Expand with Gabrielle: Manifestation and Spiritual Boss Babes

03: How You Are Blocking Success by the Things You Say

May 28, 2024 Gabrielle Martorana
03: How You Are Blocking Success by the Things You Say
Expand with Gabrielle: Manifestation and Spiritual Boss Babes
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Expand with Gabrielle: Manifestation and Spiritual Boss Babes
03: How You Are Blocking Success by the Things You Say
May 28, 2024
Gabrielle Martorana

If you only have ONE life, why would you not go after your dreams? In our society, we are told to not dream too big or we will become disappointed and to not "jinx ourselves."

In this episode, I am giving you permission to do the opposite. I want you to dream big, be okay with getting your hopes up, and actually dream of the life, money, car, travel, home, and love you want and deserve. Today we are addressing our fears, and disappointments and leaving old paradigms behind so we can actually dream out the life we want. 

Send me a DM and let me know you tuned into the episode, I would love to hear from you - www.instagram.com/expandwithgabrielle

Want to go deeper? Join my FREE 3-Day Immersion - Becoming an Embodied Entreprenuer - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/immersion-march2024

Apply for The School of Expansion - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-school-of-expansion-app

The Missing Piece” 1-Hour Workshop for FREE - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-missing-piece-manifesting-copy-1-1

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

If you only have ONE life, why would you not go after your dreams? In our society, we are told to not dream too big or we will become disappointed and to not "jinx ourselves."

In this episode, I am giving you permission to do the opposite. I want you to dream big, be okay with getting your hopes up, and actually dream of the life, money, car, travel, home, and love you want and deserve. Today we are addressing our fears, and disappointments and leaving old paradigms behind so we can actually dream out the life we want. 

Send me a DM and let me know you tuned into the episode, I would love to hear from you - www.instagram.com/expandwithgabrielle

Want to go deeper? Join my FREE 3-Day Immersion - Becoming an Embodied Entreprenuer - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/immersion-march2024

Apply for The School of Expansion - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-school-of-expansion-app

The Missing Piece” 1-Hour Workshop for FREE - https://www.gabriellemartorana.com/the-missing-piece-manifesting-copy-1-1


Gabrielle: You're listening to expand with Gabrielle, where you, the spiritual boss, babe, we'll get access to the powerful missing pieces behind how to manifest and create the wild, wealthy, abundant life you desire. Hi there. I'm Gabrielle Martorana, your host and the founder of The School of Expansion. In this podcast, you will learn how to practically implement.

Gabrielle: spiritual or woo concepts, as well as how to use ancient wisdom and new age science to create and quantum leap in your income. In this podcast, you will learn how to practically implement spiritual or woo concepts, as well as how to use ancient wisdom and new age science to quantum leap in your income.

Gabrielle: We are talking out with the old boss babe culture of hustle and burnout and in with learning how to create wealth through ease, manifestation, magnetism and flow. All while walking in your healing journey, honoring the shadow [00:01:00] and creating measurable results in your business. Let's get into it. 

Gabrielle: Hello, hello. I don't want to get my hopes up or I don't want to jinx it. Have you ever said these things or stopped yourself from sharing an idea or something that you wanted because of these fears? This is something really important to think about. It's something that we have been programmed in our society to believe, is that we don't want to get our hopes up.

Gabrielle: We don't want to jinx it, that it might not work out. And if you go deeper, if you look behind what we're saying, so, so often we say phrases and words and have beliefs and don't look behind the messaging, behind what it is that we're truly saying to ourselves when we say this. If I say to myself, I don't want to get my hopes up.

Gabrielle: What I'm really telling myself is, I don't even want to [00:02:00] invest in falling in love with this idea because I am going to be so sad and devastated if it doesn't work out. So I would rather not fall in love and get emotionally invested with the vision or the image of me having this because I'm so scared of disappointment.

Gabrielle: I have so much fear around the emotions of what it would feel like to want something and not be able to get it. Or the idea of I don't want to jinx is basically saying that my reality is outside of my control. There's forces outside of my control. I'm like a victim of circumstance. I'm just like a leaf blown in the wind.

Gabrielle: And if I want something, I might put a curse on it or something and not be able to get it. It's kind of in alignment with that idea that there's this. Entity, god, being that will take things from you or like to smite you or jinx it like it's not lucky like bad I don't know. There's this weird energy around jinxing it and the truth is that these ideas are really limiting [00:03:00] There are ideas that are held very deeply in our society.

Gabrielle: It's so commonplace to hear someone say, I don't want to get my hopes up. And what they're really saying is I don't want to commit to this. And when we say to ourselves, to our subconscious mind, to our inner child, to ourselves that I don't want to commit to this and fall in love with this because I'm really afraid I'm not going to get it.

Gabrielle: The frequency that we are admitting what we are in harmony with is the idea of not getting it. And that's the opposite of what we want to be in harmony with. That's the opposite of what we want to be thinking. And so I offer you the challenge of allowing yourself to get your hopes up, to allow yourself to dream big, to allow yourself to see what you really want.

Gabrielle: Think about how it feels, what it tastes like, what it sounds like to fully, fully, fully get your hopes up. Because when you [00:04:00] immerse yourself in the experience of having what you desire, of seeing what you want that clearly and that deeply, about telling people about it, thinking about it, dreaming about it, you're putting yourself in a harmonious state to where you are in alignment to attract.

Gabrielle: All the things necessary to create that in your reality, but it's only when you allow yourself to get your hopes up and it does require bravery. It does because you are, in other people's eyes, taking a risk. Taking a risk in committing to something, taking a risk in presenting yourself in a certain way, saying, I am the type of person that will have X or I will live here or I will drive this car or I will have this job or I will fly first class from now on.

Gabrielle: Whatever it is that you want, saying that, envisioning it can appear to be risky. However, it is the most common. unrisky thing that you can do because you're putting yourself in harmony with it because if you [00:05:00] don't, you're guaranteed to not get it. So what sounds more risky to me is by playing by the old rules, by following this old paradigm, this old idea of I don't want to get my hopes up or I don't want to jinx it and just creating more of the same, which is obviously not what you want because you wouldn't be here listening to this episode if you wanted bigger, better, more beautiful things.

Gabrielle: And so it's the opposite of risky to change, because what's the definition of insanity is to repeat the same steps over and over and over again and expect different results. So if you're tired of not creating the big, juicy, amazing things that you desire, this is the first place that you could start is allowing yourself to get your hopes up, allowing yourself to not use phrases like I don't want to jinx it and to actually go all in and to And admit to your first yourself, what do you really, really want?

Gabrielle: And that can be a task, you know, it takes some time, some [00:06:00] marinating to sink into what do you really want? Because also other things that may emerge at first are what other people want for you or what other people told you you should want. And so it can take some, some ciphering through to really see. Do I want this?

Gabrielle: Do I feel it in my body, in my soul? Do I want this? And you don't have to even understand why. Because our desires are so sacred. What you desire is part of your soul's experience on this planet. And what you desire is very unique. I actually didn't realize that. I thought most people all wanted the same thing.

Gabrielle: I think we're presented that storyline in the movies and in the media. Everyone wants to be famous. Everyone wants to be wealthy. Everyone wants to be thin, you know, whatever. And I really wanted to be a digital nomad. And I wanted to travel the world and have time, money, and freedom. And I've talked to dozens and dozens and dozens of people [00:07:00] that do not want that.

Gabrielle: That want to be earthy and rooted and grounded and want to like homestead and have animals and be super connected to this one piece of land and like kind of never leave. sink into the seasons, into the flows, and that's what they want. And so you can see everyone's desires are so different. Some people desire to be business owners.

Gabrielle: Some people desire to be part of a team. Some people desire to create in the digital world. Some people want to create with their hands, like whatever your desire is. Some people want to raise families. It's all unique and it's all in alignment with you expanding. And so Lean in to your desires, no matter how goofy or minimal or huge and wild and crazy they are, they are sacred and they are the lanterns guiding you on your path to expansion and to experiencing all the wild, amazing beauty that this earth, this [00:08:00] plane has to offer.

Gabrielle: And so one of the most constricting things that we can do is try to limit ourselves when it comes to recognizing and playing with our limitless potential and imagining what it is that we really want and what it is that we really desire. Because as children, imagination was something that was presented to us In a pretty negative light, it was good to be imaginative, but it could also be irresponsible to be too imaginative, too pie in the sky, too dreamy.

Gabrielle: It's like, come back to earth or that's never gonna happen. Or you need to be reasonable. That's one of the big things. You need to be reasonable. You need to check in with reality. What's realistic? These are all boxes that we put around our limitless potential. These are all things that stifle creativity.

Gabrielle: They stifle our dreams. They stifle big expensive growth. And here We are all about [00:09:00] expansion at the quantum pace, meaning expansion with huge shifts, making huge leaps, huge levels of success rolling in. And you can't do that when you put a box around what you want. When you put a box around even allowing yourself to think Think about what you want.

Gabrielle: There are so many times when I've talked to people and I ask them like, what do you want? And they first take a gauge of, okay, where am I at? And then they let that dictate what they want because they let that say what's realistic to even think about wanting or even allow themselves to want or dream.

Gabrielle: They're like, okay, well I'm making 60 K a year. So even if I tripled that, okay, I want to make 180 K a year. Why? Oh, because I mean, tripling it is already going to be hard enough. Like I don't know. I'll just start there. Your current reality has nothing to do with what you actually want. What do you want?

Gabrielle: Who cares what you're getting right now? getting right now, all it is, is a reflection of your old paradigm. All it [00:10:00] is, is the reflection of your old belief systems, your old frequency. And in each moment, we have the choice to choose again. If you've ever read "The Power of Now" or any of those books, they talk about how the present moment is the only thing that really exists.

Gabrielle: And then in each present moment, it's like a blank slate and you get to decide, what do I bring forward into the next present moment? And by looking at your current circumstances and allowing those to dictate what you allow yourself to dream about, what you allow yourself to your hopes up about is bringing the past into your present state over and over and over again.

Gabrielle: And so what are you going to do? You're going to create more of the same. You're going to repeat the same patterns. You're going to be at the same frequency. You're going to be in the same harmony with the same things that you're experiencing. And if you're unhappy or dissatisfied or want bigger or better, more beautiful or just more, that is the wrong formula to follow.

Gabrielle: That is the wrong formula to follow if that's what you want. And so you can see how these constricting ideas of [00:11:00] I don't want to get my hopes up. I don't want to jinx it, not allowing ourselves to dream, checking in with our current reality to dictate what we allow ourselves to want or think about or get excited about are all the wrong moves.

Gabrielle: It's all the old paradigm and the new paradigm is allowing yourself to step into this present moment. Maybe even go outside and go somewhere where you feel so expensive for me. It's when I can see the sky I mean, there's something about the clouds and the trees, maybe even some water but definitely the sky and allow yourself to think if anything was possible, which it is. And I could have anything in this whole world, any reality that I wanted.

Gabrielle: What do I want? Like what would be so fun? What would be so expensive? What would be so captivating? So empowering? So Thrilling, like what would make you feel connected, what would make you feel at peace, what would make you feel impactful, if you were to [00:12:00] fast forward to being a hundred something on your couch, you know, on your deathbed and you're going to pass on to the next form soon and you look back on your life, like what do you want your life to have been?

Gabrielle: What would you love to be able to say then about your bravery to go after your dreams, your bravery to allow yourself to dream in the first place? What would you want to say about the way that you lived your life, the things that you did, how you spent your time, how you loved, how you supported, how you created?

Gabrielle: What would you want to be able to say about all of that? Because this all requires a level of bravery of thinking these thoughts now. And allowing yourself to get your hopes up, allowing yourself to dream now. So that way, when the time comes, even before then, all along the path, you can sit in this deep, profound state of gratitude.

Gabrielle: Knowing that you are fully showing up for this life. like full send. That's what I tell myself all the time. Full [00:13:00] send. I have one life. I have a finite amount of time. full send baby. Like let's go. I want to do, see, and be everything that I ever dreamed of. Because why not? I'm here.

Gabrielle: I've gone through everything I've gone through. I know it's for a reason. Let's create some beauty. Let's create some magic. Let's allow ourselves to get our hopes up.

Gabrielle: If this episode spoke to you, please send me a DM. I'm @expandwithgabrielle on Instagram and TikTok. I would truly, truly love to hear from you. I would love to know what's landing for you and how you're experiencing this podcast. And if you are loving this episode and want to learn more, there are more episodes coming and I would be so honored if you would leave me a review.

Gabrielle: That really helps the podcast. 

Allowing Yourself to Give Your Hopes Up to Dream Big // Understanding Your Desires
How You are Limiting Your Potential By Not Dreaming BIG