Spiritual Asshole

Love Hates Thinking (w/Brendan Fitzgibbons)

May 29, 2024 Brendan Fitzgibbons Season 3 Episode 173
Love Hates Thinking (w/Brendan Fitzgibbons)
Spiritual Asshole
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Spiritual Asshole
Love Hates Thinking (w/Brendan Fitzgibbons)
May 29, 2024 Season 3 Episode 173
Brendan Fitzgibbons

Hey if you wanna fall in love, it's easy...stop thinking. Brendan gets real on this one and goes all in on:

  • The current state of the world and asks if A.I. girlfriends will be made of milk bottles.
  • Why your #1 asset is the YOUness of YOU
  • Brendan's experience of seeing Bruce Lipton live and why we're all tiny, baby waves in a connected pond. 
  • Why falling in LOVE is brain magic, an how it'll help you create more. 
  • And what your favorite streaming service says about your ideal sex position. 

Brendan Fitzgibbons
Bruce Lipton: Tips for Reprogramming Your Mind
Why You're a Wave
Steaming Service for Kinky Freaks

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Show Notes Transcript

Hey if you wanna fall in love, it's easy...stop thinking. Brendan gets real on this one and goes all in on:

  • The current state of the world and asks if A.I. girlfriends will be made of milk bottles.
  • Why your #1 asset is the YOUness of YOU
  • Brendan's experience of seeing Bruce Lipton live and why we're all tiny, baby waves in a connected pond. 
  • Why falling in LOVE is brain magic, an how it'll help you create more. 
  • And what your favorite streaming service says about your ideal sex position. 

Brendan Fitzgibbons
Bruce Lipton: Tips for Reprogramming Your Mind
Why You're a Wave
Steaming Service for Kinky Freaks

Support the Show.

Okay, if you tell me the name of your favorite streaming service, 

I'll tell you what your favorite sex position is. 

Disney Plus? 

Anal. Netflix? 

Cowgirl. Peacock? You like to have sex through blue jeans. 

Apple? You prefer to podcast. Max, you prefer sex somewhere really dark, like underneath the chilis.

Paramount Plus. Wow. You know what? Get out. 


you just have a sports gambling addiction. It's cool. Welcome everybody to a brand new episode of Spiritual Asshole. I am your host, Brandon Fitzgibbons. I'm joined with you always by Willa B. T. [00:01:00] Fitzgibbons. Thank you guys so much for being here.

Thank you for being alive. Thank you for being you. Happy almost end of May. It is the end of May. Happy almost June. Please continue to follow me on Instagram. It is at the underscore Brennan Fitzgibbons on Instagram. Same with Tik TOK. and subscribe to me on YouTube. It is the exact same handle at the underscore Brennan Fitzgibbons.

I have a very fun video coming out tomorrow that I'm very proud of. And I can't wait for you guys to see it. And I'm going to continue posting content. And also, hit me up and tell me what you guys think is valuable. Tell me what you guys want. I would like to provide value for you. Okay?

It's not just about me. I want to take the ego out of my mind. And put it on the ground. And say, fuck off ego. Very excited about new things coming down the path. This is the year. Where all of us need to go in and double down on ourselves. Let me just give a quick side note projection as to what I think is going on in the world right now.

Let's just jump into it. Tell me what you guys think about this, okay? Because I believe this will be helpful for you and we should [00:02:00] be projecting ourselves a little bit forward. I used to never think about trends and where things are going. But now I'm like, shit is moving fast. Shit is moving so fast, there's gonna be only a matter of time before we can just push a button right above our eyebrow and a Starbucks coffee will just appear right at our feet.

so I think the last five years has been probably arguably the biggest rapid growth, transformational growth our country and our world has ever had. You can argue the 1800s too, cause I looked that up and Wow, a lot of shit happened. Go look up what happened in the 1800s, like best invention every year.

And it was every single invention we ever used. one year it was like the button next year, the post office. Okay. So this is what I think. Just, I want to give you guys this cause I think it's helpful. I think, and this is. Pretty much factual. We can argue that power and opportunities are becoming massively decentralized.

And from a spiritual perspective, I think [00:03:00] you could say that we are slowly returning to oneness. Or, another way of looking at it is, consciousness is slowly starting to come back to itself by people realizing how powerful they really are. And when I say this, don't get me wrong, massive caveats, of course there are people not doing this.

And of course there are people who are like, what are you talking about, I love institutions, I can't wait to get my Graduate degree from the University of Wisconsin that will just flush down the toilet and spend 180, 000, but okay let's just look at specifically the entertainment industry and A lot of industries and how everything now is being fragmented and scattered out.

Okay. So what does that mean? It means that, 20 years ago, there was three television stations, really four main networks that most of us had our viewing experience right before the internet, right? So we had all of these collective experiences of like, Hey, let's watch NBC. Let's watch CBS. Did you see [00:04:00] the last Seinfeld?

Did you see Friends? Okay. Internet comes along, we start kinda now getting more viewing options. Oh shit, what's this thing called YouTube? Oh shit, what's this thing on Facebook? Oh shit, I can't stop looking at my ex girlfriend's photos. Why is she dating a guy named Benjamin Moore?

It wasn't the same name of a paint? Because it really is all about focus, right? And then if you track that 20 years ago, also notice that right around that time is when we started splitting off and sort of going away from traditional institutions.

Like 20 years ago, And the influx of the internet, you can start to see a slow, steady decline in religious affiliation, political affiliation. People are all want to be independence. Now, nobody is religious anymore. And you could start to see power, centralized power starting to be decentralized. Okay. And then Uber comes along.

Then the gig economy comes along and it starts pulling out the weeds almost. No, I would say it starts pulling out the rug underneath. A lot of [00:05:00] companies and a lot of the ways that we do things. Now, do not get me wrong. I understand there's a thing called Amazon. I understand there's a thing called Apple.

Okay. But we used to go to those companies because they had the education resources, cash, cold, hard cash technology to do the big things. Okay. There was radio stations, but they were mostly owned by one company clear channel that controlled all of the radio stations and a lot of the messaging. Okay. Then something called podcasts happened because we got all the technology.

We got all of the infrastructure that we can do to basically create our own radio stations. So once that happened, people went, Oh shit, this is amazing. And what this is right now is what I want to call began the explosion of authenticity, the importance of authenticity, which is just exploded. Like that idea that people want things to be real and authentic.

you know, I often, I do a lot of voiceover auditions and every single voiceover audition, I get there like, we want [00:06:00] you to be real, man. Don't be an announcer, bro. Okay. Don't act like an announcer. Okay. You're not an announcer. You're not selling a product. And then I'll see the commercial. It'll be for target.

They'll be like, Come to Target. We love it. But every ad agency is saying authentic because that's what's selling right now is there's no pretense. There's no fake fakeness. Look at the eighties. Look at how there was a facade. The nineties had like a facade. Once we started getting technology, once we started getting the ability and information from the internet and YouTube, we've started chipping away at facades and now we are becoming.

Extremely authentic and truthful. Again, not all of us, but it's like we're presenting the country in the world with, with options. Now it's not just like you have to watch the fresh prints. You have to watch the tonight show with Jay Leno, which is like a facade. It's a show. It's, it's fake. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Now people are like, I want to watch a four hour episode of Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan talking about goddamn numerology because this is fucking wild. This is amazing. [00:07:00] What the hell is he talking about? Conan's show goes off the air because people would much rather hear him talk to Steve Martin for an hour where people can actually swear and be real versus like, Hey, what's up, Steve?

Hey, Conan, cool ? I liked the bicycle. And he's like, I liked the bicycle. And that's just the end of the show. It's like There's nothing there. But this is the case, not just for the entertainment industry. This is the case for college.

I feel like more less and less people are going to college in institutions like that. And now throw in AI. So now we're going to multiply. All of these things, all of these factors by a thousand because now we've just become even more empowered. So this is the positive spin. I think for sure we are heading down a place where we are going to be siloed off so much.

That you are going to be able to create a company yourself, create a social, and this is what so many people are doing. We have the ability now to empower ourselves in a way that has never been done before. And our [00:08:00] reliance. On a big outside institution or thing to save us or to help us , we don't need it anymore.

Some of us will still do that and that's okay. But if you just look at where it's going, like I'm in LA, so this obviously entertainment stuff is top of mind out here and They, I heard that, like, networks, they don't even market to Gen Z anymore because they don't give a shit. They're not watching any streaming stuff.

They're watching people on Twitch and YouTube and now also throwing the international markets. It's like, I'm very hopeful because what happened is I feel like we're taking down all of the artificial walls and borders that have kept us sort of confined. And it's all the floodgates now. Yes, will we possibly be having sex with plastic robots?

Sure. Will it be awesome? Hopefully it's silicon. Plastic could really hurt. Especially if it's made out of, like, the hard plastic from a milk jug. But! That's where I think we're going. So what I would say to anyone out [00:09:00] there who's an entrepreneur, anyone like myself who's a creative, Find the thing and the audience and the people that you want to band together with and be your most unique self Most authentic self as hard as fucking possible.

Whatever you want to do and go all in on you I'm a little bit behind the curve on this But it just hit me so hard this year that like, I spent a lot of my life waiting, waiting to get a yes from an industry waiting to, for someone to recognize me, waiting to like, get the fan base that I want.

Just waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting for like this miracle to drop down from the universe. But. It doesn't work like that. And Will Smith said that he's like, it doesn't work. We're like, you get outside validation and now you're okay. It's like, you have to decide, yes, I'm amazing. Yes. I'm going to, I have so many fans.

Yes. Everyone can't wait to see me. Yes. Everyone can't wait to buy my product. They can't wait for me to coach them. They can't wait for me to be their travel guide. Whatever you want to [00:10:00] do to open a bakery. I just think, like, it's a good time, and the message that's out there, subconsciously in the universe, a hundred percent, is You got this.

You don't need anyone. You can build something so amazing right now, and you have all the tools. I understand the pessimism about AI, and people are scared, and I do think that we're gonna have to drastically start, like, re looking at just money, how we pay people. Like, what is actually money now? But I just think, like, Right now, just know that how do I put this?

The great thing is that you're you, okay? Number your number one asset. Here it is. Your number one asset is that you are you. Okay. It's not that you have a certain set of skills. Liam Neeson style. It's not that, you know, rich people, your number one asset is that you are you, , that is what is important.

Keeps you unique and different from [00:11:00] everyone else, and you are specifically here for a purpose that nobody else has. No other route can take the same route that you are on, and your ability to bring and share your gifts with the world is so fucking amazing and so unique. That, that is the commodity. And if you don't see it right now, and you're like, well it's okay.

But just know that, like, the more you lean into the you ness of you, Woo! That's a good name. I gotta write this down. The you ness of you. The more that we're all gonna benefit, and it's where our economy and our life is going. It's people embracing the you ness of you.

Okay, I just went right into that. I did not think I was gonna do that. But you guys are amazing. So, today's guest is me, Brendan Fitzgibbons. And next week we'll have a wonderful guest on talking about quantum jumping and I'm going to continue talking to people about quantum jumping. I can't wait. I have a couple people coming up that I'm also talking to and I wanted to share with you guys.

This was a really good for me to come on now [00:12:00] because I want to share with you guys. I got to see Bruce Lipton, who is one of the O. G. Gangsters of the New Thought Movement. Bruce Lipton wrote a book called The Biology of Belief. He believes. and says that your health your wellness is actually all belief he says repeatedly there's no such thing as genetic genetic determination for too long we've been blaming our health and our lifestyle and all the problems in our life on genes and he said that genes are like a light switch where you can flick them on and off and there's no such thing as a cancer gene What happens, he said, is that genes are correlated with cancer, but they do not cause them.

There's no such thing as genetic predetermination, according to Bruce Lipton. And if you saw him, I would say that you would probably think that he was making some pretty fucking sweet points, especially when he was railing against the pharmaceutical industry. Um, and COVID, holy shit, he went in. here's some things that Bruce Lipton said that changed my life, and I want to tell you guys three of them.

Number one, he basically said science used to think that we were atoms, [00:13:00] right, that we were specifically like these little circular energetic balls He goes, but then they started diving into like what the fuck are we actually made of? And what they realized when they dove in is that we're actually just a series of particle waves, ripples of waves.

And he said that we are made of waves and we are vibrating waves. And every time that you vibrate a frequency, it's a wave that you're sending out into the world. And then you're matching with whatever wave that frequency is on. Okay. So he gave this incredible, incredible example that I love. Picture two guitars.

Okay. Guitar on the left hand, guitar on your right hand, full guitars. Okay. Guitar on your left hand. You string the a string. So it goes, boom, dong. That wave will travel to the guitar on your right hand. And it will strike the only string that will actually be struck. What do you guys think in the guitar on the right hand?

You're not stringing it a string. So you ring the a string in your left hand. It will travel [00:14:00] and immediately vibrate and match with the a string on the right hand. Why is that important? Because that's a metaphor for anything You want to be rich on the left hand. You go out on the right hand, you vibrate that you're rich.

You will come out on the right hand and meet and have experiences, thoughts, frequencies, feelings that are, I'm rich. You want to think you're a big piece of shit on the left hand. You will vibrate that out into the world. And that wave on the right hand will come back and be like, Hey, you're a really big piece of shit.

But here's my favorite thing. He said, actually a lot of things he said were my favorite. So we're all waves. So he shows us a pond, and in the pond, it's lightly drizzling outside. So you see, ripple, ripple, ripple, ripple, like raindrop ripples of waves, all in the pond. And he said, look at this pond.

See these ripples, see these waves. Are there any waves in this pond that are not communicating with each other? And everyone was like, no. He's like, exactly, [00:15:00] no. You, human being, are made of waves. You are communicating always with waves of people all the time, all part of the same field. You are in The.

Pond. You are in the pond always. You are so connected to these people. And he said, and the reason why, cause get this, waves, they're all communicating, because waves have no beginning, and they have no end. Holy shit. And he told this incredible experiment about this guy who took a bunch of cells out of his body, and he moved them 350 miles away, and when something happened to that guy, It also exactly matched what was going on with the cells and that were 350 miles away.

They were parallel because they're all part of the same field, which is my favorite word ever. I love the field. It's the quantum field. It's where everything happens. Rumi best quote ever outside all notions of right and wrong. There is a field. Will you meet me there? [00:16:00] I will Rumi. Thank you for asking.

so this is where we get. Real, real, real helpful. Okay. So here we go. He said, and I've talked about this so much on this podcast. So conscious mind is running 95 percent of your life. And he said, not only from ages zero to seven, I always said that you're hardwired. He said, actually, it's even more than that.

You are literally fucking hypnotized because you're in these deep brain states and you have to be hypnotized because you have to learn like a thousand different things to exist in this world from zero ages to seven and In order for that learning to sink in You have to be in deep brain wave states.

And I was like, that's so genius. That makes so much sense. cause your conscious mind is not fighting off. You're like, okay, the problem is if those Things that you're learning, those rules you're learning are negative. They're sinking into your energy system. Right? And he showed this amazing example of this little kid.

This is a video recently who's watching Rocky. He's in a diaper [00:17:00] and he's boxing like Rocky. He's doing fake sit ups like Rocky. He's doing pull ups. He's doing sit ups. Everyone's like, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Cute, cute, cute, cute, cute. In this packed room. And then Bruce is like, it's funny, right? And everyone's laughing.

And they're like, ha, ha, ha. He's like, it's not funny. It's not funny. He's like, It's fine. It's funny. If it's Rocky, it's not fine. And it's funny if someone tells you that you're never going to succeed or that you're a piece of shit or you're unattractive or you're overweight because that's, that's how easy, easily programmable kids are.

So let's back up. So 95 percent of your mind. Now you're an adult. You're my age. You're killing it. You're eating queso. Okay. 95 percent of your life is subconscious mind, 5 percent is the conscious mind, the 5 percent is the creative mind. It's the mind that like Wants to create things, do stuff, write jokes , follow your dreams, meet someone.

The 95 percent is the programs, the old programs. For better or worse. By the way, like, there are definitely good programs. I wanna be very clear. I don't think all programming is bad, that's crazy. [00:18:00] A lot of it is good. Okay, so he said you're living your life and you're in kind of a Groundhog Day y state.

Something that I've said a lot. I always use the example of that movie. Your life sometimes feels like Groundhog Day. You keep being like, I try to change. I go back to the old things. . I lose the weight. I gain the weight. I get money. I lose money. And the reason why? Boom. You're old programs.

Okay. All of this changes, all of this changes when, you fall in love. Wow. I don't know if you've experienced this, I absolutely have. But basically he said, when you first meet somebody and you fall in love, he goes, You wanna know why you're so happy? You stop thinking. Can you imagine?

You stop the programs. That 95 percent of the subconscious mind, and I used to say, like, all my walls dropped when I fell in love, like, all my walls fell down, right? But what he said is, you're no longer letting the [00:19:00] programs run the show. And now the equation is flipped. 95 percent of your brain now is the conscious brain that's creating things, believes anything's possible.

You're not falling back into the old patterns because you're like, holy shit. This world is incredible. I love this tree. I love this dog. I'm going to hug this baby. It's not mine. It's fine. I, oh man, Starbucks. I love that place. I love corporations. Well, it's so great because you fell in love and now your old subconscious programming is not running.

So this then explains what the honeymoon effect, right? this line of thinking usually lasts for a year. And then what happens is, so many people go back to what? Their subconscious programming. And then they're like, Oh, well the honeymoon is over, and like, Now they start seeing things that are wrong with their partner.

Now they start seeing like, Shit that they don't like. Now Starbucks sucks. But all that happened is, you went back to your old programming. Programming the [00:20:00] subconscious mind. here's what we got to do. Y'all. We got to live our lives as best as we can. And it's not necessarily like I was thinking, I was like, Oh man, I hope you don't have to fall in love to live like that.

And I don't think you do so he said that one way to get stuff to do for your programming, fall asleep to hypnosis tracks that tell you like how abundant you are, how amazing you are, whatever you want. Okay, it was one way he said repetitive affirmations impressing the subconscious mind and different energy clearing techniques, which would be like EMDR.

Some of the energy work I've done, parts work, which I've done recently. He has a whole list on his website. Go to Bruce Lipton dot com. By the way, I am not Bruce Lipton. I'm just saying this, but it's crazy because it is also connected because I've been thinking so much recently that when I'm in like a super down depressed state, I'm in a fight or flight, like my subconscious programs, it's like someone takes a fucking volume knob and slides them all the way up and it's so loud and [00:21:00] I feel like I can't move, I don't have access to new ideas, I'm applying for jobs I hate.

I'm like, I don't know man, maybe I should get into pest control. And the exact opposite happens when I'm in a place where all my walls are down. Boom. Anything's possible. The world is my oyster. People are amazing. I'm super open. I'm feeling in love. Like, And it's exactly that. You've just flipped the equation of who's actually running the show.

Wow! So the next time that you're in fight or flight state, which Bruce Lipton said, like, Our bodies are designed to be in fight or flight for five minutes max a day. And that was to run away from a lion. But now we're like, okay, I'm just going to be nervous, stressed out and anxiety. It's fine for the next, 400 days.

And then after that, I might take one nap or maybe I'll go to Mexico. And he's like, you're not meant to be in that state. And when you're in that state, you're closing down the opportunities and the [00:22:00] beauty of life. And, uh, what's possible in life. If you can feel that way when you're good, when you're in a good state, doesn't that mean that you can always, those opportunities are always there?

How cool is that? It's just flipping the state. So, for me, I know the things to do is like, anything you can do to get relief, which is like, take a nap, go for a walk, do mushrooms, have a heart to heart conversation with someone, really? I had a heart to heart with my mom. that really was helpful. Call someone you love, do something that you're scared of, and push yourself as much as possible to look past the fear.

Because on the other side of fear is insane growth, and you almost get adrenaline. Like, I had to make a hard phone call this week that turned out incredible, and I was like, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I don't wanna do this, I don't wanna do this, I don't wanna, and as soon as I was done, I was like, alright, I just did that, I can do anything now.

Go for a hard workout and dude, trust me. I don't, I'm with you guys. I, Oh, until I started going to my gym, like the working out thing was [00:23:00] constantly like in my head. I don't want to do it. I don't want to do it. So just find relief. That's the most important thing to get to a state where you can allow your conscious mind to shine through and for you to All your incredible gifts to the world, which there are so many!

Okay, you guys are amazing. This episode was actually really fun. I think you guys are the best. I believe all your dreams can come true. I believe there's so much love here for you. I believe that we can all stop thinking for a minute and let all the love in. You're incredible. I hope you have an incredible week.