Activate Your Divine Power

05. How To Transmute Your Negative Emotions Into Divine Power

Lisa Moore Episode 5

In this episode, I dive deep into how you can transform your negative emotions into Divine Power. Discover the art of emotional alchemy, unlock your Soul's Desires, and learn powerful techniques to align with your Soul’s Truth and purpose. I'll share insights on why your negative emotions are gifts and provide practical tools for rewiring your subconscious mind to activate your Divine Power ⚡️👑⚡️


01:31 - Why we experience negative emotions
02:21 - Acknowledging
03:53 - Choosing what you desire
04:58 - Identifying your subconscious limitations
08:27 - Energy healing
15:05 - Gratitude
16:15 - Affirming your Soul’s Desires
18:06 - Visualising
20:06 - Giving thanks
22:35 - Excited anticipation
24:00 - Celebrating
24:50 - Why activating your Divine Power serves humanity


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Welcome to the'Activate Your Divine Power' podcast. If you're a badass light leader, who's ready to break free from fear, lack limitation to shine your unique Divine Light BRIGHT, then this podcast is for YOU. I'm Lisa, a Divine Power Healer, Activator Speaker, on a mission to help you uncover your Soul's Truth and FULLY OWN your Divine Power. To boldly create a life you love on your own terms, raise collective consciousness and help us birth a new 5D world together. As a 5/1 Manifester, expect to be activated into greater consciousness and transformation as I dive deep into our collective shadows. Unveiling profound truth and perspective shifts to reveal the light. Thank you so much for being here and doing this powerful work with me. And without further ado, let's dive in.


Welcome back to another episode of Activate Your Divine Power. So in this episode, I want to talk about how to alchemise your negative emotions to align with your Soul's Desires. So when I was thinking about this, I was like, okay I'm going to break it down step by step and when I did I actually realised there were 10 steps. So it sounds like a lot, but obviously it isn't a lot once you know how to master this, it gets faster and faster. So it took me a while to kind of go, okay, right. What is my actual process? So today I'm going to share in this episode, my 10 steps to doing just that. But first of all, I just want to touch on why we experience negative emotions. And we do that because our thinking is out of alignment with what it is that we truly desire. So negative emotions are always, always, always a gift. They're a gift to show us where we are out of alignment, and therefore it's an opportunity for us to go, okay, I'm feeling a negative emotion here. What is going on? Let's take a look at it and then let's alchemise it. Let's transmute it so we can get back onto our soul-aligned path. So, with that being the context, I'm going to jump straight in and share my 10 steps to transmuting and alchemising your negative emotions to align with your Soul's Desires. So, step one. When you feel a negative emotion arising, take a step back, acknowledge what's happening, and what you don't like about the situation. So there is an art to this, because acknowledging something that's happening that you don't like, however, doing that without judgement and without blame of yourself, or others or the situation or what is happening is more challenging. But just remember that whenever this is happening, it is a gift. It is happening for you. It is happening in Divine Time. It is perfectly divinely timed. We are not here to constantly be high vibrational beings. We are here to navigate the highs and the lows and to learn how to alchemise and transmute lower vibrational energy to higher vibrational energy. So it is working and happening for you. So when it happens, take a step back, move out of your egoic mind that's making up all the reasons why this is the worst thing ever and, you know, going into the victim. Acknowledge what's happening and what you don't like about the situation, without any emotional attachment. Which is obviously the challenge because you're feeling a negative emotion. So try and separate yourself from that emotion because that's not truly you. You are a Soul, and the negative emotion is just an experience that is happening in the physical plane. Second of all, step two. Decide what it is you truly desire instead. So again, this is not always easy. I mean obviously we all get asked as a kid what we want to be when we grow up, but that kind of goes quiet after a while. You know, you just get caught in the hamster wheel of 3D. So, knowing what it is that you truly desire, that is not easy, and that requires soul searching, but the more you do this work, the more you know what your core soul purpose is and your mission is here on planet Earth, and that gets easier and easier to say, right, this is what I truly desire instead. And just remember that the contrast is happening, the contrast between where you are now and what you truly desire, it's a blessing. Because, like I said, you know, we are here to experience the contrast, to experience the highs and lows, because without that contrast, we don't know what joy is. We don't know what love is. We need to experience the other side to truly understand what that is. So that is step two. Step three is identify any subconscious limiting beliefs, feelings, programs, or misunderstandings that created this negative emotion in the first place. That is a whole'nother topic, but I have a few different ways to do that because ultimately these negative emotions are coming up because you have belief systems and feelings and programs in place that are stopping you being in alignment. So when we get to the root of those, which is you know, your computer programming in your subconscious mind, we can rewire that so that that negative emotion isn't experienced because you are moving towards your soul-aligned path. So there are many ways to do this. In my Healing Activation, I have a seriously powerful workbook called'Alchemise Your Pain to Divine Power'. That is part of my paid Healing Activation, and you can use that if you have bought a Healing Activation from me. You can use that any time when any triggers, or any conflicts, or any situations arise in your life. To dig down to what is at the root of your subconscious mind that's creating that feeling of being out of alignment with where you're going. And then a more simple way of doing that is, if you don't have access to that workbook, is to ask yourself the question"Why?" five times. So, you know, a fear is coming up, ask yourself why you fear that. And then you'll get an answer. Ask yourself"Why that?" when you get an answer. And just keep asking yourself why, why, why, why and then wait for something illogical to pop up because normally it is completely illogical and you'll just be like what? That makes no sense. That is probably a root belief that makes absolutely no sense, because these subconscious beliefs that we have been carrying around for millennia. They are passed down through our DNA by what our ancestors experienced. They have been created through past lives when we've been burnt at the stake. You know, the witch wound. They're held at the collective level, which is the one that I'm deeply passionate about. So we all buy into this and that, that's what creates the 3D. Or they've happened in this lifetime and therefore they're things that we've experienced as a young child. So, it might resonate because it happened in this lifetime, or it's been revealed to you that pattern has shown up in this lifetime already. Or it could make absolutely no sense, but that's okay. And the more you do this work, the more bonkers things come up. And you're like, wow, what is that about? And there is a way to actually know whether you are carrying this belief and that is muscle testing, which will be a whole'nother topic. And it's part of the work that I do to be able to be sure that you are carrying a subconscious limiting belief or not. And also the amazing thing is to know that it's instantly gone. So I will save that for another time, but that's what you can do in the meantime. If you don't have access to that powerful workbook of mine, then you can just ask yourself simple"Why?" five times and just be open to something popping up that you're like, wow, I had no idea that I was believing that. So, once you have identified the subconscious limiting belief or program or feeling that has created this negative emotion, step four is to pull out your trusty toolbox of healing modalities. So, you've probably, like me, dabbled with many different healing modalities and you've discovered a couple that work for you. Or maybe you're new to this, in which case, I can highly recommend Theta Healing®, which is part of what I do in my Healing Activations. It's not all of it, because I've developed my own process. But there are so many different healing modalities to try to rewire your subconscious mind and your energy. So, you know, obviously there's Theta Healing®, and I'll talk about why I love that in a moment. But there's also hypnosis, there's EFT, there's NLP, there's breathwork, there's so many different modalities. So, use your intuition and discern and experiment with which one is the right one for you because these healing modalities are powerful. They are here to show us that we have the Divine Power to shift negative emotions and alchemise them. So when you've identified it, it is half of the process. Just putting your finger on what it is, you're already shifting it. So that is part one, powerful. And then part two is actually finishing the shifting. So to just speak briefly about why I am so powerful about Theta Healing®and why it's part of my Healing Activations, which are a blend of Theta Healing®, of guided visualisations and of journaling. Because I believe together they are so powerful. But Theta Healing®, just the Theta Healing®part, basically, I take you into a brainwave state of between 4 and 7 Hz, which is the Theta state. And that's where we access the subconscious mind, and we can rewire it. And what I love about Theta Healing®is, it instantly clears the subconscious limiting beliefs, programs, misunderstandings and feelings that you've identified. And when I say instantly clears it, it instantly clears it everywhere. It's like a one stop shop, instant everywhere clearing. It clears it across all lifetimes, past, present, future. Across all levels. So this lifetime, collectively held, passed down through your DNA, and it heals it across all aspects, dimensions, realities, levels, and languages. It is gone. And what is incredible is that you muscle test first before doing the Healing Activation. You muscle test so you know which exact subconscious limiting beliefs and programs and that you have to clear. And then at the end of it, you re-muscle test and you see that they've gone. But that's not it. Because it's not just about clearing the stuff that is holding you back and creating that negative emotion. It's also, what we do is, we bring in and we download Creator's highest and best truth, definition, perspective, and understanding of the opposite of what you've just released, which was limiting you. So we bring in the most highest and best, most empowering, expansive 5D beliefs, programs, feelings, and understandings to replace those that have been released. So it is an instant everywhere rewiring of your subconscious mind and energy, and it's freaking powerful. And I uniquely blend that with guided visualisation, which is the language of the subconscious mind to really embed that in all those shifts, embed them in and deepen those neural pathways as fast as possible. And also journaling, because when you write down what's happened, what shifted. When you commit to paper, you are witnessing it in the physical and that is also adding to the manifestation. And as you're journaling afterwards, more information is coming through because you're accessing your subconscious and over time you're teaching your subconscious mind to communicate with your conscious mind. And before you know it, and this is why I love this work because I've done it so much myself. Before you know it, you don't have to do the kind of, why, why is this, why is that, why is that five times, you just, you just intuitively know what the deepest subconscious limitation is that is creating this negative emotion. You can just tune in, and you just know. So, it's about building that bridge over time.


My love, I invite you to just take a pause now, take a deep breath, and ground into this present moment of the infinite here and now. I have a question for you. Do you desire to know what's lurking at the deepest depths of your subconscious mind? What's stopping you from fully owning your Soul's Truth and Divine Power to create everything your Soul desires? A divinely prosperous life and business on your own terms whilst helping co-create a new 5D world of unconditional love, unity consciousness, freedom, abundance, and joy for all. And would you love all of that for free? I've created a super special, completely unique, an insanely powerful free consciousness guide to help you identify what's blocking your unique Divine Energy. This powerful guide contains the 45 collectively-held subconscious limiting beliefs at the root of the 3D matrix so you can identify which ones you personally hold, starting the process of transmutation to break free. Just by becoming aware of those you have, you're helping raise the frequency of our collective consciousness. So if you'd love this powerful free consciousness guide, you'll find the link in the show notes. It's Divine Time to heal, rise, and be the badass light leader you came here to be. And now my love, let's get back to the episode.


So, that is just a snapshot of what my Healing Activations do. But to come back to this episode and the steps. So what you've done in step three is you've identified any subconscious limiting beliefs, feelings, programmes, misunderstandings, etc. Step four, you've healed those with whatever modality works for you, that is up to you. You get to choose and you are divinely designed to resonate with some over others, and that is amazing. And then step five is, ideally in the Theta state, so whether that's part of a healing modality that uses it, or just quietening your mind and maybe putting on a YouTube of a Theta state. But slowing down your frequency of your brainwave state so you can access your subconscious mind. You want to, step five, give thanks for the opportunity, out loud. For its gift of awareness of having and experiencing this negative emotion. So give thanks for it out loud, because it's giving you the choice to create what you truly desire instead. I always speak out loud as a Manifester in Human Design. It is how I manifest. We all are manifesting with our voices, but mine is a motorised voice, so it's literally the strongest way for me to manifest is to do this. But always thanking the opportunity, thanking Divine Source, Creator Of All That Is, for giving you this opportunity to become aware that you are out of alignment. So that you can choose to move further into alignment. So that is step five. Step six is stating what you desire out loud. So step two is what do you desire? Again, stating what you desire out loud and what you're choosing to create in your life instead. Now a tip with this is something that I heard from Katherine Zenkina, Manifestation Babe, a couple of years ago. She's got this thing called the Ladder of Believability and I liked it. I'm not sure how I'm feeling with about it at the moment. I think I might've kind of evolved on from that, but it really helped me back in the day. So I wanted to share it with you, is that when it comes to the Ladder of Believability, think about how when you're creating something, or when you're focusing on what it is you want to manifest, a desire out of 10, where is it on the Ladder of Believability? So, you know, if it's way out there, way out there, and it's like, you know, so far away, it could be like, oh okay, I believe that like a 3 out of 10. And I think over time, maybe this is why I've kind of evolved on from it is because, I just know that everything is coming in Divine Time, so I can dream massive right now. And I'm okay with it taking a decade, I'm alright with that. So, that's why I'm like, maybe I've moved on from it. But if you're wanting to manifest something kind of now in the next, kind of, I don't know, month, six months, a year, whatever. Choose something that is an 8 or a 9 or a 10 on the Ladder of Believability, because your subconscious mind will be able to grab onto it a lot better without it giving you all the excuses, without it throwing up a whole bunch more of subconscious stuff that you need to reprogram, so that you can have it. Because you can have it, but there might be more stuff to transmute before you can actually experience it in your external reality. So, that was something that I found particularly helpful, so I thought I'd share that with you. Now, step seven. is to once you've stated what you desire out loud and what you're choosing to create instead is to visualise what you desire in colour with all of your senses. So, you know, we've all heard you've got to feel it to manifest it. So what will it feel like when you are picturing what it is that you desire. And just know that you need to hold this for at least 90 seconds, because apparently 90 seconds is the time when all the neurons are firing and all of that jazz. So you don't need to do it forever, but tap into that feeling for 90 seconds and just visualise. I'm not sure what it's called in, it's in Human Design, you've got four arrows at the top of your head. And the bottom right hand arrow is, I think it's perspective, but if it's right facing, it means that you're a non-specific. And if it's left facing, it means that you're specific. So, you know, take Human Design with a pinch of salt. If it resonates with you, great. If it doesn't leave it, that's fine. This is not, this is not, gospel. This is for you to experiment with. But I personally resonate with the fact that I'm a non-specific Manifestor, my perspective is non-specific. So when I'm thinking about what it is that I desire, I'm not actually thinking and visualising all the details. I'm not thinking I really want that car with that exact like trim and that exact gold. Obviously there's going to be gold on it somewhere. So I'm not thinking about that. I'm thinking more about the feeling of what it would be like to kind of drive this car around, and it's the vibe. I'm here for the vibe. So, that is something also to look into, is to what way do you manifest your Soul's Desires? So, how are you programmed to do that? If Human Design resonates with you. So, that is step seven. And then step eight is to give thanks. To give thanks for the fact that even though you're not experiencing it in this physical world yet, you already have it. You already have it in the energetic realm, because otherwise you wouldn't desire it. So this obviously takes a while to get your head around, but your DNA is hard-coded and wired for your Soul's Desires to manifest. So it is already yours. If it's alive in our field it's because it's meant for us. And I truly believe that our Soul's Desires, not our Ego desires, our Soul's Desires, what we came here to do on this planet, what we came here to express, who we came here to be, what we came here to create, and what we came here to co-create together is serving humanity. It is sacred. It is here to be expressed because no one has ever done what we're going to do, or ever done it in the way that we're going to do it, with our own unique Soul expression. And when we do that, it benefits all of those that it's designed for around us. And it activates them, shows them that they have permission and that it's possible and they're safe to do their own unique path and their own unique journey and lean into the world that they came here to co-create for themselves. And then together, we all come together and we can co-create this new world through creating our own unique individual worlds. And that is through manifesting our Soul's Desires, and showing each other, reminding each other that we have the power to do this. We are so freaking powerful. We are Divine gods in human form. We have the power. We came here with the power to realise that we're here to break free from 3D and co-create a new 5D world together. We have the power to do that, because we are Divine and we are in human form, and we're here to evolve, particularly now, this lifetime. We've been training for it for lifetimes, and we are here to evolve together. And to reclaim and fully own that power that we are Divine Beings in human form. And then the final step, sorry, the final two steps, I'll whiz over these. Actually, I shouldn't whiz over them because they're probably the most important ones. But number nine, get effing excited for its arrival in Divine Time. So like I said, when I actually tune into my Soul's Desires now, I've completely surrendered the timing of my Soul's Desires. I have such a huge mission. I'm like, I'm not even sure if I'm going to complete this in this lifetime. I might be coming back for this. So that's how big my vision is. So I've surrendered that. But that doesn't stop me getting excited because I just know with every essence of my being that it is all unfolding in Divine Time. And that along the way, I'm going to be having these most incredible soul-aligned experiences, because I'm on my soul-aligned path. And whenever I'm go away from that because that happens, we're human, that's inevitable, I see that as a gift and an opportunity to come back on my soul-aligned path. But on that path, it's going to unfold with just so much ever-expanding love and joy and happiness and peace and harmony and abundance. And that is the path of being soul-aligned. So, I am here for that. And whatever, and however, and whenever the GILTY gold comes to me on that path in Divine Time, I am going to embrace that, and I'm gonna get frikking excited about that. Which leads me to number 10 is celebrate. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. Celebrate how incredible you are. Celebrate for stepping up to do this badass light leadership, yet another lifetime, arguably the most important lifetime that we've been training for, for lifetimes and celebrate that this is the life that you get to have it all. You get to have it all. You get to have everything that you desire and you get to navigate and learn how to essentially be a Divine Creator. So learning that you have the power to transmute what's not working for you and to create new life. Isn't that insane? Isn't that insane? You have an opportunity in every moment to perform alchemy. To say, you know what? This negative emotion isn't serving me, so I am going to alchemise this. I am going to jujitsu this and transmute it into higher vibrations of unconditional love, of unity consciousness, of freedom, of abundance, of peace, harmony, and joy. And when I do that for myself, within myself, I'm contributing to raising collective consciousness, and to birthing this new 5D world for the highest and best good of all. So therefore, I'm not only just creating more beauty and love and harmony and joy and abundance and wealth and health and happiness in my own world, my own life, that I get to choose what that looks and feels like but also, I'm contributing that to the betterment of everyone on the planet. And the more of us that do that, the more we can raise the global vibes. And co-create this new world together. And to just own the fact that we are Divine Creators, and we get to create our Soul's Desires and a united world that we individually and collectively choose and desire to live in. So my love, that feels complete. Like I said, there are 10 steps to this, but over time it gets faster and faster, but I just wanted to break it down for you, so that you know what my process is. And I really, really, really hope that it has helped you on your journey. Obviously, if there's something that doesn't resonate, leave it. That is all good, my love. That is your prerogative. You get to choose the world that you're creating and the beliefs and the systems and the programs that are in that. That is all up to you to create, my love. And just to thank you for being on this journey with me. I'm just so grateful and excited and blessed to be here, journeying with you on the ups and the downs, the negative emotions, alchemising them, transmuting them and sharing with each other what is working for us. Because when we do that, we pass on the codes to each other that unlock the next step. And I'm sure you're going to be doing that for me in Divine Time. You know, this is a reciprocal relationship. So I'm super, super excited and grateful to be on this journey with you. And with that, my love, until next time, I love you so, so much. We've got this, and together we heal and rise.


if this episode has served you in any way, I ask you to please share it with a fellow soul sister or brother to help them heal or create a higher, more expansive perspective. Please share and tag me on Instagram at with any key takeaways, any downloads you received or what you loved from this episode, you can also DM me with any questions or feedback. As a manifestor I love hearing the impact I've had on you. Your support truly means the world. And I'm beyond grateful to have you as part of the GILTY soul tribe. Of bad-ass light leaders. Co-creating a new 5D world together. So, thank you so much from the bottom of my GILTY gold soul. Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving a five-star review. So we can continue to evolve and expand together. I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise.

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