Travelcast with Igar Garai

E10 - Meto: Budget Travel Secrets and Cultural Immersion Journey

August 08, 2024 Igar Episode 10
E10 - Meto: Budget Travel Secrets and Cultural Immersion Journey
Travelcast with Igar Garai
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Travelcast with Igar Garai
E10 - Meto: Budget Travel Secrets and Cultural Immersion Journey
Aug 08, 2024 Episode 10

What if you could uncover the secrets of budget travel and cultural immersion from someone who's mastered both? Our guest, Meto, shares his incredible journey that spans over 70 countries and more than a decade of hosting on Couchsurfing. From Egypt to Amsterdam and a transformative 14-year stay in Thailand, Meto's story is filled with serendipitous encounters, unexpected job opportunities, and invaluable lessons on balancing work and exploration.

This episode promises more than just travel tales; it's a masterclass in connecting with diverse cultures, learning local languages, and experiencing life through the eyes of locals. Meto discusses the importance of learning basic phrases to break the ice and the enriching impact of meeting travelers with unique philosophies. We also touch on the power of media in shaping our perceptions of places and how Meto's firsthand experiences challenge those narratives.

In our final segment, we explore profound reflections on happiness and the pursuit of one's own path. Meto emphasizes the need to embrace your unique journey rather than conforming to societal expectations. With practical travel advice, budget management tips, and heartwarming stories, this episode is a treasure trove for aspiring travelers and seasoned wanderers alike. Tune in to discover how to make your travel dreams a reality without breaking the bank and to find inspiration in following your true path.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What if you could uncover the secrets of budget travel and cultural immersion from someone who's mastered both? Our guest, Meto, shares his incredible journey that spans over 70 countries and more than a decade of hosting on Couchsurfing. From Egypt to Amsterdam and a transformative 14-year stay in Thailand, Meto's story is filled with serendipitous encounters, unexpected job opportunities, and invaluable lessons on balancing work and exploration.

This episode promises more than just travel tales; it's a masterclass in connecting with diverse cultures, learning local languages, and experiencing life through the eyes of locals. Meto discusses the importance of learning basic phrases to break the ice and the enriching impact of meeting travelers with unique philosophies. We also touch on the power of media in shaping our perceptions of places and how Meto's firsthand experiences challenge those narratives.

In our final segment, we explore profound reflections on happiness and the pursuit of one's own path. Meto emphasizes the need to embrace your unique journey rather than conforming to societal expectations. With practical travel advice, budget management tips, and heartwarming stories, this episode is a treasure trove for aspiring travelers and seasoned wanderers alike. Tune in to discover how to make your travel dreams a reality without breaking the bank and to find inspiration in following your true path.

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Hello, dear travelers from around the globe, and welcome back to episode 10 of Travelcast. Today I'm thrilled to introduce you to an experienced traveler and passionate couchsurfing host, mitu. He has traveled to more than 70 countries and has received over 250 couchsurfing reviews, reflecting his deep commitment to cultural exchange and connection. Mitu, thank you for joining us and, yeah, as always, can you please introduce yourself? Tell about yourself, about your background.


Wow. So my story start with a travel back to 2006. I meet a couple, the guy from from uk, the girl from canada, and he was traveling in egypt, in alexandria, and I like the story because they travel six months in a year and they work six months, and then this time I was working as a medical representative. I have only three week holiday per year, so I start to really interest in them. I invite them to my home. We became friends and I find they work in hospitality. So they work in high season in Greece in the summertime. In the winter they travel to sheep country like Jordan, egypt, where they can use the money effectively. I find them very smart. We became friends. They stayed in my home, we cooked and then before they leave they leave me the note wwwcouchsurfingcom.


So I didn't understand nothing about it. They said, okay, this is our gift for you, go for it and check it yourself. So in the beginning, you know I was naive. I thought maybe it's a prize, I will go online and I will get some. All right, I was very generous with them. They like me. I try fill up the website and then next day I get a phone call from Canada, again from one guy called Francis you can see him in car seven and he told me hello, man, I'm here in Alexandria, in the square where you home. What's happening, guys? So here lies that I'm not understanding the website very well. So we went to meet, we had a meal together, he showed me the website and since then I start to be crazy about travel oh man, interesting, interesting and so like you met those guys.


Uh, not on couchsurfing, no, no, no no, I always, since younghood, when I'm very, when I'm shy, I always want to see the tourists and the foreigner and I like to ask them where are you from? Try to practice my English. So I was always, since I'm 10 years, interested to meet foreigners Because I'm interested to know where they're from, how they live, what they're doing. Different people, different color. This is very, very interesting for me. So I met them by chance. I invited them for a meal in Egypt and we became friends and they live in Egypt for a long time. So I bring them to my home before I know how to serve them. I had an apartment with a room, so I had one room for me and they used to come cook in my home all the time. So it was interesting. So since then I started to understand that travel is very possible.


Before 2006, I thought I need to have a lot of money to travel Because I see the Hilton Hotel Sheraton in my city and I see the tourists going there. I didn't know that there are some hostel and some people traveling with budget. So it was a big change and it opened the world for me. I hosted many people people traveling the world with bicycle, people coming with a car, many people, people traveling the world with bicycles, people coming with a car. So I meet one German guy. Actually he traveled all over the world with no money. He used to work every country, spend the money, go to next country, and he have no camera, so he won't travel all over the world. So I meet very nice weird people, which is you call it this way.


And like, like where on the car show?


On the car show, yeah, I meet very nice weird people, which is called it this way and like, like where, on the couch, everyone comes with his story, with his philosophy, yeah, and I really love it. You know what I mean, because you see the different mindset, different thinking, but we all share the same things. We want to know other people, we want to connect. So this is all the common between everyone you know, but people different do a different way.


That's true, that's true, that's true, and like what like so you was like hosting, first right, yes. And how you start your travel journey, like when you start to travel itself.


I started travel journey 2007 when I asked my higher management to take one month's holiday which is too long, because normally you give three weeks because I got a visa to go to Amsterdam and I didn't have a go for Kowtowik. I have a lot of friends already who live in Europe, so I got one month's visa to go to Amsterdam and my boss said only three weeks. So I resigned and I decided to go and I was really want to go one way, not not come back again, but I didn't find any possibility to stay legally after one month, so I returned back and this time I stayed at all my friends' homes, but they all were people I knew Because, as I said to you, I was always having a foreigner friend.


Nice man was having foreigner friend, right, nice man. Well, like then, let's slowly, slowly move to one topic, what I also want to open with you because, well, I already know that, like, yeah, you, as I know, travel a lot, you have this couchsurfing experience and we will back to this, but I also know that, after all that you switch and like, like change literally your life and your profession and country, you know, and you went like somewhere, god knows where. So, like, can you open this?


yes topic like that yeah, like you went to thailand and how yeah, when I returned from it was my first trip Poland, germany and Belgium and I come back I was really sad that I will start again in Egypt and I won't really be abroad, because my objective not career, not profession my objective to see the world, and it was one objective all my life, since I'm 10 years old. I want to see the world and it was one objective all my life, since I'm 10 year old. I want to see the world before I die. I really want to see the world. I want to see the different people, a different lifestyle. So when I leave this world, I live that. I knew the world. Imagine. You know you come and go and you didn't know how people live. You know what I mean, right? So it was my objective.


And I had a good friend of mine. He worked in reuters and he's a journalist and he's german, so I went to his dinner with him and he opened my eyes to south east asia. Because I was only thinking about europe. And you, us, like everyone, yeah, say same in my country. Yeah, yeah, you believe only us or europe, Because I was only thinking about Europe and the US Like everyone in this time.


Yeah, same in my country.


They believe only US or Europe. Nobody knows any other country. Because the media in our country show all the world is fucked up, you know what I mean. Like they show you the floods in Thailand, they show you the earthquake in Indonesia, you know. So you don't see the positive things of every country, right? So my friend was telling me malaysia would be a very good choice for you. His mother was there for holiday. He showed me the photo and I don't need visa to go to malaysia. So it was interesting.


But I learned a lesson from my first trip, because I went from egypt to amsterdam and I come back amsterdam to egypt, so this time I said no. Egypt to Amsterdam and I come back to Amsterdam to Egypt, so this time I said no. Since I have a free visit to Malaysia, I will fly to Thailand and return from Malaysia, and I did it for three months this time. First time was one month, this time for three months. So I fly to Thailand. It was very interesting place. But you know I also believe in destiny.


When I was traveling I ended up in Bukit. I was in Full Moon Party in Koh Samui and the guy from Khao Shevink texted me. He told me man, when are you coming? Because I'm leaving Bukit soon and if you want to come, come quickly. So it was 11 o'clock in the morning after the party. So I took the ferry.


I went all the way to Bukit. I find the guy already packed everything, you know, so I even have to sleep in the floor because he moved everything from his house. And we became very good friend. I told him that I want to work abroad. He give me two contact. He called his boss, he called his friend, and other company contact. He called his boss, he called his friend in other company.


And second day I got two job in the same country was like wow, I wasn't imagine how this happened. You know, I mean, and I think since the last 14 years, pocket became for me it is blessed to work whenever I have some challenging life, I go to pocket, I get a job and I earn good money. And I never planned to stay 14 years. I always wanted to travel six months, move to another country, and first year I went to Indonesia, I returned to Thailand, I went to Singapore, I returned to Thailand. So I work in different places but Thailand was always my home for work and professional career and I changed my profession from being veterinary doctor working for a pharmaceutical company to holiday consultant. You know this was my profession in Thailand, like helping people to travel.


Well, and like man, like that's really interesting stuff again, like this, another magic, yeah, as you say, like destiny, and like some really situation happened, something random, and then you got your end job and like you could stay in country, you can work and like, and then it's changed your life and then like yeah, and like yesterday, we had a chat with you and you mentioned something that, yeah, uh, like you always wanted to travel and literally from this, like 14 years, in thailand, you like all those, most of your trips happened after all right yeah


and uh, beautiful, beautiful and uh, and then like, like how, how your life turned, like from perspective of, yeah, you start to work and how how could you travel? I mean, it's like exactly what you was uh telling some like minutes ago, that like you worked uh in season and then you travel, or how you could travel that yeah, man.


actually, when I, or your work, when I went overseas was, my objective was money. Very simple when I make my man the money I make before in my profession for one year, as soon as I make this target, I have to stop and start travel. And the first six months I made the target. So I had six months, I had good money and I was really good in my job. So I went travel and I kind of quit the job. I had to sell my work permit but I went travel. After six months I returned.


The company accepted me and it became the company adapt to my lifestyle all right, all right so I was working in high season in thailand, which is normally the start from november to april, because most of the tourists used to come in the winter time, when it's cold in Europe, summer in Thailand. So, and then I started to travel six months and work in six months.


This was my big dream, you know, and I managed it financially and I didn't feel like I need to work more, because my objective is not to work. My objective is to see the world, as I said to work more, because my objective not to work, my objective to this is a world. As I said to you and, believe it or not, I made almost 70 country in 12 years. Doesn't take me, because before this I was not traveling you know, all right, right, right, yeah.


And then how? How was your lifestyle of your traveling? Did you again apparently couch surfing or like?


no, no, no, I was really, really fancy about couch surfing. I love couch surfing and you know I was very crazy in couch surfing. Maybe now I I cannot make it like before, but I can remember that I did three months, 90 days, in Morocco, surfing In more than eight countries, almost 15 to 20 cities, and it was a bit tiring. But I'm motivated to meet new people, see their lifestyle, see how they live, see how they work, and I was moving between host and host style. See how they live, see how they work, and I was moving between host and host and luckily I find host everywhere, even in the small cities, and it was much easier before in Couchsurfing because not too many people joining.


It was less people but more into the spirit.


You know, yeah, how, how can you uh like what from you? Because, yeah, you use it way longer than me. And how can you see the differences, um, back then, with couchsurfing nowadays for you, especially like for travel? How?


is it? I mean, I the good thing about couchsurfing? I would never plan. You know, I just arrived to the country, contact the host, have to come to your home and he guide me through the holiday. I'm very independent, but I always follow his advice not Lonely Planet at this time or tourist information. So he told me this place is good. I go. You know what I mean. Sometimes they have a bicycle. I use their bicycle, sometimes I go to transport, sometimes I walk, so it depends where I am, so it makes me feel local. You know, I didn't feel like I'm a tourist, I feel like kind of a citizen, you know, in the country, and this is what I love, because I want to be a citizen in every country I go.


Yeah, I don't want to be different, at least for a short period of time.


Yes, so I go to the supermarket normally I buy the food I come back home I cook with my host. I don't go to a restaurant, and yeah, so it was a supermarket walking around sightseeing I'm not fancy going to museums or galleries or touristic stuff so I was living really like a local, you know do you have any fun stories like I don't know, dangerous and comfortable, you know, like all your experience?


yeah, I think every story is fun, you know. But I mean, weird story is very. I think. I have one, one story in Mexico, but yeah, but it never happened. You know I had 300 couch serving person who I host or I served. But the trip in Mexico I was going from Colombia to Cancun and I was not sleeping because the flight was very early morning and you know, when you have an early morning flight you can't sleep in the night because you have to go to the airport, wake up early, sleep late.


So I arrived in the afternoon in Cancun. It was very, very hot and I didn't find my host was not answering the phone and then after a long time he could answer me and it was like funny story.


I call it funny stories and that's nothing serious about it, but when I was versus and coming to his home and I told him I can have a cup of water and I said, oh, the water here. You know you have to pay for it. You know what I mean. It's not for free or you go to the market I said okay. Then I asked him about the Wi-Fi and he said to me why you need my Wi-Fi? I never share my Wi-Fi, it's very private. If you want, you can buy some card from the supermarket too, market too. And I was really tired, you know I mean, and he was kind of a bit selfish, you know I don't think he he understands our culture is not giving place to people to sleep without being really want to do it. You know I mean so.


I feel like he have some other objective and he have many funny reference, but I was sometime I'm I'm very stubborn. I like to go to dangerous profile and try you know, or new people well, yeah, well, yeah.


And like I don't know any like heart touching stories, what again? When you came to some country? Or like I don't know, you have some story. Same can be with couchsurfing. Have you ever had such?


like, like, really I don't know what you mean challenge your mind.


No, no opposite. Like from the good perspective, from an amazing perspective, like one year when you've been like I don't know amazed by a hospitality or like apartment itself, or like somehow, so like I don't know.


Some like wow, mind blowing, like what the hell just happened, like you know, like I mean man twice with you and every trip you have this kind of enthusiasm and this time of emotion. But sometimes it's extreme, you know what I mean. Yeah, like I meet one French guy in Bouquet and I didn't even host him, but we was like meeting and we have a quick meeting and we just change numbers. And when I was in Europe I texted him that I'm in Germany, I'm going to France, and he said yes, yes, welcome. I was in Switzerland, he meet me in the border, he take me to his home country, but he's really, really one of his family, one of the richest people in france I think. He he have a huge house, not houses like many, many houses. His father have like maybe 50 old cars, but this guy was really love to travel. So even when his mother come and introduced to me, he said no no you stay in your own home.


So I went to my own home, have the horses around swimming pool in every house and we drive in the city with his very, very fashionable old car and people think that I'm the rich and he's a driver. It was very funny, and I mean because I look different than France, so this is kind of very fancy. I also sleep in the floor many times, yeah, which is fine. Yeah, so the good thing about couch serving is not about the place, is about the experience you know exactly so if you want comfort, it's different, you know.


But actually the good thing about couchsurfing you don't know what you got I think exactly that's the point.


You know, like, if you don't expect something, yeah, then you're fine for everything. You know, like in the floor sleeping and like being like surprised by some fanciness and comfortableness, uh, yeah, like. But if you expect that you come like here as an airbnb or like some hotel, and then your expectation going out and you like, yeah, what the hell? Like like why, why it's like this, why this person not serving blah, blah, blah, it's kind of it's not the spirit of couchsurfing anyway, anyway, man, we call it no expectation, no frustration and in general, like, uh, if out of couchsurfing, how is your like like style of your travel?


what do you usually do? I don't know your preferences, like is it, uh, what? What can you tell? Like I say, your lifestyle, is it something, um, I don't know? Like, yeah, you mentioned you like be like a local right, but also like do you like to go to nature or like prefer like cities and like some museum? So I don't know whatever, like how it's actually is mix and match.


You know, because when you travel the world you don't find every country same. You know, right, there are some country famous for the nature, some country famous for city and what I do? I just walk out of my house, of the couch serving or my host home and just explore.


Just my house of the couch serving, or my host home, and just explore.


Just I like to go to the supermarket of every country to see what they offer and I like to see something different, new, to try, if some food maybe, I like to see the street food or the supermarket or the some restaurant. I also, you know, sometimes sit in a busy place and just watch people, and this is very fun oh man, I know, I, I feel you, I, yeah, I did, I did like this.


Uh, I don't know, maybe not anymore, but I, I this is like cool stuff, because you observe local people, how they behave, how they like, how they exactly what they do in, like like drinks, how fast they are, how slow they are, like what is it? What is? What is this country or city? It's not even about country. It's more like about the place, about the city itself, right?


Right, yeah.


Yeah, so cool, cool, cool. And you know what I wanted to ask you. I wanted to ask about I know that you speak a lot of languages, don't you?


No, really. I was much younger. I would really want to learn languages, but now I learned it by by traveling, you know, because when you travel and ask people to speak english, they're not accepted. But if you say some word of their home language, they start to cooperate with you. And I learned that in south korea. When I went to south korea, I was asking everyone do you speak English? They say no, no, no, no, and they make with a hand X like this you know yeah, and then I start to learn what's mean. How are you? I said, or I said, which means thank you. So I was going to some place. I said I want to go and speak in English.


I don't ask them if you speak English or not because they will not answer In China.


It's the same. I just said the first word and then continued in English, and then they replied they cooperate more.


But so how many languages do you speak?


Three or four, and the rest is like words for everything.


I learn a few languages, but what I can communicate, let's say four or five, well, but this is actually good kind of advice, what you have, or like not even advice but method, what you say like just learn a little bit of local one, just regular, like some manual numbers, numbers, how are you? Yeah, hello, bye, bye. You know like I know some, some kind of things. Just it's also fun just to ice break.


You know, yeah, yeah, because you know. Ask anyone, especially in asia, that you speak the language. They said no, but they speak very well. Yeah, but they just try, you know, and some people also the. You know you. You know this one also. I learned from my experience and sales don't ask close question, you know. You said you speak english.


You say no, finish you go bye-bye, yes but when you open up questions, they said hello, how are you? Bye-bye, yes, but when you open up questions, they said hello, how are you what? You know where I can go?


then they can find no out of this, you know. So it's interesting. Yeah, it's interesting, so go normally for the question which is open yeah, but there's no, no yes or no right, yes, very interesting, interesting. Thank you, yeah, this is actually nice nice nice and so far, what is your like?


must visit country. I mean, like, from all your list you've been how, how do you feel it like? I don't know, not one can be like five can be, three can be, but like, really like there you must go I mean when you travel a lot, there are many places became similar, you know.


I mean there are many. Yeah, like europe, everywhere you find churches, you find, and if you go to the middle east there are different monument, mosque.


But now I'm also interested in the lifestyle of people and and which is like I'm really want to go to, to Iran, to Pakistan, to this country where you really get in touch with the culture very well, and for me I never forget South Africa as example. South america, colombia, ecuador has had a lot of things to offer, you know I mean. So if I make it general advice don't go to the most popular country for holiday except thailand, because really thailand is cool.


Yeah, everybody, everybody for me, who've been in thailand really saying it, but only compliments, because those things, those things Thailand is very popular, but they're really cool.


They have a different culture, different language, different lifestyle, so maybe this is an easy country to start. It's very easy and it's touristic.


But if you have a chance to try to go out of the book and try to visit the non-common country I see many people never travel. They have no money and they try to travel to Europe. So why do this? You know what I mean. You're going to spend all your money in one week and then you don't travel anymore. But if you start new and you want to travel to one country go to Georgia, go to Armenia, go to low-cost country, you know I mean then you can travel more as pakistan, a lot of beautiful country which your finance can take you for better experience, you know and europe is expensive.


You know that anywhere in europe with couch serving maybe not very expensive, but if you don't do cow serving, if you don't be humble, it's not comfort. You know what I mean, and always for me when I travel overseas, it's not like my home. Maybe in my home I go to restaurant, I spend more, but when I travel I feel like I'm responsible now and I need to control my budget to travel longer. You know what I mean. But if you want to take one week in a year or three weeks in a year, then you can spend as you want, but if you want to do six months, then you have to watch out.


Indeed, indeed, indeed, yeah, yeah. I think, like for those four countries, let's say, if we like, start from somewhere where we are now. It's like, let's say from europe or from, um, let's say like egypt, for your, in your case, for like us, like far countries, like asian or like south american, for example, what is the biggest expense? Is these tickets here, like plane tickets?


yeah later on there is like ridiculous, but those tickets, like it's really worth to go for longer. You will not go there for one week, right? It doesn't make any sense. If you need to go, you need to go six months and more to explore and to have. Yeah, yeah, true when you're with europe I think you know very big uh advantage for europe is this low cost yeah, low cost flights, you know, especially if you're off season, you can fly for like 10 euros, yeah you still can fly for 10 euros.


It's ridiculous, like you know. Like anywhere else you can do it, you, you know. Yeah, sometimes, of course, this visa for us? Yeah, man, how about visa and travel for you? I'm lucky enough, I know you're also from country not with so powerful passport as me, but yeah.


No, I'm lucky enough also to have dual citizen, that I have Argentinian passport.


But this got already later on, right, yeah, right, but before I was applying for visa.


But when you apply for visa, you get a three months holiday. You don't miss it. You're gonna spend to the last day 90 exactly yeah, yeah, yeah you want to use all your right to travel to the last day. So I was applying for visas and my job was good in Thailand so it was easier. When I moved to Thailand, I got more chance to travel. There are many countries you don't need visa, honestly.


However, where you are I mean, even if you are the hardest passport in the world you still have at least 50 countries to go yeah, at least some countries, 40 countries to go yeah least 50 countries. Yeah, at least some some kind of 14 countries to go. Maybe they are not common, not very famous for tourism, but travel much this season, you know, I mean yeah, I go sri lanka's online visa.


Sri lanka is super easy for everybody, yes, yes, yes small island. Big world is very small, but you can see totally different absolutely, really really like from the south then jungles then yeah, then uh, north like is and everywhere is different.


Yeah like this is surprising, surprising. They're really interesting the food and you have a little idea about india also because they're very similar nice, nice, nice.


So, uh, what will be, let's say, if you would advise, let's say, your people like, say, young Egyptians and like for video situation and for money situation, how you would advise them to start their travel journeys?


yeah, as I said earlier, when everyone have to travel in his way. So there are always option. But unfortunately, because of the media wash, brainwash you always think that Canada, us, europe is the only place you want to dream to go. Maybe it's a country dream to work, but you still can travel to other country, will fulfill your need and you don't need visa and you don't need too much money. You know I mean, and be flexible. When you want to travel, you have to go out of the comfort zone. If you want to be always in the comfort, no need to travel, you know I mean, if you want no risk stay home.


But if you stay home also is kind of risk, nice, nice, nice, well, like I asked the question advice for egyptian, but I think it's like more advice even for everybody, but uh, for literally everybody. So yeah, I hope. Yeah, man. So yeah, I hope man, do you have like any in general, like social media or something, how people contact you? I know you have couchsurfing. I will also add it to the description so like people can connect you, hang out with you whenever you are.


Yeah, man, I can share my WhatsApp.


And I also work in Madeira.


Portugal. I work as a holiday consultant. I normally work in a tourist information center. I share with people how to go, where to hide, how to reach from A to B, and I like this job because you meet all the categories. You have the old five-star resort who can spend 200 euros a day.


You have the student who spends 50 euros a day, and all of them go to the same destination but a different way. Some of them go with a bus, some of them go with a private car. Yeah, so the good things everyone sees the same thing and this is the beauty about it, you know. I mean and this is teach me when I meet my guests, I always direct them in the way they like. So if I have a young student young students they ask me oh, we don't want to spend no money I tell them how to do it and mostly people come back again and send me for advice. So if anybody come to Portugal, madeira, you can contact me if anyone want to have information about one of the country I'm happy to share, because this is my passion in life, you know. I mean to it give me energy, actually, when I share my travel story man, thank you, thank you.


Is there anything else you would like to open up or or to say to share with the listeners?


I just, you know, think. If you want to do something, you can do it. If you think about it, it will never work, because I think the mind works opposite of the heart. You know, I mean the heart. If you feel something, you want to do it. If you start to think about it, it never works. So if you want to do something, I recommend you to take action.


Don't think too much this is what I learned, also from thai people. They always tell you don't think too much, which is amazing. Listen to your heart, listen to your somebody will feel. Feel what they want to do and they do it because when time go, you know it's be harder to do what you want.


Even though I did many mistakes in my life. I want to do things and I said, maybe I'll do it after one year or two years or when I finish this project, but unfortunately, if you did it, it would be not fun as if you do it immediately. So take a risk. And also what I want to share there are no one get everything in life. This is a life as it is. If you are believer. If you're not, I think people get things and miss things.


It's normal if you try to get everything in life, you will not be happy. And I always tell people from last 15 years I think everyone born with his path. And if you try to walk in different person passes, you might walk in it, but you will never be happy.


So walk in the way where you are, feel yourself. You know I mean because copying someone else or living the ideal life, it might happen. But the most important, will you be happy? From many example, from many story, I I see the people who are changing what they want to do because they have to do it. They are happier, you know.


And don't regret in the end. Man, that's beautiful. Thank you Really. Thank you. Cool, Really. Pleasure to talk, pleasure to listen, you know, and yeah, man, thank you. Thank you everyone. High five, Enjoy.

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Finding Happiness in Individual Paths