Faith Focused Prayers

Fostering Authentic Connections: Embracing Accountability and Spiritual Wisdom

May 14, 2024 Justice Mosley Season 1 Episode 4
Fostering Authentic Connections: Embracing Accountability and Spiritual Wisdom
Faith Focused Prayers
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Faith Focused Prayers
Fostering Authentic Connections: Embracing Accountability and Spiritual Wisdom
May 14, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
Justice Mosley

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The episode explores accountability, spiritual discernment, and healthy relationships. It discusses self-reflection, healing, and overcoming inner demons for positive connections. Emphasizes building lasting bonds and encourages cultivating relationships echoing God's love for mutual growth and harmony.

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The episode explores accountability, spiritual discernment, and healthy relationships. It discusses self-reflection, healing, and overcoming inner demons for positive connections. Emphasizes building lasting bonds and encourages cultivating relationships echoing God's love for mutual growth and harmony.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful people, and welcome back to Faith Focused Prayers, where we spend time with God daily and allow Him to change and transform us into who he has called and created us to be. As always, you know, we begin every episode with an affirmation and a prayer, so let's just get straight into it. Today's affirmation is based on our topic, which is relationships, on of our topic, which is relationships. So our affirmation is I am surrounded by people who love me, believe in me and who push me into being who God called me to be. I'm going to repeat that one more time. Like I always say just allow that to set into your spirit, repeat it after me. I am surrounded by people who love me, believe in me and who push me into being who God called me to be. That is so powerful and that is so needed and that is so necessary. So I'm speaking that into existence, into my life and into your life as well. I am surrounded by people who love me, believe in me and who push me into being who God called me to be, Because sometimes we can have people around us who love us, but they don't push us. They love us so much that they baby us, that they excuse our actions, that they don't hold us accountable, that they become, yes, man, for the sake of love. And that's not what you need in your life to grow. So I want people who not only love me but also believe in me, and they believe in me so much that they push me into being who God called me to be. You need people around you who see the vision, who know the mandate on your life and who will not allow you to get in the way of what you're capable of, who will not allow you to mess up your own blessings, who will not allow you to slack off and to fall behind when they know that God has called you to greater, higher and better. And so we all need those kind of people in our life and we all need to be those people for those in our life.

Speaker 1:

I want to read you this quote that I seen before I dive into the episode any deeper. I don't know who wrote this quote. The episode any deeper. I don't know who wrote this quote. I just came across it on Google and it says make sure everybody in your boat is rowing and not drilling holes when you're not looking. Know the people around you. Know what they're doing behind your back, know whether they're plotting against you but pretending to be for you, whether they're rowing the boat while you're there and then the moment you fall asleep. They're rowing the boat while you're there and then the moment you fall asleep, they're drilling holes in it. The moment you turn around, they're drilling holes in the boat so that your boat could sink, so your boat could not be successful, so that your boat could fail, and people can become so dangerous that they will even sink the boat that they're on for the sake of you drowning, but not only will they, that they will kill themselves in order to make sure you don't reach your destination. That is a dangerous person and, lord, I ask that you expose any person like that around me, the person listening to this God, that you would expose those people in their life and that you would show them every person in their life and what their reason for being there is.

Speaker 1:

God. Let's just go straight into prayer, since we already started. God, we thank you, we love you, we bless you, we honor you, we praise you, god. We praise you for being a God who protects, a God who covers, a God who loves and a God who reveals. You are a revealer, you are a transformer, you are a healer, but above all, god, you are our father. Oh God, you are our father, and a father protects his children. A father keeps his children safe. A father looks out for his child's best interest. So I thank you, lord, that you're looking out for my best interest.

Speaker 1:

Father, expose those who are wolves but pretend to be sheeps. God, expose those God who are planning and plotting against me but pretend to be for me. God, expose those God who are smiling and plotting against me but pretend to be for me. God, expose those God who are smiling in my face but talking behind my back. Lord, expose those God who are plotting against my success, plotting against my future, plotting against my destiny, plotting against my calling, plotting against my anointing, plotting against my mantle. Father, if any person is around me, god, that you do not will to be in my life, lord, I ask that you remove them. Lord, I ask that you have your way concerning my friend group, concerning my associates, concerning my close friends, my not so close friends.

Speaker 1:

God, those I labor amongst God, those I come in contact with, those I fellowship with, contact with those I fellowship with God, continue to reveal and expose every person, every person's intentions, every person's thought process concerning me, every person's secret conversations about me. Father, I ask that you would expose and that you would reveal, by way of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. God Don't allow me to be the person in other people's lives. God Don't allow me to be the person in someone people's lives. God don't allow me to be the person in someone else's life. God, operating out of jealousy, operating out of envy, operating out of hatred, operating out of bitterness. God do not allow me to be the person on the boat who is drilling holes. Father, examine my ways, god, examine my heart. God, examine my mind.

Speaker 1:

Lord, if there's anything in me that is not pleasing to you, god, anything in me that is evil, anything that is in me that is wicked, anything that is in me that is hatred or hateful, god, I ask that you would remove it, father, that you would reveal it, lord, so that I can begin a journey of healing, a journey of identity, a journey of restoration, in the mighty name of Jesus, because a lot of times we'll pray against the other people. Amen. We'll pray against the other people when really, sometimes it's you, sometimes you're the person on a boat drilling holes. Sometimes you're the Judas in other people's lives and you need to know that. You need to know who you are and your ways, because many people have these ways about themselves, full of hatred and bitterness and envy and jealousy, and it's not there because they want it. It's there because they have trauma, it's there because they have anger, they have disappointment, they have frustration, they have rejection, they have low self-esteem. That is causing them to operate in these other demonic spirits such as envy, covetousness, jealousy, hatred, judgments and it's all these things. So it's just all a matter of everyone needing healing and love, and that's only something Jesus can do. I cannot do that for the person. So if there's someone around me who has these type of issues towards me, I need to know. So I know what to pray for and so I know how to move accordingly. I'm not praying that God reveals these things for a matter of exposure, for me, to tell them about themselves, for me to tell others about them, for me to be nasty or mean towards them, because that is not the will of God, but you need to know who's around you, who's working in your circle, you need to know all of that. Do not be deceived.

Speaker 1:

Jesus knew who Judas was. Jesus knew what Judas' issues was. Jesus knew that Judas had an issue with money, so much so, when I was getting ready to do this episode, I began to look at that the relationship Jesus had with Judas. Jesus knew Judas's issues and Jesus knew that Judas loved money so much that that was going to be the thing that would get him to betray Jesus. You know, when the Bible says, it's not money that's evil, but the love of money that's evil. The love of money will get you to betray someone who loves you, betray the person who died for you. The love of money will get you to turn against your family, turn against your friends, turn against those who poured into you, who was there for you every time you needed them to you? Who was there for you every time you needed them.

Speaker 1:

If you think about celebrities, and all the times their secrets get exposed, it's usually a family or friend in their circle who went and sold their secrets to TMZ, sold their secrets to paparazzi because the love of money. They valued money more than they valued trust. They valued money more than they valued their relationship with that person, and so you need to know those who are around you. You need to know those who you can't show everything to, who you can't say everything to, because those people are the same people who will be speaking word curses and thought curses against your destiny. And what people don't realize. You know, the Bible tells us thou shall not kill. When you're speaking word curses, you are a murderer because you are trying to kill somebody else's destiny. When you're speaking ill against somebody else and you're saying they'll never be successful, they'll never make it, that won't happen. Oh, they got that prophecy. That's not going to come to pass. Not them, not them. God's not going to use them you are literally murdering that person's destiny by way of word curses, and that is very powerful.

Speaker 1:

We must have discernment to recognize the reason people are in your life. I remember a while back I wrote a list, basically, of all my friends and I examined what are they bringing to my table? Why are they in my life? What benefit am I getting from them? Not to say that relationships are supposed to be some type of transaction, but the people around you, the closest people around you, we should all be bringing some type of value to each other's life.

Speaker 1:

There's that one quote that says show me your friends and I'll show you your future. That's very true. Show me your friends and I'll show you where you'll be in five years. Birds of a feather flock together. That's usually true. If you look around and all your friends are losers, chances are you may not be too far. If you look around and all your friends are unmotivated, chances are you're probably unmotivated too. If you look around and all your friends are stagnant, chances are you're probably stagnant as well. There's another quote I seen. It says if you look at the people in your circle and you don't get inspired, then you don't have a circle. You have a cage. That's by Nipsey Hussle, by the way. Y'all rest in peace to him. But that's true.

Speaker 1:

If you look at the people around you and they are not inspiring you to be better, to do better, to know better, to move better, then what is the point and what is the purpose? I believe in life you're either going up or you're going down. I don't believe we're ever really neutral. You're either growing or you're decaying, and so if the people around you are just feeding you garbage, feeding you trash, feeding you gossip, feeding you drama, then what are you really? Did you grow that day? Did you grow that day at all? So really examine the people in my circle and just pray that God, either you know, changes those so that they can continue to grow on your path, or that he brings new people in your path so that you get everything that you're supposed to need, everything that you're supposed to be.

Speaker 1:

I believe many times there's a person in this world who has the answer to your destiny. Times there's a person in this world who has the answer to your destiny. God has already strategically placed little things inside of each and every one of us to cross somebody else's path, to help them get closer to who they're supposed to be, to be a stepping stone for one another, to be the network or the connection that you needed to unlock the door. It's all the people have it what they need, and the Bible says the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. That means there's people here on earth who are wicked, but they still have a part of your destiny. They still have a part of your purpose, a part of your calling, and what they've done, have stored up, is going to come and bless you.

Speaker 1:

We're all intertwined in some way and I need the people who have the keys to my destiny to come forth. I need to meet them, I need to know them, I need to connect with them, and you can't do that if your friend group is full of unmotivated, uninspired, unachieved, undetermined people who don't want to do anything or don't want to go anywhere. That's no shade to nobody. I'm just examining and speaking the truth. But yeah, it's also to just pray for them. To pray that they reach their full potential.

Speaker 1:

If you're the friend who's not pushing your friend, then you need to do better as a friend. You need to watch those people who are waiting for you to fail, who like to see when bad things happen to you, who tell your business, who need to bring others down in order to lift themselves up. You need to watch those people. Watch those people who will post the pictures of you looking ugly on your birthday when they know you wouldn't like that. Watch the people who don't celebrate your wins, who, when you post a video or you drop a book and they don't buy it, they don't like it, they don't comment, they don't share, but they'll do it for other people. They'll post other people's stuff, but then when it's you, they don't post it. Watch those type of people around you because, although they didn't say anything, their actions spoke wonders. Their actions spoke loudly, loud and clear, and you need to know why did they see it but didn't share it? Why did they watch it but didn't like it? Why did they scroll it but didn't like it? Why did they scroll past it but didn't comment? Why did they do that? It wasn't. Oh, I just didn't think about it. No, if I said don't forget to like, comment and subscribe, but then you watched it and you didn't like, comment and subscribe. What was that? Is there some underlining issues? Lord, reveal it.

Speaker 1:

Many times, the enemy uses those closest to us to stab us in the back. Many times, people are being used and have no idea that the enemy is using them. A lot of times, people can be used as monitoring spirits, as surveillance spirits, and they don't even know that the enemy has played tricks on their mind to be planted as a seed and as a tool and a resource for the enemy to get closer into somebody else's life. The enemy doesn't play fair. He will use your husband, he will use your best friend, he will use your mother, your sister, your cousin, your auntie, your child. The enemy does not play fair. Anybody that will lend him an ear and allow him to whisper things into their mind to get them to do something that betters his plan and his plots, he will use them gladly.

Speaker 1:

None of us are above being used. We're flesh still. We're sinners still. With all of the holiness, all the praying, all the consecration, all that. We are not too good to be used by the enemy, because if he gets the chance and the opportunity, he will do it. That's why you have to constantly remain humble, constantly seek to face the Lord, constantly ask for discernment and operate by way of the Holy Spirit, because it's easy to be deceived. Eve was deceived and she was in the garden. God created her with his own hands out of Adam. They had the mind of God already and she was deceived. So how much more are we able to be deceived and be played as a tool for the enemy? But I rebuke that in the name of Jesus. Lord, do not allow me to be a tool for the enemy to use. In your mighty name, amen.

Speaker 1:

Pray for your enemies, pray for those who mishandle you and trust and believe, because I know what I'm saying can sound like a lot. I'm not saying cut them off and all that. You have to follow the Holy Spirit and what God tells you to do, but you also have to trust that they are pushing you to your destiny and activating the prophecies of your life. Judas had a purpose and he had to be Judas. He had to do what he was meant to do in order to push Jesus to his destiny, to push him to die on the cross. It had to be done in order for the prophecy to be fulfilled, for the Messiah to come, for us to be redeemed and restored back into the right standing with God. It had to happen.

Speaker 1:

So know that those who are in your life, who are against you, who are your enemies, who have made themselves your enemies, it's because they are helping fulfill the prophecies of your life. They are keeping you on your knees, they are keeping you seeking the face of the Lord. They are keeping you humbled. They are keeping you aware. They are keeping you alert. They are pushing you into who you are supposed to be. They are toughening your skin so that when God elevates you, you will not be so easily offended, because you cannot be offended in elevation.

Speaker 1:

People are going to say things about you. People are going to make up lies about you. People are going to come after you for no reason. People are going to come after your family. People are going to say the most evil and wicked things to get under your skin, to keep you up at night, to try and get in the way of God's plan and purpose for you. And they don't know why they do it. They just do because they don't have nothing better to do, because they just had a bad day and decided to take it out on you. They don't know why. It's not personal, but they are pushing you to your destiny. So be aware of those who are around you, be aware of those who consider themselves your friends. Be aware, know.

Speaker 1:

Jesus had his disciples and then he had his inner circle, and among his 12 was Judas, abraham. He had to get rid of Lot. God could not bless him while Lot was there. So, lord, if there's any lots in my life and lots in the listener's life, I ask that you reveal them, that you expose them and that you let me know. So if I'm supposed to get from around them, I can do it, and do it swiftly.

Speaker 1:

But you have to know none of us are exempt and it may be somebody you love dearly, it may be somebody that you don't want to get rid of, but at the end of the day you must know that God's will is better than your will and you want what God has for you more than you want that person in relationship with you. It's a hard thing, it's a hard pill to swallow when you want something so bad and God says no, you can't have it. You want someone in your life so bad and God says no, they aren't good for you, no, it's not my will for you. And when you have to choose God's will over your own flesh and your own heart and your own desires and your own wants. That's with friendships, that's with family, that's with relationships. Relationships is the hardest one when you love somebody and they're not your will for your life.

Speaker 1:

But you have to know, as long as that person is there, god cannot move and do what he wants to do. He cannot elevate you to where he wants to elevate you. He cannot take you where he wants to take you as long as you have that person there, because the blessing he's giving you is for you and not for them. They cannot continue to ride on your coattail, because what they're supposed to get, they're supposed to get it directly from God and not from you. So, as long as they are among you, as long as they are leeching off of you, as long as they are there getting the benefits of your work, the benefits of your hard labor, and they are reaping the fruit and eating the fruit that they did not plan, when God has their own fruit for them, and they're not going to God and they're not praying to God and they're not seeking the face of the Lord and they're not spending no time with him, because every time they need something, they go straight to you and they're just picking and picking and picking from your garden, then you're getting in the way of God's will for you and for them, and that's something you don't ever want to do.

Speaker 1:

So, lord, as I'm speaking these words today, god, let them settle into my heart and into my mind, and that I can live what I just said. In the name of Jesus, we're going to pray and close out. Lord, we thank you for your godly relationships. We thank you for those around us who have pure intentions, pure motives and a pure heart. Lord, we thank you for those who are in our life and pretend to be for us but are plotting against us. Lord, we ask that you reveal them to us by way of Holy Spirit, that you expose them to us not to move in the flesh, but so that we can operate in wisdom.

Speaker 1:

God, I thank you for every hater that is pushing me higher and deeper into my calling. Lord, I thank you for every person who is pushing me into my purpose. Lord, I thank you that the prophecies of my life are being fulfilled. Lord, I thank you that no word ever spoken over me or about me or to me can triumph what you said about me, lord. I thank you, lord, that your word is alive and true. God, that no word curse God, no thought curse God ever spoken or ever thought about me or to me or to someone else concerning me. God, that it can never be higher than what you've said. Lord, thank you that your word is final.

Speaker 1:

I rebuke every word curse spoken over me in my life. I rebuke every thought curse someone has made towards me in their mind. I nullify every covenant by way of bitterness, anger, envy and jealousy. I command that curse, hex, covenant and spell made concerning my life to be broken. Now I decreed that and declare the good things of the Lord over and into my life.

Speaker 1:

I decree I am fruitful. I decree I am favored. I decree I am favored. I decree I am blessed. My lineage is blessed. My family is blessed. My household is blessed. My marriage is blessed.

Speaker 1:

I command that I am blessed. I can only be blessed. Blessings is my portion. My children shall call me blessed. My children shall be blessed, lord, let everything that my hands touch be prosperous. Prosperous, god, by way of the Holy Spirit, let heaven be opened up before me and let blessings rain down. God, let my seed spring forth blessed and good fruit.

Speaker 1:

Now, in the mighty powerful, anointed name of Jesus Christ, I pray. I pray this prayer, lord. Seal it by faith. Let so God Don't allow any of my words to hit the ground. Father, lord, I ask that you would rain blessings down, rain favor down, god. Give me discernment, god, to know those among me, god, and to move accordingly, god, to move in wisdom, to move in understanding, to move in knowledge. Father, do not allow me to get in the way of your will and your purpose for my life. God. Do not allow anyone to get in the way of your plans and your purpose for me, father, Give me the strength to move when I need to move. God, give me the boldness to speak when I need to speak. God, give me the authority, God, to do what you say to do. Father, give me the boldness to speak when I need to speak, god. Give me the authority, god, to do what you say to do. Father, give me the discipline, god, to trust your word and to trust your will.

Speaker 1:

In the name of Jesus, lord, I thank you that you are all knowing all powerful God, and that everything you said is going to come to pass, that every promise that you have ever promised will come true, god, that you are a promise keeper, that you are a God who cannot lie, who come true, god, that you are a promise keeper, that you are a God who cannot lie, who shall not lie, who will not lie, father. So I trust in your word, god. I choose to trust you. I choose to believe you. I choose to believe that you said I am the head and not the tail. I choose to believe that you said I am the lender and not the borrower. I choose to believe that you said I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I choose to believe that you said I am royalty. I choose to believe that you said I am seated in heavenly places.

Speaker 1:

Father, I make the choice to believe you, god, because you are worthy of belief, you are worthy of trust, you are worthy of honor, you are worthy of praise. You have not ever shown me any reason not to believe you or trust you, god, and so I just pray that you continue to have your way. God Bless the listener, father, I pray that everything that I have prayed over my life, I pray it over their life as well, and that everything I do, say and post brings you all praise, honor and glory, god, that my life will be a testament of your goodness and your glory and your faithfulness in Jesus, mighty name. Amen. Okay, guys, well, I pray that this episode blessed you in some way that encourage you to examine your circle.

Speaker 1:

Examine your relationship. Examine the person you're with. If y'all not married, I mean if you're with. If you're not married, I mean if you're married to, you still need to examine it, but if you're not married, examine that person you're dating. Examine those friends you have. Examine the company you keep. Examine those who are speaking into you, whether it be life or death. Examine those who are there when you're up. Examine those who are there when you're down. Examine thoseamine those who are there when you're down. Examine those who are supporting you and who you give your time to.

Speaker 1:

Life is too short and we do not want to miss it. We do not want to be so occupied in unfruitful relationships and so occupied in covenants with people who are not beneficial to our future. You should be adding value to other people's lives and they should be adding value to yours. You should be an asset to every person around you and not a liability. So I pray the Lord blesses you, that he keeps you, that he covers you and protects you. I love you. God loves you Till next time. Bye, and don't forget to share this with somebody.

Building Healthy Relationships Through Accountability
Prayer for Discernment and Healing
Navigating Relationships and God's Will
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Building Valuable Relationships and Blessings