Co-op Chronicles

Episode One - Origins

May 11, 2024 Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi Episode 1
Episode One - Origins
Co-op Chronicles
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Co-op Chronicles
Episode One - Origins
May 11, 2024 Episode 1
Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi

Welcome to the inaugural episode of 'Co Op Chronicles,' where we peel back the layers of our own gaming histories and the genesis of this podcast. Dive into the stories of how we fell in love with gaming—from our very first consoles to our all-time favorite games. Learn about the inspiration behind starting this podcast and what we hope to achieve with it. Whether you're a veteran gamer or just curious about the gaming world, join us as we explore the personal journeys that brought us here and the exciting road ahead!

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Welcome to the inaugural episode of 'Co Op Chronicles,' where we peel back the layers of our own gaming histories and the genesis of this podcast. Dive into the stories of how we fell in love with gaming—from our very first consoles to our all-time favorite games. Learn about the inspiration behind starting this podcast and what we hope to achieve with it. Whether you're a veteran gamer or just curious about the gaming world, join us as we explore the personal journeys that brought us here and the exciting road ahead!

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Welcome to Co Op Chronicles, this is episode one. I'm Pint Sized Geisha, and with me I have Black Label. Hey. And Azalee. Hello. And this is episode uno. Uno. Uno. First one, super excited. Should we, should we say how it started? So how this all started, actually, With Azzalee's boyfriend, Shawn. Cause we've been talking about, Black Label and I have been talking about doing a podcast for years. And for Secret Santa, Shawn got me a pod mic. And that was the Christmas gift that changed it all. Yeah. I won't lie, um, so for the Secret Santa, I kind of like, based off of things that were said, I was like, I know who everyone has. And so I was like, Shawn has. Geisha. So I was like, we were walking through Target and I saw the mic and I was like, you know, if I had Geisha, I would totally get this for her. And I just walked away and I saw him linger back and I was like, yeah. So it all started because of Asle it as Lee. I was like, this is the start. Yeah, it was a, it was a, we were like, oh, is it gonna be a USB mic? No, it was a XLR mic. So we had a, we had a, we had to do it, we had to go for it. Yeah. Oh yeah. Mm-Hmm.. So here we are and our, our friend. Fabian from Carbonated Concepts. We got really, I don't know, I got more excited because I wanted to start a podcast after being over there a few times and it was, it was pretty cool. Yeah, definitely. The environment and just having a bunch of people over, but I have, uh, I have some questions, origin stories of each one of us for right now since, uh, first episode. I'm gonna start off with, uh, you, Azalea. Mm hmm. Okay. So, and then we'll just rotate. We'll just rotate. Popcorn. Popcorn, yeah. So, can you share a story of how you first got into gaming? Um, I would say that my first real experience gaming was you. Um, watching you stay up late all the time playing video games. I think the first game. The first two games I think I really remember is Halo. I would play split screen with you and I would always cheat. Oh, you were just screen watching. And, and I remember watching you play, um, what's it called? What, um, man I can't remember the name of the game. What was it, like a first person shooter? I can't even think, uh, it was where he's like, um, a Navy SEAL or whatever. I can't remember. Or he's like some kind of Yeah, Splinter Cell. Okay, okay. That's what I remember. I just remember watching you pick locks and it's like, doo doo! Mmm. Um, and I think that's what really got me started, and now, playing, I've learned that I'm not a competitive person, so I, I like single player games. Yeah. Um, how about you, Geisha? First, I want to point out that Black Label and Azzalee are brother and sister, so that is what she meant by watching you and playing with you. Yeah, weirdo. Um, I can honestly say that I remember playing Mario Kart and Monopoly with my mom, but I wasn't really that into it. I was totally like, okay, but I stole, um Final Fantasy from my cousin, Travis. I stole it from him. Which one? Um, the one with uh, Zidane. What number is that? Nine? I think that's nine, nine with the Dane in it and the little mouse and the little man. Yeah, Lancer. And, uh, I legit like stole it from him. I was spending the summer at my aunt's house with my cousin and we were playing it and I was like, you know what, I'm taking this and I stole it from him. And that was the first kind of initial like, Oh my God. This is amazing. Man, there's I get it. I can start from the bottom, since I obviously have the most experience, you know? Just because you're the oldest. Yeah. Aww. Played Nintendo. I played Zelda on Nintendo. And then I played, um, we got Sega Genesis, played all Sonic, Mortal Kombat, and stuff like that. And then, uh, Super Nintendo. Started playing Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy II. Mario RPG, man, I can think of all of them. Place. Or then we got to, I think I got a PlayStation after that. And I started playing like all like final fantasy seven, that game I was hooked on. I remember playing that game and they had like the four discs. Yup. Yeah. And so like, I never had a memory card. I don't know if you knew this. I, I, mom and dad didn't, they bought me the PlayStation, but they never bought me a memory card. Yeah. And so I would play the first part all the way up to like the second CD. So, like, hours, maybe even until the third CD, I would keep the PlayStation on the whole time, so I'll just swap it, not change anything, not, like, save, and I'll try to keep the PlayStation on, and then, of course, sometimes, like, Mom would come in or turn off the PlayStation while I'm at school or stuff, so then I'd have to start all over from disc one, yeah, and then we're just Gaming, gaming away. Gaming away. Every day. Every day. Here. Here. On Twitch, too. Follow us, FineSizeGeisha, TTV, on Twitch. You know me, Black Label TV on Twitch. They play mostly Apex Legends, but it's pretty fun. Okay, now, Azzy. What is your earliest memory? I guess the earliest memory would be me, Halo. Um, what was that first video game that actually made an impact on you? Um This is gonna sound really sad, but, um, Stardew Valley. Oh, I am grinding Stardew Valley right now. Um, I'm, well, okay, Stardew Valley has like, that's encompassed my whole world at this point, but there's this game that I got just on a whim. I think when I was like 19, I just saw it. It's called Kingdom of Amalur. Oh, yes. It's like, it's really like, It's like a RPG, like TTRPG, but in a game and it's really fun. Yeah, I have a bad memory of that one, don't I? You had Coda, she deleted your save. And it was like, it was crazy, I put so much time on that. They even went the bad route, like the bad guy route. Yeah. But yeah, that, uh, I would say that's like, that game really got me into like, oh man, I love this stuff. Um, yeah, besides that, Stardew Valley. What about you, Miss Geisha? I feel like I have a lot. Yeah? Yeah. Bloodborne, amazing. Greatest game ever. Right? I remember Bloodborne. And I remember I bought Bloodborne on a whim. And I went to GameStop to buy another game. I don't even remember what game it was. And then I bought Bloodborne, and Bloodborne just was like, Oh my god, this game is great. And I think Bloodborne was is the game where I put the most hours into it. Can I ask what makes Bloodborne like such a prominent game to you? The story is a super unique and it is kind of based off of HP Lovecraft. That's going to be one of the questions. So you can hold on. But I have another one too. Um, Final Fantasy 15. I don't know what it was about 15, but it was so great to me Yeah, that one's pretty good. Yeah Like just the combat style. I like the way the open doors Open wasn't an open field. It was but I'm more involved more along the lines of like you can switch your weapons right you can switch it in that little like blue face thing and the story behind it and the fact that it kind of was like a love story but it wasn't kind of love story I game for the stories yeah except for apex I came for the rage yeah you game for like the competitiveness I game for the stories I love this story My, uh, first video game that made an impact, I actually have like three, uh, the first one was like probably Zelda A Link to the Past on Super Nintendo. Oh, that was a good one too. Yeah. Such a good game. I never beat that one. Oh my god. I never did. Yeah. Amazing game. Then, right after that, it was, uh, GoldenEye. The first person shooter. I mean, Halo was amazing too. I remember you playing that game. Yeah, GoldenEye was amazing. And then, um, Final Fantasy VII. I think that's everyone's classic. Yeah. And then, um, yeah, those were my favorite games. Uh, over the years, Azzy, um, how has your taste in games evolved? Um, I don't think my taste has changed at all. I'm a very much, like, solo player. I don't, like I don't like, um, PvP. I'm a very PvE kind of person. Um, like Destiny. I love Destiny. I love just playing, like, the game. Oh yeah, I forgot about Destiny. And then when people are like, let's play in a match. I'm like, no thank you. That game was amazing. I loved that game. I'm just gonna play the story. Yeah, I collected the gear that way I played like 2, 000 hours in that game like on like the regular Yeah, I I literally bought a ps4 and destiny 2 so I could play it because I was like, oh I loved it Destiny destiny 2 will be just as good. Yeah What about you geisha? Hi, what was the question? Um over the years, how has your taste in games changed? I think the only change has been Playing more of like the battle royale type of games. Yeah Yeah, that's the only real difference and the only battle royale game i've ever played was just apex. Yeah, so apex It was the only change Yeah, because of me. Yeah, so I originally started playing apex because to kind of like spend more time with black label And yeah now we're engaged. Yeah so, um, I think my Cause I used to play RPGs. I played like, wow, I played a bunch of games. I played like World of Warcraft, like, like years of time in that. And then, yeah, I went from RPGs to like, FPS games. I never played Battle Royale games until Apex, and I've been playing Apex like the past three years. The game's got a hold of me. Um It's crazy. It is crazy. Why do we play it? I don't understand. So, um, Obviously you started this question a second ago, but, uh, what is your favorite game and, uh, why does it stand out as your favorite? I, I don't know about favorite game. I think I, I'm a type of person who, when I play a game, I'll just get hyper fixated on my game in that moment. And then I'll just move on to the next game. Then I'm like, Oh, this is so great. Like for a time it was, I played, I loved Halo, I loved all those games. I was super hyper fixated on Halo four at one point, and then that's when I was like, I love farming simulators, So starting became my fixation. Then Hogwarts became my fixation. So it's just I'm very much of the season kind of person at the moment. Person, yeah. Like what new games coming out that I can play and love. What about you, geisha? Probably Bloodborne. Bloodborne? Yeah. I don't know what it is about, but it's just great, it's great, you know, like it's this gothic, dark themed, kind of based off of H. P. Lovecraft, which is one of like the best horror first authors in literature, right? And it's just got this crazy story that you can kind of interpret yourself. That's what From Software is known for, right? They're known for kind of creating this story, but then letting you kind of finish it, how it ends. I like that it's also where you have to like, sometimes you just collect information throughout. Exactly. Like you'll find like, it doesn't tell you. Yeah, exactly. You have to like connect the dots yourself and really pay attention and really get immersed in this whole world that they created. Yeah, it is great. I never played soul games until I would say like probably my past favorite in the last like two and a half years is Elden ring. Mm-Hmm.. 'cause I never played SO'S game or from software games in that game. Yeah. I put like 300 hours in like the first two weeks. Three weeks? Yeah. The first two weeks. Yeah. It was crazy how much time I played that game. Mm-Hmm.. Um, Elden ring's a good one too. Yeah. From software is just amazing. It they are the art. Mm-Hmm.. Is the, the DLC coming out soon or next month? Yeah. For El ring? Mm-Hmm.. Mm-Hmm.. Okay. Um. Uh, we're probably going to skip this for you, Azzy. Um, but uh, if you will, if you want to answer, you can. Um, How did you come up with your gamertag and is there a story behind it? If anyone has any ideas for my gamertag, please let me know. I'm not very creative. Not taking submissions. Just a heads up, I work with headstones, if that wants to, if you want to Headstone maker. Graveyard keeper. Just call me tombstone. Tombstone, oh, there we go. Tomb maker. What was your inspiration, Geisha? Um, this was, yeah, so I don't remember. I know I had one before and it was like monstrous or something right and I don't know how I came up with that one but then the whole pint size started with when I met Black Label and I was kind of like rebranding, coming onto Twitch, trying to find something different and monstrous was already taken but I will, pint size came along by me because I was like well I'm little. I'm a little person and then it was like pint sized monstrous pint sized what and then he came up with geisha for the record Geisha does not mean what it means in the western I wrote a whole paper for my english class about how geisha and western society a whole paper. Yeah, or a whole paper whole paper Just saying by the way, it does not mean anything to do with soliciting. Yeah I think the Memoirs of a Geisha kind of did that in the wrong direction. Don't believe Memoirs of a Geisha. The movie or the book, it was written by a man. This is all in my paper. So, uh, I came up, I had a bunch. I had a, I had like a no limit. Back in the day when I used to play Phantasy Star Online on the original 360 or Xbox. But then, uh. I don't know how I came up with Black Label. I think it was just like, Oh, it sounds freaking cool and it used to be a skateboard. And then everybody's like, It's like a drink. Yeah, everybody's like, Yo, do you like scotch? The scotch is, Ugh. And I'm like, bro, it was like a skateboard thing. But I just think the name sounds cool. And then I just went with that. I like the other one you used. The ctrl, alt, rect. Oh, ctrl, alt, delete. Alt, ctrl, delete. Yeah, EG Reds your, just your email? Or was that also your gamertag at some point? Oh yeah, it used to be. Yeah, it was my gamertag on, um, League of Legends. But it was backwards. It was like Z Z D E R G E. How many gamertags have you had? He's been gaming for a while. I've been gaming for, uh, ages. Yeah, but, uh, yeah, Black Label. Oh. So, uh, as a, uh, I mean, obviously, I think we kind of went over all this stuff, but uh, What gaming systems did you start with, and uh, how has your setup changed over the years? I think the first gaming system I played was your Playstation. Um, I never really got game systems of my own. I was more of like a studious person, and you were more of like the fun, outgoing person, so you got all the fun things. And then, after your Playstation, I just remember your Xbox. And then you were the the I got the hand me down . Yeah, you were the follower . And then I think the next system after that I remember is the Xbox 360. Yeah. And I think that's when I stopped playing for a while. And then now I have just my PS four and I have my Nintendo Switch. Yeah. Yeah. PlayStation or Xbox as, uh, I will forever be an Xbox girly. That's what I'm talking about. But sometimes PlayStation comes up with some good games. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. What about you? Um. Do you need me to repeat the question? No, I'm paying attention. Um, I think the Super NES is my first. Oh, I can't hear you. What are you doing? There you go. Did you just mute me? Sorry. Wrong button. Oh my god I just didn't want to hear anything about playstation, but I did well I don't know what to tell you. No, keiko. I'm, sorry super nes was my first gaming system Right. I remember like yoshi's island mario kart donkey kong all the old school and then Playstation i've had every single playstation one, two, three, four or five. Yeah, and now At my pc Mm hmm. Yeah, it started with uh, Nintendo. Yeah. Yeah, just the original. Yeah, the one you blow. But I remember going hard on a Game Boy with a Pokemon. Oh yeah, Game Boy. Oh yeah. I had a Game Boy Color, Purple See Through. Mm hmm. Okay, um, so we're gonna, I'm gonna switch it up. We're gonna go to like, what makes gaming special to you. So, obviously this is, we talk about games, but it's not just games. We're gonna talk about like, life, hobbies. Like what you enjoy and stuff like that, but We're we're gonna focus on episode one, but i'm just origin stories origin stories, you know, i'm a villain So i don't know. He does he does tend to go with the bad guy route. He pretends to be and I always play the girls Yeah, I always play a girl, but you're not a villain. No No, okay. Okay. Sound you sound crazy. Calm down. I'm just saying what harry potter house are you in? Ravenclaw. Yeah Ravenclaw. We've been mixing up the drinks. Okay, in your opinion, Azalea, what makes gaming a unique form of entertainment? Uh, I like playing. I like gaming because I, like, I feel for most people you can just put all your focus on gaming and it gives you like some kind of escape from just like your everyday thoughts that are kind of annoying. So you're like, oh, I'm gonna play this game. Like Geisha said, like, sometimes the game really, like, you get really immersed into it, and you kind of just, like, that's, like, the most amazing thing that's happening to you. So you just try and, like, keep playing and playing and playing. Mm hmm. Yeah, I agree. Definitely. Mm hmm. Yeah. For me, I would say same as as right, but it's kind of like a book to me, right? And when you read a book, you read a story, you kind of immerse yourself in it and you can live and go on these adventures. You can live a thousand different lives and you can go on a thousand different adventures for like a RPG game, a first person game where the story is like Final Fantasy 15. The story, you get so immersed in the story. Bloodborne, you get so immersed. Elden Ring, you get so immersed. get lost in this universe that someone created and you can Just get live a different life. Why are you looking at me like that? You're getting deep in it Well, you asked me a question and I had to think of something, you know, yeah for for like apex I feel it's more for me, like Az was saying, I can just take a mind dump and not think about anything and just let me zone out, right? Yeah. Like you're mad, and you're like, I'm gonna kill everyone! Yeah, like, I had a bad day at work, and I'm just gonna shoot people in the face. You're a dark urge playthrough on Baldur's Gate, just killing everybody. Dark Geisha. Yeah. I think, um, yeah, I don't know. Mr. Producer, Mr. What was the question again? Oh, you were not even paying attention! How has the gaming influenced or changed your Or is it in your opinion what makes gaming? Yeah, in your opinion. Oh, okay. My bad. I'm a little In your opinion Um I guess, yeah. Man, it's kind of like piggybacking off of both of you. It's just like Sometimes you don't just want to, like, uh I don't know how to say it. You don't, I don't like going outside much. And you just want to just chill inside, you know. You, your mind's racing, you gotta pull, I, I, when I like sit down, I just like to play. And I just like to, yeah, I guess it's the same thing. It's the immersion, you just focus on, Like, what's ahead of you, the next quest, get the fat loot, kill the bad guy. Would you say it was, just based off of like, us growing up and I know, like, stuff, um, would you say that your gaming background and like, the feelings that I give you is like, kind of like an escape, where like, you could just like, run away. Yeah, just be whatever you wanted to do. Oh yeah. That's a good, yeah. Like, just, yeah.'cause yeah.'cause when I was growing, I, you guys weren't born for like years Mm-Hmm. until I was like 11. Yeah. Or 10. Yeah. We're seven years apart. Is it seven mm-Hmm.. Oh, okay. So you and you and Coda are, are 11 years apart. Oh, okay. That's what it was. Yeah. So I was just like, I was by myself. Mm-Hmm. just playing games the whole time. Dad was always working, mom was always working. It was a different time back then. Mm-Hmm.. So, yeah, I was just. Locked up. Yeah. I would, yeah, that's like my earliest memories of you is just you always in your room playing your games. Just kind of. I think a lot. Eat, go in your room and you just game. Yeah, I think a lot of people can like adapt to that or like, like take that as an answer because you're growing up as a kid and you, you, well it's a lot different now cause you could like play with like a person in freaking China. But like back then it was just like you were by yourself, you just played. Played, you were just by yourself locked in. Yeah, it was like local play, not online. Yeah. Damn. So, uh, Azalea, how has gaming influenced or changed your life personally, if it has or hasn't? Honestly, I'm, uh, no shame to like the hardcore gamers out there, but I, again, I'm a casual gamer, so I don't think this has impacted my life a lot. Um, it definitely gives me some kind of like fun relief after work where I'm like, Today was just a little, ugh. I'm gonna go farm the land. Yeah, I'm gonna go farm the land. I'm gonna go ride my horse through the river. I don't have a horse yet. Oh, yeah, you gotta get on that. That was like the first thing I got, besides the coop. Yeah, I got the coop. But yeah, I think that's, I just, I'm a super casual gamer. I like to just play leisurely, whenever I'm feeling it. So, that, I don't got much. Yeah, definitely. I just downloaded like Stardew Valley this week. I'm trying to mack up Sebastian. Oh, dude I got Maru in the bag. Who? Maru, his sister. Oh, Maru. Yeah. In the bag. Yo, we're boyfriend, we're girlfriend and girlfriend right now. I seen, I don't understand Stardew, I never played it, but I seen her and she's like, Hey! Somebody's panties are in somebody else's house. Oh, they're the mayor's shorts! The shorts are in her bedroom and it's like, you want me to go get your shorts out of her bedroom? Look, I will forever and always think that the wizard and Marnie, or not Marnie, the wizard and Robin has something going on. It's a little too sus, if you're telling me. Yeah. And Marnie and the mayor, They got it going on too. Yeah, they definitely do. I mean, his shorts are in her room. Oh yeah. He's knocking them boots. Yeah. And he's like, oh, I lost my shorts. Can you find them for me? What they asked, why'd your, why did you leave without shorts on? Yeah. You know, also, why couldn't, why couldn't Marty just tell him, Hey, you left your shorts in my place. But yeah, she wanted people to know. Mm-Hmm.. She does, she wants everybody to know. Um, , how has gaming influence changed your life personally? Geisha, I got sidetracked by S Valley. Yeah. Um. I don't know, really. I would say I have tattoos based on video games. That's impacted my life. Yeah, yeah. Negative, you're a thug now. It gives people a good talking point, like, what is it? Yeah, I mean, people ask me all the time, what tattoo is this? It's like, it's a Keyblade from a video game. They're like, a what? Like, yeah, you wouldn't understand, but that's okay. I kill people. Yeah. Get in this game. But. It's called Kingdom Hearts. I don't know. Just, I guess, because I. Technically was raised an only child. I have three brothers, but I was raised by myself and kind of the same concept. Like, you know, I was just by myself all the time and kind of immerse myself and make believe and I think, yeah, it makes sense. I mean, yeah, for me, I got a bunch of tattoos from games, WASD on my fingers, Zelda, uh, world of Warcraft. Yeah. I got a bunch of stuff. Okay. Yeah. We're still gonna get that tattoo from Anthem. Yeah, we do need it. Oh, we'll talk about that later. Oh, okay. What's the tattoo again? Strong Alone, Stronger Together. Yeah, Strong Alone, Stronger Together. Yeah. Yeah, we do need to get that tattooed. Yeah. So, uh, Anthem. Anthem. You wanna go ahead and talk about Anthem real quick? Can we talk about Anthem? Yeah, I would love to talk about Anthem. Since we're here. This game had so much potential. So much potential. So much hype. So much hype, I remember. It was so good, like the first week I played it and I was like, This is going places. The trailer was so not what the game was. No, it definitely wasn't. I don't know about you guys, but when I played it, I kept getting, like, stuck in the same mission over and over, and I couldn't get out of it. The loops, yeah. Yeah, and I was looped, and I just could not do it, and I tried. I think one of the missions I got stuck on, we couldn't, me and the group I was in, we couldn't get out, so we had to, like, cancel the mission. And you had to start it over. I remember, yeah, they showed, like, the trailer, like, when you're walking through the town, and you're like, Every, you could see all the other players there, and it was not like that, it was not that. There was like four other people in my lobby, and that's it. No, you didn't see nobody in the lobby, right? You met up with them. Oh, I didn't have anybody in the lobby. Yeah, you met up with them in, when you, matchmaking. Like in the square. Yeah, like in the square or something. Yeah, that's what I meant. Not in the town, yeah. Yeah, not in the town. Tell me why that guy from the beginning of Anthem, in the intro, kinda is like a Gibby. Oh yeah, it is kinda, yeah. But yeah, about Anthem, that's how we started talking too. Yeah, so that's how Black Label and I started talking. We used to work together, and I was hyped for Anthem, and he was hyped for Anthem, and we were like, oh my god, this game is gonna be great, and it's exciting, and it was just a big letdown. Yeah, we were really hyped, we were like, that's how, I was like, oh yeah, you're ready for Anthem? Oh my god, that game is amazing, this is gonna be so good. I mean, it was, It's good for what they gave us. That's all I can say. I enjoyed it. It could have been great. I tried to play it again after like a year. It was I couldn't enjoy it. I remember my suit was like all white. Yeah. It looked sick. Yeah. Yeah. I remember playing and then I quit after like the first week. And then I tried to play again like maybe not even like two years ago or a year ago and I was like they shut the servers down so you can't even play it or something like that. Yeah. It's such a bummer though. I was so stoked for that game. I was just like I even think that in GamerInfo that year it had an article like biggest letdown, number one anthem. Fuckin anthem. I'm gonna get a tattoo just saying fuckin anthem. They just hyped it up, they made it all just look so good. It could have been great. The one mission I kept doing over and over was pretty good. So uh, okay now let's get back into it. Can you talk about a gaming moment, or a moment in gaming that was particularly memorable, or uh, transformative to you? Like a, like a, something impacted you. Like an awe moment. You were like, oh my god, look at the Stardew fuckin Farm with all the rain sprinklers, no? No, this is a spoiler, in case you haven't played Destiny 2 yet. But, Cayde 6 will forever be the hill I will die on. Damn. He is the best guy in the world. Yeah. Isn't that the firefly guy? I think that's the, yeah. Yeah, his voice. I think that's the one, the one. All games are great. There's like games that I love and I'm like, I remember this scene. It was so great. But Kade 6, that, I almost shed a tear. Yeah, Gage, if you played Destiny, you were into it. Kade 6 is like He went down in a ball of fire. In a ball of fire. Literally. Yeah, he was just, he took everybody with him. He was a G. But he was like so damn funny, and he's like so helpful with like, yeah, he was a big like, You know when you adapt to a character in a game. He was like that guy. I played Destiny for all of like five minutes. Oh, great. And I was like, okay. It was great. But yeah, Kade 6. What about you? R. I. P. boy. Me, I want to say Final Fantasy XV, just the ending, ending was so sad to me. Oh my god, yeah. Yeah, like even like Bloodborne you can kind of twist it to have a happy ending or an ending you want, but Final Fantasy XV was, it was like a clear, and this was my interpretation of remember? Yes, I remember the ending. I, I, I never beat the game. So at the ending of Final Fantasy FF15. FF15, right? He like goes away for like 10 years. Noctis, right? He goes away. He like is doing something with himself. I don't know, like powering up or something. And then he goes back and um, Niflheim had already taken over everything. And him and his three friends went to like, this is like the final boss, right? You're in it. And my interpretation of it is, That his three friends died. Yeah. Right. And he's there, he's by himself, and then they come back. Like his dad who's died, who had died, and his three friends are behind him who died, and he beats it. But my interpretation of it is that he also died. Because it's him and the girl, I forget her name. Yeah, I remember. Like, like together in the final like throne room, it's like everyone in that game died. That's a depressing game. It's so sad like even I don't know. It's just so sad. Yeah, I think uh, I have Two moments, but they're from the same game. It's final fantasy 7. I don't know if you guys ever play final fantasy 7 But when Ares dies he comes fucking down. Yeah, he's like And he stabs her in the back and I was like motherfucker I just spent five hours leveling this bitch up and I got like three of her limit breaks How the fuck I'm like, I don't know how old I was when the game came I was like 13 14 and and I was just like I was like what the fuck? Yeah, I just spent like five Four, five hours leveling this motherfucka up. You know, back then you had like the book guides, and I didn't like reading past the freaking guide. So I'm like, I shoulda read. I shoulda read. It was mind blowing. And then the ending of that game is just, the freaking soundtrack was amazing. You're like fighting Sephiroth, just, Heee, Ha, Hee, Heee, Heee, You know? Oh my god, I just remember, That was like epic to me. Cause that was like the first game where I'm like, Holy shit, this soundtrack's crazy. It's crazy. I was like, I didn't care about music when I was a kid. I was like, this is amazing. Yeah. Yeah. That was really cool. So, uh, what do you think? Oh, this is a good question. What do you think the role of video games is in? Or like, what do you think is the role of video games in today's culture? Oh, who wrote this question? Um, me . Oh, actually what The little assistant? No, no, no. What's the role of video games in today's society? Yeah. What is the role of video games in today's culture? I, I mean, it's big now. I think it's like a big money maker nowadays. Yeah. Um, a lot of people obviously use Twitch. A lot of people stream all of their gaming. It's a YouTube streaming now people do yeah indie games. Um, yeah They just they just pumping games out. Mm hmm like But yeah, I think it's like the biggest moneymaker now for people like people obviously before streaming They enjoyed it for the fun and you know all that stuff that we talked about But now I think it's more money like driven Yeah, a lot of it is like obviously they're gonna like the game that they're playing but it's just like I want to get the game out. I want people to know about this game, but also like I'm making revenue off of it. No offense to people who do, cause obviously get that bag, right? Do it. I wish I was on that level where I can do it as job. Yeah. Kind of just piggyback off of what Azz said, it's just, it's gone from this stigma of oh like you sit in your room and you play video games all day, back in the day, like when we were kids, like that's weird. Like why are you just in your room playing video games, go outside and ride a bike, go outside and make friends, right? Kids don't even know how to ride bikes now. Right? To like eSports, like there's tournaments worth millions of dollars, YouTube where people are making money. Putting out their gaming content and getting paid for it and making millions of dollars. Yeah, I'm not, yeah, so it's definitely changed. Yeah. Yeah. There's like TwitchCon. Yeah, TwitchCon. It's just pack, right. Packs. Packs, yeah. So it's just become super huge and impactful in today's society. Yeah, I agree too. Like all the whole like Twitch thing, like it's changed like the way people talk too. Mm-Hmm.. It's no longer a stigma like it's just like everything involved in gaming. It's like oh, that's the cool thing now Like oh you play for tonight. Oh, y'all I'm correct that for tonight blah blah blah like like everybody's like I think nowadays when I, when I meet new people, the first thing that they always ask me is do you watch anime or do you play games? Those are like the two big questions to get to know somebody. I was just talking about this. I was like, man, when I used to watch anime and play games, I thought it was a, everybody thought it was a loser. I peaked at the wrong moment. Now it's like, no, it's like I watch anime. Sometimes they're like, Oh, you should watch this anime or this anime. Yeah, it's definitely a little longer, a stigma and it's become its own big, huge community. You don't play video games? Yeah. Yeah, what do you do for fun? Yeah Are you go you visit places you go? Fine you spend money Enjoying yourself. Oh, you're weird Okay, um, I guess this is kind of like it's kind of a play on that It's like how do you see gaming as a way to bring people together? You kind of like touched on that. Yeah eSports like it's a competitive. Yeah. Yeah Like, uh, I know, uh, Apex, they always have an ALGS and there's like, just different teams from different countries, different nations, like, and they're sponsored by different people. And they just pop off like a whole different team from Apex. Just one forgot their name, but it was like a, it was like an Asian team and they, and they won the ALGS and TSM. And I don't even think TSM even cashed out. Oh yeah. They're big too. They won like the past two. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How do you think gaming is, uh, bringing people together? Kind of like that, yeah? I think so, yeah. Especially with, like, online play nowadays. You can play with anyone. Some people will, like, make friends with people from other countries nowadays. Yeah, yeah. Or other, other states, too. Or, yeah, where they meet, they play with somebody who lives in their state and they're like, We're in the same city. Let's go get some coffee! Like, I think it's, I think it's a really great way because a lot of people don't, like, Being social outside. So this is a great alternative to meeting people and making friends. Yeah. Yeah, it's true Yeah, like you've made friends Yeah, I play freaking play this mobile. We used to play cookie run mobile game We use papa, but like i've been playing this little mobile game called legend of mushrooms It's so cute. Oh my god. Yeah, like in like I wake up playing that damn game and I go to bed. It's like at five o'clock in the morning. Yeah I gotta make sure my phone like the people in my clan. They're crazy. They'd be spending they'd be dropping like I'm pretty sure a couple grand Like money and they're like crazy strong. I try to fight them. They just shit on me and i'm like what the fuck man How much money you spend in this game? Because i'm waking up every day Going to bed every day playing this damn game, but it's cool because like, you know mobile games are being bringing people together, too Yeah, yeah, so it's kind of insane Um, obviously we just said, we just touched on the same thing. Have you noticed any significant changes in the gaming community from when you started to now? Yeah, we kind of answered that already. I mean it's gotten so much bigger Yeah, and back in the day there wasn't co op. There wasn't online There wasn't it was just you like you said like me in a room you go to LAN tournaments I remember you going to Oh yeah, the little cafe. I know I was telling her, I was like, man, I used to go to this cafe all the time. It's gone now. I mean, it's been gone for a while, but I remember, I think I went with you once. And they were like Korean that owned it. I didn't understand what they were saying, but they knew I knew how to game, because I was shitting on people on Counter Strike 1. 6. Yeah, man. That thing was awesome. Good days. So, um, okay, we'll just skip it, because we already talked about it like that. So, um, what are your thoughts of the Evolution game design and storytelling over the, uh, The last years. I have, I have a good answer for this. Geisha, how about you answer this one first so I can piggyback off of you. Do you want me to go first? No, I can, wait. I just, what's the question? Uh, what are your thoughts on the evolution of game design and storytelling over the years? I think the advancement of technology definitely has advanced storytelling. Yeah, I mean you can go back and like, okay, let's use a link to the past, right? They were so able to tell their story in the story of link, but now the emotions of the faces. They're pixels No. Yeah. Right. Instead of eight bit, we have, I don't know, 4K crazy, 4K hd, whatever, whatever. You can see the tears coming down. Mm-Hmm. The character's face. You could hear the trembling. Other, yeah. The voices. Oh, the Lord Elden ring. Yes. Like Elden ring. I was just gonna say Elden ring. The tone is kick. The, the, the music. Oh my God. Den ring's. Intro is crazy. Good therapy. Yo, I might add that intro on this. Um, I think, um, when I think about, like, that kind of question, um, the first thing that popped into my head was the dark anthology pictures. Oh, yeah. Like, the glory until dawn, stuff like that. Like, those are, like, immersive stories where your choice matters. And you kill them. Yeah, and you either save someone or you kill someone. And I was like, that is, like, way more advanced than running side screen. Could you imagine? Like, that shit's just, like, something we could do. Those are my comfort videos to watch when I want to go to sleep. Make the choice. Yeah, and that's all it is. There's no like combat. There's no fighting anybody. You're just literally walking around I'm just having a great time trying to not kill someone. Yeah, I like I don't I like watching YouTube videos of the games I'll never play but then I'm like so immersed in it's like yeah, I'd fucking crush this game, but I'll never touch it So the point where you don't even have to play the game. You can just watch somebody else play. And still be immersive and enjoyable. So, uh, Why do you think gaming continues to grow in popularity across different ages, groups, and cultures? Um, I think like, it kind of goes back to like, it was such a stigma before, and now it's just this big community and, you know, I feel in today's society, we are lacking physical communication and physical, um, relationships and making friends. We've kind of transitioned into this technology age where you can make friends over Instagram, over Facebook, over, you know, whatever. And it's just another way of communicating with people. Yeah. Yeah. And building a community, right? Mm hmm. Hey, what are you doing? Hop on. I think it's the easiest way to make friends nowadays because like before, like I don't even remember how I made friends back in the day, but now I'm like, my friends are based off of, do we have like similar hobbies? Do we like the same games or can we play the same game together? I think that's like a good, yeah. A lot of people make friends that way now. Yeah. Um, I was thinking like, um, I know for me, yeah, like you said, like, Like, making friends back then, you would like, either play in the same sport at school, or just go have them in the same class. Cause you didn't play games to like, interact with them. So now it's like, yeah. And now, like, you can pull up YouTube videos of like, people doing VR. The polygots speaking like 30 different languages and just making friends to like different cultures bringing them all together It's kind of cool. Or what's that one website where it's like the chat and it's like the video chat and you have like Yeah, it's cycle through Omnimix What is called? I've never heard of that. What is that? It's, we see it all the time on Instagram. I don't, I don't know what it's called, but it's like, it's like this random roulette video chat. Mm-Hmm.. I know what you've tell you. I've never seen this. I never seen. And you just connect with people and then you like, just can't think of the name of it. You video chat with them for like five minutes and then you go to the next person, like omelet or whatever. Yeah. Like it starts with a O and it's like orange. Yeah. Ole. Yeah. Something. Yeah. I don't know what it is. Omelet. Someone's gonna listen. Be like. They just totally butchered the name.. Yeah. These guys are freaking stupid. They've never used it clearly. Okay. Yeah. Like we, we, we blew by those questions. Oh, ome. Ome. Yeah. Ome. We know the champion. Yeah. We're fucking, we're pissed. Can't say we're getting there. Just give us a second dude. Millennials. What's up? Um, so, uh, we're in deep dive into some classic games questions. So what classic game are we focused on today and why is it significant? Well, I guess that's a stupid question 'cause we're not focused on. But I'm gonna bring it up. I'm gonna bring up a classic game And I want you guys to what if we all haven't played this game? I want to know your guys's opinion though. What if you have played it because you guys are like same age range What's what's the game The only classic game I can think of, it's the one we already said, Zelda A Link to the Past. Yeah, that was I would consider that a classic. No, we'll just, we'll skip that, this topic, okay? I don't, we'll figure that one out. We'll talk about, uh Could you proofread these questions? Uh, that's a negative. So, uh, this, here we go. But I thought you said you wrote them. I did, I did, I just forgot. When you converse, it naturally comes up. I'm drinking. We're drinking some Kona Gold Cliff IPA. I got Pasek Cellars Loganberry wine. Pretty good. I got a Diet Pepsi. You're a loser. Okay, so um, What are the current trends you see dominating the gaming industry today? I want to start. Yeah. I think you should. So like with the whole esports thing, like, even like content creators are getting into it and creating teams to like perform in this or they'll either like create their own brand. So like, Uh, Nadeshot from like 100 Thieves, uh, Valkyrie, she's, I think she's like from Seattle, but they're like all co founders of like 100 Thieves, which is like a huge brand, which is kind of like the supreme clothing brand in gaming. Is it Timothy in 100 Thieves? I think he is. And then, uh, nice wigs and stuff, but, and then, uh, also like the YouTube creators, like, uh, you know, Moist Critical is Charlie. Mhm. He created like a team and nobody thought that this team was going to be any good at Apex And they got like fourth place in ALGS, which is crazy, but it's like I Don't know that it's just everybody's trying to make money in this in the industry AT& T like Anybody they'll find some way of like sponsoring or trying to make their name known in gaming industries because it's there's just so much money And that's why I see in gaming trends Like, they don't make games like they used to. They don't make games where they're like, passionate about it. Like indie games, they just make cash grabs. I was about to say that. That's true. I was like, indie games is a big um, Not recently, but it's like a big thing now like more people play indie games that I watch Because I think it's more fun than like big name companies and the games that they come out with yeah Cuz yeah, hey, everybody's trying to make micro transitions Like they put a lot of like they put like a lot of work into especially if it's just like one person making the game Like again, Stardew Valley. It was a concerned ape. It was great. I don't know if you guys heard of like, you know, Diablo Immortal It's like a mobile game game for Diablo. But like I've, like all the trends, even with like EA, the microtransactions, like pay to win, or like pay for skins, it's like, I remember watching something on Diablo Immortal and the guy spent like, he said he spent six figures to prove a point that it wasn't, you weren't able to get like a certain rarity of an item. Even though spending that much money and he didn't get it and it's just like, it's just cash grabs. So I see a lot of money making in that now. Yeah. I think Microsoft was a big under fire for that for a while, right? Like micro transactions. Yeah. Might've been Microsoft. I know EA is just. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. You're right. Yeah. It was really bad at it. Um, this is kind of like continuing on it. How has the rise of e sports changed the landscape of gaming? I think, I don't know, really, just like the same thing we've been saying, people are doing it for money now and you can, you can have a whole career in eSports and not leave your house, which is amazing, right? Like, shoot, I wish I was on that level. I think it went from more PVP to more Battle Royale. Yeah, definitely. In my opinion. Yeah, and I think like, yeah, it's like more competitive now too. Fortnite, PUBG. I think only the Battle Royale ones are the ones that are making money. Or people are playing it, building teams to make money from them. I mean, you can't make a team for The Sims. Yeah. Who can build the town the fastest? Yeah. I love The Everything's more competitive. Sims is good. Sims is good. So we're telling you, man, casual games. Yeah. So with the, um, new gaming technologies, What are some of your most excited about? Have you guys kept up with any of the any games coming out or anything happening? I feel like there's been such a long time since a really good game came out and I kind of wanted to say this when we were touching on it because it's all like the microtransaction, the money grabs, right? Let's push out a game, get it out really quickly and let's charge 20 bucks for a skin and I feel like for my style of gaming Thank you. It was Elden Ring, but then before Elden Ring, what was it? I don't even remember it was just a long gap of when is this great game gonna come out? And it was like Elden Ring and now it's like I don't I don't know what's next after Elden Ring I'm, kind of excited for like vr though like i've never really got into vr, but i've seen like i've seen how it has evolved in like the past like four years and it maybe not even four years like six years and it's like crazy how like You I don't know, like technology has changed. Even with like the Apple provision, like people just like put on the, like the, like the freaking things. And you could just like, uh, just go about your daily business. And you're like, you could see out of the goggles, but you can like, you can just be playing a game or like Googling or searching some stuff or recording them while you're like walking around. It's kind of, I'm kind of excited about VR. I kind of want like a ready player one world. Oh my god, yeah. Wouldn't that be crazy? Or like a sword art online. Yeah. You die in game, you die in real life. Okay, maybe not like that intense. No, that's what I want. I want that shit. I think I want more, I'm never excited for like big name games anymore, I'm more excited about like when I find them. I always like it more when I just stumble across like indie games, I just like, stumbling across it and they're like, oh yeah, let's play this game together. And then I watch it and I'm like, wow, that's actually really, really cool. And I hope more, like, game creators do stuff like that instead of just like, not wanting to make a game because it's not gonna be big right off the bat. But I think it, it provides a lot too. The gaming community. Yeah, indie games are crazy. Like, Hades 2 just came out. I don't know if you've played Hades. Oh my god, Hades 2 just came out? I got that. And it's so, it's so sad though. It's heartbreaking when they push out a game and they work on it and then it doesn't work. Like, I was so excited for this Washington based indie gaming company for Scavengers, remember? You played it for a little bit. What game? It's called Scavengers. It was like a team of four. You are on this like, planet, wasteland, and you can go around and you have to like scavenge these different parts to kind of like build something. I think you only played it for a few days, but then it like, like I enrolled in beta testing and I was kind of like excited for this and then it didn't work out and I was so heartbroken. I was like, oh no. Yeah, I remember this now, yeah. I just want a lot of people to, um, put more, like Uh, more thought into like maybe playing these games as like big name content creators. They should like, yeah. Maybe branch out. Maybe an indie game could be fun every once in a while. Yeah, it does, it does suck though too.'cause like with all these content creators, like the big streamers, like if they shit on a game Yeah. They kind of ruins the game. Yeah. Like nobody wants to play the game and it like, just fucks it up for everybody else.'cause like, they're like, oh, this game sucks. I'm never gonna try it. And then you just see bad reviews, bad review on. Steamer. Yeah. I like watching Gav Smulders and CJU Games on YouTube because they play like majority Indie games if not all indie games. Yeah, and I'm just like wow, I never knew this game existed But they like opened my eyes to it and I'm like, wow, this actually is kinda cool. Yeah, I used to watch a lot of Cub Scouts Yeah, I play this game. What is this game studio? I forgot the gaming studio But it's like an Asian studio and they make a lot of like pixel art ed stuff Horror games and it's pretty, pretty cool. Um, can you guys discuss any, uh, recent innovations in game design that you find interesting? I don't know if this is particularly just for gaming, but did you, I was kind of, I was going to kind of bring it up. Disney made like the actual mat of like the ready player one mat, like where you can stand on it and you, you take steps and you're moving. Yeah. Disney made it. I forget what it was called exactly, but it's like the mat of ready player one to where you're standing on it and you can walk, but you're not moving anywhere. Are you harnessed in? Is it the one where you're like harnessed in? No, you're just like walking. I didn't read the full article but Disney, I was like how the hell is Disney making this and what is Disney gonna do with this, you know? I mean they, that's what money is. I know, Disney is just taking over the world, they bought like everything. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah. I, I can't think of anything really aside from like VR. Yeah, you liked VR. Um, Oh, this is a good one. Um, how do you guys predict gaming will evolve in the next five to ten years? Yeah, I need a Ready Player One style. Can you imagine? You could just live your whole life on that kind of system. Online. Yeah. Like the movie and the book. He lived his life. He met that girl. He changed the world. There was another movie, Gamer. Well, yeah, yeah. Where he was like, Oh, when they were like, Gerard Butler. Gerard Butler, yeah. And his wife is like, She had to like, take on a job as, yeah. And that, that was weird. That movie was really good. The concept of it was really good. He was, wasn't he a prisoner? He was a prisoner. And he was like serving time. But he was also like a, He was like a, he knew how to do stuff. Yeah. He was a killer. He was like training the kid that was playing him. Yeah. So that was pretty cool. Um. Um. What role do you think virtual and augmented reality will play in the future? So VR, what do you think VR? Ready player one. So, um, how are indie games shaping the future of the industry? There you go. There you go. It's, it's amazing. Like I know, I'm sure there's a lot of indie games, but I've watched a lot of Chilla's Art. It's like, that's what it is. That's the studio that I was talking about. Yeah. Super big. He keeps coming out with like really cool games. And I really like, um, It's like Fears to Fathom. Have you guys watched those games yet? No. No. It's like, um, chapter games where they come out with a new chapter every year and it's a new story, but it's based off of, I'm pretty sure, um, it's based off of, like, real life stories from people. Like, the newest one was being in a lookout tower, a fire lookout tower or something, and there was, like, a cult in the forest and you have to, like, escape them. But they're really cool indie game kind of stuff. That's sick. Kind of sounds like Outlast. Outlast. L. S. is a crazy ass game. Definitely not, definitely not L. S. But yeah, I think, um, I think if more indie game creators started popping off and a lot of people started playing those, like, I think it'll be a lot for, it'll be really good for gaming in the whole general because they create a lot of great stuff with not a lot of money. And it's, it's like people still really enjoy their games. Yeah, definitely. 100%. Yeah. The big boys need a little competition. What do I do? Is it, you kind of just kind of go with that? Yeah. I don't really have an answer for that question. You gotta get into indie games, man. That's where it's at. I play some indie games. Is this Stardew Valley? Stardew Valley is an indie game. Graveyard Creep, Graveyard Keeper. Graveyard Keeper. Yeah, I don't, you play those games. I don't have the mindset for that. I think, I'm waiting for, I'm, I haven't checked up on it in recent times, but I was really excited for Haunted Chocolatier for a while. Oh, I saw that. Yeah, I'm really excited. I hope it's still in the works. I think it is. I think I just saw a preview on stream, uh, Steam. Would Lies of Pea count or whatever count as an indie game? I wouldn't count it as an indie game because it was kind of pushed and publicized a lot, promoted. What are some challenges and opportunities to use for C gamers and developers in the coming years? I guess we've been touching on that like This would be the greatest question for you guys to answer. It's a hard Pisces Geisha TTP What is streaming hard because it's hard to get your name out there is it hard? Is it also hard because it's not? It's playing a game kind of by yourself. Like you have to rely on hopefully someone watching and then asking you questions. Like you just, you don't really want to talk to yourself the whole time. Yeah. But that's kind of like what you do. Even on YouTube, you kind of just play and talk to yourself and hope somebody comes in or comments or likes or subscribes or any of that stuff. I guess this is more so like people that are just like us. Yeah. You know, like we're just like, Sometimes I'll just play and there's nobody in chat and talking and I'm like, it's really hard. I think it's hard for new streamers Yeah gamers too because sometimes we'll get like like I've been raided by like some big time streamers sometimes like Janela Sarah and I would have like a hundred two hundred people watching me, but then it's like I don't know if I don't have like the same like mentality as them or I don't fit the mold, but they don't come back So it's like really hard to like do you ever think it's the game you play? Maybe you should branch out instead of just playing apex or as apex like you're like, I feel like this is my niche So I'm gonna keep playing it and like hopefully make it big playing this game. I definitely think too. I want to branch out Yeah, I want to branch out but I think I think Apex, like, I honestly would have streamed Elden Ring if, like, my computer would have handled it, but I, I fixed it on now, so it should be able to, but, like, I would, like, I would branch out, but, like, Apex is, like, one of my only games that I'm, like, pretty good at, so, like, I don't want to, like, I think it's not, I think when you're playing games, though, it's not about if you're good or you're great at it, I think it's, like, playing it because you enjoy it. No, that's my problem, is, like, I like to be I like to shit on people. Yeah, I like to like, Yeah, and I get so mad. Like I just want to dominate some people. Especially if they're like teabagging or something. I'm going to shit on you. You like, lay them out, you're just like, fuck yeah. I think when the Elden Rings DLC comes out, it'd be a great game for you to stream, Geisha. I know, I should've, I should've streamed it. Cause I literally spent, what, 8 9 hours on one fucking boss. Yeah, her problem is Over, and over, and over, and over, until I fucking did it. And that's her problem too, I think it's like, I think she would be really good at like, Although it is hard to build like a base for like fans and people to come back over. But she's so entertaining and like. I feel like it's really hard for a female. But you're lazy. On Twitch, I'm busy. I go to work, I have school, and then a family life I need to take care of. By the end of the day, I don't have time to stream. Sometimes I do, but sometimes I don't. And you'll be like sitting there and you're like, should I stream or should I not? Sometimes I just don't want to interact. Sometimes, you know, you. I don't want to interact and I want to have that moment of I had a day I want to just sit here and just zone out. For future people listening, do you have a specific time or day that you like to stream more? Not yet. I mean because I, I, um, I work and I'm at school. School is done sometime next month and then I start again in July so that break probably I may stream almost every day but I have school and then work and then kids. And then I, it's also really hard. I feel like it's really hard for a female to kind of break through on Twitch, especially because you are, for me, I, I want to present my channel as I'm an actual gamer. I'm a, I'm a gamer person. I'm a gamer girl, quote unquote, and I'm not going to show my body off. I'm not gonna, lick my microphone for you. I want people to come in because they want to watch me game. And it's such a hard thing to do how the meta is. They have like the, yeah, the bath or they have a whole category for a hot tub. I just watched a tick talk about that girl, Amaranth or whatever, but yeah, she makes like. Apparently like a million dollars a month almost just because of you know, I mean Yeah, I mean more power to you, right? But it just it sucks for people that just want to play games Yeah, like, you know more power to you. You got it. Do it. Great. Make that money girl More power to you. I support you, but that's just not how I wanna do me. I would say as someone who's an active, uh, game watcher instead of player, I think branching out and possibly playing more indie games could be a good selling point.'cause when I YouTube, like when I look up specific indie games, not a lot of videos come up. Mm-Hmm.. So if you play one of those games and you push it on YouTube, you could get a couple views and people are like, I kind of like the way this person plays. I know. Maybe think about it. Maybe I'll stream Stardew, but I don't know what I'm doing in Stardew. I'm kind of like in summer and I'm like, I haven't done anything. I just build my chicken coop. All right. To be fair, my, my goal every time I play, I've played a couple of playthroughs already, but my goal is always to, um, at the end of year two, make sure grandpa loves me enough to give me the Iridium cat. See, I don't even know when grandpa's coming back. He always comes at the end of year two. I'm just trying to Mac up Sam, Alex. I don't know what you guys are talking about. Sebastian. Sebastian. And Elliot. Sebastian was usually always my favorite, but I'm like, I'm going to branch out this time. Because last time I did Sam. Like, those are my four main. I go give them presents almost every day and talk to them every day. But, yeah, I don't, I think everyone's plan is always to either, um, speedrun Stardew, or it's just like casual. I've seen people on year, like, 12. 12 of Stardew and they're just like chilling having a good time Making their farm the best farm that could be. Yeah, definitely. I like I should stream the graveyard keeper too. I like graveyard keeper I mean, it's cute. I can't play it um I mean, we're at an hour right now, but i'm gonna I want to keep asking a few more questions like a couple more questions so, um How are diversity and uh representation changing in game characters and storylines? I know in Apex, they had so many different people. Like they just added Alter, who's Chinese. They have Gibby, who's like Samoan or Hawaiian. They have Lifeline. They have Octane, who's like Hispanic. I think games nowadays with like character creation, um, it's not new. It's been around for a while, but you can now, like, you can make your character. Like no matter what skin tone you are, you can make your character. They're trying to like, These people want customization. Did you hear about the, the Pokemon Go controversy? What? Where it's like they updated their, um, like character, character modeling, so it's more like lifelike and less animated, but nobody likes it because it's, um, That's fucking Pokemon, man. You just want to catch some Pokemon. I mean, a lot of people pay to have certain things for their avatar and they don't like their avatar now. Because it's not, it's not nice. It doesn't look good. Yeah. And it's kind of sad. I was like, I like my character looking animated. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what about you, babe? I was just gonna say, like, I do think that, um, Games have changed kind of in that make, you can create your own character by letting you can use a girl hairstyle on them, you know, on a man body and a man hairstyle on a woman body. And you can, I think that encompass like how society is changing and that inclusion. I think it's good. Yeah, I'm trying to think of anything else. Do you guys want to touch on anything else before we call it, or no? I think, I think we're, would you be open to playing different games in the future if prompted? Yeah. Not eight pack. I'm trying to save up enough clout points to get you to play a different game. I'm only at 15 klo. Oh my God. They keep, I have so many, like why? Just tell me the game you want me to make and play because I have like 400,000. Somebody made me want to, somebody made me play. Remember? Uh, it was a scary game. Blair Witch. I wouldn't want you to play a scary game. I can't do it. Like, I want you to play, like, a murder mystery. Ooh, I'd do that. Like an escape room, like the escape room simulators. Oh, I love those. She gets sick when she plays them for some reason. I get sick when I play them. I'd play it by myself though, but I'd be locked up forever. Or like, I like watching just like, investigative games. I do like that though too, because that's like more of an immersion for like, you know. Your people that are watching you. Yeah, I'm like, I need you to look at that sign more clearly. Yeah, you need to read what it says, like the last time, the last time you played it, me and Keisha were just like, the sign, read the numbers. Like what sign? Yeah, I remember you were streaming it. Oh, you were streaming it and we were both in your chat. Simulator telling you like, you have to do this, and you're like, what? Like, you have to do this. You're like, I don't know what this means. Did you play this already?? I haven't. I'm just good at this. Yeah. Yeah. We kill it in escape rooms. Just like, yeah. You guys do. Um, do you guys wanna shout out anybody out? It is our first episode. You wanna shout out anybody out? Let 'em know. Size Kecia and black label tt. Oh, look at that. Oh, now I wanna, I wanna add, have some As, as our. Third host. Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah, you know, we kind of have like just threw it on her like we need to do this But like yeah, like I said, though, um CJ you games on YouTube. I really like him He plays a lot of indie games and he's pretty funny. And then obviously Gav Smulders. She's really big But she plays a lot of indie games, too. A lot of Nancy Drew, which I love watching. So I feel like that kind of thing, maybe she's your kind of niche. Well, I want to I want to shout out some like people, like people we know, too. Like I want to shout out like people like Brian, Carbonated Concepts, Keith, like all these people are like I like just hyping me up because they were like saying like, you know, but yeah, and they're good friends. Just shout out my friends that I like. Big shout out to Sean for starting this whole thing. Yeah, Sean, for buying the mic. Seanerspeed. He's, uh, he's the MVP right now. Yep. He got us doing this. Yeah. Got us spending paychecks. Shout out to all family and friends who are supporting us. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Definitely. Uncle Steve and Kathy. I want them to do this so we uh, we could do a tequila tasting on here. Uncle Steve said he wants to do tequila. So dad, so Dad and uncle Steve are gonna be guests. First guest. We're gonna have a special guest every fourth episode. You can ask them like what it's like to start a business. No, you'll be here. Yeah. They can share a mic. They're gonna share. Yeah, it'll be fun. They're gonna be like, how do I work this? Well, yeah, I wanna You want to close this out? We never talked about how to close this out. Yeah, I don't know either. We never just talked about how to intro. Mmm, bye. Mmm, bye. This has been Co Op Chronicles with Pint Sized Geisha, Black Label, and me, Azalea. There you go. I can intro, Azalea outro, and you producer, editor, recorder, button man, everything else in between. Okay, yeah, the social media guy. You run it. I'm posting it on my stories, okay? Hell yeah. But yeah. Thanks for tuning in to Co Op Chronicles. Hope to see you next time. Bye!