Spiritual Asshole

Turning Yourself into DMT (w/Brendan Fitzgibbons)

June 13, 2024 Brendan Fitzgibbons Season 3 Episode 174
Turning Yourself into DMT (w/Brendan Fitzgibbons)
Spiritual Asshole
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Spiritual Asshole
Turning Yourself into DMT (w/Brendan Fitzgibbons)
Jun 13, 2024 Season 3 Episode 174
Brendan Fitzgibbons

In this fun as hell solo episode, Brendan Fitzgibbons goes all in on: 

  • Budget airlines and how they're THIS close to making us pay to use the bathroom. 
  • An instant transformational breathing exercise that can change your day in 15 seconds. 
  • Trevor Hall at Red Rocks and why he's a human butterfly. 
  • Joe Dispenza's life-changing breathing exercise and how it turns your own body into DMT. 
  • And why LGBTQ's biggest ally is now Oreo's. 

Brendan Fitzgibbons
Joe Dispenza Breathing
Trevor Hall Chapter of the Forest
The Greyhound of the Sky

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Show Notes Transcript

In this fun as hell solo episode, Brendan Fitzgibbons goes all in on: 

  • Budget airlines and how they're THIS close to making us pay to use the bathroom. 
  • An instant transformational breathing exercise that can change your day in 15 seconds. 
  • Trevor Hall at Red Rocks and why he's a human butterfly. 
  • Joe Dispenza's life-changing breathing exercise and how it turns your own body into DMT. 
  • And why LGBTQ's biggest ally is now Oreo's. 

Brendan Fitzgibbons
Joe Dispenza Breathing
Trevor Hall Chapter of the Forest
The Greyhound of the Sky

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00:00:00] hits me almost every time, run so deep that it's hard to sleep at night, this is the chapter of the forest, every line and every chorus from my heart, it comes, I pour it So, I recently had the pleasure of flying Frontier Airlines.  

And if you've never flown a budget airline such as Frontier  

or Spirit Airlines, picture what would happen if you combined an airplane  

with a Walmart stampede. It's pure chaos! We got people running up and down the aisles screaming.  

This guy next to me is fundraising for his basketball team. 

This woman next to me is just running a small nail salon. Someone's just passing around a collection plate.  


I think both these airlines should really be called the Greyhound of the Sky.  

It would be like if you gave the Staten Island ferry wings, and you said, fly. My favorite thing about budget airlines, like Spirit and Frontier, is that you have to pay  


have to pay [00:01:00] to sit. Uh, is there another option? How much is standing room only? Can that be free?  

Pay to sit?  

That is literally like going to buy food at the grocery store, and they're like, hey, sorry, dude  

You gotta pay to chew.  

You're eating a pulled pork sandwich, and that's a lot of chewing, so it's gonna be really expensive. 


I think they should just say fuck it, both these airlines, and say listen.  

We are no longer accepting money as currency to fly for these planes.  

What we're gonna need you to do is to go ahead and collect ten old Coors Light cans, and just bring them in. 

And you can not only sit, but you can also fly the plane. The Greyhound of the sky! You just hear a shotgun blast go off in the back. Welcome everybody to a brand new episode of Spiritual Asshole. I am your host, Brendan Fitzgibbons, thank you as always for being here. Thank you to Willoughby T. Fitzgibbons for joining me. 

At my side, always, be in the man. We have recently moved to the neighborhood of Atwater Village, and did I tell you guys that I live by a lot of horses? So it's really funny watching Willoughby see the horses and think that there's a really big dog that gets to have his own [00:02:00] track. And he gets to run around, and he gets to have a bunch of adults hold him on a very long leash. 

Willoughby's very confused when I make him watch Brokeback Mountain multiple times and I say, this is back when men acted like men. I'm so excited you're here. I'm so excited and thankful that you're here. I want to give a really big shout out to Linda Nolan for reaching out to me and saying such nice words about this podcast and about She Heard Me on Andrea Owen's podcast. 

Definitely go listen to Make Some Noise with Andrea Owen. Andrea and I have become very good friends. And it's one of the amazing perks about this podcast is I am now get to have access and talk to people that I would probably normally never talk to like Andrea's in North Carolina. And I would probably have never met her if I wasn't like, Hey, Come be on my podcast. I have become really good friends with Kristen Helmstetter, who, I don't know if you guys have listened to that episode, but you need to, she does coffee self talk and she's the self talk queen right now. She has wine, soft, uh, coffee, self talk money, self talk. She's actually been low key coaching me, which has been incredible on WhatsApp for our episode [00:03:00] next week, I talked to the incredible Dr. 

Epson. He is. All about the quantum field and also neuroplasticity, biohacking. Get ready for that episode next week. I'm so glad you guys are here. I had an amazing weekend. I went and I headlined at the Denver comedy lounge in Denver run by the great Ben Kronberg. If you are ever in the Denver area, go check out the Denver comedy lounge. 

It's in the back of a sake restaurant. It's huge. It's cool. It's amazing. I love Denver, deeply, deeply love Denver. And it's really interesting because, one of the comics on the show, this guy, Dave Ross, who's great, had this great observation about Denver. He's like, Denver is an explosive alcoholic and they all look fucking great. 

That is deeply true. I also had this very interesting observation when I was being in Denver, and I felt the same way in Austin. I've only lived in New York, L. A. And a little bit Chicago as an adult man. And I've never been in a city where people weren't actively trying to be something. Now that people in Denver aren't succeeding, now that people in Denver [00:04:00] aren't successful, it's a really nice city. 

There is the homeless element and every drug there is legal. But I will say that it really reminded me of Europe and what I love about Europe. It, when, You take away the need to strive, when you take away the need to feel like you're not complete unless you have a successful career, which is a feeling that I have absolutely had multiple, multiple, multiple times. 

And, or that there's something else that you need to be getting in order to be happy. If you took that all away, you know what you would find? Calm. You know what you'd find? So there's this like, really interesting communal feeling in Denver where it's like, when we hang out, we're hanging out and we're being in this together. 

And this is very much a feeling that I get in all of Europe. Where once again, we are a subject of our programming. Whether it's our parents, whether it's America, whether it is Oreo cookies, which by the way, Holy shit, did you guys see the Oreo cookie ad that was [00:05:00] pandering to the LGBTQ community? It was like a homophobic dad is super pissed, His daughter comes home with her girlfriend. Homophobic dad, super pissed. It's really dramatic. And then all of a sudden, like on the last day, he's like, Hey, I need some help with this. And you like zoom out and you see that he's been painting their entire fence. The rainbow flag for LGBTQ. And the whole time you're like, Oh, this is like a PSA on tolerance. 

It ends with an Oreo cookie floating in and being like, Oreos. 

It is so funny how corporations pander to us. We're seriously going to see an ad in our lifetime. It's like, the civil rights was a scary time. And it's like black and white footage of like black people getting hosed down by cops, riots, people being super pissed. Racing in the streets, violence, cops beating black people, and it's gonna be like, And that's why it's always important to remember not to see things in black and white. 

Jolly Ranchers. Colors are better, Yes, so, I'm both equally [00:06:00] and compelled to think that we should be out there crushing life at a very high productive, psychopathic level, and then also, And you should just hang out with your friends. That's very much the feeling I get in Colorado. 

They're like, nothing matters. Oh, well, we just love live music. Oh, well, here's some mushrooms. Oh, well, maybe we'll legalize Coke next. It's fine. Everyone's just having a Coke picnic. that's what Colorado feels like. It feels like one big Coke picnic about to break out. I'm saying this because I just want everyone to always remember that the pressures and the feelings that we have. 

to succeed or to find a wife or a husband, a partner to be financially abundant. Most of these things are totally cosmetically made up by our culture, and they're times a hundred here. Do I think that those things are important? Fuck yes. But I had this thought because I went back and visited One of my best friends, who I've known since we were literally five, lives in [00:07:00] Denver. 

And, I've known this guy since I was five. And I've known my other friend Paul, who was also there, since he was five. 

So we took a photo together. And I was this close to posting the picture of the three of us, because I'm in the middle with my arms around him, and just saying, I'm rich. Because everyone would ask, Well, where's the money? What money did you get? And, because you never see a photo of somebody with their friends Celebrating life together, being like, I'm rich. 

But that's absolutely a form of abundance. That's absolutely something to be celebrated and brag about. Just as much as every motherfucker's out here being like, All these salespeople being like, I quadrupled my sales in Q1! Q2 was crazy! conversion ratio. I left my wife, but it was a sick conversion ratio. 

As much as that's going on, you have never seen a photo, I have never seen a photo of anyone posting a picture with their friends and saying, I'm rich. But I just think, like, they would do that in Europe. They would do that in places where communities really emphasized. And time and time again, Over, [00:08:00] over, and over, and over again, studies are showing, health studies are showing that community and friends is like the best thing you could do for your health. 

Worst thing you could do for your health? Be trapped in a room with Kevin Spacey. But yeah, like, let's rework these narratives. Let's start emphasizing things that really matter. Let's start putting value and excitement. 

and appreciation on the people and things. In our lives that mean the most. My dog means the most to me. He just does. And every second I'm with him is a fucking gift that I'm cherishing. Because he's getting older, and I'm handling it not great. But, Hehehehe. Something to wildly consider. Especially when and if you're really going for goals that you feel like are not here yet. 

And they will be there, don't worry. You got this. I believe in you. Okay I saw Trevor Hall at Red Rocks with my cousin Andrea, and in case you don't know him, he is wildly spiritual. He is basically a walking butterfly made of [00:09:00] ocean and sky. I think that rhymed. This dude literally starts his concert coming out, it was with the Colorado Symphony, which by the way, Which, by the way, Red Rocks is incredible. 

Also, your boy took a little mushrooms, and they kicked in as soon as there was an emergency thunderstorm announcement, which then everyone went in the visitor center, and everyone kept coming up to me, and I was like, this is a bad time to be on mushrooms. 

This is a bad time. So Trevor Hall comes out, literally the first song that he plays is a song called, I have everything I need. Let me let me read you guys the lyrics over and over again. He just keeps saying, I have everything I need. I have everything I need. I have everything I need from the mountains to the sea. 

All of this is within me. I have everything I need, by the way, it's also so hard to be spiritual a spiritual singer and not be corny. I mean, have you heard blues traveler? All right. I mean, seriously, have you ever heard a Christian band that you're like, yeah, these guys fuck, man. 

I love these dudes. These guys know how to rock. It's so hard to do. Cause you have to be so on [00:10:00] the nose. here's another one of my favorite parts from a song called Chapter of the Forest. I greet my lord down by the riverside. It hits me almost every time. Beauty runs so deep that it's hard to sleep at night. 

This is the chapter of the forest. Every line and every chorus. From my heart it comes, I pour it. Into every single melody. This part completely blew my mind. You see my woman, she is stainless. Stood there at the base. Touched the face. All the gods come out of the mountain. Sweet embrace. Her song, it can't be heard. 

Unless you let go of the world. So I laid it all down, and I behold what I heard. Someone's done a fuck ton of plant medicine. Anyways, it was super inspiring seeing it because this dude is just like, a walking meditation. He barely was even moving. And after the show I like, turned to Andrea and I was like, He's 37. 

I was like, Andrea, I don't think he has anything left to figure out. I think he's just good. Like, where the fuck do you go from here? Like, what is there left to discover? So [00:11:00] much of his music is just like, I'm good. Have you seen these mountains? And I'm like, bro. You don't even need to be here anymore. 

You're a fucking cloud. I love him. Also, fun fact for me, mushrooms lately have been hitting, uh, an hour and a half after I thought that they did. I was very fine during the concert, for the most part. Then all of a sudden, I'm in my hotel room, and I'm like, oh no. And my body starts buzzing. I close my eyes, and I just see a bunch of like, Jackson Pollock painting lines in my head. 

And I was like, I'm gonna be up for two more hours. Okay, so having me to this today's guest is me. It's incredible I'm here to talk to you guys and I want to share a lot with you because I have learned a lot in this last Week that I would like to share things I've been thinking about a lot and I want to offer you guys some tools To help you. 

So the first thing that I want to offer as something that could be very helpful is a very quick Breathing meditation. That's going to take you 15 seconds. I saw on Instagram and this is going to get us ready [00:12:00] to dive into what I really want to talk about, which is mind blowing breathing meditation that rocked my world. 

Okay. So this one is really easy. So all you do is this, close your eyes, three deep breaths.  

One more. Okay. So put your head back, do this. Don't be a hero. If you're driving, definitely do this. Put your head back. Close your eyes. Keep driving. Put your head back. I'm just kidding. Close your eyes. Okay. Look up. Now breathe in. Inhale with your nose and envision all this cool air coming up through your body. 

 Hold it at the top. Look up, smile and feel compassion and love for the whole world. Do this for a couple of seconds. Then when you release, imagine releasing all this hot air that's coming out of you. Okay. So what was really interesting when I saw this on Instagram was the tag was like. This is great to raise your vibration. 

This is great for manifestation. Use this breathing technique and you will manifest. Here's the thing, everybody, that I'm now absolutely fucking certain [00:13:00] of. Everything that you want to manifest already exists and is already here. one of the reasons why manifestation and all this has become so popular is because it gives us the action steps and the tools To go get these things that we want,  

let me just say this very clearly. There is nothing that's outside of you. When you manifest, it already exists. What you're doing is just unlocking things. Literally, you're just unlocking. So when she's like, , this is great for manifestation, I'll say that what this meditation does is is it drops you into a theta state and allows you to be in a place of receiving. 

For example, if you were able to walk around all day, mostly in, in either delta or theta state, basically you would just be like a walking magnet for your desires. a lot of us are in alpha mind, Which is the top layer monkey mind. So all we're doing a lot of times is literally holding our desires back from us. 

So when you open a channel like that, that's what you're [00:14:00] doing. You're just like popping the top off of your own consciousness. Okay, so which brings me to what I want to talk to you guys about. I have never been a huge Joe Dispenza fan. It's not because, I just, I don't care. Like, I don't really have an opinion. 

He just never really resonated with me. I've seen a ton of his videos. Everybody's obsessed with him. I tried to do his meditations, and I was laughing because I skipped the beginning part. And it's like 20 minutes of Joe Dispenza being like, Now imagine your throat in space. 

Imagine your body in space. Imagine your toes in space. And he doesn't even talk like that. And I was like, this shit is not for me. And then, also, by the way, they're an hour long. I was like, who the fuck has that time? But thanks to Kristen Helmstetter, shout out to her again. She was like, I really think you should watch Joe Dispenza's testimonial videos about people who have had insane healing and transformations because of these meditations. 

So I watched [00:15:00] three, two or three. First woman, Wrote down abundance meditation at a Joe Dispensa event that she wanted to manifest 80, 000. , she was vibrating so much. She's like, Oh, I caught something. And then like, I think it was, so the conference was three days long. 

I think 24 hours later she manifested 78, 000 and she wrote down 80 and then her husband called her the next day and was like, Oh, you have all these checks here from an insurance claim and then she said some total for the whole week. She ended up manifesting 500, 000. Okay, so let's get into, let's get into this. 

So what Joe Dispenza does is, and where I, I'm like all about this and why this episode is called giving yourself DMT is he teaches a breathing technique that is so amped up and even like, it's what I just taught you guys times a thousand. Basically I'll, I don't, I don't feel like I'm qualified enough to teach this. 

But everyone should, listen to his meditations and the breathing technique. I'll [00:16:00] post a video about it. But basically what you do, it's three parts. It's like you squeeze your intrinsic muscles. That's the term he uses. So basically you're literally squeezing like your perineum, which is your asshole. 

Good morning, then your lower stomach and then your ribs and you push it back and you Suck it all in with your nose and you you hold it So you suck it in starting at your perineum and then you go all the way up With your nose and you hold it hold it hold it hold it and you activate all of this lower chakra energy that you usually only use if you're having a baby Which we all have done that just kidding or going to the bathroom, right? 

So it's activating all this and it's pushing all of it up to the top of your head and then you hold it and release It okay So and I watch this video where this guy said basically what we're doing is you're activating like the DMT mechanism within your body to put you in a supernatural state. Joe Dispenza has two books [00:17:00] one's called Becoming Supernatural. 

The other one is called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, which is the best title for any book. And I know that if you are here listening to this, you want to break a little bit of the habits of being yourself. Cause his whole thing is like, you basically walk around all day. With a very set energetic point, which then triggers the same behaviors and brain patterns, which causes the same outcomes over and over and over again. 

It's not because anybody's doing anything to you. It's because your brain is in such a state of the brainwaves are consistently doing the same thing all the time. So therefore you're getting the same results. So what this meditation teaches you is it first gets you in this like supernatural crazy state. 

I did this on my frontier airline mostly cause I just wanted to black out and not be there. And by the way, there is a passive, there is a possibility you could pass out from this meditation. So just be careful. I'm not telling you that you have to do it, what I do want to say is that like, all of this stuff is starting to really coalesce and make so much sense to me, especially [00:18:00] after seeing Bruce Lipton. 

Okay, so Bruce Lipton said, and I think I said this in one of the episodes, that for the longest time, scientists thought human beings were made of matter, like atoms and shit, right? But they said that upon further review. And upon examining what human beings are really made of, it's actually waves. what Joe Dispenza says is like, when you are in fight or flight, when you are in the alpha mind, when you can't sleep at night because you're so worried, when you can't shake off a thought pattern or looping, desires or looping things that are bothering you. 

You're in full survival mode, monkey mind, cortisol levels are flying off the fucking chain. And in that state, you become a hardened version of yourself. And. The things and the things you want to access and the things that you need to access to change your life get closed off to you because you're in such a close knit survival state. 

But Joe Dispenza says in his meditation, he said, turn yourself from matter to [00:19:00] wave. So when you drop into this crazy state using this breathing, and you could also do this doing a lot of things, working out, performing, Being creative, falling in love, you become expansive and now you're in a deeper state and now you have access to what I call and what everybody calls the quantum field. 

You always have access to the quantum field, but when you're in this super brain state, you're able to access and visualize and change things in your 3d reality in a way that you can't do that when you're just like running around. As a fucking psychopathic human in New York City. 

Which I have done. So, why is this important? And how can you use this? Thanks for asking. This is super important because I just want everyone to consider the fact that next time if you ever feel like super flustered, next time you're about to yell at your partner, next time you're about to lose your shit, next time you're about to say, think that something's wrong with you, Using this breathwork technique, you can change your state immediately and [00:20:00] realize that nothing was ever wrong with you. 

It's just old brain patterns, and the more that we do this, I believe the easier it's going to be, and that's what I'm working on right now, is when my old shit settles in, which it has today. Thanks a lot, brain! Motherfucker! I just really, really, really sink down and believe like, Hey, Oh, wow. I can actually change this brain state. 

And now I'm in a much more calm place and you get to literally quote, become supernatural because now you have More access to consciousness. And what, uh, Dr. Espen said today, who I talked to, he actually said that if, when they study human beings, bodies were made of 99. 9 percent space. So if we're already a bunch of waves hanging out, and that's all that Trevor Hall is. He's just a big wet wave. So, what in my opinion, what this means is that we just need to bolster that part of us more. Boost it up. And for all you motherfuckers who are complaining about stuff being too woo woo, Breathe using breathing [00:21:00] techniques to rewire your brain is about as scientific as it fucking gets. 

And if you don't believe me, go hang out with Andrew Huberman and his podcast. He might ask you out on a date. Or I might ask you to start another podcast. His entire podcast is about different techniques you can use and also to heighten your brain state. Shout out big time to Lisa Windberger as well from the Neurosculpting Institute. 

She came to my show and it was so awesome. We had coffee and tea. She's truly the coolest human being. So what this boils down to and what I've learned is if I'm spending a lot of my time looking at the now reality worrying about certain things that are happening in my life right now, All that says to me is that I'm not spending enough time in a different brain level, in a different brain state, and enough time believing in the infinite possibilities that lie within you in the quantum field. 

And yes, I just described the plot to The Matrix Part 7. Okay, well I hope this was helpful. I hope you have a fantastic week. Always keep reaching out to me at the underscore Brandon Fitzgibbons. Hit me up. I love to hear from you. You guys are [00:22:00] amazing. I believe all can come true. I believe there's so much love here for you. 

I believe. That no matter what you do in your life, infinite possibilities always lie before you. That's pretty good. Have a great day.