Co-op Chronicles

Episode Three - Dynamic Duo

May 25, 2024 Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi Episode 3
Episode Three - Dynamic Duo
Co-op Chronicles
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Co-op Chronicles
Episode Three - Dynamic Duo
May 25, 2024 Episode 3
Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi

Join Blacklabel and PintsizedGeisha on this special episode of 'Co Op Chronicles'! We dive into our journey as a gaming couple, share our favorite games, laugh about our funniest gaming moments, and discuss how we balance gaming with life and kids. Plus, discover why we started this podcast and our tips for couples who game together. Tune in for an hour of fun, insights, and plenty of laughs! 

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Join Blacklabel and PintsizedGeisha on this special episode of 'Co Op Chronicles'! We dive into our journey as a gaming couple, share our favorite games, laugh about our funniest gaming moments, and discuss how we balance gaming with life and kids. Plus, discover why we started this podcast and our tips for couples who game together. Tune in for an hour of fun, insights, and plenty of laughs! 

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Welcome back to Co Op Chronicles. This is episode three. Welcome to Co Op Chronicles Episode 3. I'm Pint Sized Geisha and with me I have the handsome black label. That is true. That is factual. That is me. And this episode is a little bit different because Azalea is not here today. That is She had some plans. So instead we are going to do a couple's episode couple's episode Yes, where we kind of go into how? Damon Yeah, it's a gamer Black label Damon. Yeah is a gamer and me if I said geisha I am also a gamer and how that kind of plays in our relationship. Yes. Yes um Yeah, so do you want me to, you want me to start us off right away, or? Okay. Go ahead. Alright, alright. So, um, Ms. Geisha. Pint sized Geisha. Doesn't matter. Mmm. As long as it's not my government name. Yeah, yeah. Damon. Um, so how did you first start gaming together as a couple? What was the first game we've ever played together? What was that? I think it was Apex. It was Apex. It was Apex. I don't think we've ever played another game together besides Apex. No, we have. What other game did we play? What are you talking about? We played Baldur's Gate together. We've played that little survival game where you're like Don't starve together. No, don't starve together. Revenant. Don't starve together. Revenant. Oh, you're right. We played a few games today. You know, there is one game that I wanted to play, kind of ask you to play a game again. You shot me down the first time. Overcooked. We need to play Overcooked together. I said I'd play with you, but you got all upset because I turned you down the first time. Yeah. So, uh, what were your initial impressions of, uh, our gaming skills, or my gaming skills? Overcooked. What were you, were you like, what the hell am I getting myself into? Kind of, yes. I'm pretty cracked. Yeah. When I, when I was playing with you, I was like, what am I getting myself into? But it was fun. Yeah. I mean, it was fun. I was learning the game. I remember it was a struggle. It's still a struggle. What the fuck? What do you mean it was a struggle? For me. Oh, okay. It was my first ever first person shooter game, battle royale game. And it was a struggle. Yeah, I mean. Even now, I'm not sure. That great. Apex was my first battle Royal game too. So, Uhhuh , it's a lot different. I normally played like, I was really big on destiny. Mm-Hmm.. But like the first one, I, I never got into the second one, but the first one I was really big on. And you were big on like RPGs Yeah. And like stuff you build. Mm-Hmm., like sub natica. Yeah. Sims. Yeah. Graveyard. Keeper. Keeper. Now you're on Star Valley. Stardy Valley. Mm-Hmm.. Mm-Hmm.. Yeah. So, um. What were your initial impressions when you started gaming with me? Was it love at first game? No, I don't think so. I don't actually remember that far back to be honest. Did you encounter any, uh, surprises or challenges when you first started gaming with me? I think you were more patient with me in the beginning than you are now. Yeah. Yeah. In the beginning, I don't have any bad memories. Um, so I can't necessarily say. That it went horribly, right? Because I don't have any memories of it going horribly. I want to crack one open for the listeners. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Okay. Um, so I think that you definitely had more patience with me in the beginning than you do now. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I had. Actually, my first, my surprise is where I was surprised that you were actually good at gaming. Like, I remember. Thanks. I came over to your apartment. Yeah, you know, because you meet people. And you're like, do you game? You didn't look like, you didn't look like a gamer. You know, you're a pretty beautiful woman. So I was like, when I seen you, I was like, I don't think you game. And then when I, I seen you actually play like Bloodborne and stuff, I was like, oh my god, you're actually good. Because I tried it and I was not good at that game. Um, so this is kind of like an off topic, but it's like the introduction still. So like, I've been wondering to ask you, like, why did you, Think that we could start a podcast. What inspired you to create like a, a podcast for like a gaming experience with other people? We've been talking about it for so long. Right. And I think it's because you and I, we, when we game together, we kind of pick on each other and we have fun and we laugh and we have kind of these silly moments that I think are super funny. And I feel that it would make good content. And not in the sense like where we're super serious all the time, but kind of more of in the sense like we're funny, we're silly and people can laugh at, not at us, but laugh with us. Like we laugh. With each other. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, it was an excuse for me to become internet famous No, I'm just playing I think I think that one of the reasons why we cuz like movie We always talk about how funny we are and then we're like we're gaming. We're like joking especially with me you and mr 1 IQ aka John, you know, we talked about like like when we're just gaming we're having fun when when I'm not raging but uh Yeah, I think that was like the moment when I realized like, hey, we should just start a podcast. I mean, everybody's doing it. Why, why can't we? Yeah. Yeah. Why not give it a try? Why not give it a try? And also, um, Man, I want to thank some listeners too at this point. Yeah. Yeah, like definitely. We didn't think we would uh, get a Uh, we were like, we only know like 10 people. Yeah. Like, I only know 10 people I think combined together, we only know 10 people. Yeah. We only know like 10 people, but we had like, for us, like 60, I think it was like at 65 or something like that, downloads. It was pretty cool. Yeah. So it was like, uh, I want to say thank you to all the listeners. Definitely. If we know you, thank you. If we don't know you, thank you very much. Yes, thank you. The people that we know, they, they're forced to listen to us, so, but thank you for. Yeah, and if you enjoy it, yeah, if you enjoy it, follow it and tell your friends to subscribe and follow us on the list of those. Yeah. Also, uh, shout out to Macaluso's. We were supposed to do that last episode, like our little thing, Macaluso's, if you live near downtown a Tacoma area, Ruston Way, Macaluso's Italian restaurant. Fire. Fire. Manager is super nice. What was it? James. Was his name James the Raider? Or is that the John John the waiter and James the owner took such good care of us when we were there I don't know if he was the owner of the manager or maybe the man. I think he's like the wine guy Yeah, but he was a manager on duty that night or something. They took care of us hooked us up with some free wine Yeah, cuz we seen some grumpy grumpy little people over there complaining like And then I'm like are those the grumpy people and we're the fun table and we're just drinking He was like, yeah, and I was like, what did I say about drinking some wine? I You're like, oh, yeah, cuz they I think what had happened was the the grumpy table got wine that they didn't like Yeah, and so we overheard a little bit about it And then we were kind of trying to make them like hey, not every table is grumpy and rude. Like, you know, we're here We're having fun. We're good Patrons patrons We're here to spend money, sir Yeah, and then they kind and then they we just kind of was having a great night Drinking having fun. Well, I was drinking. You don't drink. Yeah, I was drinking So he poured both of us a glass of wine for free and then just Black label drank all of his and we quickly switched him to make Seemed quickly switched him to make it seem, I drank all mine. Seem like she's an alcoholic and I drank mine slowly. But yeah, we, I drank 'em both and I was getting lit. I, it was a, it was a pretty high price. It was a good night. It was a pretty high price receipt too.'cause I ended up buying mom and dad that wine bottle. Mm-Hmm.. But James and John. Oh yeah. Super nice people. Super nice people, great people. And then as the Lee and Sean went to maus was after we did. Yeah, they did. And had such a great time too. So big shout out to. Them. Them over there. I'm sorry. I have, um, I drank a soda. So I'm all burpy. Yeah. So Mocha Lusso's. Yeah. If you ever rust away and you guys ever want an Italian place. I, I asked them, I was like, yeah, we're small. We're not big. Can we shout you out though? He's like, yeah, of course. So definitely go there. Yeah. And let them know that, uh, we sent you. Are you going to say the podcast people sent you? Yeah. The podcast people sent you. Anyways, back to it. So favorite games and experiences, babe. What are some of your favorite games that you like to play with me and why? I mean, again, again, we only play, but we play like two right now, just Apex and Baldur's Gate, right? I really enjoyed don't starve together because it wasn't so much of, um, it was more my style, right? It wasn't competitive. It was right. It was like, you had to, you had to, Survival you so you had to go out and farm for items and you had to build and then you had to like survive during The night so I really enjoy don't starve together. I think we had some fun. We didn't even finish that game We survived we thought that that game was we were just surviving every night, but no there's actual bosses and things you have to Uh complete to finish the game and we never did that. Mm hmm. Yeah, there's it's actually kind of crazy because I was like we watched uh What was his name? I don't even remember the guy's name, but he would like he did like the 300 days and like There's a lot of stuff that you could do on there. Yeah Yeah, that's a big game and we never got that then. Oh, I don't have the patience for that I can't farm and build stuff. That's why you play that stuff. I can't do that Um, I think I mean one of my favorite Moments is just I don't know. I like playing with you on Apex. It's really cool. Just like, especially when It may seem like I rage and don't have fun, but when we get wins and dubs them fat W's I'm excited and now I try to hype you up a little bit, which is rare. Yeah, I rarely get what do you mean? I'm cracked. I don't even want to hear about that. Anyways Do you have any uh memorable like in game achievements that you've accomplished throughout your PlayStation career? I know you always, you're like a trophy hunter. I am. I'm a trophy hunter, so my platinums. Anything stand out? Um, maybe, probably Final Fantasy XV was the hardest freaking platinum because you have to get every single weapon in the game. That was hard. And then also, the first God of War was really hard to platinum because you have to kill the Valkyrie Queen. And oh, Elden Ring was hard too. That's what I was about to say. Elden Ring is cracked. Yeah, this is why I'm kind of a trophy hunter is because first of all, I have OCD and having those unaccomplished trophies drive me absolutely crazy in my profile. And then, second of all, it's because it's so much of a challenge, right? Like, you remember I spent like eight hours on Placidusix in, in Elden Ring. Oh, is that the double dragon thing? Yeah. Yeah. Like eight hours. I wish you streamed that. Because when you fought Rattigan, you thought, when you fought Rattigan, you like, you died. For like four, five hours straight. And I was like, man, you should really stream this. But I kept going. Yeah, but you should have streamed it. It would have been great just to watch you die five hours straight. And then once you get the win, you're like, oh my. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How about you? Um, Probably Elden Ring. Because that was my first game like, that I played that wasn't a Souls, or I mean that wasn't an FPS game. It was like a Souls game. Now you just love from, from software. Yeah, I mean, that's the only one I've really played. I played Bloodborne, like, just the beginning, but Elden Ring was amazing. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Uh, so, I guess this is kind of a piggyback off of it, but uh, what type of games do you prefer? Yeah, um, RPGs and like the farming and strategies. I know we talked about in the very first episode, but I mean like you could touch more on it like yeah I'm not a big first person like Battle royale player. It's kind of not my style. I'm more of like I just want to chill You know use my brain power. Yeah, I'm more of a rock paper scissors type of game guy No, I I was a big MMO RPG guy I remember going to cyber cafes when those were the big things playing world of warcraft for the longest time I still prefer world of warcraft or rpgs over first person because I don't rage as much Because and they're more they're fun. Yeah fun games. Yeah um have you Follow up. Have you? Have we have we ever introduced? I guess I introduced you to apex. Have you ever? Yeah, you introduced me to souls like games Yeah And farming simulator type games, which you don't, I don't mind it. I mean, I don't mind graveyard keeper. You, you played graveyard keeper for like two days and then you gave up because it was more strategy. Like I have to do what in order to do this. It wasn't as linear as, Yeah, I don't like that whole think up down up down left right crap. I like to get straight to it Yeah, pick up a weapon shoot you in the face. Take your gear and i'm done. I'm out graveyard keeper is more like you need a and b and c to get to g and you need g to Get the z. Yeah, and then z you need to get all the way back to like double a yeah So, uh Dynamics and communication, babe. Are we pretty good at communicating? I think so. Yeah, how how has gaming together improved our communication skills? Can you share a specific example? Has better our communication skills? Uh, yeah improved our communication skills. I think with us gaming together. We're allowed to be like silly and also kind of um for a lack of better word mean towards each other. We're not necessarily mean, but we're kind of like playful. Like just earlier today we were playing apex and you turned to me like, babe, I need you to hit your shots. And I think that in turn to help our relationship be more silly with each other. You know, we can joke around, we can laugh, we can kind of poke fun with at each other and not take it seriously. Yeah. Yeah, I get, I agree. I mean, It's helped me, uh, change a little bit. Yeah. Um, what strategies do you, uh, use to resolve conflicts and disagreements that arise during the gaming session? Do you have any strategies to settle? Oh, you do? Yeah. What, what is it? I disconnect and walk away. Or you say like, this is my last game. Yeah, this is my last game. And I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'll change. I'll be better. I'll be better. You said that before. I know I'll be better this time. I swear. Yeah. How do you handle, uh, Differences in our skill, skill level. I don't really hard. It is hard because especially And I hate to keep kind of reverting back to apex, but that's a game that we really play a lot together And it just kind of sucks. It's like a big game aside from fortnite. Yeah, it's so much better than me Well, it's not even that though too. I mean, I feel like If we didn't go against cracked players, it'd be fine. That's true. Cause we go against like players that are way better than me. And that kind of like ruins it. Cause I could like sometimes win like one B threes or stuff. But if you go against some crazy players, it's, I'm not saying you're bad, but I'm saying they're crazy. I, I, I am majority for support. So like if you, Get cracked in or down, I come red view and then you do all the work, you and when I cue, but sometimes I pop off. Sometimes, I have my moments. Yeah. So uh, what are some of the biggest benefits that we've experienced from gaming together? Like, does the dream work make the team work? Does it? I think, I, I feel like it does. I think we, I think we mesh more. I think we talk a lot more and we, cause you know, there's some relationships and I'm not judging people. I don't know what they do, but I feel like we have a really solid relationship, even though like we have moments like everybody else, but we're pretty like, we're chill. We're solid. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. Like we like doing the same things together. We enjoy spending time together. We go out when we can, you know, we have a great time. Right. I kind of want to point out that I'm I'm so sorry I have the major burps Um is that We quote unquote spend a lot of time together And in while we're gaming like together, right? I count that as like We're gaming together, we're in the same game, we're talking, we're having fun, we're playing this game, and that's us spending time together. So we spend quite a bit of time together almost every day, right? Sometimes I come home, we eat, and we're gaming for three hours every day. So it's like, yes, it's, it's kind of maybe socially not the norm of how you spend time together with your partner, but it works for us, right? But like you said, we still try to go out, we still eat dinner together, we still get out of the house when we can, but I feel that we do spend quite a bit of time together. Yeah, no, I agree. Um, so has there been any challenges or downsides to gaming as a couple that we had to overcome? I think so. Yes, we definitely did. I would say so. Um, I'll bring up a moment. I don't mind sharing my Your journey. My journey. Our journey. Our journey. But yeah, like I used to rage. I mean I rage now, but it used to be heightened a lot more. Like very bad and I used to get very angry. And it would, it would go outside of the game. And then I, we ended up, uh, having a little break, a gaming break, as I would like to say, but we had a break for a while and I had to work on myself to figure out how can I communicate better? I mean, I still slip up sometimes, but it's not as bad. Yeah. So back me up right here. No. Yeah, I agree. Um, we did kind of go through a hard spot where black labels, uh, Black labels like there's more than one but yeah plural. Yeah where you took kind of that Impulseness and the the anger from video gaming and didn't Keep it there. Yeah You were letting it spill over And that was the issue Yeah Like you said we kind of took a break And then worked on yourself and then now it's much better Yeah, it kind of stops and if it I don't I want to say like What's it been two two years now for what that we are we we were done with our break Oh, yeah, it's been like about two years about two years that it's never happened again to where It was because of apex or a video game. Yeah So good job. No, thank you. Great Yeah, thank you. How do you balance gaming with other aspects of our relationship? Um, do you, do we set like a gaming schedule? We don't really have a gaming schedule. Do we like wing it or specific times? Yeah, we're like spontaneous. Yeah, we kind of just, sometimes I, I'm, I, I work. And then I go to school full time. And then so sometimes I'm just not In it at the end of the day. Yeah Black label will be playing and i'll be at my desk kind of doing homework Our desks are kind of right next to each other with a with how big do you think this gap is? About like five feet like five feet Uh huh. So, you know, he'll be gaming and I'll come do homework. You'll be like, I really gotta do homework and then I'll like play. And then like two minutes later, you'll be like, Oh, I'm getting on. Like, I thought you had homework. Well, I can do it later. Yeah, I can do it later. So sometimes it rubs off on me to where it's like, Oh, he's playing. I really want to play. And sometimes we just kind of, kind of like, No, not today. Yeah. Yeah. But I do kind of want to point out as if like. If you're not in the mood, I don't force you to play. And if I'm not in the mood to play, like if we want to play together, you don't force me. We kind of respect the boundaries of, you know what, I just don't want to today. Yeah, Apex takes a lot out of me. Mm hmm. Um, so, . Is there any, like, do we have any gaming traditions? We don't have, I guess we used to have, like we used to do board game nights with the family, but other than that, yeah, we start that again. Yeah. We used to have, we used to have game nights, like every what, Saturday? Yeah, we did it like every Saturday. Yeah. Game night Traditions with family. We'd play like. Mystery board games that would take four to five hours sometimes. Not mystery, murder mystery cases. Yeah, where you unlock envelopes. Yeah, and you get evidence and you like study the case report and the autopsy report. Uh, what do they call them? Escape room type? But it was like mystery. It's hard to explain. But then we also played like, um, Sheriff of Nottingham. Yeah. Clue, conspiracy, a lot of, a lot of board games and games where the whole family is against each other. Yeah, like we played like Was it something Hitler? Secret Hitler. Secret Hitler, and then you would play The Sheriff. Yeah, Sheriff. I just said all this. Oh, did you? Sheriff and Nottingham. Oh, sorry. I'm like trying to think what we played and you're going on. Basically a lot of games. Where you lie. Yeah, where you lie to each other and you, like, steal from each other and it's just everybody out for themselves. Yeah, and you're just like, I hate you! You're a liar! I'm never gonna trust you again. How can I tell? Yeah. Yeah. Uh huh. Um, are there any games that have become special or symbolic to you, or in a relationship or anything like that? Do you know it? What? Anthem? Anthem! Yeah, Anthem. We mentioned this in the first episode, how we met. Yeah. Yeah, Anthem. Through Anthem, not through Anthem, not like we were both playing and we met in a lobby, but with the excitement of Anthem coming out and all the greatness that it should have been. Yeah, because I started talking to Hedgie and then Mm hmm. She was like, oh, she plays games and I was like, oh really? And then I was like, oh, you haven't heard of Anthem? You're like, yeah, I'm really excited. I was like, what? I know. Yeah. Rest in peace Anthem. I mean, I started it up actually yesterday and it looked, it still looks amazing. The EA just screwed the pooch. It could have been great. Screwed the pooch on it. Yeah. Yeah. Um, activities outside of gaming. So how do activities outside of gaming, shared hobbies, date nights, strengthen our bond. So I definitely think that this podcast is heavily on gaming. Yeah. Which is kind of what we wanted it to be, but it's not the only thing we do. Yeah. We're not like two complete nerds. Nerds, yeah. We're not sitting at our desk and we're like, oh, this is what we gotta do today. You know, don't get us, don't get me wrong. We have days where all Saturday, When our kids are gone that we wake up and we like eat breakfast We clean the house a little bit and we're on our computers playing video games all day And then we get off or we eat we order food we get off and go to sleep. Yeah, but luckily Yeah, but luckily we have like Good family that would watch the kids for us so we can go on date nights. Mm-Hmm. Like went to Macaluso. We went to Marzanos. Mm-Hmm.. A lot of good places. Yeah. And then we go to Rainiers games. Bowl. You have bowling. Bowling, yeah. So we, we are very active as well as golfing. This, yeah, golfing. Got a tee time tomorrow. That's tomorrow, Sunday. You're going on Monday. Monday, got a tea time Monday. Sorry. Yeah. So there is a lot of outdoor activities. As far as answering the question goes, I think it's good to kind of break away from Apex every once in a while. Or just gaming in general. Yeah, gaming in general and spend actual like physical outside of the house quality time together. Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty happy with you. Thanks. Yeah, I'm pretty happy with you too. Cool. Cool. All right. Here we go All right. Do you think gaming has helped us enjoy activities other activities outside like gaming? Do you think gaming has? Made us enjoy outside activities Like did we have we in have we discovered any new I guess we did discover a new interest uh with escape rooms Um, I was kind of kind of say that I was going to kind of say that kind of kind of say that Okay, but You didn't want to do escape rooms at first. You said they were so weird. They are. And then we went to wine and you're like, I love this. What's our escape room record, by the way? Six, six, zero, five, zero, six, zero? No. So we went to the, uh, how many souvenirs do you have? Four, four. No, we did more than four. No, one, two, three, four, five, five or five. You know, five and oh, yeah. We did the elevator one. Evil dead. The mummy one. The mummy one. The Cthulhu one. Cthulhu one. And then the recent one over here. What was that recent one? The, um, in the woods with the magics and the potions and stuff. Oh, the potions. That one's kind of hard. Yeah, but we did it. We did it. We're 5 0. Yeah. And we did that with like the family, so that was really fun. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, so I don't necessarily think that gaming itself has helped us in this aspect, but I do think that, I helped you kind of get into escape rooms and you kind of helped me, well, you and Az kind of helped me kind of get into like the board games and the tabletop game. So I think it's just our personalities and what we like and then it's good. Don't get me wrong. I sound, we sound like nerds, but I'm cool. I'm cool as fuck. I'm just like, you know, I'm cool as fuck. I be lifting weights. I'd be going out. You're a big dude. I'm a, I'm a cool guy. I just, I just sound like a nerd. Look, embrace the nerdiness. Yeah. I sound like I'm 15, but I swear I'm not. It's okay. Yeah. This whole podcast is kind of nerdy. Yeah. So. So, um, do you have any advice that you would like to give to other couples looking to start, start gaming together? Like, are there common pitfalls or mistakes to avoid that they should know of, or, or Do you say just play together? I guess it's hard to say that though. Cause like nobody, not everybody likes gaming. Yeah. They think it's like a taboo. I don't know. I don't know either. It's fine. Just happened that we both enjoyed video games, right? Yeah. I mean, if you like gaming. Fucking find you somebody who likes gaming. They're not gonna go out Every night, they're gonna just stay inside and play video games. Right. You can keep an eye on them Yeah, but for those couples that you have one gamer and one non gamer, you know Get off your video game every now and then and spend time with your partner enjoying what they want to do Yeah, or start off small like I don't know play Overcooked together or play fucking board games together. Yeah I mean, I feel like if you're a couple and you want to you know, I, I just think there's a lot of hatred or, like, couples nowadays that don't, yeah, they don't really, they like to, they're like, they judge their relationship on going out more, or, like, making the other person happier. I don't know. They're just not having fun together. Yeah. Are there any, um, I was just gonna say, I think that's one thing that we have a lot of fun together. Yeah. Like everyday we're just poking fun at each other and laughing. I'm a pretty cool guy. Are there any specific games you would recommend for couples who are new to gaming? Um, Yeah. I want to see some people play that survive. What is it? Don't starve together. Don't starve together is a good one. Yeah. Or like it's, I think I don't, I was going to say overcooked, but overcooked might push you a little bit. Yeah. Kind of stressed or like a phasmophobia. I really want to play phasmophobia with you still. I couldn't play it cause my computer was bugging out. But it works now. Now you got new parts. Yeah, new parts. Yeah. You can try it. Yeah, we should. That game looks fun. Don't play Apex together. Yeah, do not play Apex together. As a first game. Maybe you do not trust each other. Do not play Apex together. I mean it could be funny, right? Yeah. But, If you have one person who's seriously into Apex, like black label and one person who's kind of like, Oh, it's just, it might not be the best. Yeah. So how do you, uh, how can you, or I mean, what advice can you, uh, give to couples to make gaming a fun and positive experience? How do you, is there any tips to create any comfortable or enjoyable gaming environment? I mean, we have a pretty cool setup. I don't know if like our gaming environment makes us, uh, Have like a better gaming experience because like we have our own setup You know what I mean? Like we don't have to Share the screen together. We can do whatever we want. It's old school split. Yeah, I feel like That's pretty cool being able to have your own area Yeah, yeah your own space. Mm hmm. I would definitely just say don't take it seriously, you know Don't take it too seriously. It's supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be um Enjoyable, don't take it seriously and get all grumpy because your partner may not be the greatest. Yeah, I gotta miss all their shots. I mean, yeah, don't be like those people. Don't be like those people. I would never. Um, do you have any fun or personal insights? So if you could design a game specifically for couples, what would you like that game to be like? I think if I were to design a game for couples, it would be like the. It takes two or it takes have you seen yeah, I told you I wanted to play that game You don't want to play with me like that, right? Where it kind of depends on both of you guys to kind of get through the um obstacles. That's pretty cool yeah, I want something like where each couple has to Do something to make the progression Go further. That'd be pretty cool or something to incorporate drinking Have each, each person drink, take a shot. That'd be cool, like a visit. Play The Sims together. Ugh, I haven't played Sims in a long, long time. I would only build the houses, and decorate it, and put furniture in it, and then I'm done. Yeah. I just like building the houses. Yeah. Um, so, we got a lot to talk about. I mean, we're kind of cruising by these questions. But, uh, what are some of the funniest and most unexpected things that happened to you while you were gaming together? Pause. I would like to play some clips from Geisha. Let's take a listen to these. And she says she doesn't rage. She's playing Mirage right now. Popping off. Oh, she cracked somebody. Popping off. Knocked somebody, 28 damage. Oh, oh, she doesn't rage though, but she, she's pretty good though. She wiped that team. 1v3. That was pretty good. Yeah. Who plays with the Devo? No, but that was a 1v3. Um, she talks about how she's so, she's not a rager. Um, but clearly we heard her rage right there. There's a difference. Oh, but please, please explain your difference. So. My rage is within the game itself, right? Like, I'm raging because this lifeline was playing with a D. Va. Who plays with a D. Va? Nobody plays with a stupid D. Va. It's a stupid, stupid weapon in Apex, right? And your rage is on things like, I can't hear anything. This game sucks. I hate this game. They need to fix this fucking game. Okay. Okay. Yes. But I do have my fun moments. Yeah. Would you like to hear one of my fun moments? Yeah, go ahead. Okay. And then we, but but you, you do say, uh, bitch a lot when you don't play with me. I do. You do. After every, we'll, we'll come back to another. I have another clip, but I wanna talk about this one.'cause you guys made fun of me for this and I didn't even clip this. You clipped this actually of me. Wait, this. Fucking Sean, bro! Don't Z bag me, bitch! What happened? Okay, that wasn't the one I thought it was. What? That was the funniest shit I've ever seen! But that's a good clip. Look at you having fun. Oh man, I'm having a great time right now. I can even see myself. You split up and John just split up next to you. Oh my god, I'm having a great time right there. Why can't apex just always be like that? That wasn't the one I was looking for though Well, you guys made fun of me because I sound like seth rogan You know what i'm talking about No, but you do have a laugh there where you sound like seth rogan where i'm like Can't even do it right now. I don't even know where it is but no that was when I was playing with a vamp and uh, john and then It was like the weirdest thing, like John t backed me, but he came outta nowhere and he stopped and looked at me, or vamp looked at me and they shot me with a shotgun. And I was like, what the fuck is that? Oh, this was when you guys were in the one V one in the training round? The range? Yeah. In the training. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'm God, I can't even find it. Oh no, here it is. Here is the one that I was talking about. Where you making fun of me and uh, yeah.'cause I sound like Seth Rogan. This is why I was like, oh. I know a good perfect moment. I don't know. laughter laughter What was I on? Oh my god! Let's listen to the Seth Rogen laugh. laughter I don't understand. I don't understand what's wrong with me. But no, no. When I get into it, I sound like Seth Rogen. I'm like, I can't even do it right now. It's like, it just comes, it just comes. But, yeah. Another funny moment with Geisha is uh, I think I already said it, but she always says bitch after. When she plays by herself, she says bitch. She doesn't say bitch when she plays me, cause she's an angel and she doesn't rage. But when she plays by herself, she does a lot of bitch comments. So let's play another quick clip. Ooh, in your face, you bitch! Yeah, yeah, it's just all fun and games, babe. It's all fun and games. It's nothing. Hey, you died literally right after that. I did. You got shot in the face right after that. That was good. I like watching you play. I Kraybert somebody and then I turned around and got shot in the face. Yeah, I think those moments are pretty funny. They are. Yeah. And those are examples of, you know, Like that one, the two clips you played of you, you're having fun, you're laughing, you're having a great time. When you're having fun and when you're not raging. Lately, Apex has been very stupid with all their changes and their lobby matchmaking is just horrible. But back in the day we would have a lot of fun. Yeah. I mean, we still have fun now, but yeah, those clips were like a while ago. Yeah. I don't think that we've gotten that much like. Entertainment. from Apex in a, in a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. And do you, um, we don't have any funny inside jokes though when we play, do we? We kind of do. Do we? The, uh, which one was it? What John and I would make fun of you? I just said the baby! Oh my god, I didn't mean to bring this up, stop it. I just said the baby! Oh yeah, you'll say mom and dad are funny. Yeah, so John, aka 1RQ, is our third for Apex. Um. Yeah. And John and I will kind of pick on Black Label when he's being a baby. We'll say, I just, cause he's just a baby or when Black Label and I are, are kind of arguing with each other. Cause I'm sorry. You make really bad decisions sometimes when I play. Yes. Look at really bad decision. Sometimes let me run you through my mindset. Cause you guys always say a tunnel vision. This is my mindset. Okay. On the top right of your screen, you see when a player cracks somebody. You can clearly see that I cracked like two fucking people. I'm not trying to cuss. I'm getting into it right now. I'm like visualizing. I'm shooting some motherfuckers. Cracked. I cracked somebody. I cracked two people. I go in, because I'm like, Okay, my teammates are gonna back me up. Little do I know, You, are a hundred yards away still, sniping. After I cracked people. I'm getting worked up right now. And I'm going in there. Guns blazing cause I'm like, I fucked these people up. I cracked two people. She should be there backing me up. John's right there backing me up. We knock. Two people. Me and John go down. You. Hundred yards away. And what do you say? I don't play like that. That's not my style. I have, okay, kinda to, I Retort you, sir. Yes. It's behind you, by the way. Okay. It's over there. Okay, okay. I was looking for it. It's all right. Um, Cracked means you just crack their armor. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So they still have a hundred points left. Right. And I want to say today as an example, right? We were playing today. We have a building. There's a zip across, right? Where there was a team and we're all on this building. Do you remember what I'm talking about? You know what I'm talking about? And it was, I got destroyed by the ball. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, and you're like, okay, let's go. Let's go. Let's push. Let's push. Let's push So i'm pushing with you john's behind us. It's just me and you and They throw that ball right in the little tiny alleyway. What was that when I threw my oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah And I get destroyed that was a bad call. Was that when I was like saying you need kill people or no? No, that was a different game. Okay, but that was a bad call to push through that little tiny alleyway Was a bad call I mean, yeah, yeah, okay, but majority of the time I'd be beaming people we'd be looking at the end of the game I'll be at like almost 2k 3k, right? But I also want to say that you could crack one person out of the team And you go you're like I cracked one. Let's go. We can get the rest of them I mean and then they just destroy to my defense if you knocked one, dude, you didn't knock them you crack them But I would have if we all pushed in together. No, you wouldn't Oh my god See, that's the mindset I have. If we knock one person, they're down. It's two V three. We were down, but in my head, I cracked him. I'm going to go, I'm going to go beam this guy. He's going down because my team didn't push it with me. His two teammates turned around and back, back him up. His teammates backed him up. Where's my teammates? A hundred yards away. A hundred yards away with this. Okay. All right. Whatever. Okay. Anyways, it was just, do we have any fun moments, but whatever we're getting too serious. So, um, for future gaming or future of gaming for couples or as a couple, um, how do you see gaming habits evolving in the future? Any new games or genres that you want to explore? Is there any new games that you see that you want to play with me or no, not really. Um, the new games, I'm sorry. I'm so burpy. Excuse me. Um, the new games that I've, I've seen that I'm interested in. I don't know yet if they're a co op game like that vampire hotel game. I really want to play that. That seems interesting, but I don't know if it's a, it's a co op game. Yeah, that game looked pretty fun. I mean, I'm not into those, but those games look good. Those are like my games. That's like my game. Yeah. So basically, um, I can't remember the exact name of the game I'm talking about, but you're a vampire and you wake up and your hotel, what's it kind of like hotel Transylvania, right? It's all destroyed. You have to rebuild it up and have guests come over, but you can eat your guest or you can have them live and they'll give you money and you just re. Yeah, because if you kill them, you can't do your hotel. So I wonder how the console is going to work. Are you going to have to like kill them to survive? But if you kill them, you don't make money. Something like that. I don't know, but it looks pretty interesting. Yeah. Yeah. So, but I feel like there's a big standstill in gaming right now. There's not a lot of new games coming out. Like before Elden Ring, what was there? There was nothing. Yeah. Nothing. Yeah, nothing really. Oh, that little cat game today earlier. I showed you remember you're playing a little kitty cat indie game But they already had like that one cat game stray. I don't you haven't seen that. It's pretty pretty cool Yeah, Baldur's Gate. Baldur's Gate was good. Yeah, Baldur's Gate was good, but they're probably not gonna do those anymore. No Um, I do want to try like uh Like I said path Phasmophobia. Phasmophobia. And then, Demonology. Demonology, uh, Lethal Company. I mean, all these games have already, people are already playing them, they've already done their moments, but those games look fun to play with together. Overcooked. Overcooked. Overcooked would be fun. Yeah. Is there, um, Oh, I guess you just answered that. Um, How do you incorporate new gaming technology or trends into our sessions? We don't really know. Incorporate any new game. There's nothing new. Yeah, there's nothing new. I just said, it's kind of like at a standstill. Yeah. These video games are kind of not, I don't know. Just, I don't know. Nothing good out there right now. I mean, uh, Elden Ring DLC is coming out next month. That should be fun. Yeah. Yeah. Can you co op Elden Ring? Oh, you can. You can. Well, Can. Well, I mean, didn't Jack said the guy and his girls do that? Gabby? I don't remember. I think they did. I think you can did. Or is that bloodborne? No, bloodborne. You can co Or is it dog assholes? I don't know. I know you can summon people to fight bosses. Oh. But I don't, I think that's it. If you can coop, you can't co-op the whole game, but if you need help with a fight, a boss, you can summon your friend to come talk. Yeah. That game's gonna be pretty, that's what it is. Pretty awesome. Mm-Hmm.. Um, let's see. Is there any sort of like personal reflections? How, how has gaming together changed our relationship over time? I mean, we've been talking about it. Has it changed it for the better or for the worse? Am I looking at more attractive day by day when I get a W in Apex Legends or? I feel like that's how you think, but that's not the reality. Have you leveled up? In love. Oh my god, don't don't start. Come on um I think at first it was a big issue What do you mean like the beginning of our relationship? It was a big issue and then it became something where we could do together. That was enjoyable and for both of us, you know Yeah Yeah, I mean gaming. Yeah, I mean We bond over it. I do wish you would do like physical things. I wish you would pick up golf But you're not going to. My back can't handle both. Yeah, I wish you would bowl, but you're not going to. I suck at bowling. Yeah. Other than that, I mean, I feel like we're pretty cool. We're pretty awesome. Gaming is my only hobby. I don't do anything else. Yeah, board games. Board games. Escape room games. Mm hmm. I mean, it's all gaming. You are a nerd. I are a nerd. I don't bowl. I don't do sports. I don't work out. I I mean, we do, uh, I guess we could have another episode about conventions, but we do do like video game conventions or anime conventions. Emerald queen. I mean, not Emerald Queen, ECC. Yeah. Emerald Comic Con. Yeah. Emerald City Comic Con. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know either. Um, let's see. What have you learned about each other through gaming? Have you learned a lot through me? Yeah, go ahead. Um. I learned that you are competitive in almost everything. You're competitive in apex, you're competitive in board games and escape rooms. You get super competitive bowling, bowling, golfing, you're a competitive person. Yeah. I like to win. Yeah. But in the same sense as Lee is very competitive as well. As a Lee is super competitive in games. Like in the lion games, she's, she's, She doesn't care. She doesn't care if she breaks your heart. She doesn't care if she lies to you. She's super competitive. She's so competitive. Yeah, but she's like pretty nice. Yeah, you know, she's a nice person, but we get her in like secret Hitler or I think her, her Favorite game to play with all of us is Clue Conspiracy. She's, she's gonna, she's ruthless. Yeah. She's ruthless. She don't care who you are. Yeah. She's competitive. Wasn't she like backing me up? And I was like, I really think she's on my team. And she wasn't, she's a fucking liar. Yeah. She's good at that stuff. That's a fun game to do with people that like, if you want to see if they actually care about you, will they still be your friend afterwards? That's true. Yeah, it is. Cause if you lie to me, I. Are you gonna forgive me? Are you a good friend? Are you a good person? You're gonna forgive me? But ah, it's just a game. Yeah, but at the same time every time we play any of those games You always think i'm the bad person. You never let it go because I was a bad person one time and I tricked you Yeah, i'm not going to that's like that's like if it's like a read if you do something i'm gonna assume That's how you are the whole time. So don't get mad at me. I'm not getting mad at you I'm, just saying but you brought it up because you were saying It shows if who your true friends are or not. Because I did, I lied to you in this game that every time we play a board game, like who? Conspiracy or secret? Hitler. Well, I mean if they, you automatically think that I am person. No, no, no. Bad person. I mean like after the game. Are they just gonna be cool with you again? Oh, afterwards. Not in the game, but I'm saying in the game. I'm not gonna trust you if you lie to me. Exactly. Yeah.'cause you lied to me once. How am I supposed to trust you again? I'm sorry. That's, I'm gonna go off. I won the game. I'm gonna go off of. What you gave me. Yeah, history. You learned from history. Wasn't it twice that I was, um, clue conspiring as a ringleader and lied to you? Yeah, yeah. And you're like, trust me. Don't you trust me? Don't you trust me? I love you so much. You liar. Um, let's see. If we could play any game with any couple from any part of time or history, Who would it be and why? Oh, I don't know. That's a good question. Bonnie and Clyde. Ah, that's a good one. Because they're crazy. They are crazy. They're absolutely crazy. Absolutely insane. Why, why did they, they just went on sprees. They robbed banks. Yeah. And they just killed all over the place. Killed people. Right. Um, I don't actually think they killed somebody. I don't know. But they were crazy. They were out there. They're, they're crazy enough. I mean, those are, that's actually the only. I was going to say, I really don't know a lot of couples. I'm trying to think maybe like in the book wise. But that's not, is that a real thing? Pocahontas is a real person. With John White or whatever his name is, John Smith. John Snow, John, John, John, John, John Snow. The winter is coming. What is that? Game of Thrones? Him and the wildling? I don't really know any couples throughout history. Uh, okay. How about Hillary and Bill? How about, how about, uh, just. Fictional like a non What do I say non fictional non fictional people? Yeah. Yeah fictional non fictional fictional is made up in non fictional characters Thank you for uh helping me right there. I was thinking like Khaleesi and uh the one guy Uh, kyle, jason. He's jason momoa. Is that his name? I think it is. Yeah You don't have nobody I don't have anybody you're lame Um, Maybe, um, Lord of the Rings, Frodo and Sam. Yeah. I do have a They're kind of a couple. Frodo and Sam. Yeah. We did see them, they were saying that the rumors were true. Oh, they were, yeah. Yeah. During their panel, they said that all the fan fiction of Sam and Frodo were true. Yeah. Um, so, um, I want to wrap this up, but I have like three more areas. Okay. So, um, first of all, is there any final thoughts or tips for our listeners about gaming as a couple? Is there anything, any parting words or wisdom that you want to give them if they try or if they actually want to do this or if they're just listening to hear us mumble? If you're two gaming people go for it, you know, like I said their games don't take them to heart Don't take them outside of your gaming Environment if you have one gamer and one non gamer start with board games. Yeah start with something simple sort of like Stardew Valley Yeah, graveyard keeper. Oh, you can co op Stardew Valley. Okay. Yeah, and you can oh, yeah There's a little co op thing on the bottom Oh, you guys can be farmers together do that. I would ruin your farm and you would hate me So, I don't know you're downloading it and let's play farmville together. Not farmville star star valley. Okay farmville was actually Is that a real thing? Yeah, that sounds like something it was a real thing. I've never even heard of this I just remember. Um, what is the game? My mom used to play all the time and then it got hacked and uh me and azalee was talking about it It was like they would farm stuff. Aslee was here. She would know. Yeah. Asley would know. And it got hacked. It, it was like, was it Farmville? Like you played on Facebook or something? Yeah. Oh, that was the game. Farmville. Yeah. Mom got her account hacked and she was so devastated.'cause she put so much time in there. And I was like, you can't be clicking links, don't be clicking links from people you don't know. And then she lost that a side tip. Don't click any links. Yeah. She lost her account. Aw. Yeah. She was devastated. Poor thing. She put so much time and I feel so bad. It was like when, uh. My oldest was playing, uh, uh, what is that game on Roblox? It was like, uh, adopt me or something, or pet something, pet simulator. And you create the pets and then she was young. She was like six years old and then they, they stole, she trusted somebody cause she was a kind hearted, young kid, somebody or something. And they, yeah, she traded them. They're like, if you give me this, yeah, I'll give you this back. And she traded them and they stole it. And she was so devastated. Oh, what a dick. Um, What can listeners expect in our next episode? We have a very special guest, guest, guest in our next episode. So every fourth episode, we are going to try to have a guest, a guest. Yes. So definitely stay tuned. So we'll, there will be hints as to which are who our guests are on our Instagram. It probably, yeah. I mean, we're gonna just say who it is on our Instagram to be honest. Yeah, but I'm pretty hyped about it. I asked them before we recorded this, I was like, man, I wonder if they'll do it. It's only a week. Like a week notice and he was like, yeah, let's do it. Yes. Yeah. So every fourth episode, we're going to have a guest, um, join us. It's going to be a bit different for him and his, uh, stuff. No, from like their point of view, how they handle stuff. Yeah. So hopefully they'll enjoy it. Hopefully you guys enjoy it. Yeah. Great. Yeah. But you'll definitely just follow the Instagram. You'll know. Yes. So, yeah. So follow Instagram. Wait, are we about done? Uh, I got a couple more things. Okay, let me know before we're done done. Okay. Um, so, uh, I wanted to bring this up because we have, we're not, I'm not going to bring up names, but we have a lot of kids. Yes, we have a lot. I definitely agree. Let's not say any names. Yeah, we have five kids. We have, we have a Brady Bunch. A plethora of kids. We're missing one for a Brady Bunch. Okay. Yeah. So how was gaming with kids? How, how is it gaming with them around? Like, are there any funny interruptions or unexplained moments? How do we balance? How do you balance? How do we balance? There's a lot of interruptions. A lot. A lot. Like even today, there was a bunch of interruptions, right? But like I said, it kind of, you kind of have to have that mentality of, okay, I'm playing a game. Yeah, I'm highly stressed out. We're playing Apex. I'm deep in it. You know, I might be running from a team and my little one comes up, Hey mom. And it's like, You know, okay. Yes. What would you like? Yeah, that's how it kind of starts off like yeah, what's up? Hey, baby, what do you need kind of that separation by the end of the night? I was like Yes What do you know you keep coming up here? What do you want? um But I I just wanted to ask that because I feel like if there's people out there that play games, but they have kids Is there how do they cope with it? Because we cope with it. I think we do pretty well. I mean the kids You The kids are all gamers too! And they bother us a lot, but we don't. We never like yell at them or get mad at them. But they're gamers too. But yeah, they're gamers too. Right. And I'm sure there's were times where they're in fortnight and we're calling them and they're like, Oh God, I gotta go right now. Especially the boy. He's always like, Oh, I'm in a boss fight. Oh, I gotta do something. Can I do this one more minute? No dinner time. You know, dinner, family before games. Yeah. And I, I do kind of want to point out that, um, Yes, there there's pros and cons to kids gaming like all of our kids are little gamers, right? They bless their little hearts. However, I think Please don't get the impression that we're letting them play in an unhealthy manner. Yeah Little ones play. I mean there's parental lock on them their time limits They're not allowed to play Monday through Thursday on school nights. You have to do their chores. They have to read before they play So Please don't take it as you know, we're just off here willy nilly and they're playing all willy nilly. There's a lot of rules. I feel like that's what every but every parent should have those set of rules. I mean majority of the friends that I have that they play games and they let their kids play, they all have parental locks and stuff like that. Exactly. Yeah, and explaining to the older children how dangerous strangers, yeah, yeah, you know, definitely get that word across or even if we have some listeners who are thinking about letting their children play, that's okay. Just all about having that conversation with them, being safe, setting up rules and guidelines. Like they have to read 30 minutes. They have to clean their room. They have to make sure everything chores are done, chores are done. Then they get to play and then they're done at a certain time. And after that, there's no more for the rest of the day. Yeah. So I have a, I mean, one more topic, but a couple more questions. Okay. So we're going to talk about additional fun, like your personal insights. Uh, what is the most competitive game you've played? I guess the most competitive game that you've played with me. I guess that would be Apex. Is it Apex or was it Baldur's Gate? Would you say Apex? Uh, Baldur's Gate was really chill. Yeah. I kind of want a little bit more clarity in this question. Like, gaming online or like, our game nights? Um, just in general. I guess it could be any environment. It could be what's the most competitive game and who usually wins. I want to say like Clue Conspiracy and like those game nights where we're playing those games or one of us has to lie to each other or we don't know if we're on the same team or if you're good and I'm bad or you're bad and I'm good. Yeah. Those get kind of How do you handle the competition? How do you handle the attitude, the anger, the rage? The intimidation of my aura. Okay. Yeah, how do you handle that? I think you're just joking most of the time. No, no, no No, I am just like whatever. I mean majority of the time I am joking. I think when people take me too serious They don't know me. Mm hmm. Yeah, I don't take you seriously, but I'd like to win. I'd like to win and so do I I hate losing especially in board games. Yeah, let me ask you in Clue Conspiracy Yeah, you thought You You were bamboozled, weren't you? When I was like, no, I'm not the Oh, I was bamboozled? Yes, because I tried to trust you, because I was like, okay, she loves me. Because I'm a stone face. No, because I was like, she loves me, she would not lie to me. I'm a stone face. Clearly, you're a liar to me. Liar in these games. Yeah, you can't trust nobody in these games. Exactly, and that's why these games are so competitive. I hate these games. These table, these board games that we play. Have you ever rage quit a game and how did the other react? You have never rage quit. I've never rage quit. I've rage quit. You've rage quit plenty of times. Plenty of times. Plenty of times. They get like, I would die and instantly leave and you'd still be playing. And you'd be like, why did you leave? And I'm like, oh, I thought you left. Or no, you say, I thought you died. Oh yeah. I'm not dead. I'm still alive. Yeah. Yeah, that shit irritates me. I, I, Apex is Apex used to be really, really good. I mean, it still is, but they have a lot of work to do, and they're kind of turning into the money, right? I mean, EA has always been like that, they've always been about micro transactions. True, but it was so good, like I remember maybe last year, it was really fun, really good, like we were just grinding it, getting it, Yeah, but now it's just like I am a what am I a bronze? Yeah, and a bronze gold and i'm going against freaking pretz like how the hell is that fair? Yeah, I think they need to go. Yeah I need to go they need to go back to what season 18 where you could just get masters pretty easy It makes everybody happy the casuals happy who cares about the the pros. I mean when you when you When you cater to those type of people you're gonna lose pretty much your whole population. Yeah, it's not I I think you said it Right apex is kind of converting into all the pro how the pros want the game to be played because they're making apex money Right and I get that but all your casual players like us it's it's a dead game Yeah, if you don't fix the sound or like matchmaking at least fucking make the skins super cool the skins suck They're always like recolored, nothing's great about them. They're just like 50 bucks. It's like a 200 for an heirloom. Come on, man. Fix your shit. Um, anyways, uh, what game would you love to see remade? And updated for modern gaming and why? You should know this answer. I mean, I already know the answer. You should know my answer. Bloodborne was probably your answer. But go ahead and explain to me why you would want it modernized. Bloodborne! Bloodborne. Why? Because it's such a good game. This game came out in what? 2013. It's an 11 year old game. It came second place in game of the year. From The Witcher 3. I guess The Witcher 3 would be a good one too, to remake, right? Yeah. That one would really beat, so those two. Yeah, sick. But it's such a good game, and people are still talking about it. Witcher's pretty good too. Witcher's pretty good too. I mean if Bloodborne was remade and it had like the graphics of Eldering, that'd be sick. It would be so good and just the visualizations Visualization of it like even now if you go and play Bloodborne it the atmosphere is just like spot on right? Yeah, if they remade it and remastered it it would be just like mind blowing Yeah, right by the way, I platinumed the witcher 3 too. Did you? Yes, I did. I think I beat that game I didn't just beat it. Yeah Oh my god, it's like the same thing. No platinum is I got all the trophies. Okay. Okay, whatever I would I would modernize can't say final fantasy 7 because that's already done. Yeah, I mean it's either Zelda link to past. Oh, that's a good one or I I mentioned both these games. I mentioned the first episode or final fantasy 3 I You've never played that. I've never played three. The game is so good. That's when, I mean, I like Final Fantasy Seven, but Final Fantasy three is what changed games for me. Mm-Hmm. and like the story. Mm-Hmm. of like, 'cause I was 10. And you actually read the story. You're trying to figure out what's going on. Who's this person? The ties and like the back stabs. It was pretty cool. Yeah. I mean those are, those were the games that I want to see re modernized. Yeah. I mean, what did you want to add on? That was all I had for this episode. Nice. So I wanted to add on that. Um, you can follow on Twitch, black label underscore TV on Twitch. Yeah. Follow, uh, Instagrams, Instagrams, co op chronicles, chronicles. I'm just saying, we're talking about a lot of game and we game. I don't stream very often. And when I do stream, I don't save my, um, my recaps and my videos. Yeah. So you got to catch me live. But definitely follow just for updates on everything that we do. Yeah. And come listen. Yeah, and if you ever are lurking about in our twitches, say hi. Yeah, and if you ever have a topic to say, say what you want to hear about on Instagram. Have any questions we should do that. We should have an episode probably not soon because we kind of need we don't have fan base We don't have fan base But we should do one where we answer all the questions. Yeah, that'd be sick. I would like that Yeah, we don't have ass to close us out. She always closes us out. We don't well i'll do the thing I'll do the thing you could do the buy. Okay, this has been a black label and pint sized geisha with co op chronicles Appreciate you guys and have a good night