Faith in Kids
The Faith in Kids podcast is all about helping families raise children in the Christian faith. On this stream, you'll find lots of podcast for parents, presented by Ed, Amy and Jam, as well as a whole load of podcasts in Season 1 which are to be listened to as a family together. We’re not trying to give you the answers, but a few starting points. We hope and pray you’ll be inspired to give it a go. Every family can.
Faith in Kids
Faith in KIDS #69 Mary's Adventure
We continue our Christmas adventure with Mary and the return of the Angel. God is ripping up Mary's wedding plans - what a relief that no-one will be throwing shoes at her! (Oh, that's one of the fun facts about wedding. I know. Jam? No.)
Get hold of The Adventure of Christmas e-Book from the Good Book Company.
Music from Awesome Cutlery - A Long Long Long Long Time Ago
Readings and sketches performed by Anna Nicholson and Meg Blowey.
Sketch written and produced by James Cary. Recorded at Crown Lane Studio.
Support the show (http://www.faithinkids.org)