Co-op Chronicles

Episode Four - Game Night

June 01, 2024 Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi Episode 4
Episode Four - Game Night
Co-op Chronicles
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Co-op Chronicles
Episode Four - Game Night
Jun 01, 2024 Episode 4
Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi

Welcome to 'Co-op Chronicles: The Carbonated Concepts Game Night'! Join us for an exciting and fun-filled episode as we welcome our special guests, DJ Carbo and his wonderful wife, Michelle, from the 'Carbonated Concepts' podcast! 

This week, we’re mixing things up with a thrilling game where DJ Carbo and Michelle face off in a battle of wits, stories, and fun facts. From their gaming roots to their podcasting journey and everything in between, this episode is packed with laughter, insights, and a touch of friendly competition. 

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Welcome to 'Co-op Chronicles: The Carbonated Concepts Game Night'! Join us for an exciting and fun-filled episode as we welcome our special guests, DJ Carbo and his wonderful wife, Michelle, from the 'Carbonated Concepts' podcast! 

This week, we’re mixing things up with a thrilling game where DJ Carbo and Michelle face off in a battle of wits, stories, and fun facts. From their gaming roots to their podcasting journey and everything in between, this episode is packed with laughter, insights, and a touch of friendly competition. 

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This is co op chronicles episode. Welcome back to co op chronicles. This is episode four. As always, I am pint sized Geisha with me. I have black label as a lead and our very special guest from carbonated concepts. Fabian. Ooh, thank you for having me. DJ Carbo. I'm sorry. And his lovely wife, Michelle. Oh, yes. Thanks for having us. Yeah, of course. So, every fourth episode, we are going to try to get a guest. So, welcome. You guys are our first guest. Ooh, I am pumped. I am pumped to be here. Hell yeah. It'll be great. It'll be great. So, uh, so we're going to talk about, uh, you know, some random stuff, whatever. But, uh, our main goal in this one is to find a winner. We're going to do like a little point system. We're going to play. Play a little game, you know what I'm saying? But before we start that, cause we are like a gaming thing, I wanted to ask you, uh, did either of you, uh, when you were younger play any video games? And if you did, what game did you play a lot? My brother played, uh, a lot of games, so I'm the younger sister. I watched a lot of games, so Super Nintendo games, Super Mario, Zelda, um, you know, Timey games and he got into like Nintendo 64 all that, but I'm I'm more of like a watcher than a player But I'm familiar with a lot of titles How they work, but I'm not good at any of the game I watched a lot. I'm a sports guy. So I grew up playing NBA live Madden knockout Kings I was just oh you're that guy was I always I was never into like the shooter games I always tried to be but I was more always sports. So, that was always my thing. Alright. Did you, uh, did either of you guys play any, uh, board games? Yes. Oh, yeah? A lot of board games. So, Battleship, Monopoly, Life. Get Crazy? Um, Parcheesi in particular. No, I just, um. What is Parcheesi? I don't even know. Parcheesi is like the better Sorry. So, if you've played Sorry, then you know. Basically how to play Parcheesi. It's better cause Sari's kinda Sari's like a knockoff, Parcheesi's the one you want. You guys should come and join us, like, on a weekend and we can do board games. I have a, like a, an escape room kind of board game that I want to play. We have a whole closet downstairs of family game night board games. What about Pictionary? You guys mess with Pictionary? I enjoy a Pictionary. I love it. I have the one where it's like everyone gets the little, you know, notebook and then you pass it around. That one. Oh, I don't think I've ever played that one. Yeah. It's like you do the word, like you write what you think it is or you draw what the word is that you get and it's like really fun. Oh, that's pretty cool. That's pretty cool. Yeah. It gets competitive though. Like, we get out for blood. I love it. So, speaking of competitive, it's a segue to what we're gonna do now. So, um I'm gonna uh, let geisha start us off with her question and uh, we can just start going from there Yeah, definitely. So what inspired carbonated concepts? Oh, man. Um, that's a I listened to joe rogan My friend told me to listen to joe rogan once and I started listening and I was like wow, that's a cool concept just talking to people and then when I got laid off in 2020 and covet hit it was just like a time for me to find something I really wanted to do and um You I just wanted to start something where I talk to my friends basically. Just like that and then it took off from COVID and then now we're still doing it right now. Yeah. Great. I love it. Yes. Um, Michelle, can you share some initial challenges that DJ Carbo faced in the beginning of Carbonated Concept and how you or both of you overcame them? Well, first is title. I mean, it was kind of like figuring out who was gonna be in the podcast. I remember him being like, oh, we're gonna, we're gonna, me and my friend are gonna do this. I'm like, what? I don't listen to podcasts. My apologies to those that listen. Good, good on you guys. I'm like the best, worst, you know, supporter ever. I don't listen to the podcast, but. Um, and so I'm like, what? You're gonna start a podcast? So we had to figure out a title and then who's gonna be the, you know, on this show. Are you gonna have different people every week? Are you gonna have the same hosts? Are we? Okay, they're coming to our house, so this is, what, where are they gonna go, right? We had a different apartment before. It was a little smaller. I'm like, where are you gonna shove all these people to answer all these questions? It's most logistic stuff, right? And so once the title was set and, you know, who he wanted to be on the show, Kind of like, help. Because once you figure out who's gonna be on it, then they can help you, right? They, they help, you know, with some of the labor of figuring out that, you know, the little tidbits that come with this kind of thing. But, once those things got settled, it kind of just was organic from there, right? Then everyone kind of finds their chemistry, and then you kind of figure out, oh, well, the mic, you know, oh, it was off the whole episode of that, you know, nobody, we didn't push record, right? And then it's like all this other stuff, so. It's trial and error, but I think the main parts you have to get is who you're gonna do with, make sure they're committed to what's going on, and kind of play around. You don't have to air anything until you're good at it, so. No, yeah, get it. Kind of the initial step, right? Of kind of let's just pull the trigger and do it. Yeah, you're right. Okay. So, um, can you please explain what your first episode was for people who have never listened to your podcast? Oh, man, that our first episode was just getting to know me and J. Will. J. Will is my co host. Shout out to him. Um, it was just me and him in the beginning, my brother in law and our first episode was just us talking about, it was COVID at the time. So I remember us just talking about COVID and some of our childhood memories and what got us there. So you can all, yeah, I guess if you, I wouldn't suggest listening to first hundred episodes are horrible, but We have some really good episodes in there, and then there's some that are, don't listen, know what I mean? But, I just try to give somebody something to listen to every week, I guess. People, it's weird how, like, when you start doing this, people are gonna start relying on you to come out with the episode because they want to hear your voices. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. There's a pressure when you, Oh, sorry. No, you're fine. You're okay. Fuck that shit. No, you're good. You're good. We have the, uh, what's it called? We're explicit. Explicit. Fuck that shit. We have the explicit warning. I love it. I love it. Um, how did you feel when you first started recording and like, how do you feel now? Is it still the same or? Yeah. So, you know when you put out an episode and then you see these people at work or something, it's just like, oh my gosh, I can't believe you said this. And it's. Still that same feeling, because you meet new people every day, and then they find out who you are somehow, and then now everything that you say is put out there, and I've said some off the wall stuff, so yes, I feel embarrassed every time. It just all comes out. Um, how do you come up with your, uh, topics for each episode? Gosh, honestly, We, I honestly, we winged the first every, like a lot of it, you know what I mean, just coming here, talking, getting drunk. Our whole process was just to drink and just make fun and do all these things. And now it's turned into like, people want to be like, there's, we've had some crazy guests on there that I didn't expect. So it kind of made me, like, he was saying he's, he nerded it out. I had to find a way, like, to get to know who these people are. Yeah. Because we've had like, uh, a Jehovah's Witness, and I have to do research, so then it kind of just I find, I meet somebody, like, oh, we'll come to Beyond the Pockets, and you kind of just, like, do what you guys do, like, research. Yeah, you start researching and start learning things. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. I kind of just try to figure out how to make a topic out of that or something, or If we don't have any guests, it's just like We have a group text, we're just like, what are we going to talk about? And then, we'll kind of, now, recently, we all have life, it's our life love sports. So every, like, Isaac will have life, and Jay will have love, and I'll do sports one week. Oh, you just switch it off? Yeah, they just kind of give, like, I say, find one topic to talk about, and we'll bring it up. Oh, that's sick. That's kind of how it's been going lately. Good, yeah. That was actually my next question, but, yeah, great. Okay, yeah, so, um, I guess you were, you were just speaking on it, like, you had some guests that said some off the wall shit. So, have you ever had an episode that didn't go as planned, and how did you fix it? Yes, I've had, there's a lot of episodes that I never aired because they went crazy, or, you know, things happened. You know, when you do this for, for so long, you're bound to have one night that goes bad, and you just kind of, Talk to the people and just be like, you know, I'm not going to air the episode, you know, or yeah, whatever. But, uh, and then that's just how you fix it. You know, but, uh, Buzzsprout, shout out to Buzzsprout, you know, um, I know we both use it. So it's like, they kind of do a great job of organizing things for you. Oh yeah. It's really easy. Everything's so easy. So it's kind of like, yeah, I just, they do fix a lot of the things. And I do want a quick plug real quick. Um, what episode are you guys on now? Didn't you guys just do 150 or what did you want? Yesterday was 152. 152? 152 episodes. If you have a long commute to work. Check them out. Check it out. Might be a good podcast to listen to. Thank you so much for the plug. I want to ask Michelle that too. If something went crazy, you're there. It's your house too. How did you handle it? Did you, you've been like, you better get this. In terms of the podcast, since I'm, I hate to admit, since I don't listen, I don't all the way know. Um, but I know that majority of what they talk about in the room kind of just bleeds out into the house. Yeah, yeah. Take breaks, right? There's like a first session, there's like the pre session, and then the first one, and then everybody comes out and they either eat and refresh themselves, whatever, and then, um, they go back in for the second. Notoriously, the second half tends to be the worst half just because people tend to drink more in between the break and just things are setting in. Um, but because of how they, you know, talk about life and their relationships and all these things, I'm always like, you can't. I'm like politically correct. I'm like, you can't say that. Like, you can't just say that on the podcast. But, um, I just let them be free. I noticed a lot of the guests. It's kind of male dominated, right? And I feel like they, they benefit from that. It's like the end of the week. I don't know how expressive they are in their lives. You know, the co host is my brother, right? I know he's, he really enjoys it. He looks forward to this thing. He's kind of cathartic for them. They just let their hair down and say whatever they want and they don't get, you know, punished. And I try not to be a mom, you know? I'm like, okay, say whatever you're gonna say. And, you know, obviously people listen and I think they relate to that. So I, I try not to. I don't want to police it too much, but, I mean, if it gets really bad, I trust, trust Scott, he just, he edits the content, he's like, oh, we said, you know, somebody's name, don't say people's name, okay, you guys, just for, for advice, but. Yeah. Please don't say my name. We have to edit this, and you know, you have to be mindful of that. No, she'd be saying my government name, man. I don't know. They thought I was going to say something. Just. Yeah, you just practice and I just, I'm pretty patient and I like to let people be so. Awesome. And, I don't know. Yeah. Let people live. Yeah. It's the way it is. It's fun. I have to remember it's fun. It's supposed to be fun. Um, so how do you, if you do, um, how do you engage with your audience and how did you like build this community around your podcast, if you have? Oh man, that's a good, good question. Um, it's crazy. I, um, I just kind of word of mouth it at first and then. Buzzsprout, it's weird, like I would, they would put me everywhere and then we would be on like, it's weird cause when you, if you look up your podcast, it just shows like every place that has it. Cause Buzzsprout, so it's crazy. Um, I did this thing where you put yourself on like a podcast, I forgot what it's called, like a podcast. Uh, Network and it kind of shares and then we started getting a lot of countries and Cities and like new york is one of our most listened, you know Which is crazy so, I don't know I I just feel like Word of mouth and then you know facebook and instagram is a big deal You know people listen. I have a big family. I know a lot of people so I know ten people. I think together we know ten people. That's with you included. I like ten people. Yeah. So I guess that's the only way I can answer it. Yeah. No, that's, I mean, that's fair. Um, and, so, have you ever had, like, an interaction with one of your guests? Or, even with, like, your co hosts. Is there, like, an interaction that you've had that was, like, really memorable? That you, like, really loved and you'll think about it fondly forever? Or, you know? Oh, that's a good question. Um, it's like I think just recently, recently, you know, me and my co host, we just acquired a sponsor and it was, um, yeah, so shout out one on one dental, like teeth work or whatever. We got you say carbonated concepts for additional discounts. There you go. Look, I got a crown I need. So in exchange for his sponsor, like he, he just. We we locked him in with some clients and He is our liquor sponsor now, so he'll provide a bottle of liquor A bottle of liquor to our place like uber will show up and knock on the door and just that's amazing And I think that was the first time in my life. I felt like wow this what we did brought this so And I shared that moment with those guys. It was like a happiest moment Yeah I can't just imagine. Michelle, open the door. Oh, liquor's here. Here's your liquor. I'm like, who else is ringing the doorbell? Sometimes I don't know who all is coming. And people, they're just welcome. So, I'm like, oh, you're coming this way. Okay, you're already at my door. Great. But there's a door dash with a bottle. I said, what? This is for me? Who ordered this? I didn't buy this. That's so cool, though. Yeah. Um, so, I guess this is more so for you. You're welcome. Um, what motivates you to keep producing constantly? Like, the content that you push out, how what motivates you? Is it Uh, you know what? To me, it's just my co hosts and my, you know, my wife. And, um, to me, it's like a therapy session for them. That's what how I think of it. Like, every time we get together, they need it. Just as much as I do. And, you know, just for them to sit around and we talk a lot of stuff. And, you know, they they Spill their emotions out to me in a way that they don't know and it's kind of a way to get them to talk No, that's good. Yeah Remember when I went there and I was like, man I really just enjoyed your little round table and just being able to talk to like even if you're saying some off the wall stuff You're still you're still getting off your chest. So I that's what made me want to like start doing this podcast. I was like, I'm so excited for you guys. Actually. I congratulations on your guys. This is dope. And we're the first guest. Um, so how has your podcast evolved over time? Did you have this image where you are now when you first started? No, I did not. Um, honestly, I just thought we were just gonna be lame, you know, i'm not gonna lie I was nervous. I'm not used to like being like i'm not used to being a guest on a podcast So I feel nervous and I kind of feel like that still but it's like I just I don't know how to answer that. That's crazy. It's like that's okay We um, do you uh, do you produce it all and edit everything yourself? Yeah, I actually a lot of it is unedited. I mean I do take stuff out and do yeah, but I do everything myself It's like a Saturday night or Friday night. We do the podcast. It takes Saturday up and Sunday morning. I'm Three or four hours. I kind of only spend like three or four hours on it. Yeah You know what really motivates me is that people listen and are like, Hey, when's your next episode coming out? And that to me is like surprising. So when people like say that, it's kind of like, Oh shoot, I have to put something out for them. Yeah. Just to listen to it. When I go, when I go to the gym, I put on, I put on your podcast, you know, or I put on our podcast, Co op Chronicles. Listen to it while I'm working out. Yeah. So I guess that, that's what motivates me. That's pretty cool. Can you tell us, you don't have to give us like specifics, so you don't give away like your trades and tricks. Um, but what are your future goals for Carbonated Concepts? Oh, man. It's crazy. I do think about where we're just meeting new people. You know, my favorite part about this podcast to me has been Meeting people that I've never met in my life that are sitting in front of me and telling me their story about their life. And I think to me that's the most important part is when you meet new people, you create new friends. And I think that's just the way the world should be. You know what I mean? Um, I didn't know you guys that well and now I know all of Damon's deepest and darkest secrets. I told you to cut it out, I told you to cut it out. I'll have that audio for you. I brought that audio actually with me today. No, I'm just kidding. Pretty cool. Um, so our, for the next few questions, I kind of want to go over Michelle and her role. Alright? For like, hospitality and hosting. That'd be great. Yeah, so um, Some of them might be for both of you. So here we go. Um, Michelle and Mr. Carbo, uh, what is a typical day? Uh, what is a typical day look like when you guys are hosting guests for the podcast? What does it look like? How do you start out your day? Do you plan anything or are you just like, let's wait for this Uber and get this alcohol? So I, I try to plan because I try to cook, right? So I like to have food because I know that they're going to drink. So I'm like, okay, all right, everybody's gonna come here and they gotta have something like we can't have nothing so About tuesday and wednesday start yelling at scott. Like what are we going to eat? What are we going to do? Um shout out to the wives of carbonated concepts Definitely cindy and katie and um all the support from Just the, the wives and partners of, of our host, just because they, they help, right? They bring food. Sabrina, our executive producer, she brings, they bring food. They bring us, kind of like, become potluck style. So, my thing is always about, like, do we have enough water? Do we have the, the chaser? Do we have, you know, food? Um, is there something, you know, you know, is there toilet paper? Like, we gotta make sure that there's, like, stuff for the house. We're There's typically 10 plus people every Friday, so I'm like, okay, sometimes there's even children, sorry kids, um, but, you know, we gotta have stuff for them too, right, like, it's gotta be hospitable. Um, and then, the day of, I'm just, I work, I work Monday through Friday, I come home, sometimes they're there before me, but it's fine, I don't mind cooking in front of everybody, so I'll just like whip whatever I was gonna cook out. Um, thank God the weather's changing. We love a barbecue, because that means DJ Carvel cooks. So, um, we can do that. So when the weather gets better, yeah, he will contribute that way. And the guys go out there and it's nice. But mostly, come home, I'm cooking. I'm trying to make sure everything's, like, clean and, like, presentable as best we can. And you know, Scott does a good job. He makes sure his room is together at least For that I I wouldn't be able to do it if I had to like clean everything all the time I'm like, ah, no, we can't we we can't house this but he does a really good job He cleans his room. He maintains his own stuff. And so i'm happy to support. Yeah my part of it if he can just take care of that stuff because I don't know. I don't know if I can do all of that I gotta give a big shout out to my wife. Actually. She is the The heartbeat of this all. Mm-Hmm.. You know what I mean? Because she really allows all my friends to come over every Friday and party and drink and she has to deal with it just as much as I do. So, Mm-Hmm. big shout out to you. You know?'cause I don't know what I do without her. So ain't a shout. Shout. Yeah. Even though you say you don't listen to the podcast, you're still a really big Yeah. You're reward in the podcast. I know. The background is good. Yeah, because when to your supporters too. Right? You'll see, because when I went, went over there, I like. I talked about how cool the podcast was, but I was like, man, Michelle, they like made food for us. It was like super cool to me. So I was like, yeah, it seems like you have a village behind you. Yeah, it's really nice to have people who will support you on this goal. Definitely. I feel the same here. You know what I mean? You guys are doing the same thing for us. We did the Michelle thing. We planned from the Monday. And I was like, all week long, we're like, what are we gonna eat? What are we gonna, we gotta go to Costco. We gotta figure out our menu. Is there enough room? Like, I don't know. Are you allergic to cats? I know, hey, you guys are so considerate. Yeah, next time we gotta just get Costco pizza. Yeah, pizza word. Hey, that was the last minute trick. The pizza's always gone. Never, never lasts. So if you can't cook it, just buy it. It'll be fine. Right. Um, kind of piggybacking off that question. Is there any particular maybe advice or any particular thing you guys do for your guest every Friday to feel welcome and comfortable in your personal home? Dang, yeah, that's crazy. Or is there, or vice versa, like has, what do you do as a couple to allow maybe people you've never kind of had a real true friendship with into your home? That's a great question. Um, I, the people that I meet and like on a daily basis, I'm, I'm good, I'm feeding off people's energy. I think. a skill that I have, I can reach someone if they're a good person or a bad, kind of. So I kind of trust my instincts. Mm hmm. And I know that I would never jeopardize anything. You know what I mean? Mm hmm. I wouldn't invite somebody into our home if I didn't think that they were capable of being, you know, Like a good person. Yeah. Yeah. So, like when I, when I met you guys, Well, you and I kind of known each other for years. But when I met him, he asked me if I was in a band. You know what I mean? So I was like, oh, this guy is I was trying to be kind. She told me you were in a band. I was like, I gotta break the ice. A band or a DJ? It was one of the two. I gotta break the ice. Hey, I heard you were in a band. Yeah, you were in a hip hop group or something. Yeah, yeah. But I was, you know, I can read it. I can tell that you guys are good people, like right off the bat. So I know, I don't know, I just trust instincts. And I think she does too. We're just good at like talking, I guess. I, I don't like the awkward thing, and I, I will just talk and talk like a Looney Tune, but I, I think that first part before people go into the room is super important. You just talk to them. Engage them. Oh, thank you for coming. Make sure you eat. Like, do you need anything? And you kind of get them to feel like this is not that big of a, like, take the pressure off, right? Because a lot of people come in and they think, oh my god, I have to perform, right? This is a performance. Which is, you know, I'm trying to do that to myself right now, but it's not. It's a conversation, right? And there just happens to be a microphone. But, um, I think when you show them that you're kind of a real person down to earth, you're just gonna bring them to this room, talk about, you know, interesting things, they kind of, it just eases them. And then when they go, it just kind of becomes natural. They're like, oh, it's just, it's easier than I thought it was gonna be. Most of the time, people walk out and they're just like, Oh my god, it was so fun. I'd never done it and what a good, what a good thing. I didn't think it was going to be like that. And it's crazy, you guys, that's, I get that question asked to me a lot. How do you invite, you know, random people into your home? And, that is, I didn't think of it like how you guys are, cause you're like, I'm kind of like, man, that is a good question, but I just have, I think I just I've never had, I always have good people around me, so I don't know. No, that's a good answer, yeah, because we talk about that too. I was like, man, we're never going to ask some people that we don't know or don't trust. So if you don't get asked, that's why. Alright? It's because I'm super paranoid. I don't even want people to say my real name. Don't say my real name. Yeah, she's super paranoid. Keep reminding us. Yeah. Don't say my real name. I don't even post pictures of our kids on my Instagram. I'm super paranoid. The world is crazy. It's a safe bet to be that way. Yeah, exactly. I like how when you talked about like when you were like, oh if we have a jewish guest I Research about their like belief I I think that's like a really nice way to be a host and To just at least do a little research on your guest and it shows how like welcoming you are besides like your hospitable Home it's it reassures people that like, oh these people are really caring and they are thoughtful They were basically like journalists when you do a podcast, right? Like you just you kind of write scripts or you do whatever, you know, I mean, so it's kind of like it's important And it kind of you're learning on the same at the same level. So I think it's pretty yeah Definitely. Yeah Um, do you have any Funny moments from your podcast that stand out to you? Um That's the first one off the top of your head. Yeah Me and jay will when we first started it was funny. We um, you see these pads right here for this, you know This is uh huh. We were having an echoing problem. It was big and um, we aired an episode and we just like dang I can't There's no way to figure this out and I was like doing research and um We had to put out an episode, so I was like, alright, me and J. Will had this mattress and we took it and put it straight down the middle of our studio. Oh, that works though. So we couldn't, yeah, so the sound wouldn't bounce, and that to me is funny. It was like podcasting, one of, like, that's the first mistake you make. I didn't know nothing about podcasting, so that's funny to me. I look back, no, 100%. Just like a wall barrier. Yeah. And I couldn't even see his reactions, or we couldn't, you know, so we were sitting in like a cubicle, like, doing a podcast. I wish we could put like a picture of what your podcast room looks now. Cause I will admit when I went in there, I didn't know what I was expecting. But when you showed us your room, I was like, Oh my God, like this is. Yeah, it was so sick looking. Yeah, it's the round table and you have, it was sick. Like pictures on every square inch of the wall, jerseys, a TV in there. And I'm just like, Oh my God, now there's two. Now there's two TVs in there. Do you have like, you know, like old time restaurants when they have pictures of celebrities? Do you have pictures of your favorite guests? Uh, you know what? I actually do have like four cork boards. And every time I had a guest in our first, we would take, every time somebody comes in, we take a picture and, um, I make it a point to go to Walgreens every once in a while and print all those, you know what I mean? That's really nice. I kind of post them up there. So, if you ever come back in there again, you know, you would come to the podcast. I'm not on there. Yeah, we'll have the, you know, you'll see it. Maybe you'll be on it. I'm gonna need to see my picture on this wall somewhere. And I've invested in one of those, um, what are those, um, Those picture frames that are digital now. Oh, yeah. No, those are great. So I think that was cool. That's a great idea. Every time you put it from your phone there. Yeah, that's smart. Just said in front of your guests. Yeah. Now, Michelle, it's kind of like a piggyback off of that, like funny moments. Can you share any behind the scenes moments that it doesn't have to be on the podcast or if it came out of the podcast room, like it's the second session area? Oh, that's funny. They're all just funny. They come out and they're just Laughing already. They just come out of the room. Just rolling with laughter. I can't pinpoint a specific one I remember we had Who's I don't know her name. She was we had like a a clairvoyant on on the show. Oh, yeah She was she Talked about her like history and what she does and how she does readings and stuff And when they came out She actually did like a reading of everybody in the living room. So I don't know if she did that on the podcast, but Everybody was standing around our island and then she just was like, oh, yeah Well, you know you're like this kind of person and I can see like that. You have this and that and bubba Wasn't like astrology or anything. She's just going off like aura, whatever. I'm watching her and I said, what is, what is going on right now? Like, didn't you guys propose to do this in the room? But she read like everyone and I was like, Were you pretty impressed? Oh my god, that's so true. I was just, I was shocked. I didn't think she, I thought she was saving that for the show. But I think it was because it was more personal. She just did it off camera. and just did it and everyone was like, she's really good, like, that's, I think she knows what, what she's doing, cause it's, that's how I feel. And I said, Oh my God, I can't believe that this is happening right now. But that was pretty interesting. He's an interesting guest. And we had a good group that day. What, uh, what was the most unexpected part to you that happened on any episode? When did someone get too drunk? When Black Label fell asleep. Did I fall asleep? No. Um, I don't know. It's okay. We can skip that. We can go to the next question. We'll go to the next question. I'll tell you guys off air. Um, So, my question is How do you balance Home life, work life, podcast life, relationship life, how do you find a balance for all of it? Have you guys kind of got into this routine to where you kind of just know? Yeah, I think, uh, having a designated day of the week helps, right? Um, my brother has a family, right? And I think it helps them to do it on Friday nights, right? That means the rest of the weekend he can focus on his kids, work on his wife, on the rest of the family. That's great. Um, same thing for us. You know, we're always busy Saturdays, Sundays, and then you're trying to get ready for work. Um, but, I think having the day, and everybody is on the same page, right? It's, you know, Friday night, everybody knows. You gotta be here at this time, at least for this amount of time. You can leave early if you have to. You can skip an episode if you really have a lot going on. But, for the most part, people are pretty dedicated. And because it's on a schedule, it just helps. Just follow the schedule, right? We know what we are going to expect on Fridays. If we're not going to do it on a Friday, it's kind of a collective thing. Especially summer, it's kind of hard because then people go on vacation and people want a break. Holidays, we, we give each other the time to, to be with family and go shopping and do all the stuff. So, um, they just communicate really well about when they need time off. We're pretty consistent about the day we're gonna work and do the podcast and it just helps Having that structure. Yeah. Yeah, I think I'm friday after friday. I am done with podcasts Yeah, so it's like sun usually it's like sunday. I can just relax you know monday and then tuesday we start ramping it up again, but it's kind of like Because I have a she's my best friend. You know what I mean? So it's like We do podcasting and that's just podcast life. We have our love life and do whatever, you know what I mean? Yeah. When you do it like you guys, you guys are like best friends, right? Yeah, no, yeah, 100%. Yeah, you guys are just gonna understand that. You guys are like, wow, we just love doing this together. Yeah. Definitely. As long as he's with you and you're with him, it's just great. And you guys all together. And she doesn't drop my government name anymore. I did it in the last episode. Sorry, sorry. I like it. That was supposed to be your part of cutting it out of the I know, I gotta cut it out. I said you could edit it. Yeah, edit. I said you could edit it. You just put the censor, please. And if you liked it, Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, I even paused. Like, I said it and I was staring at him and I was like, Oh! I don't care. There's a million Damon's out there, so I don't care. Yeah, I feel like your name's really special. Mine's super special, so don't say my name. Your name is special as No, it's Azalea. She doesn't have a name. It's Azalea. Azalea. Tombstone. Tombstone. No, we use my real name, so it's fine. How did that name come about? That's a good name. It's a family name. But I like it. It sounds like you, um, You guys are just a well oiled machine. You guys just know it and do it live it and then still have time you're a part of this. Yeah You are a part of this. You're the problem. She's 100. She is. I told you she's a heartbeat. Yeah Yeah, I love how you definitely say guys love each other so much Like you called each other your best friends like yeah, one more. Can you ask for a good partnership? I would not recommend doing this with someone you don't like. So, um, make sure you at least like the person. Loving them is just a bonus, but you gotta like them because it's a lot of time together. And if you don't want to see that person, cause maybe you guys don't see us, but they see each other. So, um, you gotta be able to be in the same room, like over and over and over again. And then the tough conversations, right? It's hard. Somebody gets too drunk, and you have to talk to them next week. You have to be able to be honest and say, like, you can't say that, or don't, let's not get to that point, because then we can't do anything with this, with this material that we got. So, you know, everybody's pretty, you know, aware of what, what they bring to the table, and it helps. The, the communication is key. Yeah, that's good. Um, what do you enjoy most about, just like, being a supporting role in this big podcast? Well, I, I've always loved to party. Yeah. So We met at a party. So, it doesn't bother me. You know, I, I could do something every weekend, right? So I'm like, oh, what are we gonna do? You know, obviously, in my grand age, it's slowed down, but I certainly, um, have had a, a good run at, at partying. For years, so I don't mind I like having people over I like the energy of Socializing and talking and getting stupid together. So the podcast just gives them Structure to that right instead of just everyone standing around and just drinking for four hours They can go into a room and play a game, right? This podcast carbonated concepts. I like to play games. There's a lot of what would you rather questions, there's a lot of, uh, spin the wheel, whatever, he has a lot of games. So, people go in there, and they just play, and they just joke, and it's like a roast, in a way, at the same time, so, it just, It's just like a party with some structure, I guess, to it, so I'm all for that, because I like that kind of thing. It has to be the togetherness. It brings everyone together. Like, when you guys do this, like, you're hanging out with your brother. That's, you know, an hour that you don't get back. I know. He's too busy during the week for me, so I gotta wait for the weekend to spend time with him. Anytime you can bring people together is always a plus. Definitely. Yep. Um, can you both tell us a bit about your early life and background? I kind of want to go back into the background of your youth. Of our youth? No, just your youth. Just you. Just you. Tell us a bit about your background. Oh, I grew up in Spanaway. Um, I was born in Germany. My dad was in the military. Um, came out here. My, uh, grandfather was sick. And we ended up staying out here. And I just grew up, went to Spanaway Lake High School. That's cool. I was a, um, All American basketball player, honorable mention in the state of Washington. I played for, uh, the junior national team and represented the state of Washington. Took 8th out of 50 states. Basketball was my passion. I loved it. You know what I mean? I still do. I watch basketball like I'm a coach every time. Yeah, I see that. I never made it any further than, you know, I could have went to college, but I was kind of, uh, Done with school. I kind of told myself, Mm-Hmm, , whatever. Mm-Hmm.. I didn't, I think I was more stubborn. I didn't get the offers that I wanted. Like, oh, I feel like I'm better than this. And I was selfish. Then it just, I, I ended, ended up in the warehouse life, worked there for like 15 years and then got laid off just recently, and I started the podcast and here we are today. You know mean I, I was in the w. Life for like 11 years. Were you? Yeah. Yeah. I was in there, I was forklift driving for a while. Oh man. And I was like, nah, I can't do it no more. I might as well use my degrees. You're right. Mm-Hmm.. And I, I do regret not going to college. I think about this all the time. Like not, not for the financial hardships that people go through, you know what I mean? But just to not be stuck in the warehouse, like Yeah. Exactly. You know what I mean? Um, I, I feel like I'm better than I should be. Mm-Hmm.. Mm-Hmm.. And, um, I'm just trapped And, um. For all you little young kids out there, when your parents say read and do all this stuff, like, it's very important, you know what I mean? I really think, I wish I would have paid attention more in school, because when I look back, like, we could be doing this professionally, all of us, you know what I mean? I just feel like I missed out, but I try to think the positive way. Look, now we're doing it. Yeah. Now you're doing it. Yeah. And it's never too late. I'm in college. I just got my master's like a couple months ago. Yeah, it's not too late, man. I just like I get caught up in everyday things of life with bills and stress and it's hard to make those moves when Especially now, like, everything's going up, nothing's going down. Exactly. And now I feel like the old man, cause all these kids are like, they have music in their hands, and I feel like the old man of the group. What about you, Miss Michelle? Me? I'm from Washington too, I grew up in Lakewood. Lakewood? That's right, I went to, um, you know, Lake Louise, I went to Mann, which, whatever it's called, I don't know what they're called now, so if you don't know, I'm sorry. I don't know. They tore it down. So, all the schools that I went, they like, re did it. There is a Mann Elementary. Uh, it's a middle school I went to. It used to be Mann Middle School. I think Mann Middle School and another middle school combined. Well, I'm sorry about it. They knocked down my elementary. I went to Oakwood. I think it is. No, I went to Oakwood. It used to be right across from the Swapmeet. They knocked it down a long time ago. Yeah. Yeah, it's all true. Yeah, I'm a Lakewood kid, then I went to Lakes, um, and then I did, I did end up going to U Dub, I went straight from, straight from high school, right to Seattle, so that was a, a thing, um, but it was, uh, That's crazy, because Seattle and Tacoma are completely different to me. When I go to Seattle, I'm like, I hate this place. I mean, I, yeah. U Dub is like its own world, right? So, I really Don't ask me about Seattle, cause I didn't spend a lot of time, like, downtown or other places. I didn't go, and I haven't, so I was like, oh, I'm not doing any of that. But the campus is so large and everything's so encompassed there that you don't have to leave. So, that was a, you know, don't, don't dog yourselves for not going. I mean, it was hard. College is, it's hard. A lot of it sucked. Um, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. A lot of it was tough. Um, and we, that's when we basically started dating. So it was kind of long distance in the beginning. I lived in the dorm and I would only see him on the weekends. Um, and so that was hard because I'm like freshmen. I'm trying to figure out what does this mean? Everyone else is like really smart. And you're, you were the smart one in high school, but that's gone. Now I'm like, Oh, I'm just a C student. I'm just trying to get a two six, 400 people class, 700 person class. These lectures are huge and you're trying to navigate that so with the relationship and the moving away and it feels it's just a lot but it was a lot of growth for me I think it was really good for me to do that and I always uh cherish that time right it was It's crazy. It just, it feels like four years is going to take forever and then you're 22 and you're graduating and you're like, what? I have a degree? Like, what does this mean? Um, yeah. And so that, you know, if you, if you're graduating, congratulations, you know, but all the graduates, it's that time. I think we saw a limo on the way here. Uh, it's prom time and grad time and you know what? Congratulations. These are the COVID kids. 2020. Um, if they didn't get to walk, you know, for their high school, I hope they're walking for whatever they've done, you know, college. It's a thing to graduate and your family sees you and you get to walk across the stage. It's nice. Yeah, I was supposed to do my walk next Friday, but I forgot to buy my cap and gown. They make you pay for everything. Yeah, so I'm not going, but we're just going to go do it. We can all just imagine Black Label walking across the stage. Moving his little path on us. Looking fresh as hell, got my J's on. This is scary. I thought it was going to trip. It's crazy, but it gets us going. Done. So it's good. Mm-Hmm?. I got to live college through Michelle, actually. I sat into some of her classes. Oh, nice. Oh, what? Hey, you go, you were that guy. I'm a sneak in. They're not gonna know you're back. Back and everything. Like, whatcha doing?. That made me feel like I was a college student. They don't care. You can audit in whatever class you want. You're not gonna get credit for any of it, but you go. There's always people, like there was always people, older people and different people just in the class. And I told them, I said, just come. Come one day. I said, Oh, I have this lecture and this later. It'll be fine if they're big enough that no one's gonna, no one knows that I go. I don't know how people sit through lectures like that. I can't pay attention. Yeah. Did you guys go to college? No. Yeah. Yeah. I think the lecture halls were the hardest for me cause I had my chem and my math classes were both large lecture classes and it was the hardest for me to like acclimate to. I was just like, oh, this is so much because it's you're not it's not 30 students that a teacher's catering to now now they're catering to 200 students and you're just like I'm, just one face in a sea of people that don't matter to them. And so it was very much college is a You have to learn at your pace to keep up with class. It's you can't rely on teaching yourself. Yeah, exactly You can't rely on professors too heavily TAs are really helpful. You guys smart though. There's no way I could have made it. You could do it. So I didn't have lecture classes for my masters, but,'cause it was like covid time, so was everything was online. But for like my bachelor's, we had like lectures. I think my worst one was for, uh, public speaking. It was like a hundred something people. And I was like, dude, how am I supposed supposed to talk public talk? It's so hard though to talk in front of people you don't know. And he wanted to now close it over Zoom. But it was like, no, it was in person. It was at, yeah, it was at the Pierce. Yeah, and so they wanted us to talk to people and it's like Tell us like some like deep touching feeling of one and I remember seeing this big guy He was like just jacked and then he told us like this most touching story and he started crying Yeah, and he couldn't finish the story and it was in front of like 100 people and he's like I can't finish this And the teacher docked him points because he couldn't finish. It was like, dude, he just bared his soul to exactly. Yeah, it was crazy. It was great. I just couldn't do it. Yeah, that's crazy. I kind of I kind of have this one thing, this one memory I have. And I want to share real quick. I have this distinct memory being in the lunchroom at Lakes High School. I remember we were standing kind of right outside the door of the library. And Michelle comes up to me. She's like, Hey, did you know her? I don't remember this way. Michelle and I were, were friends. So what, what grade did we start being friends? Maybe sophomore year. Yeah. Well, we, sophomore, junior year. I dunno, we had math together. Was it freshman year? Maybe freshman year. I don't know. But we, together, we knew each other, right? Mm-Hmm.. And she comes up to me and there's somebody standing next to me. I don't know who it is. I don't have a memory of it. I, it's a good, but Michelle was like, Hey. Do you know anything about AP anatomy? And I was like, fuck, what? No, I mean, I didn't know. I still don't. Yeah. And I'm just like, no, I know nothing about AP anatomy. What are you? What does AP stand for? She's like, I'm in AP anatomy. Advanced placement. Yeah. And she's like, she's like, I have to learn all these like muscles by Friday. And I was like, I don't I don't fucking know. I don't know. Bombed it, but whatever I took it senior year thinking I was gonna like, uh, I don't know I thought I wanted I was pre nursing at first. I was like, oh just do all this science stuff No, they wanted all the bones, all the muscles. But this is high school, right? So it's like, what? And the teacher was very strict. It was like, of course, asking her on a Tuesday if I could memorize all the muscles by Friday is not going to work. I just remember her kind of saying the same thing, right? Like, what the fuck is all this shit that I didn't learn? And I'm like, I don't know. No, I like what is she gonna say? Yeah, but i'm just like i'm looking for a lifeline to anyone that knows How can I pull along and write the answers? Has michelle always been the same like do you when you as you know her? Kind of yes, so I knew we've known each other for plenty of years, right? And so I I kind of witnessed firsthand michelle's initial party phases, you know, we would kind of party together in high school and I will say Michelle has always been the smart one like out of everyone. I know it's like Michelle She's very smart. She her grades are like top tier grades, you know, she's got all a's and b's I'm over here with like three f's and i'm just like, okay But yeah, so I cared I used to care a lot. I used to you know, our mom it's like a single mom household, but she really You know, droving home, you guys gotta work hard, nothing's gonna be handed to you, you know, you're doing this for yourself, right, like all the studying, everything, all the work that you put in is for yourself, and so, if nothing else, my brother and I, we really have at least that drive to try to be successful, right, we don't really lean on other people, we know that our mom is in our, she always told us, um, I'm not your plan B, I'm your plan C. You gotta figure out your plan A and your plan B. And if those two things fail, then you can call me. Sounds like a great mom. Very strong and very, you know, driven person. And she just made us do that. I wish a lot more kids realized how serious, like, the future is for them. Yeah. You can't make a living, and I'm not hating on people, but you can't make a living lower tier like at McDonald's thinking like oh, I'm gonna this I'm gonna retire from this you can't especially nowadays You can't think like that. You have to think about you want to be president you you want to be like the best On the other side of that. I don't want you to think that you're too good for a job like McDonald's Yeah, even if you don't, even if you're on the route. Well, I just think about working with dad, man. The job's a job. Roofing and stuff, hard work. Yeah, the job's a job. No, I understand. Yeah. I think a lot of people nowadays at least. Post COVID, um, a lot of people are not choosing to work. So don't feel like you're ever above any job. If you need money, McDonald's is paying 20 an hour. Are you serious? Yeah. Like 22 is really high. But that doesn't mean you should not apply yourself. Yeah. I think that, I think the main concept here was kind of. As long as I've known Michelle, even in high school, I can kind of say, She has always been hardworking. So no matter what you do, no matter what it is, be a hard worker at any aspect of your life Yeah, okay So kind of bring it bringing it back Oh, um, so you said that you two met at a party, correct? Yeah, would you like to explain further on that? Like how did you meet? Like what made you guys want to start dating? What was your first impressions of each other? It was like at a my party like with my family and Uh I remember seeing her there, and I just, she was like, Slow motion. For real. For real. I just remember, like, finding her attractive. And she's very, um, shitty chatty, as you guys can tell. No, I'm just kidding. She does like to talk, and for me, I love being engaged with people talking all the time. So, yeah, we just hit it off. And, um, ended up going on dates, and then she was going off to college, and it was like a Kind of one of those phases where you're just like, dang, is this gonna ever work? You know what I mean? and um, I used to go up and visit her on campus just like we were just talking about every every friday i'd get off i'd pick her up and we'd hang out and We just really had so much fun together like and it's still we're 16 years together now and it's like Congratulations. Yeah, it's just like I really I don't see myself with anybody else. Oh, you know what? I mean your best friends. Yeah, basically Everything we do together is Yeah, would you like to correct him on any of that? No, that's perfect. Good job. She's like, he remembers. He's good. That's exactly how it was. Very easy. I would say if the relationship is easy, that's another, a green flag. Too many red flags. Green flag. You want to be with someone who is just easy to be with. Talk about stuff. It doesn't feel strained. It doesn't feel awkward. Um, yeah. We just had a lot of things in common. We, a lot of our morals and core values are kind of the same, like family. We want to be good people. We, we value things like honesty and, and just, you know, friendship and, and it just works. You know, as you grow together, you grow up, obviously there's things that are not perfect, but you grow up together and it just works. Falls in line. Right. So it's easy. But when you say Michelle is smart, it it is true. She's, she was my first Siri, you know what I mean? I said, ask her, I'd be asking her questions about ancient Egypt. She'd be like, oh yeah, that's the Pharaoh from the 1930s. And you know, it's like she is factual. Like I be, and it makes me smarter. So being around her makes me feel smart. No, a hundred percent. Yeah. That's how, that's how it is with me. And Geisha she'll like. Know the stupidest random stuff, but like I'm like and he challenges me. He's like no, that's not right. I'm like go ahead and google it You're like, okay, you know 80 percent of the time i'm a good 20 percent, you know, whatever We play jeopardy. Yeah, one thing we do is we play jeopardy jeopardy. She beats me every time but Let's count let's keep tallying I mean, he beat me once we went double double or nothing at the end. Well, plus you have this you have a sports category I'm Yeah. If it's a good category, he can sweep me because I don't know. It'll be like college sports and he's like, this person won and that one won. I feel like she could compete on Jeopardy, honestly. Depends on the category. Yeah. So, uh, who are some of your guys biggest, like, role models or influences growing up and why? Hmm. Uh, me. Ray Allen was my favorite player of all time. Um, I loved the way he played. He was my role model. I always looked up to him. Like for real? I wanted to play like him. Yeah. He was good man. You know what I mean? He's my favorite player of all time. Um, He got the, he got Cleveland that, that ring. Yep. And I don't know, my role model is my family, basically. Like, I look up to them so much. It's, they taught me, this is why our culture is like, like, when people gather together, they taught like how to, Incorporate everybody. Cause some, I'm just the type of person, I've always been the type of person in high school, I talk to anybody, I don't care who you are, um, I never had like a set crowd, I hung out with everyone, and I've just always got along with everybody, and people always tell me, man, you're so fun to hang out with, so I like, I like that, and it's kind of just like, I like being that person. So that's just always how I've been. Yeah. Um, I don't have like a star, famous person like, uh, Ray Allen or nothing, but, uh, probably my mom. I would say I, I, I modeled a lot of who I am after who she is. And my brother. I really looked up to him so much. I was that annoying little sister, right? Follow him around, copy what he does to the tune. He's like, can you get away from me? Like, you're really cramping my style, right? Um, I just looked up to him a lot. I liked to, to follow what he was doing. He was very much into sports. Um, I have always admired the discipline it took and the, the commitment. This guy, football in the fall, wrestling in the winter, he would do track in the spring. He was always doing something, running around, being a part of a team, and we were going to everything. Okay, wrestling meets, good, not for the faint of heart. They're not fun. Um, I've rolled some mats in my day just being there every, every two, every week for these practice and the meets. So, just watching him is I just appreciate him as a person and it taught me a lot. I just emulated a lot of the things that he used to do. I used to always look up to that, so. Were you the wrestling, um, assistant in high school? No. But, I was, no, I got tired of that. But, um, you know, he's three and a half years older than me, so. He was doing that, like, I'm thinking when he was in middle school, so I would have been like in elementary. By the time, you know, he was in high school and stuff, obviously, I wasn't still following him. I wasn't doing that. I was like very young when I was doing that kind of stuff. Obviously, I got kind of like, okay, I have my friends now. I want to do my own thing. I wasn't a super creep, but, um, yeah, when we were young, we were pretty close. Uh, we went to daycare together and all that, and so it was always nice having your big brother there with you. But after elementary school, we didn't go to school anymore together because he's just Enough years, um ahead of me that it kind of would cut off. So I didn't I didn't spend time in school with him So it's okay I always wish I could have went to school with one of my siblings Damon's too old and dakota is like just young enough to where we were never in the same school Makes me so sad. Can I ask you who your role models are? Just like a quick answer. Yeah, of course. Um You You guys wanna go first? I gotta think. I'll say dad. Yeah, I would agree. My dad, he's like, super hard worker. I mean, I can go into like, in depth stuff about like, him and his past. But like, he's like one of the hardest workers I know. Like, he roofs, and he's roofed even before I was born. And like, he even has, I don't know, he has like cancer. He has stage four colon cancer and he's still rough, so he still works hard. He works on the weekends, all the time. All the time, he's just a grinder. Even going through like chemo, he's just like, like it may not have been rough. I mean, it may not have been easy with like how I was raised and I was like the only one for like seven years. So it was kind of rough like as the oldest, like how I was disciplined compared to them. But I mean, I still don't, it doesn't take away like how hard of a worker he was and just seeing like, He always had that mentality is like work smarter not harder. It's just like You know, like kind of like how you said your mom is like you you're doing this for yourself So it's like yeah, probably my dad Yeah I would say my dad and my mom because I give a lot of like credit to my dad for my work mentality and like my Ethics when it comes to things but I feel like my I spent a lot of more a lot more time with my mom Growing up. Yeah, um, she took I wouldn't say You the most care, but she cared for us, you know, um, cause my dad always worked. So I would say just her influence, her nurturing kind of helped me. Like my dad was the rough stony backbone and then my mom's just like the nice like Yeah, it's okay. It's safe to talk to me So, I mean, I mean I remember sometimes it wasn't like that mom was like I have like really strong memories of just like being with my mom because my dad works, um, like construction So job sites aren't safe for kids So a lot of time when no one was there to watch me and my sister We would go with our mom to her workplace and we'd just wait for For her to be done with her work. So that was like, it's just yeah, both. I would say both. You are Damon. I think Damon I feel like as always like i've always been the safe child. She's always been the smart safe one. Yeah, like the reasonable one I'm, like let's just fucking go Damon did a lot of really fun things when he was younger and I was always the studious Book type like I did everything. He's a breakdance skateboard played sports I used to rap. Yeah, I used to do that, you know, I used to send her songs and we ain't going to talk about those videos. But I mean, I have this old Polaroid of Damon with like a do rag tied around his head during his like b boy era. Oh, yeah. Wait a minute. Yeah. I used to whip out the linoleum and rug and we used to break dance and stuff. It was crazy back in the day. What about you, babe? Um, so mine. kind of is a different approach, but I think it's still okay and it's still acceptable. I don't really have a role model growing up. What I have is kind of backwards. I had kind of reverse role models. I had kind of a bad childhood. Um, I had a father who, um, was an alcoholic and an addict. And so that was my role model to not be like that. I did not want to become that. So I guess I have a reverse role model. I have a lot of experiences with things I didn't want to become and I kind of took that and turned it into I'm going to be better. I'm going to break the cycle. I'm going to be different and That's I feel like that's totally acceptable, you know, I think that a lot of people out there might have the same experience I know my cousin for sure is kind of the same thing my cousin travis he kind of grew up, you know with the same kind of with my aunt same kind of situation and He is nothing like Our parents. Yeah, so I think that kind of background Is um sometimes stronger for a lot of people like a lot of people find more success coming from a struggling background than a more supportive background Yeah, I definitely think that it death it made me stronger and it made me it gave me this mentality of i'm not gonna stop Yeah Like something gets me down, you know something happened at home when I was a kid I'm not stopping. I have my goals. I'm gonna reach them It's either you're gonna come with me on this journey or you're gonna get left behind. Yeah, sometimes it's the the Willingness to prove someone wrong. That's more of a driving power than other things. Yeah, so Kind of reversed for me, you know, and and like I said, I think it's totally okay. It's acceptable. It's Nothing was wrong with it And yeah, yeah That's a great answer, actually. Sorry, we kind of went a little deep there, but I don't, I was thinking like, I don't know, Gandhi maybe? Because he believed in peace? Um, I think this question was already answered. My question was going to be like, what, um, Experiences and moments have kind of shaped your life today. But I think you kind of when you went there with your family and your mom. So, um, I think that was already Kind of covered. Oh, so we'll just go to azalea. Yeah, I feel like this answer was covered too. It was um, Share your favorite memory From podcasting so far and I feel like you kind of already did that. Alright, let's just, let me just, uh, let me just read through everything. Alright, hold on. Alright, we're not, we're gonna talk about this though. Um, how do you find working as a, uh, dang, I feel like you guys answered this too. Yeah, so like, Alright, here, I'm gonna drop down to the super beginning. No, I feel like Geisha has a good question though. Okay, hold on. So, Kind of a little backstory right now. Black Label had made these pages of questions and we were gonna like, you know, have little concise, we covered them all. Geisha is gonna say this question as Ali's question, so just gimme a second. I kind of scrolled a little, a little farther in advance, so I gotta, I kind of have to, um, do you want me ask it for you? Professional? I think this question that you have is pretty good. What was it? It's, can you share a time when you had to rely on each other for support? During like life or for this podcast that you do I don't even know where to see that well, I feel like I feel like I rely on on scott a lot. I There's a lot of we have our strengths, right? There's There's things that I don't like to do That i'm just like you you're gonna do them right like for me. I hate driving driving is like top number one thing I just like hate it I only do it because that they I have to get to work, right? But, if I didn't have to do that, and if anyone has a teleporting machine, you can just slide it right over because I hate it. Um, and so I'm a passenger princess and he's the driver and so there's a lot of stuff and I don't like to do stuff alone either. I'm kind of like, oh wow, I have to get my oil changed. Guess who's gonna come with me to get do these things? So I feel like I'm in a sense, I'm kind of like a kid. I'm like, we have to do this together. Like we have to go and grocery shop together. Like we have to do these things. So um, that will be like my big thing. I'm always relying on him to do these kind of like day to day. mundane tasks. Um, Yeah. I don't know. What do I do for you? I have to say, um, I have to rely on her when you went through some hardships, like you lose your pet, or you know, your dog, or you lose somebody in the family, and you still have to put on a podcast on Friday, you know what I mean, and you already scheduled these guests, and it's just bringing the same energy sometimes, I need her energy to be up to par, so when we meet. Have to go do this and you know, our podcast is like crazy high energy. We drink a lot and Sometimes when you're not in the mood to do it, it's it's very hard to try to put yourself It's like performing on a game day when you don't want to play. Yeah, it's kind of So I rely on her energy and we feed off of each other a lot. Yeah I kind of wanted to like um We're going to drop all the way down to like the long lasting friendships. Um, I kind of wanted to talk about like, how have you and J will bow and Zeke managed to maintain such a strong friendship for this long? Oh man, that's a good question. Me and Zeke, that's my boy from when we were growing up, we met playing basketball. That's exactly how I remember him. And we've been best friends like throughout our whole career. Like it was almost probably been 25 to 25 years, 30 years, maybe. Yeah, such a long time. Um, I'm always been the kind of guy that keep my circle small. I only trust a certain few people and when I say I trust, um, Isaac, I trust him with my life, you know. Um, I met Jay Will when I was younger as well, but I started meeting, I got to know him better when I got with Michelle. And um, the podcast brought us together. Bo, Bo, me and him worked together for a long time and we were real tight. It's just Our friendships, they know that I'm an authentic person, you know, I'm going to keep it real with you. Um, and I think we help each other do that every week, so I say, I would say, Is that what you say, like, your key factor is? Like, they just knew you were a real person? Yeah, and I only surround myself around real people, so that's, um, Don't, I mean, when you do a podcast, you're going to meet a lot of people, but they're only going to be your friends for, you know, A couple of weeks, you know what I mean? Then they go on with their lives. I know that these guys are gonna be here every Friday. Uh, so, we'll talk about like your friendship stories. Um, what is, uh, what keeps you motivated and constantly make time for the podcast? Like, how do you manage and coordinate schedules with everybody? And how did, how does everybody stay so committed? Uh, it's the toughest, you know, I think, um, And just like me and everybody else, everyone loves to have an excuse to party. You know what I'm saying? We, uh, we party, we have fun, we drink, we have a good time, um, and I think my friends, like I said, it's a therapy session. I think we need it. Um, every time we get done doing it, it feels good, right? Just like you guys. Um, so, when you, you stay committed to something, just like you go to work every day, you do it every Friday, it feels, you feel an emptiness when you're not doing it. Yeah, I agree. Alright, Yeah, I know I missed the last podcast and I was like, man, I don't know what I'm doing with myself today. It's awful. I mean, not awful, but it's just like a part of your routine is gone now. You need the day off, but you feel guilty a little bit. Yeah. It gives them time to have their little couple time though, so it's okay. Um, can you share a time when working all together as a team during your podcast or any kind of like group activity, um, brought out the best in you guys? Heck yeah, we got to go to the, um, Bella tour. Um, We went to the bellator at the emerald queen as a podcast as a group we all had the matching shirts we stood out in a and people were asking where'd you get your shirts from and Um to me I felt proud I felt it feels like you're a part of something when you do something like your official Did you drop your merch line? Be like, hey, you know what's funny is like They were charging shirts at the at the place for like 30 40 dollars And I think we had it made for like 20 and people were like, where'd you get those ones? I didn't see those on the table And, um, I wish I, I didn't think, I wish I had more. I was like, I'll come to the car or something, you know. It felt good to be over there and people thought we were fighters or we were like VIP and it just felt good. That's really nice. Um, how do you kind of like leverage each other's strengths during your podcast? Like, you know, one person's really good at, you know, talking about this or talking about that or like, how do you boost that? That's a good question. Um, me and J. Will have a chemistry, you know what I mean? We, we can go back and forth. I feel like he is the strongest. He has the strongest voice. He has the radio voice. But for me, J. Will has, you know, he's more of like a, he's a tough personality. Um, and it took me like 20 episodes to kind of figure out How am I gonna control this? You know what I mean? And uh, we went through a lot of hardships we've had arguments we've had disagreements, but I never wanted to stop learning him as a person because I know how much he means to me and michelle so Learning him and I think it's made us stronger and zeke Um, he's a quiet one, but I know that if I bring out the best of him, he can talk So I just try to make sure that I know how everybody You They're comfortable, how and when they're comfortable, you know what I mean? Okay. Yeah. We don't have to touch on this subject. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, I have, uh, we're gonna do some rapid fire questions. Oh. Rapid fire. Uh, and then after that we'll, we'll follow up with like some final thoughts. But, uh, I'm gonna start us off in case you'll follow as we'll be right after. So, uh, what is your favorite book or movie? Oh, gosh. Hmm. Rapid fire. Let's go. Okay. Who's going first? Doesn't matter. Whoever. Oh, my favorite book, um, is called Glory Days, it's by Bill Reynolds, it's a sports book. Okay. Of course. I don't have a favorite movie, there's too many. What a book? Books? Um. It doesn't have to be your favorite. Something that's memorable, stands out. Twilight. Twilight. Well, I read that, but it's not my favorite. I read a book once, and I think about it, um, about rereading it, um, it's called A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. But I can't remember the author. But it was on one of those lists they give you in high school that's like, Oh, a hundred American, a hundred books for American authors you're supposed to read before college. So I read it because I was trying to, you know, do that. And it was really good and that's all I can think of right now. So, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. You should look at that. Sometimes recommended books from high school are good. Yeah, definitely. Math 101. No. Uh, if you can have dinner with any three people dead or alive, who would it be? Oh, um. Uh, probably my, my dad's, all my grandparents, I guess. Something that I will be dope to, cause I didn't really get to know them as a young age, so I think that was it. Well, same. Can I piggyback? I didn't have, I didn't have grandparents either. I have one, I only met one grandmother and the rest I never, I never had a grandfather that I, was alive that I knew. Um, I'd be honored to see them and talk to them and figure out if I'm anything like them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've never heard those answers before, so it's really nice to hear that. Yeah, definitely. A lot of people are like, uh, what celebrity can I talk to? And I'm like, I just want to see my family. Almost said Bob Marley, but then I was like, well Grandpa's better. Sorry Bob Marley, Grandpa beat you. Um, what's a fun fact about each of you that people don't really know, or don't know at all? That you want to share. I don't know if it's fun, but I I cannot ride a bike. I never had a bike as a kid and I never Learned how to ride a bike. So I remember that being a thing when I was younger Obviously everyone used to ride bikes. I was like, oh, that's crazy. I won't be going But I never had my I remember we had rollerblades so I could blade I could blade but um, don't don't ask me now, but I I could probably do that, but I never I never had a bike Learned Um, I would just say I love basketball. I love basketball. It's my first love. I love watching it. I love watching it. Like, seriously? Mm-Hmm.. Watch it, like breaking the game down. Watch. So, I've always wanted to be a sportscaster. Yeah. It's always been a thing. Be at the, the game on the sidelines. Yeah. Um, so here's some hypothetical scenarios. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Ooh, you wanna go first? Um, I don't know if I have a specific. I've always wanted to go to like Europe, but specifically like Spain, Italy, um, I think the history there is just beautiful and, and, you know, the architecture and all of that. Um, we did have an opportunity to go to London and that kind of like opened my brain and I was like, Oh my God, we need to go more. But, um, outside of that, because I feel like that's kind of, I guess, a common answer. Um, Africa, any, like, South Africa, any of those, uh, Kenya, um, Nigeria, those countries, I feel like, to get over to Morocco, I would love to go to Morocco and see, like, what is going on over in this continent because, you know, there's just so much life and culture and history and, and I think it would be dope. Go on a safari or, or learn, learn some stuff. Um, it'd be cool to see that. I have a, my, my bucket list is to go to Egypt. I'm a big history guy. I love watching ancient Egypt and seeing the pyramids. It's all, I just have to go there before I die. Yeah. I love the mummy. Brendan Fazer back in his day. Um, if you could live in any time period, which would it, what would it be? I just have to go back to the nineties. I, I don't want to go back and live in the 18 hundreds or any. nineties is the best era to me. Early two thousands. I think we had it best say like the eighties. I feel like the eighties is cool. Um, there was a lot of stuff happening in the eighties. Mm-Hmm., um, style? Music. Music, yeah. Um, I feel like. You know, technology is kind of like budding at that time. Um, 90s, yeah, 90s is cool. But I was alive for the 90s. Whether I realized what was going on or not. But to be like, like a teenager in the 80s, or like in, you know, 18 and like 85, I would probably be dope, right? Like, I want the poofy big jacket. The poofy big hair. The hair. The neon. I want to go to the concert and, you know, like, Remember, you know those times without phones, but it was still cool to like do some of the stuff we're still doing So yeah, I want to see the playoffs without like all the iphones and like yeah the deep fakes Whatever fake fake news. I don't want to um, but yeah, yeah, I like that um, do you either of you have a hidden talent that your listeners or Anybody in your life may not know about Something you've been practicing you want to share I'm a music nerd. I love music. I have so much music that goes through my head every day But and I'm very versatile with all kinds of music. Okay, I listen to everything. I don't just listen to hip hop I love country. I like breaking it down. I'm a, I break things down all the time. So music is just, I love it. My parents grew up listening to country and soft rock and then my brothers are hip hop and R and B. So I don't know. That's good. Um, have these sort of like these things that you enjoy cooking, listening to music, um, has it influenced you and your personal life? Like your taste in music? Influence kind of like the way you dress or the way you act or has cooking like Influenced maybe just like styles of cooking that you like to do Yeah, I mean, I like to try different things. Sometimes I need to stay to the recipe. Like today I tried to cook something and I was like, Oh no, this isn't working out. I said, I watched a tick tock. I was like, Oh, I got this. I don't need to know anything. I know what I'm doing. And then it did not go the way it was too salty. Sometimes I have a heavy hand. Um, but I like to try it. So cuisine is like easy for me. That's the easiest thing for culture. So I'm like, Oh, what do you guys eat? Like, I want to eat that. I want to try to make that. Um, I didn't even answer your question, Scott. I can't believe that. He, music, yeah, he incorporates that into everything that we do. Even, um, just his DJing on the side, he gets to bring that to people, right? If there's a graduation party, if there's a wedding, I mean, we've done weddings and It's interesting to be invited to someone's, like, special day, right? And a lot of the time, like, we don't even know, so we've gone to weddings, we don't even know the people. We're like, okay, we're just gonna go and be at your wedding, and we're just gonna play the songs that you gave us, but we always get positive feedback, and I think him being able to bring his music and share it with people, whether he knows them or not, um, is just him, like, fulfilling, like, this need to be, you know, Engage with the with the newest music or the oldest music or trying to tie in Uh groups because if you ever go to a wedding and they don't have music or an event and they don't have you You're gonna see that you're you're missing it. Um, but you have potential to kind of influence the whole event by what you play so Sorry, yeah Oh, no, is that pretty much anything I think she's right music is it influences that in that way. I don't think of it that way. It's weird I love music so much. I don't think I don't know. Maybe it does influence me. I don't know. Well, that's a point for michelle just to let you know So, um, if you could have any guests living or dead on your podcast, who would it be and why it can't be your grandparents No, no, that's the answer for you too if you would want to see I would definitely have to say I think it would be um very If I could have a sit down Podcasts with michael jordan and kobe bryant. Oh and just have talk sports about why who's better Yeah, let him duke it out. If there's one thing that we argue about so much me and isaac or jay It's about the who's the best player ever. Do you even incorporate lebron in that mix? I don't think those two jay will jay will says lebron and I think this is where we all have an argument Who's the best and? We can settle the debate. Yeah, it's really hard. It's really hard I mean lebron Looked at as like one of the greatest because his like his youth like he's able to play for so long at such a high level Michael Jordan was just amazing Kobe was his attitude in the way. He took on everything was great. It's hard I want to say kobe I like kobe but lebron. He's like right up there. I think what about you guys, you know, you guys don't watch sports I'm, not a sports person. Don't ask me. I like watching soccer don't know anything about the players. Yeah Who michelle i'm interested to know who would? Be on your podcast where you were like, no i'm in that room. I am coming. You can't stop me um I don't know Probably if he had those two people. Just because that's iconic. Like, I'm, Michael Jordan in my house? And he's in my room? And, and he wants to be talking to, I'm gonna be like, move Bo, like it's my turn. You can cook, or whatever. Probably any of those, cause I, I, Grown to appreciate sports scott has Cultivated this in me because I it's not something that's like natural to plant it really like this But uh, you know 16 years Here we are Seahawks, um sonics one of our first states was a sonics game before they got sent away, um and so We just have i've kind of learned a lot about it and I have listened to many of these fights Um, between him and Isaac and, you know, arguments and all that, all that. History and the statistics come out and it would I would Honestly, I would ask michael jordan and kobe bryant who they think the best player is now Instead of them arguing about themselves I'd like to know what they think about the talent now because according to what i've gathered and learned Um, the game has changed a lot right? Like yeah, you got things people like seth curry out here and luca and and you know Don chich is out here like is that the same person? Yeah Oh, what's another guy's name? Uh, Yoke. Yoke. Okay, well, whatever. Joker. It's almost the same. And even we're watching, like, today we're watching Caitlin Clark. Like, they, these people are, like, changing the game, and I would love to know. They play rough on her, man. I know. They're so rough on her. Um, what they would say to these new players that, that play differently than what they normally do. I might have to say, if I had a guess today, it might have to be Diddy. Like, what's going on? Out of the room. We would get all the info. Someone else would be hosting that one. I would not be in my house. No locked doors. Yeah. Um, What would you, uh, what advice would you give someone starting their podcast today? Oh, um, I would just say, I would Just continue, just be consistent, because I think the one thing I learned is that when you miss a couple days, it, it can really affect your, it can affect everything, you know what I mean? It's weird, I, I'm so, um, in tune with every Friday being podcast day, that when I miss it, it's kind of like, like I said, an emptiness. And you feel like you're a part of something, and people listen to you, and they want to hear it, so, just be consistent. And just make sure everyone's happy. Um, I'd probably just say, yeah, same thing, be consistent and, and don't be too critical of yourself. If you're in the beginning, and you, you know, everybody, when you start something that's like a project or, you know, a plan, you think you want to do it perfect, you know, you can study something as hard as you want. But until you start doing it, you're never gonna learn how it's really gonna be. And the first beginning of anything you try is gonna fail. It's gonna be rocky, right? You're not always gonna do what you thought you were gonna do or it's not gonna land the way you thought it was gonna land. And I think giving yourself that room to, for growth, right? Like, you can't be overly critical of this. I hated the way I sounded. I, I didn't like the way that, I'm stupid, right? The question didn't come out and the guest thinks I'm, I'm dumb. Like, you can't dwell on that kind of stuff and beat yourself up. You gotta let yourself, give yourself a chance to kind of learn. about the process and learn yourself how you're gonna be, you know, this is the first time you guys are doing it, right? You don't know how you're gonna be. You have to figure out if you even like it. You think you like it until you get in front of the mic, but what if you guys did it and you hated it? You don't have to keep doing it, right? Like, you have to give yourself a chance to settle into what it is and, and if you're starting, just give yourself that opportunity, right? You're gonna fail. You're gonna, there's something's gonna happen that you didn't like, um, but you, you will learn from it and you'll just and you'll realize, I don't have to do that. I can, I can just not do it that way. And I can do it this way and I'll be happy. And then you'll figure out what works for you. Yeah. Just persevere. I read a lot of forums before we started our podcast and it was like, um, people just asking like, what should I have my topics be on? And people were just like, Literally, whatever you like talk about what you're interested in. Don't care about what other people want to hear talk about what you would want to hear Hey, that's real if you build it, they will come Yeah Um looking back, is there anything you would do differently in your podcasting journey or You're like I just grew and I learned and I love that Uh, yeah, I think so. Just keep growing. I don't know. Yeah do differently I don't know. That's a good question. I never thought about that. Maybe get some of these sound pads. Yeah, maybe get some of those right off the bat. But the fun part is learning. You know, along the way. All you need is each other and you guys learn. You guys are going to build so much chemistry. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, um, What are some of the most proud moments in your podcasting career so far? Uh, just like I said, it was like securing that sponsorship. Securing that sponsorship, that was a big deal. I just haven't, um, I'm meeting all these people that I would never would have thought. Like, we've had, um, like I said, a Clairvoyant on there. We've had uh athletes on there. We've had all kinds of dentists on there and It's crazy. I've seen you guys have a dentist and then you guys had a boxer recently and so yeah a boxer like it's crazy that you would never think you would meet these people, but Because people want to listen once you tell someone and someone listens their friends listen And it's just that's kind of how you gain moment like tires, you know, they'll just start flowing. Yeah, definitely Definitely Do you have a favorite episode Oh, man, that's a good question, too. Uh, I don't You know what? I would probably have to say My episode. Yes. The one with you guys. You know, my favorite one, actually, that I was really excited for was, um, having that, the Jehovah's Witness girl on. I was kind of excited for that because it's like you're exposing You're kind of doing a different kind of podcast. Like, you're kind of reaching into the mind of somebody that's went through something that none of us know. And, um, for her to come and tell her story is crazy. Like, I think that's probably one of my, cause, maybe not one of my, like, I don't know how to say favorite, but it sticks out to me, cause I'm like, wow, I can't believe someone would come on our podcast. Yeah, how did you meet this person? It's just, uh, Isaac's, uh, friend of a friend. And, um, they were like, we would love this. She just got out of being a hard Jehovah's Witch. She was like, I want to expose being Jehovah's. Yeah. I was like, wow, this is turning into like true crime type of deal. Um, just knowing about something that i've never really looked into and then you you do it. It's crazy Uh, do you And I know you have a lot of guests on your podcast. Like how did you come up with like wanting to have different guests? Just like meeting people i'm always a i'm a people person. So I'm like, every time I meet somebody with an interesting story, I'm like, man, we should sit down and talk about it. And, I just kind of, you just do it, and then you're just like, oh, let's find someone else who's interesting, and you just do it, I guess. What do you find, like, if you do, what do you find so special about each interaction with these people, new people that you've never met before? That's a great question. Um, you know, it's real, like, I really think about how people are different. I've, I've seen people different. I'm so used to, I'm like, You know tunnel vision. I see people as everyone's a good person. Everyone's is raised perfectly But I've realized a lot that there's a lot of different people going through a lot of different things You just never know and if you can sit down and talk with this person, I think that's just It's money. You know, I mean Yeah, I think you said something that was super powerful is Each person tells their story Everybody has a story to tell and I think you kind of bringing them in and sharing their story sharing Their moments their significant moments in life which shaped them what made them is super special. Yeah, you're giving them a voice Yeah, whether they have that voice whether you think it's impactful or not. It's probably impactful to the people that come on Yeah, they're like I can tell my story to hundreds of people who are gonna listen and maybe Resignate with somebody else out there. Yeah, definitely. It's kind of cool. Yeah, definitely I know, uh, you said the, the girl, uh, from your most memorable podcast was a friend of a friend. Um, is there, like, do you look for people to be guests in your podcast? Or do you, like, each come up with just, like, Hey, I know this person, they would love to be on the podcast. Yeah, that's great, that's a great question. Um, I'm not gonna lie, um, Facebook and Instagram are some, one of the things that I, every time I post, Somebody might share it and somebody might listen to it. I've had people message me and be like, hey, I listen I would love to be a guest And I'll be like wow, that's crazy and I don't even know these people and um to me that that makes me feel good in a way because it feels like I sometimes I don't even understand because we be so drunk But it's like It's funny that people listen to it and if they want they want it we just we just air it and just makes me happy Give it what the people want. Yeah Um, so what are some of the future aspirations, uh, or dream projects that you guys have, uh in store for your future podcast stuff Do you have any like dreams or yeah, just uh trying to get some more. Um Our podcast lately has been a lot of local, you know talent a lot of local talent has came I want to get reach out even further maybe You If I can secure somebody that maybe hasn't been like Super celebrity ish, but kind of like find somebody in a local like Seattle, Isaiah Thomas, man, Isaiah Thomas, or certain Mixa lot or something. Did you see what just happened to Isaiah Thomas? Yes. That's crazy. That's crazy. In our hometown, bro know? That's insane, man. Yeah, kids. Yeah, kids. He's like two years younger than me, so I'm like, man, he walking up to the stories, getting, yeah, it's crazy. That's wild. Yeah. So, um, so how do you plan to achieve these goals, though? Do you, uh, just, um, going, a lot of things I've learned is, is about networking is going to events or, um, and just, you know, rocking your merchandise and some people, when they see four or five of you, they're like, what's Carbonate Concepts? And if you're at an event, you can kind of just, you just, it's me being not shy and be able to go up to somebody and approach them like, hey, man, would you mind sitting down for an interview? Um, you And I hate being that kind of person but How else are you gonna get it? You know what I mean? So it's I just have to be more out there Uh going and just doing it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, definitely if they say no they say no you never know. Yeah Definitely Exactly, right. Um What's your legacy what legacy do you want to leave from your podcast from um carbonated concepts I want people to realize that when you come to the carbonated concept show You're gonna have a good time and you're gonna leave there with a recorded episode of you being drunk or having fun and You're always gonna be like, oh listen to this around the campfire store and people are gonna be like man That I was on a show and um, that feels good. It feels good. And yeah, so that's what I want Just want people to know that They're leaving having a good time. Yeah, I know when we uh, when we were on it, I was telling everybody Yeah, you gotta listen to this podcast dude. It's crazy. It's so good. Yeah, and we We we definitely have a memory from after the podcast as well The memory of you falling asleep in our tiny little Our tiny little guest bathroom that literally only has a sink And a commode in it. And this six foot two gentleman is sleeping on the floor of this like three foot box. I remember how it started too because we came home and I was fine on the drive home. I was fine. I was like, I'm good. I'm good. And then as soon as we got home, it's just like, Was happening soon as he walked in the door. And then, yep, I went straight to the bathroom. I was like, I lifted up this toilet seat, my neck went on the the rim, and I was just like this. She was like, babe, you need, I was like, leave me alone. Go away. I don't want you to see me like this. And I did. I was like, okay, bye. And she left me. And then I woke up in the middle of, of the night, my legs on the toilet and I was like. Yo, it was kind of comfortable. I woke up, my back was feeling great. I don't know what happened. It was good though. All because of the carbonated cocktails. It's alright, Scott does the same thing every week. I do, I do. I just walked away. I was like, do you need anything? Like, here, let's go. I was just trying to be like, hair, move this way, don't put your head on the direct toilet seat, cause that's gross, and he's like, just leave me, and I was like, okay, bye. I'll survive. It's crazy cause everyone thinks like, oh dang, you drink so much, but I don't, I'm only a social drinker, I only drink on, with, when I'm around people, you'll never see me by myself, drink a beer. Or drink a drink by myself Just i'm just not that type of person. But when if damon's like, hey, let's call a beer i'm not gonna turn him down Yeah, yeah Yeah Um, I think this next question I had for you was kind of already summed up in the what you previous said it was How do you want? um carbonated concepts to impact people Just like you said, I just want people stepping out of their shell you have a story to tell like I'm gonna give you the Platform to tell it like you guys said You don't have to be a celebrity Everybody has a story just like you said and um, that's why everyone to know that when you come on co op Chronicles Tell your story and don't be shy because uh, the best part is like people opening up a lot of people go through a lot of dark days and It feels good to sit here on a microphone and talk even though you don't know what you're doing Just feels good to talk to people. Yeah, definitely Yeah, and I want to close out some things and then i'm going to give a trophy. We're gonna do a little tally And see I didn't keep tallies. You didn't keep tallies. I didn't keep tallies either, but I kept favorites I kept favorites so my favorite will win. This is a competition. This is a competition We haven't forgot that but uh also is there anyone you want to shout out? On the closing of this episode go ahead shout out to you guys for doing your thing. I love it. Um, shout out to the house of hooligans a shout out to my co hosts and my brothers and my um, J will zeke, um, sabrina our executive producer 101 dental Uh bo shout out to bo Shout out to my wife. Um, we're always being there So shout out to you guys again, thank you for having me Go ahead michelle. Oh, no, just Same, same people. The wives all the wives. So Cindy, all the wives. Cindy, you know Katie, I'll let her do that one. Um, Angelica, Andrea is a, a, a good, a good support for me. She comes mm-Hmm. to support, right? That's our, my best friend. Um, you know who that is and I think you met her too. But, um, she's a great person, great support. Um, just all the people that, that show up for us, right? Mm-Hmm. every week. Even if it's every month, you know, if they are showing up, the listeners, anybody that And you guys, you know, we appreciate it. I've never been asked to be on a podcast. I've gone on the carbonated content, but those are the episodes. You don't listen to those are the last miles. Um, but you know, I appreciate that this is my first experience. So I, I would say it was a great one and I learned a lot. I'm learning about what you do every day. So that's sick. That's cool. It's really cool. Thank you. Thank you guys again. You guys are dope. This is a dope set up. Thanks, thanks. Go ahead, Azalea, go ahead, do your thing. Um, so although I loved all of the answers that you both gave us, uh, DJ Carbo had some really good points about his podcast family, um, but I gotta give it to Michelle because Everything she said was just like, she's like, eh, I don't really have anything and then she comes out with like some great answer. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah. And I was just like, yeah, I agree. Yeah, um, uh, I would like to say, a lot of points for you, but you, you, you said she was the heart of everything. Exactly. So, uh, that in turn makes me give her my, uh, victory. I mean, yeah, yeah, I agree. I'm sorry. I give my point to Michelle. She three for three. Yeah, I, I, maybe I'm a little biased here, but I love the fact that, you know, she's not up front in the podcast. She's not in it. She's not a co host, but she runs. So much important things in the background, you know, she's there she's been there from day one. She cooks for everybody She makes everybody feel like home when they walk in her answers of just being community She and I feel like there's this dynamic of you're the front. You're the front man, but she's your support without her Like you said, she's a heart the front man. You may not have a great day, you know, or if you're in that mood We're like, oh, you know what? I'm not really feeling it today, but I she's gonna give me You And that's why I think my vocals for Michelle. So it looks like, uh, you, you, you win! You win! You win the Lillis Trophy! Yes! Lillis Trophy! Congratulations! Oh my goodness. They're gonna think I came! Yeah! Yeah, I won the competition! Oh, guys! That is dope. If there's one person I would like losing to, it's her. Yeah, that's right. He's used to it, that's why. Aw, thank you guys. That is dope. You're welcome. I'm gonna tell everyone I can game. I won this from a gaming competition. Definitely. I'm gonna say I won. No, we're getting this engraved. Wait a minute. So, uh, go ahead and close us out, Azzy. Okay. Thank you, DJ Carbo and Michelle for coming onto our podcast. We really appreciate it. This has been Co op Chronicles with Pint Sized Geisha, Black Label, and me, Azalea. Bye!