Co-op Chronicles

Episode Two - Tabletop Games

May 18, 2024 Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi Episode 2
Episode Two - Tabletop Games
Co-op Chronicles
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Co-op Chronicles
Episode Two - Tabletop Games
May 18, 2024 Episode 2
Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi

 It's time to embark on a new adventure! Our latest episode of "Co Op Chronicles" is now live! Dive into the enchanting world of tabletop games with us. From Dungeons & Dragons to epic game nights with friends, discover what makes these experiences unforgettable. Tune in for tips, memorable moments, and a few fun surprises. Whether you're a veteran player or a curious newbie, there's something for everyone. Grab your dice, pour a drink, and join the fun! 

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 It's time to embark on a new adventure! Our latest episode of "Co Op Chronicles" is now live! Dive into the enchanting world of tabletop games with us. From Dungeons & Dragons to epic game nights with friends, discover what makes these experiences unforgettable. Tune in for tips, memorable moments, and a few fun surprises. Whether you're a veteran player or a curious newbie, there's something for everyone. Grab your dice, pour a drink, and join the fun! 

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This is Co Op Chronicles, episode Welcome back to episode two of Co Op Chronicles. I'm Pint Sized Geisha, and as always, I have Black Label. Ayyy. And the wonderful Azalea. Hello. And today's topic is gonna be tabletop gaming. Tabletop games? Tabletop gaming? Gaming. Gaming. Mm hmm. Yep, uh, this episode is gonna be, uh, Inspired by Azalea. She wanted to talk about tabletop games. We just had a D& D session, so I felt like it was pretty, oh, like, you know, on par. Yeah, yeah, so I got a list of questions, a set of questions that I personally came up with. So we're gonna talk about our experiences with it. We'll start with that as a lead since like we did last time I guess. Um, what was your first experience with tabletop games? Um, uh, my first experience playing tabletops, D& D in specific, was um, a couple years ago I worked at the Muckleshoot Casino and I had a front of house manager. He was super cool and we started talking about D& D one day and he's like, Hey, I like to DM. How about you join like this group that I have? And I was like, Oh yeah, sure. And I joined and he honestly, he was like the coolest DM, coolest dude I've ever met, but coolest DM ever. And his group was pretty fun. And we just had a good time with a lot of people that we worked with. And, um, it was a good first experience, I think for, who wants to get into D& D or like tabletop gaming. Uh, he was a good, uh, good person to like direct me and kind of teach me how to play at least a little bit. Okay. What about you Geisha? Probably our first D& D session when Black Label and I started dating and then started playing D& D with Az, our first, how long ago was that? Maybe like two, three years ago? No, two years ago. Yeah, I mean, I'm not a good DM, so. It was good though. You were great. It was so much fun. I think my first experience with tabletop gaming, I didn't play it, but it was like, uh, when we lived on 96th Street. I don't even know if you were born. You might have been born, you might have been a baby, but mom used to play with like Uncle Junior, Auntie Anita, and they would play D& D, and they would have like their own, like, they would have like a crazy Like their whole character sheet. And I, I mean, I didn't play it, but that was like my first experience with tabletop gaming and watching them play. It was kind of, it was kind of cool. So yeah, it's probably nice too. Cause it's nowadays it's D and D for five E and then back then it was probably like, like the original three, three, like all the good old stuff. Yeah. So, I mean, I guess you already did that. So what's your favorite aspect of playing tabletop games over video games? I like it that I, I can personally choose, like, how I want to play my character. Like, playing games, it's kind of like, you can choose what your character does, but you can't choose how they, how they do it. Um, I think with D& D and tabletop gaming, it's, it's all how you want to do it. Like, I can build a character, but I can build, how, I can do, like, how I want to interact, the way I want to interact, the, the language I want to use, the speech I want to use, and the inflections I want to use. I like that aspect of the gaming. Hell yeah. Uh, for me, I think it's, A video game is very linear. Like, okay, you might have side quests, you have an open world, but eventually you have to get back on track, right? You have to finish the story. I mean, I guess you could say the same about D& D, but D& D puts a broader aspect of, oh, I want, I want to choose to go left instead of right, you know? And then from that left, I want to choose to go left again. It's not in a video game so much as, well, you chose left, but eventually you have to come back to go right. You can skip a whole section of a story in D& D in a video game. You kinda, I mean, I guess you can with SideQuest, but D& D is so much bigger. Oh yeah, you guys went more in depth. Like, I think my favorite aspect of playing tabletop games is like, The experience with like the people physically, like being able to drink and talk to everybody and just laugh and like we'll, we'll lose, we'll sidetrack on different stuff, but we're still playing, but we're just like drinking and having fun, I think that's like my favorite aspect of it is like, like video games you just play, you know, you're playing and like when it comes to like, like physical interaction with people, you know, you. You kind of just want to have fun and drink and talk to people. I don't know. That's my favorite part of Tables How gaming Like when you talk about playing boulders gate with your friends, it's kind of all over PC So you're not really having that personal connection when you're playing It's more like like you're just chatting but scour the map and stuff and you're just playing the game, but you're not like interacting Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I get it. Um, can you share one of your Uh, most memorable moments from a tabletop game session? I think Geisha should go first. Yeah, cause you're like the newbie. I am the newbie. I don't have a lot of tabletop experience. Most memorable thing? Oh god, I fucking know it. Is when Black Label stole my gold. Oh my god, you're such a baby. I cannot believe you're bringing this up right now. You stole it from me. You were. The most, it was a lot. It was 2020 pieces of gold were so, I was so mad. I was so gru. You were so mad. And then I had to, like, Brian talked about it at work, like, yo, is she still upset with you? I'm like, yeah, she's actually, I got mad upset with me that I stole some, don't mess with my adult. I'm a goddamn thief. I, that's my motto. When I was playing that character, I was like, I'm a thief. I steal stuff. You were a hussy. A character was a hussy. How was I character? A hussy Wasn't noble lady. No, no, no. Didn't you say you like, you like to like peruse people? She was a noble lady of the night. Yeah. Yeah. She was very promiscuous during night and then she's getting mad at me for stealing 20 pieces of gold. You hussy ass. Don't you ever disrespect the thief in me. No. It was my backstory and I rolled. For every single aspect of my backstory and one of the roles was like, I, I like the adventures of the night or something like that. I don't even, you know what? What about you, Hesley? I don't even want to continue with her conversation. Um, most memorable? Um, I think it was just like, the first session that I ever had was the most memorable because it's like, I didn't know, Anything I was like, what do I do? Where do I put numbers? Well, how do I do this? Can I do this? I don't know and it was kind of just like a crazy learning experience and I was like, you know what this is great actually Yeah, no, it's actually When I first started I think yeah, the first time I played dnd was with you When you were our DM and, like, I think, uh, I think DM, er, D& D is, like, kind of, uh, it's a lot to take in because it's, like, you actually have to take notes and take, like, track of your character and what you're doing. It was very, like, um, it's very hard. I don't know. Is that our cat? That is Yammy. Yammy the kitten. Coming to say hi. So, um, for newcomers, what would you say is the most exciting part in starting a tabletop game? I think the most exciting thing is you don't really need anything, despite what people may tell you. You can go into the game not having anything, because if people really want to have you in their campaign, you can just print off a character sheet, and they can pretty much just teach you everything you need to know, or everything you need to know is free on Google, um, I mean, obviously you can go through the books. You can buy them online or like in physical, yeah, physical copies. But everything you need is pretty much free. You don't really need anything and that's, honestly, just go for it. Yeah, I mean, I really don't have anything to say for newcomers. I mean, I mean, it's fun. You should try it with that before knocking it. I mean, like, um, There's nothing bad that can happen if you just having a good time. So I think it's just, You're starting something new. So it's exciting in general. What about you, Geisha? Well, I kinda wanna clarify if, um, So tabletops is not just D& D. I wanna say it's like murder mystery. Would that be considered like a tabletop? Yeah, is that considered a tabletop? I think anything that involves roleplaying is a tabletop. So there's other games, there's like, The Call of Cthulhu, there's a lot of games like that. There's a lot of um, the, like, it's called like Mansion, Murder Mansion or something. There's a lot of tabletop games that are in board game form, but it's still a board game tabletop. So it's not just D& D. Right. Okay, so, so the stuff that we do sometimes on our off time, like Murder Mysteries, that's not considered tabletop. It could be um, because we don't play in it. We're just like we're detectives. Yeah I mean we're role playing as detectives. Yeah, I don't think it's still like a tabletop game. Okay um What about you? What do you think is the most uh exciting thing for a newcomer bib? I mean you were a newcomer like last year. Yeah, um What was I think the most exciting part of it was just How each different person built their character and how those characters interacted with each other You know, like you were a thief and you stole my money and now on this, uh, campaign I'm a, uh, I'm a cleric. You're a paladin. I am a paladin. I'm not a thief no more. No, you're not a thief. Paladin warlock. And, and Chase, he's a crazy DM, man. He got, he's over here creating scripts, creating scrolls, making me sign contracts. He's like a strict DM. Actual contracts. Yeah. Jesus, man. This guy's crazy. Yeah. He's a good DM for sure. Definitely. Definitely. Um, so. Cool. How does the experience of physical being around or how does the experience of physically being around a table with friends enhance the gameplay? Like I personally just, like I said, for my I'm sorry to cut you off, but for like, for like for me I think like just drinking and having fun and being in being able to interact with people is very like That's like the best experience for me is being able to talk and and Drink and have fun with people I enjoy myself being around. People I consider friends. Like, you can play games and not be friends with them, and it's just not the same. Like, when you're physically around them, obviously you want to be around them because you're close. So, you know, being able to have a drink, have a bevy with them, quick shot, couple, a lot of shots. A lot of shots. Jesus Christ, I'm intoxicated right now. But, uh, yeah, that's what I think is, is fun. Just being able to experience that with, like, people I, I care about. Like, you know, it's like having an endearment for my friends, you know? I agree. I think it's good to have people there that, you know, Um, it's nice to see like people's like physical reactions to a scene instead of like over like Skype or Zoom or whatever. Um, it's just like when something bad happens you're just like, you look at them and you're like, you're in deep shit. And they're just like, I don't know what to do. I get it, I get it. Yeah, I like, I like that physical aspect. I, I also agree. What about you babe? How do you, uh, how does the experience of physically being around the people at the table affect your, Or enhance the gameplay. Yeah, I definitely agree with both. Um, What am I trying to say? I'm trying to say, like, like, kind of piggybacking off of what you said, Black Label, is, you, when we play Apex, right, we normally mute the third player, right, or random, because sometimes they're just toxic, they're just non stop talking. Oh, on like video games? Yeah, on video games, you know, you have that, like, you're playing with a stranger, and sometimes they're toxic, and sometimes they're rude, or mean, or they're kind of not your style, um, but when you're playing, um, In person, with your friends or your family members, it's, it's a whole different vibe, you know, it's calm, it's chill, you guys are all just kind of having fun, laid back, so that definitely adds to the whole, um, experience of it, you know, it's different. No, yeah, I agree. I mean, like, uh, what would be some of the social dynamics and bonds that form through tabletop gaming, for you as? Mmm. Mmm. I think it helps, like, when I'm playing with my friends or my family. It's a lot of, um, it's just people that I'm playing with. I'm comfortable with and that like they can I know I can rely on them to help. Can I pause you real quick? Yeah For the homies. Oh, wait, can I do it too? Yeah and a shout out to sean Shout out for sean for giving us that bevy who's kind of acting as our backup in the background Yeah, he's getting bevy's and bevy's for us hyping us up. Hell. Yeah. Hell. Yeah. Can I get a hell? Yeah from you sean? Helio. Helio. Oh, sorry. Can I go ahead? Wait, I forgot what the question was. Can you talk about the social dynamics and bonds that form through tabletop gaming? Oh, yeah. Social dynamics, I think, is a big role in, um, tabletop gaming, cause like, Um, everyone's equal, I, I think, in the tabletop world, but also, Mad respect to all The dm because I will I will 100 percent whatever they say that's what's happening Because i'm just like can can I do this? Is this okay? Yeah, it seems hard. It seems like really It's very helpful that they're like chase sometimes like helps. He'll he'll like lore Standards, he'll be like, okay. Yeah, you know even though you know, goddamn. Well, we did not he's a nice dm. Yeah, he's pretty good But yeah, that's that's what I think Yeah, I I think It's kind of the same thing. I'm a newbie at tabletop, so it's kind of hard for me to answer these questions. I mean, you could talk about the social dynamics and bonds that you create through it. Like for me, like when I, like for instance, you complained about me stealing your motherfucking gold. I mean, don't touch my, we're supposed to be engaged and you're over here bitching about me stealing some fake ass gold. That's like, don't touch my gold. No, you calmed down. I'm in it. I, I rolled a 20 What? I did roll a 20 critical on that. And you were a rogue at the time. And I was a rogue at the time. So like what do you expect? Don't be a little baby back on that. Like, I wrote a 20 critical. Give me that motherfucking gold. Don't complain. Geisha learned that, uh, tabletop gaming can make or break a relationship. Yeah, a relationship, yeah. Uh huh. Don't touch it. Whatever, whatever. I worked hard on looting that gold. Oh, yeah. I worked hard. I mean, I don't think that was looted gold. It was. I think that was the gold that you, that you were looting. You got with that character? No. You came in with a lot of gold. Yeah. You came in with aristocrat as a noble, you come in with a lot of gold. I feel like it's only like 10 and I had 20. You know what I feel like your standard is like, is like 20, 30? Yeah, it's like five or 10 and then it's only came in with lot, only according to d, d and beyond. It's only four pieces of gold. I I hear is, sorry I could be wrong. I just hear me fucking complaining 'cause I rolled the 20, stole that gold terra square. It's not my fault, it's mine. I mean it's over with. It's over with. We killed the vampire guy. Whatever. We're on a new campaign. It's okay. Anyways. I'm never healing you in this campaign. I'm a paladin. I can heal myself. Do not talk to me. I'll lay on hands. 10 HP. Let me touch myself. Hold on. Hold on. Who did, who killed somebody today? I killed a shit ton of people. Tell him as Lee. Tell him, tell him. I feel like we all killed one person. Like four people. No, I started roll. I started going, you must've disappeared. Cause I killed like three people. How many cupcakes did you make? Everybody wanted cupcakes. I had two cupcakes. Okay. Um, sorry. I kind of did not answer the question. It's okay. What are some fun ways to incorporate drinking into your game nights? Oh, I don't. I'm not a drinker. You don't drink or don't. Yeah, but I can have a lot of ideas. Okay, go ahead. Hit us with your ideas. Don't drink her. It's kind of like Chase's card. When you roll a one or if you miss, just take a shot. Oh, that would be good. Yeah, roll a one. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, because that's it for us or if you do like a nat 20 then you pick somebody else Yeah, we might incorporate that that's good But I can I was a bartender I can I feel like we kind of just drink uh, we just pace ourselves a little bit Kind of like first three shots I'm pretty good on my alcohol. I could like drink a lot The only reason I try not to drink a lot is because Brian, he gets like extremely tired. He gets a little sleepy when he drinks and it's like, all right we need our, our half orc over here to like not fall asleep. Okay, um, do you have any favorite drinking games or rules that you would like added to your D& D session? I guess the whole rolling a one would be a shot, right? Yeah. What about you, Eslie, though, since you already answered that. I agree, okay. I feel like that's how we should play it from now on. Yeah, I'm gonna bring that up. Okay. Um, so we'll talk about some like character creation and stuff like that So because like for me I don't even understand how I came up with a paladin or like the hexblade But yeah, I think it is boulders. Yeah, I played a lot of boulders gate But like how would you approach creating a character for a dnd campaign and what would inspire you for that character creation? Um, I think it's all about how you want to play the game The character, like, what do you like more? Like, do you like long range, close combat? Um, I personally always like to go with druids just because I like their multiple hit pools. Asterion Bearlove. Yep. Hey man, he's a cool character. I've seen some gameplays. Yeah, he's cool. Um, yeah, I like the multiple hit pools. I think with the new update to D& D 5e though, um, Druids have got a big nerf. I don't think the hit pools are the same anymore. I haven't checked into it yet, but Is that the one that you, is that the class that you said was OP in the very beginning? Yeah, cause you can, once you hit second level, I think you can, um, shape change twice. So you get three hit pools technically, so you get whatever two shapes you want and then your own personal hit pool. So you could change and not, so if you get damaged as a human, And you change to a, like, whatever, an animal? Would that still be the same hit pool? No, you get the new hit pool. What? So if you change into a bear, that's your hit pool. Whatever the bear has. Yeah, that's broken. Once you hit zero, then you go back to your normal form, and the next round, you can change again, and then that's your new hit pool. Oh, so even when you go to zero, you don't die? No. Oh, that's broken. When you go to zero, it's But I think it's different now. I think they nerfed it. Yeah, they should. That's stupid, actually. That was why I was like, Oh. I love druids, but I've been since then I've branched out and I've I wanted to play like kind of a bad character So I've branched into like a warlock. So it's like my I'm a little morally gray Instead so I can kind of pick and choose how I want to play if I'm like Can I kind of be bad or can I kind of be good? It just depends What about you? How do you uh approach character creation? I roll the dice There's the, in the section of the, of the book, it's like, okay, what's your backstory? One through, roll a d6, and if I roll a three, oh, there it is. This is your backstory. That's what I did. Well, how do you decide what class you want to play? Yeah, how do you decide? Oh, what, what race? I mean, even though you play the same damn class. I always play the same race. I'm always an elf. You always play the same class. Elves are really good, because I think, uh, specific elves get a plus one to, to, to A lot of different options. Yeah. So I know how to play. No, I was a sourcer last time and today this time I'm a cleric. Oh yeah, thats right. I kind of, okay. Yeah. Um, I kind of had a feeling chase on this campaign was kind of go going kind of like darkish. Yeah. So that's why I picked a cleric, just a feeling of it. And that's why I picked deep speech as my second language. Yeah. That helped us. Right? Yeah, it really helped us. That's, I thought, I had a feeling it would go like. Down this darker kind of adventure, so I just had a feeling of it, and I just went with it to be honest Solid answer, yeah, yeah So how do you come up with engaging storylines or Quests as a dungeon master. I'll just leave this up to you. Yeah, you're the You're the person that wanted this, and you're the only person out of all of us who's been a Dun Messer. I've recently, after our last campaign, I've learned a lot. Um, I think there should be a goal, even if you do homebrew or pre written campaigns, you should have, like, the end goal, um, but you shouldn't be afraid to let your Group wander that was my big problem. I think I wasn't used to it. So I didn't really let them wander a lot um, but it's okay to have like side quests, I think to kind of make them make relationships with people and kind of make their own quests by Whatever they say and kind of just going along with it and letting them play through it Yeah, okay. Um I'm gonna go back to like a character creation too though. Like so, uh, Um How do you, how do you come up with, or what do you usually decide, or how do you decide and what do you usually prefer as a character, or what role as a character to play in a D& D campaign, and why? Like, such as like a DM, or warrior, wizard, cleric, bard. How, how do you come up with that? Like, what, is it just like a feeling? Like, for me, when I play Rogue, it's just cause I like fucking playing Rogue. Like, I play World of Warcraft forever, and I'm like, Oh, I want to stab people, or go invisible, and shank them. How do you come up with it? Um, I like to switch it up. My, again, my main, um, play is Druid. I kind of just, I mix up my race every once in a while. I don't really have a specific race that I like. Um, but I just, if I do have a race that I want to play in mind, I try and play a class that, um, Goes well with that race. So like humans go well with any class because you get a plus one to any boost Wait, can I interrupt you? Like so so I was like a when I heard for Chase's campaign Like um about like the stuff from D& D Beyond and they were talking about like humans So, do you, would you happen to know the difference between like a, a variant human and a human? Cause I know, when I picked the variant human, I got like plus something to like great swords and I was like, why, why is that, why is that a thing? So, regular humans get a plus one to every stat, uh, variant humans only get a plus one to a couple of specific stats and you get, I think, specific boosts to, um, different, um, features. So, like with those weapons, that's an automatic boost. with that character. So it just depends on what kind of class you want to play that I think your race should, you should pick your race based on the class that you want to play. So like, uh, elves are really good for any class that relies on charisma. So like, bards are really good, um, spellcasters are, uh, I think, uh, sorcerers are pretty good. I think that. Oh, actually that's wisdom. But any, like, bards are really good for, um. Yeah charisma, yeah But yeah, I think if you just have like a class that you want to play in mind or a race you want to play in mind just Play to your advantage just think about what class or what race goes well with each other and kind of play with that where it could be like Those people that are min maxers and just Everything. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Can you Walk us through the character creation when you create your character Like how I roll the dice. Well, how do you choose what race, what class? Yeah, like you just specifically roll it. Like, I'm gonna roll up a five. We know what race you like to play, but like how do you decide what race, uh, class you wanna play? Yeah. Like do you, how do you like decide? Like, are you, oh, I'm gonna be a high elf again because that's all I play. Or do you want to like, 'cause like you said you were a wizard last time, now you're a cleric. So. A little bit different. Yeah, it's a little different. I, I, I don't know. I like the idea of an elf just because, um, dark vision and I'm proficient in certain weapons. Like the, the long bow and the bow and arrow and stuff, which I did lots of damage today with. She killed it. Yeah. I mean, honestly, you must've not been watching cause I was shitting on people, but whatever. It's making cupcakes. I took out the first person. I'm telling you, I killed like three people. Okay. Anyways, anyways. Um, and I don't know. I just, I think being new to D and D and then playing Baldur's Gate kind of helped out a lot too. So in my first play through of Baldur's Gate, I was a elf. Elf sorcerer, right? In my second playthrough in Baldur's Gate, I was a cleric. So I'm kind of just going off of what I do on Baldur's Gate, to be honest, to kind of like, I know Baldur's Gate and D& D are similar, but yet they're still different, so I'm kind of taking the information I learned from Baldur's Gate and applying it. Yeah, it does help a lot. It does, because like for someone brand new and I don't know nothing about D& D, it's helpful. It's very helpful to have like a visual to understand everything. What about you, Adelaide? How do you decide? I just, I kind of just go off the feel. I like to know the story line, like with Chase. That's why I wanted to know, like, what's his story line, I guess. So I can decide. Do they normally tell you the story line beforehand? Uh, sometimes DMs will let you know. Like, they'll tell you like the, kind of like the genre of the story line. Like whether it's like dark gothic or it's going to be like, Oh, I'm homebrewing this. So it's going to be kind of like upbeat, but also kind of sad. Or it's going to have a lot of undead. They will tell you stuff like that if you ask them. So, I kind of just based my character off of how, um, I want to play in that campaign. Yeah, I get it. So yeah, like I was a rogue the first time, and then the second time I was like, Oh, I'm going to be a paladin warlock. But I think I was like, I was trying to think of something that was like, OP. So I was like, obviously I went to Google. Because me and Google are close friends. It's free. Yeah, and I was like, so, what's an OP character? Yeah, they're like Paladin, Hexblade, Warlock, and I was like, oh, okay. And then I told Chase I'm gonna be a Hexblade, Warlock, Paladin thing. He was like, That's fucking, that's fucked up. So he, so he, yeah, so he must have knew something I didn't know because I don't know anything about it, but apparently they're like crazy good. But um, yeah. So like, touching on that, what is your favorite character usually to play? I like to play half elf, uh, druid. Cause half elf skit, um, Uh, you get a few more, You get, like, boosts in specific traits that you can pick, And I think it helps towards druids. And I like shape changing, again, for the hit pools. Okay, what about you babe? The dark urge Are we talking balders gay right now? I don't know I mean, that's dark earth right now, right? I mean my dark earth playthrough was pretty pretty cool. Didn't you just kill everybody everybody? Yeah, yeah, but I like I said, i'm a newbie to this. I've only ever played the elf So, I don't know. Maybe you should branch out Maybe I should you can look at the handbook and see what kind of races you like playing like um be an archer You Yeah, or there's like, um dragonborn. There's tiefling. She played a tiefling. Yeah, you played. Did you play team? I didn't play You didn't play she plays. Oh, yeah, you just played the high elf. Yeah, there's like my second campaign Races out there. Yeah, I played the tiefling Thief archer fighter or I was just Wrapping people with the the hand crossbows. I was like machine gun like what do you play in balder's gate geisha a high elf What's your class a wizard and a cleric. The same exact thing. I feel, well for me, for D& D, I feel like my character, it's always the same character, it's always the same build, it's always the same name. Like that's her, she's going on different adventures. I think it's nice to have somebody who likes to play a specific class because you're really knowledgeable in that class like you played A sorcerer in our last campaign, but I don't think you fully grasp the concept of like a sorcerer Like there's a lot of things like sorcerers get sorcery points in like dnd5e and you didn't really use that Them at all. Yeah. But sorcery points can get you a lot of things in D and d five E. She's doing some, you can get extra like spell slots. Mm-Hmm., um, things like that. And I think they really help you. And it's good if you know the class that you're playing. When you play the tabletop version, she's telling you, you don't know shit. I don't, no. It's just like, I really don't. It's just, if you wanna play class, it's more to learn. Just like Yeah. You get a lot to learn about it. It's so, I think that's really nice. It's so, it's so huge. I mean, there's books upon, books upon books. Books about D& D, right? And even in Baldur's Gate, when I played my sorcerer, they had the extra spell slots, right? And like the twinning spell, or I was like, I don't know what this is. I never used them. So I can completely agree, you know, it's hard to play sorcerer classes. I think, cause there's a lot to them. Yeah. Maybe next time I'll play like a human and just be a human. Maybe I'll play a bard. Yeah. Go around singing a song. Yeah. Yeah. So I want to ask the next few questions are gonna be strictly for Azalea because she obviously wanted this whole Topic. You're the expert in this topic. And you're the storyteller of all of this. When uh, I don't know. Did I ask you what's the most interesting and unique campaign you've been a part of yet? You did not. Okay. I haven't played a very many. I've played like three. Um, but the first one I played was probably the most interesting 'cause it's, it was a pre-generated campaign, but it was with a bunch of first time players like me. So it was really great. When I think back on it, it was a really great memory. It was, um, if anyone's ever heard of the, um, podcast, uh, the Adventure, adventure Zone. It was that, um, campaign like Fando in and Rockport, stuff like that. Um. And it was really great, it really got me immersed in the game, and it got me really intrigued in it. And it was a lot of fun things that happened in a storyline in a short amount of time. So you could probably do each little section of that campaign in one session. Which was really exciting for me, because we got a lot done in a short amount of time. Okay, um, so what are some of the challenges you faced when running or playing a campaign? Running it is hard, I've learned. It's because sometimes when you play pre generated campaigns, like we did the Curse of Strahd, it's a lot, especially because I didn't know at the time, but that's one of the hardest pre generated campaigns to run. So I learned a lot to never do that one first. But also, I kind of stuck to the storyline a lot, which is not I think a fair way to play for your players to get much enjoyment out of it, and that was my fault as a newbie. DM. Um, so I, yeah, I wouldn't, I wouldn't do like pre generated maybe. I know homebrew is really hard for a lot of people, but it might be the best way to go for a lot of new time, first time DM players. Cause it, it gives you freedom to play and do whatever you want in the campaign. You can make up whatever you want. Like people make like the deathclaws from like Fallout. They make those like a real monster in D& D. And I was like, that's pretty cool. So you can do whatever you want, really. Yeah, I mean, I feel like you did pretty good on yeah, yeah, like I didn't I didn't think it was too hard. I thought it was pretty good. I mean, I was just having fun and drinking. It's very much a social kind of good. That's what that's the one where I stole the money from her. Yeah, it was indeed. So, um, how do you balance the narrative and gameplay aspects in your sessions? You need to Go off of your players, I think, as a DM. Um, it's all about what your players want to do. You present them a scenario, and how they play through it is how you should play through it. So, if you present them like, Here's a room! And the doors are all locked. What are you gonna do? Whatever they do. That's how you should play it Like if they want to just spend 30 minutes trying to figure out how to unlock this door when you can just turn the knob That's how you should play it. Yeah, i'm thinking i'm thinking about when we did the straw and the fucking fireplaces All the fireplaces thinking that some magical thing was gonna happen. Yeah, because she was like there's like There's a fireplace. I was looking at the map that you printed out and there was a fireplace and everyone else was like, Yo, we gotta light these fucking fireplaces. Like a puzzle. Exactly. If you guys wanna light every fireplace, you're gonna light every fireplace. You should've just gave me something special for that. Cause like, I literally, every time we're in a room, and I was, I was pure intoxicated and I still remembered. Hey, we need to light this fireplace before we leave. Exactly I should have I should have played off of you guys wanting to light every fireplace and then give you a reward for lighting Right, and I did it and that was my fault as a new first time dm don't you ever disrespect the fireplace? I will never do that again. It's kind of it kind of brings me is it Zelda, where like you go around and you light the things and in the middle of the room, a treasure chest appears. It was like that. We were thinking like, let's light all these fireplaces. And in the middle of this room, all the doors are gonna unlock, which were already unlocked in the first place. I learned a lot from that campaign. Um, so, uh, Gesha, what would you advise Uh, someone who wants to play or start D& D, but feels overwhelmed about the whole thing. Um, Cause there's a lot of rules, There is. Setups, like it's a lot to take in. It is. So how would you suggest like somebody that's new coming into it? Um, do it. Just do it? It might be overwhelming. It might have a lot of information to take in. Just do it. Um, what I kind of did is, Um, We had a session to where we were building characters and like having information about it I think it took like a few hours and I borrowed as his books and I kind of read on what I was gonna do Just me so you do it pick a class pick a race and hone in on that Don't worry about everything else. Don't don't Even bother reading everything else kind of focus just on you until you feel comfortable to kind of branch out and then maybe do the Sex thing the same thing the next playthrough Another thing that I think is really helpful for me. This playthrough is D& D and beyond right because it's it's You roll and then you add these things or you add initiative and that to me was confusing It's hard to remember like, okay, i'm gonna roll for this. Do I add initiative? Do I not add initiative? Do I add wisdom? Do I add my charisma? And dnd and beyond I just push the button and it does all the math for me So that's very helpful until I feel that I can remember everything I do myself What about you just do it I agree where, um, the session zero comment. I think that it's really important when you're a new person and you're starting out D& D, it's really good if your DM does a session zero because it helps everyone get together, know, like, at least the baseline of the plot. Helps you figure out how to set up your character sheet. Sorry. Um, what is a session zero? Session zeros are just character creations mostly. Okay. Um, I don't I think Chase said that and I just yeah I probably was I think they're really important for people who are new because you can get together with if they're still if you're all new you can all get together and figure it out together or Some of you are new and some of your experience it helps you get together with people who can help Show you or help you teach you at least a little bit of how to get started on it. Okay. So, um, are there any particular resources or tools you find indispensable for running or playing D& D games? I guess the whole D& D Beyond, right? Yeah. That's super helpful. Yeah. I mean, it has all the books into it. Like, I mean, you obviously have to pay for it, but it's like, it's really, I mean, I think it's worth it if you're, cause it's like a lifetime thing, you just buy the thing one time, and it, it, it carries over the spells, it carries, like, special, like, even though, like, the basic part of it is, it doesn't, like, hold the, the main character, it, it doesn't have the amount of races that, like, you can, or the races that you can pick from, uh, I guess the basic version, if you buy like 5e, you can get the, like I said, the variant human, you can get drow. A lot of stuff, so it was very helpful for me. Yeah, there's a lot of expansions onto 5e. So there's like Tasha's Cauldron, there's um, a couple other ones, Xanathar's Monster Book or something like that. There's a lot of them and it's cheaper to do it online. It's like 50 for a physical copy and then 25 for like D& D Beyond and stuff. Yeah, I really like Chase's book that he made for us this time too, to have everything in my class. All in front of me. Like a paper form, yeah. I'm old school, I like paper form. Yeah, he took all of our character creations, all of our stuff, and put a print them out. Gave everyone like a binder. A binder, a special book. Printed us out characters. Contracts for my warlock stuff. Yeah, and like little card holders for the spells. Like I have the cleric spell cards in my Amazon cart right now. Chase is a cool DM. Yeah, like I know he, I know he nerfs it. Cause I know damn well he, he wants to like shit on us. But he's, he's basically like, uh, you know, I, I know you rolled a 10. But that doesn't hit, but I'm going to let you hit him. I'll allow it. He says, I'll allow it. But then you have to remember that our, our. Current campaign was supposed to be with like ten people. Yeah, and was it? Yeah Oh, yeah, you're people that you knew and then yeah It was supposed to be bigger and he had said in our first session that he made them Harder he planned every enemy and every everything harder because there was so much people involved Yeah, that would have done so much more damage that he had to scale it back for us I guess I guess so. So this question would kind of like help with that. So How do you handle conflicts and disagreements that arise during a game or I guess a session. I stopped talking to you For three days. Yeah, because of my gold. Oh Three no, no way. No stop It was like two three days that you didn't talk to me cuz I again rolled it. I rolled It was that it doesn't matter what you rolled It was the idea that you wanted to steal from me in the first place. Hush your mouth. Sigh when I spit it out Missy Elliot, what's up? I think the great thing about it About D& D is that when you play with a group of people that you are friends with or that you trust There's not gonna be any real big disagreements. You can all usually just talk it out. It's when you bring like Um Wildcards into the game. You're like, this is my friend. They've never played they want to play and you're like great And then they want to be like a murder hobo or something Yeah, I think that's one the big problem is just because I don't feel like we've had in any real issues with our campaign so far Yeah The chase always tells me it's stuff like well chase is like a big D& D head so he would like tell me some things about like how he plays with his brother in law and they play online and the stuff that they do but um, I Oh, I guess Like after that, whatever, after that, but what are some tips that are making, what are some tips that are making newcomers feel welcome at the table? Like we, we went from like, do not roll and steal some gold from your teammate. Cause it would be mad at you for 30 days. What, what else would be, what would be some other tips that you would, uh. I think, I think it's really important to be team players. Um. That wasn't a very team player move of you. You gotta think about, I mean your character can be like, um, a solitude kind of person, but you have to think in the terms of the grand scheme of the game that you're all just party. Um, you alone are not going to defeat the big bad. So you, you're going to make some kind of friendship with your, your, uh, players. I mean, technically Chase rolled a critical 20 and hit Strahd for like, uh, 80 some damage plus something. I don't know. That's true. Yeah, that's true, but I think it's yeah Just go into the game thinking like, you know I kind of want to be friends with somebody or I really like these people and I want to play this character this way But not in a detrimental to the group kind of way. Yeah. What about you Geisha over there? evil grinning eyes Staring. I don't. Nothing? I really don't got nothing. My mind is set on, yeah. Be a team player. Don't steal. Don't steal gold. People's gold. Okay. Don't steal your teammates loot. Be a community. Be a community. Just share the wealth. Share the wealth. And on top of it, to carry over to community, how do you think playing tabletop games like D& D has impacted your problem solving skills and creative thinking skills? How has it helped you? It makes me want to involve people more. I'm usually, like, a I solve it on my own kind of person, but playing D& D has taught me that I alone cannot solve nor fight this bad guy. Um, so I need, so I need other people to play with me, or I need to work it out with my group to figure out the answer. Yeah. Mm-Hmm. like was the bracelet. I could not, we didn't get that. Yeah. We didn't figure out the bracelet. The vitals had to figure that out. Mm-Hmm.. I don't even remember how you figured it out. How did you figure it out? How was I, I feel like Chase got, gave us a hch. Oh, probably. No, no, no, no, no. It was the alcohol because I was. Yeah, it's alcohol. I mean, obviously you sacrifice some people. I mean, we didn't know that, but I knew that because the alcohol was No, I think Chase gave us a big hint. No, no, he did not. If he did, I wasn't listening because I, as I said, alcohol. Right, but I'm the sober one and I can remember Chase specifically saying there is an altar in this room Maybe you should pay attention to the altar in the room. I feel like he gave us a hint. I'm just saying. No, no, no. I, I clearly did not pay attention at all. Every time we play, I'm drinking. I do not pay attention to any rules, but, uh, so. As Lee, what are some perspectives on evolution of tabletop gaming, particularly with the rise of digital platforms and online play like BG3 D& D beyond, I think D& D. Was once COVI hit, um, role 20 got really big. It was probably big before that, but I, I only heard about it after Covid hit and that was how a lot of people played d and d online together. I think. Um, that's how I played a couple campaigns together with some groups. And, um, dandy beyond I think has always been very big. So that's always gonna be a thing that people use. It's a free resource. You can sign up for free. You can build characters for free. You could just build characters for fun. You didn't have to be in a campaign to build characters. Is that when I, is that when I blew up was like during COVID? I don't think so. I think it was always really big. That's when I found it to be really big during COVID. The era of COVID? Yeah. The years? It gave me the, the, the. time to get into D& D, um, during COVID, but it's not, it's not time consuming to get into. I just didn't have time before, but I made time during COVID. Yeah, I think in D& D and beyond there's like a campaign. You can even go on like campaigns. I don't know if it's part of the paid prescription or subscription of it, but I know that there's like a campaign button. Yeah. I never tried it though. Yeah. Okay. Um, so what a perspective on the evolution of tabletop gaming, particularly the rise of, Oh, that's right. Um, how do you think I'm not gonna lie? We were over here, they were drinking a little bit too much. Um, how do you think tabletop gaming influences social interactions and friendships? Oh, let me start this. I mean, I don't know about online or. Like stuff like that, but I mean like with all our group we're pretty close. I mean me and brian be taking shots You'd be taking shots I mean a hundred percent I'm, not focused on the gaming Of the dnd Like i'll be like I rolled up whatever whatever hit this guy for whatever but i'm i'm here for the experience I'm here for the drinking. I like to have fun. So I I don't know about you guys my interactions involve like like Just having fun. I don't know. I know that's my, they might piss off some like serious D& D players like yeah That's fucked up, man. You play a Hexlock, Hexblade, Warlock, and you don't take D& D serious. Hey fuck off, man. No, I'm just playing. But I, I just, I just like to have fun with my friends. He didn't know Hexblade was broken. I didn't. I honestly didn't. Uh, you? Geisha, how do you feel? How does it influence your social interactions with us? I think, I think it's, uh, What am I trying to say? I'm trying to think and talk at the same time, which is very hard. You're not drinking, so. I know. Um, I think it's great in a sense for me is like, you know, I'm dating Black Label as dating Sean, but then Engaged. Engaged. Engaged. Black label and Keisha are engaged. So cute. Put some respect on that name. And it kind of like, Brian and Chase are your co workers, but yet I'm They're our friends now. Yeah, they're our friends now. Basically, that's what I'm saying, right? We're all getting to know each other, and all getting to build this friendship, and getting to know everybody's playing styles, and kind of joking with each other. Right. With people that I only, like Brian and Chase, I see, I only see them during D& D, but I can consider them friends, you know? They're welcome. I like that. I like that answer. Um, yeah, that's a good answer. So, uh, do you think tabletop games remain popular even during, like, video games? Like the digital era? Do you think tabletop and D& D and stuff like that? I guess even including, because we only play D& D, I mean, we played that one tabletop game that you let us borrow from your friend, but I mean, you, uh, you guys obviously, I would say that's more of a board game. Not a tabletop. So tabletop is like more RPG. I think it's more like character building and then playing that character, but there's a lot of other TTRPGs out there, not just D and D, but they remain pretty popular during this era. Right. Oh yeah. I feel like D and D is. I mean it's been here since the, yeah, it's a Satan game. There's so many TTRPGs out there that we haven't even like thought about yet. Like there's a lot that I want to play, um, and we just have to like finish our campaign currently. It's going to be a while probably, but we can get into it. Like again, the call Kaulu is something that I've really been like licking into and something really liked playing. Let's wait. What? Because I really like Call Kaulu. Call Kaulu. You know I love me. Or is it like a, it's a TT Rrp G, so it's the same as D. D, but it's not d and D. It's not like Dungeons and Dragons, Elridge Horrors. Okay. Okay, let's do that. But there's a lot of those games where it's not Dungeons and Dragons, it's there's other aspects to the game. Yeah. What about you? Do you think it's still popular during the digital? I feel like, Boulder's Gate was great, right? Boulder's Gate was great, but you cannot get as much in, or the experience, doing a video game version of D& D. Yeah, I mean it's D& D tabletop, original style, is gonna have way more It makes you use your brain a lot more too. Immersion. Yeah. Yeah, cause it's He printed out those things for us, the actions and bonus actions and stuff. I never even thought about that stuff. So it makes me think a lot more when we Do something, you know what I mean? Yeah, and I think we're learning too because our first playthrough We didn't do any bonus actions. We didn't do any like we we attacked and then that's it and then we stopped And now a lot of actions. Yeah now we can now we know like bonus actions We can we didn't dash our first playthrough now we dash all over the place. Yeah, you can dash you can hide We can throw stuff jump. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah You So as a lead, uh, homebrew and customization. Um, you were talking about homebrew earlier. Um, do you have any favorite homebrew rules or modifications that you'd like to incorporate into, like, your next D& D campaign, if you ever hold one? Unfortunately, I've never looked into homebrewing very much, um, since my last campaign that I did with you guys. I would very much prefer to do a homebrew next time. Uh, just cause it's Better customization and it's less like restricting I think for the players Um, and I can decide things more So is that like more you can decide like the content the spells the monsters the items anything? Yeah, you pretty much build everything So you like I said about the deathclaw thing like you can include that in your campaign if you want or you can include Like monsters that aren't even monsters in like the game The actual, like, camp, like, D& D player handbook. You can do a lot of things. Like, a lot of people do, like, I, like, Dimension 20 does, um, a bunch of spin off TTRPGs. And they did one where everybody was, like, um, what do you call them? They're like ferrets, kind of. Like the, like the animal? Yeah. Like, everyone was, like, you were an animal. And there's a lot of aspects to homebrewing that you can be. Like, they did, like, a space. Adventure one, like there's a lot of things you can do with just, um, homebrewing. Have you, um, been a part of a homebrew thing? Unfortunately, no. No? Okay, okay. Well, this is my first one. This is my first homebrew. The one with Chase is this Home Brew one that we're doing? I, I don't think it's like an actual written campaign. I think he made it up. Yeah. So I would call it a home brew if it's a, is a, if it's a home brew. He's pretty, he uses a lot of the DD five E aspects, but it is, the story at least is home brew for sure. I mean, my man over here printing out. He's printing out contracts on special paper that he ordered from Amazon. Like, this man's going deep into it. Signing it in red ink. Yeah, signing it in red ink. Like, it's like blood. Like, this man's going crazy. No, he's fancy. I like it, I like it. Man, she's a good guy. So, um, so, what, the future of tabletop games. Uh, what trends do you see emerging in the world of tabletop gaming? This, I think, I feel like this is more you, because I, I don't know. Everyone can, you, would you like to answer, Gation? You can answer first, so you don't have to piggyback. Yeah, what do you, what do you think is going to emerge from the, like, the future of tabletop games? Do you, do you see it like, I mean, I guess we're already looking at Baldur's Gate 3, but do you see, I mean, I don't think they're going to make, because they already said, what, Lariat already said that they're not going to make a Baldur's Gate. Yeah, they're not going to do the next one. So, do you see anything emerging aside from that, like, in the tabletop gaming? What trends do you see? Um, I don't really know I don't have kind of like that background In tabletop. It is a kind of hard question. Yeah So i'm a popcorn this to ask lee Pop it over there Um, I think it's going It's gonna get really big, I think. Um, uh, obviously with Baldur's Gate, it's gonna bring people awareness to RPGs, like, um, D& D. Uh, and then once you spiral into D& D, you'll start to want more, I think, um, because that's what I did. I want more. And it got me into, like, a lot of other, uh, board game TTRPGs. And, uh, I think it's just gonna get big. Um, thankfully D& D is the biggest and it's going to keep going because there's a lot of podcasts about D& D. Um, and it's just going to keep getting bigger. There's a ton. Yeah. And it's just going to keep getting bigger and it's going to bring more people in. A lot of people are going to start playing it. And hopefully, if you want to get into it, you know somebody who has played it or does play it and they don't gate keep it from you. Because I had a couple people do that from me and it kind of disinterested me and then I found my group. That got me into it and they helped like solidify my love for it. Yeah. Um, Yeah, because I I remember I mean I was Not too into it until we started playing with you, but then I watched on crunchy roll. There's a uh, I forgot the name of it, but it's they're basically a live podcast, but somehow during their editing They the live podcast they created a cartoon for it. Is it critical role? You No, I don't think it's Critical Role. Yeah, I don't think it's Critical Role. So they created a like an anime or a cartoon for this, but because they have a Is it Adventure Zone? That sounds so familiar. Adventure Zone has a podcast for D& D, but then they made um, like books. I want to, I want to, I want to google it right now, but I mean it could be because uh, They have a special guest or celebrity every week. Okay, so they yeah, they have like a special guest or celebrity every week and they during during their whole campaign They're I guess what do you call it a one time? Oh one shots a one shot. They would have like a one shot campaign and during that time They would convert it to a cartoon as they're talking. So it was pretty cool. That's really interesting. Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty cute um so Let's see So your personal reflections. How, how has your perspective on tabletop games changed since your first start? Would you like to have any put? Yeah, sure. Um, before I really wasn't into it. I had that stereotypical outlook on it. Like, Oh, you know, that's kind of nerdy. That's not, does it sound much fun? But then I kind of just did it and I say it's a I think it's lots of fun. I think it's a blast. I don't think it's nerdy at all. So I think getting rid of that stereotypical mindset would be great for anybody who is like wanting to try like D& D, for example. And I'm like, oh, well, I don't know if my friends will think I'm nerdy or, you know, like. How other people would perceive you. Yeah. Does that make sense? Well, like, um, kids nowadays have clubs in schools. Yeah. Where they can do D& D. Yeah. Um, I think that's really cool. Yeah, actually, um, My oldest, she did the, she did the D and D club and it was pretty cool. I think it's a better cause kids get more exposure to it nowadays when they're young, instead of as you get older, you're like, I don't, that's super like, she's a nerdy, but now it's kind of like, Oh, it's kind of cool. I can play a character. Yeah. I remember she was like super excited. She was like telling me that her and her club, she was like, yeah, we killed a dragon today for her like final boss. And I was like, Oh, that's pretty cool. No. Um, so if you could play a session with any historical figure, so, or fictional, I guess you could say fictional character. Who would it be? And why? If you have an answer, you can go first. I'm still thinking. You know, Gerald. Garal. Oh, that'd be good. Actually not, not Henry Cave Gar. I mean, I wouldn't mind Henry Kail, but the book Garal.'cause he'd just be funny, just stoic and yeah, very kill him. Luckily it's not that Henry Cale, 'cause you'd be like, oh, he's so handsome. So I want handsome, like I leave you for him. Hymn. I think a character like Gerald, where he's. Kind of in this already kind of hunting monsters and trying to be good but trying to be neutral Would be a good Good person to kind of row with in D& D. So wait, so why would it just because like his like actual things in the fictional world? Yeah, because so it Gerald in the books, he tries to be neutral. He's neither good nor evil. He's always neutral. He always decides to be neutral. But the books kind of push him and test him whether he's going to be good or bad. It'd be pretty funny to see him to like struggle with his morally. Yeah, dilemma loaded questions. Exactly. Like in today's session, what we, we killed human villagers, right? But in my sense, Gerald from the books would be like, well, they're not monsters, so I really can't harm them. And these people may be having a civil war. I'm neutral. I'm not getting involved in anything of this. Yeah, that's a good. Honestly, you kind of, you play your character like Geralt then. Cause you kind of stay out of a lot of the fighting scenarios. I know, I just kind of You're like, I'm just going to stand back and watch. I just stand back and watch and kind of see what the other party members do. She's just a very neutral player. Yeah, I just kind of like hang back and watch. You have an idea or you want me to go in front of you? Oh man, I can't even answer this question, I have nothing. Okay, I would think Dang, I just Oh, Morgan Freeman. Not Just for his voice. Yeah, I would like him to be the DM. Yeah, the dungeon master. Like, I would want him as the DM. I don't even know how to do his voice, so it's like nobody does his voice describe this dark, dusty dungeon? Yeah. Yeah. Can you just describe the scene? Voice you to me? Yeah. Yeah. I would like that. Yeah. Deep, rich, gravelly, not gravelly. Handsome. Deep and rich. Handsome. Yeah. Handsome man. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. What about you? Nothing. Nothing? Yeah, nothing. I can't come up with anything. Okay. Okay. So what has been the most rewarding part of your tabletop gaming experience? Would you like me to start off? Or you would like to go? No, you go. Mm-Hmm?. You go first. Yeah. That's a clap. So, for me personally, I'm not like, like I like playing the game. But, to be honest, like being able to hang out with like my sister, my fiance, my friends. Like, I feel like that's my favorite part of the gaming experience. Being able to hang out with the people I care about. I know, I know it sounds corny as shit, but I think it's cool that like we're all drinking, we're all having fun. So I think that's my favorite part of the experience. That's like the most rewarding. I don't really care about like, you know Stealing some gold from this stupid ass sorcerer, you know 20 gold rolling 20 critical, you know, because that's my gold I don't have the complaint, you know, that's my shit. I rolled that you didn't roll that. I rolled that you know, yeah Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I would say the same Oh yeah, rolling 20s and stealing gold from people, you would like that? Yeah. Yeah, I would like that too. I wouldn't hold any grudges towards anybody for that. That means you should steal money from him. No, I got something for him in our next playthrough. Oh yeah, I got a motherf Oh, I'm gonna attack this person. Oh whoops, that's vitals. Oh, sucks. I got a motherfucking thunderous might on your ass and a booming blade on a cantrip, so I'm sorry. Boom, what's up? I like the role playing aspects. You can just be a totally different person if you wanted to be. Uh, you, you disagreed? Yeah, I think, I piggyback off of yours. Okay, okay, um. The food is pretty good too. We, we. We always get some good food. We always get some really good food. We do. Yeah. How do you think gaming can bring people together in today's digital world? Okay. I think it, uh, gives people like that personal interaction that you might crave. Um, a lot of, like, game stores, uh, you can go in and just, like, part There's people there, there's groups there that do, like, one shots. So you can just join a random one shot for that day, or that evening, or whatever. And you can just get, like, a little bit of human interaction if you want. Um, it's not, you know, it's Not everything should be over online, I think. I think that kind of kills the vibe. Um For me, at least. I'm not a big online player kind of person, so I like physically being there. Single player, Stardew Valley. Yeah, I'm a big single player, but if I can have interaction with people and stuff, that's a lot for me. I like that. You, Geisha? Yeah, I kind of think the same. I was going to say more of like, okay, I kind of had this vision. picture in my head when you were answering as of You can walk into like a game stock and be like yo Like you have this game and the clerk or the employees there. You can just nerd out with them You just find somebody who's gonna nerd out with you about something you both are Into or have an interest in yeah, for sure. Yeah Um, so what's the funniest and most unexpected thing that's ever happened to one of our game nights? I think every funny, I think every funny thing that's happened in D& D thus far with you guys and our campaigns, it has to do with Brian. He's always just like, is there undead there? Mmm, I don't want to go there. Is there undead there? Mmm, I think we should go there. He's so serious about that. Once he's in the character, he's like so serious. He's like, This is my mission. Yeah, and then today he was with the ladies of the night. Oh yeah, he was just like, let me, can I roll a d20 and see how my performance was? Oh, that was good. I think those are like the funniest moments. He always comes, like I feel like he's being serious. But I think it's so funny because like I know he's being funny and serious at the same time He's trying to he was trying to get his intel and honestly, I respect that Yeah, because what he's like, can I roll this and then when he rolled the high level chase was like, yeah They'll never forget this night. It's like jesus Um, I mean those are all the other questions I have. I mean, do you have you guys have any questions? You want to add on or anything? Not questions, but I think Don't let people lie to you about D& D. It's neither hard nor expensive to get in You don't need minis to start. You just need like one 10 set of dice to play Yeah, don't spend no hundred fucking dollars at PAX or comic con. It's not worth it You don't need like gemstone dice or boulders You could just get some like, resin dice, that's fine. Um, if you like expensive, shiny dice, a lot of people do. I totally support that, I'm a big dice goblin myself. Um, but it's not expensive to get into. You can start playing whenever you want. You just gotta find a good group to play with. Yeah, what about you, honey? Do you have anything you want to add? I mean, before we close out, do you want to add anything? No, I think I'm good. Like I said, I feel like I'm the underdog in this topic, but It's lots of fun. Give it a try. It'll be great again. Also dnd is not the only tabletop rbg out there Yeah, there's a lot. Yeah, I mean I feel like find groups that do tons of other kind of styles It doesn't have to be dungeons and dragons if you don't like that. There's there's i'm sure there's forums out there You can find and join through roll 20 Go for it. Yeah, I just feel like it's a good experience like even if like if it's people you don't know you should try it Just because it's a good social and like it's a way to step out there Yeah, meet new people meet new friends But um, give it a try like with a group see if you vibe with them enough If not, find a new group vibe with them. Yeah, so You want to close out, close that. What was that call out? You want to go bye? This has been Co Op Chronicles with Pint Sized Geisha, Black Label, and me, Azalea. Azalea closes us out. No, but you do the bye. Bye.