Co-op Chronicles

Episode Seven - Fantasy Worlds

June 22, 2024 Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi Episode 7
Episode Seven - Fantasy Worlds
Co-op Chronicles
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Co-op Chronicles
Episode Seven - Fantasy Worlds
Jun 22, 2024 Episode 7
Blacklabel, PintsizedGeisha & Azzi

In this episode of Co-op Chronicles, we explore choosing the perfect video game or fantasy world to call home, hilarious daily routines and unique activities in these worlds, managing inventories, respawning in awkward places, and quirky NPC interactions. We also discuss epic boss battles, unexpected allies, and ultimate weapons with funny effects, customizing characters with ridiculous outfits, and discovering hidden Easter eggs. Fun hypothetical scenarios, including game world vacations and pulling pranks on iconic villains, add to the excitement.

Get ready for a laughter-filled discussion as we imagine life in the most epic and entertaining game worlds. Plus, hear our thoughts on some of the funniest and most unexpected encounters in these fantastical realms.

Tune in and join the fun as we escape reality and dive into the pixelated paradise of our dreams! And don't forget, our podcast on Spotify now includes video—expect a better and more engaging experience in the upcoming episodes.

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In this episode of Co-op Chronicles, we explore choosing the perfect video game or fantasy world to call home, hilarious daily routines and unique activities in these worlds, managing inventories, respawning in awkward places, and quirky NPC interactions. We also discuss epic boss battles, unexpected allies, and ultimate weapons with funny effects, customizing characters with ridiculous outfits, and discovering hidden Easter eggs. Fun hypothetical scenarios, including game world vacations and pulling pranks on iconic villains, add to the excitement.

Get ready for a laughter-filled discussion as we imagine life in the most epic and entertaining game worlds. Plus, hear our thoughts on some of the funniest and most unexpected encounters in these fantastical realms.

Tune in and join the fun as we escape reality and dive into the pixelated paradise of our dreams! And don't forget, our podcast on Spotify now includes video—expect a better and more engaging experience in the upcoming episodes.

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This is Co op Chronicles episode 7. Welcome back to Co op Chronicles. This is episode 7. I am Pint Eyed Geisha and I have Black Label. Hello. And Azalee. Hello. And today is A fantasy world living, being, surviving there. Yeah. Let me move this mic. Yeah, so, uh I'm gonna start off with some questions. It's about basically, you know What fantasy world would you like to live in? So i'll start off. Um with you geisha, uh If you could live in any video game or fantasy world Um, which would it be in and what why? That's such a hard question Because there's so many good ones. My first initial thought was would be like lord of the rings That one, but then Sailor Moon would be pretty cool too. I'd definitely be a Sailor Scout. Yeah. Uh, Inuyasha would be a good one. Harry Potter. Zelda. There's so many good ones, but my first initial one would be Lord of the Rings. Yeah, Lord of the Rings would be a good one. Mm hmm. Why? Um, because I want to be an elf. I want to be an elf in D& D. I'm always an elf. I'm the same elf every single time. And I don't know, I think it's full of magic and wonder and golem, goblins, goblins and golem and I don't know, dragons and dwarves and it would just be magical. Yeah. I'd be magical because I'd be an elf. What about you? I think my, my first thought is just immediately Harry Potter. I just really want to do magic. Yeah. I want to ride a broom. Simple. Straight to the point. Yeah. Okay. I think, uh, I think I would be like in Final Fantasy, like, again, I would like to ride a chocobo. Yeah. And I would like to have like some amazing hair, like Cloud, because you know my hairlines were sleeping, and uh, Cloud got that gravity defying hair just, yeah, I would like, I would like that. Or Sephiroth, he has beautiful hair. It'd be so funny to just picture you, you gotta get a wig and then put the hair like that. Oh yeah. Just to see what it would look like. Yeah, gotta do that. Yeah, I think I'll do that. Um, how Would you handle respawning after a defeat? And uh, have you ever ima imagined like a, uh, awkward phase of respawning? Or like an awkward place of respawning? Respawning, right? Is it respawning? Yeah, respawning. Yeah, like after you, like after you die and you respawn, you know? Respawn, yeah. Or are you talking like Like, um, I think maybe it's Halo where you respawn at different locations or like saving point. Here, I'll ask a different question. Alright, um, what would you, what would a typical day look like in your chosen world? What would you have, like, would you have any activities or any routines that you would want to do? But just keep in mind, I'm going to ask that other question again. No? Anybody? You want me to go? I'll go. So, um, I think like in a Final Fantasy, um, Which Final Fantasy 7? Any, any Final Fantasy, because they all can summon. Just the world. They can all summon, yeah, in the world. Like I would start my day off by like, you know, having a morning cup of coffee, talking to the Moogles, summoning, summoning Ifrit, asking him how, how's his day going, you know, and then I'll just go like, slay some little, Little cactuses and level up, you know, and then Marlboros in the Marlboros and just finish my day off just Eating some food, you know resting at the ends, you know, something like that. Yeah, I Think I would either one want to be a student still so I could like just go through classes at Hogwarts because I think that would be really fun or I would like already be out of school and You I would want to do my dream job of like, hunting poachers, like in the game. So you like, stop poachers from getting magical creatures and help save them and rehabilitate them. Rehabilitate them? Yeah. Um for me, Um, what, you know how there's three different, Races of elves, right? And I don't know which one I want to be. I don't want to be in the woods. So probably Rivendell, right? I'd wake up to birds a singing. Birds are singing. Birds are singing and tweeting about and everybody's happy and Maybe I'd go down and get some breakfast with some some flute playing What the in the background? All knowing why you have like something. I guess you wouldn't have a mission. You're just living there No, wait, I would be like a warrior. I'd be like, okay, I gotta go kill some gollum gob goblins I keep only saying gollum goblins that came into our our territory here. You'd be on like a Watch, watch duty. Yeah, be on the watch duty, but that's how I wake up. I wake up with like birds a singing and flutes a playing. Just a beautiful waterfall in the background. All majestic morning, and then I go out and kill a few Goblins come back all bloody and do it again. Sick. Yeah, sick story. Just have a cup of coffee. What about you? I already said. Did you say it? Yeah, she would be a student still. I would be a student or I would stop poachers. Yeah. Yeah. Because I said poaching. Yeah, that's right. So again, how would you handle respawning after a defeat? Have you ever imagined respawning in an awkward place? I wouldn't be defeated. Oh, okay. So you can just skip this question then. Um, hmm. Awkward places to respawn? Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Maybe, like, I would, I would hate, it wouldn't be awkward, but I would hate to respawn in the forest. I mean, it doesn't have to be in the same world, though. You could think of like another, yeah, you could think of another place, like another game, another venue or something. That would be weird. Oh, I think, I think, uh, like respawning in World of Warcraft, like in a goblin camp, because normally you respawn in like, uh, the graveyard, the little graveyard angel person, and they just run up to your body. But like respawning just like in a camp. Just a bunch of monsters. Yeah. That'd be pretty, I just think it'd be weird or pretty cool. Like they're cooking and you're like, Hey, what's up? I don't know. I don't know. I would not handle respawning. Well, I would freak out if it was in some unknown place. I was just like, this is not where I died. I, I don't know if this answers your question, but I would hate to be respawned in pan's labyrinth. Oh, I mean, that's still a different world. Yeah, that'd be interesting. Yeah, like I would hate to, or what's that? The old classic labyrinth? With the guy with the white hair and like all the, I'd hate to spawn in there. Mm hmm. That would be creepy. Mm hmm. Yeah. Um, how would you manage your inventory? What would, uh, what would you be the type, or, would you be the type to carry everything, or would you keep it like minimal? Are you gonna be like one of those people that just hoard everything? Like, uh I, for instance, think, uh, Like, it'd be cool, like, in Diablo, you would make extra characters, just to, like, have items, like, mules. So I'll just have, like, extra A line of mules like that in Baldur's Gate, though? Like, you just give your NPCs all the Yeah, exactly, yeah, I would just have, like, a mule, like, just carry my stuff, like, Hmm, you bot, take this, hold this. You're my companion, but you're my carrying stuff. Yeah. Um, I don't do that. I, well, when it comes to like, uh, gear, I just keep the most like highly rated. That would give me the boost in stats, but I do like to hoard. If it's like food items to give you strength, I hoard that stuff. Yeah. I'm kind of the same. Like, equipment wise, I will get rid of armor, weapon wise, I would save everything just in case I want to mix it up. Crafting materials, I save everything. I'd go out with like nothing and then just loot everything and hoard it and bring it back. Um, who would be the most interesting NPCs you'd have a daily interaction with in any funny conversations or quirks they might have? Can you think of any character, I can think of a character that I think would just be funny to talk to all the time. On Diablo, Deckard Cain, do you know Deckard Cain? Oh yeah. He's like, stay a while and listen. Yeah, he's like full of stories. Bro, you say that all the time. You say that every day, what do you mean? Oh, my camera's shaking because I'm bouncing my leg. Yeah, you're bouncing your stuff. I think, um, I don't know the characters names. I can't think of it right now, but the guys from Red vs. Blue. I would love to have them as like, just like, like, uh, part of my crew, because they would make me laugh so hard and they're just so dumb. That, that would be great though, that would be a good one. Um, I think for me it would be Cid, because he's like in every single Final Fantasy. Do you ever get to? He's always an NPC, isn't he? He has, he has good lines. Yeah, and he's kind of like blunt, you know. Mm hmm. I think I'd pick Cid. That's a good one. I like that one. Yeah, um, Which character from your chosen world would you choose as your sidekick and what kind of adventures or mischief would you get into together? Hmm, I would pick Toad. From the Mario Bros. movie. Oh my god, the movie one. We're going on an adventure. Oh god, his voice. I love it. I love it. What about you? Come back to me. I would think Final Fantasy IX. I would have Vivi. Little VB as my sidekick and we just run around and we casting little fireballs or whatever at people and like, bro, Bro, you cast fire on that tree, now the forest is on fire. Something stupid like that. I don't know. I think it'll be funny. Yeah, don't be taking mine. I don't know. Who would my sidekick be? There's so much to choose from. I mean, we could escape you. Who's your favorite character in like a game? And you're like, oh, that would be a great sidekick. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Um, I have so many. Like my first one was, uh, the Witch King of Angmar. I really like him. Like, he's my go to, right? He's scary, but then I was like, maybe Shomaru, but then he's too like, oh, serious, you know? And then maybe like a Sailor Scout, maybe like Sailor, um, I don't know. Saturn? She's like death in the void. But I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. Uh, okay. Too many to pick. Yeah, yeah. Would you have a nemesis in the world? Uh, describe your showdowns or, or who would your nemesis be? Hmm. Obviously Sephiroth. If I'm in Final Fantasy world in general, Sephiroth. Sephiroth. I mean, I say his name in every episode. Yeah. Probably. Probably. So Sephiroth. Yeah. He would be my, uh, nemesis. Yeah. Understandable. Nice hair, bro. I'm trying to think. Do you know anything, Ezalee? I'm trying to think. I'm like, I feel like I would be so nice. Who would want to be my enemy? I don't know. Just find somebody goofy. Goofy. Yeah. I'm trying to think of like, who is the most annoying character I can think of. That would be my enemy. Hmm. I think I think the Joker would be a funny one. Oh yeah, he's scary too. Yeah, it'd be like hilarious, cause it's just like, the Joker. But, it's terrifying cause he's the Joker. Um Wait, I have an answer! No, I was, okay. Sidekick, my sidekick answer is Shippo from, um, Inuyasha. Yes, he would definitely be my, he's a little, little, little fox. Yeah, he would be my sidekick, definitely Shippo. And my nemesis would be Draco. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what kind of quirky or ridiculous sidequests would you have to embark in your chosen world? Yeah. Uh, I can only think of like, just, I mean, you don't have to think of something like that, I mean, I know it's kind of hard, but I, I, War of the Warcraft, do something stupid, like find some booties, like kill some animals and take their booty. Just slice their booties off. Like a pig butt, like a roast. Yeah, I need like 15 bear booties. People mount horns. Black Label's character just mounts booties. Yeah, but just mount booties, something stupid. I don't know. I, I would want, um, they're like, I need to make this soup, but I need these mushrooms, and they're like all across It's a, like, landscape, and so you have to, like, travel to really scary places just picking mushrooms. Mm hmm. And you have, like, a little book of pictures, and you're like, you and your sidekick are like, Does this look like the mushroom? Is that the one? Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. I think it'd be pretty fun. Yeah. Mine is kind of similar to yours. My first immediate thought was potatoes. We'd go on an adventure for potatoes because you smash them and boil them and put them in a stew. So many things. You got to find all these, every fricking potato. No, that's from Lord of the Rings. He's like po tay toe. What? What am I thinking about? I don't know, but he, Samwise Gamgee is like, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You smash him up, put him in a stew. We'd go hunting for potatoes. Unfortunately, Stardew doesn't have cool lines like that. Yeah. Yep, um, What, okay, you, You have to pick a boss fight. Um, which boss would you, uh, want to fight and how would you prepare? Or, what would your strategy be? My boss fight would be against the Legend in Stardew Valley cause it is so hard to catch that fish. It takes me at least 10 minutes. So it's just catching a fish with your boss battle? Yeah, that's my boss battle. Me training to throw a fishing line and to like reel it in. Cause it, the fish goes up and down. You gotta get that foregreen. Yeah, it is really hard. Especially when it's like bouncing, bouncing. Up, down, up, down. It's the hardest fish to catch. Good luck. Yeah. What about you? Yeah. I don't, um, Do you want me to come back to you? Yeah. Uh, I would think of, uh, Diablo. From Diablo. Like, uh, I would just fill up on some potions and then my strategy would just run around in circles, screaming, hoping my traps would kill him. Or some sort of spell I cast would kill him. Just, yeah. I mean, you gotta think. You're physically there. Just running around Yeah, you're gonna get tired. I mean, there's no endurance bar in Diablo so I can just run forever You know, yeah I'm trying to think like I'd pick the easiest boss And how would prepare would be like nothing because it's so easy I would take the easiest boss and I'm trying to think of Like Bloodborne, what was the easiest boss in Bloodborne? They're all pretty hard. They're all pretty hard. They're all pretty hard. Why didn't you think it was Souls game for easy boss? I don't know, but that's initially where I went, right? But any easy, super easy, super cheesy boss would be my pick and I'd just be like, okay. Just bounce on Bowser's shell. Yeah. Or yeah, maybe like the first castle in the Super Mario NES where you just like, you jump over and you hit him three times and, oh, it's dead. Yeah. Yeah. Do some jumping jacks to prepare. Okay. Um, what power ups would you find and how would they help you in your adventures? The Superstar. From Mario. That's a good one. Oh my god. That's like a cheat point. Yeah. Okay, that's a good one. Cheating that. Uh huh. But it doesn't last very long. Yeah. That's the only downside. Yeah. I would, uh, eat like a giant egg, kind of like a Mario star, but it would turn me into a big Chocobo, and I could just run around and just step on people. Yeah, that would be fun. Just to have it. No, I would want the um, the leaf from Super Mario that turns you into like a raccoon. Oh yeah. And you can like fly with your tail. Oh, that's a good one. Super Mario had so many good like power ups, you know? Those are the best power ups. Mmhmm. Everything else is like Here's for your stamina. Here's for your health. Yeah, not as cool. That's cool. Or you can you can get the mushroom babe and just turn big for mario Maybe not a Chocobo, but you Chocobo though. Okay. Yeah. I don't care about being a giant person. I want to be a giant Chocobo. Okay. Okay? And then, um, What would you, uh, do if you encountered some glitch in your world? Kind of like, uh, What's that? Wreck it Ralph? Wreck it Ralph, yeah. Yeah, like, A little glitch. Yeah, what if you found a glitch? Share some, uh, Have you ever played a game with like a glitch? Or have you ever found a glitch in a game? No? No. And I know like Bloodborne has a bunch but I've never done them myself. Yeah. You should do a whole playthrough. Of speedruns? Yeah, of just speedruns doing like glitches. It's hard to do them though too. It is. Um, I think uh, It's not like a glitch that I've encountered but just, Like if I'm fighting monsters in like a Souls game like Bloodborne or Elden Ring, But they would all be stuck in like a moonwalk transition Yeah, just busting out the moonwalk doing michael jackson moves. That would be funny. Yeah. Yeah, that would be my favorite, uh glitch I mean, it's not like, it's not really a glitch, like, well, I guess it is, but just like when you're in a boss fight and it just catches on something and like, it's like the mobile thing, but it just stuck. Oh, yeah. Just walking in a wall over and over and over. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yes. Remember the glitch in Elden Ring with the bird? Like I was fighting the bird. I have a clip of it. I was fighting the death, one of the death birds. And like, I pulled back, I'm on torrent and it jumped up to fly. And then it was like, Dead yeah died in the air. Yeah, and then I like in my clip you can kind of see my I move my character and i'm just like I stop and I pause and i'm just like What the just she was struggling. Yeah, because I was struggling right and it maybe was like three fourths Health, it had like one fourth left. No, it was almost done. Oh, okay. Yeah, and at the very end, I was far away, and I pulled back, and it like jumped up to fly and it was like, dead. And it died in the air. Yeah, and I'm just like, what? Did it count as you killing it? Yeah. Yeah. So that is the glitch I want to just, it died. Okay, um, if you, uh, if you could choose a cheat code. In your chosen world, what would it be and why? I never used any t codes really and oh, no, I lied. I lied. I'm, sorry Okay, the sims for unlimited money. Yeah The the mother load mother load control shift c Testing enable testing cheats enable true mother load mother load mother load mother load I would uh Yeah, I would just use like the final fantasy cheat where you can get like infinite gil Or like a Don't you do that one? The old school? Yeah. Oh, I never knew that. I can't remember how I did it, but I know that was like a thing. And then, um, in cyberpunk, you, chase told me about it and I forgot how he said it, but you could like sell something to a vendor, but re I don't remember what he told me, but I was like, man, that, that would be a good one. I never did it, but that would, it's so hard to get money on cyberpunk, so that would be good. I like the, I like the start cheat where, well, it's not a cheat anymore 'cause they. Patched it, but where previously you could buy the catalog and You had to get this one specific wallpaper, and then it gave you unlimited prismatic shards What is that um prismatic shards are like the like hardest thing to get in the game because it's like a 0. 1 percent chance of Mining it or finding it and it gives you like the galaxy sword, which is the best weapon And then it's like a universal love except for like two people And um, it's just like really hard to get so it's nice to just have it at your disposal when you want it Gotcha, but it's not a thing anymore. Oh, yeah, they patched it. Um, so What easter eggs or hidden secrets would you hope to find in your chosen world? I like the easter eggs were it like, um You Where it ties into previous games, or it's an easter egg to your next game. So, like, I would like easter eggs maybe in my world of like, what's coming up. You know, like, my next adventure. I, I, I like those type of easter eggs. Like ghosts, scary ghost story easter eggs. No, like my one that first comes to mind is in one of the batman games they're um, one of the arkham ones There's a room and it's the joker and it has like a little crib right and there's like pregnancy tests all around it Hinting like maybe the joker and harley quinn were expecting a baby like those type of like easter eggs or um kind of like um Um, I can't think of one to like a past game, you know, but I know That Batman Arkham series had a bunch of easter eggs in it. Mm hmm. Um, what about you? Mm, I need a second to think. Okay, I like that easter egg's like in uh, Apex Legends. Where they Oh, the doggy. The doggy, like the, one of the devs kept hiding like dog pictures of his own dog and stuff. Cause he lost his dog during the development. Yeah. Or Kind of like, uh, you remember Ready Player One, how at the end, they found that Ysrae, and it was like the developer, it had the developer's name. Because back then, I, I forgot what they said, I don't know if it's true, but they said developers didn't get credit or something like that in the credits or something. Oh yeah, it was like against The way, the, the people that, I guess, pushed it out, I don't know. Yeah, like way back 16 bit, I don't know, that they could not put The developer's name at the end of the credits or something like that. Yeah, or something like that. I would just want to watch like Some big battle in a game that you normally do like the Elden boss But you have like a dance battle instead of fighting you just dance off with against him or something like DDR Yeah, in Elden Ring. Yeah, like something crazy like that. Yeah Yeah, I think uh, like what you said, I like it when indie games have easter eggs like that where they it's like they're animals And like a picture frame or something that you just randomly find. I think that's really cute very much. So, yeah, um Describe your first day in this world. How would uh, how would you expect it to go? Would you? have any funny encounters or Something crazy happened Um, yeah, i'm i'm going deep in these questions like i'm trying to get you to tell me how how would your first day go? Hmm in our selected world, or can we change up our world? Any world, any world, any world you want to go. I would want to be an Elden ring for this question, just cause I wake up, you know, and I'm like, holy crap, this huge map. There's glittery gold all over the damn place. What is going on? You got these big ass. Frickin, I don't know what they're called with the hole in the middle of them. You know, the skeletons, like, yeah, I think it would be scary, but I think it would be very intriguing at the same time. No, a hundred percent. Yeah. I think I would want my first encounter in my chosen world, which would be Harry Potter would be with the whomping Willow trying to not possibly die. Yeah. Car. Yeah. The car, you're in the car where it's like in the, it just like wax you out of the sky. Okay. Yeah, I don't know for mine. To be honest like Elden Ring sounds really cool to be in especially since we're playing the DLC Yeah, when we when you first you haven't got there yet. Oh, no, you did. Yeah, you got there and then like all you see is Graves. Yeah, that that's the good one. Yeah, like you just see this. It's just land filled full of Thousands and thousands of graves. Yeah, just like what do I do? Like literally what do I do? Like literally it's sick I don't know what to do I'd be too scared of ghosts. Yeah, that's pretty I think that would be mine. Yeah ghosts. That's a good one um, what Was the funniest way or what's the funniest way you can imagine getting a game over screen in this world? A what a game over like if you die like, you know, if you got to respond, how would your game over? screen be It would be if um Anytime I died, even if it's not in the bathroom, it's just Moaning Myrtle just laughing over your dead body. Oh, yeah. Her voice is so annoying, too. It's so creepy. Yeah. She's like, oh, you think you got it bad? I've been dead for 60 years! She's a creep, though. She'd be in the boys bathroom looking at their stuff. She's a little hoochie. She died young. She didn't get to experience any of that stuff. Yeah, she's a little hoochie. Promiscuous woman. The poor, the poor girl. Um, I can only think of, like, something stupid, just like Kind of like how you said Moaning Myrtle, just, I can only think of like a fat moogle just laughing at me or something. Just sitting there eating a donut. Just sitting there eating a donut. Yeah, just looking at me like, coulda did better. Yeah, coulda did better. Coulda did better. It's like I watched your fight, you did terrible anyways, so. Yeah, yeah. You need help? Um, I think mine would be like. Super crazy. I'd want the Johnny Depp mad hatter just talking nonsense. He's crazy, man. Yeah, just like talking random facts until you push next or try again, but it had to stay there for like 30 seconds. You have to listen to him for like 30 maybe, maybe like 20 seconds of just random facts and him going loopy and then you can try again. Yeah. Um, where would you place your save points? If you had save points, where would you place them? Would you put them in like weird places, easy places, um, just hard places to get to? I don't know. I would put mine everywhere, just because So you could just respawn anywhere you wanted to? Yeah, just because like, we just started playing the Elder Ring DLC, and they're so far apart, and I hate it, I hate like, oh my god, I died, and Elder Ring is hard. So far right and I die and I die and I die and I die and I have to go all the way back And travel all the way there. I place them like every Like i've done it so many times that I game up so far I've died even just like in the catacombs and just a regular side dungeon Oh my god, I've died like 30 times and I would just rage. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I don't know I think I would put like a I I would put it in high traffic areas Yeah, so like if you pop up you're like goddamn, oh my bad. My bad. I mean just people running into Yeah, you're just bumping into him like my bad. I think i'd put it near in like major cities near merchants So in case I died i'm like right next to a merchant. I'm like, all right. I know i'm gonna die again I need like 60 more of those for sure um For an ultimate weapon if you can create an ultimate weapon With funny effects, what would it be and how would you use it? I think it's just something stupid. You know how, like, the chicken that you squeeze and it goes ERR! I was thinking that was like something that looks like a keyblade but squeaks like the chicken. So when you hit him it's like beep beep! Yeah, I was thinking like a giant rubber chicken and when you hit him it just makes some stupid noise. But it's like crazy strong. You just murder them in one hit. Yeah. Yeah. And everyone around you is just like, what did he just hit him? What did he just do? Did that just squeak? Did he just hit him with a chicken? What the hell? Or like, or like there's like one in uh, I don't know if it's Elden Ring or if it's One of the souls games where it's like a finger. I think it is Elden Ring and it flicks them It's like a giant finger and you flick them. Oh, um, I know you're talking about it's not an elden ring Are you sure? I think it's an elder. I don't know. I don't remember but I know what you're talking about I don't know if it's elder ring or it's another souls game or something, but it's like a giant finger and just It flicks them See mine is completely opposite i'd have like the moon blade from I want to say Elden Ring because it's like the biggest Moonblade that they've had in the From Software games. And you know the, the opening screen, like the voice where he's like the dung eater, right? I'd have that voice with the music just playing like, The Geisha. Every time you hit somebody? Every time. That'd be so obnoxious. The Geisha, The Geisha, The Geisha. No, like, at the end, like when you die. Like, when you die die, it's like, The Geisha. When you killed them? Yeah. Like, when they're like dead dead. Oh, so they would just remember that it was you? It was like a triumph, like, yeah. The show was the Here. Oh my God. That is, and like the Epic music and The Deep Voice and the The done guitar. Yeah. Yeah. That was a good, yeah. How would you customize your character? Would you have like cool outfit, funny outfit, accessories? Mine would look exactly like my d and d calendar. ca. Character. Calendar. Calendar, . Character. Character. You got a D Calendar? What's on it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who are features, features, honey, you just stop banging on your desk. You're making millennia fall off or what's her name? Is she showing in the video? Yeah. Yeah, she's there. Nice. But you keep shaking the desk and she's gonna fall off and die. She's pretty cute. Yeah. Meia Melania? No. Isn't no me, MENA Mena Mena. Oh no. I don't remember her name. Your maiden list. She helps you. Yeah. Yeah. She's my maiden. I'm not maiden list. She's my maiden. Okay. What would you like to look like? Didn't you say your character in Harry Potter is goofy looking? Yeah, I would want to have a goofy hat. Like the hat in Harry Potter where it's like, um, like a witch's hat, so it's like wide brim, but the tip of it doesn't go pointy, it like has like a loop. It's like a little curly Q at the end, like a pig's tail. I would want to look sick. Actually, I would want to wear like a John Wick suit, like all black, just black on black. Yeah, just black on black. Just looking sharp as hell with a top hat and a pimp cane. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe even a little monocle, you know? A little monocle, like the, like the peanut? Yes, I was thinking of the Monopoly, yeah, but like, yeah, like the peanut. Like the peanut? Yeah. And just like, top hat, monocle, pimp cane, just spinning around. Ooh, even a little cape. Ooh, yeah. Yeah. A little cape. Hey, we've learned from the Edma mode that it is not good to have a cape. A short cape. A little short cape. Just maybe like a little, like, right to the shoulder. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, something a little, something not too flashy, but yeah, don't want to take away from my suit looks. Yeah. Yeah. My D& D character Is what is it? It's a sun elf So just throwing that out there blonde hair Goat and tanny worships the sun Yep Old like 414 years old. Yep. Aren't I? I'm pretty old. You're older than I am in D& D in D& D. Yeah You're like a thousand years old. What are you in D& D? What's your race? Race, yeah. Um, I'm a human. Oh, okay. Gotcha. Um, what game soundtrack would be in the background music of your daily life and how would it affect your mood or how would it change with your mood and actions? This is, I think I would have the freaking elder ring soundtrack. I, I knew you were gonna say that. It's amazing. I'd have Mario.'cause it's so like, oh my God. If you die, it's like, wait, how does it go when you die? Mm. Something like that. I don't remember. I, I like the underwater one too. The Mario underwater. Oh, the water's the best one. Yeah. You got the beat and stuff. Yeah. It would make me happy. It would make you happy. Yeah. It would make me in a good mood. That's like, cool. Well. Okay, why would it why would it make me happy? I think the happy one is just when it's like the first stage and it's like dude. No, the underwater one is the best Okay puts you in such a good mood. It's a pretty good one. Yeah. All right, whatever if not the best one. Uh huh What about you? Um You might get tired of hearing it, but I would love the stardew soundtrack The spring season soundtrack is the best one. It's like all happy and there's like a clap every few seconds and You know, I play SDU with my music off. Oh, do you? Yeah. You gotta, you gotta at least listen to this, play it with off spring season soundtrack. Yeah, I play with the, I'll have to play it. I play a lot of games with the music off. The only game I don't play with the music off is El Rain so far? Yeah. Just 'cause it's so epic when you're fighting a boss and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty definitely. Pretty dope. I definitely keep it low, but I do like to listen to it sometimes. Mm-Hmm?. Mm-Hmm.. Um. What funny or unique skill would you unlock as you level up? To be honest, Uh, solo leveling. I would like that style. Actually that soundtrack is filthy too. Solo leveling soundtrack. If you haven't watched, have you watched solo leveling? Oh my god, watch that sound. The fights and the sound, or the music they play, it's so good. I just liked reading the webtoon. It's really good, I will admit. But you'd be so OP'd if you did it like that. matters. I don't care about not being OP'd. It's my world. You in my way, you getting pooed So if you haven't watched Solo Leveling, he, he, he like sacrifices himself for these people, and then he's like given a choice to be reborn as a player. And then like he's reborn, but all of a sudden he sees menus, kind of like a game and stuff, and then he, he's like, what is all this stuff? And they're like, if you fail to do like a quest that it gives you, you pretty much fight for your life and you almost die. Well, that's what happened to him. But then he ends up like. Just leveling and leveling and leveling and killing people because everybody in that that anime is like ranked so there's like crappy ranked or E ranked to S ranked and he's He he's like rankless. He doesn't have a ranked but he's constantly leveling so he's stronger than what his ranked is showing Yeah, that would be mine OP, yeah What was the question? Oh my god, it was, uh, Uh, what unique skills would you have as you unlock and level up? I think I would like, um, Like in D& D how there's feats that you can choose instead of ability score improvements. Where each feat just gives you some, like, um, A feat where you can, like, read all languages Or, or you can like, jump 50 feet. I think stuff like that would be really cool. I would like stuff like, feats. Special feats. Yeah, that's a good one. That is a very good one. Mine would be the force. Oh, that's a good one. Just like, you reach a, like a certain level and you just get it. Yeah. Like slowly my force gets stronger and stronger. Like at, like at level one I can move a rock. Yeah. You know, and then level a thousand or whatever, force choke.. Um, for like your economy, if cheat, how would you make, how would you make a get rich scheme or how would you make money? I'm a noble, high elf. I have money. That's, that doesn't answer that question. But if you didn't have money, if you didn't, you can't just fall on back on popper like you had no money. Yep. I'd be a merchant. For higher killer. Oh, yeah, there you go. Yeah, for higher killer. Who do you need dead? I'll do it. You don't want to die? Pay me double. Mm hmm. You want me to kill him? That's triple. Oh my god, I feel like You guys don't know Geisha, but she's like five foot Four. Five foot four. In half. In a half. No, you're like five three. I'm five four. Okay Anyways, like a hundred and fifteen pounds. Yeah No, not the scariest. Yeah, but she's a killer for hire. What about you? I would be like, I would um, I'd be like those homeless people on the sides of the road where they're like spraying car windows and wiping it with newspapers. Oh my god, this guy, you're messing up my windshield bro. Five dollars I'll go away. Just smearing it, smearing it. Five dollars I'll go away. Five dollars I'll stop. Um, I would have a Chocobo, a Chocobo uh, taxi service. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah. Yeah. I know it's a good one. Where would you get your chocobo though? How would you you would need a lot of money to feed your chocobo? Well, it I didn't explain how I need to do that. I'm saying this is what I would do for my career. Okay? If we're thinking hypothetically, I would have what I do for my career. I would have a chocobo farm and uh Do some chocobo racing? Yeah, no, but i'm a taxi service. Yeah. Yeah, or maybe like do taxi service and like mail delivery You can be like a like a amazon Yeah for chocobos, you know, like, oh you need me to send this to somebody. Okay. I got it Yep, you heard it here first. That's what I thought about not amazon. What's it? Um something express from futurama Comet express comet express. Yeah from futurama where they like deliver packages. They go to different planets. Yeah Yeah, let's see Um What's the funniest random encounter you can imagine happening in this world? What would be like, uh, I guess something funny that happened to you in a game that you weren't expecting. We've played so much serious games lately. So it's kind of hard to answer that question. I think, um, Hmm, that is a hard one. Maybe running into um, You guys are stumped, huh? The lion from Narnia. Yeah. Like what are you doing here? Oh, that would just be random. Yeah, I guess. What is your answer? Just something stupid random, like running into dancing goblins or something just randomly stupid. I don't know, that's a tough question. Wait, repeat the question. I need to think hard about this question. What's the funniest random encounter you can imagine happening in your world? Hmm. I guess like running into like Goofy and Mickey, you know how like on Kingdom Hearts just running into a Disney character Why are you even here? Yeah, but they help you along the way. We're not talking about that I think like in Harry Potter like when you go to like You use any kind of magic ability, I guess. Like, I don't know. That's hard. It's such a hard question. I don't know. Random encounter. We could just skip it. Okay. Let me come back to that. Clearly you guys aren't on my level of, you know, I mean, obviously I didn't know either. If you had to foil a villain's plan in a hilarious way, how would you do it in your world? I would, um, my world is Lord of the Rings, so I would make a gajillion, bajillion rings. And throw them all like on Find it. Oh my god. Well, he wouldn't he know though because it doesn't call out to him. So he would know the ring, right? So that defeats the purpose of your well Yeah, it does right it calls out to um, so he would know which precious no, it calls out to the The witch the nargles. No, not nargles. That's fucking harry. I mean they call that to all the other people Um When you're wearing it I believe is when it calls out to you and it tries to manipulate you and control you if you don't have it in your possession like When golem lost it He didn't know where it went. He didn't know for the longest time, right? He Suspected that bilbo took it, but he didn't know for sure. He just said we lost it, you know So the ring calls out to its master and everybody who obeys Obeys its master. Gotcha. Okay. I think. No, that makes sense. Seems pretty good. It sounds, sounds like you know what you're talking about. I don't know for sure, but that's what I think. I don't know. She said nargles, guys. I don't believe her. Yeah. Nargles from Fairy Pony. Helps me see the nargles. What are they called? I'd replace a Sephiroth sword with a giant noodle. Like a pool noodle? Like a pool. No, like a spaghetti noodle. Oh, just like a giant spaghetti noodle. Just a flat spaghetti noodle. Spaghetti noodle. Yeah. Or the hard one. No, the cooked one. The cooked one. Take bites out of it. Yeah. I would like a spell. Like, if I was fighting against like a Slytherin, I want a spell that turns their wand into a hot dog. Mmm, okay. Yeah, that's a good one. Um. Eat this! If you could join a clan or a guild from any game. What would it be and why? Um, I would want to join the War Sworn from Kingdom of Amalur. Is that the group that you talked about? No, those are the Tuatha. Those are the bad guys. The War Sworn is a faction you can join. But it's just a bunch of war, uh, soldiers. Um, but they got some cool, uh, like, um, treasuries. So you can get a lot of loot. Loot! We want them professor plums. The purples. The purples. The purples. Um, I would want to join, um, what's that group's name in Skyrim? Um, the assassins guild. No, what are they? Companions where you could turn, they turn into werewolves or whatever. I would want to join that, that, that little guild. Yeah. So I could turn into a werewolf. Yeah. I would join the boys from Final Fantasy 15. But like, scoot over. I'm in the car now, too. Oh, that's not a guild, though. Well, they're a whole faction. It's a whole city. They're a clan. They're like one nation going against another nation. She's joining a boy band. No, they're a part of a whole nation. Okay, okay, I'll just, I'll accept that. I'll accept it. He's the prince of a whole entire nation. Okay. Sent to marry this girl. Person this chick. I don't know what her thing is. Yeah Uh, which dungeon or raid? Uh, would you most look forward to tackling and how would you prepare for it? I mean you could pick a world. I don't know if you guys know dungeons. Mine would be the uh, queen Yharnam Oh bloodborne. Yeah just because It's a pretty cool fight to be honest. Yeah, it is pretty cool. Yeah Hmm What about you? I don't know. I don't know. I can't think of any dungeons off the top of my head. I think I would think, uh, uh, Naxxramas. What's that from? World of Warcraft. Oh, I didn't play well. Yeah, that'd be cool. I have, uh, I don't know, bring a pet, you know, as a support pet because I'm going to die or something stupid. I don't know. Bring a healer. Well, obviously ma'am, if we're thinking statistically, we need like three healers. Bring a level four cleric. Oh my God. That's not how wow works. Okay. Come on. Um, if you had to celebrate a holiday or a festival in this world, what holiday would you bring in or would you use, like, you could use a holiday that's in this place or your own holiday and why? I would jump into Azzy's World, Harry Potter, for Halloween. Oh yeah. I think that would be insane and crazy. Yeah, I think any holiday in Harry Potter, like it's so cool for Christmas, or like winter time. They have like the snow falling in the Great Hall. I think that's amazing. Um, since I like play a lot of WoW, and I like to drink a little bit, uh, They have like brew fests. October fest. Yeah. They have like the Azeroth brew fest and I'll just go in there. Just get wasted. Yeah. Just drink with the Tauren, you know, chat it up with some undead. I'm like, yeah, yeah, man, I could have had her bro. She just left me, you know, just drinking, win contests. But yeah, um, if you could swap places with any game character for a day, who would it be with and why, or who would it be and why I would pick a sailor scout? A sailor scout. What was that? Oh, okay. Why I want to, I want to be a sailor scout. I want to have crazy powers. I would pick sailor Jupiter just because she's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty cool. Yep. I'd definitely be a sailor scout from sailor moon kill some, some, I don't even know what they are. They're not bad guys. Kill bad guys. Yeah. I was going to say demons, but they're not demons. Aliens, technically, right? Mm hmm. They're from different planets. Mm hmm. What about you? Um, it's not from a game. It's from an anime, but I think I would want to trade places with one of the Claymores. Oh my God. What an underrated anime. It would be so cool. Cause you're like, kind of, you're technically like super powered and you got a big sword and you got crazy powers. But you're turning into a monster. Yeah, but it's okay. It's worth it. We should watch that. If I can control it, everything's okay. Yeah. Um, I think I would, uh, swap with Geralt, you know, the witcher. And I'd like to see what monsters, monster hunters and stuff like that. We'll have all the ladies all over you. Yeah. Um, I think it'd be cool with the, his like gifts too. Yeah. Um, If you could have any pet from your chosen world, which would it be and why? Moogle. Moogle? Is that Moogle or Mogul? I don't know. I've answered this before. A Thestral. Oh, the horse thing? Yeah. That would be a Moogle. That would be my pet. Yeah. Um, what about you, babe? Moogle! Moogle. Oh, yeah. My always like in a good mood and happy mood. And they, they seem like cuddlers. Yeah. I think I would pick them up too. Cause they're like, they can fly. They're cute. They always be like, cool. Is that what they say? Kupo Kupo. I think so. Yeah. It sounds familiar. Mm. Um, who do you think is the funniest NPC in your chosen world? And why? Money is Sam. No, Mary and Pippin. I don't know. I think Neville Longbottom. Neville Longbottom, that's a good one. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, cause he's just like so He's so like, unfortunate all the time, and it's just so sad but funny. Yeah, uh I think I would choose, um, the fat guy from Resident Evil. Cause he's like big, and he's like stuck in the little caravan. Oh, the merchant guy? Yeah, the merchant guy. Oh, the duke. The duke. The duke, yeah. He's just big. What was his purpose? He didn't even have a purpose. He was just a merchant. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. He had his own ways, and he was just like Popping up in and out. That's why, yeah, that would be, that'd be pretty funny to me. Um. I did read, um, something that was saying that the Duke, cause, what was it? So, in the village, right, there was like different houses. And I did read, like, a conspiracy theory where the Duke was the last house. He was, like, the last member of the house that wasn't in the story. Get what I'm saying? So let's say, like, there was, what, there's the Lady Dimitrescu, there's the horse guy, the doll, and then the underwater one. So there's four houses in the main story, and I read a theory that the Duke was a fifth house, but he just chose to be neutral or something. I don't know. Cause if like in the car, you can see a, uh, a house like crest or something. Pretty interesting. Yeah. What about you? Um, wait, what was the question? Who do you think would be the funniest or oddest NPC in your chosen world? Oh yeah. You did say Neville Longbottom. Jesus, man. Um, if you could eat any food from a world or your chosen world, what would it be and why? I need food. I think one of the, the Weasley's creations, they're like candies, just something fun. Cause it would be like a surprise. Yeah. I think, uh, I guess it's part of an anime, but, uh, Like dragon ball or like one piece they'd be, when they be eating, they'd be eating like mounds of food and it just looks so good. Mm-Hmm.. Sanjay's like the best cook. Yeah, exactly. So, I don't know, something like that could whip you up anything. Mm-Hmm., maybe a ramen from the rudo. Yeah. He makes it sound so good. Yeah. He eats it every day. Yeah. Yeah. Um, which game merchant would you trust the most and why would you try to hag, or what would you try to haggle for Um. I like the, the, um, I like the merchant from Resident Evil 4, where he's like, what are you buying? Oh yeah, yeah, that guy, that's another good guy that I was thinking about. I would trust that guy with my life. Yeah, I actually think I would pick that guy too, and I'd always be trying to like get the rocket launcher on like a, like a discount, like, yo bro, come on, let me, You see me out here fighting zombies, trying to save the planet, or the world, or the city. Yo, hook me up. Yeah. Um, mine would be E. G. from Elden Ring. Cause he's like this big dude, right? But he's so, like, soft spoken and nice. He doesn't seem violent at all. And he's like, step back, because when I get to work, you could get in danger. Sells things at a reasonable price. Yeah. Yeah. Um, if you had a hidden treasure in your world What artifact or treasure would it be if you found it? Or like what would, what would be the most exciting artifact or treasure that you find in your world? If I could find a sonic screwdriver. Oh, it's over for everyone. What's that from? Doctor Who. Oh, okay. I don't watch that. Yeah. What does it do? It's literally like a sonic screwdriver. So it's like some futuristic looking screwdriver. And he just like points at things. Like if I pointed at this, I would somehow fix it or I would make it do something totally different. But it would work. Okay. Yeah. What about you, Geisha? The wardrobe to Narnia. Oh, okay. Just cause like two worlds in one, right? Yeah, that'd be kind of cool. You just find it in a random bedroom. Yeah. Like, oh, okay. Yeah, I would uh, I would want to find like the Triforce from Hyrule. Just because it's cool and it has powers. Yeah. You know. Yeah, that would be mine, whatever. If you could have any mount from a game, what would it be and why? Chocobo! I would be a chocobo. Chocobo. Oh, no, ooh, a dragon from like Skyrim would be really cool. Just ride a dragon. I would still be a chocobo. Yeah. It'd be a dragon from Harry Potter. That'd be pretty cool. Yeah, yeah. Two versus one. We win. Um, if you could recruit any ally from a game, who would it be and why? It's just Shelmeru. Oh my God. Okay. He's like a neutral ally though. I feel like I'm very neutral too. I don't know, you like to kill people. That's true. Yeah. I guess you're neutral in your feelings. I'm neutral in my decision. Yeah, you're like an assassin from higher, so I don't know what you're talking about. But I'm neutral, like, if I don't care. She has no sense. She'll kill anyone. Yeah, for real. I'm, I'm neutral to who I, Who is You assassinate? Assassinate. Who I assassinate. I'm just trying to throw the who I murder. Who I assassin. Um, I would recruit Tingle from, uh, Legend of Zelda. Just cause. Tingle. What? Tingle. He's the little he's the guy from Legend of yeah, Legend of Zelda. The, uh. I don't know how to explain what he looks like. If people play this, they know who I'm talking about. Okay, I don't know who you're talking about. Yeah, so I'm not explaining it to you. Explaining it to you. Who did you say? Um, I don't remember her name. Um, she's in the Final Fantasy movie with Cloud and Tifa. The, the, like, uh, ninja girl. Oh, Yuffie. Yuffie, yeah. Yuffie. Yes, I would pick her. She would be so fun. And she's, like, energetic. She steals from everybody, though. energetic, though. She's so happy. I would be happy just being around her. Yeah. If you could take a vacation in any game world, uh, where would you want to go and what would you do? Or why would you want to go there? That's a hard one. Stardew Valley, so I can farm all day. So you can farm. I want, I want to go to that. You remember in Final Fantasy VII, there was like this one area that was just a beach? Costa del Sol. Oh yeah. In Final Fantasy VII. Just lounging on the beach with some, some little hot baddies. Some little block baddies. Sipping on some potions. Yeah. Um, mine would be, um. I don't, I don't know if it's an island or not, but if it's an island, it would be the Camp Half Blood from, um, Percy Jackson. You guys know what I'm talking about? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, especially, like, the movie one where his house is like, On the lake. Mm hmm. It's like open and it looks very pretty cool. Yeah, that's where I would be like in his Percy Jackson's Poseidon's house that's on the lake Yeah Yeah, um, who would your most unlikely hero be in your world Tom Tom Nook from uh Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing. From Animal Crossing. Yeah. It wouldn't be Isabella? No. It would be Tom Nook. Or Isabelle? Sorry, not Isabella. Yeah. Timmy and Tommy, they're pretty good too. What, from what? That's from, um, the little, the little shop ones. The little ones. You guys cannot steal my, my show. No, I was just saying. I think that would be cute. Like, the whole world would be cute. But just imagine Tom Nook just saving the world. Yeah. One at a time. And it's gonna cost five million. Five million, what is it called? Bells? Bells, yeah. I'll save the world, but you gotta pay me five million bells when I'm done. Yeah, now you're in debt. You could take a loan. Yeah, you could take a loan. He just And pay it back slowly. Just putting villains in debt, you know? Mm hmm. Unlikely hero. You can go. Um, I would want it to be, um, Isn't the king in Overcooked, the, the toast, the piece of bread? No, what was he? Or he's like a, he's an onion. Oh, he is an onion. Yeah. I know he was circular bread. You're thinking of the unbred. Damn bread. Oh, maybe the unbred game is so hard with two people. I know you eat it cross platforms to switch. Yeah. I got it. I got to get my headphones so we can communicate. That'd be fun. Yeah. So you guys can yell at me at the same time. Jonas! We said chop it! Throw it over. God, you keep throwing it off. Yeah. What about you, babe? Um, Lego Alfred. That's a good one. Or the main dude from the Lego movie. Oh yeah, the everything is awesome. What's his name? I don't know his name. Yeah, but it would be like a Lego figure. He was a regular guy. He was a regular guy. Um, If the main villain turned out to be a misunderstood hero, how would that change the story in your world? What if like Sephiroth was misunderstood? What if he was like, He was doing it for the greatness and we nobody knew I mean we know he didn't but if he did you just have like a Deep conversation like man you had it you had it all wrong man. Can you pass me the tea? You know? Just something Stupid, I don't know. I think um If Baltimore was just misunderstood, oh my god. Yeah, yeah, if he was not just killing these people for no reason. He's like, this wasn't a, like a group of people killing, we were supposed to just be a book club. It got out of hand. I didn't know what to do now. He just started off. He just couldn't stop. Yeah. What about you, Miss Geisha? I don't know. You're deep in thought over there. I am. I see you deep in thought. My gears, you see my gears? They're like moving slowly. I don't know. Okay. Repeat the question one more time. If a villain turned out to be a misunderstood hero, how would that change the story? My first initial thought goes to, uh, because we've been playing Elden Ring, right? So would go to, uh, Queen, Queen Merica. Mirka. Mirka? Is that her name? Right? Because all this chaos started. To me, she might be a villain, right? To me, she's like the villain because she pretended to be. Radigan. Radigon. They are the same person. They're the same person. How is that even possible? I don't understand it. I don't want to know. You don't got to go into the lore, but to me, my answer is if you just stayed one person, maybe it wouldn't have been bad. She had babies with herself. Exactly. So they're not demigods. They're full gods. So it's just so confusing. So it's like just stay The queen. This is your fault. One person. Just stay one person. And then everything would have been fine. There wouldn't have been a shattering or the ring splitting. Everything would have been okay. Yeah. Yeah. It would have. It would have. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I think we already talked. No. Festivals? Or did I say holidays? You said holidays. Or festivals. You said holidays and festivals. Okay. Okay. Um. Let's say I have one more. If you, uh, if you could pull a prank on any game character, who would it be and why? Or what would you do? I would, uh, hmm, I don't know. This is a hard one. That's a hard one. If, um, every time Cloud sat down, I would want a whoopee cushion under the seat cushion, so whenever he sat down it sounded like he was farting. Yeah, that would be, that would be funny. Or maybe, you know, in the game he has to do the The exercise. Oh yeah. So every time he does it, it's hard. Oh my god. It's just a He's just like Toot. You know what I'm talking about, right? Yeah. It's like a competition and whoever can do the most of his little oop, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down. He's tooting the whole time. Yeah. Um, I think I would like change somebody's outfit to be ridiculous. Like, Ganondorf, you know Ganondorf from Zelda. He's always like evil, like put him in like a ballerina outfit. Or just somebody's outfit into like a tutu. It would be funny. Yeah. Bowser, anybody. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I'm not creative. Yeah, I don't know. Okay. What about you guys? Do you have anything that, do you have any answer? She did, she said it! The whoopee cushion, the whoopee cushion on Cloud when he goes up and down and up and down and up and down. Oh yeah, and then you went on with it. That's why I thought it was, I thought it was yours because you stole it from her. No, I was just saying. She was just adding to it to make it funnier. Yeah, like that. Yeah, that's all I got. That's all I got for now. So, um. I have a question. Yeah. Oh, maybe we already answered this. Like, hands down. What world in one video game and one movie would you be in? I mean, that was the first question. No, that's true, but one of each. Like, if you said a game, what movie? I said a movie, so what game? I said Final Fantasy. So what movie world would you be in? You said Harry Potter, right? I Yeah, as at Harry Potter. Would that go for both? The movie and the game? No, it has to be separate. I was thinking about the movie. Yeah, the movie. I would choose a different game. Mmm. Yeah. So, movie. I would say what book too, but that's a huge, huge genre. Yeah. Man, I would really want to do probably The Hobbit. I guess like, the Lord of the Rings hobbit. Hobbit slash, yeah, mine kind of includes like, hob, like hobbit and Lord of the Rings, you know? The hobbit seemed a more happier era, cause it wasn't like, war at the time with like, the whole fellowship of the ring. Mmhmm. It was just like, oh. It was like a good old time. Yeah. Getting roasted by some giants. Yeah. Just having a gaggle. You didn't have to worry about the dragon unless you went to the gold, got the gold and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Probably the Hobbit world. The Hobbit, yeah. What video game would you live in Stardew as? No, um, I would probably do I would like Stardew, but I would do um, I would do something. I really like Until Dawn. I think I would do that like scary Yeah. Exhilarating. Or like the quarry. One of those. You're crazy man. Something scary. Yeah. Something like. Just trying to survive here. Get your hot pump in. Yeah. Just trying to survive every day. Yeah for funsies. Just for funsies. Make a choice every freaking 30 minutes. Like oh god I killed him. See what happens. Left or right. Yeah. Gotta find those tarot cards. Yeah. Or those totems. Yeah. Yeah. What about you? Mine would be Animal Crossing. Super chill. Just build some houses. I know. You could just play that game for hours. You gotta find the best. Um, residents though. Can't just let randos on your island. Yeah, go to an island. I judge my, my, um, residents off of how cute they are. Oh, I do too, absolutely. Like you are not cute, I'm sorry. I was complaining to Sean for like 30 minutes one time I was like, I have to ignore this villager for like three days and I gotta whack them with my net so they can go away. I don't want them here. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Did you have any questions asked? I don't think so. I'm okay. Well, I think I'm good. You guys want to close out? Do you want to, do you have anything to add? Follow us on Twitch and Instagram, PintSizeGeishaTTV on Instagram and PintSizeGeisha, or just follow Co op Chronicles on Instagram. We post, um, regularly about, yeah, questions, let us know what episodes we should do next, sneak peeks of our next episodes. Yeah. The link tree has links to all our socials. Did you post something? This week about like fantasy world. I did question. No, I did. I did. I think I missed it was uh, it wasn't like, uh Like a post post itself the post was like a like video now But I I talked about how we're talking about fantasy stuff this this weekend So because I was gonna say like you put out like a a post or a question That kind of is a sneak peek to what our episodes. I sometimes do that. Yeah, I sometimes do that So you should kind of like figure it out when you post it on like stories or something where you can like ask the question People can respond like a poll. Yeah, I mean most of the time I just ask it in a post and they can just comment That's true. Yeah Um, well, as always, uh, this has been Co Op Chronicles with Pint Sized Geisha, Black Label, and me, Azalea. Bye! Oop, wrong one. Wrong button! Alright.