The Dad Bods and Dumbbells Podcast

Dad Bods and Dumbbells Official Trailer

May 12, 2024 Barton Bryan and Mitch Royer Season 1 Episode 1
Dad Bods and Dumbbells Official Trailer
The Dad Bods and Dumbbells Podcast
More Info
The Dad Bods and Dumbbells Podcast
Dad Bods and Dumbbells Official Trailer
May 12, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
Barton Bryan and Mitch Royer

Bart and Mitch embark on a fun new Podcast focused on Fatherhood, fitness, and guy stuff.  Episodes Launch May 23rd, 2024.   Please make sure to Subscribe to the Pod to get notifications when the episodes come out.  We'll drop three episodes on the 23rd and then one per week from that point.  

Follow Mitch @

Follow Bart @

Show Notes Transcript

Bart and Mitch embark on a fun new Podcast focused on Fatherhood, fitness, and guy stuff.  Episodes Launch May 23rd, 2024.   Please make sure to Subscribe to the Pod to get notifications when the episodes come out.  We'll drop three episodes on the 23rd and then one per week from that point.  

Follow Mitch @

Follow Bart @

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dadbods and Dumbbells. We are excited to be here today to talk about fitness, family and life.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're fathers and we're also, you know, trying to live our best life, be healthy. I'm a personal trainer. I've been in the industry for 20 years, but also have an acting background and just have done a lot of stuff. I'm 49. And so, mitch and I, we're always trying to figure out how to make each other better. Yeah, definitely, mitch, tell us about yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I'm always the guy that's always been a bigger like chubbier dude, and so you always kind of taught me that it's okay to be big, but how do we manage our health, and so that's been a really valuable experience. So I started out, I was a pastor for many years and now in the event space, I run an event company, so I produce a lot of events, as well as a literary agent, so I represent authors to publications and publishers and it's a fun job to do and they kind of all work together. So for me, this experience will be great because I love running. I did a marathon a month in 2023. So I have experience in that space. I love the running community and I also love to get jacked, so I want to do that as a process, but I think in this space I'm probably more of a dad bod than a dumbbell.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I, you know, for lack of a better term, I am the dumbbell in this conversation. I'm, I'm the guy who, uh, I'm literally at the gym six days a week. I literally have to like stop myself, force myself to not go on that seventh day, so that I'm like actually taking a day off.

Speaker 1:

It's very hard for me, so more of the opposite, where I have to force myself to actually go and I have more rest and that's probably more people.

Speaker 2:

Like there's a, there's like a 2% of the population that just can't get out of the gym and we probably should rest a little bit more. Uh, but most people, you know listening I would imagine, are people who, uh, you know listening, I would imagine are people who, uh, you know, try to do to work out, try to run, go to the gym, that kind of stuff and uh, and so we're going to come at it from different angles and uh, seems like I'm more like every man.

Speaker 1:

You are the every man you are very much. That's great. That's a great thing. Well, I'm excited about where this is gonna head. I'm excited that I get to hang out with my friend um, but I hopefully the best from this. I think we can learn from each other, but also help others in the process.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we're looking forward to to getting a lot of episodes out, conversations between each other, but also eventually bringing on guests, people that we can.

Speaker 1:

we got a whole laundry list of great guests and that's a great part about your business.

Speaker 2:

You know, being in the event space and being in the event space and literary agent, you really get to bump elbows with some really interesting, influential people who've got some great perspectives and stories.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't wait for the day that I'm more influential and famous than my actual clients. That'll be a great stop. But yeah, we got a lot of great guests. Thank you for joining us. Please like comment, subscribe wherever you watch or listen to podcasts. Thanks for joining us.