Ignite Your RADIANCE

ABC of Somatic Healing

May 19, 2024
ABC of Somatic Healing
Ignite Your RADIANCE
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Ignite Your RADIANCE
ABC of Somatic Healing
May 19, 2024

ABC of somatic healing creates some simple tools for change. 
A is for Awareness. Awareness is the first step to healing. All too often in current society, we have become cut off from our body and drop into unconscious patterns. Start here. Simply pay attention to what is happening; when you feel a big emotion, pause and assess what sensations are you experiencing in your body. Listen to how you speak to yourself. Awareness alone can create changes. 

B is for body. Our body is a beautiful barometer that has wisdom about our world. We often become cut off through numbing strategies in an attempt to avoid pain or discomfort. Yet, our body remembers and holds those emotional imprints within. As a result, our bodies become dis-eased, overwhelmed and tired. Caring for our bodies in a loving fashion with foster a trusting relationship with the wisdom of our body.

C is for choice. It is our choice in how to respond to a situation. Feel the emotions all the way through and stand in your power of choosing a life from joy and conscious creation. 

Show Notes

ABC of somatic healing creates some simple tools for change. 
A is for Awareness. Awareness is the first step to healing. All too often in current society, we have become cut off from our body and drop into unconscious patterns. Start here. Simply pay attention to what is happening; when you feel a big emotion, pause and assess what sensations are you experiencing in your body. Listen to how you speak to yourself. Awareness alone can create changes. 

B is for body. Our body is a beautiful barometer that has wisdom about our world. We often become cut off through numbing strategies in an attempt to avoid pain or discomfort. Yet, our body remembers and holds those emotional imprints within. As a result, our bodies become dis-eased, overwhelmed and tired. Caring for our bodies in a loving fashion with foster a trusting relationship with the wisdom of our body.

C is for choice. It is our choice in how to respond to a situation. Feel the emotions all the way through and stand in your power of choosing a life from joy and conscious creation.