Mind of the Crochet Designer podcast

Ep 14: Why struggling with design sketches is actually a good thing!

Christina Hadderingh

In this ultra short episode (but valuable all the same!), I dive into sketching!

Why you should listen:

  1. The key reason why many new designers struggle with translating their sketches into crochet designs.
  2. My biggest tip on creating sketches that actually work for crochet.
  3. Why sketching isn't always necessary and how you can design without it.
  4. Why struggling to recreate your sketches is actually a positive thing!

This episode is for you when:
You think you need sketching to crochet design, you struggle with turning your sketches into designs or you struggle with creating sketches in the first place. 

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Have a wonderful and creative week!

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Hello, welcome creative and beautiful souls to a new episode of mine, of the crochet dishonor podcast. I am your host, Christina holidaying. And today I like to talk about sketching. Because it's so funny. When I did the challenge to find your unique crochet design style. I discovered that the way I sketch my designs is not something that people naturally do when they. First start with crochet design. So what I saw is that a lot of new designers that actually sketched on the level of what they could sketch with their pencils instead of what they could actually turn into crochet. So they were sketching and designing on the level of a pencil and not on the level of stitches and colors and techniques. So that was something that I actually didn't know that a lot of new designers did. So this was such an eye-opener to me. And. If you are. Someone that is just starting out as a crochet dishonor or you're like, well, I would really love to. Crochet the sign and I've made a few sketches, but when it comes to the actual creating stage of recreating, my sketch. I just fall flat and I see a lot of designers struggle with this because they actually sketch. On the level of this catch and not on level of crochet. So a tip I have for you today is that when you create your design sketch, that you actually sketch from the level of stitches. The sketch itself actually. Isn't that important because that's another thing that I saw a lot of new designers trip up on is that they are like, well, I'm not even good at sketching. But you have to remind yourself that. The sketch is just a means to an end because in the end, it's the design that matters. And actually you don't even have to sketch anything. Unless you are doing a submission for a magazine or a whatever. If you are fine with just a very fake outline of your design and then make a mood board with. Imagers of design shoe, actually also like, or images of special stitches or techniques you'd like to use. Then that's also fine. You really don't have to use sketching at all. So my next tip is you don't actually have to use sketches at all. If this is something that trips you up. And the third one is actually a shift in perspective that when I started as a crochet dishonor, I would catch so much because I'm a very fishable person. So I really need to sketch it out. To get that idea from my brain onto paper is very important to me. And I would find debts I would sketch and sketch and sketch and I could actually recreate what I've sketched. But it would not be to my liking. I was like, well, in a sketch, this looks amazing, bud. One, I actually created in stitches. That's not at all. What I fought, it would end up being. And so there's this perspective, change that. When we try to recreate our sketch and it feels hard or it feels. It looks nothing like what we envisions, then that's actually a good thing because this means that you are expanding on your skills. So this is actually something to celebrate and I want you to know that it's very normal to struggle with sketching that you don't even have to sketch it at all. But if you are sketching and if you are new, what crochet signing then I would like you to know that it's totally okay. And very normal to to struggle with this parts. So that's all I have for you today. I hope you really enjoyed this short episode. I really appreciate all of the loft that has been given to this podcast. So far off the reviews. All of your comments on the social media posts and. I want you to know I read off them and I really appreciate your time. Submitting them. I love doing this podcast. I love to continue doing this podcast. So thank you for your appreciation and so I just want to wish you happy sketching and talk to you next time on the mine of the crochet signup podcast. Bye bye.