Activate Your Divine Power

11. How Letting Go Holds the Key to Your Divine Power

Lisa Moore Episode 11

In this episode, I delve into the transformative journey of ‘letting go’ to step into your Soul’s Truth & Divine Power. I share my personal stories and reveal how embracing non-attachment can help you maintain the frequency of your unique Divine Energy, foster authentic relationships, and ultimately create your Soul's Desires. Join me as I explore the Ego's trap of codependency, and highlight the Divine Beauty and Power of evolving with others in a soul-aligned, interdependent way ⚡️👑⚡️


00:52 - Understanding Non-Attachment
01:26 - The Concept of Energetic Frequencies
02:31 - Releasing Fear & Embracing Divine Power
03:44 - Distortion of Energy in Codependency
04:21 - Being Unattached Yet Connected
05:48 - Embracing Your Unique Divine Frequency & Power
08:29 - Parallel Paths & Interdependent Relationships
09:41 - The Risk vs. Reward of Non-Attachment

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Welcome to the'Activate Your Divine Power' podcast. If you're a badass light leader, who's ready to break free from fear, lack limitation to shine your unique Divine Light BRIGHT, then this podcast is for YOU. I'm Lisa, a Divine Power Healer, Activator Speaker, on a mission to help you uncover your Soul's Truth and FULLY OWN your Divine Power. To boldly create a life you love on your own terms, raise collective consciousness and help us birth a new 5D world together. As a 5/1 Manifester, expect to be activated into greater consciousness and transformation as I dive deep into our collective shadows. Unveiling profound truth and perspective shifts to reveal the light. Thank you so much for being here and doing this powerful work with me. And without further ado, let's dive in.

Welcome back to another episode of Activate Your Divine Power. So in this episode, I want to talk about why non-attachment is the safest state you can be in. So for me, whenever I thought about non-attachment in the past, it's just totally freaked my Ego out. So I don't know about you, but just the kind of sense of being unattached to anything, particularly my loved ones, just terrified me. And in today's episode, I just want to show your subconscious mind why non-attachment is the safest state you can actually be in. So I want you to imagine that you're a dot. So a specific energetic point and frequency on a giant wave of energy that connects you to All That Is. So this energetic point and frequency is unique to you. So you get to be it and vibrate it at that soul-aligned frequency, if you choose to with your freewill. So that is yours. You get to embody that, you get to radiate that energy if you choose to. So now imagine something that you're currently attached to in your life. So that could be your house, car, money, social status, a person, your Instagram followers, whatever. Now, know that all of these things also have a frequency. So if you choose to remain attached to that frequency, then you're actually choosing to change your unique and energetic frequency so that you can be a match for that and not lose it out of fear. So, what I want to say is that if instead you decide to release that fear of losing whatever it is that you're currently attached to, and instead, detach yourself from that codependency, that's keeping you locked in a frequency that actually serves neither of you. Because if the thing that you're actually attached to is not in true, authentic alignment with your unique Divine Energy, then that is not serving the thing that you're connected to either because there is something else that it should be connected to. And if instead you chose to vibrate at your unique Divine, energetic frequency, then that is when the magic really starts to happen. Because when you claim your unique, energetic frequency, you become the point of Divine Power. And all those things that you were once attached to either fall away in place of something even better. Or you free them up to be in their unique Divine Energy and Power. And you reconnect in a healthier interdependent way and a more soul-aligned frequency, which serves you both better. Because being in that codependency, it just distorts the energy. The energy isn't authentic. So when you're both and I'm talking particularly about another person here, when you're both in your own unique, energetic frequency in a interdependent way, then the energy is flowing and that is soul-aligned. Which is obviously better for the both of you. So being unattached in your own unique Divine Energy, doesn't mean that you're an island. So, this is the thing. I think the Ego loves a freak out. At any given moment it will have a freak out. So I used to associate with being unattached, meaning that I was going to be alone. And that I was just going to be this like sad person just floating around on my own. And it's like, it doesn't mean that at all. So being unattached means that you still exist within the giant wave and web of interconnected energy that connects all of us in All That Is, and you're always going to be in relationship with everything, with everyone, and every situation unfolding around you. So being unattached, is not saying that you're going to be floating off and you're never going to see your loved ones again. What it's saying is you can choose to vibrate at, and be in your point of Divine Power. Completely unattached, completely unaffected by the energetic frequencies around you. Because when you do only the very highest and best, most aligned things, people, situations will come. And most importantly, remain in your life. Because it serves the mutual soul-aligned, authentic frequency that is flowing between you. Because you are uniquely designed to create your Soul's Desires. And you're uniquely designed to do that in relationship with others. To experience health and wealth, abundance and success beyond imagination in every area of your life. But that requires you first to trust yourself. And to know that the safest thing that you can do it's to be unattached to what's going on around you in your life. And instead to claim and be your unique, Divine energetic frequency, and your unique point of Divine Power. So that everything that is truly meant for you will find you in their authentic frequency, otherwise you're just in a codependent attachment and that is not serving anyone. That is not serving the person, the thing, the situation, that you are currently attached to. Because whoever or whatever remains when you are in your true, authentic, Divine Energy and Power is truly coming with you, because you are evolving and expanding together on parallel paths, both in your Divine Power. And that's what we're here for.


My love, I invite you to just take a pause now, take a deep breath, and ground into this present moment of the infinite here and now. I have a question for you. Do you desire to know what's lurking at the deepest depths of your subconscious mind? What's stopping you from fully owning your Soul's Truth and Divine Power to create everything your Soul Desires? A divinely prosperous life and business on your own terms whilst helping co-create a new 5D world of unconditional love, unity consciousness, freedom, abundance, and joy for all. And would you love all of that for free? I've created a super special, completely unique, an insanely powerful free consciousness guide to help you identify what's blocking your unique Divine Energy. This powerful guide contains the 45 collectively-held subconscious limiting beliefs at the root of the 3D matrix so you can identify which ones you personally hold, starting the process of transmutation to break free. Just by becoming aware of those you have, you're helping raise the frequency of our collective consciousness. So if you'd love this powerful free consciousness guide, you'll find the link in the show notes. It's Divine Time to heal, rise, and be the badass light leader you came here to be. And now my love, let's get back to the episode.

It always makes me laugh when I catch up with my bestie, because we don't see each other very often and we have completely different lives on the surface, but the same themes are always happening for us at the same time. And that's giving me goosebumps just saying that. It's so crazy. It's like, you know, we are literally on these parallel paths and that's what this means is that we're evolving and expanding through these energies and these challenges together. But on the surface, our lives probably look completely different. You know, I don't have kids, she has kids. So, you know, I'm in the spiritual space, she's a writer and an actor. So, you know, very different surface level lives, but we are still on this parallel path and we're still deeply, deeply connected. So this is what I mean about how things can evolve and expand. Because being unattached doesn't mean that you're going to lose people or lose the things that you love in your life. It just means that those who are meant to evolve and expand with you will be doing that. Otherwise you're just in a codependent relationship, and butchering the evolution and expansion for both parties. So to wrap up, I just want to invite your subconscious mind to understand that being unattached does not mean being alone or not in relationship. It means being in your own unique Divine Energy and Power and in right relationship with others. And yes, it's a risk to your Ego to unattach and it feels scary AF. But if you do and that thing, that person, that money, that situation remains, then it was always meant to be. Because being on attached is not about loss. It's about gaining what is meant for you. And if you do suffer from fear of loss, particularly fear of loss of loved ones, then I recommend listening to Episode Two, because that is three perspective shifts on how to overcome that. Because that's something that I've had to work a lot on. So my love, if you're feeling blocked in fully embodying and owning your unique Divine Energy, which is essentially your Soul Essence, and you're either not trusting yourself or doubting yourself. You're doubting Divine Source, Divine Timing in any way. Then I invite you to check out my foundational Healing Activation, it's called'Activate Your Divine Energy' and it's going to help you remember, reconnect, and fully own your unique Divine Energy and Power. As well as showing you how to command, manage, flow with, expand and protect your unique Divine Energy so that you can create everything your Soul Desires and magnetise, everything that is meant for you. Because you are here to experience health, wealth, abundance, and success beyond imagination in every area of your life, my love. As well as playing your part in raising collective consciousness and helping us co-create a new 5D world for the highest and best good of all. One of unconditional love, unity consciousness, freedom, abundance, and joy for all. So my love, if you would love to check that out, the link is in the show notes and just sending you so, so much love. Thank you so much for being on this journey with me, as we navigate all the highs and lows of this magical Earthly plane. And I invite you to take what resonates today and to see how it applies in your life. To take that bold step of consciously feeling safe in being unattached to whatever you're most attached to. Just owning that you are safe to be unattached. And to fully step into your power, knowing that if it's in the highest and best good, you'll be evolving with that thing from a healthy, interdependent relationship and authentic relationship. In Your unique Divine Energy and Power and their, or it's, unique Divine Energy and Power. Because when we do that, we are co-creating a new world. A new world that is soul-aligned. A new world that serves everyone. Serving yourself, serving your loved ones, serving all beings everywhere. And that is what we came here to do. So my love, if you love this episode, please share it with a fellow soul sister or brother, someone who maybe needs a perspective shift. Tag me on Instagram, GILT meaning gold, with what you'd loved from today and DM me with any questions you have. As a Manifestor, I absolutely love hearing the impact I've had on you. And please consider subscribing and leaving a five star review on whatever platform you're listening to, to help get the word out. I would appreciate it so, so much. And thank you so much, my love. Until next time, I love you so much, we've got this and together we heal and rise.


if this episode has served you in any way, I ask you to please share it with a fellow soul sister or brother to help them heal or create a higher, more expansive perspective. Please share and tag me on Instagram at with any key takeaways, any downloads you received or what you loved from this episode, you can also DM me with any questions or feedback. As a manifestor I love hearing the impact I've had on you. Your support truly means the world. And I'm beyond grateful to have you as part of the GILTY soul tribe of badass light leaders co-creating a new 5D world together. So, thank you so much from the bottom of my GILTY gold soul. Please consider subscribing to this podcast and leaving a five-star review. So we can continue to evolve and expand together. I love you so much. We've got this and together we heal and rise.

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