Expand with Gabrielle: Manifestation and Spiritual Boss Babes

02: How to Make Manifestation Work For Your Life

May 28, 2024 Gabrielle Martorana
02: How to Make Manifestation Work For Your Life
Expand with Gabrielle: Manifestation and Spiritual Boss Babes
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Expand with Gabrielle: Manifestation and Spiritual Boss Babes
02: How to Make Manifestation Work For Your Life
May 28, 2024
Gabrielle Martorana

Manifestation is a huge buzzword all over social media, but what even is it, and is it real? Can manifestation help you in your love, life, dreams, and business? This short answer is yes; the long answer is in this episode. 

In this episode, I want to dive into why manifestation is a science-backed reality and how you can look past all the vision boards and affirmations and find the REAL way to create a life of ease, flow, and magnetism in your life and businesses.

( I'll teach you what your Paradigm is) The Missing Piece” 1-Hour Workshop for FREE - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-missing-piece-manifesting-copy-1-1 

Send me a DM and let me know you tuned into the episode, I would love to hear from you - www.instagram.com/expandwithgabrielle

Want to go deeper? Join my FREE 3-Day Immersion - Becoming an Embodied Entreprenuer - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/immersion-march2024

Apply for The School of Expansion - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-school-of-expansion-app

The Missing Piece” 1-Hour Workshop for FREE - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-missing-piece-manifesting-copy-1-1

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Manifestation is a huge buzzword all over social media, but what even is it, and is it real? Can manifestation help you in your love, life, dreams, and business? This short answer is yes; the long answer is in this episode. 

In this episode, I want to dive into why manifestation is a science-backed reality and how you can look past all the vision boards and affirmations and find the REAL way to create a life of ease, flow, and magnetism in your life and businesses.

( I'll teach you what your Paradigm is) The Missing Piece” 1-Hour Workshop for FREE - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-missing-piece-manifesting-copy-1-1 

Send me a DM and let me know you tuned into the episode, I would love to hear from you - www.instagram.com/expandwithgabrielle

Want to go deeper? Join my FREE 3-Day Immersion - Becoming an Embodied Entreprenuer - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/immersion-march2024

Apply for The School of Expansion - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-school-of-expansion-app

The Missing Piece” 1-Hour Workshop for FREE - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-missing-piece-manifesting-copy-1-1

Gabrielle: [00:00:00] You're listening to expand with Gabrielle, where you, the spiritual boss, babe, we'll get access to the powerful missing pieces behind how to manifest and create the wild, wealthy, abundant life you desire. Hi there. I'm Gabrielle Martorana, your host and the founder of the School of Expansion. In this podcast, you will learn how to practically implement spiritual or woo concepts, as well as how to use ancient wisdom and new age science to quantum leap in your income.

Gabrielle: We are talking out with the old boss babe culture of hustle and burnout and in with learning how to create wealth through ease, manifestation, magnetism and flow. All while walking in your healing journey, honoring the shadow and creating measurable results in your business. Let's get into it. 

Gabrielle: Hello, hello. So manifesting is [00:01:00] vision boards, thinking positive, and creating your reality with your thoughts, right? No, we're missing some really big, key, critical pieces here, but that is what Instagram tells us manifesting is, and that is the general consensus or narrative that is being spread throughout the spiritual community.

Gabrielle: And it's no wonder that most people are not able to manifest the big stuff or manifest Just the reality in totality. Maybe they've created vision boards, maybe you've created a vision board and you've checked off a couple pieces of that vision board, but like the big stuff, the juicy stuff hasn't come through.

Gabrielle: And so you might think to yourself, I mean, I know I did that. Yeah. Maybe manifestation kind of works, but I definitely wouldn't bet on it. I wouldn't make business decisions based on it. And that's where I was as well. I had created vision boards, I had written out kind of my vision for the year, my goals for the year, talked about [00:02:00] manifesting, talking about calling things in, but if you would have asked me to truly bet on it, to make financial decisions, plans, things based off of having everything on my vision board come into reality, I would have been Lying if I said that I did that because I didn't I would make it and I would kind of idealize this idea And I would hold the vision in my head while I was creating the vision board and I would try to look at it occasionally But I didn't manifest the big stuff and I didn't really really believe that it completely worked I just felt like I didn't totally understand it And the truth is I didn't and that's why I wasn't able to call in those big things those juicy things So let's get clear right here.

Gabrielle: And now that manifestation is not all those definitions. I read off earlier that manifestation is actually non-physical, becoming physical. That is a definition of manifestation, and it's actually a very scientific term. It's backed by [00:03:00] science. It's backed by physics because physics and mathematics are the languages in which we've started to understand how the universe speaks to us.

Gabrielle: We understand the universe through these languages. We understand that an object falls at the rate of e equals mc squared. We understand that, and this is this language that we can document how things work, It's not that physics invented that. It's not that physics invented how that worked.

Gabrielle: It's just documenting how it already works, and that's true for manifestation as well. So talking about the definition of the non physical becoming physical, this is true in physics, this is true at the quantum level. Because how manifestation really works is that our body emits out of frequency.

Gabrielle: Always. Manifestation is not only when we are creating a vision board. It's not only when we're thinking positive thoughts. It's not only [00:04:00] when we're trying to create our reality through intentional images that we hold on the screen of our mind. It's not only happening then. Our body is always emitting a frequency, which means we are always manifesting.

Gabrielle: not just when we want something and not just when we're focused on the good. We are chronically manifesting. We are chronically emitting a frequency. And when that frequency leaves our body, it's the concept of physics for every action. There is an equal and opposite reaction. Or I implore you to look into the quantum physics stuff that's coming up about two electromagnetic fields when they're in harmony, they're in resonance and what happens.

Gabrielle: This explains manifestation. These concepts are backed in the scientific community as well as in the spiritual community. But what does this all mean for you? Like, how does this translate into your business? Okay, we understand that our body emits a frequency. We understand that that frequency calls back to it things that are in harmony with it always, not just when we're about what we [00:05:00] want.

Gabrielle: So if you are trying to attract soulmate clients, for example, who pay higher ticket for your high value offerings, but you're admitting the frequency that is in alignment with burnout and struggle and force. What do you think you're actually going to experience? Who do you think you're actually going to call in?

Gabrielle: And it's not just when you're on the highlight reel, if you will, of your soulmate clients. What are you always thinking about? What are you thinking about when you're on autopilot? When you're thinking about what you're thinking about? That is your paradigm and that is what's actually calling in your clients.

Gabrielle: The truth is that manifesting is real. It's not just the version that we're presented on social media. But the key thing to note here is that we attract all of our life experiences by this frequency that we are emitting, the good and the bad. And the truth is, nothing is good or bad, our thinking makes it so.

Gabrielle: That's a Shakespearean quote. And it's just to say that [00:06:00] we live in a neutral plane, And our mind and our emotions are what decide if something is good or bad. And it's not really good or bad, it's more of a question as, Does this serve me? Or do I enjoy this? Do I want this? Or don't I? And the missing piece of information that isn't being shared on Instagram and in the community, is that we attract what we are, not what we want.

Gabrielle: So, if you're doing yourself lip service by telling everybody and even trying to tell yourself that you want X but you're holding inside of you the paradigm, the belief system, the limiting beliefs, the stuff that's like ingrained into your cellular DNA of what you believe, Y, then you will only ever experience Y.

Gabrielle: So, let me repeat that. If you are trying to call in X. You're telling people that you want this, you're thinking about wanting this, but in your paradigm, in your subconscious, in your shadow, whatever you want to call it, there's so many names for this, this [00:07:00] part of you that operates 90 percent of your day.

Gabrielle: If in there, you're actually in alignment with Y, not X, all that you will ever experience is Y. So it is so imperative that you understand and you learn that you have to change your paradigm. You have to change the frequency that you emit if you want to master the art of manifestation. And truly, if you want to master the art of creation through ease and magnetism.

Gabrielle: And that's a topic that I talk a lot about because we're done with the old paradigm of the toxic masculine, where success has to be around push and willpower and burnout and struggle. And if you want to create your reality, That is, you want to create wealth and success through magnetism and ease, then you have to understand how to change your paradigm.

Gabrielle: And this is a huge, profound topic and requires the deep understanding and embodiment of the idea that you [00:08:00] create your reality. That everything that you experience in your external world is simply a reflection of your internal world. And that can be a big pill to swallow. Because it's also Can be very confronting to think that maybe all these quote unquote bad or negative things that you've experienced were just the reflection of things that you hold inside.

Gabrielle: But I also want to tell you that it is extremely empowering when you step into that space of understanding. And this podcast and this episode is meant to be an activation for you. A remembering of your true limitless potential. And that comes with taking responsibility for your entire reality. Not just the good stuff, quote unquote.

Gabrielle: I say good and bad because that's the terms most people use. I don't really believe anything is good or bad. It's just that in this moment, as sovereign beings, we get to decide, do I want to keep this? Do I want to keep experiencing this? Or do I want to change it? And if this feels [00:09:00] uncomfortable, I offer this to you to just lean in, to explore it, to allow yourself time for deep contemplative thought.

Gabrielle: Because the truth is, since you create your reality, there are things in it that you don't like, but you can change it. And it's an old paradigm, an old story that our circumstances govern our ability to create or govern our ability to reach certain levels of success. That is untrue and disempowering.

Gabrielle: Your current circumstances are nothing more than a reflection of your internal reality, of your paradigm. And I know I'm saying this word paradigm a lot, and if you don't know what a paradigm is, I put a link in the show notes to a free one hour workshop on the paradigm, so definitely check that out. But looping back to manifestation, so we understand now that manifestation is real, that it is a science backed phenomenon, it is a law of the universe, and it is always working.

Gabrielle: It's a frequency that we emit that puts us in harmony with our [00:10:00] experiences, opportunities, clients, everything. And we just simply experience in our external reality what is a reflection of our internal reality because of this frequency. So it's more than just the law of attraction. It's actually the law of vibration that is the primary law.

Gabrielle: The law of attraction is the secondary law. That's also a misconception that is floating around out there. And when I learned to change my paradigm, when I learned to manage and control this frequency in a way that served me, I started to create with ease and magnetism. And I started to leave that old toxic masculine idea of success that involved all the anxiety and chronic pain and bad relationships and burnout and to be able to truly create huge levels of wealth and success.

Gabrielle: through ease, magnetism, and flow. And this is one of the key steps is mastering the concept of manifestation and the frequency that you emit. Because manifestation is [00:11:00] real and it is profoundly, profoundly affecting your business, your income, and your success. And it is so imperative that you learn to create your paradigm.

Gabrielle: You learn to create your frequency To be in alignment with the huge levels of wealth and success that you want So that way you can create out of a state of ease

Gabrielle: Now that I do understand what manifestation really is and how it works, I do make business decisions with this information, and I do use it to govern my life and to work with the laws of the universe instead of against them. And that is the process of becoming an embodied entrepreneur, where I weave in spiritual concepts like this into my business life, and it has huge, huge, beautiful ripple effects in my wealth.

Gabrielle: and my magnetism and the opportunities. If you are looking to create wealth through ease, you are in the right place. Take this information, digest it, start to use it and practice it in your daily [00:12:00] life and see how you can then become an embodied entrepreneur and how you can then create wealth through ease.

Gabrielle: If you love this episode, send me a DM. I am @expandwithgabrielle on Instagram and TikTok and would love to hear from you. Also, if you're dying to learn more about this topic, check out the link in the show notes to the missing piece, the one hour workshop, where you will learn more about the paradigm and about mastering manifestation. 

Manifestation is science at it’s basics // We are always manifesting
How can manifestation help your business?
Can you change your reality with manifestation?
One of the KEY steps to manifesting a life of ease and magnetism