The Angry Biller

Ep 08 - Scuba Diving for Healing: The Power of Underwater Therapy

July 08, 2024 The Angry Biller
Ep 08 - Scuba Diving for Healing: The Power of Underwater Therapy
The Angry Biller
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The Angry Biller
Ep 08 - Scuba Diving for Healing: The Power of Underwater Therapy
Jul 08, 2024
The Angry Biller

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How does a professional tennis player and corporate executive end up founding a non-profit that changes veterans' lives through scuba diving? Monika Hadvigerova's journey is nothing short of inspiring. From battling her own PTSD to discovering the therapeutic benefits of scuba diving through her Gulf War veteran husband, Monika's story speaks volumes about resilience and the power of community. Together, they built Military Recreational Divers Inc., focusing on providing continuous support to veterans with severe PTSD and physical injuries. This episode shines a light on the transformative impact of tailored care and the ocean’s healing powers.

Monika shares heartfelt stories of veterans whose lives were saved by the sense of peace and camaraderie found underwater. The episode dives deep into the mental and physical benefits of scuba diving therapy, painting a vivid picture of how it fosters community bonding. Learn about the challenges Military Recreational Divers Inc. faces, from funding to finding certified divers for adaptive needs, and why public awareness and support are crucial. The vision is clear: to grow and provide life-saving experiences for more veterans, highlighting the importance of prioritizing human lives over anything else.

Monika Hadvigerova

THE ANGRY BILLER, powered by J3 Revenue Cycle Management

Phone: (954) 544-2706



Production of Podcast: VISUALS BY MOMO

Show Notes Transcript

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How does a professional tennis player and corporate executive end up founding a non-profit that changes veterans' lives through scuba diving? Monika Hadvigerova's journey is nothing short of inspiring. From battling her own PTSD to discovering the therapeutic benefits of scuba diving through her Gulf War veteran husband, Monika's story speaks volumes about resilience and the power of community. Together, they built Military Recreational Divers Inc., focusing on providing continuous support to veterans with severe PTSD and physical injuries. This episode shines a light on the transformative impact of tailored care and the ocean’s healing powers.

Monika shares heartfelt stories of veterans whose lives were saved by the sense of peace and camaraderie found underwater. The episode dives deep into the mental and physical benefits of scuba diving therapy, painting a vivid picture of how it fosters community bonding. Learn about the challenges Military Recreational Divers Inc. faces, from funding to finding certified divers for adaptive needs, and why public awareness and support are crucial. The vision is clear: to grow and provide life-saving experiences for more veterans, highlighting the importance of prioritizing human lives over anything else.

Monika Hadvigerova

THE ANGRY BILLER, powered by J3 Revenue Cycle Management

Phone: (954) 544-2706



Production of Podcast: VISUALS BY MOMO

Josh Fertel


Welcome to the Angry Biller, a show where we explore the people and the businesses behind the scenes of healthcare those men and women that are the catalysts that allow providers to concentrate on delivering exceptional patient care. Welcome to the Angry Biller. We are broadcasting from visuals by Momo. My name is Josh Fertel, I am your host and I am the owner of J3 Revenue Cycle Management. The thing that I like to do when I'm not talking about someone behind the scenes is really bring to light the non-profit organizations that help us. That is where you find the passion that somebody has to help those that not necessarily are going to get help in the traditional way. So I'm very, very excited today that I have Monica Hadvigerova from Military Recreational Divers Inc. With us. How you doing, Monica? 

Monika Hadvigerova


Hello, I'm doing good, thank you. 

Josh Fertel


That's great. Thank you for coming. I really want to start. I've heard your story. I really want to start right from the beginning, of how you started this institution, how you started this company and what it is that you're trying to achieve. But let's go back to the beginning. 

Monika Hadvigerova


So the beginning, me and my husband met and when we met I found out you know he was in the military, he was in a Gulf War, so his you know body is pretty worn out. He has some injuries and heavy PTSD. Thank you Also, when we met, I have severe PTSD from something else, but it was pretty severe. So we both went through trauma and turns out that he tried to commit suicide. However, he found diving with another organization for veterans and it saved his life. And you know and now I'm hearing it more and more that diving per se scuba diving saves people's life, like it saves their mentality. 


And he started a little group on facebook right, but he would never take it to this level, like actually start an organization he wanted to. So that's where I stepped in. 

Josh Fertel


I'm like let's go do it and yeah, and we, we jumped into it because we want to give back okay they deserve it and they really need it, like these guys need, need help thank you and absolutely it's a great cause and that's why I was very excited for you to come. But let's go back to your story earlier, before you met your husband, because I know you have a lot, of, a lot of things okay, so before, before we met, uh, I was a professional tennis player okay and then I also was a university tennis player division one, and then I also was a university tennis player Division I which was great. 

Monika Hadvigerova


I went to University of Texas at Arlington, which is actually number one university for veterans, which is funny. I guess it was meant to be. 

Josh Fertel


That's interesting. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Yes, and I had a great business early on, but wrong marriage. I had to run away. I went through very bad things, hence the severe PTSD Right and it did slow my life a lot. It destroyed me for a couple of years. You know you make the wrong decisions and things like that. 


So I got stuck for a while just dealing with my head or like like anything. You know it was hard. So I slowly got out of that. I got into financial services, um, you know, started using my school again and um, got into corporate, uh, doing marketing, and then ended up in procurement. And then I met my husband, yes, and then we got pregnant. So I didn't go back to my corporate job because we really wanted to start this nonprofit organization. 

Josh Fertel


Excellent, that's a good. I wanted to hear the story. I wanted everybody to hear the story. Thank you, and you're a fighter too. And yes, yes, that's true, I was a semi-pro fighter In every sense, in every sense. But you know the actual fighting. That was fun. I enjoyed it. So why scuba diving? What is it specifically about scuba diving that you think is the the best way to go? 

Monika Hadvigerova


um, so we all know that ocean already has numerous benefits. Like completely everybody knows that ocean water is just the bomb, and scuba diving actually adds to it. First of all, it's a sport right, and we all know that sport helps people in a lot of ways, especially mentally right. 


Okay, so it's a sport activity, so let's start with that, and then it actually has deep health benefits. You know, for your bones, for your muscles, for your heart benefits. You know for your bones, for your muscles, for your heart. And the most important for us when we want to help people with PTSD, is that it reduces anxiety and depression that's great that's. 

Josh Fertel


I mean, that's a big one when, when one of the veterans comes to you, how are you finding? How are they finding you? 

Monika Hadvigerova


so, of course, because my husband is a veteran, okay, uh, we do already have people that know about us or know us. Uh, that's what, how we set up the first dive, basically, and uh, then, um, when we will move forward, uh, we will prioritize people with, you know, heavier ptsd, heavier injuries so it will be on a very private basis. 


You know we want to know everyone that will come dive with us and also we want people to come back to dive with us because you know you need more help. It's not one-time thing that you're gonna get better mentally or physically and and how do you judge the level of ptsd in someone? 


well, that's again. You know, uh, if we need to, we're gonna get more personal. So everybody has a story. Yes, you know, and if we need to, we're going to get more personal. So everybody has a story, yes, you know, and it doesn't have to be so, so deep. But you know if somebody comes and they tell us hey, they just got blown up a year ago and somebody was in the military for two years, but nothing happened. Right, there's the difference. You know we're going to prioritize. 

Josh Fertel


I got you, so we want to take the the heavily that helps the most. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, and is there a number? Is there a limit to how many divers can go at one time? 

Monika Hadvigerova


so that will also depend on funding, but we will take either the whole charter, which is up to 15, 16 veterans, or half, which is like 7, 8 okay, the uh. 

Josh Fertel


I definitely want to talk about funding. But yes, before we get to that, not everybody is a professional scuba diver, so I'm assuming that a lot of the veterans that you bring have never experienced scuba. 

Monika Hadvigerova


So, as of right now, yes, so as of right now. Um, we had a half charter and it was for active divers, believe or believe it or not. 

Josh Fertel


So many of them already died like we had like zero problem, you know finding uh divers um. 

Monika Hadvigerova


However, when we get more funding, we will get uh veterans certified. Whoever wants to come and, you know, get this therapy started we will offer um certifications and what is that like? 

Josh Fertel


getting the certification? What does? 

Monika Hadvigerova


that open water. They will go through basic courses and any of this, whatever is anybody yeah, it's basic steps. 

Josh Fertel


Is that something that's done in a day? Is that something that's done over time? 

Monika Hadvigerova


so I believe it. Usually the first certification takes like two days because they will start in a pool on day one Great. And then they will take them to the water. However, if somebody needs more help, you know it might take a little longer before they take them on the boat, so it will be individual. But we have good people who teach people how to dive, so it will be very important that they need to be good in the pool before they will move them to the ocean that makes sense. 

Josh Fertel


Yeah, that makes sense. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Okay, so let's let's talk about funding, let's talk about how you are able to provide this service okay, so it is very tight as of right now, but we really started basically this organization or company, whichever you want to call it in January from scratch. Oh, that's great. What helped me a lot was joining BNI, for example because it's a lot of good connections, networking, networking definitely, and I already managed to have a co-event with another organization. 

Josh Fertel



Monika Hadvigerova


So that was great. We raised, you know, enough money for us to make the charter happen, which I was super happy about. So within you know, a few short months, I was already able to do this, and we are always looking for sponsors, especially right now Right. With, let's say, monthly or yearly contributions, you know, and we would be happy to put them on our banner and let's get things started. 

Josh Fertel


You had said that you had a partnership for your first event. Are there specific companies that you would like to partner with? 

Monika Hadvigerova



Josh Fertel


A typical field. 

Monika Hadvigerova


A field, not necessarily a field, but companies that are happy to help nonprofits. I do have our main sponsor as such. They really work with nonprofits a lot and they're happy to sponsor such an event Because, especially at this level, everything will go to the veterans. I mean I cannot wait because I can have so many dives after this event. So yeah, somebody who definitely works with nonprofits or somebody who wants to help veterans, really feel for veterans. You know they have family or they're actually a veteran, but doing good in business. 


Right, you know so somebody like that, because I think that will really resonate with them, you know, because it's for them also. 

Josh Fertel


Are there government agencies that you've been able to contact? 

Monika Hadvigerova


The government agencies. So we are applying for grants. The only thing with the grants is that they take a long time. Yes, and sometimes not only sometimes, but I am starting to hear this a lot Then, when the organization is new, it's usually no than a yes, because they want to see you in business for a couple of years, which is kind of contradiction, because I mean right now I need the most help you know, but unfortunately I have to wait, but yeah, we're already applying for grants. 

Josh Fertel


So the private sector is really where you need to find help. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Where I need to. Yes, maybe no, you know. You know if there's a good company, the funding my work better that way yes, private companies for me, because you know, you know I like to network and I like to, you know, get out there. I like to tell people what I'm doing, what we are doing, you know it's it's all to help people do you hold events that help you with your cause? Well, like I already mentioned. So we had one co-event with another organization. That was in April. 

Josh Fertel


Okay, and that was great. And what was that? 

Monika Hadvigerova


It was a fundraiser, a fundraiser. 

Josh Fertel


Yeah, it was a fundraiser. 

Monika Hadvigerova


It was like a little soiree, okay, you know, we had people like network but we also had a DJ, so it was more fun. Okay, that's good. Yes, they had a great outcome. And I think we will host it annually with this other organization. 

Josh Fertel


That's great, and you have more planned, I'm assuming. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Yes, absolutely so. That was the first one, and so the next one is planned for September 27th. 

Josh Fertel



Monika Hadvigerova


And that will be our major fundraiser for a year. All right, tell us tell us more, tell us more, yeah, okay. So right now I don't know where my head is with this, because, hopefully, yeah, uh, we just found a great venue today great uh, the date will be september 27th. Um, we will have dj, we will have a singer, it will be a water view event. That was important for me because you know we're healing with water. 


Yes, exactly yes, and we're looking for sponsors. So if anybody wants to come up, hey, we're right here. 

Josh Fertel


Are there sponsorship levels you're looking for? 

Monika Hadvigerova


Yes, so there are sponsorship levels. If any company or you know you would like to see it. I I am happy to email it. I am happy to meet one and one, present everything properly, you know no, I understand. 

Josh Fertel


Yes, let's, uh, let's. Let's go back to the divers. Okay, tell me one feel-good story that you've seen after a dive well, I can already tell you that, uh, my husband is alive okay, like no, that's great. If that didn't happen, carry that on to the four people. 

Monika Hadvigerova


If that did not happen, I would not have a husband you know, I mean yes, no, that's perfect so that's, that's one of them and, uh, what really touched me when really started early on. I just started our instagram and Facebook and I already had a comment that scuba diving saved my life from a veteran. 

Josh Fertel


You know like like it's. 

Monika Hadvigerova


It's different when they say yes. It makes them feel better. 

Josh Fertel



Monika Hadvigerova


But to save your life literally. You know it's, it's, I love that Like I like. That's great. You know the feeling it's like oh my God. 

Josh Fertel


Why do you think that is? Why do you? It's? It's the water. It's the water is the healing powers of the ocean. 

Monika Hadvigerova


I would say it's calm, quiet. They all love it. It's like I guess you can be almost like stress-free. It's not the real world. You know you're completely somewhere else, right? 

Josh Fertel


yeah, it's like you're on another planet about everything for yes, you're on another planet, you know, you're basically floating. 

Monika Hadvigerova


It's like flying just underwater, I think I, I I'm pretty sure that for everybody else it's a little different things, sure, you know sure for me as I free dive, it's like another great sport that I can push, since I was such a sport person, right? But it's just like you're so happy. It doesn't matter, you know, if you just free dive or if you dive, you just you're so happy. It doesn't matter, you know, if you just free dive or if you dive, you just you're so happy it's like it makes you happy. 


You're happy on the boat, you're happy on the water it's like it makes your day and do uh do the divers? 

Josh Fertel


are they bonding with each other? 

Monika Hadvigerova


and so that's stories. That's a good one. That that's another reason why we will only do half charters or charters. So I have a group of veterans that can get together and we already had a great feedback after this first one, because some veterans don't know each other. So, we are strengthening the community of veterans and they find new buddies. You know and they can tell you. They're far more comfortable speaking about their problems to another veteran. 

Josh Fertel



Monika Hadvigerova


So we want to provide the safe space also. 

Josh Fertel


So, besides the water, just them getting together and being able to talk to each other? Yes, exactly. 

Monika Hadvigerova


And have fun. Like I'm telling you, everybody's just so happy on the boat. It's great. 

Josh Fertel


What are some? Aside from the financial aspect? What other challenges are you finding in running this organization? 

Monika Hadvigerova


Challenges Okay, Funding, funding and funding. 

Josh Fertel


No, no, that's all right. I mean, I know that's number one, I know that's number one. Yes, yes, yes, but you know. 

Monika Hadvigerova


So we need to find somebody who can take adaptive divers you know underwater Great somebody who can take adaptive divers. You know underwater great. But somehow we got lucky, we already found another organization that meanwhile, you know, can provide that for us that has a person that has a person, that they're really focused on the adaptive divers okay. So if you have quadriplegic, they can take him down and and that's the thing people do that and this organization. They've been in business for a while and it's working for them, so it's great. 

Josh Fertel


See, I'm glad you mentioned that. Yes, that's something I would have thought of. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Yes, but soon. We want to find our person. 

Josh Fertel



Monika Hadvigerova


You know, for our needs. If somebody like that you know comes along, then we want to be able to do that. So a certified diver who can take them down, that's interesting. 

Josh Fertel


Yeah, yeah, the public. We want to get the word out to the public, absolutely. What's the message that you want to send out to somebody who isn't a veteran or doesn't have a veteran in their family or hasn't gone through these things, so that they can get involved and they can help financially. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Yeah, so I had another meeting with another great organization and they also help veterans, right. But what is really sad is that pets get more funding than people. Okay, Literally, organizations for veterans are ranked lower than animals okay. 


Not that I don't love animals, oh my God, yes, absolutely. But it's still like, really, commercials are on TV. Yes, I guess I'm. I'm like, yeah, you know that. So that's a little like that. And, um, there is about 22 veterans per day who commit suicide. So imagine if, with this, we save at least one a dive. I mean, that's just saving a human life. It doesn't have to be a veteran, you know, if you're not really resonating with veterans, but you may be able to save actual life. 

Josh Fertel



Monika Hadvigerova


Overall, you know. So I think I would say that that's interesting about the pets. I know I was shocked too. Don't tell me. 

Josh Fertel


I was shocked yeah. 

Monika Hadvigerova


And then again, of course, I love pets. Oh my God, I love animals, I love pets. But you know, I think humans should still be prioritized. 

Josh Fertel


But at least, even if you don't prioritize it, at least make it equal. Yes, absolutely, at least make it equal. These are human lives, these are men and women that served for our country. 

Monika Hadvigerova



Josh Fertel


And they deserve as much as a pet at least If you put it just plain English, right, I agree. What do you think your next steps are as you continue to grow? What's your vision for your company? 

Monika Hadvigerova


continue to grow. What's your, what's your vision for your, for your company? So the vision is, uh, having a steady schedule of diving. That that is the biggest goal, because I want them to come back. I want new people also. So at least two dives per month, okay, plus with separate budget to get people certified, you know okay very good um, yes, so being steady, you know, having the steady schedule that I can fill right that is the biggest goal and also grow this um september annual event. 

Josh Fertel


Okay, definitely yes, do you see yourself branching off to different areas? So you're in fort lauderdale and miami. Now what about jacksonville or tampa, or so we'll see. 

Monika Hadvigerova


I mean, we function for everybody. But you know, obviously you would have to come down to south florida yes and that's a good question, because I really didn't get as far yet. Right, I got you, but you're in the beginning stage yes, yes, but that's I mean that's a good idea, because we will um go to different dive spots. Of course we're not singing to just one. We need diversity. 

Josh Fertel



Monika Hadvigerova


So maybe, hey, maybe we will have like two dives in Jacksonville or, you know, somewhere else. We'll do something different later on. 

Josh Fertel


Yeah, that would be. Yeah, I mean yeah, there's. I don't see how you couldn't find somebody with the same passion as you or close to it as you and your husband that is in another. There's definitely a duplicate. Somewhere is going, somebody's going through the same thing and they might want to help. And you know, with more representation for your company, the more opportunity is for income, you know, for investment and for donations. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Yeah, and that's another thing I really like to give back or show people off that helped us, you know. Yes, that's why my September event is also important, because it's like a little thank you for everybody that supports. And just have a nice, beautiful evening. 

Josh Fertel


No, that's good. So if somebody wanted to participate in the event, how would they contact you? 

Monika Hadvigerova


How would they contact me? I believe you will have my contacts for this podcast Go ahead. So it's very simple. They can just email me, okay, and the email is Monica at With a K, with a K at 

Josh Fertel


Yes, okay, and website. 

Monika Hadvigerova



Josh Fertel


And there's contact pages there. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Yes, there's my contact and my husband's contact. 

Josh Fertel



Monika Hadvigerova


But the best way is to email me directly. 

Josh Fertel


No, that's great, all right. So if I had a magic wand and I could make something happen for you that would help you, what would it be? 

Monika Hadvigerova


I would love another sponsor for my event in September. 

Josh Fertel


Just one more. Well, for now. You said right now. That's an easy one. We could definitely take care of that. We could definitely take care of that. I want to thank you for coming, I want to thank your husband for his service and we will definitely visit again before September. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Sounds great. 

Josh Fertel


I'd love to have you come back before then so we can talk about more, and I just really appreciate everything that you're doing and keep it up, and I hope we wish you the best of success. 

Monika Hadvigerova


Thank you for having me. This was a great opportunity. 

Josh Fertel


Yes, thank you. Thank you for listening today. Please follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn, and you can check us out at