The Dad Bods and Dumbbells Podcast

Table Topics Episode #3: The One Phone Call, Beer with Beethoven, and more...

June 27, 2024 Barton Bryan and Mitch Royer Season 1 Episode 10
Table Topics Episode #3: The One Phone Call, Beer with Beethoven, and more...
The Dad Bods and Dumbbells Podcast
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The Dad Bods and Dumbbells Podcast
Table Topics Episode #3: The One Phone Call, Beer with Beethoven, and more...
Jun 27, 2024 Season 1 Episode 10
Barton Bryan and Mitch Royer

Ever found yourself wondering who would come to your aid if you were thrown into a jail in a far-off land? Join Barton, Mitch, and myself as we traverse a kaleidoscope of discussions in our latest podcast escapade, kicking off with a lively debate on the power players in our contacts who could pull strings in high places. We’re not just spinning yarns here; it’s a reflective foray into networking’s hidden prowess and the whimsical, yet earnest pondering of our own social arsenals.

But it's not all about who you know; it's also about who you are because of those you've journeyed with. Let me take you back to blustery Indiana winters with my father, a quadriplegic with a sense of humor as formidable as his courage, behind the wheel of our trusty Nissan. We explore how these personal legacies shape our ambitions, like championing my industry unicorn to share her "Pain Cave" wisdom with the world through the written word. It's a heartfelt tribute to the family bonds that define and inspire us.

Wrapping up, we'll let you in on the celebrity run-ins and family moments that have etched themselves into our memories. Whether it's the electricity of an NBA Finals game or the intimate honor of officiating my cousin's wedding, these stories illuminate the profound impact of nurturing relationships amidst the hustle of life. So, ready to join our candid chat on everything from Tucker Carlson's information diet to mishaps with famous phone numbers? We promise an episode brimming with laughter, sentiment, and a touch of star-studded intrigue.

Follow Mitch @

Follow Bart @

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever found yourself wondering who would come to your aid if you were thrown into a jail in a far-off land? Join Barton, Mitch, and myself as we traverse a kaleidoscope of discussions in our latest podcast escapade, kicking off with a lively debate on the power players in our contacts who could pull strings in high places. We’re not just spinning yarns here; it’s a reflective foray into networking’s hidden prowess and the whimsical, yet earnest pondering of our own social arsenals.

But it's not all about who you know; it's also about who you are because of those you've journeyed with. Let me take you back to blustery Indiana winters with my father, a quadriplegic with a sense of humor as formidable as his courage, behind the wheel of our trusty Nissan. We explore how these personal legacies shape our ambitions, like championing my industry unicorn to share her "Pain Cave" wisdom with the world through the written word. It's a heartfelt tribute to the family bonds that define and inspire us.

Wrapping up, we'll let you in on the celebrity run-ins and family moments that have etched themselves into our memories. Whether it's the electricity of an NBA Finals game or the intimate honor of officiating my cousin's wedding, these stories illuminate the profound impact of nurturing relationships amidst the hustle of life. So, ready to join our candid chat on everything from Tucker Carlson's information diet to mishaps with famous phone numbers? We promise an episode brimming with laughter, sentiment, and a touch of star-studded intrigue.

Follow Mitch @

Follow Bart @

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dad Bods and dumbbells. This is one of those fun episodes where we got to kind of spin the wheel topics. We picked some funny topics to talk about here. I'm gonna pop a a fan here.

Speaker 2:

Already way ahead of you. See if you last a few more minutes of the last time

Speaker 1:

I put one in. I did not make it way long. Well, I had some coordination issues.

Speaker 2:

This one's coffee. So it's a little mellow. We already ate, so we feel pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I'm Barton. This is Mitch. You know? Thanks for listening. Thanks for watching. Always subscribe where you where you listen to these podcast ads so we can get you more content. This one's fun as we've done this before and we're gonna do it again here. Kind of spin the bottle. I love it. Mitch is drinking some good old Texas whiskey Uh-huh. From Trudy Oak, which is a I'm

Speaker 2:

a little ashamed. I put some ice in it. That's not usually my vibe. I like it neat, but I need it a little bit more because before five PM. So that's where we're at. Alright. Well, let's get started, man. I'd like to see I I'm actually really interested in these in these topics. I think it'd be pretty funny.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Let's roll your husband first. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead, man. Alright.

Speaker 2:

Oh, this is a good one. Third world country jail. Third world country.

Speaker 1:

So the the the topic here is if you're if you get locked in a third world country jail and you've got one phone call. Like, who is the person in your phone or that you know that probably has the most influence to be able to help

Speaker 2:

you? Oh, man.

Speaker 1:

Like so it's not necessarily the most famous person in your phone. But it's the person who has literally the most

Speaker 2:

Like, that's gonna help you out or, like, get you out.

Speaker 1:

Right. They could probably call

Speaker 2:

the person Which are about, like, our central judge. Type thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Or somebody who, like, has some poll, you know, with, like, the embassy or state department or

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's good. Yeah. I didn't think about that.

Speaker 1:

What do you got for me?

Speaker 2:

Well, I this is a tough one because I also I have a lot of connections in that space Mhmm. Like I could call. But I'm also worried they wouldn't answer my call. Because, like, some people you're close with, you call them they're answering.

Speaker 1:

Well, let let's assume they're gonna answer.

Speaker 2:

They're gonna answer. Okay.

Speaker 1:

They they feel the SOS distress coming through from you and you're gonna pick up.

Speaker 2:

So there is a person I used to work with Mhmm. Whose husband is a secret service agent. He he was on presidential detail. I don't I'm I don't know if I've talked about on the podcast, but if I had, I'm gonna tell it again. He is was on presidential detail during Trump. So high alert all the time. And then now he is a diplomat in Rome. So that they they can only be in the presidential detail for, like, a certain number of years due to the stress. Yeah. So they move them automatic.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I think he got in Italy or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So he's probably the only person that I could call that I know could get to an embassy and help me out somewhere as a diplomat. Yeah. Otherwise, I think I have a backup but he would be my most direct first call.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I also here's what I'm worried about Bart. I've never met him in person, which is, like, acquaintances through the thing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so it's like, do are we that close? Close enough for him to call in a favor? Yeah. I do know a federal judge. I could call Fed judge, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I mean, I I think we we just have fun with it and not worry too much about, like, how deep is

Speaker 2:

the relationship? Would he So I've ruined it already. Is that what I mean? You know, it would be it would be my secret service I

Speaker 1:

think it's just a quick question. Like, what so that's a great you know, somebody who's a secret service, somebody who's now in the, you know, Diplomat and an embassy and

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And is gonna know the right people that could get a hold of the right people is kinda what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. How about you? You know, I I've got I've got a friend a client who's who, you know, goes to the Pentagon and works, and he's in that base. So

Speaker 2:

You would be easy.

Speaker 1:

But No. I actually think it's Steve Adler. Because I I train yeah. I train Steve. I know he's no longer the mayor, but he is so well connected with boutage and and, like

Speaker 2:

Yeah. He just Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like, Biden and those guys. Like, he could he could make a couple calls and That wouldn't be And I think that would be and he would be a lawyer. He would he's a lawyer. Yeah. He's a lawyer. Helps. So he would know lawyers that do that we could figure out the international implications and this and that. And And he's also the type of guy who's retired, so he he has the time. He might

Speaker 2:

fly you private and then I don't know the whole thing. Yeah. So that's a great one.

Speaker 1:

That's my house Wait.

Speaker 2:

I don't think my house Right. That was crazy.

Speaker 1:

But you were waiting

Speaker 2:

for me to, like, fumble through it. I thought you

Speaker 1:

were gonna say Adler.

Speaker 2:

The Hillary's I know Adler's because of you. Yeah. I mean, I would that would be my move too. Or that guy, James.

Speaker 1:

Oh, James.

Speaker 2:

He seems like a fix

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know?

Speaker 1:

It's more of a local fix. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if he

Speaker 2:

he seems like

Speaker 1:

a fix. I was thinking like, you know, Venezuelan jail Well, whatever you like to keep in the heart of the game.

Speaker 2:

I think that's

Speaker 1:

I'm in the Congo and, like, log. You know, like

Speaker 2:

You don't have any connections from the score you could call, like a NGO or something like that?

Speaker 1:

I mean, I've got as we've got I've got some people that are in the state department that were p score So but Steve's Steve is the one I would call for.

Speaker 2:

And he would answer your call.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's a good one. Yeah. What do we do to get into jail?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. That's a good question.

Speaker 2:

Disorderly, something like that, to a bra. I'd love a bra.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Just getting a cute man. Are we

Speaker 2:

together in the jail?

Speaker 1:

We may as well.

Speaker 2:

Dude, I would love to get in a fight. Not with you with you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Like, we're together, like, taking on, like, six dudes, and I would I would have to really, like, bar three in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Definitely be stabbed. Maybe the guy that gets shifted. So anyway. Alright then.

Speaker 1:

Man, we are off to a great start.

Speaker 2:

I love this.

Speaker 1:

Spin it. Alright. That was a weak spin, but here we go. Who'd you like to have a beer with?

Speaker 2:

Like anybody in history?

Speaker 1:

Anybody in history dead or alive.

Speaker 2:

Do you know already? How's that Century? It looks like you're hurt a little bit.

Speaker 1:

No. You're It's actually a little bit It's actually much much smoother than that. Yeah. I I because I got it in I got in a spot that it's, like, it's locked in So my my my gum is just

Speaker 2:

It's true. I mean, the first five I mean, my gums are definitely receding. So sometimes I go top shelf just to make sure. But sometimes if I'm truck like, if I'm driving somewhere

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's like, I'm tired. Mhmm.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

gotta go upper deck or lower record.

Speaker 1:

Wow. Yeah. It's pretty long. It's pretty long right there. Okay. So having a beer with you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna say you can get real fans to be like, I don't wanna have beer with, like, you know, some great person from history. Yeah. You assume you can speak your language. Yeah. I think it would be Beethoven. Yeah. I mean, if he he's I mean, he couldn't talk to them. Yeah. Well, he was deaf. Yes. But he went deaf, like, halfway through his life.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so he could probably Right.

Speaker 1:

So he wrote a bunch of music. He basically wrote classical music when he was when he could hear, and then when his hearing went, he kinda got he'd created romantic music. He was, like, one of the founders of of, like, the romantic period because his music started to evolve because in his head, He couldn't he couldn't hear

Speaker 2:

so wild.

Speaker 1:

It was all. I mean So what's fascinating individuals? Well, I I I assuming I could speak his language, communicate if man, I can just

Speaker 2:

causes hearing, you know. Was it, like, a, like, a

Speaker 1:

Probably, he probably got, like, a virus and and all of that. You know, none of these people live very long, but they live at fifty two. So I would

Speaker 2:

kill the lived at fifty two.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Alright. That's that's the off the cuff

Speaker 2:

for sure. All Reuters die of heart, it's actually like fifty two. So I'm there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So that's a good one.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I wasn't expecting it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was expecting you to say some sports figure or something dumb. Michael Jordan.

Speaker 1:

Dumbbell. I already met him. What? Yeah. I met him when I was a sixth grade.

Speaker 2:

Really? Like, let's not do

Speaker 1:

this okay. Sorry. Sorry. I'll I'll I'll tell you when we when we answer the question. Go ahead. So who could you have a beer with?

Speaker 2:

I this is weird because it's it's gonna seem political, but it's not.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I've always wanted to have a beer with W.

Speaker 1:

George Dove.

Speaker 2:

Dove. George Dove. Like, he seems like a guy even though he doesn't drink anymore. Like, he can have it available.

Speaker 1:

Make that happen here. I mean Now, like, he's like, in Fort Worth. Right? Or that

Speaker 2:

was a big rancho? He does.

Speaker 1:

Paint. He's a big painter now. Yeah. He's like a really children.

Speaker 2:

I I think because of how I how old I was when nine eleven and all that stuff. Like, he was he is, like, imprinted in my high school mind. Right? He just seems like a guy who would really be cool to hang out with and go to a bar with.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Like, that was always the, like, the, like, the the economy was like, oh, he's a guy I could have a beer with. Right? Yeah. As opposed to, like, Al Gore or or Nancy or Carrie that were real, like,

Speaker 2:

so stuffy. If yeah. Carrie, I forgot about that. That's a great pull. Yeah. That's who I would I know that's that's good one. The Beethoven's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, I you you wanna get

Speaker 2:

I was gonna say Jesus, but then that'd be too much. I think. That's great

Speaker 1:

too much. Where do you have a beer though?

Speaker 2:

He turned the water into wine?

Speaker 1:

He did. He did. He did. He was he was already thinking the right way. Yeah. That's good. Really good. I I think it would be fun to that'd be, like, a whole episode of this going. It's funny that we picked we picked men, like, we didn't pick some, like, hot girl from history to have a beer with him. Oh my god.

Speaker 2:

To go nuts. Good

Speaker 1:

for us.

Speaker 2:

Good for us. You know, not. I'm not the guy that's like, oh, she's good looking. I was like, she's not missus Royer. Same way to

Speaker 1:

She's not missus Royer. Missus Queen.

Speaker 2:

Oh, Jane.

Speaker 1:

There you go.

Speaker 2:

She's my queen. I'll tell you the jelly roll story one time about that.

Speaker 1:

Alright. We'll spin it. Alright. Oh, wait. This is this is in the same vein. So if you can have a work any workout partner has to be alive today. For a to go on a run with or to a lift with. So, like, you know, like, you know, like, hey, how

Speaker 2:

I met Cam.

Speaker 1:

Right. Yeah. Like, I got a ten mile run who do you wanna run assuming they're gonna run at your pace?

Speaker 2:

It doesn't have to be famous. It could be, like, even

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But my dad, we could reconnect. Oh, dad. Do you know what it is? Do you know yours?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Let's hear it. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Give me time to think.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I I think it would be like, either Arnold's well, Arnold's horse nigger.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Right. Even now at seventy two, just to, like, go to, like I would I would wanna go to, like, either Gold's Venice or, like, muscle beach. Oh, yeah. And just, like yeah. Does him and I hour and a half workout just, you know, just to have talking about things and working out, and it would just be it'd be epic. It'd be

Speaker 2:

What about so in that setting, obviously, you get to do it. But, like, what do you want his personality to Do you want him to be everything you hope he was, like, when you were growing up and everything? Or is it No.

Speaker 1:

I want him to talk shit and, like, I want I want the I want the Arnold personality from from pull from a pumping iron. I want, like, I want,

Speaker 2:

like Okay.

Speaker 1:

Him at his most alpha, like, bravado, just, like, top of the world. Like like, just

Speaker 2:

the governor.

Speaker 1:

A man amongst man and, like

Speaker 2:

You believe he was governor of a state. How old is that? I love it. I love Arnold. Yeah. His documentary was really good too that he did.

Speaker 1:

So who would you who would be your running or running?

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna go run or these people, I don't know if I could stay up with.

Speaker 1:

Right? You know, they'll just go here and yeah. You're paying.

Speaker 2:

Okay. They're gonna go on my pace. I'm gonna go with Courtney Dewalter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

She's probably She's my unicorn. Born because she seems so much fun and she seems down to earth and not because she's a girl, it's just like, it just has to do with her industry and how she I would like to do a trail run with her.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I think that would be pretty baller.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And one of these days, I'm gonna get her to write a book.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's my goal. I wanna meet her and

Speaker 1:

I want I wanna help you make that happen.

Speaker 2:

Dude, it's so great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Me you know how many d m's I've sent her to, like, try to get her.

Speaker 2:

You know, like, blocked me I I'm pretty sure,

Speaker 1:

like, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

But this one is, like, who's this dude that has

Speaker 1:

a We're like

Speaker 2:

We're like

Speaker 1:

We're like, we know campaigns. Oh, a lot. Like, she does not care.

Speaker 2:

Dude, you did the same thing. I've done that so many times. And even like because Nick knows her too, and I'm like, hey, Nick, can you introduce me? And it's like

Speaker 1:

She's like, no. No.

Speaker 2:

She's like different. You know? But I wanna get her to write a book called Pain Cave and talk about that story. It'd be it'd be epic. I could get her a great deal. If so, she'll never listen to this, but if she does,

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

She's my she's my unicorn.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot of white. A great answer. Oh, we got two we got two left here. We're going with Alright. Funny dad story. So this is a story of your dad that's, like, from your that kinda pops up from your child. That's something funny that, like, kind of, represents new dad.

Speaker 2:

So my dad it's less funny. My dad was a funny guy, but he was pretty series to was. He is. He's still alive.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But we had a Nissan pickup truck We lived in India, in Northern Indiana, so Blizzard, all that stuff happened. We had this Nissan single cab pickup truck stick shift. Real world drive and it was a POS. But it was in the sense of, like, you don't wanna be seen driving. Your friends. But my dad would drive me and my brother to school every day. And my brother would be in the center in my older brother, and he would be this dry he'd stick shift.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So my dad just stick shift. So I tell him when to go to third, when to go fit. Mhmm.

Speaker 1:

And I

Speaker 2:

would be what they called me was the social guy. So I would wave at people. I would be the you know, every that was my focus. I was gonna be the I was the PR guy

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Of the group. And we'd sit there stacked together. And so in the winter, it would get so deep of snow. My dad would throw some sandbags in the back, try to wait down the back, but we would still drive to school. I remember peeling out, doing all the cool things. And not on purpose. He's just my dad was a really good driver in the in the in the snow. And it got to the point where we sold the truck. And it was like, this is the last time we're gonna have this truck.

Speaker 1:

Mhmm. And

Speaker 2:

every time we go over this state road twenty three overpass, it was under construction always, and they have those big, like, barrels. You know, those orange barrels that

Speaker 1:

go Absolutely. What are

Speaker 2:

in those? We don't know. And so I was like, every time we drive past them like that, can you just, like, bump ones. Right. See what's in there. Bump it. Bump it. And so we were, like, at the final this is the final day we're driving this car. We all knew it was going up my I think my cousin bought it from us. Because he just just started driving. And we're, like, bump it. We started sharing about it. We come over this over about, but that bumps one and I was, like, it just flew away. Oh, like, oh, and so he got pretty bold. He was like, pop pop pop pop pop. In a bunch of them, and it was a pretty great father story. My dad.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. It's fun to it's fun to meet your dad, you know, because dads are always like these, you know, serious Yeah. Like they're they're they're holding this space for us. It's like, you know, impressive and important. So a little bit of back story of my dad, so he my dad had polio Mhmm. In in he was twelve. And so he he was a quadriplegic my whole life. The vault, you know, he he he my mom He was

Speaker 2:

at a wheelchair. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So so when you break your back, you lose feeling in your body, but when you get polio, you just, like, attacks your central nervous system. And so so he couldn't move he had some use of his hands. Like limited use, but obviously he could also have kids, which is an important part of me being here. Right? And he was he was such a a big guy even even, you know, as a called pediatric, like, he was six three and probably would have been six five. He's a big dude.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And so my brother and I are both six four six five. Like Yeah. But this was after this before I met well, I feel very important after this. So But And before my my dad passed away, it was just two thousand five, I was back in Davis, I think, back from Peacorp, and he and I went to Sacramento, to go to a bar, and or to go to, like, a blues club. Because he used to be played blues harmonica. Oh. And so we you know, I drove into blues club. We went in, you know, I'm in my twenties or so, and and we're and we're just hanging out listening to blues and we're having drinks or having a good time. And he and I just start getting up and he I I he's not getting up, but he's in his chair and he's dancing in his chair because he's got we'll Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's had enough drinks where he doesn't get fucked. Right? He's just and and he and we're we're having so much fun. I'm we're I'm I started dancing with this girl. And and the girl's there with her mom. And the girl's there that's why they start hanging out with us.

Speaker 2:

And my dad is, like,

Speaker 1:

he's just flirting like like I see this side of my dad or he's like, he's loose. He's having a great time. That's good. Like and we just had this awesome night.

Speaker 2:

We're awesome.

Speaker 1:

We're just mess messing around, having a good time, like like, you know, just it's not Father Stone. It's really just like two buddies. It's like love and musical. Having a good time. And so it's just a kind of an epic night and and, you know, not one that we had very often. Yeah. That's just a kind of a beautiful moment.

Speaker 2:

That's cool. When did he pass away?

Speaker 1:

Two thousand five.

Speaker 2:

So when was that? Early two thousands?

Speaker 1:

So this was yeah. Like, I gave him I got back in Peasquared two thousand three. So That's

Speaker 2:

really fair before he'd had

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Get memories for that. Yeah. It was it was awesome. It's wild, man. So Well,

Speaker 2:

that's cool. Thanks for sharing that. That's a good that's way better than my story. Talk on it. Happen again?

Speaker 1:

No, man. No, man. Alright.

Speaker 2:

It's the last

Speaker 1:

Alright. Favorite most famous person in your phone.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes. No.

Speaker 1:

I mean, this is this is a fun one.

Speaker 2:

I love that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And this I think the the

Speaker 2:

I bet you have somebody really famous.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, the most famous person on my phone is is Luke Walton. My my cousin Luke You're Oh, I don't I don't have I don't have Bill in my phone. I wish I had Bill and I Bill's number.

Speaker 2:

Your Uncle Bill Bill is

Speaker 1:

not in my phone. So I I was

Speaker 2:

not gonna have a phone. He seems like a guy that's, like, emailed this. He's great

Speaker 1:

enough email. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I'll get back to you if I want to. That's how Bill Murray is.

Speaker 1:

Is that right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's funny. Like, what was Tucker Carlson who's like, I don't I don't have email. I don't know phone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. What does he even mean? I don't have a TV. I just say, how do you get a hold of anything?

Speaker 1:

Like, you're useless, basically.

Speaker 2:

What what I when he said that okay. So Tucker Carlson goes on Joe Rogen and he says, I don't have a TV. Yeah. I don't have TV television. So how is he relevant in current events? Because that's what he does?

Speaker 1:

He gets it from some. I mean, he probably gets the debrief from, like

Speaker 2:

He gets reading the Wall Street Journal. He gets literally, like, a mail sent. That's he's writes letters.

Speaker 1:

I bet. What he does is he every morning, he gets, like, like, like, a, like Oh, a brief.

Speaker 2:

That's a brief idea.

Speaker 1:

Or he just reads through and he's, like, hey. I have a team that picks out, like, what I need to know about. That based on people I trust. Yeah. And and I and I kind of I'm I guess it's by the way Okay.

Speaker 2:

So I would love to know that.

Speaker 1:

So Luke would be Luke would be my

Speaker 2:

Oh, sorry. How when's the last time you talked to Luke?

Speaker 1:

You know, it's been a bit I I I interviewed him for my podcast. My other podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I went

Speaker 1:

a couple of years ago. That was when he was in Sacramento. He's now in in Cleveland. Cleveland's still in the in the high season.

Speaker 2:

Coach there?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. He's assistant coach. Oh. So they're doing well. They're in they're they're in, you know, right through the playoffs. So so I usually, like, you know, I'll usually just shoot him a text. Like, just, hey, man. Love what you what's happening with Cleveland. Like, keep it

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

and then he's always back in LA, like, for the summer. Uh-huh. What season is over? Like, home is Manhattan Beach.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so

Speaker 1:

So, like, they'll they'll be there's sometimes I'll be in so Cocao and we'll try to because his son is is my is his exact same age as my son. So there's always They're always trying to connect, like, get the sons together and that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2:

But You also officiated his wedding. Right?

Speaker 1:

Not his not his brothers. Oh. His brother, Nate. Yeah. I was the officiate. I was the officiate.

Speaker 2:

Nate is everyone knows that Luke So that's cool.

Speaker 1:

But I like, it's funny because, like, Nate's actually more successful. Yeah. He he he, like, works for, like, a venture capital

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah. Those venture capital. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

But they're I mean, you know, and but they're all, you know, they all have wives and kids and, you know, like, that that normal life in there.

Speaker 2:

It's interesting because, like, I feel like that kind of family, it's, like, success begot success. Is that how you said?

Speaker 1:

Bigettes. Yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. That's what Right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Generally. I mean, I think it's but it's I think it's also a testament, you know, there's a lot of really famous dad's whose, you know, kids turned out to be really, like, you know Yeah. Just useless. Okay. Yeah. Just kinda not that like, valuable

Speaker 2:

Let's say

Speaker 1:

with you. But you can all I'll give it a few.

Speaker 2:

You know what

Speaker 1:

I mean? But so yeah. I mean, you know, and and my aunt Susie who's Bill's ex wife who who's actually unrelated to Susie, she's really the raw and of, like, all the things, like, she she's actually, like, a like a parenting coach and Yeah. And has written books on parenting and that kind of stuff. I mean, so I think she was, like, the rudder that kept the because they had four boys.

Speaker 2:

So That's cool.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, it's fun and it's cool to be a part of that family. Luke Walt, cool. I'd like to meet him. No. I was a fan. I was a fan when he played. I was a fan when he I was even before I knew you.

Speaker 1:

So So, you know, we can do, we can fly. You know, when when Cleveland plays a home game, like they're playing right now with the Celtics. Cleveland plays a home game, we can get some tickets to to Cleveland, fly out, get a couple tickets to the to the game.

Speaker 2:

That sounds awesome.

Speaker 1:

So this was so great.

Speaker 2:

Tease me. I think that'd be great.

Speaker 1:

When the when he was assistant coach for the Warriors. Yeah. And they played the the Cleveland cavaliers when LeBron was on the team.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I I I I reached out to him. I said, hey, my buddy, Sanjeev and I are gonna come to, you know, Cleveland, can you get his tickets? He's like, so he'll give us two tickets. So we flew to Cleveland. I got tickets fine. But we were in the, like, away section where all the Yeah. The all the, you know, the the family and friends of the Warriors World because they all they always get, like, a section in the for any of that. So we watched the game. It was game three of the it was the first game that the the the the cab's beat.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that was when they went on a one. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

They went they they were down thirty one. So yeah. Yeah. Anyway, it was an unbelievable game. An unbelievable moment in Cleveland Gabbalier's history because it was, like,

Speaker 2:

so amazing the splash brothers.

Speaker 1:

You can

Speaker 2:

see at the wrong time.

Speaker 1:

And everyone just it was such a

Speaker 2:

So cool.

Speaker 1:

Such a, like, gladiator expedition of, like, just the greatest basketball players on the planet.

Speaker 2:

That's cool. So Well, my phone's a little less like, obvious famous.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I got Huey Lewis' number

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

From a buddy of mine that used to play piano for Pat Green, who, you know, wave on wave. He was busy he had a minute, you know. Yeah. Texas country guy. And I said, I was during COVID and Huey Lewis was on this Josh Gads show and kinda came back from, like, the back to the future. It was, like, a it was a weird thing of, like, were talking about the music and Huey Lewis came up and they called him. And I watched it. I was like, man, Huey Lewis, like, he's he's a vibe, you know? And so I texted my buddy. I was like, because he said he had his number and they had spoken, you know, so they knew each other. And I said, I need proof of life. Send me that number. So I text Hugh Lewis and I say because I'm like, there's no way this is still his number. He's had it for fifteen

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I text a Huey Lewis number and it's like, hey Huey, big fan. I saw you on this blah blah blah. It was awesome to see you. It looks like you're doing well. You know, stay safe, whatever, because it was during cold, so you say stay safe or something stupid. And he responded almost immediately. Almost immediately. And he said, hey, thank you so much. It's I love the encouragement. I appreciate it. How'd you get this number. Yeah. And I screenshot it in text to my buddies, like, don't respond. Please. Don't respond. Because then he will change his number. And so Hugh Lewis would probably be it. I I mean, I have a lot of clients that would

Speaker 1:

probably be famous for You have yeah. There's a that's the thing. It's like, Cam is so famous in in Yeah. In circles with me. Yeah. I mean, running and running. He's getting

Speaker 2:

that figure too with all of the guys he's spending time with. But I did get But Huey Lewis is probably the most famous. I did get Baker Mayfield's number

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because he's local.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And You have goggles as his number. Right?

Speaker 2:

Yes. I do actually.

Speaker 1:

Now you've got David Goggins. I would say that's a problem.

Speaker 2:

You've blocked me.

Speaker 1:

To be fair, he probably blocks most people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I got I got goggles.

Speaker 1:

I've had that guy change his number number every six months.

Speaker 2:

Or he does it. Like, that's a crazy thing. Or he's just, like, as a flipping Never text

Speaker 1:

his his fiance her wife is now just, like,

Speaker 2:

controlling Jennifer. Jennifer's super nice. Yeah. Jennifer, the numbers probably changed. I would say so. Yeah. I do have Goggins.

Speaker 1:

I've got a number that so Park McCollum.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Alright. So during COVID, he was in Austin. He was working a lifetime. I used to work out. We'd see each other. We were gonna do a podcast together before he, like, went back to Nashville and then just blew up. And So I had his phone number. We were text about, like, trying to get a pot. He was like, I gotta talk to my manager and the manager shut it down. So but then he he, like, bumped into him at Lifetime. He was like, yeah. I'm to head back to Nashville. It was great to meet you. And I I was like, oh, cool, man. So I and then, like, later on, six months down the road when I saw him blowing up, I texted Hey, man. Congratulations on successful

Speaker 2:

and, like, nothing. Nothing. And I'm, like, delivering. But let me on red.

Speaker 1:

And I'm, like, And and and then we went and saw his show in Austin on our my wife and his anniversary, and he was like, I'll just shoot him a text in case like. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

No. No. No. No. No. No.

Speaker 1:

He changed it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Because he blew up quick. Dude, man. That's cool. That's a

Speaker 1:

great interview with him and on Theo Von's podcast.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I didn't see that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I love it. And he's just talking about, like, doing drugs and, like, having a good time and how he, like, how he wrote some of the songs in Austin and, like, where they came from. Very very down to earth related to his wife. I think he lives in the brumfolds now. His wife. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I know he's local. Yeah. When we I was at a sound with when we were doing I put together a band for Rock The Red Kettle, one of the events that I did. Yeah. And it was like all these Texas Country legends

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That you wouldn't know their names. But they're like, they've played on all the records that are number one, all that stuff. And we were learning covers of Mark Chestnut and, man, what was his name, Tracy Lawrence. And and so I went out there to watch him practice and stuff because it was kinda cool at the studio and there's a big tour bus out front.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And I

Speaker 2:

was like, who's in there? I'm like Parker. And I was like, can I, like, But I did not? I did not. They said, no. That's not probably a

Speaker 1:

good bet. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Well, we could call you know what we should do next? We should call the people that we say on the webcast. And see if they answer. That'd be the key one.

Speaker 1:

A podcast we both love is the Toth show.

Speaker 2:

Oh, man. It's

Speaker 1:

so And and he he he calls his mom time to time. And she's, like, doesn't realize that he's on a podcast when he's calling her. And I'm, like, that's that's so

Speaker 2:

Oh my god.

Speaker 1:

That guy that guy I mean, he's our age. So he's a little bit

Speaker 2:

Your age.

Speaker 1:

Sorry. My god. I mean, my age. You're Holy shit. Right. That's not good. Yeah. So he's like he's about my, you know so I think he's not quite as relevant anymore. He and he's still tours, he's still a big name.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. He's still

Speaker 1:

people in the industry still think he's one of the funniest dudes out ever. But but he, you know, he's just not in the podcast circle. He doesn't go on anybody's podcast.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He doesn't have any famous people on his podcast.

Speaker 2:

Which is even cooler.

Speaker 1:

It's just so funny. He just owns this, like, subtle space like man. He's always funny. He's sharp. He's brilliant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And this is a great interviewer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I think it's hilarious. But, yeah, we we share that. But this is cool, man. Yeah. I like doing this.

Speaker 1:

This is funny. This is like our, like, Look or not. Look who I know podcast or, like,

Speaker 2:

how many names do we draw?

Speaker 1:

Yes. We

Speaker 2:

and it's not it's not impressive. Yeah. Well, I haven't even begun to drop names. I'm the king of name dropping.

Speaker 1:

Let's let's finish with with one final question.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Who is the person that if we could have on our podcast as our first, like, podcast interview? Who would you want it to be?

Speaker 2:

Is it, like, you're talking about, like, just the

Speaker 1:

Like, I I think the the qualification is they're they're a dad. They yeah. They're a father. And they're also probably, like, in the fitness space or on on some level.

Speaker 2:

Actually, do you have somebody in mind already?

Speaker 1:

It was probably one of your people because

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I mean, I would love to have Nick on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Nick

Speaker 2:

I think Nick has I mean, because he's a

Speaker 1:

local guy too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. He's local. I'm so makes sense. But Nick and he's got this I mean, his wife is just the sweetest. Yeah. You know, like, their whole family unit. And they and we were talking about, he's he is fully engaged in being CEO, and I will always ask him.

Speaker 1:

No. He's, like, no longer the CEO.

Speaker 2:

No. He just joined back. Didn't you know?

Speaker 1:

Oh, no. I didn't I didn't get

Speaker 2:

back. Yeah. So he moved back to Texas. He moved to Nashville. He dropped off

Speaker 1:

he he he he

Speaker 2:

dropped off the CEO.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Because he was getting, you know, like, the visionary.

Speaker 2:

Like And so he told he talked about it in his podcast so I can say it is he tried to sell what portion of his company to help BP and grow. So once he hit it off and they went through all his venture capitalists and it just kinda was bad taste Yeah. Like, he just walked away from it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so through that process, they kinda feel like he went off brand, and so he came back. And Not off brand necessarily, but, like, really just wanted to reengage in the company Yeah. Because it's his name.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so he's now the CEO. Move back to tax this.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Mhmm.

Speaker 2:

So they're they're in Texas now. But, anyway, he so the CEO space and it's, like, he's also doing extraordinary things with his body. Like, he's basically his own prototype of all of his stuff. Yeah. Like, I just love his story. I think he'd be a really cool guest. And, you know, he's UberFaced so that would help our number numbies. Or or I would love to have I would love to talk to not a comedian necessarily, but, like, I love Barstool sports.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I would love big cat. Like, those are kind of but those are, like, so I don't even have connections to them. Right. I mean, maybe I'm two degrees away.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But, like, I could call somebody up and have Nick on. That'd be sick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

He probably wanna come, though.

Speaker 1:

That'd be all. Well, I

Speaker 2:

mean, he's been on your podcast, hasn't he?

Speaker 1:

No. No. How do we get a hold of him? So I I

Speaker 2:

Is there the reason I known it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I had Natasha Vander Mover who's the who's a South African professional triathlon. Oh, the triathlon. Who was training Nick?

Speaker 2:

Oh, Jeremy's try things.

Speaker 1:

Right. Jeremy's try things. So so I she gave me Nick's number, and I said Nick, and I reached out to Nick, I said, hey, I'm I'm with Mitch. He's doing this, like, tour with Kamen Goggins. And when I've mentioned Kamen Goggins, that was, like, ding ding ding. That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Just cold tax

Speaker 1:

I called yeah. Cole called him and then Cole texted and Cole's called him again. And he finally and he's when I finally got a hold of him, he was like, yeah. Thanks for calling me back. We just had our our kid. Like, a week ago. Uh-huh. So I, like, I got your message, but it was just, like, I just needed, like, time. So anyway, I passed I passed him off to you and that was, you know, that was a couple of years ago.

Speaker 2:

Year and a half to year. That was two years ago.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Wow.

Speaker 2:

That's so long ago.

Speaker 1:

That's a great one. I like I like Austin. It could be a great one.

Speaker 2:

Who did you say again? I forget.

Speaker 1:

No. I was I was asking first because

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I I just think I think Kam would be awesome. Oh, man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So badass.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Well and because I think you know, his son true it is doing some amazing things and the whole pull up record and all that. It would just be fun because we obviously, Kam could talk about Kam stuff. Pretty good. I'll just talk about the dad's stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Like, raising savages. Right.

Speaker 1:

Just and just that whole mindset of when he talks

Speaker 2:

about about two is, like, his yeah. He's a daughter too.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And she is, like, he talks about her, like, she's just a genius. Yeah. Like, it's it's cool how he talks about his family too. And how do you run a marathon a day? And build an empire with I mean, here's here's how it looks from a fans perspective. It looks like, you know, it must be nice. That's a slogan. Mhmm. You know, it must be nice. Nobody cares where everyone's like, oh, it must be nice because you can do all the stuff, you know. Right. But he he's been doing it for years. So how do you build like, how strategic was the build? Like, I wanna talk business side too, whereas, like, how did you get here? And what were the strategic partnerships that you wish you had or didn't have or had and you that was what propelled you. Like, that would be pretty that'd be pretty interesting to talk to business side with them

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

As well as the father side too, but that's a good that's a good guest.

Speaker 1:

Cool. Hey. Let's wrap this up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Man, thank you.

Speaker 1:

You're so fun. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I love doing this. Alright. You're the best. Thanks for listening. Please subscribe, rate, comment, wherever you're listening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. We're launching from. God's sake. Share this stuff. There.

Speaker 2:

Share it. Share it. Share it. Thanks for joining us.

Speaker 1:

Dad Bods and dumbbells. Thanks for listening. Thanks.

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