Activate Your Divine Power

10. How I Discovered My Soul Purpose Through Astrology

Lisa Moore Episode 10

In this episode, I dive deep into how I discovered my soul purpose through Astrology. Join me as I share my journey of embracing my unique Divine Energy in my natal chart, transforming both my life and business. Discover how my Scorpio placements, Virgo Sun, Capricorn Rising, and Leo North Node shape my personality and soul purpose work, and how these insights can guide you in aligning your business with your unique Divine Energy. Get ready to be empowered, inspired, and motivated to unlock the gold and Divine Power within your natal chart! ⚡️👑⚡️


00:57 - Discovering your soul purpose through Astrology
02:38 - Embracing your unique Divine Energy
03:51 - Astrology's role in business & branding
05:32 - Deep dive into my natal chart
08:24 - Key astrological placements & their meanings
13:22 - The importance of the North Node
17:54 - Practical tools & resources for exploring Astrology


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Welcome to the'Activate Your Divine Power' podcast. If you're a badass light leader, who's ready to break free from fear, lack limitation to shine your unique Divine Light BRIGHT, then this podcast is for YOU. I'm Lisa, a Divine Power Healer, Activator Speaker, on a mission to help you uncover your Soul's Truth and FULLY OWN your Divine Power. To boldly create a life you love on your own terms, raise collective consciousness and help us birth a new 5D world together. As a 5/1 Manifester, expect to be activated into greater consciousness and transformation as I dive deep into our collective shadows. Unveiling profound truth and perspective shifts to reveal the light. Thank you so much for being here and doing this powerful work with me. And without further ado, let's dive in. Welcome back to another episode of Activate Your Divine Power. So today I want to talk about how I discovered my soul purpose work through Astrology. So just a caveat, Astrology is only one of the self-discovery tools that I've used over the last four years, Human Design being another one, Numerology, and also I'm starting to go down the Gene Keyes rabbit hole. But today I wanted to talk specifically about Astrology because I freaking love Astrology and I want to share what I've discovered about my own unique Divine Energy which feels true to me, so that you can see whether it feels aligned for you to go down this rabbit hole and explore yourself. Because I used to always resist my own energy. So I used to look at my partner's astrology and he's a Sag Sun. He's got lots of like really beautiful harmonious energy in his Astrology and I would look at that and I'd be like Oh My God, my energy is so heavy in comparison. So I used to really resist my own unique Divine Energy because I hadn't really delved into Astrology at a deep enough level to really get to the point where I was like, Oh My God, I chose this energy. I chose it because it is literally perfectly designed for my soul purpose work. So I used to look at it and I used to judge it. I used to judge myself and say, wow, my energy is really deep and it's intense and it's just a lot. And it is deep and it's intense and it's a lot. But now I own it and I love it and I love myself. And I'm like, you know what? If there's any Astrological natal chart that I would choose, that was going to fulfill my soul purpose work, it would be this one! And this is what I want to share with you today, like, how much, how much gold is in your Astrology chart? Because, I realise now that I chose that and also it's really incredible to be able to start playing with this when it comes to, if you have a business, when it comes to kind of your branding, like your visual branding, I just did it intuitively. But when I actually looked at my Astrology afterwards, I was like, Oh, Oh my word, I can see all of that. I can see it visually in my, in my branding. And that's, that's just incredible. So it really can help you understand who you are. It can help your soul purpose, help you figure out what that is. And it can also help you aesthetically design your business if you have a brand. So it's so powerful. And this is why I wanted to talk about it today because by sharing my own Astrology natal chart and how it's showing up in my business, then you can start piecing these bits together for yourself and going down the rabbit hole. And I'm going to give you some tools at the end that I've used to help me really go down that rabbit hole because, you know, one of them is free and I still use it every single day, every day. It's so powerful. So stay tuned for that. But in the meantime, just to kind of remind you that your soul-aligned business is an extension of your unique Divine Energy. You know, yes, you are a separate entity to your business, because your business is a vehicle that you funnel your energy into to work in a way that serves others. It is a separate entity, but you are connected to it. So, when you discover your own Astrology, if you are here to have a brand that is a representation that is a vehicle for your soul purpose work, which I highly suspect is the case if you're here, then it makes complete sense that your energy is being expressed through that business vehicle. So that's just something I just find really exciting because it can give me guidance as to whether I'm on the right path. And this is one thing as a caveat to this entire episode, is that remember that you are not here to be defined by any system, any ideology, any methodology, any modality, you are not here to be defined by any of that, and that includes Astrology. However, saying that, it is always incredible to try these tools on for size, see what resonates, see what feels true. Discern what is actually you and leave the rest. So I went through that process when I was looking at my natal chart and I was like, yeah, that actually really does make sense. Like on a deep fundamental level. That is me like, wow, I didn't really know that. So it is an incredible mirror, but just we're not here to let it define us. So with that being said, I am going to get into my chart because I find this so fascinating. And my intention for this is that by sharing my chart, and how this is showing up in my business, that you will be able to then start connecting some dots by looking at your chart. So without further ado, let's just get into my key aspects in my natal chart So the first thing that's just like boom when you look at my natal chart is that I have eight planets in either Scorpio or the 8th house. Which is insane. So I have my Moon, Mars, Uranus, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn, Sun and Jupiter, either in Scorpio, the 9th house, or Libra, 8th house, or Virgo, 8th house. So, that is a lot. Now that explains why I am very deep, very intense, very passionate and I am all in. I am here to look fear directly in the face and tell it to F off. I have no qualms in doing that because I am here to go into those Scorpio depths and to go as deep as I can go and transmute and alchemise that shadow, that fear, that shame, that guilt, that trauma, that pain, the limitations, the lack, transmute all of that into Divine Love and Light. That is what I'm here to do, and that makes so much fricking sense that I have all of that. Because I always thought to myself, hey, I'm a Virgo Sun, and I am a Virgo Sun. However, I have so much Scorpio in my chart, and yeah, like, that is me. And once I realised that, I was able to embody it unapologetically, and now I've obviously realised that I am here to help you activate your Divine Power by doing this deep shadow work and transmuting it to Divine Love, Light, and Power. Now it makes sense, and I was like, oh yeah, okay. That makes sense. And that whole alchemy aspect and also my branding when it comes to HOUSE OF GILT. Gilt meaning gold. It's spelled G I L T on purpose because it's about alchemising our guilt, the G U I L T into gold. That's what Scorpio does. It alchemises, it transmutes, it transforms. And now I'm like, ah, this makes sense. So, that was a huge kind of like, permission slip to own my intensity and to own my, you know, unapologetic badass, I'm gonna go into the depths and transmute whatever I find. And that depth, essentially. So that's number one. Number two is my Midheaven is in Scorpio 9th house. So that is another Scorpio placement. But I wanted to call that out because wherever your midheaven is, that is the beginning of your 10th house of career. So for me, Scorpio in the 9th house. So Scorpio is about intensity, death, rebirth, transformation in the 9th house of Sagittarius is about exploring higher consciousness. You can see where I'm going with this. So we go deep to unlock higher consciousness, and to expand and explore either the physical realm or the metaphysical realm, which is my personal favorite. So I am here to deeply explore and expand higher consciousness through my career and through my public work. That's what I'm here to do. So wherever your Midheaven is, that is really, really interesting placement for you to look when it comes to your career and public work. Third, I am a Virgo sun. The Virgo is the Healer of the Zodiac. So I know on every level for me, I am a Virgo Sun in the 8th house, a 7th 8th house cusp, but it's, yeah, it's super close that I had a reading the other day and she's like, yeah, you can totally claim that's in the 8th as well. So it's about taking radical responsibility for everything in your life and rewiring your subconscious mind and your energy from 3D to 5D. Because I'm here to show you that you are not your thoughts. You can reprogram anything. You can reprogram any belief in an instant. You can, and I'm here to tell you that you can do that. So, that Virgo Sun, that Healer, that one who's here to be of service and to have impact, to help you create your Soul's Desires, to fulfill your soul purpose and your mission and your part that you're here to play in us co-creating this new 5D world together. That is all coming through in my Virgo Sun, that Healer archetype. And as well as that, the whole kind of concept, I'm deeply connected to Divine Time and there being a Divine Order that everything is unfolding and that is very Virgo energy. There is a Divine Order. And if you've listened to me for a little while, you'll know that I freaking love this concept of Divine Time. I'm not in a rush. I'm not. Because, you know, what is happening behind the scenes on this energetic realm is insane. Like, our human brains can't comprehend the orchestration that is happening behind the veil on the energetic level. And I'm not going to push that through from an Ego perspective. I'm just going to let it unfold in Divine Time. And what's in my highest good and the highest good of all beings involved in whatever it is that I'm, you know, energetically a part of, is the highest and best good of all. And I am here for that. So I think that Virgo Sun comes through in that Divine Patience and Divine Time and Divine Order. So that is also showing up in my work. And I find that really, really interesting, because your Sun is your personality. So, you know, that for me being a Virgo, 7th 8th house cusp, it's the Healer here to be of service, here to be of impact and here to remind people that there is no rush. We're doing this in Divine Time and Divine Order. So next is my Capricorn rising. So you probably can tell that I'm quite a grounded energy. So I'm mainly Earth and Water. I have a little bit of Air and the smallest amount of Fire. I don't have much Fire in my energy at all. So I'm pretty grounded. And that comes through in my Capricorn Rising. So the Capricorns are, you know, they're entrepreneurial. They're about leadership and your rising sign is how other people see you. So you will probably see me and go, oh yeah, she's really grounded. You know, she's on a mission. She's very much part of this earthly plane. You know, I don't resonate with floating off. I'm here to ground this 5D energy into this physical reality. And that Capricorn Rising is about how I can lead myself to boldly and bravely, like climb the mountain, like the mountain goat that the Capricorn is. To bravely take, put one foot in front of the other and rise above that fear of falling off that freaking mountain and build an empire that serves the world. And that plays into that Virgo energy of here to be of service and make an impact by going to the Scorpio depths and not be afraid of transmuting the darkness to light. So that is all showing up. So they're the kind of the key Sun, Moon and Rising. Obviously Scorpio, I covered that because my Moon is within one of the eight things that's in Scorpio. But then I also want to talk about the North Node because the North Node, as well as the Midheaven, is really, really interesting to be able to figure out what you're here to do in this lifetime. So your North Node is who you're here to be and the opposite sign and the opposite house is what you've already mastered in past lives. So my North Node is Leo in the 7th house. So what I'm here to learn, so this is the energy that I haven't developed yet. So you're supposed to take everything that you've already mastered in past lives, which is your South Node. And you're here to now learn to balance that with developing the North Node. So for me, Leo. So Leo is the energy of that lion-hearted, bold, unapologetic, shining bright, anchoring in and radiating my Divine frequency of love and joy and abundance and my vision of this new world. That's Leo energy. Standing on a stage, you know, microphone in hand, I'm here. This is my vision. This is what I'm radiating. That's very Leo energy. It's the, it's the performer. It's the Creator. It's connected to the Sun. It shines bright. And that is who I'm here to be. Because in past lives, I mastered the energy of Aquarius. I've already got that down. So you don't disregard it. You bring it forward. So I've already got the whole kind of like mastering being in my uniqueness. I've got that. I mean, it's taken me a while to reconnect with it. It was buried under a lot of conditioning, and fear and not feeling safe. But I've reconnected with that. And I've remembered that, yeah, I've mastered that energy. So for me, I'm here to be in that Leo energy and to unapologetically speak my truth. And on top of that, the Leo is about integrity. You know, it's about leading by example, walking the talk, embodying and living my values. And doing that behind the scenes, as well as publicly. Like, the person you get behind the scenes is the same person that you get publicly. I am not here for anything else. That is what I'm here to do. So that is part of that Leo energy. And then the seventh house that is all about partnership and connection. So I am here having mastered the 1st house of Aries, which is that trailblazer. I'm doing all this on my own energy, like I don't need anyone else. Now it's about developing partnerships and learning how to be in right relationship with my Soul Tribe. How we can come together to not just be empowered, but to co-create this new world together. And that's about connection. It's about collaboration. It's about partnership. It's about learning how we can be in our own unique Divine Power, but come together to co-create a new world and new solutions to the world's problems. Because we so need that. And I'm here to develop that muscle of partnership, of collaboration. And that is such an important position to look at in your Astrology. Because my big, big vision is very, very, very much reliant on partnership and of collaboration and of co-creation. And when that Soul Desire came through, that that was the bigger mission for HOUSE OF GILT, I had no idea that my North Node was in the 7th house. I had no idea. And then as soon as I discovered that, again, I tried it on for size and I was like, oh, penny drop. That's why that's part of my mission. So you can uncover so much by just looking at your Astrology. And you can either validate what you already know to be true, or you can get like another little jigsaw piece of the puzzle, one of the missing pieces, and you're like, oh, that makes sense because that connects that. I just love it. I love it so much. And I just wanted to share this with you because It's been such a pivotal tool on my journey of self-discovery. And by no means am I an Astrologer, by no means. I'm just sharing my chart and what I know is true for me and what has resonated with me. And I highly, highly, highly advise you go down the rabbit hole, if you haven't already, to discover and discern your unique Divine Energy and how it flows through your unique birth chart and try it on for size. And I promised you that I was going to give you a free app, which is incredible. I think I heard this from Natalia Benson and it's called Time Passages. This app is epic. It's free for your own natal chart and then if you want to upgrade you can analyse other people's natal charts and you can do synastry readings to see how you like work together as a united energy. It's incredible but you get the full breakdown of your natal chart, but also you can see your transit on a day to day basis. You can see the global transits happening for everyone, but you can also see how the current Mercury is interacting with your natal Mars. And it's just amazing. I check it every morning and I actually organise my diary around so many cycles and one of them is the Astrological cycles. So I organise my diary around menstrual cycle, moon cycle, Astrological cycles. I basically do the best that I can given the fact that I'm a Manifestor and I'm non-sacral. I do the best that I can to be able to predict a good time to do a podcast episode, a good time to do a speaking gig, a good time to you know, hang with my Soul Tribe. You know, I use all of these tools because my energy is relatively unpredictable. So transits are really, really great for you to be able to kind of like get a feel in to what would be a good day to do a workshop or whatever. So I highly recommend that app. And then obviously you've got your AI. So, chat GPT, you know, it does have some good, good stuff in there if you're just new to Astrology. But I will always, always, always recommend getting a reading by a human. Because no one understands what it's like to be human other than another human. So I do think it's great to use these apps, but you know, my partner and I had a synastry reading the other day and it was amazing. It was so good because we unlocked so much more gold about how we interact with each other. And it was amazing because a reading by a human is a holistic reading, whereas these apps tend to, you know, chunk it down into individual placements. Whereas, You know, with a human you can get holistic reading and also we are here to be in relationship with each other. So you have got exact insights, codes and activations that I need to hear and vice versa. So when you book a reading with a human, they're going to give you a jigsaw piece of the puzzle that you needed in your life. Whereas I don't think AI works like that, you know. We're constantly reading each other's energy and constantly sharing through speaking what it is that we intuitively feel needs to be said. And that's often because the other person needs to hear exactly that. So when you have a reading with someone. They obviously can't share the entire chart because there's never time. I think you could probably study Astrology every day for every moment and for the rest of your life and you still wouldn't understand it all. So they are tuning in and they are cherry picking the bits to share with you because this is exactly what you need to hear. So I will always advocate for Humans doing readings for Humans, but if you want to get started, Time Passages and Chat GPT are great. And yeah, just to kind of summarise and say that this has just hugely helped me in understanding my own unique Divine Energy and how I'm meant to express that in the world and also through my business. Because one of the things I forgot to say is, when you come to my website or Instagram, or wherever I am, you'll see that I've gone for the black and the gold on purpose. Because that is that transmuting, that Scorpio energy, of the dark to the light. And that's what I'm here to do. So, black is your earth star chakra, and the gold is your soul star chakra, so above your head. So, it's transmuting the dark to the light from your earth to your soul star chakra, but also the black is very grounded in the physical world because your earth star chakra beneath your feet is black. So, you know, I'm a Capricorn rising. I have a lot of Earth energy, but then at the same time, I'm a Leo North Node. So I've been told that my branding looks very Leo. And that again, when I was designing it, I didn't realise that it was embodied in that. So that like, you know, the light leader and shining the light but balancing that with the dark and the alchemy of the two, it all plays out. So I just really invite you to go down the rabbit hole of Astrology and Human Design and all those tools to see what resonates. And I really hope that this has helped you to kind of see how it can hold so much gold within your chart. And obviously, you know, I only covered the Sun, the Moon, my Capricorn Rising, my Midheaven and the North Node, but there's so many other placements. So I highly recommend the deep dive. And in the meantime, thank you so much for being on this journey with me, my love. I absolutely adore talking to you and yeah, sharing what's helped me on my journey. So I would love to hear your thoughts. I would love to hear your takeaways, anything that you feel you want to share with me, however, that's impacted you drop me a DM on Instagram. Let me know because I would love to hear, and also I would appreciate so much if you would leave me a review, a five star review, if you've loved this episode on spotify or Apple podcasts, whichever one works best for you. And I would be so, so grateful. And of course, please do share this with any soul sister, any soul brother that you think this would really, really help. I would hugely appreciate it. So thank you so much my love for being on this journey with me, navigating the highs and the lows of this magical earthly experience. And just, I invite you as always to take what resonates and leave the rest. That is your Divine prerogative. And I fully respect and trust that whatever is in your highest and best good is in the highest and best good of us all. So my love, until next time, I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise. if this episode has served you in any way, I ask you to please share it with a fellow soul sister or brother to help them heal or create a higher, more expansive perspective. Please share and tag me on Instagram at with any key takeaways, any downloads you received or what you loved from this episode, you can also DM me with any questions or feedback. As a manifestor I love hearing the impact I've had on you. Your support truly means the world. And I'm beyond grateful to have you as part of the GILTY soul tribe. Of bad-ass light leaders. Co-creating a new 5D world together. So, thank you so much from the bottom of my GILTY gold soul. Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving a five-star review. So we can continue to evolve and expand together. I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise.

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