Breakthroughs, Business, & Bubbles

1. How the F did I get here?

Courtney Season 1 Episode 1

In the VERY first BBB episode, Coach Courtney Quinn dives into her story and she is going DEEP. She shares her story from the very beginning diving into her childhood, what it was like having split parents, grandparents, an alcoholic father, and a very young single mother and how this truly allowed her to become the person she is today.
You will learn about her journey in life, and in business that led her exactly to where she is right now as a Life and Mindset Coach for women.

PS. If this episode resonated with you in anyway, I would SO appreciate it if you would leave a review or share on your socials!
Come say hi to me on Instagram @coachingwithcourt, I would LOVE to chat.