Julio's Corner

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July 15, 2024 Episode 6
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Julio's Corner
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Julio's Corner
Media Content Smorgasbord
Jul 15, 2024 Episode 6

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Julio talks briefly about the wrap up to Copa America and the Euros, the release of “The Death of Slim Shady,” and his initial thoughts on new show, Orphan Black: Echoes


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Julio talks briefly about the wrap up to Copa America and the Euros, the release of “The Death of Slim Shady,” and his initial thoughts on new show, Orphan Black: Echoes


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This is Julio's Corner, my corner of the internet, where I talk about whatever is on my mind.

Usually, I'll talk about TV shows, movies, or whatever new content has taken my interest.

This episode is being recorded on Saturday, July 13th, 2024.

And today's episode may be a long one.

There's a lot of stuff to catch up on.

I did not record the previous weekend because, you know, life.

So things got a little complicated.

So we're gonna do some house cleaning and some wrap ups.

So anyway, a little bit of house cleaning.

As I mentioned, last weekend, things got away from me.

I work an overnight shift.

So my schedule is not normal to normal people.

It's in reverse, like a vampire.

So I basically do everything at night and I sleep during the day.

And I guess because of this weird sleep schedule, I have trouble sleeping during the week.

So I average roughly four to five hours of sleep.

And then come Saturday, I tend to oversleep.

My body, I guess, just shuts down and compensates for it.

And I woke up roughly 12 hours later or something to that effect.

So yeah, because of that, I had to play catch up with everything.

And I just didn't have the time to record.

I just, I was falling behind on my chores, catching up with the sports events that I've been mentioning in the previous two episodes and so on.

So here we are, two weekends later, and I'm actually recording a day earlier.

And like I said, I usually do everything in reverse, daytime I'm asleep, nighttime is when I'm awake.

So I normally record around 3 a.m.

on a Sunday, but I just got back from work on Saturday morning and I had coffee right before leaving because I was hungry, unusually as my shift was ending.

So I ordered some breakfast and I'm feeling wide awake for the most part.

So I figured while I have this extra energy that's gonna keep me from sleeping, I might as well take advantage of that and record early.

Now, recording early does not necessarily mean that the episode will come out a day earlier.

I will probably still edit this on Sunday night, which would then make it Monday morning, because you know, midnight and so on and all that stuff.

And then it drops like Monday around one, two, three in the morning, or something to that effect.

But anyways, we shall see.

So that's enough of house cleaning.

Let's get into some wrap ups.

And we're going to start with football.

Let's get on with Copa America.

So, and I'm not gonna get into too much detail because I'm not a sports guy.

This is not a sports show.

Not really.

Like I mentioned in the past, Copa America, the Euros, the World Cup, these are events that happen once every four years.

So the excitement is tantamount.

And I think it warrants me discussing it because I am a little enthusiastic about them.

And this is my first time watching the Euros in fact.

So that just adds to my eagerness to get into it.

But I'm a casual watcher.

I don't really follow these athletes in their professional leagues.

And because I can't watch a 37 game season of Premier League or La Liga or what is it?

The MX or MLS or any of those things.

It's just too much football for me.

I prefer the 17 week season of the NFL.

So, but Copa America and the Euros once every four years is plenty to keep my interest alive.

So anyways, as I mentioned, Colombia was on the tough half of the brackets and Argentina was on the easier side of the bracket.

So it was expected for Argentina to make it into the final.

And they did.

They struggled a little bit in the, not the last, the last game was against Canada.

Canada, they pretty much handily beat them.

But the game before Canada, I forget who it was.

I think it was, it might have been Ecuador.

Ecuador surprised, yeah, it was Ecuador.

Cause they defeated Venezuela.

Yeah, they defeated Venezuela and Venezuela beat Ecuador.

So then Argentina played Ecuador and Ecuador gave them a little bit run for their money.

You know what, let me confirm that.

Cause now I am doubting myself.

So yeah, I was right.

Argentina went into penalties against Ecuador.

So they ended the game one-one tie and then they beat Ecuador in penalties.

So I was right.

So for whatever reason, they struggled against Ecuador.

But then Canada, who they beat in their first game of the tournament, they handily beat them again, for the most part.

I mean, it wasn't too handily.

It wasn't like a complete blowout.

I think it was two to one.

It was two nothing, which I think was the original game, original score, the score of the original.

Let me look it up.

Yep, two nothing was their first match and two nothing was their last match.

So yeah, it was the same result.

Colombia, on the other hand, as I mentioned, they had to beat Brazil to get into the quarterfinals, to keep first place so they wouldn't have to play Uruguay right away.

They succeeded.

They beat Brazil.

So they kept their first place ranking, which allowed them to play Panama.

And they handily beat them.

I want to say five nothing.

It was like five nothing or five one.

And I hate that I don't remember these scores too well.

Yeah, it was five nothing.

And then Brazil then lost to Uruguay, which was okay, which is, I could have either, it could have gone either way.

But in one sense, I was actually hoping for Uruguay because Colombia already played Brazil.

So, I didn't want to take my chances against them again because it was a struggle to play them and ended in a tie.

And because this was not the quarterfinals, this was the stage, the group stages where you can end the game on a tie.

And so I didn't want Brazil to have a second go at it with us and then take us out in penalties or whatever.

So luckily that wasn't the situation.

Uruguay beat them.

So Uruguay got to face Colombia for the first time and then we beat them one nothing.

The game ended ugly.

Red cards were handed out.

There was a brawl in the stands.

And we're gonna be out one defensive player.

We're gonna be out one striker, because he got injured.

And Argentina has a full squad.

I don't think they lost anybody.

So once again, Argentina has the edge.

And I'm hoping that, because Messi hasn't really been all that stellar or spectacular in the Copa America.

He's been a shadow of himself.

The way Ronaldo has been, was with Portugal, because of him, Portugal did not advance in the Euros.

Now, that aside, Messi was still good enough to still be productive.

So he wasn't scoring, but he was at least assisting.

He has like two or three assists in the Copa.

I think he has two assists with the Copa America.

And in general, he was getting the balls in the right direction.

So with the exception of the Ecuador game, where he really was non-existent, the other games, he was a bit of a factor.

But that aside, he's definitely a shadow of himself.

And Colombia could exploit that, hopefully, if they're not, as I mentioned in the past, they tend to get overwhelmed by the branding of the higher-onchalon teams, like your Argentinas and your Brazils.

Thankfully, this time around, Brazil has been considered a weak team by all parties that have been reviewing and critiquing the Copa.

So I guess Colombia took that to heart and didn't let the history of Brazil overwhelm them.

However, Argentina are the defending champions, so not the same situation.

Argentina still has that branding of a higher-on-chalon team and being the defending champions of the World Cup and the Copa America.

So Colombia may still feel that aura of superiority from Argentina, and they may feel inferior to them and be overwhelmed by that aura of pressure, which I hope they don't.

I hope they just look at it as another game.

It is the final game, and I hope they come through.

Jaime Rodriguez, their number 10 guy, has been crucial in helping Colombia score in all their games.

He's been their point guard, so to speak.

He has six assists for the Copa America, which is the most in this tournament.

So he is definitely a huge factor in Colombia's, he has six assists.

So he is a huge factor in Colombia's offense and their winning ways.

Now on to the Euros.

As I mentioned, England had the easy ride.

And like Argentina, even though they had the easy ride, they still managed to struggle to get to the final.

But the final they made, their very last game against Switzerland was relatively easy for them, like Argentina's game against Canada for their semi-final.

The quarter-final England, I think, had to go into penalties or extra time or something to that effect.

So they really did not make it easy for themselves, even though on paper, everything was in their favor.

But their strategy of not really being aggressive on the offense and just playing defensively and conservatively and then just hoping for some miracle shot at the end has so far proven favorable to them.

But luck can change at the end.

Whereas Spain, they were in the tougher side.

So they went up against Germany.

They went up against France.

And like Columbia, they lost a player.

In the Germany game, they lost a player because Germany decided to go into brute mode and they took out a player early in the game and messed up his knee.

And then they also lost some other players to too many yellow cards.

So, but thankfully in Spain's favor, there are strikers, Yamin Namao, and I'm probably, it's Lamin Namao, I think it's his name.

And the other guy whose name escapes me, he's still there.

So they might've lost a few defensive player, but there are two strikers on the wings are still available.

And the guy in the middle, Maratza, I think is his name, is also still there.

So hopefully they still have enough key players to give England a run for their money.

Because on paper, England has the better team, right?

They have all these individually, they have a lot of players in, who have been key figures in their clubs.

Like I mentioned, Foden in Manchester City, you have Bellingham for Real Madrid.

You have, what's his name, Kane from Bayern Munich.

They have a couple of Manchester City players, actually.

Walker is the other one, and Stones, so that's three.

And Saka, I think is also from a big team.

I think they have a Chelsea, Liverpool, I think, is one of his.

So anyway, they have a lot of people, players on their team that are key figures in their professional clubs.

So on paper, they're a stronger team than the individuals in the Spanish team.

However, Spain has been the better team in the tournament.

Offensively, they've been scoring the most goals.

Team-wise, they've had the most synchronicity and definition to make their goal opportunities efficient.

They've been the best, most balanced team, I would say, because they've been a high-pressing, and they've been the most fun team to watch, like Colombia has been in the Copa America.

So both Euros and Copa America have a similar, they have a parallel story going on.

You have the two teams that are the favorites that haven't really played up to the expectations.

And then you have the other two teams that have been playing the most beautifully.

The most beautiful version of the game.

That are the underdogs and are the ones that are not necessarily the favorites, they are the underdogs.

But they're the ones that most people hope win the game because they deserve it.

Just because of the way they played, they've been the most fun to watch.

And it would just be nice to encapsulate the tournaments with these two teams exemplifying the beautiful game as it should be played to then be the, what you call it?

The, I don't know, the pallbearer?

The, what's the word I'm looking for?

The trendsetters.

They're going to be the trendsetters of how football should be played from here on out because this ugly defensive conservative style is antiquated and should die.

Anyway, so that's all I wanted to say about Copa America and the Euros.

So now, so this Friday at midnight, Eminem's new album, The Death of Slim Shady, has finally dropped.

And I have to say, it is a banger of an album for us stans, us Eminem fans who've been following him since the 90s, or as close to that length of time as possible.

Because I mean, obviously not everyone's in their 40s.

There are some people in their 30s, some people in their late 20s, that followed him for as long as they could have.

So for us, long time stans.

This album is an ode to nostalgia, and just a love song to us for following him and getting this beautiful gift of nostalgia of just a masterpiece of an album.

Because it goes through all the cadences of the previous albums.

It follows a lot of cadences and rap flows and rhyme schemes.

But there's also a story being told.

It's a conceptual album.

So he even put out a PSA telling people to listen to it in order.

Because if you just listen to it as singles, you're not going to fully appreciate what's going on.

And you might be questioning like, wait, what's going on here?

Whereas if you follow it as a story, you can see the progression of the Slim Shady character, how he's fighting him and blending with him and accepting him or rejecting him.

And all the iterations and just nuances of the complexity of that relationship that he has with this alter ego.

And of course, there's also a couple of sad songs that really get you in the feels regarding his daughters.

Those songs are...

Let me have the track list right here.

So you have Temporary, which is a song that he basically writes in the...

The concept of that song is the things he wants to say to his daughters before he passes so that he doesn't regret forgetting to say these things to them.

And the other one is Somebody Save Me, which is from the perspective if he did not get sober, if he kept with his addictions and let it destroy him, how he would be feeling now.

Or yeah, because he would have died young because of those addictions and he would have missed all these opportunities to have been a good father to his daughters.

So those two songs definitely get you in the fields.

Now, the first song, Renaissance, basically gives you a slap to the face and lets you know, okay, this is how we're going to tackle today's society and this cancel culture that's constantly talked about and how he perceives it and how he wants to address it with his freedom of speech and his ability to express himself as an artist, whether as himself, Marshall Mathers, or through his alter ego where he can use as a shield to say more outrageous things to have shock value.

And it just goes into it with habits and trouble.

Brand New Dance brings back his trolling of Christopher Reeves.

There's a couple of skits where you see him fighting his alter ego.

And I think trouble is one and all you got.

And then you have Lucifer Antichrist and Fuel where he really just gets more into other trigger words.

He goes after the vertically challenged, the mentally challenged, the hearing challenged, trans people, but not really.

He even acknowledges that he has nothing against trans people.

He's not transphobic.

However, this is his perception.

And why can't we have a common ground where I respect your lifestyle, but also understand that as much as I respect your lifestyle, I myself am not necessarily understanding.

I'm ignorant of your lifestyle, and I still can't get past the biological aspect of yourself.

And so that's always going to be in the forefront of my mind when I address you in your pronouns of choice.

But he's basically being unfiltered, is the situation.

But he's not trying to be offensive, he's just letting you know, hey, we all have freedom of speech.

This is what I'm thinking.

I'm not thinking offensively, but this is what is going on in my mind as I am interacting with you, even though I respect you, the person and all that, at the same time, you know, these are my thoughts.

It's no different than, let's say, myself, an atheist, talking to a person of faith, like I'll be, you know, talking to you respectfully, and I respect your faith, but at the same time in my head, I'm like, why do you believe in these fairy tales?

These fairy tales are, they're a call from a time in the past when we did not have science, and we did not know how the world worked around us.

So we use these mythologies to help explain the unknown, to help further calm our fears and our anxieties, to give us an understanding of what's going on around us.

But we're past that.

We now know that, you know, it took more than seven days to create the earth, for instance.

And if God really, you know, this God, ideal God, really existed, and he made us in his image, how messed up is he to have all the travesties that happened in the world?

And also, on top of the travesties, and I'm talking about, like, wars and rapes and genocide and all these cruelties to fellow men, right?

I'm not talking about natural disasters, which happen randomly.

Like, we have no control of those things.

Why do those things happen?

Back in those days, when we had no science, we just tried to chalk it up to, oh, God is angry at us.

That's why there's a flood, because we sinned.

And so the flood happened.

Or Pompeo, this mountain just exploded to take us out because we cited the gods in some way.

And so we're paying the price for our actions.

Or in the Greek beliefs, well, no, the gods are, they have their own flaws and stuff, and they're more powerful than us, so we just have to accept their quirks and fallacies as they torment us with their whimsies.

So yeah, in that sense, I'm still respectfully talking to you, you know, and you can respect, you can have your beliefs and all that, but I am an atheist, and that's what's going on through my head.

So that is basically what he's saying in, you know, addressing a different situation, which in this situation is sexual orientation or gender identity.

So yeah.

Anyway, where was I going with this?

I'm talking about the death of Slim Shady.

So yeah, so it goes down that progression, and then finally, when we get to guilty conscience, Slim Shady has successfully destroyed, you know, this is a whole epic tale.

So by time we get to guilty conscience 2, we're getting to the climax.

And Slim Shady has destroyed Eminem's career, and he's going to be canceled.

And so they, you know, the crescendo, they collide, essentially, egos collide, and Marshall Mathers, to the best of our, you know, I guess I'm spoiling it for you guys if you haven't listened to the song, but there's a conclusion.

I'll just say, to not spoil it too much, there's a conclusion.

And then after that, we have a few last songs.

We have Head Honcho, which is just, I think, more of the same, him talking about, you know, how he is, he has a chip on his shoulder and how he should be respected because he is the great MC that he is.

And you just don't get what it took for me to get here.

And if you did, you wouldn't be so...

you wouldn't be talking down to me the way you do.

And then Temporary, I already mentioned, is the...

his final words he would want to say to his kids if he were to pass away tomorrow, let's say.

And this is what he would want them to hear from him before he goes.

Bad One is kind of a head honcho thing and a little bit of Slim Shady still being there.

And then, of course, Toby is the Toby song that has come out with him and Baby Tron and Big Sean.

It's just him, you know, same thing, just talking his stuff.

Guess Who's Back is a callback to an old character from his early M&M albums, Ken Keniff, who's a gay character who's a bit of a delinquent, a deviant, he's a sexual deviant.

And then Somebody Save Me, the song I just mentioned, which is from the concept that what if he did not go get sober and what if he did not clean his act up and fight his addiction with drugs?

So yeah, that is the wrap up and culmination of The Death of Slim Shady.

So let's get into what I really wanted to talk about before all of this came to pass.

This is what I wanted to talk about last weekend, but things didn't pan out and then other stuff came around and I figured let me just get it all here.

So I want to talk about this new show that I got into called Orphan Black Echoes.

So Orphan Black Echoes is not a spinoff and some people are calling it a...

or I think it's being labeled a sequel.

But it's not a sequel.

Not to me anyway.

It's more like Blade Runner.

So you have the Blade Runner movie that came out in the 80s and then you had Blade Runner 2049, which is...

So I would call it a continuation of the Blade...

So Blade Runner 2049 is not really a sequel.

It's more of a continuation of the Blade Runner universe.

It's an expansion of it because the majority of the main characters in Blade Runner 2049 are not from the original movie.

But except for Harrison Ford, he was more of a callback and he was really more of a minor role.

He didn't show up towards the end of the film.

So Orphan Black Echoes is pretty much the same thing.

It takes place 37 years after the original Orphan Black series.

And just to give you a little backstory, Orphan Black is a science fiction series starring Tatiana Maslany.

And it's about clones.

I only caught the first three seasons of the show because that was all that was available when I was watching it.

And then you know how it is with shows that aren't fully together because it was current at the time.

Once I saw the first three seasons, I had to wait for the next season.

And then I just lost track of it and got caught up with other things.

And then I never got back to it, which is why I prefer to wait for shows to be complete before I watch them.

So anyways, I hope to eventually get back to it.

But anyway, you have Sarah Manning was the original, the main character.

And that show starts off with her returning to some place in the world.

I guess she was a runaway or whatever.

And so she's trying to return back home, so to speak.

And I think she wants to pick up her daughter.

And then at the train station, she sees a person all well-dressed, well-groomed in a business suit and everything.

And she notices that she looks exactly like her.

And once she recognized that this woman was a doppelganger of her, this woman essentially commits suicide.

She just jumps off into the train tracks to kill herself.

And then the show takes off from there.

I don't want to get into too much detail because we're not talking about Orphan Black.

We're talking about the new show that just started.

It's three episodes in.

Episode four is going to drop on Sunday.

So Orphan Black Echoes takes place 37 years in the future.

So none of the characters from the original are in this show except for one character who is the daughter of Sarah Manning.

As I mentioned, Sarah Manning was trying to go pick up her daughter or something in the first show, Sarah Manning.

So her daughter, Kira, Kira Manning, she's in this show.

And somehow, and this is the part that I'm not understanding, but we're early in the show.

She knows because she lived with her mother and several of her clones.

So she knows the craziness surrounding the creation of her mother and all the clones of her.

Because they're not sisters, they're all clones of the same person.

But they became like sisters because that was the only way to make sense of their existence.

Because they're not going to highlander each other.

Like, no, there can only be one version of us.

No, we all exist, we're not going to kill each other.

We might as well coexist.

So she knows about this life that her mother lived.

Yet, somehow, we're in the future, in this new show, Echoes.

And she is continuing the perpetuation of cloning.

Because the new main character, Lucy, played by Kristen Ritter, is a clone.

Of who, we don't know.

I'm suspecting, and I'm looking at Wikipedia, so it kind of already spoiled it for me.

But obviously, it's someone that's near and dear to Kira.

So I guess that's why, that's the rationale that they're using for her to follow through with this craziness that victimized her mother, essentially.

Because how could you do this knowing what your mother went through?

Why would you continue this morally ambiguous thing of human cloning?

But they're going to rationalize it by saying, well, it's because it's the cloning, it's a recreation of her lost love.

And apparently, they both raised this black kid who is her son.

Their son, I should say.

Sadly, Kristen Ritter's character does not, not all her memories were successfully implanted into this model of Lucy.

And the son's name is, I just found it, where is it?

Oh, come on, I just found it.

Jaden, Lucas Manning, that's his name, Lucas Manning.

Kira and Eleanor's son.

Okay, so her real name should be Kira or Eleanor, but she doesn't know that, so she goes by Lucy.

Anyways, so that is where we are at.

Kristen Ritter, Lucy, wakes up in this, what looks like the living room of a house, and in front of her is Dr.

Kira Manning, who's trying to ask her questions about her condition, how does she feel, and does she remember anything.

And Kristen Ritter's character, Lucy, I'll just go with Lucy, she's freaking out because what's going on?

Why do I not know my name?

Why do I not remember being here?

Why do I not know why I'm here?

Why do I not know you?

Why are you asking me these questions?

Why are you not answering any of mine?

And so on.

And in this panic state, as soon as she sees an opportunity to escape, she does.

And then she gets off the grid and hides until an accident happens, which gets her brought into the emergency room of a hospital.

And by the doctors monitoring her condition and scanning her, so to speak, she was rediscovered by the company that created her.

And so then they send out an agent to get her.

But this agent is violent with her, and consequently he gets killed by a deaf girl.

And what happens?

Well, that's where we're at.

So now she's on the run again.

But actually not so much anymore, because now she's going to confront them.

Because she was off the grid for all these years, because she just wanted to be left alone.

But now they're coming after her, and she just created this new life with this deaf girl and her father.

She created a relationship here that she wants to continue.

And these people are threatening that.

So now that you're threatening the life that I created, I'm going to get to the bottom of this and find out what's going on.

Now the difference, the other difference that's going on here, with the exception of versus the original Orphan Black, is that Orphan Black, the original, as I mentioned, there was several different clones of Sarah Manning.

And they all had different names.

Cosmina is the other one that comes to mind.

But they're all played by the same actress, Tatiana Maslany.

And she was an amazing actress.

I fell in love with her acting.

Because each character was believ-

like each different nuance of each character was believable.

I believed that they all were different characters.

And in some ways, like the way her hair was made up and the makeup was done and all, and style of dress, body mannerisms, the gait in which they walked, I was able to suspend my belief and believe that these were all distinct characters from one another versus it being the same actress playing them or portraying them.

Now, I'm not sure if this was a creative decision because they wanted to make it a little more-

they wanted to just distinguish this continuation of the show, of the Orphan Black universe a little more.

Or if it's a limitation of Kristen Ritter's acting abilities.

But this time around, instead of having Kristen Ritter-

at least right now, we're only three episodes in.

Unlike Orphan Black, where Tatiana Maslany plays all the different versions of herself in Echoes, we have Kristen Ritter playing Lucy, and we have a younger actress playing a teenage version of herself.

So that's very distinct from the original show.

In the original show, they're all the same age, all being played by the same actress.

They were all created at the same time.

Whereas over here, we have Kristen Ritter as Lucy, so she was made in her adult form.

And then I guess three years later, because I think there was a three or two year window when she escaped, and then they found her again, that Amanda Ficks was created.

Sorry, Jules Lee, I'm looking at the actress's name.

So the character's name is Jules.

Jules Lee is the teenage version of Lucy.

But they have the same memories.

They have the same scar on their arm.

And they obviously have the same mannerisms in some ways, because they both have the same sense of paranoia.

And also, like Lucy, Jules also does not remember her past.

She only knows what they tell her.

So at first, when Lucy comes back to try and get to the bottom of everything, she comes, she cross paths with her younger self.

And she recognizes her.

She's like, wait, that's the face I see in my nightmares.

Because in her nightmares, she has, or in her flashbacks, she has a memory of an earlier version of herself, where she's covered in blood in a like, I'm not sure if it's a bathroom or a kitchen, but it's an area where there's tiled floors.

And I think it's a bathroom, because she's looking in the mirror, and the mirrors are generally in the bathroom.

So she's covered in blood, and she's looking in the mirror, and the face that she sees is this young version of herself, this 16-year-old version of herself.

So she pursues her, and at first she kidnaps her, because she's thinking maybe this younger version of herself knows that she's a clone and is in on the whole situation, and she can try to pry information from her.

But in her interrogation, she comes to accept that no, she actually is also in the dark as her.

And unlike her, where she has a black light tattoo on her arm that can only be seen with a black light, so it's like a barcode of some kind, this young version of her, this Jules Leigh alias version, does not have the same tattoo.

So she wasn't labeled or tagged the way Lucy is, so that she can be tracked.

So like Lucy, Jules is in a heightened panic state.

And like Lucy, when she escaped, Jules takes extreme measures to get herself out of her kidnapped situation as well.

But the things that Lucy told Jules did not leave her.

And so she, you know, at first she took it with a grain of salt, but then there were just things that kept happening that made her realize, you know what, maybe this Lucy person isn't as crazy as I'm thinking she is, and maybe she's actually telling the truth by saying I am a younger version of her.

Because that tattoo thing is kind of odd.

And then all of a sudden, this doctor that reintroduced me back into the world popped up coincidentally right after I returned from my kidnapping.

And going on her way to find me, and now they're trying to medicate me to try to control me.

And I have this diary that I don't recognize.

But then as she shows the diary to her adopted brother, because she's in a foster family, the brother starts laughing at some of the lines that are said in one of the journal entries.

And at first, Jules gets offended by it.

But then one of those lines triggers a memory to her.

And she like Googles it.

It's not Google, it's some other search engine.

But she uses a search engine to find that quote.

And she finds it's based on a young adult's fantasy book or something like that.

And at first, her brother's like, maybe you plagiarize that book to express these weird teenage feelings of teenage crushes that you have.

But they follow that lead to the author of said book.

And yeah, the author confirmed that actually he's the one who wrote that journal.

He was paid to create this journal of a teenage girl.

And not having many ideas, he plagiarized his own book to fill pages of this journal.

And please don't let anyone know that I'm admitting this and that I'm confessing this to you because they might still be tracking me.

And she's like, but who?

But you know, the guy doesn't say anything because he's in a panic state.

So now Jules is like, this is, like I said, these are the first three episodes of the show so far.

So Jules is like, okay, Lucy is actually telling the truth.

As far as she knows, we are clones.

And let me go meet up with her.

So now they're together again.

And they're, what's the word?

Not consulting.

Not, well, they're converting.

They're converting.



They're interacting.

Let's say that.

They're talking.

They're having discourse.

And they're going over what they know about, what they know of themselves.

And everything is a copy of, I mean, because it's the same person.

So obviously they have the same memories, the same nightmare, and so on.

So what's her name?

The young version of herself.

Jules now wants to try drugs to get themselves in a drug state that might help channel one of the, you know, brain whatever.

I'm not a scientist.

I'm not a neurologist.

But activate one of the pathways in the brain that might open up another memory or whatever that might further explain who they are as a person.

And so that's where the show leaves off.

So anyway, why am I bringing up the show?

Because I was a fan of Orphan Black, even though I only saw like the first three seasons of it.

And then I just never followed through on the rest because it wasn't available at the time that I was into it.

Because, you know, three seasons was what current was.

And then I fell in love with other stuff.

And now I, with the exception of this show, I try not to see something as it is happening because I don't know if it's going to get canceled.

I don't know if it's going to get renewed.

I don't know if the creator has a fully detailed plan of how they're going to continue the story and how they're going to end it.

Whereas I don't mind doing that with a K-drama because I know it's 16 episodes.

It's a one season show.

And K-dramas won't lead me astray.

I know that as I'm watching it, it's going to end in 12 or 16 episodes.

And then that's it.

I can move on to the next one.

But in general, I prefer to wait for it to be completed.

Even if it's just 16 episodes, I'll wait for all 16 episodes to drop before I get into it.

But regardless, Orphan Black, Echoes, because of Orphan Black, and because of Kristen Ritter, I'm a fan of her.

She was in this Marvel show on Netflix, back when Netflix had some Marvel shows.

And also I liked her in this comedy show.

It was called Beware of the Bee in Apartment 13 or something like that.

Crap, now I'm going to look it up.

So the comedy show was Don't Trust the Bee in Apartment 23.

So I did like that show.

Don't Trust the Bee in Apartment 23.

And the other show was Jessica Jones.

So Jessica Jones, I saw the first season of that.

And Don't Trust the Bee in Apartment 23.

So anyway, because of those two shows, where it does show her range as an actress, she can play funny, what's the word, oblivious bitch in Don't Trust the Bee in Apartment 23.

Or she could play down on her luck superhero in Jessica Jones.

And this show, Echoes, I'm just going to call it Echoes because it differentiates it from the original Orphan Black show.

But anyway, in this one, it's kind of a...

Well, it's not a mix.

It's kind of a...

Well, it is a piece...

I mean, she has some of the Jessica Jones in it because she's kind of a down on her luck character, but she doesn't have super strength like Jessica Jones.

She's just a clone who is trying to make sense of the world around her, trying to make sense of her existence.

Why was she created?

And why won't she be left alone?

She just wants to live a normal life untethered by the company that created her and, you know, not pursue...


Just let her live her life.

She wants to live a normal life with this guy, a former veteran...

well, a veteran, I should say, with his death daughter.

So that's the world of Orphan Black Echoes.

And I'm excited by it.

I am looking forward to the rest.

And I recommend you guys check it out as well.

So hopefully we'll be back to regularly scheduled programming from here on forward.

And talk to you soon.

And that wraps the show.

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And as always, thanks for listening.

House Cleaning
Copa America and Euros
Death of Slim Shady
Orphan Black: Echoes