Co-op Chronicles

Episode Six - Game Villains

June 15, 2024 Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi Episode 6
Episode Six - Game Villains
Co-op Chronicles
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Co-op Chronicles
Episode Six - Game Villains
Jun 15, 2024 Episode 6
Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi

In this episode of 'Co-op Chronicles,' we dive deep into the world of video game villains! From iconic baddies to underrated antagonists, we explore what makes these villains unforgettable and how they shape the games we love. Join us for a fun and thrilling discussion on the dark side of gaming! 

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In this episode of 'Co-op Chronicles,' we dive deep into the world of video game villains! From iconic baddies to underrated antagonists, we explore what makes these villains unforgettable and how they shape the games we love. Join us for a fun and thrilling discussion on the dark side of gaming! 

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This is Co Op Chronicles, episode six. Welcome back. This is Co Op Chronicles, episode six. I'm Pine Tides Geisha, and I have Black Label. Hello. And Azalee. Hello. And today's topic is Uh, villains. We're doing a best villain episode. Defining a great villain. Introduction. Um, what makes a great villain in a video game? Is it their backstory, their actions, their motivation, or something else? All of the above. All of the above. I'm gonna say the ruthlessness. The ruthlessness. How crazy insane you are in what you do with it. Mm hmm. I think not what, I think what defines a great villain is when a villain can Sort of persuade the good guy hero protagonist to Kind of go on to their side Um, it kind of shows that they're a really great villain in the sense that they're really charismatic like they can persuade even The hero to go on to their side. Yeah, that's a good one. Um as I, uh Might have mentioned before I I like their backstory You Seeing where they come from and how they, like Sephiroth, how he came back. He was a super soldier. He built for this. And then all of a sudden he snaps. It's just, and it shows Zack's and Cloud's storyline, and how they kind of were involved in that. It was just kind of an interesting concept of it. Yeah, uh, who was your favorite classic villain, and why? Anybody. Bowser. Bowser. How classic are we talking though? Just a classic game to you, whatever game you, it could be any game, let's just say, favorite villain in a game. Oh, you know what, um, I can never remember the number, is it 9? Final Fantasy 9 with Zidane and the, he has a tail. Is it 9? Yeah. And then the, the mom, the queen? She's like the Queen of Hearts type lady, right? I don't remember her name. She came off like her. What was her name? It was Dagger's Mom. And she was like Oh, I'm thinking of a different thing now. She was like cohorting with, um, the bad people to like take over the world. I can't remember her name. I don't know. What about you? Um It doesn't have to be a classic, I guess. Okay, well then, it's gonna be I don't know If many people play this, but it's Alice American McGee's game. Oh, yeah, I remember that game Yeah, I really like it. I like the villain who is the like therapist He like he orchestrates this entire thing to make Alice think that she's crazy. He's like a puppet guy at the end Yeah, she envisions him as like the puppeteer. His hand comes off and stuff. Yeah Yeah, I think that's a really good villain cuz he he uses his um Profession against her like he convinces her that she's crazy and that she like all this stuff is made up in her head And it's really just him feeding her this information and her young mind is just creating the story from it. Mm hmm Um, I would say What did I say I said Wesker's Wesker's right Albert Wesker's Albert Wesker's resident evil Yeah, because he was in the first one. He like betrayed everybody in the second one and then the third one he's just like everywhere he was pretty crazy and he always steered the The way the story went, in a way. I think the, the games in the movies are different, but I wish they used more of Wesker's, like, actual game personality in the movies. Because he would have been, like, way cooler. And he probably wouldn't have died that terrible death. Yeah, yeah. 100%. Um, can you recall any iconic moments or scenes involving a villain that left an impression on you? Hmm. Geisha, would you like to go? I'm just going to say like the classic, we're going to say the same thing. Yeah. Sephiroth, Sephiroth, Sephiroth. Um, Aries. Yeah. Just him slicing her right down the middle. Yeah. Unfortunately. Bring back memories for a black label. Yeah. Yeah. That wasn't a sad. Scene after re watching it though. They're all like blocky like And then he comes down and like that video of it is pretty cool Yeah, it's like way back in the day. Yeah, these young people wouldn't know And just a little tip or a little Behind the scenes here. This is the second time we're recording this so when black label said Oh, we're gonna say it again, or maybe you heard me say this before It's because we've did this once already and they forgot to push the correct button. They honestly didn't need to know that Well, then stop Stop saying, well, we're going to say the same thing then. Well, I think the story, I think it was fine until you brought it up. So please ignore her. I'm just saying just ignore her. I didn't make any mistake. I am a true professional for us. I'm a true professional. We're a little new, but this, um, let's say, uh, Discuss the origins of any villain that you liked or, uh, discuss the origins of a villain and uh, How did they become an antagonist? How do you recall that villain becoming evil? All right. My person is not evil nor is he a villain But he was a bad guy for a period of time in the anime and it's gill from seven deadly sins He was not a bad guy. He was just led to believe is gill the The one that wore the red armor the purple haired boy guy. No. Oh yeah. I know what you're talking about. Yeah. He's like a lilac color, but he wasn't a bad guy, but he was led to believe that Meliodas. Is he the thunder guy? Yeah. Yeah. He was a bad guy. So he was thinking he was the good guy on his side, but he was a good villain because he kind of like, did he ran with it? He was like, I got orders. I got to follow it. And he was a bad guy. He was a great bad guy until he became the good guy. Hmm. Dang. What about you, babe? If you don't got one, I got one. I got one, but I'm trying to figure out how to answer it. Yeah. What was the question again? Um discuss a villain and how did they become an antagonist that we know and fear? Oh, see, this is why I was kind of like, uh, I want to say the joker, but we really don't know Much about him much about him besides that like We know that he fell into the pit and then he became the joker after that But what was it before that broke to make him insane? He just kept making up stories about his mom Yeah, stuff like well, i'm not talking about the movie i'm talking about like the classic even in the comic didn't they? Mentioned about his mom or something. I don't know Yeah, he always played that trope. I think yeah, but the mom. Yeah, the origin of him is A question mark is not known but besides the fact like he fell into the toxic and now he's just this crazy lunatic, right? Yeah. Yeah. Um, man, who was I gonna say? I was gonna say somebody like off, it was, uh, I can't even think of the person now because I was listening to yours. Man, it was a good one too. Sorry. But I'll think of a villain that we know of here. Um, You know what just skip it cuz I can't even remember it was so good too like I knew who I was gonna say I can't I think they were from an anime Maybe we need to start getting like the shield guy. No, he that was a good one, but he wasn't a villain though let's see compare two villains and Who would who would you want them to or compare two villains to face off and who would win the face off and why? I still stick with my original Answer what so shalmaru and seth are off. You could you had time to change your answer. You're still sticking with this Oh my god, they're like my two favorites ridiculous They're like my two favorites. Yeah, they're pretty pretty cool people though. Yeah What about you? um, I would say they're very similar it's from halo the forerunners and the um Oh, the Covenant, like the Brutes. Oh yeah. I think they're like very similar, but it's interesting because like one is technologically advanced, so they're like, You know machines and the other is just like a brute. It's just a yeah Do you remember that you remember the game when the flood came that game was so scary at that time when we were kids I remember watching it and I was just like it was so terrifying. I didn't want to even play when the flood came I was like, no Yeah, that was terrifying to me the little the little creatures. Yeah flee like things and they would blow up. Yeah Yeah, yeah, it was terrifying. It's not even the big ones. I was yeah, just the little ones. Yeah um Let me think of, like, two villains that, uh, I would like to see. I guess I would like to see maybe Sephiroth, and then, hmm. Lady Miranda. That'd be pretty sick, too, because she was, like, unkillable, right? What's, not Lady Miranda, what's the other one's name? Lady Demetresque. Yeah, the big lady. Demetresque. Oh, yeah, they would have a baby That'd be cool, but I would want to see Yeah, lady miranda and sephiroth would be cool just because they both have the the wings and that fight would be epic Yeah, well, she's um She's part of the mold too, right? Yeah. Yeah. She's like, she's never gonna die. Yeah. So I guess he Yeah, it's hard to say jenova, right or geneva. Yeah. Yeah, so that'd be sick too. Yeah um, let's see Uh, whose motivations do you find more compelling and uh in a villain and relatable and why I mean it doesn't have to be Relatable, I guess just find something that's compelling that made you like, oh, that's a cool villain. They're pretty freaking cool A cool villain? A cool villain? I mean, any villain. That's relatable? Any villain that's, like, compelling, and that made you, like, like them, or made you hate them. I will say, um, a villain that I really despise, but they're very compelling was Kefka from Final Fantasy III. And uh, here I'll play a, I actually added his laugh in the sound, in the sound pad. Listen, I'll play it a few times. It sounds so obnoxious. That was his, that was his laugh in the 16 bit, freaking back in the day. Oh my god, that's so obnoxious, but he was, he was like, yeah, he was just known for fucking up stories. He was an interesting character. Very kooky. Yeah. I want to say mine, um, just because I can't remember. Okay. So, um, Kylo Ren. Just because like he has this enormous pressure like his family or whatever I don't really know his backstory so much, but I feel like he's ben kenobi Is he really? Yeah. Yeah He's a kenobi. I did not know that. Yeah He just has like this I don't know. Is he obi wan kenobi's son? No, he's um, just a blood relative. He's leia's and Which call it, oh yeah, sorry. Not, not in a Kenobi. He's a, yeah, a Ben. Oh, what's their last name? Skywalker? No, no. Solo. Ben Solo. He's a Han Solo son. Oh yeah. He's Han Solo son. He's Han solo son. Oh my God. We would've been brain fart. Princess Leia and Han's son. Right? That's right. Yeah. I remember because, yeah, because wasn't in there. Harrison Ford was in that movie. Yeah. Harrison Ford and Princess Le both represented their roles. R again, RRP. Yeah. But like, just because, I don't know, I, I liked him as a villain. I really did. I think it was a great. Like, backline? Backstory? Um, but just like, can you imagine? Who's sad? Fucking Princess Leia as your mom, and then, um, Han Solo as your dad. Mm hmm. Yeah, I feel like I don't know his backstory. Yeah, but I feel sorry for him, you know, that's yeah I'm kind of sympathetic for him What about you? I I like that answer. I didn't have one but god. I'm yeah, I would piggyback off of geisha That was really good Yeah, it was really good Oh my god, I feel bad for uh Eggman in sonic because he never wins I guess you could say that about a lot of villains that like you said didn't Oh You said once before a Team Rocket that you felt sympathy for them. Oh, yeah, that's true. I did say that. Yeah I feel bad because they never, they're never gonna win. They never win. Ash, Ash Ketchum or one of his little teammates They're always gonna kick their butt, but they come back with a hundred ten percent ready to fight. They do come back like so energetically. They do. They're like, we're gonna get this. And they're all like disguised and stuff. Sixty percent, they steal Pikachu, they're out of there, and then something along the way just comes in. Yeah, they're always focused on it. Um, let's say, if we could create a team of villains from any games, who would be in this team, and what would be their mission? Let's just say, like, four people. Hmm. Or I guess, wait. First of all, we need to decide the mission. So we're, we're villains, right? Uhhuh, , we're trying to take over the world take, is that what we're doing? Or we're trying to like murder everyone in the world? Mm. There's a big difference. Are we trying to rule or are we trying to Just trying to rule. Trying to destroy. Yeah. Trying to rule. Yeah. If you destroy, you have nobody to rule over. Yeah. It's pretty easy to do that. So let's say rule, how about we just say a team of three, since everybody gets to pick one? Okay. That's, I'm cool with that. Go ahead. What if we all picked one to make the team? No, that's what she's saying. That's still a team of three. Yeah. Yeah. Um, who wants to start? You go. You start me. Yeah. I'm going to say, uh, Oh, I got my answer. The first dude, man, what's his name in Elden Ring? The Godric the grafted. No, no, not Godric the grafted. The the king the one that turns into like a barbarian his second phase or actually the snake guy No, the one you what the the guy before you fight the Elden Lord the elder one that's in the tree Yeah, before you fight him before you fight him the one that's in the tree mog? No. Why do you say mog? Okay, nevermind. I, I can't even think of it'cause we haven't played it. But the game comes out. Google it. The DC comes out in fi. You know what? I am gonna Google it. Google it. D then have the As goal. The DLC comes out in five days. Yes, I know, but that has nothing to do with the the first. Yeah know. But I'm saying that I think I would do. This is video game and movie, right? I guess, I would do, um, Godfrey. Godfrey. It's Godfrey. Godfrey. Godfrey, yeah. I would do Loki, God of Mischief. Ooh. He would have your guys back. Can I retract mine? Yeah. Balder from freaking god award. Tell me his His bill he's I feel sympathy for that guy. Actually. I retract all my statements everything prior prior whatever Balder because his story was so sad with his mom and then he was just I want a motherfucking mission Yeah balder. Yeah balder. So we got balder loki. I have two I don't know who to pick you said three. So one so pick one They're both I would say, the Witch King of Angmar. Okay, okay, you know who that is? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's a mediocre answer, but okay I think that's a great answer. I think that's a great answer My other answer was the valkyrie queen from god of war the first god of war She's maybe that's a better answer, but I feel the witch king of anmar. It gives us no man can kill him Yeah, so only a woman can kill him and he rides on the nazgul. Yeah, what about um, What's the guy's name from god of war the main character? You I forgot. What do you mean? The main character. Like the protagonist? The one you're playing. No, Aeris is the son, right? Yeah. The one you're playing. No, the, um. The guy. The bald guy. What's his name again? Um. Cr uh, Cradles. Cradles. Oh, Cradles. Cradles. I was gonna say Cradles. Is he technically like a villain? Cause he was pretty freaking He was. Yeah. A villain. I would say he's a morally great antagonist. Okay. He's trying to be good now, you know, but he's pushed to He's made some bad decisions in his past. Yeah. So what is our Baldur, Loki, and Witch King of Angmar. Witch King. Witch King. Okay. Um, let's see What did I say? Well, they're missing. Okay, if you had to play a game from the villain's perspective Which game would it be and why? Or a movie I guess a movie. Yeah or an anime, you know anime I will say I think I said jafar before I think this is where we ended up. So we're all caught up right here, but i'm not gonna say jafar this one i'm gonna say Damn Um, I don't know Anybody got an answer before me? I got an answer. Okay, you go. Agent Smith. Oh! That's an interesting one because he was, um. He's a program. Yeah, and then he started coming too. He started building emotions and stuff. Yeah. He turned like AI. Chat GPT in it and stuff. Yeah. Yeah, that's interesting. That'd be a good one. Yeah, that would be a good one. Oh, so interesting. Hmm. I would probably do I don't know. I can't think of any, like, that one I would want to. I would, I, I would want to go from Baldur's perspective. Or Thor in that, in that game. But mainly Baldur's, cause he's like twisted in the head. So I would like to play as him. That would be pretty sick. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good one. Oh. Yeah. Well, my previous answer was, um, Amalur. The bad guy is not one particular per Well, it kind of is, but it's like a cult. Mm hmm. And they're all trying to raise Um, and I think it would be interesting to play from their point of view, because it's like, you're the bad guy trying to Like, I essentially destroy all of the worlds, but at the same time, like, you have like this intense faith and belief in raising something that you know is evil, and I think that's interesting. Instead of playing from a good guy's perspective of stopping them, you're trying to kill the good guy. Yeah. Um, that's a good answer. You know what I think is another good answer, but I'm not changing my answer? The brain from Baldur's Gate. Just the brain. Yeah. Oh, that'd be interesting. Even playing as, um, what's her name? Dammit. The girl. The girl. The assassin. Oh, Shadowheart? No, the, uh, the assassin. She, she's the assassin for Baal. The grits, the grits girl? Where she's like wearing all red, babe. The, the assassin chick, the murderer at the end. Oh, um. What's her name? Auryn. Auryn. Yes, Auryn would be sick. Yeah, guess she's not even an assassin. She's technically a cleric. No, Auryn. No, no, no, not her. Um, Shadowheart. Yeah, Shadowheart. Yeah, that's what it's like. She's not even an assassin. Auryn is like the, the disciple of the murder lord. Or Baal. Yeah, that'd be a good one. That would be a good one, yeah. Yeah, did I already ask, uh, which villain deserves a redemption arc or no? No. Okay, so which villain deserves a redemption arc and how would you design it? Now we're all squared away. Now we're caught up. Hannibal Lecter. See what he does when he doesn't eat people. Well, I mean they would still, it would still be that I guess a redemption arc. Yeah. I guess his redemption arc would be working with the police. And being a vegetarian. And just not eating people. And not just eating people. Just eating regular meat. He would be like a detective. And you'd be really good at like solving crime, and then in the back of his head, he'd be like, I just want to eat you. Yeah. I just want to eat your face right now. Yeah. I can tell you're a liar, I'm gonna devour you. Can I use my answer of Loki again? Cause I think, I mean, technically he kind of got his like spinoff series, but I feel like he could have done more. Cause that was all for like him is all for the greater good of what he did. But I think he deserves a redemption arc where he gets to be happy. Yeah. Yeah. I would like to see Baldur's redemption arc. I didn't play that game, but I, I watched multiple people. They, I watched like Jacksepticeye played. I watched, uh, The playthroughs where they don't talk and they just play. Those seem kind of boring to me. No commentary ones? I like those. I like those. You get the story more. Yeah, you're more involved. I like to watch scary movie gameplays and I like their commentary because it gets me scared. Or like their reactions. But I would like to see his story. How he was just twisted. If a villain had a pet, What kind of creature would it be? And what would its role be? A mogul. I mean, what, what villain would have a pet? Yeah, you just said a mogul. Isn't it mogul? Mogul? I don't know, but they're nice and cuddly and you think they're nice. But who would have this pet? I don't know. The villain. It says a villain had a pet. So I pick a villain. I pick a villain. Yeah, if a villain, oh I guess you, if a villain had a pet, what creature would it be? Okay. But just because they're cute and cuddly and you, you think that they're going to help you, but then I would have it like transform into like big, giant teeth and eat you. Okay. Isn't there like a creature that does that? They're like cute and cuddly and they just, it's kind of like a, um, one of those chests in boulders, like the mimics, you know, it's like a Gremlin, give it water after midnight. Feed it, I guess. Is the evil Gremlin technically a villain? After they turn green? I think they're just creatures. Yeah, they're just creatures. Their primary thing is to just destroy and be evil. Yeah. There's no thought process behind it. I would just like to see any villain with a I guess Man, I can't even think of one now. Well, there's the snake in Harry Potter. Nagiri. But we're thinking of a villain having its own type of pet. I mean, I guess the snake, um Yeah. I can't, I just want to see somebody write a chocobo. I was about to say, I was like, the Joker with a chocobo. Oh, that would be so funny, yeah. I would like to see that. That would be cute. That was going to be my answer. Yeah. What? Nevermind. I was going to say, what pet would you have if you were a villain? Hmm. Interesting. I'd have an alien. With my pet. Like the ones that like, Yeah, like from Alien. Oh, okay. It's the gorny reaver. I would have mine be the horse from Harry Potter that only you can see once you experience death. Oh, what's it called? Do you know what they're called? I don't know what it's called. You're looking at the wrong person. I can't remember their names. Oh, athestral. I would like athestral. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah. Perso, what is it called? The light? Oh, Patronas. Patronas. Yeah. Pet Expecto. Patron. Yeah. Um, yeah. What would yours be? Say Ch Ball. He did say CH Bowl. Oh, Chuck Ball. Yeah. Yeah. They're so cute. Yeah. If, uh, but that's like a friendly pet. Yeah. It's so cool though. The Basl is technically friendly. That's true. But it looks, it looks scary. It looks scary. But only if you've experienced death. Can you see, let's say any villain. If they took a vacation, where would they go and why and what would they do? Um I don't know. I would just say bowser bowser bowser bowser Bowser in the harry potter castle Oh, that'd be so funny just to just say no pipe learn to learn magic and stuff. Yeah Yeah, that'd be pretty good. Just because it's a bigger castle. That's why he has the what do they call the Chemic or emix those love the the magic magic ones. Yeah. Yeah, he doesn't need to learn magic He has followers that do it for him Uh, wait, I want to see go on a vacation That's a villain. Hmm I would like to see Sephiroth go on a vacation in like, like the Dragon Ball Z world or Naruto world. That'd be pretty cool. Just to see him fight these people and he's like, Fuck shit up. What are they doing with their hands and stuff and he's just like, Whatever, I'll slice you up. What about like Sephiroth in like a, uh, a Destiny world where it's all like first person and he's got this big ass sword? And you see it through his eyes, just Big ol sword, just shankin people. That'd be pretty cool. You got one? Um, oh I did. Oh, Noraku from Inuyasha. I would like to see him go to the Bahamas. Just with like a Hawaiian shirt on. Is that the little dude? Oh no, that's the villain villain. Yeah, like the villain. It's like the spider on his Like the miasma kind of guy. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's on his back. The spider on his back. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what hobby would your villain have in their spare time? I would like to see Sesshomaru, uh, crochet. Or not Sesshomaru, uh, Sephiroth crochet. Crochet. Yeah. Just like this. Make some little, um, moogles or moogles. The mog little crochet thing making a little crochet chocobo. Yeah, I would like a little cactus Oh, yeah, I would like to see that. Yeah, and the what's it called? Um, the marlboro Shout out to brian marlboros marlboros. Thank you brian for getting the name Because on the way home from when I was at the driving range that day when I was getting lit Had had like seven white claws Getting white girl wasted, you know, and then we got done with the driving range. We're chilling talking Um, and then I came home and I was like, on the way home, I was like, it's a Marlboro man, Marlboro. And then not even like 30 minutes later, Brian said, are you guys talking about the Marlboro? And he sent a picture and I was like, that's the one. That's the one from our last episode that we couldn't think of. That would be a good D& D character. Yeah. Like a Marlboro. Yeah. That'd be terrifying. Kind of reminds me of, um, Beholders. The Beholders. Yeah. Um, what would your villains do? I don't know. Does it have to be the same villain we picked last time? No. Any villain. Any villain. I would like to see Two Face, um, do pottery. Oh, I think that would heal his soul. Or what if he was split and torn and like tore at one side and Yeah. I think it would heal him. One side is all perfect. Mm-Hmm. And the other side is all like destroyed. He'd be a great artist. He gets to create it. Yeah. He'd be a great artist. He create it. Yeah. People buy his different meals. I think it would make him happy. Yeah. Yeah. What about you? Um, I would like to see. Palpatine takes swimming lessons. Oh, is that the wrinkly guy? He's already wrinkly, imagine how wrinkly he would be after. He's gotta wear a whole bodysuit. Oh yeah, that's just disturbing. That's nothing less. It's just a raisin. Um, what would your villain look like? Listen to what kind of music with it. I think sephiroth is like an edm rock hardcore No, actually, I think he's listened to what i've been listening to lately, but the lorna shore just freaking Like hardcore music I saw you use sleep token on the last post and i'm so proud of you You should listen to their song ascensionism. It's so good. I've been listening to i've been on i've been on a kick I've been listening to like token sleep token lona shore Um, what's that guy that won people with, uh, Alex the Terrible, I forgot their name, but they're, yeah, I've been listening to a lot of rock lately. I don't know why, but normally I listen to everything, but that's been on my, my, my list lately. Oh, yeah, they're so good. I love listening to their stuff. What was the question? Um, what would your, what type of music would your villain, would your villain listen to? The bar song? Oh yeah. Oh, Shaboosie? Shaboosie. Shaboosie. I feel like the tea. 1, 000 or T 1, 000, 1, 000, T 1, 000, the T 1, 000. We're listening to making my way downtown. When he's like running after he has to be doing that too. These boots were made for like pop songs, right? All girl, female pop songs. What about you? Um, I would say, um, Heh heh heh. I would, I think Bowser would jam to the, um, happy by Pharrell. Oh, yeah's a good one. Happy. Yeah, that'd be good. Um, or the Everything is awesome. Yeah. Oh, the Lego song? Yeah. Yeah, we do. Hey, hey, hey. We want get ki what, uh, , nothing. If, uh, your favorite villain had favorite food, what would it be and why? Well, who's my favorite villain? Shit, I would just think, okay. If you had a villain in mind. What would their favorite food be and why? Loki is a sophisticated gentleman. And he likes to eat sushi. Yeah, he seems like a like a caviar type of gentleman. Uh huh. He's an expensive man. I would say my overall, I think Shishomaru is like my my to go. Villain? Villain. Yeah. And I feel like he would grub on I don't know, dumplings? Dumplings. Yeah, are you stereotyping? I know i'm trying not to but that's like the first thing that came to mind, right? I want to do something that's not Yeah, I was I was no honestly I was thinking that sephiroth would be eating poke He would just have like two big ass masamune swords as like chopsticks Oh my god. Yeah Lady demijesque she would use her little fingernails She could she could Use me as a freaking chopstick. Oh my god big mama Um, what do you think a day in their life or what? Do you think a day in the life of your favorite villain looks like? Sephiroth wakes up. He's just and this is my favorite Sephiroth my favorite villain of all time. I don't care. He wakes up Makes a makes a morning cup of coffee He's like a sweet cream Type of guy iced coffee stirs stirs it up. Yeah matcha sweet cream foam Just stirs it up, you know puts on his slippers Goes out reads the newspaper lights up a freaking cig and just smokes drinks his coffee and then he's like, you know Let's fucking get this day going Hits up the gym a little bit comes back home and then puts his gear on he's ready fucking slicing people up Yep, that's that's his morning day Yeah I mean, technically, that's my morning day without, like, those cigarettes. That's why I was like, Hmm. Wake up, wake up, get some coffee, head to the gym. You guys like the same exact coffee. It's crazy that we like the same coffee. I don't understand. It's weird. It's like three creams and three sugars. Yeah. Come on guys. This is, this is a hard question. There's so many villains. Just your favorite villain. Just make up a good one or just pick a villain, you know? I would say, that, Bowser wakes up in the morning, rolls over, looks at his picture of Princess Peach, gives a little air kiss, A little wink. Yeah, and then he gets up, um, and he goes out onto his terrace, With his little I can see him wearing a robe. Yeah, he's got a robe, his little fuzzy bunny slippers on. And he just stares out into his like, lands of all his slaves. Oh my god. Not just slaves, his followers. He's out there grinding, technically. And he's just so proud of himself, he's just like And he just turns around and walks back inside. It's just been a day. Yeah. What about you? I don't have one. I don't know. What about, what would Sashomaru do in the morning? I feel like he would just wake up and he's very like quiet. I could see Sashomaru being like a mafia boss. Yeah, or like a Yakuza guy. Yeah. He's just kind of like dictating everything. It's quiet, just sits down, doesn't really talk. When I think of him, I think of him like, uh, what's that Bates guy? Or the murderer guy? Norman Bates? Norman Bates, where he makes his bed perfect. He's got the creases in his bed. Yeah, he's got the creases. He irons his sheets. And then He just seems like a weirdo to me. He seems like a crazy serial killer. Yeah, he does. He does. Um, let's say, let's talk about some personal experiences. So who was, uh, who was the first video game villain that truly scared you? It made an impact on you. So it could be one that scared you or just The first villain that made you remember like they were crazy. Oh my god I know or just or just the first villain that you can remember. What is it? Chucky That's a good fucking chucky like I couldn't I said video game villain, but I mean we're expanding. Okay, we're just in villain in general I remember my Dad and his girlfriend were watching it at the time and I was like They told me it was scary, right, but I went to the refrigerator, get something, and like, you know, when you have that moment, you open the fridge, and you're distracted, and you're standing there in front of it, and I started watching it, and then, I don't know what happened, but it was fucking scary, and I was like, fuck this, I'm out, and I left. Yeah. Yeah. I think, uh, I mean if we're not talking video games because I don't think video games really affected me until like later on because there was no really scary games back then. So I think that the first thing that scared me was probably, um, Freddy Krueger, Nightmare on Elm Street. I remember we went to a drive in theater and I watched it and I was like, um, I'm gonna be okay. And then when I got, I just had nightmares of that guy. It was terrifying. Um, it's not a particular Uh, villain. It's just an unnamed scary ghost thing, but Sean and I were just watching this scary gameplay this morning. And it was just like, just this like, like imposing, big monster, like evil bad guy. And it was just so scary because he would pop up every once in a while and I'd just be like, Oh my God. Like I jump sometimes and then I, sometimes Sean would jump and we were both just like laughing because it was so ridiculous. Yeah, it was so scary, but at the same time, like not scary. Yeah. Um, share some of the most memorable battles in a game. Uh, and that why I made it stand out. I'm going to obviously go with Sephiroth. Last fight, the song, like the soundtrack for that fight was crazy. And then, uh, you had your like ultimate break or whatever, your limit break it. And that fight was just amazing. Like it had like had levels and layers to that fight when you fought him. I mean, um, there's like other fights that stood out. Um, I remember It was in Final Fantasy VII. Um, and you get Vincent. I don't know if you guys know who Vincent is. Red cape, gun. And there was a fight in there. Of like, I forgot the name of the fight. But I just remember it being so hard. And it was like an unknown monster. I can't even remember the name of the monster. But it was like a crazy hard fight. And that was pretty memorable. Because I was like a kid doing this over and over. Yeah, it was a good fight. Yeah. For me, I want to say the Valkyrie Queen in, uh, God of War. Mm hmm. That fight was hard. Yeah. It was shit. Yeah. I remember just going, and going, and going, and over, and over, and over. And she's so, like, scary. It's just scary. She's scary, and she's a girl, which, a woman, which makes it even more, like, empowering, because I'm all about power. Powerful woman power power. Yeah, definitely, but I just remember I'm gonna Google it. I wonder if Google what she looks like she look. No, I know she looks like yeah, I know she looks like she looks What about a God? Yeah, what about you as I think? Mr. X is really scary to me. Any, any part of the game with him, even at the beginning when he's literally just walking around following you, it's terrifying to me. My heartbeat starts going super fast, and I'm just like, not breathing, sometimes just, Yeah, that's a good one. I do know a memorable fight Another one that was like recent. Um, I guess not super recent, but it was a radigan, radigan. Is it radigan? Radigan, right? The one where like he turns into a meteor and his little horse and comes down. Oh, I thought it was pronounced radigan. No, I think radigan is the The king that left the chick and radigan was like the guy, the son, but that was a good fight He was like you can yeah, it was a good fight the way it led up and what happens after you kill him with the stars It was really memorable Um, what are some of the best quotes or lines delivered by a video game villain? Do you guys remember anyone? I don't I don't remember any The only one I can only remember. Um team rocket blasting off again That's a good one. Yeah Um, let's let's talk about creative and hypothetical questions. Okay We're gonna design our own villain. If you could design your own video, video game villain or villain, what would they look like? I mean, what would they be like? And what would their powers and weaknesses be? I think mine, my powers would just be like a badass and like a ninja type of guy. Shadowy, like a rogue with magic. Yeah, just sick. And my weakness would be, um, Like puddles of water Like or ponds just something just water just water. Yeah, just something dumb. It's raining. Oh, no Can't go outside like just some stupid stuff Yeah, yeah. Yeah Um I think what mine would be um, like Kind of like the alien just like a creature like a four legged mobile creature And it can track you mostly by hearing. Uh huh. Those are Any type of creature that's like on four legs is terrifying. Yeah. They don't even have to be like scary looking. It's just like the concept of Like in Riddick. Like the Lickers. Yeah, Lickers. Or like Riddick. The ones that are in the night and they try to kill them. The little flying things. Ugh, creepy. What was it called? Peach Black? Pitch black and they were in Riddick too. Yeah. That's a good one. But yeah, and then I think my weakness would be like No, since hearing is my superpower. I think hearing would also be my weakness because high frequencies would just like You're going over the top right now, you're okay. Yeah Yeah, it's a double bladed. Yeah, double edged. Yeah. What about uh you miss geisha? Um, I think mine would look like the uh, witch From Destiny two. mm-Hmm. Kind of like big and overbearing, like Big Crown. Very regal. Um, Regal. Yeah, very regal. And like present, like I'm here bitches, you know, batches, hair batches, . Um, my weakness would be par threes. What the fuck is a par 3? I don't understand. Golf. Oh my god. Yeah, at 1. 30 in the wind blowing from the north to south. You gotta putt before you can kill someone. No, what would your weakness be? I was just thinking about golf for some reason. I don't know. Puddles of water. No. Fluffy pillows. Maybe like Marshmallows. Marshmallows. Cake. Cake. Cake. Weddings. Oh, from the, uh, Jungle Book, right? Not Jungle Book, um Jumanji. Jumanji. His weakness is cake. Yeah. He blew up after eating cake. This is good. What is it? It's cake. Okay, um, what would, uh, be? The ultimate villain lair what types of traps would contain in it I think mine would be a tower with just levels that each level you would have to beat a different game kind of like um, kind of like um Forgot the guy the streamer's name the hobbit or something And uh, he has to beat all the the souls games without dying or taking a hit without taking a hit Start all over or he has to start over. Yeah, so he beats like Demon souls dark souls 1, 2, 3, uh, what is it called? Sekiro? Yeah. Um, then he beats Floodborne, yeah, Elden Ring, without getting hit. And if you get hit, you gotta start back over again! From the beginning. At that point, the villain has already changed layers. Yeah. But that would be a cool, that would be like my challenge. That would be sick. Yeah. Mine would kind of be like the, uh, tunnel in Lord of the Rings, the Return of the King, when it's like the big spider and you go in the tunnel and it's dark and creepy, you can't hear anything, there's sticky spider webs all over, you know, and you get lost. Lost in the sauce in this big ass mountain like that would be mine Like you have to find your way in the dark without getting stuck on this sticky spider web with no light Lord of the Ring the Hobbit had it too. Didn't they have like the trees? Remember they had the trees They went in the forest and there were spiders in the forest Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was a good one. Yeah, but this is like the big, big, big spider. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. I forget the name. The one where, uh, Gollum took him, right? Yeah. Yeah. Gollum led him into the cave. There's so many weird names for Lord of the Rings, like, characters and creatures. Yeah. I don't know. That would be mine. Hmm. Do you have one? I think I would make my, the entrance to my villain's lair would probably be an SCP foundation, um, building with all the SCPs. Some of them released, some of them not released, and they have to, like, figure out how to, like, navigate the, like, floors to get to me. Those would be, like, a puzzle. That's pretty cool. Yeah, I like that. I like that. Kind of like a Tomb Raider, right? Where you got to figure out all these puzzles first. Yeah, more like trying to avoid dying from the SCPs. What would be a Okay, if you were a villain, what would your grand scheme be to take over the world? What would, what would you do? To take over the world. I'm pretty corny. So I would have the still from a previous villain. So I don't know right now. So I would pretend to be a good guy in the first act um, kind of like megamind Where the good guy was a good guy and then he kind of went crazy and then he turned bad after he had his moment of Being away. Yeah, and then he became the good guy No, megamind was the good. No, he became yeah, but like Yeah the good guy in that movie. Yeah, it wasn't a Brad Pitt. Retired and then, I think so. But I would do that. I would pretend to be a good guy and then trick them. Now you're in my clutches. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. Mine would be more of like, for lack of better words, kind of like manipulation. Like kind of pitting people against people to do my dirty work. And I'm just sitting back like watching the, The people tear each other apart. Yeah, mine would be like, um, death note. You know how he, he, he had the book. He'd just write everybody's name in a book. If you don't do this for me, I will write your name. Yeah, I, like, you have to do this. You kill someone close to them so that they get the idea. Exactly. Like, remember when he was, he couldn't, he couldn't kill the prisoners without their names. Yeah. But then once it, yeah. Yeah, I'd be like that. Villains in different games. So let's get to genre specific villains. Discuss how a villain differs across game genres like in RPGs or Souls like games. Which, which one of these genres do you think produces the best villain? I personally think RPGs produce the best villains, but I think soul games from what I've played so far and seen look better. But like RPGs, they build up. You learn so much about the game. You learn more about the story of why this villain is doing it. So it kind of leads you to connect with like the protagonist more and understand like, why? Yeah, why would you do this? I hate you. You're a bad guy. But Souls games, man, their villains are sick looking. Yeah, pretty sick looking. I think because their world is so make believe that you can have your villain look like anything except for like instead of a normal person Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah, okay, okay, are there any underrated villains or under looked That you think deserve more recognition Hmm What's the villain from, um, Thor, his sister? Oh, Hela. Hela? Is it Hela? The movie? Yeah. I think it is Hela. Helena? Helena? No, definitely not Helena. I think it's Hela. Yeah. The one with the cool helmet. Yeah. Or you know what? Um, um, Yeah. That one. Bellatrix Lestrange. Oh, she's crazy. Yeah, that is. Yeah, yeah. She is underlooked and underrated when comparing her to, uh, we shall not say his name. Voldemort. Um, but yeah. Yeah, she's a good one. I think she can, she can stand toe to toe to Voldemort himself. Yeah. Yeah, she's pretty crazy. She's pretty good. I think, uh, Iago is very underlooked. I think he's under looked for it. Yeah. Underrated. Um, let's talk about some villain. I didn't go. I got nothing. You don't got nothing. My bad. I apologize. Um, if you could invite any three villains to a dinner party, who would they be and why? We each come up with one. Okay. Yeah. Let's each come up with one. Um, awesome. Awesome. Great answers. I'm thinking, um, this is a toughie. I gotta think about it. Who would I want to have a dinner party with? Yeah. I would want to have a dinner party, I guess with, um, the queen of hearts. Cause she's nuts. And it's like from that era of like that Mad Hatter. So I have like a dinner party and she's nuts. She would hate it. She would hate it. She would hate it. It would be good. It would be good. Or, um, Cruella de Vil. Cruella de Vil. Yeah. She would be a good one. She would be so mean. Mm hmm. Is that, is that Yammy over there? No, he's one of the Dalmatians, so she won't care. Yeah, he's a cat. Yeah, that's true, but whatever. Um, Mr. Freeze. Like the Arnold Sportsm, yeah the Arnold Sportsmator, Mr. Freeze, where he's like in his pajamas, like making them sing, and he's like happy. I'm an ice guy. Yeah. Get it? Ice? I'm an ice guy. Oh my god. Corny. I would want, I would want Joker, but The Lego Joker. Oh, yeah. That's good. The Lego Joker is good. It's so funny. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And him and Mr. Freeze could have something to talk about. Yep. Okay. Okay. So, um, if these villains had regular day jobs, or if, pick a villain that had, uh, and explain what their regular day job would be, and what would they, yeah, what would they be doing? What would they be doing? Um, I could see, like, Mr. Freeze just having an ice cream shop, like Baskin Robbins, or like Cold Stones. Just In the back, what would you, what would you like? You know, just Scoop an ice cream? You want some chocolate? I don't know how to do Arnold's stuff, but you know, something like that. I think Mr. X would be, um, a tax agent. He would do people's tax. Oh my god, that would be crazy. With his fedora or whatever. Doesn't he have a fedora? He does. He does. He has really go like a suit. Yeah. Like a trench coat. Yeah. Just type in a way. Yeah. No words though. He just types just, and then gives it to them and they don't say nothing. And he just looks at them. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I would say Sauron. In like the old school record shops like we have like DJs. No, not a DJ. No, like vinyl. Yeah, just in the record shop, like listening to some music. Like a hippie or something. He looks like a hippie. Yeah, that's a good, yeah. Okay, if you could see a villain appear in one game, like a different game, uh, what game would it be and uh, who would it be? Like who would you want to see from this game to this game? I want to see Sonic in, uh, Elden Ring. Sonic's not a bad guy. No, I, I want to see him be the, the Maidenless. Sonic would be the Maidenless in Elden Ring. But you said a villain. You did say a villain. Oh, I did say villain. You said one villain, which you take the toaster. Yeah, you gotta put one villain from one game into a good answer, though. That would be pretty funny. I would take alien, the alien, and I'd put it in Um, probably Halo. Oh no, you're gonna say like Mario. I think it would fit in. But also, it would be like the craziest thing because it's kind of like the Flood, because they would like, implant the the thing. Do you think the alien would kill Master Chief? Probably. Maybe, yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think so. Because he doesn't know, well, no, because Master Chief is fast. He's a badass, though, too. And he's strong? Yeah. He's a super soldier type of thing. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Look, if Ribley can outsmart the alien, so can Master Chief. 100%. Definitely. Definitely. I'd put Gollum in Sonic. With all the gold rings. Oh no. Dude, that's such a good answer. He'd go crazy. Jesus, man. That answer is like hoarding all these rings. but then not have it, because they would disappear once he reaches them. Yeah, so he would just go insane trying to keep getting these rings. Such a good answer. Man, now I can't even think of anybody. A villain in a different game. Hmm. Yeah, I got nothing. I think yours is the best one. Okay Um, if a villain in movies or we'll talk about villains in movies Which video game villain would you like to see in a a movie and why? Or which movie and why? I want to see sushomaru in um, Terminator Just hack and slash everything in terminator Yeah, yeah, but it doesn't go hand in hand. It doesn't need to go hand in hand eight or No, okay the the second terminator where he's like the liquid and he just keeps coming back together, you know Shishomaru has a knife and just slash him and he just keeps coming back Yeah, okay. Okay. It doesn't need to make sense. You're right. It doesn't even make sense. Okay I would like to see the joker in uh Barbie. No, like, ooh, that'd be good. No, like, the Joker and the Waterworld. Or something. Or somebody in the Waterworld. Any villain in Waterworld with Kevin Costner. And just see how they survive. And how they be like, bad guys. You know? Yeah, that'd be good. Or like a Mad Max movie or something. Joker and Mad Max? Oh my god, that'd be pretty cool. He'd be the big boss, yeah. This character is not a video game character, but they're a villain. I would like to see Syndrome Okay. Yep. Incredibles. I would put him in the Justice League Like the movie. Okay, and I would just like to see him try and be like a bad superhero But be a superhero in that movie. Yeah, that'd be good. Yeah Okay, um Which Or sorry, if your villain watched movies, what would their favorite movie be? Like what villain and what movie? What would it be? Sauron would love, um, what's that movie? Um, Ruby and Michelle's high school grad reunion. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's pretty good. The two girls. Yeah And they go back to high school and they like to pretend to invent post it notes Yeah, that would be his like just sitting there watching this movie Yeah, what about you? I think I think Jason Voorhees would really like rom coms. I can imagine watching like 27 dresses And just like being so mad at the sister Because she always is so mean to her other sister. Yeah, that's what they would, that would be their favorite movie. Yeah, I think so. I think it would uplift him. Man, I can't think of a, like a Villain, like I would say Kafka, but you guys don't even know who Kafka is. I know who Kafka is. Yeah.. Yeah. But I would say Kfka and he would be like a Hobbit fan. He'd probably watch all the Hobb, like the Hobbit movies. Mm-Hmm.. Yeah. Because yeah, he seems like he's from that type of world, he would like the bad guys. Yeah. But um, honestly, we kind of flew by, I mean, we didn't even fly by. It's like 54 minutes in. But, uh, I got. One more question. Summarize your thoughts on what makes a great villain and why they're essential to make a compelling game. Why, why it's important to have a good, bad guy. I think it kind of goes back to what you said, right? Like from software, they have really great villain designs, but their stories are very short and very minimal. Right. Yeah. And they kind of all. Do they all kind of tie in together? Yeah, they have, they create this one big universe lore, right? For like the RPG game, like you said, there's one bad guy. There's one that you're chasing after and everything that's happened, everything that you're doing, all the side missions, all the side boss are leading up to that person, right? So I feel like there's definitely a lot of Pros to both and definitely cons to both as well. I personally like the from sophomore where There's these little software. That's what I said from software. Okay Sorry, I thought you said from sophomore. You slurred your words a little bit. Yeah, sorry. Whatever. I used to stutter when I was a kid, okay? Stutter. Stutter, whatever. Geez, Zach. You big bully. Yeah, you're such a bully. Anyways. You're beautiful. I like the, you have to piece the puzzle together by yourself. Yeah. And it's not given to you. Yeah, that's a good answer. Yeah. What about you? I think Villains are necessary to drive anybody's story. It doesn't even have to be a hero. Like, you have side characters that are helping to stop the bad person or fight against, or like, rise up against. Um, I think it gives, it gives people purpose when you have a bad guy. If you have no antagonist, you don't really have people helping you. wanting to do anything great. Yeah, that's, that's a good answer. Yeah. If you, if you don't have a bet, if you don't have a, a reason to do good, why, why do good? Yeah. And like, while you're kind of saying your answer as I kind of got that image of Lord of the Rings, like Sauron, like Sauron was the bad guy, the main bad guy, but he united like all these different races to go after this one person. Yeah. That's a great answer. That's a great answer. I mean, uh, I think villains are good because they add, uh, some sort of, um, emotional attachment to you find something why this good guy wants to do good to stop this bad guy. But then you also want to know why this bad guy is doing it. Like, like for instance, um, what's his name? The ice guy in Batman. Mr. Freeze. Mr. Freeze. He's doing it for to save his wife. So you kind of like get you get a story of like why he's being like a bad guy and you kind of like relate to him and then Batman kind of understands but he's like yo you can't be a fucking prick you know so I think I guess it's just piggyback off you you need to have a good villain to have a good good guy yeah yeah but um that's pretty much it that's all I had um Do we have any, do we have a topic that we want to do for next episode so we can let them know what we're talking about? What was the next one we were going to talk about? It's the fantasy world idea. Are we going to start telling people our topics? Or we never have so far. Yeah, I guess we won't tell anybody. I was just trying to give them a sneak peek, but I guess, yeah, we can't. My idea was ghosts, like, games with ghosts in it. Yeah, maybe that'll be like, for the future. I mean, we could just try Well, you just need to edit all this out now. No, I'm not I'm gonna keep it out there. They can they can be prepared. Maybe they can give us advice. Yeah. Yeah. So I think it's cool. We can post something about it and then they could give ideas. Well, yeah, follow us on Instagram. Give us comments. Tell us what to talk about. PintSizeGayShowTTV I am dot black label on Instagram. Yeah. Co op Chronicles. Co op Chronicles. Hindsight's Geisha on Twitch. Black label on scored TV on Twitch. But I don't know. Just talk to us. Yeah. We'd like your opinion. Yeah. It'd be pretty cool. Definitely. All right. You want to close us out as Lee? Thank you for listening. Um, this has been Co Op Chronicles, and as always with me, I had pint sized geisha, and black label, and me, Azalee. Bye!