Good Boys

The Gays and Frociaggine

July 16, 2024 For Them Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode of Good Boys, Kylo and Motti share sobriety stories, debate how to pronounce "frociaggine" and imagine themselves being saved by nudist heroes. 

Good Boys is a For Them podcast co-hosted by Kylo Freeman and Motti, and audio engineered by timalikesmusic. Submit advice questions to

Speaker 1:

My dick's getting bigger.

Speaker 2:

No way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, mine is not. I'm so excited for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you. How's it feel Good? Sometimes it's like what's going on down there, right, but like it feels. I thought I'd be a lot more freaked out about it and like whatever, but I'm like, okay, cool, that's so cool. Good boys, good boys, good boys.

Speaker 1:

Hi hi hi. How are you good? How are you? I'm good. Welcome to good boys. Good boys episode three.

Speaker 2:

Good boys episode three the podcast for boys that are good and trans, and hopefully there's some cis ones out there listening and learning a thing or two. Totally, that's so true. I didn't think about that one could hope.

Speaker 1:

Or girls, I would love girls to listen. Yeah, you know, I would love girls, I would love. I would love girls to listen. And judges and lovers, yeah just that 10 not too mean, and it stresses me out, yeah, yeah, I could go to 20. That 10% not too mean, and it stresses me out. Yeah, yeah, I could go to 20.

Speaker 2:

Somehow that doesn't surprise me to be honest.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm curious if you have you been good or bad this week? Yeah, gosh. Um, I feel like I've had a mixed boy week can we use that a? Mixed boy week. You know I've been sober 18 months or 19 months. Impressive, thank you. But then I was challenging myself on what is sober? What does it mean?

Speaker 2:

well, that's what I was gonna ask. You know, you're sober in some things, but not in others.

Speaker 1:

I guess, like I don't drink, alcohol is just the devil for me, so I don't drink, but I started doing like micro amount, like micro doses of mushrooms and little gummies yeah and I did that this week and I don't know that makes me a good boy or a bad boy, do you?

Speaker 2:

drink um. I historically, yes, I'm two weeks sober from alcohol. Um, thank you, not like necessarily intentionally, but I kind I go through waves. I think I went six or eight months sober um, up until like a couple months ago, and it's not sobriety and that like, listen, I'm not an alcoholic but I just I also think that, like, alcohol is a poison and it makes my life harder than it needs to be. Like I think that's bad out outweighs the good. But I let myself. I wanted, I didn't want to limit myself for pride month, so I let myself drink um, but as soon as pride month ended, I'm, yeah, two weeks I'm sober from alcohol how long are you gonna do it for?

Speaker 1:

do you think, or you don't have a? You don't have a limit I don't have a limit.

Speaker 2:

It's hard with comedy because like I like to have like a can or a bottle of beer in my hand, like when I'm getting ready to go up, because I still have performance anxiety and it's a crutch, but like I don't not to get wasted, but like a singular beer. But yeah, I don't know, I'm just gonna like let it flow. I'm not gonna like try to like strictly limit myself or anything it's also a money thing.

Speaker 1:

Totally. I have this app that tells me how long. It tracks how long I haven't drank for, and then it also like estimates the money that I've saved. Yeah, you wrecked, I have that app now because of you, right? But like I think it's in like 20 grand yeah, I mean it's insane. I mean, maybe that's, maybe that's over the top, I don't know. But like 18 months of like no cocktails in new york city, no yeah it's kind of crazy. That's like one weekend totally yeah but I joined this like um.

Speaker 1:

I'm in this like bro founders group. You don't have to be a bro, but but it's it's majority bro and on in all versions of what bro is and, to be honest, it was like a. It's like the closest thing I've seen to aa, but in truly virtual sense and it's like this really small group.

Speaker 1:

Everyone's really really honest and uh, and they were talking about this exact thing of how you know, sobriety means such different things to different people yeah, you know and I have such an addictive personality, I feel like if I'm not drinking loads, then I'm, you know, jacking off loads, working loads or exercising, like there has to be something in my life that I'm just like obsessive over. So right now I feel like that's that they're more healthy things yeah in air quotes.

Speaker 1:

But when I mentioned I was like, oh, I did a bit of microdosing, but in my mind it's in a different camp, it's not alcohol. And so mom was like, dude, if you're addictive, like, don't be getting into anything that like, yeah, creates this, like difference of it, like pulls you out and alternate, totally it like pulls you out of your own body and creates a like very, yeah, disconnected, like sense of self you know, do you get addicted to good things?

Speaker 2:

is that what you were like with your addictive like? Will you get addicted to like eating healthy and addicted to working out and addicted to healthy communication, or is it only vices? Do you that last one's good?

Speaker 1:

well um that that's what I mean. It can be either yeah so I feel like I'm in a good place in my life if I'm addicted to something that is perceived to be a little bit healthier yeah, you know what I mean I mean I've been addicted to showers. I've been in a state and I've been in a stage in my life where I've just had five showers a day and I've just been like addict in an addictive loop of doing that.

Speaker 1:

So I just feel like that I have something in me that just creates this like addictive type of thing.

Speaker 2:

I have a very addictive personality as well. You do, mm-hmm, I've been addicted to many things. What have you been addicted to? I usually use the word abused instead of addicted. But cocaine in college, in kind of a way that was like very financially costly. I went to a college where it was like in a nothing small town, upstate New York, and the only thing to do there was, quite literally, cocaine. Um, and so that was happening a lot, um, for all four years and a little bit after, and I, I think I I would comfortably say I'm currently addicted to weed. Um, I know that there's a lot of discourse of like whether or not you can or cannot be, but like me personally, like I have a dependence on marijuana, right, and that's actually like. I think that this week I was a bad boy because in this sobriety I'm like okay, I'm two weeks sober from alcohol. I kind of do this thing with myself and I always let myself down where I'm like okay, when you run out of weed, just don't buy more, right.

Speaker 1:

Because if it's not there then you can't exactly and whatever, and then, uh, yesterday I bought more weed.

Speaker 2:

Okay, should I not set myself up for failure there? Like it's okay to smoke weed, I'm not smoking it before I go into work. I'm not smoking. You know what I like? It's when I get home at 10 pm and I'm sitting in front of the tv, kind of thing, right, um. So I try not to get down on myself about it. But it's also like why wasn't I able to just not buy weed totally, but but some people might say that that's fine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's the difference between that? And you know, I go to the gym every morning, so it makes me feel really good. I don't know, like some people, say that weed's good for you. What makes it in your mind feel like an addiction or a dependence because you can't not do it?

Speaker 2:

because I cannot, because I yeah, because I say don't buy it, that I buy it. Do you think that?

Speaker 1:

like we should. We shouldn't have things in our life that we can't not do what about what? About sex. What about?

Speaker 2:

totally no, I think it's just like I'd like a little bit more willpower, hopefully. Yeah, I'm like what's the difference between an addiction and a habit and what's the difference between like an addiction and a I don't know a comfort like I if I think of like comfort.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. No, I feel you. There's like comforting behaviors, there's addictive stuff, there's habit, there's healthy routine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I gnaw at my fingernails and that was also something that I was like eight months sober for. I actually used the app you recommended me to track sobriety. Quote unquote from biting my nails and my cuticles oh cool. Quote unquote from biting my nails and my cuticles oh cool. And it went for so long. And then when I got doxed thank you, lives of TikTok Um, I had such a panic attack that and that. That's what it was like. It's rooted to my anxiety, right, and um, I I started doing it again and I haven't been able to kick it and it and it kills me because I have been doing it since the second grade. I got eight months sober, which is the longest I've ever gone, and then something horrible happens to me and it's a defense mechanism, it's a um, whatever you call it, it's a coping mechanism, is what it is right, and I haven't been able to kick it.

Speaker 1:

So that's like next on my list to try to figure out I know I said this to you in my life, but firstly, I'm so sorry about your getting talks. It fucking sucks. It does suck, it fucking sucks and it feels like a reasonable thing to to create a relapse in a in air quotes. Right, yeah, the good news is you did it for eight months, which means you can do it for another eight months.

Speaker 2:

You know it tells me that I can do it, yeah, which which is not something I ever thought was possible previously, totally, which was good. So, um, I would say to you I know you're feeling like a mixed boy. I think you've been a good boy.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you yeah, thank you because I think there's even something good just about like, being able to like, reflect and be like. This is what I like, these are what been my habits, been this this week, right, and a lot of people don't even recognize that, so I'm going to deem you a good boy.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate that and maybe we just stroke each other.

Speaker 2:

But I think you can we what hold on stroke each other here, but you, you're is that a britishism? Is it not? Is it? I'm thinking?

Speaker 1:

something else, totally but, and it's in the same vein, but it's not sexual, it's like it's like, let me stroke each other's egos.

Speaker 2:

I think you need to complete, okay, okay fine stroke to completion.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm gonna, I'm gonna stick with it, I'm gonna I'm gonna stroke you as a friend and say listen, you're being hard on yourself. You know you're doing great work. Thank you, you're doing great work and a bit of weed before bed, you're not killing anyone.

Speaker 2:

You know okay, thank you and that's how we've been good boys this week.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, okay, okay should we move on to good boys in the news?

Speaker 2:

yes, this is my favorite segment, by the way yeah it's quickly become my favorite segment is it because you like being judgmental?

Speaker 1:

yes, it's because I want to be, it's because it's a binary outcome of good or bad.

Speaker 2:

There is no nuance in between no I'm kidding. Could you believe that we've come up with something so incredibly binary? I can't.

Speaker 1:

I sort of regret it uh, what should they be instead? Um human boy like? Yeah just human, just everyone's a human, and we just I mean just spinning around. Okay, you know okay, let's get into the good boys in the news, or bad boys good boys in the news I'll go first. Okay, here's the first headline. Daughter of cameroon's president hopes to help the country's gays by coming out.

Speaker 2:

I think the daughter very good boy. That's a really noble thing to do. That's really cool. Whoever wrote that headline gays I thought we weren't allowed to say that.

Speaker 1:

Help the gays help the gays, I mean the gay community, I mean I just really thought it was something that we weren't like pluralizing. I think so. I think it's generally perceived as a maybe we should switch this to bad boys we. It is generally perceived as a as an insulting way to address the community.

Speaker 2:

I think unless the person who wrote the headline is gay and then I think it's okay, a hundred percent, but amazing, yeah, really great self-sacrifice a really cool thing.

Speaker 1:

Totally, yeah, totally. If everyone around the world was safe enough to come out and we all could just come out to each other, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Speaker 2:

all the gays together. All the gays. Next headline, jojo siwa gets docuseries about her life from dance moms. Creator. I'm gonna go bad boy, I've had enough I've had enough. I've had enough.

Speaker 1:

I don't really watch dance moms, but even not watching it, I've just had enough of the whole situation. Yeah, you know she's doing a thing, but I've had enough, so I'm gonna go.

Speaker 2:

Bad boy, just stop I'm gonna go bad boy, but I'm gonna offer a little bit of a different perspective. Great, fuck, fuck the Dance Moms producers. They were like allowing child abuse Is that right? I didn't even know that, oh my God. Like these young girls were exploited and screamed at by that psychopath Right, abby Lee Miller, and like they're completely traumatized. That's like why JoJo is the way she is now Because she, why Jojo is the way she is now because she was like not taken care of in a correct way, in my humble opinion.

Speaker 2:

And so I think, like I think it's interesting she'd want to work with them again, because when I think of a set like that, it's a bunch of grown people around like watching a grown woman yell at a little kid and they're like wait, actually can we do that again? Like I'm like come on, and so I, so I think, bad boys all around. I hope it's a positive experience for her. I wish nothing but the best for her, but I'd like to see less of it. I hear that Bad boys. I love it when we agree.

Speaker 1:

Next headline I don't think we're going to agree here. Group of nudists rescues family stuck at sea in sailing competition. Yeah, good petition, yeah good. You thought I was gonna think they were bad. I don't know. Naked people running around how to feel about that I love it. I think everybody should be naked all the time I feel really excited about it because I'm like any group of nudists. Rescue me from anything. Yeah, rescue me from fucking trader joe's okay I want to see. I want to see you come get me?

Speaker 2:

yeah is there a lot of nudist beach beaches in the? U of the, in the k of u, in the k of you in the uk oh, um.

Speaker 1:

I have never been to a nudist beach in the uk uk specifically. No way, if anything. There's like beaches where people wear more clothes. Yeah, like so fucking conservative. Um, wait, I'm getting a. I'm getting a redaction. There's a fantastic one, I know, called Treen. Okay, I'm going to up front right now say that I was incorrect. I've just been corrected by our producer. There is one singular nudist beach in the UK called Treen. You have to hike down a cliff to get there and apparently it's serene and wonderful. Here's the thing when I was in the UK, I was so far from being comfortable naked. That is my experience.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure about it, but I will say in Europe naked beaches everywhere.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's what I. Yeah, I know that to be true.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everywhere. Yeah, which is beautiful.

Speaker 2:

And in the US, you know, I don't know that much, but of course there's like Jacob Rees.

Speaker 2:

Beach, where there's like you're allowed to be topless in a section, but they're trying to make that impossible and trying to take away that section of the beach anyway. Who's um? But who's they? I think it's the residents and then some of the local um government. There's like this, like abandoned building behind that section and they're trying to turn it into a children's park. So of course, it's gonna make it seem like trans and queer people are like endangering, like it's all this like strategic stuff? Um, but yeah, but that was my only experience in the last summer, when I still had my boobs. I was topless for the first time and while it felt liberating, I was like, oh my God, like my fucking jugs are out. Everyone's fucking looking. I'm so.

Speaker 1:

I think that's so brave of you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, before top surgery.

Speaker 1:

I just could not. I just couldn't have done that. My breast tissue, or the skin where my breasts were, have only seen sunlight since top surgery.

Speaker 2:

For sure. Yeah, you know totally. I would love a nudist person coming to save me, just like ball swaying.

Speaker 1:

I imagined it. I imagined it as a as beautiful breasts Of course, you're so excited about it, I immediately went to balls Interesting. I mean you want to be saved by by some balls.

Speaker 2:

I'm like drowning somewhere. Balls, boobs, whatever, just any, yeah yeah any and all, both totally valid flotation devices okay, next up, next up next up, next up. Uh, it's you right, it's me. This next headline is really hard for me to say with my speech impediment Go. Dwayne Wade reveals I did it. He's considering starting a nail care line.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this is going to be a shot, but I'm going to go bad boy, yeah. And that's really hard for me because, by the way, dwayne Wade, I mean you love, I love, I'm obsessed. Everything about him, everything about his family, everybody love. I'm obsessed. Everything about him, everything about his family, everybody. And I love everything that he does and stands for for the trans community. Yes, but the nail thing, I just don't.

Speaker 2:

I don't know I'm just like don't we have enough? And then, yeah, right, I think so, like carrie styles um launched that nail company and I was sort of just like, okay, yeah, I don't know what to say about that I think that it comes to a point where, like every big celebrity like needs a beauty line, yeah, and so like that kind of just happens, like people just kind of do that, I don't know, like the under eye patches I wear are like millie bobby brown. I saw that, but you know what?

Speaker 1:

it is. They have these like incubators around each celebrity and they sit down and they're like what would this celebrity like? What can we match this celebrity that like would work. That's what. That's what I think is bad boy about this dwayne wade thing, because is that really what he is focused on in his day-to-day life? If I think about like his passion and his isn't, it, is it truly nails? And if it is, I'm so sorry I hold my hands up. Yeah, fine, but my, my gut tells me that he's more passionate about other things, you know maybe the dwayne wade uh nail care line will be what helps me with my nails.

Speaker 1:

You know what you never know if he introduces some kind of because you know I've tried the bitter nail polish stuff yeah, what is that you just then I just eat it and then it's just in my mouth.

Speaker 2:

It's disgusting, you know. Can I tell you a really quick story? Yeah, um, my, in grad school I had my very first girlfriend and, um, I was wearing the bitter nail polish or whatever, and we were hooking up one time and I put my fingers in her mouth, oh my god, and she was like, and she died, she's like spitting it out. It was like the least sexy thing I've ever done.

Speaker 1:

I think that's hilarious yeah, I feel like that should be an advert for something, but I don't know what. I don't know what side of the corner.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know what it's for, yeah, but it just like a psa, don't do anything yeah, I've just realized who should own a nail.

Speaker 1:

Care line is shaq he's passionate. He's passionate about it he talks about a lot in interview. He talks about how, like his feet are so gross so that I mean his words, not mine he says his feet are so gross that, like he, he goes to the salon and he gets into like what is happening?

Speaker 2:

salon I love it what it's perfect, you're amazing salon, salon okay salon.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so he goes to the salon and um, and he gets the, he gets them to to to paint his nails in bright, beautiful colors because he says that it makes him feel like they're less gross yeah, and he's done that for a lot. That's that's what he has done. I feel like he has a passion around he talks about it.

Speaker 2:

That should have been shocked can I tell you what that is? Tell me gender affirming care. That is gender affirming care makes him feel less gross, makes him feel good about himself totally just saying he said he also tips hard because his feet are so great.

Speaker 1:

I mean all about it's great yeah, you know I like it. Thank you, tip hard okay. Tip hard okay. Up next is pope francis is accused of using a homophobic slur again yeah okay, I put good boy here's why, at this point, is he not just a part of this community? I don't know what the fuck's going on well.

Speaker 2:

Have you seen any of my girlfriend's videos?

Speaker 1:

he's obviously a bad boy, okay don't like fuck off pope fuck off, yeah but it's getting, uh, it's getting hilarious no, it is getting hilarious and I have seen your girlfriend's videos.

Speaker 2:

They are hilarious yeah, I'm like, I mean I guess the argument, I mean truly just say he's a little gay, right, and then he can say whatever he wants?

Speaker 1:

yeah, but I just assume he is at this point, because why would you be so obsessive?

Speaker 2:

I assume anybody, any man in a robe is gay, and especially any man in the catholic church right, and I say that growing up I'm catholic.

Speaker 1:

So I'm allowed to say that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, anyone's allowed to say that I say like bad boy, but good boy, because it's so funny, it's so and it's like really good material and it's good, and I know we should be offended, but I don't even feel offended I'm not just I.

Speaker 2:

It's just hilarious every time I read it I'm like this is so funny yeah you know, what it reminds me of is um, I don't know if you remember this, matt Damon talked on like the armchair expert podcast with Dax Shepard about how he was like, oh yeah, like my daughter had to teach me not to say the f-slur, like recently, and like that's what got him to stop saying the f-slur.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my god and, and a lot of people were like blah, blah, blah. And I'm like did you think matt damon wasn't walking around saying the f? Like of course he's saying the f, slur. Like I'm like I don't know. He's like really, have you ever heard him speak? I mean I'm shocked by that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, a little bit like I mean I don't know, I can't imagine. I just can't imagine any straight person truly, especially someone in the in the spotlight, truly saying this word. They do it all the time into microphones on camera.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know, like it's not my slur, so I'm also like I can't. I don't want to say I'm not offended, but I'm just like oh sure, okay, matt damon's saying that, like, like, whatever, like, let the pope say faggot tony, or whatever he's saying. It's not past. That is that right we got it.

Speaker 1:

What is that word? We need a producer. I thought it was faggaccione or whatever. He's saying it's not a pasta, is that right? We gotta? What is that word?

Speaker 2:

we need a producer, I thought it was faggaccione, but I think that that is what I've been saying at home and it's not right, I think it's hilarious, but it's not.

Speaker 1:

I think we're getting a check on this now. That's it. That's what I was going to go again, what someone correct us. Someone send in a video of saying oh, yeah, yeah please. We don't know what we're doing to our italian listeners.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wow, those were the good boys in the news. I'm trying not to watch too much news. I'm watching other things these days because the news is sad and scary. This makes sense. Yeah, what are you watching? What am I watching? Um, here's what. I'm watching other things these days because the news is sad and scary.

Speaker 1:

This makes sense. Yeah, what are you watching? What am I watching? Um, here's what I'm watching. Presumed innocent, okay, apple tv. Uh, ruth negger, she's amazing. She's this amazing, amazing irish actress doing an american accent um with our boy what does she do?

Speaker 2:

I know her. Yeah, she's been in good grief.

Speaker 1:

Uh uh uh. Directorial debut of um dan uh levy dan levy yeah, and she was unbelievable okay, can I tell you something?

Speaker 2:

tell me. I was on the phone with my mom last night. She told me she's watching this. She thinks she's like. Jake gyllenhaal is horrible in it she says she doesn't she, she's like I don't believe any of his faces, like I just don't believe. And then I told her that, like a lot of younger people don't like him because of the taylor swift thing. I was like trying to validate her of like it's okay, people don't like him, but I don't know he's doing a good job, you know I trust, you're an actor yeah, I think he is doing a good job.

Speaker 1:

also, listen, the writing's good, the producing's good, the directing, the directing's good. It's a beautifully done show and of course it is because Apple TV and they have all the money in the world, but I like the story. You know what he's doing? A good enough job that it's not like I. I have not been taken out of the thing by any bad acting.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, cool, and that happens to you, that happens to me so fucking often. Yeah, but it's amazing. I would absolutely recommend it. Shout out Ruth Mega. She's my now. I guess I'm just a fanboy. I'm a fanboy, okay, she's beautiful as well. Okay, nothing matters, but she is.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I, okay, I'll look her up. What are you watching? Well, so I I'm still just, I'm still watching the boys because we're like so deep in the um in the rewatch, but I have like an alt media that I've been watching, which is brooke scofield's 14 part series on tiktok, about dating this guy, clinton kane. Do you know anything about this? I think I do?

Speaker 1:

is this like a? Was this a viral thing? Absolutely yeah, about how he like cheated on her or he like tell me, tell me okay so I I usually don't pay attention to straight people, but this was very intriguing.

Speaker 2:

So clinton kane I've never heard of him before. This is a singer, I guess says he's from australia. He's really from a different country. I'm not sure it's like uh, I don't want to bruni he's from bruni and um, he says he's from perth.

Speaker 2:

He has this Australian accent. Sometimes he has it, sometimes he doesn't. And he has these songs that everyone's like they're so beautiful. I listen to them. Truly horrible, right. But dates this knockout girl who's like on the Tana Mojo podcast, like she's like a stunning young woman, okay, and he bags her somehow because he's like sweet. He says that his mom, dad, brother died in the same year. Not true. Mom is alive, brother is alive, dad is dead. Sorry, but like lied about that Does not have an Australian accent, fakes it.

Speaker 2:

What Was cheating on her the whole time? But also was just incredibly like emotionally and like just manipulated her, like kind of what seems like manufactured, gave her covid so that they'd have to quarantine in a hotel together and basically like she would try to leave, he wouldn't let her, whatever. If you look at this man, you'd be like what the fuck? But like, of course, like I've been in abusive relationships and like and it's you also look at the person, you're like wait them anyway. And so I have been really consumed with that and because I watched her 14 part series, I now just get it on my feed and I'm getting like everybody's experiences with this guy and like all this stuff and it's very interesting and it's from her perspective.

Speaker 1:

It's from her she's telling her story.

Speaker 2:

But it was ripped from her because this, this guy, zach sang, who has podcast, he's like a journalist um aired an episode with the details before she was ready to, and it's that really sucks for her and she's upset about it. Okay so, but everything it's all her perspective. A lot of the stuff in her story reminded me of a similar situation that I had in an abusive relationship with a person of influence. I was like, wow, there are so many parallels about how these people are able to like, take advantage of you get into your psyche.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've had this experience too. Honestly, we should get into it on another episode.

Speaker 2:

I'd be happy to great. That's the media that I'm consuming. Yeah, nothing gay, I guess yeah, nothing, I realized.

Speaker 1:

Every time we talk about this I'm like why aren't I watching more gay stuff? But I think the actual question is why isn't more stuff gay stuff getting made?

Speaker 2:

yeah, well, I've been.

Speaker 1:

I've also like seen everything gay that exists yeah, I still haven't watched bridgerton, which I'm gonna you gotta watch. I've gotta watch it, so I'm excited about that. Yeah, okay, that's what we're watching.

Speaker 2:

You gotta watch bridgerton and such brave girls such brave girls.

Speaker 1:

Okay, great, yeah, I have such a long list of stuff. It's like, when do we do it?

Speaker 2:

you know, I feel like I have to stay up all night. Such brave girls is also british, okay, that's why I'm right then. It's just been bumped to the top of my list.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay awesome, that's what we're watching, okay, um, let's move on to our weekly tea check-in tea time.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to tea time where you at, where I'm at, I had my 15th shot this morning. Yep, um, I've got hair all over my belly and my ass cheeks. How you feeling about that. I love it on the belly. It feels so cool and amazing. It's so funny that I used to like shave off my like happy trail and now I'm like wanting and now it's just like all over my belly.

Speaker 2:

Um, I'm starting to get a little bit of hair coming in, like around my scars and around my nipples, which is really cool. I I'm like my brother is, and my dad are both so hairy that, like I, I'm gonna be a hairy dude, like it's already, even before t like my legs are just insane and my arms whatever. But um, that I'm shaving every day now on my face. I was I don't know what stupid in me. I was like I'll shave once a week. I have to shave every day and like later in the day, though it's just because it's still patchy because it's new.

Speaker 2:

So it's just, it's not cute to me. Not cute because it's just like little things here and there. Um, I think my pheromones have changed. I'll, I'll be sitting at my desk and I'm like I smell, and then I have the people around me sniff me and they're like you don't smell, but like I smell it internally. Um, my voice is getting deeper and what else is new? That's kind of been the general. What's been going on.

Speaker 1:

I love the hair stuff I have not. I think about. You know I'm taking such a small amount that I think week to week. I felt quite like hormonal in air quotes this week but I don't know if that's like my period or what. Like I still got my period. So it could absolutely be that oh yeah, I just like my period or what like I still got my period. So it could absolutely be that. Oh yeah, I just finished my period. Oh cool it could be.

Speaker 2:

It could be that were you feeling the same is what you said well, just like I, I don't know what, I thought it'd be gone, but and I think that's just not based on any kind of science or knowledge. It was just like hoping, yeah, but yeah um, so I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't have major, major changes. I am getting a little tiny bit of hair on my chest and I think the biggest change for me is like the strength I feel in the gym. No, not even the strength I feel in the gym, but the recovery after. Usually I would do a big weight session and it would take me like four or five days to be able to move around like a normal human yeah, or my normal self, whereas now it takes me 24 hours. I'm like right, what? Right back.

Speaker 2:

I'm like ready to go and that's the coolest thing about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that I've noticed this week no soreness, barely any soreness. Yeah, so cool for like a superman yeah, this is really cool.

Speaker 2:

If you were a superhero, what would your superhero name?

Speaker 1:

be. Oh, my god, is there like a? You know those things where it's like you take your dog's name and then you're like second girlfriend's cat's name.

Speaker 2:

Like to get your Wu-Tang name? Yeah, um no, I don't think, I just.

Speaker 1:

And if you have one in in mind, um, the only thing that's popping into my head, because I want to get this tattooed on myself um is King Kylo um, yeah, king Kylo, king Kylo, yeah you know KK, kk. Oh, just just the two. How about yours? What would yours be? Faguccine um no you can't rip that from the pope. No, I can't, that's his um, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I asked you this and I don't. Oh, big mott maybe your nickname for me maybe, oh my god, big mott, everyone.

Speaker 1:

Just so you know that I named.

Speaker 2:

I nicknamed mothy big mott and it's catching on, I can feel it so everyone hit them up yeah, and then it'll be bm like bowel movement, exactly great, I can't wait. I can't wait to just see what new changes, because it's so week by week, so I'm excited to see what we've got going on. Yeah, me too, my dick's getting bigger no way, yeah, mine is not.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited for you. Yeah, thank you how's it feel?

Speaker 2:

good, sometimes it's like what's going on down there, right uh, but like it feels. I thought I'd be a lot more freaked out about it and like whatever, but I'm like okay, cool that's so cool.

Speaker 1:

Let's check back in on that next week. Yeah, that was tea time, thank you, so advice questions. Yeah, advice questions for next week yeah email into goodboysatforthemcom we're on Gmail, baby. We're on Gmail. Email us anything, any questions, any tea time questions, any advice at all. You want two trans guys and a guest potentially to answer. We're here for you Send them in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, amazing. Thank you so much, kylo, good boy Kylo.

Speaker 1:

Good boy, Mati you.

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