Scandal Queens

Episode 6: Gypsy Rose Pt II - Gypsy Rose Gives Me the Ick

Season 1 Episode 106

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The 2015 murder of Dee Dee Blanchard takes the media by storm.

In this episode, we'll dig into the dark details of Dee Blanchard's murder, as well as Gypsy Rose's role in all. Then, I'll examine who Gypsy Rose is now. 

Is she repeating the cycles of her mother? Is she showing us red flags? Together, we'll explore Gypsy Roses's life in and after prison. 

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[Music] You're listening to Scandal Queens![Music] Hello, hello, hello my lovelies and welcome back to part two in this crazy deep dive into Gypsy Rose, the ongoing Gypsy Rose saga. Today it is all about the meat and bones, no pun intended there of the murder, the investigation that happened and who Gypsy has kind of shown herself to be during and after prison. That's what we're going to go into today because I think there's a lot of really interesting behaviors, there's a lot of interesting patterns, there's a lot of interesting stories that have been told within this larger story of Gypsy Rose, her life, the abuse she suffered and the murder that she took part in. So that's what we're going to be talking about today and closing out this chapter which is wow, it's been such a crazy one. So without further ado, buckle up because this is going to be a you know trigger warning type of episode, it's going to get gross. So the last time we left off, we were with DD and Gypsy and they were living in Missouri, they were living in Missouri, there's a huge media circus now around them, they are, they have a huge Facebook group, they're always on the news, they are traveling around to events, accepting awards, meeting celebrities, taking donations, there's all kinds of stuff, they're in this crazy flurry of a life. Around this time we'll say Gypsy is probably around 15 years old from where we left off and DD has just created this nightmare life Gypsy is fully living in a wheelchair 24/7 365 even when she's in the house, she is still on a feeding tube which if you watch a lot of these documentaries, the professional saying it's unheard of to have a child that old who is still on a feeding tube, it's very very very rare. And she's everyone's being told she has cancer, she's keeping her head shaved, she's got her on all these medications that are rotting out Gypsy's teeth, it's really turned into a hell of a life. Now on the outside, it looks like perfect right because you know according to everyone Gypsy, all the friends, the family included, DD was always smiling, she was always happy and she taught Gypsy to perform the same kind of jovial behaviors. And so they're raking in donations or taking in tons of donations or making all these media appearances Gypsy is talking about her mother's got these bags of cash stashed all around the house. And they're just DD's making the circus bigger and bigger and bigger as big as she can possibly get it right because as we talk about these narcissistic personalities and wait, like just know, DD goes way beyond just narcissism right. I think that there is always narcissism at play and a parent who is munch housey munch house and spy proxy because the lack of empathy, it's almost like all psychopaths are narcissists to me, there's the same elements of play there, right, like psychopathy, narcissism putting the self before others, no lack of empathy, seeing others as objects. And that's going to be important, hold on to that for later. So it's this smiling happy jovial mother doing her best on the outside, it's this huge, huge performance and again, we're, we've got Gypsy around 15 years old here, so this is probably around 2000 and 10 or so, 2008, even it might even be earlier than that. And her mother behind the scenes is getting worse, according to Gypsy during this time, the emotional abuse was getting so much worse because as Gypsy's becoming a teenager, she's obviously having some autonomy issues with the way that she lives and her mother's not going to tolerate that. So her mother's telling her things like no one's ever going to love you, she said that her mother would hit her with coat hangers, would chain her to the bed. And there's all this kind of, these horror stories are going on and you know, she's stated a lot too through the different medications that she's being put on that she doesn't need. Now that sets the stage for Gypsy to start reaching out, to start looking for connections, both friendly and romantic and that is where we see a really kind of quick escalation. Now let's really sink into that year 2011 because this is a very, very kind of pivotal year for Gypsy. So this point Gypsy believes that she's 15 years old when in fact she is closer to 19 years old. Now at some point she is alone in the house, she goes through documentation and she discovers this. She discovers that she's actually 19 years old and that obviously sparks a manure in her. She creates a fake Facebook account that her mother isn't aware of and she starts reaching out for connections. She's talking to this girl, Alia Woodman, who appears in a lot of the documentaries, who is a very close friend of Gypsy and starts asking her for tips on boys and kissing and all this other kind of stuff. And at the same time Gypsy is also meeting men, not boys men, she's meeting men online and forming these relationships with them in secret. One of those relationships in 2011 leads to her running away. She runs away with a 36 year old man that she meets online, which is horrifying, right? Yeah, she's technically legal, she's 19 as she's just discovered, but horrifying, running away with 36 year old stranger, you meet on the internet. She runs away with him, she goes and lives in his house with him and he's got all these roommates. And Gypsy also alleges during this time that she was hooked on, I believe is Vikiden, her one of her mother's pain tablets and she had stolen all her mother's pain tablets, run away with this guy in the middle of the night. I think she maybe met him in a fantasy con or something and thinks it's gonna be happily ever after terrifying, right? All the while she's like talking to her friend Alia and not saying, "Oh, I'm running away." I'm with a 36 year old man, but she's asking for her like relationship advice so she can have this adult relationship with this man. Dede manages to hunt her down because apparently Gypsy left a cell phone that she had. Don't know why she had this cell phone that she was able to have secret conversations on. There's a lot of holes in this story and there's a lot of holes in this story. But apparently Gypsy had a secret cell phone and she was texting this guy, her mother found it in the house. Why would Gypsy leave that crazy and went and tracked Gypsy down? She tracked the guy down, called him, went to the house, shows up with Gypsy. Now according to Gypsy, the first thing she asked for is giving my pain pills. Gypsy is obviously standing and walking. She's not in a wheelchair with this guy or his friends. They all know. She's been with them for like a couple of days, I suppose, at this point. So Gypsy gives her mother the pain pills and is like, "Yeah, I'm not leaving. I refuse to go. I'm 19. I know I'm 19." Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, but somehow Dede manages to talk her back into coming home. Gypsy said that Dede's like, "You can keep talking to him. This is crazy. You can't live in this house with all those people. You need to come home." And Gypsy said because she was also hooked on the pain pills, she wanted to go home to make sure she could get more pain pills. So she did. She goes home with her mother. Now what's really interesting to me is also somewhere around this time, somewhere around 2011 when they were living in Missouri. And Gypsy was completely isolated from her family at this point, right? Her dad was only allowed to talk to her on the phone. He was never allowed to see her. None of the other extended family had seen her in years. They weren't allowed to come up and visit. They didn't knock her down there. Somewhere in this time period around 2011, Gypsy ran away home to her father from Missouri. Now I don't really know how that makes sense and every one of these documentaries is very vague on it. They hint that she just kind of called a cab and took a cab to Louisiana. But I have questions. I have questions on how that would happen, how that would work. And no one has been very clear about that. But apparently she went in her wheelchair and did not tell anyone in her family that she could walk that she was being tortured or anything. She just said she got into a fight with her mother and had to get out of there. Again, I've got some big questions. I think people are not entirely telling the truth because as I said in the last episode, the family was already suspicious. They had been suspicious about Gypsy's health since Gypsy was about eight to 10 years old. So I have questions. I think that's another huge, huge, huge hole in the story. But somehow, some way Gypsy ends up going home to D.D. again. So these are two escapes. One, she's told people, strangers, that she can walk and she's being medically tortured in her mom's and mom's during Yada Yada. And the second time she's gone to family who all already believe that she's probably being abused and that they're being lied to about her health. And both times she goes back to D.D. and she maintains the lie. Now, there's a lot of different things that can be at play. It's horrible. She's still being abused either way. But it kind of really sets the stage for what is going to happen next. Now, after these attempts to run away, Gypsy alleged that the abuse got worse. That there was more physical abuse. That there was even worse emotional abuse with her mother saying like you're unlovable, you're disgusting. Like no one's ever going to love you. I don't love you that kind of stuff. She had to sleep in bed next to her mother and alleged that she was tied to her mother by a dog lead, which is something my mother would have done. She may even like that sounds so familiar to me. But that's the kind of environment that we were in in 2011 and that is what is going to set the stage for 2015 when we get to the murder. So here we go. If you don't want gruesome blood, gourd, guts, terrible things, fast forward. Fast forward, skip through this whole part. By 2015, the environment and the home of D.D. and Gypsy Blanchard would have been hell on earth. Gypsy is constantly being subjected to basically medical experimentation. She is addicted to pain medication. She is at times chained to her bed, tied to her mother. Still being abused by feeding tube by having a feeding tube in her body that's being having food put in it. She is still being forced to take medications that she doesn't need that are causing a lot of damage to her body. That is the environment that the house was in in 2015 when the murder happened. Now initially people didn't know there had been a murder. D.D. and Gypsy, who were constantly online, right? We have this Facebook group where D.D. is just pumping out constant pictures and videos of Gypsy. Gypsy herself is always online. They have a joint Facebook thing. Gypsy was on there publicly. She had her secret accounts that her mother didn't know about as well. Constantly online, constantly getting attention. Constantly in the public eye, constantly getting supply and focused on this abuse that she is going through. All of a sudden they just drop off the face of the earth for about five days, which was weird. So on Sunday, June 15th, 2015, friends of D.D. Blanchers call the police and they say, "We haven't heard from D.D. no one's heard from D.D. that's very weird. She didn't show up for something. No one's seen her heard from her daughter either. What's going on?" And around the same time that Sunday, there's a strange post made on Facebook, which basically says like, "The bitch is dead. She deserved it." Something like that. That's posted in the Facebook group from D.D.D.'s Facebook profile. So people are freaked out. The police go to the house and they look around. It's very cold in the house, but it's empty. It's very, very cold. The wheelchairs for Gypsy are there. There doesn't look like there's been a robbery. The van is in the driveway. The only thing that's weird is that it's cold. And D.D.D. is not there and Gypsy is not there, but all of Gypsy's wheelchairs are. So rightfully, the friends start panicking. They start going back and forth. Have you seen Gypsy? Have you seen D.D. what's going on? The police are obviously going to really get active on that fast because everyone thinks Gypsy is this disabled child who can't walk, who's like, "God, all these mental impairments. Yada, yada, yada." So everyone's panicked, but no one has any idea what's going on. And police don't really have a lot of leads. So later that night, they decide, "We're going to go back in the house and have another look. Let's see if we can go back into the house and find something." And that's when they find D.D.'s body. Now, D.D. was in the bedroom. She was buried under a bunch of covers. She had been slashed in the back of the neck, a very, very, very deep slash to the back of the neck, and then she had been stabbed in the back and stuffed multiple times, multiple times. Absolute blood bath that had been covered up. It appeared that she had been dead for at least five days. So that puts her murder around Wednesday, June 10th, and she's discovered late Sunday night on June 15th. Now, starting to make sense why the house is so cold, because obviously someone was trying to preserve the body, but there's even more confusion. You've got D.D. dead, you've got her disabled, child missing, but the van is there and all the wheelchairs are there, and it looks like there are valuables and things all around the house. What's happened? What happened is that Gypsy Rose blanchored and her boyfriend, who at the time was unknown to police, Nick Gotajon, had murdered D.D. Blanchard. They had murdered her and concealed the body and run back to Wisconsin where Nick was. There's really not a lot to tell there, but there are some pretty interesting and horrifying things. It was Gypsy's friend, Alia, who was able to point police in the right direction because she mentioned, "Oh, Gypsy's got this fake account." She's been talking about this boy in Wisconsin, which is how police were able to find Nick's profile, locate the IP address, hunt Nick and Gypsy down where they had gone to his home where he lived with his parents in Wisconsin, where he still lived with his family. They get them into interrogation and the interrogation was to me, chilling, shocking, horrifying. I have a hard time believing how that didn't weigh heavier in court, but it's two completely different interrogations. They interrogate Nick first and Nick is basically after doing a lot of crying, very forthcoming. He explains that he and Gypsy started a relationship online. They've been talking for a long time. He loves her. But the only way he could be with her is if he killed D.D. because D.D. would not let anyone else have or be with Gypsy. And that Gypsy had explained that to him and explained to him if he loved her, he would kill her mother because that was the only way that he would be able to love her. So that's what Nick did. He traveled down from Wisconsin, came in the house, killed D.D. and swept Gypsy off into the night. Now Gypsy's interview is in no way more forthright. It goes immediately into a performance. She changes her voice. She changes her persona. She becomes this Mickey Mouse character, this Minnie Mouse character almost screaming about what happened to my mother? And then you don't understand what happened to my mother? What happened to my mother? And throws Nick entirely under the bus. Entirely under the bus. It's even more shocking when you find out that Nick is autistic. He's diagnosed, he's got pretty high needs level of autism. He doesn't have the mental or emotional reasoning skills of even a 15 year old and he never will. That's just developmentally where he is. When you watch these documentaries, they call them Asburgers. That's what they say the diagnosis is. But as we know, those who actually know about autism and other Asburgers is out, that's not a thing. That's a whole borderline eugenics thing. But Nick go to John is autistic. So his perception of his relationship was very different of the relationship that she believed she had with him. Because as the details emerged, he tells all these stories of being in love and wanting to rescue Gypsy and to save her from what is yes? A horrible, horrible, horrible situation. But the way in which it's done, he takes very literally. He doesn't really understand the complexities and the implications and the nuance of what is being asked of him. And sadly, what he didn't realize is while he was giving these details to police, honestly, forthcomingly, forthright. Gypsy, when she did eventually break down and was forced to tell some truths, was revealing that she had been the one that got them arrested. Which was probably like one of the worst parts of this investigation and the details that emerged in the court case is that essentially what happened is Nick committed this murder for Gypsy. And she says this in the prison confession so you can go and watch this. You can hear her say this herself. Nick goes and kills her mother. Takes her back to Wisconsin. And she said when she saw his bedroom and saw that he was living with his parents, which apparently she didn't even bother to ask. Big red flag. She said it looked like a little boys room, not a man's room. And she knew she had to turn them in and get out of there. She went on Facebook while he was sleeping next to her after he had killed her mother. And she wrote the Facebook post that bitches dead. I did it. Yada yada yada. Because she knew the police would see them. She knew they would track the IP addresses and she would come and arrest them, which is exactly what happened. So let that horrifying detail just sit with you for a moment that Gypsy Rose convinced an autistic man to kill her mother and then turned him in because she thought he wasn't manly enough. And try she was going to just she was just going to completely blame him, stage him as like he kidnapped her. It's horrifying. Absolutely horrifying. So needless to say, Nick and Gypsy go to prison. Now Nick is still in prison. I can't even remember what his sentence is. I don't know if he got life with a chance of parole or just life with no parole. But essentially this autistic man has now been sent to prison forever for something that he understood right and wrong. But you know, we understand that it's different cognitive processing and there's different stages and not stages. There's different levels of autism with different needs and his needs were more advanced than some of the people on tick talk. If you understand what I'm saying. So he's rotting in prison. Gypsy goes she gets sentenced for 10 years for the part that she played. And she only serves seven or eight seven or eight. And that's going to lead us to the present day where it just keeps getting that. So from here on out, everything we talk about is just going to be me basically vamping about everything Gypsy has revealed in her series and the documentaries that she has made since just before her release in prison. So we're going to be talking about her prison confessions and then we're also going to be talking about her behavior on social media in the press and in her. These like life after lock up with Gypsy Rose because there are some really big red flags. There are some big warning signs and this is the this is why the episode is titled what it is. Gypsy Rose gives me the IK because she does it when I I've now watched everything that she has made been produced about her that she's been a part of. And when I tell you that it is hard for me to finish a single episode that she's in I'm telling the truth because I'm so repulsed by her behavior. And how she treats people and how the people around her continue to enable her even though she is a 33 year old woman. She is in her 30s and what's important before we get into the rest of this discussion is I need you to remember that she groomed a man for three years to murder her mother when she was in her 20s. I mean we're talking getting close to your brain being maxed out developmentally yes I know she was abused and that causes brain damage and all that stuff but we need to keep in perspective that Gypsy was in her 20s when she had her mother killed and she's in her 30s now with this behavior that we're going to be talking about. So what I really thought was interesting is a lot of this information that we're now getting comes from the series that was produced about Gypsy Rose the prison confessions and this is right before she gets her parole granted and gets released and she's being a front and she's being candid and she's telling the truth about what happened to her so many red flags so many red flags the first thing that really got my backup was the fact that she smiles when she talks about the murder of her mother. Time and time and time and time again she grins and smiles and also licks her lips a lot when she does every time she's anxious if you notice that if you watch anytime she gets caught in a lie or she's about to get in trouble she starts licking her lips like crazy like crazy like crazy and you'll see her doing that as well when she's talking about her mother. Now this is this is why I love nlp because there's so much focus on the subconscious and what your words do and do not say what your behaviors and your body language does and does not say and wow is their body language when you're smiling about a murder that put you in prison for a decade. The murder of someone that you are going in front of a parole board to tell them that you feel remorse about there's not a lot of remorse what was also really interesting to me is also during this gypsy rose in this prison confessions she described some kind of escalating behaviors these escalating behaviors before the murder which include having sex in a bathroom with a stranger. She just like went in a bathroom and had sex with a stranger she had just kind of met online and then they met a fantasy con and just went in the bathroom and had sex together she didn't she didn't she didn't know this person. There is a lot of talk from her in this prison confessions and afterwards in the lockup there's a lot of insinuations to a very aggressive pursuit of sexual related. There's a lot of sexual relationships with men and that in itself is not a problem right that's not a problem but you can have whatever however many parties want to that that's not problem consenting adults not a problem. But what's a problem is it always seems to also be tied to some kind of manipulation some kind of gain for gypsy I give this person sex and then they will give me what I want of them which is to kill my mother or help me run away or help me get my hands on this and I can't get in her or whatever it is there is an almost pride in her when she talks about the sexual conquest of men and how it makes them do things for her and how good she is at sex and like how special she is at it. That was alarming to me because again this is not this you guys this is not an 18 year old girl who's just like figured out sex for the first time gypsy rose has been having sex since before she murdered her mother. She's been having sex since before she murdered her mother in 2015 she is in her 30s and she still talks about sexual conquests of men this way. When you have someone who has engaged in a murder that let's be straight gypsy did not have to kill her mother. She did not she didn't have to kill her mother. My mother demonstrated a quarter of that behavior and I wanted her dead item killer gypsy had options she had family that she could run to we know that because she did she ran half the country away to get to them. And we knew that she was also willing to run into the arms of absolute strangers. So we're talking about a 30 something year old woman who in her 20s decided to kill her mother as the greatest path to convenience when she had the option not to. And this person is still showing behaviors that could potentially demonstrate a lack of empathy for other humans. I believe the way she talks about sex and controlling men with sex to me that's a big red flag a big red flag like what if Ted Bundy was talking to you about his sexual conquests of women. It doesn't sit very good doesn't it doesn't sit well it doesn't feel great it's pretty it key. There's like a grooming almost that she does of these men and it's all it relies on sex sex sex sex sex which is that could be a lot of different things right we could be talking about like his shionic personality disorder borderline personality disorder psychopathy that it's extremely tricky because she's got so much trauma be she's got effed up jeans her mother would have passed on messed up jeans to her which we know that she got from her mama. Who was doing the same thing the same behaviors so there's just there's this weird nasty mess and pattern that you start seeing build in these prison confessions of gypsy rose and it goes right through this gypsy rose life after lockup where it's this like slow sinister planting of an idea she did it with Nick if you go and read the text messages they are creepy they are so insanely creepy because it's just like do you love me. Oh well then she would have to die like it's just like it's like watching a horror episode with someone who's got a demon possessed phone it's very very very unsettling. Another big tell for me was that gypsy there she makes every excuse there's never just like a I killed my mother and I feel horrible for it moment of huge emotion which a normal human being would do even if they had committed the same crime in the same circumstances a normal human being who fell empathy. Would just be like horrified horrified that they had to just take a human life in order to escape right like I hated my mom obviously I had big issues with my mom but had I killed her that I would choke on the words every time I said it but there is none of that there's gypsy says she's always an excuse I didn't have any options I couldn't do this I couldn't do that yet she was able to run away. She was able to run away all the way to Louisiana from Missouri to her family she was able to run away with other strangers she was quite happy to go online and tell her quote unquote friends about her sexual exploits on her fake account and like oh how do I do this with boys but she couldn't tell someone she was being abused. Because if you remember in the first episode she told her stepmother when she was 10 years old allegedly that she was being sexually abused by her grandfather so she was able to tell her family about other abuse that was happening to her by other family members why not her mom why not her mom and I think there's a lot of complexities here everyone wants to point immediately at like oh it's Stockholm syndrome I think it's way more complex than that I think it was familiar I think it was a lot of the same thing. I think that gypsy was absolutely abused horribly horribly horribly but I think she was also spoiled too she was given a lot of stuff she was pretty much given everything that she wanted materially right so like games and clothes and trips and celebrities and Disney world and all that kind of stuff versus you go to daddy's house that's gone. Daddy's not going to be putting you on TV and taking you to Disney world to go meet carry under would right so I think it's more complex than just Stockholm syndrome I think we're looking at a little bit of maybe a spoiled child who doesn't have empathy in the same ways that we have empathy who was being denied what she felt entitled to and yeah you know what she was entitled to go and live a normal life as an adult and have these relationships and these experiences she's absolutely entitled to that but she's not entitled to kill somebody. To get it when there were other options there were other options she could have just run away with this boy all the way to Wisconsin but she didn't she decided I don't want this woman following me again so I'm going to end her life. There are a couple other really surprising admissions that gypsy makes in those prison confessions of gypsy rose and I don't even think they are admissions that she meant to make. I genuinely she thinks she's smarter than she is because she's she's learned to lie very well and she lies constantly every time she's on camera you catch her in a lie but what was telling to me is she literally admitted in these confessions that it took her two years to feel any remorse for her mother at all and when she was saying that she was smiling when she's when she's recounting this. And even then she doesn't say she has remorse she says it took me two years to miss my mother and you can they're asking her well did you feel remorse and she said yeah I missed my mother which is just a very careful way to get around saying a word that you don't have an emotional attachment to which is something she will have been coached to do in front of a parole board don't say words that you don't really feel because it will be obvious that you don't feel them and you're not that good of an actor. And she also admitted that her mother taught her how to be manipulative she says that she's like I am manipulative I'm highly manipulative I'm highly manipulative my mother taught me how to be manipulative she taught me how to perform and you see or do it you see or do it she changes her voice based on who she's talking to. She changes her voice based on what the situation is she goes into like she literally changes her speech type still she goes reverts into this like little tiny defenseless child speech when she gets caught in a lie when she does something wrong so that people run to her and go it's okay it's okay baby which remember 30 something year old woman she's in her 30s 33 years old okay she's not 10 33 year old woman. And what's really interesting to me in these confessions and this is this was kind of like this is before I started watching the life after lock up again and again she talks about how special she is and alludes to how special she is when she talks about her crime her murder remember she's a murderer. She talks about like she's the only person in the world who's ever had to kill someone to escape a dangerous situation like never mind centoya brown right who got thrown away as an adult at 16 by the Tennessee government for murdering the guy that was sexually abusing her right like no gypsy gypsy is the hero gypsy is the shining like that's how she talks about her crime like she did this noble heroic thing to escape when she had plenty of options it looks like to just escape and tell somebody but that's very telling me because that was something that came through with D.D. I'm special and special D.D. was told growing up which D.D. is gypsy's mom was told you're special you're more special than everyone else gypsy has signs in her bedroom all over the place that like mommy special princess your special and it just keeps coming through which is such a red flag to me for narcissistic personality disorder because she's not a real man. Because every time gypsy talks about herself it is like she is the best thing that has ever happened and I don't know where she's gotten that opinion from because I've never seen anything about her inside or out which would validate the idea that she's better than anyone at anything other than maybe organizing a murder which she wasn't good at either because she got caught like three days. So you know hello there's there's an ego and there's an arrogance and there's almost a smariness when you watch these prison confession she's very proud of herself she's very proud of what she's done she loves being on camera and she's performing you can almost see her like trying to act like she's came Kardashian it's fascinating fascinating to watch but also horrifying because she's free and pregnant and gonna be a mother soon. So let's look at this final chapter then for gypsy rose where we're kind of stuck with her now wedged in the public eye like some kind of war. Life after lock up gypsy rose life after lock up now this is kind of the hopefully fingers crossed the final saga that we're gonna have to suffer through but this when I tell you it after it I couldn't I had to stop episodes and have days in between because it was so triggering for me because of her personality. She is the show should be called the narcissistic supply of gypsy rose in my personal opinion because that's what it is it's purely 100% ego and narcissistic supply for her I'm just gonna read you I just I was just right notes like crazy we're just gonna go through it like that because that's the best way for me to just cover all the horrible things that we're going on in this show but the first thing that struck me was how many enablers gypsy rose is surrounded by so it kind of opens with her new husband which Jesus that that guy what it Henry's vera skis say capital W weirdo but it opens with him going to pick her up for prison and what do you think the first thing gypsy says to her beloved husband upon leaving prison after eight years what do you think the first thing she says is do you think she ran to him and hug them or said I love you or oh my god I can't believe it no the first thing she said to him or these boots don't fit. She had picked a fashion outfit to leave prison in because she thought she was gonna get tons of photos which she didn't they didn't let any cameras in and she was mad that the boots he got her the high hill thigh higher the knee high boots he got her didn't fit that was the first thing she said so that's a red flag to me. She's getting out of prison after almost a decade for the murder of her mother and all she's worried about is what she looks like on the outside big red flag huge if I've been him I would have started running the opposite way but he didn't right takes her to a hotel and they're just bragging about sex like like 18 year old kids. Now the next morning gypsy was supposed to get up and get her ass to Louisiana because she's on parole she's not free she's on parole what do you think gypsy did. Do you give you a couple choices do you think she went to Louisiana wrong she went shoe shopping she had her boyfriend take her shoe shopping where she stopped to talk to the media outside and get pictures taken instead of calling her parole officer. Which was the first thing she was supposed to do. Now after she shopping she's still in color parole officer she started planning for the chiefs game she was gonna go to where she said she was gonna meet Taylor Swift all of this time still has not called her parole officer she's gotten up she's had food she's packed a car she's bragged about having sex with her boyfriend she's gone shoe shopping she's talked to the media but she's not called her parole officer. So while they're driving to go to the Airbnb that she think she's gonna stay in before she meets Taylor Swift her parole officer calls and says where the fuck are you are you on the way to Louisiana. And Gypsy says oh I was just about to call you I was just about to call you I just haven't had time yet. Do I need to recap that for you she's gone shoe shopping she's talked to the media she's had breakfast she's had sex with her boyfriend she's done everything but call her parole officer. So right away we see lies she's still willing to immediately lie to authorities. And her husband sits there in the seat and backs her up and then she goes to this Airbnb that they rented in like St. Louis or something and starts throwing a fit because her parole officer is not gonna let her meet Taylor Swift. I kid you not this woman has been in she's 33 years old and she's crying like a five year old baby that her parole officer is gonna make her go do her parole instead of going to meet Taylor Swift. I don't feel like anyone listening to this needs me to explain the disgusting entitlement in it and she has rooms full of people hugging her telling her it's okay it's not your fault you're entitled to this but she murdered her mother. She murdered a human being and these people are all acting like this is just this poor child that got dumped in toys are us and never saw their mommy again it's the most shocking example how narcissistic abusers are able to get away and even have the psychopaths get away with it is because they have so many people around them who are so willing to buy into the lies in the bullshit to the point that they themselves start perpetuating lies and start perpetuating bullshit. And it doesn't get any better if you keep watching these episodes with gypsy rose it gets no better it gets worse. She gets in the house she immediately wants a puppy her husband just asking her reasonable questions reasonable questions how are we gonna take care of it are you sure because that's a lot of work. What do you think gypsy does do you think she maybe goes okay well let me do my research and I'll come back to you with proof that I'm ready and I got a handle on it and I know what's going on. Absolutely not she starts crying she storms out of the apartment and she calls her husband her mother she says to him you're just like my mother what you know subcaptions the woman she murdered that's a real that's a real interesting threat to throw out your spouse isn't it you're just like the person that I murdered for doing what I didn't like wow sinister huh she also jokes about domestic abuse all the time she hits her mother. She hits she kicks she threatens to beat people up and abuse them all the time and it's it's kind of like well if you were so horribly abused that you had to kill somebody why are you joking about abusing people and calling them the person that you killed. You see what I mean it's very unsettling and it doesn't seem to be getting fixed it seems to be getting worse and worse and worse. It goes throughout the series going places like don't you know who I am I'm gypsy rose don't you know who this is this is gypsy rose like trying to get free stuff it's gross it's pathetic but most of all it's incredibly narcissistic it's incredibly entitled and we're now seeing her she's now discarded her husband she's pregnant by another man like back to back she didn't give a shit about this baby this baby is a thing to her. She's talked about discarding this husband because she basically got her hotter X back which was the whole point the only reason she was with the husband was try to make this X jealous it is the most and I say this not as a slur white trash saga I've ever seen in my life. And this woman is not even been out of prison for a year which means she's not been in a high grade intensive psychotherapy program for even a year and she's now going to be a mother with a man that she's been flip flopping back and forth with other men and everything else. Exchanging them like towels in a sauna like this one's wet I want to dry one unreal and I have yet to see a single person around her that's like hey girl. Just going to remind you you killed your fucking mother. Hey girl maybe let's not worry about Taylor Swift and let's maybe worry about getting through parole without doing your crime again because you're such an entitled narcissistic psychopath. She wouldn't really she'd probably be more of a sociopath which I know all that falls into the anti personal social anti social personality disorder now but probably more of a sociopath because people some people seem to find her charming I find her repulsive and disgusting on every level I really do she repulses me. And you can tell by her body language she just lies constantly about everything and is so stuck in this I'm better than everyone I'm more special than everyone but she's also not doing anything have you noticed that. She's not like out on the trail trying to free other children from abusive parents she's not she's not starting a podcast talking about child abuse and how it affects the brain and how do we make sure a whole other generation of people don't end up the way she ended up she's not doing any of that. She's posting her like $10,000 baby list in the media and fighting with thirst trap girls in the comments that her boyfriend's hotter than theirs it's the most disgusting and unhinge thing I've ever seen I cannot believe that people follow her as a celebrity I think there's some kind of weird edifice like reverse edifice complex kind of thing going on like killed the mother subconsciously in people that that stand this woman because why. Why not centoya brown centoya brown the one that I mentioned earlier who killed her sexual abuser at 16 when she was being traffic at 16 years old you know what she's done with the 15 heart beats that you guys gave her of any attention in the media. She's not in a book for survivors she does public speaking for survivors of sex trafficking and child abuse she's out there trying to save other children from doing stuff and Gypsy's what asking for a Gucci stroller. Gypsy rose is obsessed with fame and if you take a step back and you remove the abuse from the equation her life has not changed she was a social media celebrity in all throughout her childhood and team. Years and she's doing the same thing now she's getting the same supply she came out of prison and boom got her supply set up that's all she gives a shit about she wants money and she wants attention and she wants to be famous because she thinks being famous means that she's better and more interesting than other people when she doesn't realize that she's really a part of the freak show. This is exactly what you see with narcissistic personalities and why they thrive in celebrity why they thrive in the chaos of celebrity thrive in the isolation of it she doesn't care about other people. This her being a mother will not end well. Where do you think Ruby Frankie starts you know what I mean we have no evidence that Gypsy rose is going to be a better mother than her mother was because her mother was doing the same thing that her grandmother was. So this is a line in this family of women who abuse children and who do not break the cycle and Gypsy rose has given us 0.00% proof that she has done even one fucking lick of anything. To break the cycle she can't even see the cycle because she so far shoved up her own ass and the biggest scariest thing about her is all of these people circling her working so hard to enable these toxic behaviors these narcissistic behaviors these threats that she makes to people now going to risk the life of a child that her own family is admitted on TV she's. Should not have that she's not ready to have she still parole for murder by the way why she allowed to have a child when she's on parole for murder that's a whole nother episode. There's all of these people around her that she doesn't even see as people you can tell when she hugs them when they give her her father gave her this big emotional piece of jewelry that had this huge like engraving about how much you loved her and all this kind of stuff she had to fake cry she she she. Fake cries constantly on the show she has to keep hiding her face the only time she actually cries with actual tears is when she gets told no and when she gets called out for being wrong the only time she actually cries the rest of the time it's fake tears and she hides her face she covers her face with her hand or she turns away from the camera and hides her face behind her shoulders she never actually cries. This is not someone in my personal opinion that sees other people is equal humans to them I don't think she's got the same emotional compass that the rest of us do or the same empathetic or moral compass that the rest of us do and here's the thing she could learn it. If she was in years years years years of therapy with the right qualified professional psychotherapist by the way. And I haven't seen that I don't think we'll ever see that she's now doing the whole religious thing so God only knows what's going to happen to this child I feel so bad for this child and just literally filled with it for gypsy rose filled with it from the bottom up with gypsy rose and I don't really know what else to say about it there's nothing there's nothing inspirational for me to kind of close this out with. Because it's just sad it's very sad that that this is someone we have lent money and celebrity to when there are so many other things in the world that could have been fixed with that money and celebrity and that we continue to perpetuate people like this who are potential abusers to the people around them. I don't think there's any golden lesson in this it's just sad and it would be great if we could stop there. What do you think where are you sitting in this gypsy rose argument there's no denying she was abused there's no denying she suffered hell on earth but what do you think? Do you think murder was really her only way out? Do you think she could have escaped in the different way by different means I really do want to know you think I want to have a conversation about this so follow me on Instagram follow me on tick-tock at the real eB Johnson and let me know I'm doing some videos over this in the coming week. So get in there and let me know what you think this is such a tragic case from start to finish and I don't think that there's anybody in it who wins but I'd love to know what you think and what you think about these personality quirks she's revealed to have for everybody else hope you've enjoyed this series. It's about as deep as you can get with this very very twisted tail but I hope you've got something good something juicy for it. We will pick back up with the royals next time I know we were supposed to do that earlier but that will be next week in our next series and that one's also going to be a doozy. So make sure you're following me at the really be Johnson you can also follow the scandal queen podcast on Instagram and tick-tock at scandal queens podcast and make sure you're following on apple and Spotify and Google and all the other good places. You love the episode leave a little review it really helps if you leave a five star review on Apple podcast just helps people find it helps me kind of get the work out there and it helps us have these wider conversations which are so so important. So thank you again for listening I'm so glad that you guys are here and they're loving the podcast and until next week keep your heads up keep your eyes on the stars keep moving forward. Bye bye.[MUSIC PLAYING]

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