisdom
15:27 - Leading Yourself to Soul-Aligned Success


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Welcome to the'Activate Your Divine Power' podcast. If you're a badass light leader, who's ready to break free from fear, lack limitation to shine your unique Divine Light BRIGHT, then this podcast is for YOU. I'm Lisa, a Divine Power Healer, Activator Speaker, on a mission to help you uncover your Soul's Truth and FULLY OWN your Divine Power. To boldly create a life you love on your own terms, raise collective consciousness and help us birth a new 5D world together. As a 5/1 Manifester, expect to be activated into greater consciousness and transformation as I dive deep into our collective shadows. Unveiling profound truth and perspective shifts to reveal the light. Thank you so much for being here and doing this powerful work with me. And without further ado, let's dive in.


Welcome back to another episode of Activate Your Divine Power. So in this episode I want to talk about why discernment is your secret sauce to success. We are living in a day and an age where we have so much information. And that information completely conflicts most of the time. I don't know whether you have found that but I've found that for sure and the thing that really got me thinking about this was I listened to a podcast episode by Gala Darling, a fellow Manifester, and something that really struck me that she said was that ultimately, everything is made up. Everything. Every system, every ideology, every philosophy. It has been made up and created by a human who is flawed. It is taught by a human who is flawed. And, every time this information is passed on, whoever is sharing it is bringing their own projections, their feelings and their perspectives to what they're teaching, including myself. So, I am, you know, colouring the information that I've heard from Gala Darling and passing it on with my own flair to it. So that is why we have so much conflicting information. information in the world and our job is to learn how to discern what is correct for us? Because I don't know about you, but I stopped listening and watching the news years ago. I'm not sure if I've ever been interested in watching the news. I think that's probably part of who I'm here to be, to hold the vision for a new world. But there was a time when I did go into it and, you know, there's so much stuff that is, like, I don't want to make it about that, but I know you get it. I mean we're just being fed a lie, continuously. Being fed a lie, either intentionally or unintentionally by people who don't know better. So, anyway, putting that aside. Ultimately, there are eight billion people on the planet, let's say. Therefore there are eight billion truths as well. So what's true for you is not necessarily true for me. There is obviously Divine Truths that are true and applicable for all of us. We are all united and we are all connected as one. But at the same time we all have our own individual unique perspective on the world and how we see the world, and it's specifically designed like that. We are here to be unique, to express ourselves uniquely with our own perspectives, with our own truths, with our own flavour and the way we see the world. It's designed like that. We're not supposed to agree with everybody. We're not supposed to at all. And we're supposed to agree to disagree and find each other fascinating and be like, wow that's amazing what you've just said, I'm not sure I completely agree but it's making me think about this in a bit of a different way. So we're here to use those differences and individual Soul's Truth to co-create and that is the beauty of all of this. So, like I said there is a Divine Truth for all of us, but that must be accessed through the knowing of our Soul. And that is discernment. So, you know, there is a collective highest truth, which I believe we are going to be tapping into more and more as we evolve, as humanity evolves, which I'm here to help play my part in that evolution and that consciousness rising. But we are also here to decide and choose what's in alignment for us, you know, we're unique, we get to choose that. We get to say, hey, that's my truth, and we get to share that truth, and that is just an incredible, incredible thing to do, and it's revolutionary. Because people don't, they don't choose their truth, they just get spoon fed something that they've been told is true, and it's not. Because like I said, you know, everything in the world has been made up or created by someone who is flawed. And that also comes down to things that have been massively helpful tools for me on the path. Astrology and Human Design. Hugely, hugely helpful. I haven't quite gone, I've kind of dabbled with Gene Keys, I haven't really gotten in on it yet. But even those systems are flawed. They've been downloaded, they've been, you know, intuited by flawed humans. But I also believe that what they received at the time was what was needed to be shared. So this is the other thing, we need to come from a place of non-judgement, non-attachment, and just taking everything with a pinch of salt. Not blaming or shaming or outsourcing our power. Going you know what, I'm gonna take the bits that resonate with me that feel true in my body, I'm gonna take that as truth. And then everything else I'm gonna leave, and I'm not gonna shame it, I'm not gonna blame it. Maybe it's truth to someone else, and that is amazing. So we are really being called to lean into our discernment without judgment. So allowing all the different flavours of truths to be available for us to pick and choose, because we came here to express our Soul's Truth in our Divine Power. Co-create our own individual world in a way that works completely and uniquely for us on our own terms, and part of that is choosing what that world looks like. Choosing what those beliefs are, choosing what information and, you know, how we want to show up in that world. So this is all part of being a Divine Creator. We came here to do this and it's freaking empowering to know that we have the power to do that.


My love, I invite you to just take a pause now, take a deep breath, and ground into this present moment of the infinite here and now. I have a question for you. Do you desire to know what's lurking at the deepest depths of your subconscious mind? What's stopping you from fully owning your Soul's Truth and Divine Power to create everything your Soul desires? A divinely prosperous life and business on your own terms whilst helping co-create a new 5D world of unconditional love, unity consciousness, freedom, abundance, and joy for all. And would you love all of that for free? I've created a super special, completely unique, an insanely powerful free consciousness guide to help you identify what's blocking your unique Divine Energy. This powerful guide contains the 45 collectively-held subconscious limiting beliefs at the root of the 3D matrix so you can identify which ones you personally hold, starting the process of transmutation to break free. Just by becoming aware of those you have, you're helping raise the frequency of our collective consciousness. So if you'd love this powerful free consciousness guide, you'll find the link in the show notes. It's Divine Time to heal, rise, and be the badass light leader you came here to be. And now my love, let's get back to the episode.


So how to tell the difference between your Ego and your Soul. So your Ego is the one that is like you've got to believe that because if you don't believe that you're going to be ostracised, you're going to be squeezed out, you're gonna....all the things that our Ego tells us to keep us safe. Because ultimately, our Ego is not safe. Now this is a kind of side tangent. When I was thinking about this episode and I was like, ah, okay, that's new to me. I wanna explore that maybe in another episode. But just to say our Ego is not safe, and our Ego projects that onto us that we are not safe. The reason why it is not safe, I'll save that for another episode. But our Ego is concerned with keeping us safe, because then it's safe. And it's concerned with time and comparison, amongst many other things. But these are really, really good hooks that it loves. And social media has been completely built on comparisonitis. So, kind of statements that your Ego is going to say in related to time is, I should have more clients by now. I should be here, wherever that is, by now. I should have done this by now. I should have experienced that by now. So all of this is basically saying that you are not where you should be by a certain time. So it's all time related. Another one is your Ego loves to remind you of the past and all the bad things that happen. It's like, oh you can't do that because you know that happened before and that happened a couple of times and if you carry on doing it again, you're just gonna get the same result. And it keeps you in the past reminding you of all the times that you failed, all the times that things, bad things have happened. And that's one of the mechanisms. I know you know this, but just a reminder. And then obviously the other one, which is time related is projecting the what if doomsday fears into the future. So, I just have recently done an episode on that, so three perspective shifts so that you're not fearing the future and fearing what you're going to lose by having a future success. So yeah, if you're interested in that you can go back and listen to that. But this is what the Ego does, it projects that into the future and all those what ifs and doomsday to keep you safe. And then when it comes to comparison, you've got the classics. She's more confident and attractive than me. Her business and offerings are better than mine. All of these things that we use to beat ourselves up and to keep ourselves small. To keep ourselves hiding. To keep ourselves trapped in fear, in separation, in loneliness. Not shining our Divine light bright, and being the badass light leaders that we came here to be. So, this is our Ego. Whereas our Soul is quiet and it's calm. Why is it quiet? Why is it calm? Because your Soul knows it's safe, ultimately. Your Ego fears death. Your Soul knows it's infinite, it's eternal. It has eternity when it comes to time because IT IS eternity. IT IS'ALL THAT IS' and it doesn't compare you to anyone or anything else because it knows that you're unique. It comes from infinite abundance, limitlessness, infiniteness and it always speaks with love and with kindness and with compassion. So, when you are trying to figure out what is correct for you, discernment is everything. And I just want to bring a few different ways to you, which you could use to tune into what is right for you. So, the first thing I would say is question everything. Everything that you hear, everything that you're told, everything that you see, question everything. And run it through your body's wisdom. Your body is so wise, it is so freaking wise. So use it to discern what feels true to you. And one of the ways you can do this is experiment with your Human Design authority. Now I know that this is ridiculous because I've just said you can't trust any system. And you can't. However, there is always some truth in everything. And it's up to you to discern which bits are the truth, and your bits are going to be different to someone else's bits. So what I will say when it comes to Human Design is learning that I'm an emotional Manifestor has been hugely beneficial because I have the individual wave. So I know that for me, I'm pretty much emotionally neutral for a while, and then I'll have like a big up or a big down. And the big up or the big down are the times when I am not to be making a decision, and knowing that is hugely helpful. And I've experimented with it. I didn't take it on and just be like, yes, this is truth, but I have experimented with that. And I feel that that is true for me. I am an emotional. So that is something I would definitely invite you to look into because if it resonates with what your Human Design is saying as to how you make decisions, your authority is a really great place to start for making decisions. And then I would also invite you to really discern which coaches, which healers, which self-discovery tools, which healing modalities work for you. Because on top of that I would also say which ones resonate with you and give you a sense of your own power. Because I do feel like there's a lot of people out there who are doing their best to help. So don't get me wrong, I'm not throwing any shame. They're doing their best to help in the best way that they know how. But there is also a level of codependency going on. And I'm not here for that. I'm holding the space for you to heal yourself, and I just want to invite you to remember never outsource your direct connection to Divine Source. Make sure that whoever you're working with, whatever modalities, you are tuning into your Soul, which is your way to access Divine Source as you're a unique spark. Your Soul is a unique spark. So when you tune into your Soul, it goes straight to Divine Source. So just remember to always make sure you're being held in spaces that empower you and help you discover more of who you are, so you can be the light leader that you came here to be without that codependency. Because when you're doing that, you're outsourcing your truth and that is not what we're here to do. We're here to discern and we're here to lead ourselves. Like anyone who's going to make you feel like they're leading you. No, you're here to lead yourself. You are frickin' powerful and you are here to lead yourself. So find those modalities that help you KNOW you are leading yourself. And finally, just remember that you are always the authority on you. Always. Always, always, always. So whenever someone says this is the way it's always done. Or this is how we need to be. Or this is how the way, you know, business should be done. Or whatever it is, whether it's in your personal life, in your business, if you have one. Whatever it is. You are here to create a life on your own terms, a complete world that works for you as a unique Soul in human form. So, you get to decide what that looks like. You get to decide the rules and you get to inform others of how you work. And that is going to be your secret source to success, my love. So that's it for today. Thank you so much for being on this journey with me as we navigate all the highs and lows of this epic human experience. And yeah, I just invite you as always, but particularly in this episode, to take what resonates and leave the rest. That is perfect. That is divinely perfect. So thank you so much, my love. Until next time, I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise.


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