Mind of the Crochet Designer podcast

Ep 4: Interview - Why you want to feel confident in your crochet design style and the power of a community of crochet designers, with Marie Hélène Lavoie

Christina Hadderingh Episode 4

In this very inspiring episode I interview Mimi about her own crochet design journey!

What's in the episode? 

  • Mimi’s Journey: Discover how Mimi got into crochet designing and teaching others to crochet with her own patterns during the COVID pandemic.
  • The Power of Community: Learn why real-life connections and community will always trump getting your reels to go viral.
  • What to do when losing your crojo: How Mimi almost gave up crochet designing for the year and what got her unstuck. 
  • We answer the question so many beginner designers struggle with: Are simple and easy designs less valuable than really complicated ones? 
  • Follow Your Dreams: Hear Mimi’s advice on why following your own crochet design dream is more rewarding than looking at what others are doing. 

Why You Should Listen:

Mimi’s story is not just about crochet; it's about resilience, how we all need people rooting for our dreams and the importance of staying true to yourself. Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting out, I am sure this interview will inspire you.

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Welcome creative and beautiful soul to the mind of the crochet designer podcast. I am your host Christina housing. And today I have a special episode for you. I am talking with Mimi. I've met Mimi from the challenge on how to find your unique crochet design style. And we had such an awesome conversation. We talk about the value of community, what it's like to actually come together with like-minded people how. Having real life connections is way more valuable than any real going viral. And also we talk about the challenge and what it did for me. And How important it is to do whatever works for you. And following your crochet design dream and not worry about what everyone else is doing. Very nice conversation. I hope you enjoy it. Let's start the tape.

Welcome Mimi to the Mind of the Crochet Designer podcast. I really appreciate you being here that you are willing to spend time with me having a chat about anything crochet design. Would you like to introduce yourself? Let the listeners know who you are. Yes, so well first, thank you for having me. I'm really honored to be here. My name is Marie Hélène. I'm from Quebec in Canada. So I'm mostly French speaking. But you can call me Mimi, it's okay. I've been crocheting for about 12 years. Before that I was knitting and then one day I just discovered crochet just never stopped crocheting. And I started designing in 2020. So that is a little bit of my crochet life. Yeah. So you started designing during COVID. Yes, it started in during COVID because COVID started. I was about to start teaching crochet classes at my local yarn store, but then. COVID started, so everything was closed. The crochet classes that were planned were canceled. And then during the fall. When everything started to open. Slowly we started the crochet classes again. And so when I started to teach crochet, I just realized that I liked teaching crochet with other people designs, but I realized that it would be easier for me to teach if I had something that I had designed myself. So. My first design was just a simple washcloth because I always tell my students that I want them to finish a project because personally, I like to have a finished object. Then you can say, I made this, I have one project done so I can move on to another So I designed a washcloth with simple stitches. So just single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet. And it's a repeat, so they just. Start to have some muscle memory going on. Yeah, because the classes you teach are for people who don't know how to crochet. Yes. So my first classes were for beginners and then a few years later I started teaching because people who had followed my classes, they said, well, I want to learn more. I want to learn something other. So I also taught uh, Amigurumi. And also about at the same time there is something really cool near me. It's called Franck Rocher. So it's a collective. So it's mostly designers and crochet makers also. And it's a group that you join and it's really cool because there are people who are really advanced designers and some people who are starting. So if you have questions, if you don't know where to go, if you don't know, and we're all French speaking. And so I was invited to join the group. And at first I, I hadn't designed anything at first. I said, why should I join this? But the founder Julie was like I want you because you teach classes and it's okay. But then being around designers, I just realized, well, that sounds cool. I want to do it also. So that's how I started. That's amazing. So is it true that they might have seen something in you that you yourself could not see at the time? Yeah, I think, yes. I think that's really true. I think, Julie, because I was telling her like, I don't know why you want me to join. I'm not a designer. And she was like, No, we need you in our group, you will feel at home. It's, it's okay. And she probably like saw something that I didn't see at the time. Yeah. And how powerful is it? I mean, I've had so many people as well. That saw something in me that I myself could not at that time. And actually also at a yarn store. And it's so cool that we get to meet these people, that they come on our paths and we get to be elevated by them because they see something in us. That we aren't ready for, but when we say yes to that, it's so magical that they can elevate us to the next level. And we get the courage to actually start something that we would otherwise not have started. It's so valuable to have this group, this community that really elevates you to the next level when you yourself don't have the courage to start something that you have this dream, but it's like, oh, I'll never be good enough like all these other people or I don't belong in this group. And so it's so valuable to have that. Do you feel the same way? What does that front crochet Yes, it was it was really refreshing for me because I come from my previous job, I was a veterinarian, and I was really around people who were very competitive it was like everyone for themselves and not really wanting to help each other. And then I changed career and then I started wanting to go deeper into crochet and teaching and all that. And suddenly, like, I discovered this community and everybody was helping each other. And At first I was like, okay, so everybody is just helping each other, and then I realized it's possible to find people who just want to elevate you. And it's not because you have success that the person next to you can't have success or that their success is diminished. We're all together. so for me it's really helpful because one day things aren't going well and you just go like, Oh, I don't know where I'm going with this. I don't know what to do. And people who are more advanced, they have been through the same thing. So they can say, Oh, this helped me this, you can try this. And sometimes we all have a down moments and we just, you know, Say, well, it will be better. And have you tried this? So it's really really helpful. And. also helps with connections because I really wanted to teach crochet, just not only in my local yarn store, but there are festivals yarn festivals near where I live. So Julie, the founder of crochet was like, well, there is still. Some spaces for new crochet teachers. We want more crochet because it was mostly a knitting festival. Oh yeah, yeah. And then crochet just, like, most festivals everywhere. Yeah. And then crochet is just, like, pushing up and, because I had this connection with her, she gave me the email so that I could write to them. And now each year that this festival comes around, I'm teaching classes and then I just learned that I will be giving three classes this year at that festival. Okay. So I'm so happy. Yeah. And yeah, so, and for me, like giving classes is really a fuel for my crochet design. So Yeah, you wrote in an email before this interview that you got so inspired by your students as well, like doing the classes and see what they are making. So can you give an example of how this has inspired you? Well, mostly it has inspired me because when I started designing, I have three shawls, design now. And they are mostly really easy designs that we like to call no brain. So like, after, netflix and crochet. Yeah. So, there's only two to four different rows, and once you have memorized them, you can just crochet and go along. I just love those designs. Yeah. Because yeah, you, you can Netflix and crochet. And one of my designs, when I posted it in a group, someone said, well, that's way too easy. Why should I pay for this like pattern? And at first I was really bummed. So I wrote to my little group and I said, look what this person said about my pattern. And the girls were like, well, We need easy designs. Yeah, true. Yeah, sure. And because I'm teaching a lot of beginners when they say like, Oh, I want to try something, but I don't know, everything looks so big and I'm like, yeah, my shawl, it's a big shawl, but it's easy to learn so you can do it. And then I said, well, it's okay. We need easy designs. We need easy patterns for our beginners. They are as valid as advanced. crochet. They need projects to make. So that was my motivation to start designing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I understand. Yeah. It's so funny because a lot of, especially new designers get so tripped up on the whole, I need to make something very complicated for it to be worth asking money for. And it can feel so uncomfortable even to ask money for a pattern that is quote unquote simple. But there are customers for everything. And there are, like you say, there are beginners and there are advanced crocheters. There are people like myself. sometimes I want to make really complicated patterns. I'm a designer, but I still create other people's designs. Yeah. So some days I want to create really intricate patterns and other days I just want to Netflix and crochet, you know, yeah, I always have like these two types of projects and neither is better or worth more than the other just serves different purposes. Yeah, exactly. Because even if a pattern is easy, you still have to write it. Yeah, sure. It's a whole process. You still have to test it and make sure everything works. So, you put hours in even if it's easy for some people. Yeah. our, our time is worth something. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And you also say you teach at a local yarn store. Yeah. But you also work there like apart from teaching or? I used to work there. I was working there in 2020, 2021. I was working there it was like my transition from my previous career. But isn't that the crocheter dream, like working in a yarn store? Yeah. Oh, it was a blessing and a nightmare. Yeah. At the same time, because my colleague who is my friend now, Leah, when I started working there, she was like, we have to sit down and I have to explain to you that you have to put yourself in my shoes. A budget like, otherwise you will buy all the yarn that comes in. Like, because it's so easy, like, it was Christmas every week. Just opening boxes of yarn. Yeah, that's true. And seeing people with their beautiful projects and you were like, Oh my, I want to do this also. But I was a great asset for them because I brought crochet in the store because they had a lot of people asking for crochet so I taught them crochet and like one of my best seller design, which is this shawl that is behind me. It's the shawl that is called Lea because it was my friend who was working at the yarn store and they just promoted it and they made kits and I sold like a lot of pattern because of that also because it's an easy pattern. So people were like, Oh, I can make this. It's accessible. So, Yeah, it's so great to build a relationship with your local yarn store and I did the same as well. And it was just so valuable to have someone with a store that I could indeed like you promote my pattern. They also made kits. It's like. How my bestseller, the Hotel Bicholle actually turned into a paid pattern because I wanted to make it a free pattern because I was like, what? I am not good enough. Go figure to ask money for this. And she was like, no, you won't. You have to make it a paid pass. And it was because of her and my relationship with her that I saw my own value and what I made as valuable. So you cannot put a price on those connections. Yeah, exactly. And I feel that so many designers nowadays are like, Oh, I have to do social media, right? I have to do Instagram, right? And I have to make sure my reels go viral. And they are so focused on that whole social media part, when the true value is really in those. real connections in the real world and getting seen by other organizations and joining organizations go figure how different your path would have been if you not joined that Local yard store of yours. I mean, it's yeah. Yeah, exactly. Like I would just be crocheting in my living room and I wouldn't have thought about designing and I wouldn't like it wasn't something that I wanted to do. It's just something that happened on my path and now I'm really happy last year I was on a design upward trajectory and then suddenly everything just stopped, like inspiration, everything just stopped life events happened. And I, I have three kids. So yeah, life is life goes. Yeah, always, always. So I had a downtime, like I my last pattern I released in January. Of 2024, but I had been working on it for a few months before testing and all that. But I was so proud of that design. I was like, okay, I am on a run. After this, it will be awesome. And then I released it and crochet inspiration was gone from me. Suddenly, like, everything just stopped. I was crocheting a little but not a lot, and I was just, I was stuck. And at the same time, the group was great. Francochet was great, because I was writing to them like, I don't know, and they were saying, it will come back to you, but I was seeing them, like, continuing, oh, I have this pattern, I have this, I have this, and I was like, oh, what should I do? What will I do? And then I saw something on Instagram that popped because I've been following you for a while. Because actually you were talking about the Hotel of Bees and that's actually a pattern that I just loved. The Hotel of Bees, I've made it like five times. I just love it. Yeah, I'm a huge fan. I love it so much. But I was for gifts, So I was gifting a hotel of bees everywhere, but I was looking at this and I was saying like, one day I want to design something like this. This is amazing. Like, Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. So it's one of my inspiration. I was like, I want to make something like this one day. So I was following you on Instagram and then there was talk of a little challenge that was happening on Facebook. And I was like, Well, I will try. I It was free. I was stuck. Like, let's try something. Yeah, yeah. For those listening. It's the challenge I ran last April. It's the find your unique crochet design style and It's specifically for aspiring crochet designers or crochet designers who already had designed a few patterns that are like you stuck with their style or maybe releasing things and not getting the response they'd like and really diving deep into what you love and what truly screams you. And so Let's talk about that. Let's talk about what the challenge did for you. Oh, that challenge is, I At first, I was because the beginning of the challenge, it was a little bit, I don't want to say it didn't have anything with design, but you were preparing us to get there. So that preparation, I was like, yeah, okay, I will do the exercise. Very good. Yeah, I will be a good student. I will do the whole assignment from the beginning, even if I'm like, well, will this really help? writing all this but I know that sometimes visualizing where you want to be it helps your brain get unstuck. So I was like, maybe that's what I need right now because I've been stuck for four months and I don't want to be stuck. For the whole year, because I was about to tell myself, well, let's just say 2024 design is done for me for this year. I'll just start back in 2025. And it was only February. Yeah, I don't like being stuck, so we started this and then what really like clicked is you made us do a drawing challenge, like we had to draw some design with the time. Yeah, 20 sketches in 10 minutes. Yes. I don't think anyone can do it, but it's so, such a great exercise to get outta your head. Yes, exactly. Because I watched your video and I was like, but she didn't make 20, so 20 is just a goal, but if I make less than 20, it will be okay. At least I will have drawn something. So I draw. And then the first drawing, I kind of cheated and I started like drawing old design ideas I had but then I was like, Oh, but I like this but I could go there and then I could go there and then I could go there and at the same time I was speaking with a friend of mine from Franck Rocher Christine, she's a great friend of mine. She makes potions and really geeky crochet and I've been having imposter syndrome with my geekiness. am I really a geek if I'm not playing Dungeons and Dragons? You know, so I was telling that to myself. I thought I didn't have a style. That's why I joined the challenge. But then I wrote to my friend and she said, but you already have a style. But I don't know, I don't see it. And she was like, look at your Ravelry page. Look at all the pictures together. She said, I see granny stitches and I see geeky things. So. geeky things and granny, that's your style. Yeah. You keep saying you love the granny stitch. And I was like, yeah, but there's granny stitch everywhere. But she's like, you already made things that aren't like other people that have granny stitch in them. I just had to take a step back. Sometimes that's something that is needed just to take a step back and say, Oh, Oh yeah. Okay. Yeah. And it's also helpful, right, to have such a friend like, well, look at your referee page because they are way more objective oftentimes, and they can help you see things you can't see yourself. Yeah, because when we have the nose on our screen, we just don't see the big picture. So yes, it's so valuable to have people like that in your life that can make you take a step back and look. Then the ideas just keep pouring. So now it's a happy problem. Yeah, yeah, luxury problem. Yeah, so yeah, because now I have too many ideas. Yeah, yeah. And not enough time. Yeah, I also have that problem, I think that's like, one of the biggest indicators of that you are on the right path, your own crochet design path is if things are flowing, if things feel light, if you're like, I have this book full of design ideas and I will never make them all because there's just too little time, then that's really, you know, such a big indicator of that you're on the right track and on your way to success. And that's so awesome. If things are flowing again. Yes, so when the challenge ended I was like where am I going with this now I have too many ideas, not enough time, but that's a happy problem. Yeah, so awesome. Yeah, so I was really thankful for this challenge it was great. Yeah. Yeah, for me personally, as a challenge host, it was also so great to see all of these people do the assignments, because like I say, day one is really like this journaling assignment. And we go rather deep into what you actually want to achieve. And I can so understand that there are like people well, what does this even have to do with crochet design, let's get on to the fun stuff, you know, yeah, but it really is so far off the journey, where do you want to actually end up being and especially when we are stuck, and we focus so much on the problem. Then we will never be able to solve it because we try to solve it from the problem perspective and we want to solve it from the perspective of the solution. So when we journal on the things we actually want to achieve and keep an open mind, then everything is possible again, and things will start to flow. But I can totally understand that this felt like such a random assignment to start with. Yeah, but at the same time, because I'm also a teacher in real life. Mm-Hmm. I was like, yeah, I know where she's going with this, but I did it so. And you were such a good student. Yeah. Yeah. During your wins and it was so fun to do the challenge with you and all the other students And having the Facebook group and when you seeing other people do it, you're like, I should do day one and day two and I have to work also because I was seeing other people like having made all these sketches and I was like, I want to make sketches too so let's do day one day two and then I can get to the sketch and yeah so it's motivating being in a group and seeing other people doing it is always easier. Yeah, it's so different. And that's also the reason why I wanted to provide that community sense. Because I know firsthand how important it is to have a group of like minded people, all working on the same thing. Yeah, so motivating. And that's why I wanted to provide that group as well. And It's so awesome that the challenge helped you to get unstuck. I don't know when or if ever I'm going to do it again, but yeah, it's just nice To see that effect on you. Yeah, really nice. And it was like the timing was perfect. Sometimes life just brings you what you need at the right time and that was that for me. Yeah, I absolutely don't believe in anything being a coincidence. We all get these little nudges and little synchronicities where things just fall into place and we just get what we need at the right time. Yeah, exactly. And you have to be open for it. Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, I mean, there's always free will and you can always say no, But it's awesome that you actually said yes, I was really happy. And at first, another friend of mine was saying why do you do this? She was saying, you already have a story. But you already have ideas and I was like, I don't know, I just feel like there's something I'm missing somewhere. I need this right now. It's also valuable because in a challenge like this, you can totally come up with a whole new style, but it's also very valuable that you recognize like, oh, I'm already on the right path that you get validated. And then your style gets validated. Yeah, and I drew things that I will never make because it's not my style, just drawing like anything. And then suddenly seeing some there's one pattern that I'm working on that came from this design, but it's not, like, exactly the thing that I drew, but I said, oh, but I could make this, but with granny stitch, and with this, and with this, so it was like a real great beginning to The next step. Yeah, right. Yeah. And I mean, my sketches oftentimes look nothing like the finished piece. So yeah, we just take from it what we need, right? Yeah, yeah. And when you start designing, I think that that's what I was thinking, that you just draw something and then you crochet it. But that's not how it works. So, it's a whole learning experience when you realize that, I can draw something, and it can be my inspiration but it doesn't mean that it's going to be this I can make a really cute reel on Instagram telling you this was my drawing. This is how it's going. This is the end. But that's not reality. And that's why the way we view things are skewed because of social media because it seems so easy. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I was having a conversation the other day with someone it was about knitting, but I mean, crochet is the same. Yeah. Like these are slow craft and Yeah. We have to keep in mind that they are not supposed to go on social media, creating reels for a new design every month. I mean, some designers do, they release something new every month and if that's how they flow, then all the power to them. But I don't work that way and a lot of crocheters and knitters don't as well. So I feel we can give ourselves the permission to take the pressure off and to look at ways of how it works for us. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Because that's not how I work. That's how I tried to work at first when I started designing. And then you have this high when you see your design on someone else's crochet, you're like, okay, so that's why people are doing it. This is so cool. And then you're like, I want more. I want more. I see. I see people on social media, they design, they design, they design, so I want to make the same thing and then you get burned out and I think that that's where I was because I have some friends who design things in their sleep and then there's a new pattern and then another new pattern, but I have to realize that they are doing this full time, I'm working, I'm a mom, I have other things. And that's something that is great to think about is what do I really want? Do I want to design and that be my life? Or do I just want to design and have fun with it. Yeah, right. And a lot of times what happens with crafts is that when you make a craft your job, it's sometimes a little bit hard. Yeah, yeah, you really have to find a way to balance it. And it's the whole reason why I said, Okay, I want to be a crochet designer full time, but I'm not going to churn out pattern after pattern. Because it's also not how I operate. I mean, most of my designs are like years in the making just because when it doesn't flow, I can push and pull all I want, but it won't happen. And I know that for myself, so I'm not going to try to fit myself into a model. that are not meant to fit in. And so I also really love to help other people to achieve their dream. So that's where the crochet design coaching is coming in. And I just feel like for a lot of people, crochet design is just a side hustle and I'm not even saying it like the meaning or anything. It's just a hobby that they get to make money with or a passion that they also get to make money with. And for a lot of people, that's just fine. Yeah, I feel that a lot of crochet designers who do want to do it full time. It's so important to have multiple ways of making money from your craft, so you are not. limited to only releasing designs, or you're not limited to only selling finished products. Because I see that a lot as well. And I feel we're getting a bit off topic here. But yeah, so many, especially on Instagram, like they churn out all of these stuffed toys, or shawls or whatever. And they sell it at fairs, they sell it on Etsy. And they're like, really burned out because they are spending 12 hours a day just making stuff, toys and things for a few dollars, and it's just not feasible. So we really have to, whenever we decide to do this, whether it's part time or full time, we have to look at how it flows for us and what's sustainable for us. Yeah, not look at what Anyone else is doing because that's just the fastest way to burn out. Yeah, and that's that did that's hard, right? Because of social media, it's hard to not want to do things like other people because it is. Yeah, you see someone being successful and you're like, that's what I want to do. That's how we're supposed to do it. But actually, there are a million different ways that you yeah, exactly. That's one thing that I had to just think do I want to do this full time for me right now, I cannot do this full time, but I still want to do it. So I will find a way. To just have a couple of designs and find the way and it will be your way and not somebody else's way. Exactly. And one of the things, a lot of crochet designers, beginner crochet designers struggle with is indeed like, I am working part time. I am a parent and I also have this crochet design dream. How am I ever going to make everything work? And. I've also talked about this in the mind of the crochet designer, my coaching program, I've talked about that your 100% is not the same as everyone else's. 100%. If you can spend like an hour a week working on your crochet sign, then that is your 100%. Yeah, and we really have to remind ourselves of that, that whenever we have this dream. You don't have to keep yourself back, like, Oh, but I cannot work on this full time. It doesn't matter. Just take a step that's feasible for you. Yeah, do it in whatever your 100 percent looks like and you will set you up for success and actually achieving your dream, which you are well on your way to. Yes. I don't know where the future is going, but I know that now at least I am unstuck. I have a few drawings that I made and I can try to make them come to life and see where it's leading me. And, like you said you, have your coaching program. And for me, I'm teaching. So my summer will look like preparing my classes for the next year. festival this fall. So I will prepare this and I will teach. The same classes that I teach each year, but now I have a new one this year, so I will have to work on that. It's exciting because I think that if I was still stuck, maybe I would think, I don't know if I can make it. Should I just take the two classes that I still have, or should I really take a third one? But now I know I can do it and it will help me with My design, because once you're started, it's just easier to continue. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Great things ahead for you Mimi. Yeah, I hope so. Well, thank you for your time today, Mimi, and I really enjoyed this conversation with you. We've covered so much. Before we head out, I just want to ask you, where can people find your designs? Where can people find you online? Yes. On Instagram. My handle is M H L crochet. On Facebook, I am Marie Hélène Lavoie Crochet. And I also have a YouTube M H L Crochet also. And on Ravelry, it's Marie Hélène Lavoie. such an awesome thing. Okay, no words, we'll just pop everything in the show notes so people can just follow the links there. Well, yeah, thank you, Marie Helene for your time. And I'm sure we will talk again someday. Yeah. Thank you for everyone who's listening to the podcast. I hope you had amazing takeaways from this conversation and that what's possible for Mimi is possible for you as well. Thank you. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye.