Co-op Chronicles

Episode Five - Survive, Laugh, Repeat

June 08, 2024 Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi Episode 5
Episode Five - Survive, Laugh, Repeat
Co-op Chronicles
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Co-op Chronicles
Episode Five - Survive, Laugh, Repeat
Jun 08, 2024 Episode 5
Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi

Join us on this episode of 'Co-op Chronicles' as we dive into the ultimate zombie apocalypse adventure! From picking the perfect video game safehouse to choosing your ideal zombie-fighting weapon, we cover it all with a blend of survival tactics and laugh-out-loud scenarios. Tune in for some fun, creativity, and plenty of laughs as we imagine our way through a world overrun by the undead. Don't miss out! 

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Join us on this episode of 'Co-op Chronicles' as we dive into the ultimate zombie apocalypse adventure! From picking the perfect video game safehouse to choosing your ideal zombie-fighting weapon, we cover it all with a blend of survival tactics and laugh-out-loud scenarios. Tune in for some fun, creativity, and plenty of laughs as we imagine our way through a world overrun by the undead. Don't miss out! 

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This is Co Op Chronicles episode five. Welcome back. This is Co Op Chronicles episode five. I'm Pint Sized Geisha and with me I have Black Label. Yes, you do. Yes, and Azalea. Welcome. And today we are going to be talking about Zombie Apocalypse. Zombie Apocalypse. We're gonna have a little adventure. Yeah. So, uh Let's get into it. All right. Yeah survival tactics Scenarios of what ifs. Yeah. Okay. Wait first. Let's establish. Is this like Um resident evil zombie apocalypse. No, no. No, I mean I mean it could be whatever you want. It could be like, um, The Walking Dead. It could just be whatever you want So I give you the scenario. No i'm giving no i'm giving i'm asking the questions and you're just giving me the answers of Whatever you want, right? But like how high stake is it is the zombies like running full speed towards me? Are they a bit little slower and like just think of the worst thing Maybe have alternate answers for each, um, zombie scenario. Or just, just go with what I have. You know? Or like the last of us type of thing. Where they're just like, by noise. Those are like creatures. Those are like No, they're They started as humans. They're not like zombies. They started off as humans. Anyways, okay. Alright, whatever. Anyways, so we're gonna start with scenarios and tactics. So building a safe house if you had to choose a location in any video game as your safe house during a zombie apocalypse Where would it be and why? the vault From fallout, which one? Oh, I don't know the number the fallout shelter game one where I can Build my own on the mobile app one. I never played any of their fallouts, but the vault for sure it seems like legit Like you have your power, your water, your diner, your, your, like, workout space in the big ass door. Yeah. Okay. I like that. Yeah. What about you? Um, I'm kinda classic. I like the, uh, police station from Resident Evil. From Resident Evil? It was a pretty good wall to defend the building. The only bad guy was Mr. X. Oh yeah, that's true. Dang, that's a tough one. I think mine would be like, Like, Mario World. So I could have like, mushrooms and the star and stuff. You can have the pipes to Yeah, the pipes to escape and stuff. Keep running through the castle. Could you imagine like, little mushroom people just being zombies trying to eat you? Yeah, that'd be good. They're called toads. Oh, toads. And goombas. Goombas. Yeah, okay. So, uh, with that, what is your weapon of choice? What's your ideal weapon against these zombies and how would you use it effectively? Are we allowed two weapons? I said a weapon, not the plural. Um, man, I don't know. Probably a firearm. I would like to keep long distance from them, if possible. I would not want to get close range. Like, what was that one movie where they're like, the guy was across from the mall, and he was sniping, and he ended up being like buddies with them. What was it? It was like Day of the Dead or something. Day of the Dead, yeah. What about you, Geisha? Does a tank count as a weapon or a vehicle? I'd say a vehicle. I think that's a vehicle. Yeah. Mm hmm. Yeah, I would say the same. Maybe like a sniper rifle. I like the far distance too. Oh, you guys aren't thinking. I'm thinking more of like, Metroid arm pulse rifle type thing. Yeah, you're thinking out the box. And I'll blast them. I was thinking, uh, real. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Um, which video game character would you choose to train? Or have trained you in a survival skills, and what would you want to learn from them? Oh, I know this you can go first Really yeah train me to be a stone cold blood thirsty killer Yeah, um that hates the world. What's you? I'm gonna choose Ripley from aliens. Oh, that's a good one Oh, that is it, but what would you choose? She went against the world Aliens. Four times. Yeah, and she, I mean, Technically she died. Technically one of them is an, uh, She is an alien, technically. But, she, She fought against them for a while. And she outsmarted them to some degree. So, how would you manage your resources, like food and water, medical supplies, any, uh, mechanics that would inspire you, or any game type mechanics that would inspire you for your strategy? I mean you, you like to hoard everything. Yeah, I'm a hoarder. I would be like in my vault going out venturing and hoarding all my supplies in my vault. Yeah. You know what's so scary about your vault though? It's like what if you get a zombie in there? You're screwed. I was trained by Setheroth. I'm gonna just kill him. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Alright, alright. What about you? Um, I think with my, the way my body is, I can, um, survive on one meal a day. So as long as I can be sneaky and, um, like, forage food from places long enough, I think I could last a while. You think you could eat once a day and survive? Yeah, when you're running on adrenaline, Your body's not really, like, worried about food. You just have to maintain enough calories to stay physically fit. Mm hmm. It's not like I'm trying to bulk. Yeah, I guess so. I mean, yeah. Um, I don't know, to be honest. Cause I'm, I'm like, really bad at gacha games. I like to spend stuff right away. Yeah. So I would probably be like, hmm, I would have to, like, think more of, uh, Mm hmm. A stardew valley type thing, right? I've never played it, but I watch Yeah, I would watch people play and I would have like my own farm inside my little place It's like that episode of the last of us with the the couple the two gentlemen and they literally had their whole little I've never watched the show last of us There's these two gentlemen, but they built like this little town is like 10 houses and they built like a whole Community just them two Farming all that kind of jazz Did they die? Sadly, but not the way you would expect. Oh, okay, okay. What about, uh, what about survival kits? If you could only carry three items in your little survival kit, what would they be and why? Geisha, you got any idea? Um, you want me to go? Yeah, Black Label, you go. You've been thinking about this question, I'm sure. I haven't been thinking about it, but I think, I think like, well You would want medical supplies for sure like some sort of medical supplies um maybe a a water water filter Type thing because you you don't know what's in the water, you know, these are survival things. So medical like antibiotics water filter type things and perhaps a uh, a warm blanket I don't want to freeze out there. It reminds me of that one movie we watched where The monster movie where he's like Traveling across the land for a girl and he meets up with an old man and a little girl and they're trying to like Oh, monster love? Monster? Is that what it's called? I can't remember what it's called. I think it's love and monsters. Oh, love and monsters. You're right. And he's like learning everything. Uh huh. So maybe I would take a journal, medical supplies and like water filter type thing. Uh huh. Yeah, so I can write down stuff. I think I would have something similar, but instead of a journal I would have like a, uh, like a satellite. Uh, like, GPS tracker. Oh, Jesus. Wait, you were allowed that? I You You tell us, sir! You We She did the vault. You did Metroid weapons. Yeah, Impulse Rifle. Yeah, you're right. And this is a real life gadget. Like, a satellite based phone. Something to give me, like, a better GPS for where I am. Yeah. What about you? I would definitely have either the Stimpak or the Green Juice from Resident Evil to heal myself. Cause those are just magical, you know. Maybe the Green Juice from Resident Evil cause that just attached a hand. Back to Back to, um, what's his name? Evan? Oh yeah. Ethan, Ethan. Ethan. Ethan White. Ethan Winters. Oh, Winters. Ethan Winters. Yeah, I definitely have. We got that all wrong. What was he? The mold? Yeah, he was in 7. Didn't everybody comment on that? Like, how do you just spray yourself with this stuff? Exactly. Just splash it on you and you get it. But he was mold, basically, though. Yeah. That's why he could do that. But still, I get the magical juice. From resident evil. Yeah a weapon like I don't know like a katana or something Yeah, like michonne like walking dead Maybe like a sword like seth ross sword big ass freaking sword a seven foot sword. Yeah yeah, and then maybe like a um a phoenix pack from Oh, no, because I was gonna say a phoenix from like apex to kind of like build buff myself back up But that kind of is like the stem pack, huh? Yeah, maybe like something water. Stimpak. Food. Fallout. Yeah. Okay, I need to start thinking outside the box. You're thinking more like video game stuff. I'm all thinking about like the movies I need to think about video games. Yeah, my mind is just like how can this video game help me, right? Yeah, okay. So let's talk about morality decisions since you were talking about like, oh, I'm so logical Everything and I make the right decision. I never said well Well young lady in a desperate situation. What would you do to save a close friend or a group of strangers? How would you? Use your gaming experience and how would it influence your decision? See, this is like a question where I need more information. Like in a desperate situation, would you save your close friend or a group of strangers? How do you, how does your gaming experience influence this decision? So like, how many games have you played where you rescue somebody and something bad happens? I mean, Resident Evil 2, every time you try to save somebody, something bad happens or, you know. I would rescue my friend and say fuck y'all to the group of people. Okay, personally But if my friend can't handle it and they're like limping and they've got a zombie chewing on their foot It's either look let me cut off your foot or i'ma leave you Yeah, pick one. Yeah, I mean if i'm judging based off of like video games It's tough it's a tough one. I mean I might save my homie Group of people though. Mm hmm. Yeah, no, no, no, I'm not risking it. Mm hmm. Not risking it for the biscuit. No Yeah, that's just like more resources You have to look for and take care of and what if one what if one of them is yeah, one of them infected Yeah, yeah, I Agree, I would save the one not the group. Okay, I need company. I would go crazy by myself Yeah Yeah, I'm not me. I'm pretty uh I'm a loner, in the darkness, yeah, in the shadows, you know. Are you Batman? I'm Batman. Where is she? Um, so, some, here's some ethical dilemmas though. Have you ever faced a tough ethical decision in a game? How did you handle it and would you approach it differently in a real zombie apocalypse? I mean, we could say like, Have you ever dealt with some serious stuff in stardew valley? Like oh do I want to make this person do I want to fall in love with this person? Not this person when I when I hear that question I think more of until dawn and those type of games where it's like decision based, right? If I do this, then this person might die god. Those games are so hard. They're so good though. I Loved them. I only played until dawn But until dawn was a very good game and I I played it over and over and over trying to do all the achievements And I could not for the life of me Save all the men You cannot save I think one of the trophies was like save only the men and they kept freaking dying Yeah, what would you? Could you repeat the question? I don't yeah, I don't know Have you ever faced a tough ethical decision in a game and how did you handle it? How would you approach it differently in a real zombie apocalypse game or zombie apocalypse? Sorry. Oh Yeah, come on thinking about it like that with the the dark pictures games I don't I don't know how I don't know that that's the whole like I have to be in the I have to be in the Moment, I can't just be like I would plan This way, but then yeah, I can't yeah I mean, I'm thinking more so like is my attire and wardrobe looking fleek. Am I looking matching? It's my my armor Fresh even though it's not as good you remember you sent me that text about the transmog fight Or it was like a hard decision where it doesn't look as good, but it has way better stats. Oh, yeah That's my ethical decision in the game is do I want to look cool or do I want to have good stats? Yeah, I had my Harry Potter character looking goofy just cuz I was like The stats were good. Yeah, I'm so buffed right now. No, I couldn't change what they look like. Yeah I liked the weird curly hat thing gave me though. No, yeah, I had to look fresh so, I mean if If it was a zombie apocalypse I guess I would go with like the ugly looks because I ain't trying to get bit But, but in my back of my mind, I want to be fresh. Right. I think, I think for me in a zombie apocalypse, my ethics are out the fucking window. Like it's all about survival. Yeah. You're just like, I, I don't care about it. I think most people are gonna be like that. Mm-Hmm.. Yeah. Gotta find Twinkies. Yeah. Or what was the one? Snowballs. Oh no, he wanted Twin was Twinkies. It was Twinkies. But the van was full of snowballs. Dude, snowballs are so good. I love snowballs. I don't know. He really just wanted the cake and cream. Yeah, he did. He did. Um, so what's the biggest sacrifice you've made in a game, and would you be able to make like the same sacrifice in a real zombie apocalyp? Type scenario Come on I Think like the hardest thing I ever did was spend too much time on a thing and Then something bad happens as it as we stated in the first episode. I spent like hours leveling up Ares Oh, yeah, she died right away. I'm not focusing on one person. I'm focusing on me What I need to do not not some partner So i'm I think that's what I would do is I would only focus on the stuff that I control Yeah Yeah, i'm not i don't care about all the other stuff. Yeah, I like to think about valkyrie profile where you had to like, um Get gained fallen soldiers. Oh, yeah And you have to like pick which ones you want and then decide how to play them that artwork is so good Yeah, but that's how I think of it. Like are you gonna be beneficial to me? I'll try and keep you alive It's not I don't really know. Yeah Yeah I did get sad when my favorite characters did die, but I would just reload the save I know I hated that stuff. Like when I played like a It was a Final Fantasy Tactics and, uh, you like always gain, you don't gain like some characters you can get, like main characters, like there's like a secret way of getting Cloud on there, but sometimes you would like build your characters up and just get them all, just buff and then on certain fights they might die and you'll lose them for good and you're like, man, I gotta reload this save now and yeah. Yeah, or I think for me for Final Fantasy Tactics, just quick side note, is where I would Class one of my characters as one thing and then I'd approach a fight and It's not helpful at all One character like maybe like a an archer or a warrior or a monk was not helpful in this fight whatsoever it was more of like a long range fight where I needed like wizard and an archer and I just remember this one fight where They were on top of the buildings like they were all on top of the buildings and I couldn't get to them You Before they killed me. Yeah, like before they killed my monk. Yeah, that sucked. Was that was that your answer, though? No, that was kind of just a sidetrack. Yeah, I don't have an answer. I don't know. I don't have an answer for this one. Hmm. OK, well, let's let's talk about some imaginative things. Use your minds, OK? If you could create a new type of zombie inspired by any game, what would it be like and how would you defeat it? Can't it be a helpful zombie? That's what I'm thinking, because I'm thinking about, like, I would want a Kirby type zombie who would just, like, Whatever he eats, he, like, turns into that. You know, he, he didn't just eat people, he ate, you know, machines, anything, guns. He turned into a vending machine. Yeah, guns. What, what was that one movie where the zombie fell in love with the Girl, who wasn't a zombie? Oh, was it a zombie? iZombie. Yeah, iZombie. No, iZombie's a show. Oh. No, it was a movie, but, um, I was It was the same guy from Yeah, Warm Hearts. Yeah. Warm Hearts. I would, yeah, I would like some, some, some kind of variation of a zombie like that, where they're, like, incredibly, like, useful, like, deadly, but at the same time, they still have some kind of humanity. Humanity, yeah. And they can be helpful, like, if they want to. Yeah. You can try and, like, gain them onto your side. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah, I'll give you this newly dead person In exchange for information, yeah I would do the little robot dude from fallout that helps around the house. Oh, what was his name stanley? Is that what his name is stanley? I don't remember I think it is stanley where he floats around the circle guy. I think that is stanley stanley Yeah, yeah, maybe i'm cooked and clean and get a little saw on him. He's got a little saw on him and Saw some wood and helped me around the house. Oh, yeah. Um, If you could have any special ability from a game to help you survive, uh, what would it be and why? I think for me, it would be more like health wise. Something that will make me gain my health fairly quickly and on demand that I need it, you know? Like a spell? Like a magic spell? Like armor or something? Maybe like a magic spell, you know, um, or just the, um, The first thing I think of is like Bloodborne, like the vials that just whoop. There you go. You're all healed, you know Oh, it's like the green juice again. Yeah, the green juice again something that's gonna heal me quickly and rapidly when I need it You know, yeah What'd you? I need to think more. What is your answer? I would probably I guess I'd probably be like more like the Elden Ring thing with like the flasks something like that They help me heal Help me stay, uh, rejuvenated. You know? You bite me? Oh, I did. Drink this. I good now. Yeah. I think I would want Like some kind of power suit, maybe like Fallout where they have the power suits so I could just stay invulnerable, yeah. Where it's just like, I'm untouchable. Yeah, I didn't think about that. Whatever, whatever, that's cooler than mine. Let's say you want to have an escape plan, you know. Describe your ultimate escape plan to get out of a zombie infested city. What game inspires you for these type of elements you want to include? to get out of it. Yeah. Oh, mine. I'm such a hoarder. Like, my answer is I'd hit up the nearest Costco, lock it down, and everybody get away. But that's not a game that inspiring. I know. It's not a plan to escape. Yeah, that's not planning. That's why I'm like, I'm just, I'm just a little. Yeah, you die. You would die. No, I have all the necessities. You're so tiny. People would just push you. Yeah. Yeah, like you do all the time. Don't say that that's out of context Make me sound like a horrible person. You're the one who said push. Yeah, it wasn't but you're making it sound crazy I think the costco idea is good though. Uh, you can like stock up and then Plan according to like what kind of zombie you're facing off against like if they're night hunting zombies travel in the daytime Yeah, if they're like sound zombies then just stealth it Like, quietly to each, like, different, like, warehouse location that is nearby. Or just call up Cid. Cid always has, like, the, the aircrafts in Final Fantasy. It's so hard to think of, like, a game with, like, an escape plan, like, a good one, because something always bad happens the way they're scripted. Yeah. I can only think of, like, Gru from Despicable Me. And how he he traveled underwater in tubes and stuff. I would want like a tube underwater thing So i'm like, oh just let's go underwater and travel to the next city something like that. Yeah. Yeah um, so, uh If you had like a any sort of zombie pets that you could have that you could tame from any game any pet What would it be? And uh, how would you use it to your advantage? Huh Dang. You could, I feel like there's not a little pets in games. I get like ser, it doesn't need to be a pet, but I get like Cerberus or like the little cacti from Final Fantasy. Oh yeah, the Cacti. The little thousands. Oh, I get a choke bowl. Ooh, yeah. Choke bows. Yeah, like, you know, the, um. I don't know how to describe it. What was its name? In Final Fantasy, it's like in all their games, it's like a big plant, but then it has a big ass mouth. Oh, the man. It starts with an M. Little, like, snakes on its head. Is it, what is the little dude from, uh, it's a Mandrake, isn't it? I don't know. A Mandrake is from Harry Potter. Yeah, no, but I think the Mandrake in Final Fantasy I think Final Fantasy VII is like a Mandrake, or Final Fantasy series is a Mandrake. Your escape plan can be a broom. Yeah, right a broom a harry potter broom a nimbus 2001 Yeah, yeah. Yeah Um, what about you? um, I think I would do dog from Fallout because like he he could survive radiation. He never died. He was like the perfect animal I'm pretty sure he's not a real animal I don't know man because i've played like fallout 4 when the I was watching a movie because I was getting like or not the movie the show and I was getting Like the urge and I was Was it Fallout 4 when you get him right? I think so. Yeah, and I was like, I got him and then I did a mission where I'm like on the roof. And then for some reason he fell off the roof by himself and it like bugged out and he's like broke his legs and he couldn't move. I couldn't do anything with him. Well, that was your first mistake. Dogs don't belong on roofs. Uh, he, uh, went through, he teleported or something. I don't know what happened. But yeah, if you could train the zombie pet, um, what would you teach it to do? Uh, sniff out other zombies. Ooh, that's a good one, though. To warn me. Yeah. I would just train mine to eat everything. Yeah. Besides me. Mm hmm. Yeah. That'd be a good one. Mm hmm. You know what I was thinking? Um, You ever watch I Am Legend? Are those considered zombies? I think, technically in the book, they're not zombies. But they're like infected with things, right? They're like infected. Because they bite you, too, and you get infected. So I didn't he get a bit or something and that's how I got infected. Yeah. So like, I think I am legend started off with, he tried to cure cancer and then the cure like did something to their bodies to made them have their side effects, right? Vampires, but not really. Right. And then that transmits through like saliva or blood or something like that. But those ones were crazy how they chase them outside the window and stuff. So fast. God, I want to watch that now. They're actually really scary too. Oh, freaky. Uh, what would you train your pet to be or do? I said I what? I said I, my pet is that big eat everything. Big plant thing with the big mouth and the little, little wormy things on its head. What, what would you teach it to do to eat Everyth? Everything. Just eat Besides me? Yeah, like that's a zombie. Go eat him. Oh, eat him. Yeah. I guess, I guess if I had like sarus, I'd train him just to do everything for me. Kill everything and just watch my back ultimate protection. Yeah, let me let me be my boy. No one has three heads Yeah, yeah one stay up the other two sleep, you know 24 7 Um, so What would be? Well, I don't know why I got this but uh, what would be your three songs on your zombie apocalypse survival playlist Oh, that's hard. Is it? I think so. Mine first one that comes to mind would be like the eye of the tiger. Eye of the tiger get me pumped up. I need like a happy song to be walking all the time. Maybe like the I got a pocket pocket full of sunshine, you know, just walking down the field. Yeah, I think I would get the gorillas that I'm happy. Yeah, I don't know what my third one. I wouldn't be able to pick three. Yeah, it's hard. I would get like a Just like an adrenaline, like the blade. You're, you know, when they're like partying and the, the what? Like, I don't, you just, you just don't need like a soundtrack. Not like sandstorm, sandstorm. Yeah. I think, I think for me it's like one for every mood, one for like, pipe me up, I gotta do this, I gotta get this done. One for like, I'm just walking in the fields. And the third one would be like something heavy metal where I have to like go and chop off some heads. Oh yeah. Yeah. Mm-Hmm?. Oh, one of mine would Rain sounds, though. I can fall asleep to that. Like white noise? Yeah. Yeah. The other two, I don't care. I just need one rain sound. Okay, so, uh, if you could have one video game character as zombie bait to save yourself, who would it be and why? Do you hate anybody? I know, I know who I hate from us. Oh, that's messed up. Like the game Bowser or the movie Bowser? Yeah, the game Bowser. Movie Bowser is so funny. He peaches, peaches, peaches. Yeah, what about you? As bait. I'm trying to think of who was the most annoying game character. I mean there's, didn't you say that one guy from, uh, when he, Titus, what was it, the guy? He's like, uh, nevermind. Um, Oh, uh, I know what you're talking about. Um, the little, the guy, the Seymour Seymour Seymour. No, I thought you didn't like the, uh, the Islander guy. No, the Islander guy was fine, but the, uh, I know Where they play boy's ball? Yeah, we were just talking about one of the annoying, um, characters in the game. I know Caesar from Final Fantasy III was, I think that was his name, Caesar? And he always did this, like, annoying laugh. It was like, Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff. It was, like, really annoying. Every time he just did something. And, for some reason, he was, like, the main boss throughout the Yeah, I didn't like him. He was annoying. His laugh was just annoying. You, you don't, you don't know? Wait, can I change my answer? Yeah, of course. Can I be, can I do a team, can I do Team Rocket? I would like to see them get eaten. Oh, Rocket's a good one. I would like to see them get eaten. James. It would be so funny to watch that. Or what was the cat's name? Meowth? Meowth. Oh, yeah. Meowth. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, okay, uh, so, uh, Which celebrity would you want to turn into a zombie just to hang out with during your apocalypse? Wait, so this zombie is a good zombie and they're just going to hang out together? Yeah, like a crushed zombie. Obviously they're not going to hurt you, but they're obviously going to be a zombie. Hmm. I think And I want Ryan Reynolds. I was gonna say Ryan Renolds. We were gonna say Ryan. Ryan Reynolds. Yeah. Can't even say his name. He's just me. He's so dreamy. Or John Krasinski. I think he would be kind of cool too. Is Anox just play, just uh, play staring into the camera? The office staring at, at the cameras or, yeah, I think that would be hilarious. But he also was in a quiet place, so we be Stealin. Was that him? Yeah. Oh, that is him then. Huh? What about you? I gotta go with my boy Henry. Henry Cavill. Mr. Henry Cavill. I just wanna stare at you. Just, just stand over there. Just walk in front of me a little bit, please. And make noises like, ahh. Okay, okay. If you, uh, if you could choose one video game, shh. Oh, I guess we did that, but it's, it's, uh, It is kind of like the shelter. But you already picked the vault, right? Yeah, I got the vault locked down because we picked, uh, where we, we want our hideout to be, right? Mm-Hmm.. Mm-Hmm.. So a shelter. I guess I would want the vault to be my shelter. It's my vault. You gotta find your own. We could be there together. I would want to have like a maximum prison be my shelter. Kind of like, what's that one? Resident Evil? Uh, resident Evil. There's a resident evil movie where they're in a prison. And like there's the gate and there's just like a swarm of zombies all around the fourth one I think yeah, I think it's like How did it turn out though after life? I think yeah, I think it's after life. Yeah, but they had to flee it didn't turn out Because it was the big zombie. Yeah, they had like the mutated one. Yeah Um, if you could have, hmm, if you could had a cook or if you had a cook, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm reading it incorrectly. If you had to cook a meal using the only ingredients you find during a zombie apocalypse, what would you make? So you, you can't have like amazing like ingredients. I would want spam. I just had, give me spam. I'll be good. I can't have spam without rice. Spam for breakfast, spam for lunch, spam for dinner. I'm good. It would be Uncrustables for me. Oh, that's a good one. Uncrustables and hopefully a side of Hot Cheetos. You don't even eat Hot Cheetos. Hot Cheetos with Uncrustables are amazing. When do you eat Hot Cheetos? When I have Uncrustables. Oh my god. They go hand in hand. They go together. What are you talking about? I've never seen this, I guess you're right. It's the only time I eat them is with Uncrustables. What about you? I think mine's kind of along the same lines as yours. It's like any kind of like, like, kielbasa or sausage. If I can find that, I'll be okay. Yeah, yeah. Delicious. Um, so, I don't even know any zombie jokes. You guys have any zombie jokes? No. None at all. I'm gonna just skip that then, because I don't have any zombie jokes. You should have given me this question. You should have given me this question ahead of time. Yeah, I had it. I thought you wrote these questions. I did but I don't know any zombie jokes. I don't know. I thought you guys would know So, uh, what was your first experience with zombies in a video or what was your first experience with zombies in a video game? Like what game did you play? How did it change your life when it came to zombies? Obviously for me Resident evil. Yeah, I think resident evil 4 for me. Really with the The the girl and the guy they went to You Leon? No. It's Oh, maybe not for then. Was it This is a bad one. Oh, where they went to like Ghana or something? Okay, yeah, we can't talk about that one. Oh, no, I think that was five. That was racist. Yeah, that's not a good one. Okay, I didn't like was a terrible one. Yeah. I think mine was Resident Evil 1. Yeah, 1 was Yeah, when it's like running around the library. Cause it's so damn It wasn't the game that was scary, it was like the angles. Yeah. The way they had the camera angles. Yeah, you can't see in front of you. The old school. And you would hear stuff. Yeah. Yeah. And now remember like the first moment where you first run into a zombie because the guy's on the ground and it gets up and you're like what the hell, this is so freaky, I forgot how old I was when the game came out, but I Oh, you know what, I came up with an answer. What's your answer? Um, House of the Dead, the arcade game. What? Yeah, House of the Dead, the arcade game, the shooting arcade game, that was the first zombie game I played. Really? Yeah. Did it scare you as much as Resident Evil though? No. No, it didn't but that was my first zombie game Did it change your perception on zombie games as much as resident evil though? I think it did because I I enjoy house of the dead the arcade style like with the actual like, you know Gun in your hand the plastic gun in your hand then resident evil Just because that I don't know just just I I like the arcade style better But resident evil was a bit more scary It is terrifying sometimes Um, let's see. Let's share your favorite zombie apocalypse moment from any game. Or what made it memorable. I don't know if you guys played a lot of zombie games. I haven't played. I'm too scared to play a lot of them. Yeah, I haven't really. The only zombie apocalypse games or zombie games I played was Resident Evil and Zombies vs Plants. Zombies vs. Plants. Yeah, the mobile game. It's so cute. That doesn't count. It's still zombies. That is a good game, though. It's cute, isn't it? It's very fun. You kind of get lost in it. I think my, uh, man, it wasn't, it wasn't a zombie game, so I guess I can't bring it up. Yeah. But every, have you guys ever played Dino Crisis? It was kind of like Resident Evil. Well, I've never played it, but I've watched gameplays of it. Yeah, it's like, uh, It's like Resident Evil, like, except with dinosaurs. With dinosaurs. The, like, raptors and stuff. Yeah, that was like, uh, pretty I don't know. I don't know. I don't have any memorable moments in zombie games. I'm too scared to play I've only beaten maybe two but I played a lot. I always watched a lot. Yeah Yeah, maybe it was when uh winters the new one with his daughter. That one was kind of cool. Oh ethan winters Yeah when you could play her yeah, that was kind of cool Um, oh, yeah Yeah, rosemary rose Yeah, that was so sad Um. I got a, I got a zombie joke for you though. Oh my goodness. What do pirates eat or zombie pirates eat? Booty. Why did you come up with that so quickly? I get it. That's a crazy. No, I was thinking about arms. Booty's so much better. Booty doesn't make sense though. It doesn't. Yeah, you eat that booty. What you mean it don't make sense? Oh my god. Okay. How can you tell that a zombie stand up comedian was a hit with the audience? Oh my god, this is stupid. Cause he was killing it on stage. Boo! That's a bad one. You don't get a standing ovation. First one was better. Booty! What does a zombie call a brain freeze? Oh, that's a bad one, too. Frozen Dinner? Oh my goodness. These are dumb jokes. I regret looking these up. The first one was the best. No, your answer was better. Yeah, that was a good answer. Anything with pirates, the answer's booty. Yeah. Um, are there any underrated zombie games that you could think of that deserve more attention? I haven't played a lot of zombie games. Man, this is, this is like a hard, a hard genre. Why didn't you just, like, Research. I told you what it's about. I thought it was going to be more of like real life, not trying to tie in zombie games into our plan. I thought it was gonna be like real life right now. T virus was just released in Seattle and you could bring up a TV shows or movies if you want to incorporate in this. Okay, so what was the question? What are any, let's just say, what are any underrated zombie movies that you could think of and why do they need your attention? What was that one movie that was with, um, Batista? And they had like a Oh, Army of the Dead. Yeah, that was That was a good movie. And then Army of the Thieves or whatever too. Oh yeah, that was good. Those were good movies. But I, for me, it's the classic like Resident Evil one. Michelle Rodriguez, they're like, they got to go over the train. That's not underrated though, that's really good. It's not underrated, but it's really, I like that one. I think it is underrated, I don't think people like it that much though. I like the first two movies, they're the best. Yeah, the second one, the second one is good too. Yeah. where Matt turns into the monster. Yeah. Where he is. Nemesis. Yeah. Yeah. Two too is really good too, too. I think two I like better than one. You think it's under, you don't think people like Resident Evil one? They don't all good. I don't think people, I don't think people really like the well gamers. I don't think gamers really like resident evil. Well, can I? Because they put a lot of Can ask a gamer. Yeah. That's like, uh, saying that the newest resident evil remake was terrible because it was but they tried their best. Yeah. Yeah. Um. Let's see, if you could cosplay as any character from a zombie video game, who would it be and why? Or, let's, a zombie movie. Let's just, let's just expand it. Um, I would want to be that funny dad. I don't know his name, but from Train to Busan, the big dude. Like the, the, the fat guy. I liked him. I liked his character. That was a good movie. I would want to cosplay as him. Didn't it end with a wrong, or bad, too? Yeah, I mean at the very end too doesn't isn't it bad no the daughter made it That was the whole point of the dad's like crusade So, I mean he he did what he had to do and she got there, but he didn't survive Yeah, and the pregnant wife got there too. So Yeah Yeah, cuz she was with her right at the end. Yeah Lady Miranda. Oh, yeah, she's sick looking. I've seen a cosplay of her and it was so good. Yeah, you know how much time you probably have to put in that? Probably a lot. Yeah, because it's, she's, her outfit's so detailed. Her headpiece alone probably take quite a bit of time. Which one, the old lady or the one with the wings? No, the wings. Like her last form? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I think I would just be Leon, but I don't have hair for that. I don't have hair for that. I have hair. I just don't have hair for that. Um, how do you, uh, how do, uh, different cultures, uh, like approach zombie apocalypse games? Like which ones are you think the most terrifying? I think Japanese ones are pretty, I'm just gonna think of games. So like even movies too, but like, I think of like Japanese games, like just like the, not the, what are they, like the little indie ones? And they're not, I guess they're not like zombie games, but they're just terrifying. Like the whole VHS stuff, style stuff. That's horrifying. But their movies are terrifying too. It's so gruesome and graphic. Yeah. I think the grudge was originally a Japanese concept and a Japanese movie, and then they adapted it for America. Oh yeah. Like the grudge and the ring. Yeah. No, they both are. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Japanese people, Japanese culture. I'm sorry. Japanese people, Japanese culture or entertainment make. Very scary movie. I think because their take on Stuff like that is like vastly different from america I agree. They're just like their thought process and thinking of like what would be terrifying and they're really good at coming up with Yeah, they're probably like this would scare the shit out of me But also in japanese culture, they have a lot of more like myths and legends, right? Like there's a demon um, I forget what it was like there's a demon that Something about like milk. There's like a milk demon. There's like a drinking, a drunk demon. There's like, there's like Oni for everything. Where she hurt, just her head flies around and she kills people. And like, yeah, they really do believe if somebody dies in a bad manner, that their spirit can be locked there forever, right? So they're just very dark sometimes. Yeah, um, Did you answer that? No. Or did you piggyback you piggyback? Oh you piggyback? Yeah. Okay. So, uh, what's the most innovative solution? You've seen in a game for dealing with zombies or movies that you've and how would you apply it in real life? Yeah, innovated or innovative. I think like the I mean, I don't think it's like a good way of dealing with zombies But uh, I just recall One of the most memorable moments in a zombie TV show when Glenn got his ass, or his face, beat in with, uh, the bat from, uh, The Guy on Walking Dead. What was the bat's name? I forgot the bat's name. It started with an N. It was like Nancy. No. Not like Nagini or, or Nagiri. No, I'm looking this up. Nagiri is the snake from Harry Potter. No, Nagini is the snake from Harry Potter. Um, I don't know. No. I never watched The Walking Dead, so I don't know the reference. Carl! Carol! Carl! Carl! You don't have any innovative way, babe? No, innovative, not so much. The first thing I kind of think of is, um, kind of going back to Resident Evil, right, where they kind of just, like, Sealed off Raccoon City. Is that innovated? Not really, but that's where my mind goes, right? Yeah, it's kind of like sealed off the whole area and then nuked the shit out of it I think it was a Lucille, Deegan and Lucille, or Negan? Negan, that's what I was thinking, Negan. Yeah, Lucille was the bat. Lucille was the bat. It was like a bat with barbed wire. Yeah And like nails. And now yeah, Glenn got murdered and everybody was devastated Side note Once glenn's character died on the walking dead. They lost a quarter of their viewers Yeah, they lost 25 percent. Oh, I think the only reason why they kept so strong was because of daryl. I like daryl Really? Yeah, you don't like daryl the actor himself the one that played in boondock saints Oh, i'm not thinking of the actor. I'm thinking of the character of daryl. He was a good character, too. I thought Uh, whatever i've never seen it so I don't know I think the most innovative way Or solution. Yeah. I guess the bat was just fun. How else would you kill people though? Like zombies? Aim for the head? I think you would need like, um, Like a separate form of government Just in case a zombie apocalypse happens So that they can still be around. Raccoon? No, like, yeah. Kind of like an umbrella. Yeah, like umbrella or I was thinking of like SCP, you know? Oh my god, that's terrifying. Where it's like, there's like a whole Government facility made for zombie outbreaks and then like in the Resident Evil movie where they had the vans driving around And all the zombies were chasing them So if you had like a form of government and you already had all these zombies clustered together You could like kill them all in one shot. God, man, that would be so cool to have like a yeah Have you seen some of the SCP, like, independent movies? Oh, I love SCP. I've watched all the games. Yeah, some of their movies are I've watched all the, like, little YouTubes. There's a lot of short movies, and they're really good. Like, creepy. Uh, in izo they did the same well in izo. Oh yeah. They had the, they had like a whole island. Oh. Like they just put all the zombies on one island. But didn't they have like zombie human creature people that were in charge of everything And they had their own, yeah, they had like their own government when they were trying to like have a, an island and they had like their own government in own military that showed that Crazy. Did crazy. I still liked it. I still enjoy it because I remember watching it with you and then I stopped watching and then I came back and then it was like. Crate there was like an outbreak and it was just insane. It wasn't a zombie about the girl. Yeah the nurse or Mortician mortician. Oh, she's yeah, she's assistant. She was gonna be a doctor Yeah Yeah, so if uh, you had any final words if you had one message to broadcast to the world during a zombie apocalypse What would it be and why? Run. Run. That's it. Oh man. I think I'd be like, I don't know. I want to say something stupid, but it'd probably be, I don't know. Don't bend over or something. Something corny. I would say something corny. Don't let the zombie pirate get your booty. Yeah. Don't let the zombie pirate get your booty. Double tap. Three rules. What rule is double tap? 2? 2. I think cardio is 1. Cardio is 1. 2 is double tap. And what was 3? Um, don't go to bathrooms. Don't go to bathrooms. Or something like that. It was like, don't go to bathrooms. Don't let your guard down in the bathroom. Yeah. Um, So let's talk about games and media like movies and games So which game mechanics would you want to use? Uh to survive a zombie apocalypse and how would you integrate them into your strategy like a like an actual game mechanic I think in real life if you had camera angles Like resident evil if you could only seize like a third Third, uh third person of you Going through corners. That'd be Horrifying like you it's like an outer experience of seeing yourself going down hallways I'm, like going crazy on it like you're at shrooms, bro But no, I'm not like like something like that. That would be insane. I think like inventory space Yeah, you would need to be able to carry like 15. Yeah 20 items Like six weapons be able to mix herbs to heal everything. I would like an inventory cash. Yeah. Yeah What's your I forgot the question. Oh my god, what game mechanics would you want to use to survive a zombie apocalypse? I think you, I think you kind of said it, maybe like, the, um, The crafting, like, oh, look, I found this berry. Let me turn it into a potion. You know, like the mixing and the crafting and the the hoarding and turning it into something different. You know, there's a good mechanic. I found this soup can. Let me turn it into a cell phone. Yeah, you're like, I have a rock and a stick. I can make an axe. Yeah. I have a stick and a string. I can make a bow. I can make a fishing pole. This isn't Minecraft. What is your favorite zombie apocalypse, apocalypse movie and why? Like what aspects of it, uh, do you think is more, uh, realistic and useful? Movie? Yeah. I think, uh, uh, I mean, I like Day of the Dead just because how it was just, The perception of it is like they went to the mall and this is the story of theirs. I mean, there's probably plenty of things happening throughout the world, but these guys were trying to survive in a mall and the chick got pregnant and it was just, I don't know. I thought that was interesting. It was just to see like the concept of one person, but I also did like zombie land how they're just living their life. You know, going to Bill Murray, Bill Murray's mansion and stuff. Yeah, that was a good one, too. Yeah. You what do they do? They stabbed him. He shot him, shot him. Yeah, he thought he was a zombie. Dressed up like a zombie. Who dresses up like a zombie in a zombie apocalypse? Um, smart people who don't want to die. Yeah, but he died eventually, but not because he dressed up as a zombie. Yeah, he's got shot. Yeah, he got shot because he was dressed up as a zombie. And when they broke into his house, he they thought he was a zombie. So they shot him. He probably wasn't expecting humans to break into his home. That's true. What about you? Um, I think Resident Evil is my go to comfort movie when I want to go to sleep. Really? Yeah. Which Resident Evil? One. One. Yeah, one will always be my comfort movie. I will settle for two. Two is okay. One's not on a streaming service. Yeah, two's okay. Yeah, I agree. Mine was gonna be Resident Evil 1 too, you know, they just went in there tried to save the world all tactical I'm a kill of it all army style. Let's go It got really weird at the end like on the the last one where there was just clones of the guy He's like which one's the real you? Yeah, they wanted to is The best out of the whole series. And then it starts getting crazy. It started getting silly. They were like, how do we branch off and make more money? What game, that's not a zombie game, would you like to turn into a zombie game? And how would you redesign it? Could you imagine your little Stardew Valley? Like farming for your life, but there's zombies you have to fight off. In Graveyard Keeper there's zombies. I make zombies in Graveyard Keeper and they help me. But this is not a game with zombies. It's a game that you want to incorporate with zombies. Maybe like Batman Arkham series with zombies instead of, instead of, um, like, Criminals and poison ivy. There's just like a zombie There's a poison ivy zombie A penguin zombie. Yeah, I would like to play cookie run zombies Yeah, I'll be a fun Type of game when you're running around is like a gingerbread cookie trying to kill some zombies Um, Pokemon was turned into a zombie movie, where all the Pokemon were like zombie, zombie fied. Yeah. And you gotta kill them before they can kill your, um, Pokemon and devour you. Oh, you know what would be cute? What if it was like an overcooked but zombies and instead of cooking like food, you're cooking like brains. Oh my god. What is it? You gotta make like a brain smoothie. But they had that one. The, the, the, the unbred. The unbred. See? Yeah.. The unbred. But you're cooking like a brain smoothie. Yeah, brain tacos. Yeah. It would be so easy 'cause there's only one ingredient. Brains. Yep. So I have um, like two more questions. Mm-Hmm.. So. How do you think zombie games compared to zombie movies in terms of immersion and fear factor? How do you think they compare to each other? Hmm, this is a hard one. I think games are scarier like more scary than uh movies because you're actually playing it like your Actions depict your your future like movies. It's all scripted. You're like, okay something's gonna happen here and I don't have control of it, but like I know like Blair Witch and like uh, Silent Hill aren't zombie movies, but those are some terrifying games that you you have to make actions I mean Resident Evil was horrifying at some points, you know, mm hmm. I think they're just The immersion of you controlling your own destinies scary as hell Yeah And I kind of piggyback off of that in movies you can kind of tell when a jump scares a jump scare is coming Yeah, like you the music kind of picks up you're trying to like your your heart Races a little bit like why is the music changing something's going to happen? They're about to jump scare me and oh look there it is so I feel like movies can build up that anticipation a little bit better But it's predictable Yeah I agree. You guys made very good points. I was gonna say The same for me at least they're both similar because You I get, I get sweaty when I watch a scary movie. Do you really? And when I'm playing a scary game, my hands get sweaty. Yeah, I don't know if other people do this, but when I watch scary movies, Like, at least for in like theaters that I've never seen before, I cover my ears. I could watch it, but I have to cover my ears, babe, because like the sound, because you know the music or the something tense up. Oh yeah. If I cover my ears, I don't hear that shit. So I'm like, okay. Oh, somebody pops in your face. Sounds stupid. But if I hear the sounds like, oh, I'm like, oh my God. Yeah. Yeah. Funny. This is funny. It wasn't a zombie movie, but when I, Shauna and I watched, um, the newest Evil Dead. Literally the whole movie, I was just like peeking through my fingers. The whole time. Yeah, we crushed that Evil Dead escape room. Shout out. Oh yeah, that was really fun. Gotta do a zombie one now. I know, right? There is an escape room. We're gonna do the potion one next, right? Or did we just do that? We did a magical one. We did the alchemy one. Yeah. Yeah. What was the next one? We're gonna do was it the horror one the horror one? Yeah, like the captain or the kid or something But I know that there is I don't know if that's still in seattle or if it's still like going on or if they closed But there was a an escape room where there wasn't like an actor who's chained to the wall as a zombie And each like 10 minutes the chain gets longer and longer and you need to get out before he gets you I swear i'd kick him in his face That'd probably be i'd be so scared. Yeah, i'd be in trouble. I'm pretty sweaty Yeah um so learning from games This is the last question Have you learned any real life skills or tactics from playing zombie games or watching zombie movies that you think could actually be useful? You Balls to the walls. I don't understand this concept. Double tap. Okay, yeah. Ruthless. Cardio. Cardio. Double tap. Double tap. Never let your guard down in a bathroom. Never let your guard down. Chop the heads off. Chop the heads off. Just go for it. I think Zombieland gave you a good set of guidelines to follow. It did, man. Rules to follow. Yeah. I wonder if there's like a full a full list of all the zombie land rules online somewhere. No, there is That's how I got the first like five I mean, I don't ask me what the other two are but I know the top three I think video games also teach you that you can't always trust civilizations or governments Yeah in a zombie apocalypse situation because in the end everyone's out for themselves Yeah, I mean all of it had to start from somewhere. So you definitely can't trust The government when it comes to zombies And sometimes, there's like, groups of just normal people who have put it on themselves to be some form of government over people and it's just not a good idea to fall in line with them. Yeah. Kind of just like, yeah, do your own thing, right? I'd be a total loner, wanderer. Yeah, I would say build, like, a community. But once that point comes to where there's like some form of leadership needs to be established because you guys can't Govern yourselves for some reason you get out. Yeah, I was thinking of a game when you said build us I forgot what it's called like seven days or something. Oh, yeah seven days to die. Yeah that games I mean, it's not like Perfect, but I've watched people play and that game's kind of terrifying too. Is that the one with the zombies are in it too? Every seven nights it gets crazy. Oh, yeah, they're coming and they come towards you and you have to like build like hordes or something Oh, yeah, i've seen that You know what? I'm kind of getting flashbacks off. It's not really zombies. But um Van Helsing, the series on Netflix where they're like up in the mountains. Aren't they vampires in that? Yeah, they're vampires. They're not really, like, you know, they're not zombies, but they legit, like, go up in the mountains and, like, try to get away from it because, like, you know, the sun and all that stuff. So that's kind of, like, flashing in my brain right now. I'm just trying to just Isolation. Yeah. Get away from, like, the mass population. Yeah There's this book that i've started reading. It's called weep And it's like basically how an outbreak starts in ireland and how They they called weepers the zombies. They're called weepers. They cry Yeah, so initially when it first happens in the book the crying like attracts people because they're like concerned Yeah, and then later on You Once, like, the main character, like, stuff happens, now everyone's terrified of that sound. But it's, I just think it's so interesting when it's, like, book form. Because it's so scary. Because your imagination, right? Yeah, it's like all you're just thinking about is just, like, crying zombies, and you're like, Yeah, it's terrifying. Oh, remember the other night? So, you know, when you, You have a plastic bottle and you rinse it out and you rinse it out with warm water and you put your cat back on it. Right, so in it, in the, the, like the pressure inside of it needs to escape. So, I did that and It was the middle of the night, everyone's asleep, and it starts making this crying sound. It was like a whiny, like it sounded like an old lady. Like it sounded like an old lady crying, like I can't mimic it, but I was standing in the kitchen and I was like, What the fuck is that? She called me over. I was like, do you hear this sound right now? And it sounded like it was coming, it was like throwing its voice. It sounded like it was outside the garage, not in the kitchen. It was terrifying. I thought that We left the garage open and there was some creature in my garage, right? Like crying to get in the house Yeah, it's just a stupid plastic bottle with the pressure releasing Because it did it like five times and we were standing right next to it like listening to it And it's just a pressure from inside. Yeah, cuz I like walked away. It's like I don't hear it I walked away and then I heard Yeah, it's just a plastic bottle. I'm like, what the fuck is that? It didn't sound like it was coming from the bag. So I just stayed there again. And I started walking away again. And it happened again. I walked up to the bag. And it did not sound like it was coming from the bag. I was freaked out. Like I was standing there. And I like legit stopped. And started just staring at my garage. Like, what the fuck is coming from me right now? I had to sound manly. I was like, no, it's nothing. I was like, oh god, no, it was a terrifying plastic bottle. Like yeah, next time you have a plastic bottle Rinse it out with warm water then put the cap back on and it will start like all the way though Yeah, but yeah, yeah, there's a pressure inside of it, right? but that's That's all that's all I got. That's all I mean, that's all I got for this this topic Okay, wait, but Say okay. Say there was an abandoned building. Okay, and You You would get paid every day for living in this building, and you, you could, um, fortitude it any way you wanted, but you had to survive at least a month against zombies. Like, would you do it, and how much would you want to be paid? If I, if I was, if I had to fortify a place and survive for a month. Like, just like a building. What stuff did I have to survive though? Like a, like a three story, you could use anything to fortify it. Like, there's no limitations. I, no, it's like a two story, like abandoned apartment and I could fortify it with anything. Yeah. With some titanium, with some, uh, an man. Yeah. Anything, anything really. I'm thinking you, it fortifying with amanti and atium like a, the Wolverine metal. You don't think a zombie would get in? No. How are they gonna get in with adamantium metal? Okay. You know, D Magneto. Yeah. You know what I'm thinking of, of the, I am legend where he has like the steel plates coming down. Oh, that was good. His windows and his doors, and he's like in his bathtub. With a shot. Oh, the dog? Yeah. But like it blocks like all the lights and stuff. That's what I would do. Every entry point. It would just be like, when you asked about an animal and it was like a zombie animal, I was like, all right, this is okay. But if I had to do like a normal animal, I could not do it. Mm-Hmm. I, I would, I could, I would be crushed. I changed my answer. Yeah. I changed my answer. For my zombie pet it'll be yummy Yeah, he'd still be fluffy right he'd be like in his big boy form like the 30 pound Cat and I would train him to be like go and he'd like go and attack somebody and rip him to shreds Well, you could put a bill on him and he could attract zombies. Oh my god, just stop it. Stop it there. Let's just cut it Don't hurt me Which is our kitty cat, by the way, you know, we just got him three weeks now a little ragdoll little ragdoll cat Yeah, but uh, go ahead. Shut us out Um first before we close out we would like to thank all of our listeners. Um our supporters Um, you guys are really what? Is making us like want to keep doing this And it was pretty crazy because I was looking we had like over 1200 impressions I don't know what that means, but we had like over 1200 people see our stuff It's pretty cool. Yeah, it's um, it's really, we're really grateful because we really like doing this and we hope we can keep doing this and it's really all up to whether you guys like listening to us and want to keep supporting us. Yeah. So thank you for, you know, listening to us. Yeah, I think we all went into this with the impression of, oh, you know, the first couple, we're only going to get maybe two or three people listening to us, but to see the numbers kind of grow, it's definitely cool. Yeah. We really like that. Thank you. So thank you. Hopefully you'll keep listening if you have any suggestions you can always Um, you know message us on instagram Um, give us an idea if you have something you want us to talk about Yeah, um, but as always this has been co op chronicles with pint sized geisha black label and me azalee Bye