Activate Your Divine Power

07. Trusting the Divine Timing of Your Soul Purpose Work

Lisa Moore Episode 7

In this episode, I delve into the importance of trusting the Divine Timing of your soul purpose work. I share my personal journey from investment banking to becoming a Divine Power Healer & Activator, including tips and insights for embracing creativity, patience & self-trust as you navigate your spiritual awakening. If you’re feeling lost or blocked, this episode will help you trust the process to remember your Soul’s Truth and activate your Divine Power ⚡️👑⚡️


01:02 - Navigating your spiritual awakening
02:18 - Trusting the Divine Timing of your soul purpose work
03:20 - My personal journey from corporate to creativity
04:13 - Connecting the dots; nothing is lost
09:04 - Building confidence & clarity through experience
09:52 - Embracing your unique soul path & mission
12:12 - Trusting the unfolding process
14:55 - Cultivating deep trust by activating your Divine Energy


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Welcome to the'Activate Your Divine Power' podcast. If you're a badass light leader, who's ready to break free from fear, lack limitation to shine your unique Divine Light BRIGHT, then this podcast is for YOU. I'm Lisa, a Divine Power Healer, Activator Speaker, on a mission to help you uncover your Soul's Truth and FULLY OWN your Divine Power. To boldly create a life you love on your own terms, raise collective consciousness and help us birth a new 5D world together. As a 5/1 Manifester, expect to be activated into greater consciousness and transformation as I dive deep into our collective shadows. Unveiling profound truth and perspective shifts to reveal the light. Thank you so much for being here and doing this powerful work with me. And without further ado, let's dive in. Welcome back to another episode of Activate Your Divine Power. So in this episode I want to talk about trusting the Divine Timing of your soul purpose work. So speaking from my own experience through my own journey, but also witnessing clients and also seeing friends, it is really easy to feel lost and confused when you've had your spiritual awakening and you're trying to figure out your soul purpose work and what you're here to do. It's like a bit of a minefield. And especially if you've already started your healing journey behind the scenes, and you've got one foot in the corporate world still, and you've got one foot in the spiritual realm, and you're just trying to feel into it and figure it all out. It can be overwhelming. You can feel so lost and so confused. So I just wanted to share my story today and to just share a few tips and tricks as to what I've learned on my journey. And if I was talking to my younger self, what I would say to help her figure it out because it can feel really lonely. And if you're also trying to get out of your corporate job and you're like, if only I knew exactly what it was, then I would just like leave in a heartbeat, but it takes time. It takes time because you're healing. It doesn't happen overnight. It's one of those things that you've just got to peel back those layers and it will take time. And that's why I want to talk about trusting the Divine Timing of your soul purpose work, because it is important to do that. Everything is unfolding in Divine Time. And if you're trying to rush the process, especially from an Ego perspective, then that is an alarm bell, because it's not supposed to be rushed. You are supposed to be figuring it out in perfect Divine Time. And I wanted to share my journey today, so that you can see that it's taken four years for me to figure this out. Now, I'm not saying it's going to take you four years to figure this out, but I do believe that there is a Divine Timing to this. Because I'm so connected to collective energy being a Manifestor, I don't think what I've been working on for the last four years, I don't think it could have like launched any earlier. So that's what I mean about how we have to trust the Divine Time of what being guided to do. And I wanted to start with my story so that you can see how I've had to just trust this along the way. So first of all, my background is that I shut off my creativity for years. I actually studied maths at school because it felt safe despite getting the school award for art. Because for me, having someone critique my art and giving me a subjective D wasn't going to work for my wounded masculine energy. So for me being the top of my class at everything meant that I had that wounded masculine badge of honor in this patriarchal world. So I actually studied maths at university and then I worked in investment banking and law firms. Which were incredible for learning valuable lessons about how to run, well, I say how to run, a lot of the time how to not run, but also that's valuable in and of itself, because I've been able to witness the 3D way of running business and the bits that serve and the bits that don't serve. So that was super foundational because something just to remind you is nothing is wasted. I think it was Steve Jobs that said you can only connect the dots looking back. So you will see that everything that you're working on, even if it's got nothing to do with your soul purpose work will come in handy as part of your soul purpose work. So therefore nothing is lost, nothing. Everything has been of gain and of value in where you're going, because that is the soul-aligned path. It might feel like you are meandering around, but actually you are learning super valuable lessons that are gonna come in handy. So then I was early thirties and I was basically looking for my escape route from the corporate world, and I wanted to do something more creative. So I started investing in myself. So I bought a self-discovery course, it was called How to Be a Free Range Human. So this was back in 2014, when online courses were not a thing. Coaches were not really a thing. So I bought this course and I basically poured my heart out onto the pages for a month. It was January. I was doing dry January cause at the time I drunk a lot because to get through my corporate job and to live in that kind of wounded masculine environment, I was drinking a lot. So I basically did dry January. I stayed at home on my own and just poured my Soul onto the pages. So I was doing that for a month and I also decided that I wanted to use my spare room as an art studio. So I really invested in that, I got out all of the paints and everything that I'd wanted to play with for like the last God knows how many years, like 15 years of suppressing my creativity. I just unpacked it all and I had this playpen spare room of just creating art. And the other thing that happened as well was that I actually started shifting from the old way that I used to do art. So I used to do hyper realism art. So I would paint something, typically animals, and it would look real. And people would be like, no, that's not a painting. And I'm like, yeah. So I started moving from that to complete abstract. So I was painting with my fingers. I was just like swiping stuff all over. It was amazing. It's like I'd unlocked this kind of creativity in me that I just wanted to express myself and I didn't want to be so meticulous. That Virgo in me, the old stuff I used to do was just like painting with a one hair brush. It was amazing, but at the same time I just wanted to kind of unleash this creative beast within. So I did that, and I did that for a while. I was just doing that in my spare time. And then I was doing this self-discovery course, and that was when I then told a friend at work that I wanted to go traveling again with someone who I was going to settle down with, and I also wanted to start my own business. I had no idea what though. I didn't know what, didn't know how it was going to happen. And true Manifestor style, informing someone, I then basically manifested my life partner. So he was literally about to go traveling in four weeks. We got set up on a blind date and long story short, I got on the back of his motorbike and we drove into the sunset four weeks later. So that is like another manifestation story I'll share with you for another episode, but basically that was 2014. And when we were traveling it was like, right okay, we knew we could have business together, so if we could have any business what would it be. And we decided like crazy people that we would do a fashion brand because fashion isn't a difficult industry, not, and also it's a product based industry. So the amount of money that goes into developing that before you're even creating, the actual final production run that then you have to find a way to sell. It was just insane. But everything that happened during that time, is still part of my training for my soul purpose work, and also training for his. He now has a creative agency in the food industry and everything that we've learned around branding and strategy and having an online presence. Everything has come into play which i just think is incredible. So it's taken me fast forward 10 years later, and I trust that I'm bang on Divine Time with my soul purpose work. So I had six years as the fashion brand creative entrepreneur and now four years as a Divine Power Healer Activator. Well, the first two years was doing my own inner healing. And then the last two years, once I certified as a Theta Healer®has been developing my own process. And obviously doing one to one sessions, but now realising that actually my work is about getting it out to as many people as possible. So my work is actually instant access. Self-led, self-paced, that's what I'm designed for. That is what I'm designed for as a 5/1 Manifestor. So it wasn't the Divine Time for this work to come out. And I truly believe that. I know that in every ounce of my being. And what I've been doing for the last four years since I had my spiritual awakening is building that confidence and clarity that only comes from starting and refining my own process. And at any point I could have gone, you know what? I just need to do this faster. It needs to get out there faster. But actually, there is a Divine Timing to all of this and nobody starts as a master. Nobody. It takes years to perfect your craft and deepen into your Divine Message. And mine is still evolving. In a couple of years time, once I've released all my Healing Activations, and I've got 25 of them, once I've released those, I know I'm going to be moving on to something else. So, we're all constantly evolving, and no one's expecting you to be perfect and have it figured out. So it's just about having the courage to start. To take a leap of faith, to jump and figure it out along the way. Because when you do that, you're inspiring other people as well. When I was like, okay, I want to leave this corporate job. I was like, right, what can I do? What is it that's going to start getting me in that direction? And that's when I was like, I want to do that online course, how to be a free range human. I also want to set up an art studio. I want to start unlocking something within me that's been latent for so long. And I had no idea that it would lead me to what I was doing now. Like absolutely no idea. But it builds resilience. It builds self-trust and it builds confidence in yourself, knowing that whatever happens, you're going to figure it out. Like whatever happens. And one of the things, I did when I was doing that online course was they get you to put a mood board together, of everything that you desire. So I did that and I put it to one side, I met my partner, we went traveling and two years later and I get it out from under the stairs and I'm like, oh, I forgot about this. And half of the things have manifested, the other half of the things are on their way. And I'm like, how is this possible? So this is the insane thing. It was happening in the background and I had no idea. So it's about setting that ball in motion and that intention that you are going to figure out what it is that you're here to do. And it's going to happen in Divine Time without rushing it. Because we live in this world where subconsciously we're wired to be like, if you're not being productive then you have no value. And I've had to do so much work around rewiring that because it's not true. It isn't true. Your being adds value. And if it takes you time to figure out what it is that you're here to do because it's a process. And also maybe the world isn't ready for what it is you need to bring through yet. You have value in focusing on your creativity and focusing on your healing. And let it come through in Divine Time. And obviously you need to pay the bills in the meantime, you've got to do what you've got to do to pay those bills. But everything is unfolding in perfect Divine Time and in Divine Order. And you will see that when you look back. You will see that. So I just want to remind you to not beat yourself up if you haven't figured it all out yet. And just start heading in the direction that lights you up. That you're curious about and to experiment with different forms of creativity and self-expression to really get that Divine Feminine energy flowing. So whether that's singing or dancing or painting or writing or speaking. Whatever it is, maybe one of those is part of your passion. So for me, I've always loved speaking. I've always loved painting. And I didn't see at the time that actually that is connected to the guided visualisations that I write as part of my Healing Activations that really integrate and embed in the 5D highest and best, most expansive empowering downloads that we bring in once we've released the limiting ones. Basically I write these guided visualisations because it's like painting in energy, and imagery is the language of your subconscious mind. So when we bring in the 5D highest and best downloads, and then we use imagery, so guided visualisation, to show your subconscious how it works with these new downloads, it's so powerful. But I had no idea that when I was doing all that finger painting and abstract painting, that was going to come in handy, because that's part of what I'm here to be. I'm here to create in the energetic realm, and you just can't make this stuff up. Everything has threads, everything pulls through. So just give yourself plenty of time and space to explore different self-discovery tools. So for me, Astrology and Human Design have been massive. I really want to get into the Gene Keys in Divine Time. But also healing modalities, because maybe one of those is your passion. Blending whatever is unique for you. If you feel called to do painting or speaking or singing, but also you love breathwork, or you love hypnosis, or whatever it is. You can find a way to bring it all together in this really beautiful unique blend. And no one is perfect. You just have to have the courage to start, so that you can begin to shine your Divine Light and everything else will unfold. And as you feel the call to explore a new modality, you'll find a unique way to blend that with your current modality and you'll be creating something new. So just trusting that everything is unfolding in Divine Time and that you're always exactly, exactly where you need to be. And that you are always learning exactly what you need for the next step on your journey. So nothing goes to waste. Nothing. So just give yourself grace, my love. And just a reminder, if you are feeling blocked in trusting yourself, trusting Divine Source, trusting your spiritual gifts, trusting Divine Time in any way, then my foundational Healing Activation'Activate Your Divine Energy' will fully reconnect you back up so that you fully remember, own, embody, and express your unique Soul Essence, which is what I call your Divine Energy. So it will fully put you back into your own unique Divine Energy, activating your Divine Power so that you can fully own and radiate your Divine Light as the badass light leader you came here to be. Because when you are fully in your own unique Divine Energy and Divine Power, fully embodied in your soul gifts, fully trusting in Divine Time, fully trusting that everything is working out for you in the highest and best way. And you are going to be receiving the synchronicities and the clues along the path every step of the way. You know that you are safe. You know that you are here for epic things and that that will be unfolding in Divine Time under Divine Grace in the highest and best way, not just for yourself, but for all beings everywhere. Because that is what we came here to do. Your Soul's Desires and your soul gifts serve humanity. And when you can fully access them, but let them through in Divine Time, let them unfold, that is when you are creating magic in the world. And we're not here to go from A to Z in two seconds flat, as much as our human Ego wants us to do that, because it proves that we have value once we've reached that end state. It's like, no, the joy is in the unfolding. The joy is in the being. The joy is in the discovering. The joy is in the expanding. The joy is in the exploring of who we came here to be. And that we are limitless. So have fun, take the pressure off. Let it unfold in Divine Time, and just know that exactly where you are is exactly where you are meant to be. So my love, if you are interested in checking out that Healing Activation, then I'll put a link in the show notes. And in the meantime, I just want to say thank you so much for being here with me. I am so grateful and blessed to be on this journey with you once more, and navigating all the highs and lows of this magical earthly plane. And I just invite you to take what resonates from today, leave the rest. That is all good, my love. You are here to create your own unique Divine World that is yours on your own unique terms. So leave whatever doesn't resonate and in the meantime I'm sending you so much love. We've got this and together we heal and rise. if this episode has served you in any way, I ask you to please share it with a fellow soul sister or brother to help them heal or create a higher, more expansive perspective. Please share and tag me on Instagram at with any key takeaways, any downloads you received or what you loved from this episode, you can also DM me with any questions or feedback. As a manifestor I love hearing the impact I've had on you. Your support truly means the world. And I'm beyond grateful to have you as part of the GILTY soul tribe. Of bad-ass light leaders. Co-creating a new 5D world together. So, thank you so much from the bottom of my GILTY gold soul. Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving a five-star review. So we can continue to evolve and expand together. I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise.

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