Euwan Godfrey

Breathe to the Beat Community CPR - Kayla Pinto

June 19, 2024 Charlie McDermott
Breathe to the Beat Community CPR - Kayla Pinto
Euwan Godfrey
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Euwan Godfrey
Breathe to the Beat Community CPR - Kayla Pinto
Jun 19, 2024
Charlie McDermott

EP#2 - Revolutionizing CPR Education with Kayla Pinto

What happens when you merge CPR training with a love for music? Meet Kayla Pinto, the dynamic founder of Breathe to the Beat Community CPR, who is transforming how we view life-saving skills. In this inspiring episode of the Good Neighbor Podcast, Kayla shares her journey from the early education field to starting her own business in Somerville, Massachusetts. As a licensed training provider through the American Red Cross, she has found an innovative way to make CPR training enjoyable, accessible, and memorable by incorporating interactive methods and musical elements.

Kayla opens up about the often-overlooked importance of recognizing emergencies and the simple act of calling 911. She also breaks down common misconceptions in the CPR training industry and shows us why dull classes should be a thing of the past. On a more personal note, Kayla talks about her love for Star Trek, her adventures with her cat Trekkie, and her hobby of learning JavaScript. She poignantly recounts a challenging time managing her parents' healthcare while juggling a demanding job and graduate studies, showcasing her resilience and dedication to her community. Don’t miss this compelling conversation that is both informative and heartwarming.

Kayla Pinto, Owner and Lead Instructor
Breathe to the Beat Community CPR
(1) Facebook
Breathe to the Beat Community CPR (
Kayla Pinto (@b2bcomcpr) • Instagram photos and videos
Kayla Pinto - Business Owner - Breathe to the Beat Community CPR, LLC | LinkedIn
"Join the Beat, Save a life!"

Show Notes Transcript

EP#2 - Revolutionizing CPR Education with Kayla Pinto

What happens when you merge CPR training with a love for music? Meet Kayla Pinto, the dynamic founder of Breathe to the Beat Community CPR, who is transforming how we view life-saving skills. In this inspiring episode of the Good Neighbor Podcast, Kayla shares her journey from the early education field to starting her own business in Somerville, Massachusetts. As a licensed training provider through the American Red Cross, she has found an innovative way to make CPR training enjoyable, accessible, and memorable by incorporating interactive methods and musical elements.

Kayla opens up about the often-overlooked importance of recognizing emergencies and the simple act of calling 911. She also breaks down common misconceptions in the CPR training industry and shows us why dull classes should be a thing of the past. On a more personal note, Kayla talks about her love for Star Trek, her adventures with her cat Trekkie, and her hobby of learning JavaScript. She poignantly recounts a challenging time managing her parents' healthcare while juggling a demanding job and graduate studies, showcasing her resilience and dedication to her community. Don’t miss this compelling conversation that is both informative and heartwarming.

Kayla Pinto, Owner and Lead Instructor
Breathe to the Beat Community CPR
(1) Facebook
Breathe to the Beat Community CPR (
Kayla Pinto (@b2bcomcpr) • Instagram photos and videos
Kayla Pinto - Business Owner - Breathe to the Beat Community CPR, LLC | LinkedIn
"Join the Beat, Save a life!"

Speaker 1:

I don't hear anything.

Speaker 2:

Me neither.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right. So it's okay. Now it's about to go.

Speaker 3:

This is the good neighbor podcast, the place where local businesses and neighbors come together. Here's your host, Ewan Godfrey.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Good Neighbor Podcast. Are you in need of an instructor when it comes to CPR? Well, surprisingly, one may be closer than you think. Today I have the pleasure of introducing your neighbor Kayla Pinto, with Breathe, to the Beat Community CPR. Kayla, how are you doing today?

Speaker 2:

I'm doing great, ewan, thank you so much for having me today.

Speaker 1:

It's a pleasure to have you. We are excited to learn about you and your business. Can you tell us about your company, Kayla?

Speaker 2:

Sure, Well, first to start, hi, my name is Kayla. I have a business called Breathe to the Beat, Community CPR. It's a small business out of Somerville, Massachusetts, which focuses on making CPR accessible, enjoyable and affordable to anyone who wishes to learn those life-saving skills. I am a licensed training provider through American Red Cross, so I offer any one accommodation of adult and pediatric first aid, CPR and AED classes, whether it be at someone's home or a neighborhood community center or a child care facility.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. How did you get into this business?

Speaker 2:

So I've been in the early education fields for about 20 years. Our requirements of all of these roles has always been to maintain a adult and pediatric first aid, CPR and AED certification. I found myself dreading these classes because they're just. They could have been emails. They were very dull and boring to retake every now and every single year. I decided to get instructor certified through American Red Cross approximately eight years ago and last year I just decided to start my LLC. I have never been happier. I use my background in teaching young children and synergize this with music to create a unique learning environment. I make sure to keep my classes small to encourage collaboration and sharing. I put on a playlist. We have some fun while we go through some CPR scenarios and it's sensitive material doesn't need to be boring. It can be informative, memorable and fun absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And what are some of the myths or misconception in your industry, kayla?

Speaker 2:

well, I pretty much just said one of them, ewen, the first one being it's pretty boring. Hi, I'm Ewan, the first one being it's pretty boring. Sensitive, important information again does not need to be dull During accommodations that can be made. When performing CPR and other life-saving techniques that are taught in my classes, sometimes the most important step is simply recognizing an emergency and calling 911. At Breathe to the Beat Community CPR, we get people from all different ages, languages, backgrounds and ability levels. This understanding allows the class to take on a life of its own. It's such a privilege to watch.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I agree, and it's something that everyone needs to know, not just the industries that provide these CPR life-saving services, but it's great that everyone knows about how to perform CPR, so thank you. So, kayla, outside of work, what do you do for fun?

Speaker 2:

Well, I have a orange cat named Trekkie. So I'm a huge Star Trek fan because we named our cat Trekkie. I have a wife that I share that cat with. When we're not snuggling the cat and playing with the cat, we're going to concerts. I'm learning JavaScript as like a side fun project, and sometimes we watch the latest Gordon Ramsay cooking show. It's an obsession of mine.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, interesting, interesting, so let's change gears of mine. Okay, all right, interesting, interesting, so let's change gears just a little bit. Can you describe one hardship or life's challenge that you rose above and can now say because of it, you're better and stronger? What really comes to your mind?

Speaker 2:

Well, the first thing that pops up is when both of my parents were in the hospital for two months at the same time, they both made me their health care proxy because they weren't able to make those decisions for each other. I had to balance this health care coordination with both of them, with both their teams. I also had to coordinate my job as an assistant director at the time the full-time job and also taking classes at Simmons for my master's in social work. So it was a bit of a stressful couple of months, to say the very least, but I made it through. Bit of a stressful couple of months, to say the very least, but I made it through and I can look back on that and think, wow, I learned a lot of lessons from that. I learned that it's okay to take a break. I learned that it's okay to fill your own cup first, because if you don't fill your own cup, you can't help anyone else with what they have going on. So that's a huge lesson that I learned from that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I agree. Thank you for sharing. Thank you, of course. So, kayla, please tell our listeners one thing they should remember and take away about your business.

Speaker 2:

Besides my contact information, besides my contact information. So I think the one thing to remember is that, with everything so expensive nowadays, because learning CPR can be a barrier, because everyone's different financial and economic status, and so I want to let people know that I am pleased to offer two free classes a month for free certification, for each class is six participants and there's one class that's for adult first aid CPR and AED and the other is for child, for pediatric CPR, first aid and AED class and that's two per month CPR, first aid and AED class and that's two per month. And that's aimed to make sure we spread awareness to our most marginalized populations those being from low income status, immigrants who are coming over to this country looking for a better life, other marginalized populations like LGBTQIA plus communities, BIPOC communities and children also want to learn CPR to help out their elders as well. So that's one thing that I would really love for people to take away about Breathe to the Beat Community CPR.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and how can our listeners learn more about Breathe to the Beat? Community CPR.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't yet have a brick and mortar because rent is outrageous. It's something I'm working on, but they can visit my website at b2bcprnet. So, b2bcprnet, they call or text me uh, 617-764-9332. Uh, they can feel free to email me kayla at b2bcprnet. Again, I am very responsive on social media also. Um, so if you think that this is something that you're interested in, um, please reach out. Uh, if there's a question that you have and you just want some knowledge and you don't really have time to take a class, uh, reach out. If there's a question that you have and you just want some knowledge and you don't really have time to take a class, reach out. Let's have a chat.

Speaker 1:

Let's let's get together and spread awareness well, kaylee, I really appreciate you being on the show. We wish you and your business the best moving forward thank you, and thank you again everyone for having me.

Speaker 3:

This was so much fun thank you for listening to, for having me. This was so much fun. Thank you for listening to the Good Neighbor Podcast. To nominate your favorite local businesses to be featured on the show, go to GNPNorthshorecom. That's GNPNorthshorecom, or call 857-703-9406.

Speaker 1:

That was so good, you did so good.

Speaker 2:

I felt good. I felt good about that. I was like, oh my gosh, I'm so nervous, but it was good and I love the music to it too.

Speaker 1:

It's just like I love the video as I'm over here dancing in the background.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Me too.

Speaker 1:

So here's what happens next. So we're going to edit the interview and we're going to send you an email requesting some information. It's going to take everything will be wrapped up in a couple of days but we're going to send you an email for your logo, definitely your logo, definitely your logo. And so when we get that, oh, you could just send me that information in an email so that we can have that information to go with your script, your information. After we get it done and together we're going to send it back to you. Let you know, we're going to give you the process in terms of where we're at and what's going on, and when it's over and done with, we're going to send you an email. Everything's going to be automatic and you're going to be able to share it on your website.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. I'm excited. Thank you so much. Thank you for you. I will get you that logo too.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate it If you can get it to me as soon as possible. That'd be even better.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll get it to you right after we end the call.

Speaker 1:

All right Thanks.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Absolutely. Thank you for taking the time. All right, you take care, you too. Bye-bye.