Business Sexcess

03 - The Magic of Orgasms - How They Can Boost Your Health and Business

June 28, 2024 Lorraine Crookes Season 1 Episode 3
03 - The Magic of Orgasms - How They Can Boost Your Health and Business
Business Sexcess
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Business Sexcess
03 - The Magic of Orgasms - How They Can Boost Your Health and Business
Jun 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Lorraine Crookes

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Episode 3: The Power of Orgasms for Physical Health

In this enlightening episode of Business Sexcess, I discuss the transformative power of orgasms on our physical health. Discover how harnessing sexual energy can enhance your well-being and fuel your business growth.

Let's explore the profound effects of endorphins, oxytocin, and dopamine released during orgasms, and their roles in improving sleep, reducing stress, boosting the immune system, and providing natural pain relief.

In this episode, I provide practical tips on integrating orgasmic energy into your daily life, whether through self-pleasure, intimacy with a partner, or other pleasure-inducing activities. Learn how to achieve better health, wealth, and happiness by tapping into this powerful source of energy.

Thanks for listening, and understanding the secrets to leading an orgasmic life and taking your business to new heights!

FREE Online Workshop - Sexual Energy For Business Growth

Visit the Orgasmic Life website for more information

Proudly edited by Mike at Making Digital Real

Show Notes Transcript

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Episode 3: The Power of Orgasms for Physical Health

In this enlightening episode of Business Sexcess, I discuss the transformative power of orgasms on our physical health. Discover how harnessing sexual energy can enhance your well-being and fuel your business growth.

Let's explore the profound effects of endorphins, oxytocin, and dopamine released during orgasms, and their roles in improving sleep, reducing stress, boosting the immune system, and providing natural pain relief.

In this episode, I provide practical tips on integrating orgasmic energy into your daily life, whether through self-pleasure, intimacy with a partner, or other pleasure-inducing activities. Learn how to achieve better health, wealth, and happiness by tapping into this powerful source of energy.

Thanks for listening, and understanding the secrets to leading an orgasmic life and taking your business to new heights!

FREE Online Workshop - Sexual Energy For Business Growth

Visit the Orgasmic Life website for more information

Proudly edited by Mike at Making Digital Real

Lorraine Crookes:

Thank you for tuning into business success, empowering business professionals and entrepreneurs to lead an orgasmic life. Hello, and welcome to this episode of business success. This is an overriding space here to fuel up your business. And your bedroom is where sexual empowerment meets personal professional development. I'm your host Yes, that's me, Lorraine Crookes, sexual empowerment, liberator, and award winning speaker, columnist, educator and healer here to make sure all business professionals and entrepreneurs lead an orgasmic life. Hello, and welcome to business success with me Lorraine Crookes. And today's episode is very apt, because I am talking to you about the power of the orgasm on our physical health. So just before we get started, I also just want to say to everyone that as much as I believe the orgasm has the power to heal and cure and give us the energy to manifest all sorts of things in our life. Please, if you are struggling with stress, anxiety or health condition, if you're poorly, please go and seek out professional medical help. So that you've got the best of all of the opportunities available to you to make sure that you get back to 100% fitness, and that you are getting the right support you need for wherever you are. With that said, let's explore the power of the orgasm for physical health benefits. Yay. And just as a little disclaimer, my physical health is rubbish. Because I'm absolutely riddled with a cough and a cold. So clearly, I need to listen to my own show. Because today we're going to be exploring how orgasms can help our physical well being how they can help us on a physical physical level, which to be honest, in business, we need to be in a good state of health, to manage our business to manage our our life and everything that comes with owning a business, having a family and just living life generally. So before we start, I just want to say that we are talking about the orgasm in the sense of sexual. So whether that's self pleasure, or whether that's with a partner, and whether that's gentle lovemaking or swinging from the chandeliers. That is predominantly the energy we're talking about. However, another disclaimer is sexual energy isn't just about sex orgasmic energy is not just about sex orgasmic energy is about finding a what do we say, your pleasure place? And why am I explaining that orgasmic energy isn't just about what happens in the bedroom, but about finding your pleasure, because I think sometimes we forget that we can seek that kind of soft energy in so many other places in our life, whether that's through the adrenaline and endorphins of sport, whether that's walking in nature and getting your feet out in the grass, whether that's been in a beautiful bubble bath, like there's so many things in life, which can tap in to this real beautiful energy, orgasms do not have to be, you know, pinned to the ceiling pinned to the wall pinned to the floor, like whatever orgasmic energy is about a state of being in bliss, a state of euphoria, a state of, you know, transcendental sense of wellbeing. So whatever that is for you, whether that's self pleasure, multiple orgasms with a partner, multiple orgasms on your own, or it's, you know, that gentle energy of breathwork or yoga or walking in nature or playing a sport or whatever it is, when you're listening to what I'm going to share with you, like, embrace all of that, not just what happens in the bedroom, but just other places in your life, where you can explore pleasure. And use that as another avenue to understanding how those things in a different shape of orgasmic energy can support your physical health as well because as business owners, business professionals, entrepreneurs, we need to be in tip top health which I have today or not. I've really struggled to drag myself out of bed to to just be in my office. I just be at my desk, be here with you, which I love. But I'm really struggling. And I know that that's about me tapping into more places in my life and making time for me for pleasure. So let's explore three of those chemicals that can help us tap into our health and well being through the power of an orgasm. The first one is our endorphins. Now endorphins can be released in an orgasm, and are actually part of our body's natural painkiller. When we create endorphins in our body, this can release that feeling of euphoria and wellbeing, and just make us feel really positive and motivated. Endorphins can create that sense of wellness, happiness, just that sense of real connection to life, and just the one that makes you really smile, and feel like everything's in flow in life, like things are really good. Then the next one is that oxytocin, which is known as the love chemical, and that oxytocin in our body, is about how we create that sense of trust and bonding with ourselves and with another human being. Oxytocin is also the one that relaxes us and just takes away that anxiety. It's that it's that real love, juicy chemical that just, well, I guess another one that just makes us smile, just that one that really creates a sense of well being in our body, and that connection to ourself, or the people around us, and life. And then we have Mr. Dopamine. Now Mr. Dopamine is all about that sense of pleasure and reward. It's very much connected to motivation and drive, which, as business leaders, we definitely need some. So it's that build of energy, that build of connection to who we are and what we want in life. Dopamine is really about the motivation that we have to go out there and get and do what we want. So if we mix all those three together, what have we got, we've got huge health benefits, we're creating an energy, we're creating this sense of well, being within a body, we're creating happiness and joy in our body. And as I said, whether that's from lots of physical sex and orgasms, or whether that's from finding things in your life that give you pleasure, those chemicals are hugely beneficial to our health. It's time for the drumroll for benefit number one. Benefit number one is literally that orgasms help us sleep. And not only do they help us sleep, they give us a better quality asleep, they send us into a much deeper sleep a more relaxed state. And I know for one, I love my sleep, but they're sleeping, and they're sleeping. And I 100% know that there's a lot of you out there that know that feeling after you've been in that orgasmic energy that you just want to curl up, snuggle down and sleep and you do and you have a really good night's sleep. And what happens when we have a good night's sleep, we function better, we've got a better brain capacity, we can think better, we can concentrate more. Everything is in flow, our cognitive function is rocking. And we can solve problems and take on the challenges from a real centred place. Because we've had our sleep. We weren't though the Bo Peep we need and we can take on all of those complex and challenging roles and running the business. Because we've had sleep but sleeping is not always easy. When you're running the business. Sometimes you don't get sleep because you've got so many things you're thinking about. So if you put some more orgasmic time in whatever that looks like for you, that orgasmic time will help you sleep will show up better in your business. And we have a problem with doing this. Because as business owners, we don't give ourselves that time to create pleasure in our life. Particularly if we have our own business, or we're leading in a role in a business, we feel that we should be doing it all the time. And actually, what we're saying here is if we get good sleep, because we've had a great orgasm, if we have a great ozone. If we have a great orgasm, we get great sleep. And if we get great sleep, we function so much better. And with the same pretence, orgasms helped reduce stress. So how do orgasms help reduce stress? I hear you cry. Well, that is about the fact that orgasms create these chemicals which reduces cortisol and cortisol is that stress chemical in our body? That really doesn't serve us very well. When we lower our cortisol level, not only are we healthier, fitter. But we're less stressed, depressed, anxious, and just more focused on everything we want to do. Those mixture of chemicals mean that we're in a happier place, which means that we can be clearer in our thoughts less stressed, worried, and just not have that cortisol around our body. And remember, cortisol isn't just something that exists within our body, as a chemical, it can literally create high blood pressure, and many, many other health conditions, health conditions, that can be absolutely fatal if we're not finding a balance in our life, where we're looking after ourselves. So with all these chemicals running around our body, we will have better brain function, cognitive function, ability to manage everyday life will have a better memory, piano solve those challenges and problems that face us in business and just be more focused and have more clarity as we go through everyday life. All for the fact of tapping into that orgasmic energy. How amazing is that. And it doesn't even cost anything in the sense of, it's an energy that we can tap into through so many different ways. And I know I talk about this a lot. But I'm really passionate about the fact I genuinely believe that orgasmic sexual energy is the fuel to business success. I believe that by harnessing and embracing and empowering this energy within us that we've literally, literally got our fingertips, I believe we can really manifest some great things in our life, including in business. It's all about creating health, wealth and happiness. And the truth is, the other factor that this orgasmic energy can help is our immune system, which is the one I need to be paying attention. So with my cough and my cold, that these chemicals that we can create in this orgasmic energy can also help us on a real physical health level, we've talked about kind of stress management, we've talked about sleep, but actually our immune system, the blood flow around our body, from that energy of orgasm and sexual energy. That blood flow around our body supports our physical immune system, it keeps us healthy. The blood flow, the heart pumping, the the energy that moves around us on a physical physical level, creates a better immune system. We've got more antibodies to fight off the the bugs. What a power that is one amazing power we can have, if we make the time and find the ways that it works for us. And the last one I'm going to share with you the last benefit I'm going to share with you and there are others. The last benefit I'm gonna share with you is pain relief, do orgasms, create endorphin, endorphins, and endorphins can release and reduce pain. It's a natural painkiller that can help with headaches, period pains, issues that we've struggled with, we've got physical pain in our body, that energy that creates them endorphins that releases a natural painkiller. Mind blown. How powerful that energy can be. Not only does it manifest as into this world, as sexual energy, but it's there for us in so many different ways for us to harness and use even as a natural painkiller. So I have a really good example of how this can support quite chronic pain management. So I have a friend, I'm not sure whether it's funny, I have lots of friends, and we're very good friends. But I had this one particular friend who suffered with really bad migraines. And being the amazing, beautiful kind friend I am I made the suggestion that she might like to self pleasure to see whether she could tap into these endorphins and create some orgasmic energy and see whether she could tap into this pain relief. So she tried it. And I suggested you know, it wasn't a one off that she kind of found different ways to connect to pleasure in our body, massage in her body, intimate self pleasure, etc. And she came back to me and said it work. Now it didn't suddenly like self pleasure and suddenly the migraine was gone. But what she found was the more she connected to that energy, the migraines when she did get them was shorter and less severe. And over time, she said there was a point where she could actually connect to almost the energy of it without necessarily the act of it for one word, but she's kind of tapping into it on a kind of subconscious energetic breath. level, which helped her release the tension and the pain that was created in her body and in her head. So there's some really powerful things that we can do with this energy. And, you know, for someone who's suffering with chronic migraine, to be able to be in a place of pleasure and on this kind of holistic approach to reduce the level of pain and this was chronic pain this was like, couldn't get in a business pain couldn't look after a kids pain that the power of pleasure can have on our body is literally Well, I'm gonna say mind blown, because it's orgasmically mind blowing, but actually is mine great migraine Mises blown that out of the water as well. So this is just such a powerful energy. Now, to be fair, it's not a kind of one off painkiller. It's about regular connections to that orgasmic energy, but it can definitely manifest healing, a holistic approach to health care and pain relief, and just leading such a better life. How powerful is that? Now, the big question is, how are you going to implement this in your life? How you going to implement this to benefit your business? What are you going to do that creates that orgasmic energy in your life? What pleasure can you find to help you manifest some of these endorphins, oxytocin and dopamine into your life, so that you can have more health, wealth and happiness through business and every other area of your life. It's so important. And it's so exciting that we can tap into this, but we don't. And that's what we need to be doing. We need to be tapping into this orgasmic flow energy. I just I kind of want to get a big drum and just stand somewhere and bang the drum for orgasms and kind of shout out that we're not utilising them to their full potential, we could be doing so much more with this energy, and tapping into it in so many more ways. orgasmic energy can give you passion, purpose, productivity, performance, like so many different things in your life and in your business. How exciting to have something that we can really tap into, that helps us be in that state of flow and connection to ourselves and our business. So all you beautiful people out there in the business world, more orgasms, more orgasms will lead to less time off work. Better health, less coughs and colds, more pleasure in your life, better sleep, less stress, like all these amazing things that will help your business grow and go from strength to strength, food for thought. My name has been around crocs has been a pleasure to share this time with you. And I look forward to seeing you very, very soon. Thank you for tuning into business success, empowering business professionals and entrepreneurs to lead an orgasmic life