Business Sexcess

02 - Unlocking the Power of Head, Heart, and Hara in Business

June 14, 2024 Lorraine Crookes Season 1 Episode 2
02 - Unlocking the Power of Head, Heart, and Hara in Business
Business Sexcess
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Business Sexcess
02 - Unlocking the Power of Head, Heart, and Hara in Business
Jun 14, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2
Lorraine Crookes

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In this episode, we discuss the energetic dynamics of running a business, exploring the often overlooked yet profoundly impactful energies of the heart and the hara. While many of us rely heavily on our head—using logic, strategy, and thought to drive business decisions—there's a vast untapped potential in our heart and hara energies.

Key Highlights:

  • Head Energy: The essential role of logic and strategy in business.
  • Heart Energy: Discovering the underestimated power of the heart, with insights from the Heart Math Institute on how the heart's electromagnetic field is significantly stronger and more extensive than that of the brain.
  • Hara Energy: Understanding the creative powerhouse of the hara, which governs manifestation, creativity, and gut instincts.

I share personal anecdotes about pivoting my business from tantric massage to public speaking and the importance of following what resonates with your heart, even when it seems unconventional. We discuss the balance between head, heart, and hara energies in both business and personal life, emphasising the importance of making decisions that feel good and align with your true self.

FREE Online Workshop - Sexual Energy For Business Growth

Visit the Orgasmic Life website for more information

Proudly edited by Mike at Making Digital Real

Show Notes Transcript

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In this episode, we discuss the energetic dynamics of running a business, exploring the often overlooked yet profoundly impactful energies of the heart and the hara. While many of us rely heavily on our head—using logic, strategy, and thought to drive business decisions—there's a vast untapped potential in our heart and hara energies.

Key Highlights:

  • Head Energy: The essential role of logic and strategy in business.
  • Heart Energy: Discovering the underestimated power of the heart, with insights from the Heart Math Institute on how the heart's electromagnetic field is significantly stronger and more extensive than that of the brain.
  • Hara Energy: Understanding the creative powerhouse of the hara, which governs manifestation, creativity, and gut instincts.

I share personal anecdotes about pivoting my business from tantric massage to public speaking and the importance of following what resonates with your heart, even when it seems unconventional. We discuss the balance between head, heart, and hara energies in both business and personal life, emphasising the importance of making decisions that feel good and align with your true self.

FREE Online Workshop - Sexual Energy For Business Growth

Visit the Orgasmic Life website for more information

Proudly edited by Mike at Making Digital Real

Lorraine Crookes:

Music. Thank you for tuning in to business success, empowering business professionals and entrepreneurs to lead an orgasmic life. Hello and welcome to this episode of business success. This is an overrating space here to fuel up your business and your bedroom. It's where empowerment meets personal professional development. I'm your host. Yes, that's me. Lorraine crookes, empowerment Liberator and award winning speaker, columnist, educator and healer, here to make sure all business professionals and entrepreneurs lead an orgasmic life. Welcome to this episode of business success. I'm just going to have a slab of my tea. If you haven't got one, stick me on pause and go and grab one, cos this is going to be an amazing episode where I get to explain to you the energy from running your business. So we're going to be discussing head, So I think most of us who are running a business, or thinking of running a business, or even just working in a business, would agree that a lot of our decisions, our choices and our processes in running a business are made from our head. We use a lot of logic, strategy thoughts to really focus on how we can manifest the best possible business. And 100% we need that. We need our brain power to drive our business. We need to have a strategy. We need to have processes in place. We need to be methodical in how we run the business and make those business decisions. But drum roll please, we're missing a trick, because we have another two energies that quite often in business, we forget and we don't tap into. So the heart energy is a very, very, very powerful energy. Our brain energy definitely functions, and we know that. We know we've got this computer in our head that helps us live our life, but our heart energy is very much underestimated. It is a power energy. It's one of those energies that you know when you meet someone, whether you're going to like them or not, you know, we think it's our head. We think it's our head, but actually, that heart energy is the one when you resonate with someone. There's an organisation called The Heart Math Institute. They've done loads of research in this. I'm just going to share three facts with you, three facts with you from the Heart Math Institute. I'll put the link to their website below this video, but they talk about the heart being 60 times greater than the brain in regards to the electric electromagnetic field. So 60 times greater than the brain in the electromagnetic field. So how it radiates and connects with the outside world? The heart is 100 times greater in strength than the brain field. So not only does it go further, it goes better, and also that it is, can be detected, detected three feet away. So you know, when you're in the office and someone walks in behind you and without even turning around, there's a knowing. You can feel it when you meet someone networking. You kind of drawn towards someone, you connect, and you kind of don't even know why they they kind of resonate, and you haven't even, never even spoken to them. You don't even know their name, but there's just something that draws you to them. That's not head energy, that's heart energy. It's a really, really powerful thing, and I often talk to business professionals and entrepreneurs, particularly when I'm out networking, and say, How many decisions in your business do you make from your head and how many do you make from your heart? Because I think we can get really tied up with making big decisions from a. Place of kind of strategy and need and what everyone else is doing. We gotta have our avatar. We've gotta have our stages of products, our funnels in place, our website, all of this stuff that we're told from all the business coaches and support groups we go to and business training. And none of that's wrong, but sometimes, just sometimes, it doesn't resonate. And then you find yourself climbing up this big mountain trying to get something done that just doesn't feel right. You know, you're creating your your free offer, you're creating your low price product, your top end product, you're doing all these things the way everyone else is doing them, but something doesn't feel right. And it's the difference between thinking we should do something and feeling that it's good for us. And I believe if we use both, but we tap in to what feels good, then we can run our business from a much more heart led place. So I always say, if I'm connecting to my heart, and I make a decision from my heart, because it feels good and it feels good for me. So let me think of an example pivoting my business from tantric massage to talking about business and and intimacy and pleasure. People thought I was mad. People didn't get it. And my head was saying, just stick to what you're doing. Promote the tantric massage. You can build that. Run workshops. It was, you know, it's in flow, it's it's a changing world, and more and more people are connecting with it. But there was something in my heart that felt like I wanted to do public speaking. I wanted to be out there talking about this stuff. It resonated with me. It resonated in my heart that I wanted to overcome the taboos and help people overcome the taboos that were we were all facing around intimacy and pleasure. I didn't think it was a good idea, but my heart was telling me that it was a good thing to do and to take the leap of faith. And you know what? I love the tantra massage, but my heart is so in this. And actually, if it goes wrong, wrong, wrong. If anything ever goes wrong, life's a journey, but if it doesn't go as I expected, or something doesn't unfold as I would like, the truth is, if I've done it, if I've done it from a place of heartfulness and feeling good, the heart doesn't ever get it wrong. So even if it doesn't pan out as I expected, I did it for the right reasons. It wasn't about justifying it to myself. It wasn't about what other people said. It wasn't about the the the fors and against. It was about a feeling of something feeling good and being in flow with it. When you make a decision from the heart, you're so much more in flow than these head decisions, where you've got this push, push, push, push, push energy. Sometimes we just need to open our heart and allow something to unfold. And often when we do that, it's that whole scenario about what's that saying about like, one door closes, another door open, opens. There's a lot of that in heart energy as we make a decision to do something, suddenly we see opportunities all around us. Has anyone ever had that experience where you like, No, I'm going to do this, and then suddenly, in your pathway, there's two or three opportunities, or, you know, things that are kind of fall into your inbox, that just fall in line with that decision you've made, because you're attracting that you're pulling that into this immense energy that we've got, and we are energy. Everything about us is energy. So if we're not connecting to our heart, and we're only running our business from the head up, as much as you know, we know these, this energy kind of, again, from a chakra point of view, from an energy perspective, connects to the higher source. We can't just live in our head, in our brain, what they're doing out there. We can't just live in our brain like our heart. Energy is just too powerful to ignore, and a lot of us don't do that. And the other thing that resonates in the work I do is that people often have intimacy and pleasure, and that's very much my headspace. It's what's the process, what's the strategy, what's next? What should I be doing? Which we do in our business? Like those energies can sometimes be the same. We get into a headspace, into a process rather than an experience. So just check into whether that resonates. Are you not only running your business from your head, but what about your bedroom? Do. Duh. Duh. Is your bedroom a process strategies, a list of tick box things that you need to get done? Are you present in the experience? Does it feel good for you? And all of these analogies fit both business and bedroom, and then we have the powerhouse of the horror. NOW THE HORROR energy is very much around manifesting creativity. It is the powerhouse. If you think about the energy that's there in our in our energy, it is a hugely powerful energy. It creates new life. That whole energy at the bottom half of us is about new life, manifesting, giving and receiving. It's a hub of absolute power. It's where the gut instinct lives, which is something else some of us don't tune into. Now, that gut instinct of, does this feel good? Feel good? Does this? Does this resonate with me? What's my gut instinct about this? And I'm sure you can all think of experiences and times in your life when you haven't relied on your gut instinct and you wish you had it's a powerful energy. Now in business, this whole energy is fundamental. Giving and Receiving is what we do. We have a product. We sell our product to receive money, to receive something back in partnerships, a business is a partnership. It's an exchange of energy. It's also about creativity. It's also about manifesting things. It's also about the whole energy of being in flow, and yet, many of us are very disconnected from And if we're disconnected from and we're disconnected from the waist down in how we connect to intimacy and how we how we interact and have the relationship with our area, then How does that show up in business? Are we blocking the manifesting? Are we blocking the creativity? Are we blocking the giving and receiving? Because often, if we're disconnected from we are running our business from our head because we're choosing the furthest part away from it to run our business. We don't want to tap in to that energy, and that's not a conscious thing. It's very unconscious. We kind of focusing the all of our life in our head and not in our heart and our horror. The horror energy, for me, is the hub of business. It's where the good, juicy stuff happens. Literally, it's where we can create a business that we can really connect to. Now, we can't use any of these one alone, like the one of these areas alone. We need all three. We need logic. We need strategy. 100% we're living in a human body, in a human experience. But I'm asking you, I suppose, in this kind of in this episode, at this time, just to sit for a moment and just think, how do you use your heart and your horror to run your business? Are you so in your head that almost your business has now out of flow. Could it do with more flow if you allowed yourself to immerse yourself in connecting some way to your energy, your lower chakras and your heart energy, which is part of your energy, then could your business flow in a better way? Now this doesn't have to be swinging from the chandeliers. This doesn't have to be every night of the week, but there are other ways that you can really connect to who you are, honouring your body, whether that's a beautiful bubble bath, getting your feet in the grass in nature, just really connecting to the parts of your body that are low, below the waist. So whether it's just holding even in that in that space, just even resting your hands there now, and how does that feel? Does it feel comfortable? Does it feel disconnect? Disconnecting. Is there something in your heart now that doesn't feel very good and just gently resting your hands over your energy? What does that bring up for you? How does that feel? I. Is it a place of comfort or discomfort? Does it feel empowering or disempowering? We have so many stories that we pick up in society, and I know I talked about this in my last episode. We've got so much that we we pick up from our childhood, our upbringing, our culture, society, so many stories that we become disconnected from this part of our body, this part of our energy, without even knowing it's crazy, and it's our powerhouse. It's the very reason we're here. I'm not sure if you've kind of realised, but somehow, somewhere, for better or for worse, the only reason you're here is because two people had or at least connected to the energy in some way, it creates new life as a powerful energy that I know, I think should be in every business. Think they go habits. I believe, I feel that this energy is part of our business and one that we're disconnected with. And that's what my whole business is now about. It's about helping people get in tune with their horror energy, their heart energy, getting out of their head in the bedroom and in their business, to lead a life that's just so much more in flow, to align all three energies. There is nothing wrong with strategy. There is nothing wrong with having systems and processes in place. But life is an experience, and actually, our customers want an experience. They want to feel the heart energy reaching them. They want to feel that creativity manifesting they want to feel like they're in a relationship with you, that there is a there is a giving and a receiving within that. So I'm going to leave you with those thoughts of, do you run your business in your head, in your heart, or in your horror. And even spending some time thinking about which parts of your business are in your head, in your heart and in your horror, and if they feel like they're very significant parts of your business that sit in each part of those, think about how you can join those together to become more in flow, more holistic, more wholesome, so that you can serve yourself better and you can serve your clients, the head, the heart and the horror, powerful, powerful energies. Which one do you run your business from? Thank you for tuning in to business success, empowering business professionals and entrepreneurs to lead an orgasmic life. My name is Lorraine crookes, and it's been a pleasure to be here. You.