Good Boys

Jorkin' It with Rivkah Reyes

July 26, 2024 For Them Season 1 Episode 4

On this episode of Good Boys, we bring a third Leo into the studio, the perpetually talented actor, writer, singer, podcaster, witch, DJ, etc. etc. Rivkah Reyes. We accidentally fall into a conversation about romance, changing our names, and rodents taking back their cities.

You can find Rivkah Reyes on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. For our L.A. listeners, you can catch a DJ set and witchy vibes at Honey's. 

Good Boys is a For Them podcast co-hosted by Kylo Freeman and Motti, and audio engineered by timalikesmusic. Submit advice questions to

Speaker 1:

yeah, straight up jorking it. Who that came from twitter?

Speaker 2:

yeah I think so. Yeah, someone tweeted they were like straight up jorking it, and by it, well, let's just say I mean my peanuts welcome to good boys, marky.

Speaker 1:

Please intro rivka, because you two know each other yeah, uh, let's see if I get every single thing correct here. Rivka is a friend of for them, a friend of madi, a friend of kind of a friend of the world. I don't know anyone who knows rivka that doesn't love them. Oh my god, um. And actor, musician, astrologist, witch, dj, model. Uh, what am I missing here?

Speaker 2:

uh, line dancer thank you for saying model. Not a lot of people remember that one um and comedian as well, all of those things, yeah, I don't think you forgot a single thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, friend is the most important one yeah, rivka is one of my first TikTok, friends. Yes, and so is Madi.

Speaker 2:

Madi and I met on TikTok and I like very they're still. You slid into their dms and I was just like do you have a girlfriend? And Madi was like yes, at the time, yeah, and then I was just like cool, cool, cool, cool. But then they added me to this uh hilarious group text of a bunch of different TikTok lesbians. And then we became friends.

Speaker 1:

Bros, yeah and then. But y'all are friends as well.

Speaker 3:

We've recently met. We're very recent friends. Very grateful to be friends. We had a little matcha the other day.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

A little matcha, I went back to that place this morning pretty good, right, very good.

Speaker 2:

I got their like ginger um immunity matcha drink I was expecting it to be more like a turmeric latte and it tasted like one, but it was like very matcha forward it's everything I needed shout out matcha fall prince street would you be a sponsor, as if I said that I've never had matcha before I wouldn't be surprised by that

Speaker 3:

really I'm so surprised by that. Why?

Speaker 1:

I I'm not very adventurous, I'm a little picky and like I drink my coffee black, like it's, I don't know I drink my coffee black I never drink a matcha because I'm whack okay I thought you said because I'm white and I'm like matcha's quite white it's becoming that it's.

Speaker 2:

It's from japan, so it's quite literally not I feel like in new york.

Speaker 3:

I feel like, yeah, all I see is white girls drinking matcha correct. I'm you know, good good swinging ponytail.

Speaker 1:

It's so cute, you know I mean it more in the way of, like white people are so unadventurous with what they eat and drink, and we're picky, and that's me and that's true, and that's true, and that's true of all white people oh gosh.

Speaker 3:

So we usually we usually kick off the pod by talking about how you were a good boy this week, but it's very generic. It can be very. It can be anything at all. So it can be how you're a good boy, and boys are very expansive term, as we know yes, I was a very good boy this week for um.

Speaker 2:

So my friend is going through a bit of a um dramatic lesbian breakup right now and the girl that she was breaking up with had a self-tape that she had to do and my friend was like I don't think I can like help her with this thing, and so I fucking helped the girl with the self-tape wow, no way, I was a very good friend and I don't even know this this person super well.

Speaker 2:

But again, it's like you know, live your dreams. I want all of my actor friends and acquaintances to get work. So I'm like always down to help somebody with a self-tape, because it also helps me with my coaching and it also helps me as a reader too. So I think I was a very good boy that is that's good boy on like two levels yeah through a friend to another human.

Speaker 2:

That's beautiful yeah, I don't know this person super well, but I mean, the reason they broke up was just because of incompatibility. It wasn't like this girl was like a bad person, like they just like were in a fit and and I liked. Every time we hung out I was like she's cool. It's just that she's like a little younger than I think my friend is used to, and not the vibe right now. Yeah, so was the self-tape good no.

Speaker 3:

No, I mean, here's the thing. We'll get into how we've been good boys or not, marty, but like this is a real thing, like you help your friends with self-tapes and then when they're not good, what do you do? You know, you just say great, I helped somebody today.

Speaker 2:

That's what I say. Yeah, most audition material right now is like not great because the stuff that's being written is hilariously bad. Yeah, um and I feel comfortable saying that, um, on a public forum but yeah, I think it's. It's interesting to see actors do the best they can with like a piece of shit script, um, and yeah, I think this.

Speaker 3:

This person probably did the best they could I always find it makes a good actor when, when I see terrible, terrible lines and scenes but the actor makes it work, I'm like that's a good actor yeah, you know, it's one of my special skills.

Speaker 2:

I should put it on my resume. Yeah, you should. I make bad scripts good, marty.

Speaker 3:

How have you been a good boy this week, or have you?

Speaker 1:

I have and I feel really excited about how I've been a good boy this week. So there was um a night this week, this previous week, that torrential downpour like it was flooding the intersections where I live and I my partner and I have each other's locations and it's only ever used if I'm preparing dinner and I want to make sure I time it right, whatever, and so I check her location. She's coming back from work and I know she didn't bring an umbrella because it wasn't supposed to rain, and so what I did was I I saw when she was pulling up to the train station and I timed it so that I could meet her at the trains at the top of the train station with an umbrella, which was so cute, and and because she was like where I knew she was wearing a white top and like denim.

Speaker 1:

That's not fun to get caught, I'm telling you, like crazy rain.

Speaker 1:

And what made it even more fun was that the entire there's a bunch of uh scaffolding at the top of our subway stop and so like 50 people are huddling underneath it waiting for like a cab or waiting for it to pass and I'm like the solo knight that walks up to her with the umbrella and I like retrieve her back, and then everyone's kind of like this is like a scene from from love, actually, yeah and I got to feel like a really good boy, like a really good boyfriend doing that, and it, of course, made her really happy that I thought to do that without her asking and that's the kind of stuff I love that's just, I love that kind of.

Speaker 2:

I love that shit. Yeah, so I love being the recipient, on the receiving end of that type of stuff. Yeah, um, I too was caught in the torrential downpour, but I was on a date while that was happening and went up to, like, the apartment that I was staying at and, uh, I, like you know, we toweled off and she like borrowed a t-shirt and some shorts and then we ended up having a very like um special, you know, intimate conversation.

Speaker 2:

Um, I think we're gonna be friends, like, which is cool. But yeah, I think rain is so romantic in that way and it does something, so brings people closer together.

Speaker 3:

I like rain. I hate rain. Oh, I hate it. I'm sorry because one I'm a sneakerhead and I'm very specific about my shoes and they get destroyed in the rain. So I have like rain shoes, but the aren't traditional, like wellies, what do you call these?

Speaker 2:

Rain boots.

Speaker 3:

Okay, sure, wellingtons. I know welly though you know welly, right, I don't own a welly, I don't own wellies, but I do own leather sneakers that are specific to rain. They're my wellies anyway. The point is I don't like rain. I'll be devastated. If I was on a date and I was running through the rain with my date, I'd be devastated because of the shoes yeah, and that's so my hair that's so, leo coded.

Speaker 2:

I feel too, because I'm the same way with. I'm very particular about certain pairs of shoes that I have. Actually, my ex would make fun of me all the time because when I, when she would like, flat tire me by accident, I'd be so pissed because it would like scuff the shoe wait, what is flat tire?

Speaker 3:

oh, when you're like walk too closely behind somebody and you accidentally like step on the back I'm so fucking glad that you've both told me that there is a name for this. Yeah, this is my fucking kryptonite. I'm not and I never get angry as a person. I'm just not very rageful. When someone does that to me, the rage just goes from my feet to my fucking skull same and I'm like you just stood on my fucking shoe and I'm gonna have to wipe it off yeah, now I gotta wipe it off like a plebe.

Speaker 3:

Um, to be fair, my wonderful, wonderful girlfriend, it's her favorite activity. It's the only tension that we have in our relationship. I guess now I can say you just flat-tired me is that right?

Speaker 1:

yeah, okay, great. Yeah, brit does it to me all the time, but she has no depth perception, so she walks into me she elbows like she walks into wall like it's just is that a redhead thing?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

well, she's not. She's not a natural redhead. No way you didn't know that. I did not know. It's common, it's not a secret brit okay it's not a secret, um she's a blonde I did not know that, but she looks like she is naturally a hundred percent, I would not.

Speaker 2:

It fits her so well it does, I think maybe it is a redhead thing, though, like just whether you like, choose to be one or naturally are one that you just naturally have no depth perception.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and so were you a good boy this week? Damn well, no, I guess we're on like this, like relationshipy vibe, I was a good boy because my partner was shopping girls be shopping, girls be shopping. But I was very I wasn't shopping for me and I did the whole like weight in the boy. You know the boyfriend seat situation and, you know, did a lot of like waiting outside while she tries to find that looks great. That doesn't you know, for my whole Saturday that's a good boy thing that's a very good boy, yeah, you know did you get anything for yourself.

Speaker 3:

Um, that's not the point, is it?

Speaker 2:

I got a pair of shorts, which every good boy needs I just got a perfect pair of jorts first team vintage in the lower east side great store. The guy in there was super helpful. It's jorts only it's not just jorts. They have like, they have good like um sports merch like you know I think I almost bought a insanely priced at 92 bulls hat, but I have one already.

Speaker 1:

So I'm good on that um talked myself out of it just jorts is like a fantastic name for a store, somebody take that. Yeah, you're welcome yeah, my favorite pair of jorts that I have I made myself. I just cut my jeans the old truly um, you know, they're not like. I mean it works. There's like the little fringes, but I like that. Yeah, because I'm not gonna hem, I can't hem you've never struck me as a hammer.

Speaker 2:

No, what is?

Speaker 1:

it about me.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not a hammer either. I don't know how to sew. I don't know how to drive.

Speaker 1:

Those are two of my like and that doesn't that you can't drive yeah, do I give passenger princess, you give passenger princess, but I also know you're you're like from a city.

Speaker 2:

You currently live in a city you know you don't necessarily need a car. Yeah, in neither of the cities that I'm sort of from, but in la you definitely need a car. That is why I am ending my relationship with la amazing well, good boy, good boy um shopping with your partner.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, thank you so much so, rivka, what we do next is we take um headlines from the news and we take turns reading them out, and then we decide whether the subject of the headline has been a good boy or a bad boy. Okay, I'm gonna read the first headline. Here we go raccoons, that's it. No um, raccoons are trying to break into cyber trucks and there's some speculation this has been happening because the raccoons are trying to break into cyber trucks and there's some speculation.

Speaker 3:

This has been happening because the raccoons are literally confusing them with dumpsters good boys, good boy, good boy good boy raccoons, good boy raccoons.

Speaker 1:

I have something I'd love to compare this to, please. A couple years ago in argentina, the Capiberas. They took over the town that they were driven out of like the very wealthy area of Buenos Aires. I want to say I'm going to sound really geographically ignorant, but at the time I was working at a place where a lot of my colleagues were in Argentina and they were like the wealthiest people are getting driven out of their homes because the Capiberasas are are literally climbing through windows and and taking it over, like they took the town back and that's what this reminds me of, of like, of like, rodents taking back no way.

Speaker 1:

That is insane and this kind of feels very takeover yeah like it's only a matter of time before that's my project 2025.

Speaker 2:

Is rodents taking over?

Speaker 3:

yes, I keep reading. Isn't this the same as rat boy summer? What is? This this is.

Speaker 1:

It's the same oh like wait, you're saying I'm like this is a very different thing we're making them the same.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I guess cyber trucks look like dumpsters they look like dumpsters to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, totally, I can't wait till one day I get to take a ride in one I know there's.

Speaker 3:

To be honest, there's one that parks outside regularly. Have you seen outside?

Speaker 1:

I haven't no studio here. I've seen a couple in person, but not here yet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're fugly they are fugly.

Speaker 3:

But I do want, but do I want?

Speaker 2:

one. Yeah, hundi p, you're like I might not be able to drive but I want a cyber truck.

Speaker 3:

You want a good boy to drive you around. Yeah, dreams, but is he a good boy if he owns one? I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

My roommate in LA has a, not a Cybertruck, but is a Tesla driver, and he's a very good boy.

Speaker 3:

Shout out David Love you.

Speaker 1:

Shout out David.

Speaker 2:

Everyone needs a gay guy named David in their life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, next headline Breaking. Gr experiencing outages due to unprecedented traffic in milwaukee, wisconsin. I mean I, I'm gonna go, good boys. So the subject of the is this grinder or is this? Is the the men using grinder, or is it milwaukee, I know I know, what was happening in milwaukee when the grinder explosion happened with the rnc right

Speaker 3:

so I think that these are bad boys okay, they are bad boys, but I love that they're on grinder.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know are y'all on grinder? You're not.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I am on grinder I haven't really used it, though, and also, to be honest, it makes me so nervous yeah, do you know what I mean? Yeah, and then I put I keep doing this thing where I put a photo of myself up and then I panic and take it down immediately. So my name is there, but I, you know I'm not ready, are you?

Speaker 1:

no, I downloaded it once and then I deleted it. Yeah, I got scared.

Speaker 2:

I've never never had it, but I've always been curious. When I was in my like I think I'm a trans boy era, um, but then it just turned out I had pcos. I I thought about it, but I was also in my like no dating apps era so I think that was protection.

Speaker 1:

You can play on my grinder if you like yeah, just to look just to you know, yeah, I mean, I've learned about um scruffies, which is, oh, I did hear about this which is different from grinder, I think, a little bit more explicit than grinder, and that I'm very curious about. We should download it.

Speaker 3:

My friends love it okay, so is it just for sexual intimacy?

Speaker 1:

you know, that's my understanding of it sexual intimacy.

Speaker 3:

Maybe some folks are getting other stuff out that's what I call sex okay, and that's beautiful what I say to women is would you like to have?

Speaker 1:

sexual intimacy would you like to be sexually intimate, would you? Like to be sexually and they often say no absolutely not, yeah, absolutely not.

Speaker 2:

Not like that. I recently learned that, like sex and intimacy don't always go hand in hand correct.

Speaker 3:

You know what you're so right. I need to change, we need to rebrand it. What can it be fucking and?

Speaker 1:

sucking sorkin and forking and even jorkin jorkin, jorkin and sorkin and forking jorkin, my peanuts, absolutely jorking. I do say that a lot straight up, jorkin it have you? Yeah, straight up, jorkin it. That came from twitter, yeah I think so yeah someone tweeted. They were like straight up jorkin it, and by it, well, let's just say I mean my peanuts um, I'll be like we'll be watching tv, brit and I, and I'll just be doing this and I'm like I'm jorking your peanuts. She hates it okay.

Speaker 3:

Next headline helping my best friend's husband collect a sperm sample was the hottest handjob ever. Yeah, good boy, pull it out. Yeah, good boy, good boy. Why, good boy?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, good boy Pull it out.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, good boy. Why, good boy? Who's the good boy? The husband or the other person?

Speaker 2:

Everybody involved, even the sperms, yeah, even the little swimmers. You got to give them credit. They're good boys or girls. They are good boys. They all start as girls. Actually Isn't that crazy?

Speaker 3:

That is crazy. Everyone's trans. Are we not concerned by? Are we not concerned by anything?

Speaker 1:

in this headline, it it seems like an all in all very positive experience for everybody involved.

Speaker 3:

Hold on, read it again. Okay, helping my best friend's husband collect a sperm sample was the hottest handjob ever, so my best. So someone helping my best friend my best friend's husband husband collect a sperm sample.

Speaker 2:

Was that? Do you understand? Now I, now I get it okay, so it's like a poly thing is it though question mark it doesn't sound like helping my best friend's husband was the best hand job I ever gave, I get a very specific scenario in my head.

Speaker 1:

That's probably not what's happening, and here's the problem with with the with this segment that we do is we don't always read the article attached to it we specifically don't read the article.

Speaker 1:

We're like, we're like, yeah we love that culture of journalism where you don't you only you don't need to read it after that um so in my head, what I'm picturing happening which is incorrect, is that a couple they're trying to conceive a child. They, the husband goes to a sperm bank, has to dork his peanuts and maybe wife is at work. She's in a work meeting. He needs help. The porn that they have in the little bathroom is not cutting it.

Speaker 3:

Is she a best friend's husband?

Speaker 1:

No, I'm getting there and so they're in a group chat because they're besties and they're like blah blah. Blah Really needs help getting this load off. Can you go jork his peanuts yeah at the sperm bank. And yeah, the best friend goes, because to me I would do that for my best friend, the sexualness. If it's for like, create like. If it's clinical, even it's, thank you, yes, clinical medical it is.

Speaker 2:

Yes, clinical medical it is to create a family, and there's something intimate about that.

Speaker 1:

Sexually, intimate, platonically intimate. But that's what goes on in my head is that we're like, hey, we're calling in that favor, you need to go Got it yeah.

Speaker 3:

So do you believe you can give a handjob without it being sexual?

Speaker 1:

Every handjob I've ever given was that's not been sexual.

Speaker 2:

It's a chore. I love a good handy jay I do I do totally.

Speaker 1:

I just mean, in my experience they were not good I'm sure the guy did it like I was really good at blowing but not tugging ah, I have a sorkin than a jorker.

Speaker 2:

That sounds like aaron sorkin please call me mr sorkin um. I Call me, mr Sorkin.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I just can't imagine anybody liked the handjobs that I was giving.

Speaker 3:

Don't put yourself down. You got this, thank you. You're fantastic at handjobs, thank you.

Speaker 1:

I also haven't given that many. It went straight to BJ. Yeah, anyway, anyway, I do think it's possible possible, yes to have a non-sexual hand job.

Speaker 2:

Maybe she was just through the door, maybe she didn't even give the hand maybe she was coaching him door and she was like yeah, pretend I'm your wife. Like yeah, pretend I'm your wife or like just saying yeah, saying like nice, you got this. Yeah, you're doing a great job. You're gonna make a baby with that stuff yeah, exactly, that's so cute.

Speaker 3:

I want someone to shout stuff from the sidelines and I'm giving myself a hundred.

Speaker 2:

There you go.

Speaker 3:

That's all I want sometimes, sometimes.

Speaker 2:

I'm like okay, so this is a recent thing for me. It's like in my mind, usually the first impulse is like I want to fuck, or like I'm horny and I need to get laid. But then going to seek that is pulling back and going what do I actually want, like do I just want a hug? Do I just want to go get oysters? Like maybe it is like a sexual thing and I just like want somebody to like sext with me, or like do something on the phone. Or just like, yeah, coach me through.

Speaker 1:

Like absolutely jorking it yeah, I do love that.

Speaker 2:

I love sexting for that reason because I'm like maybe I don't want you like around, but I do love this kind of like dirty talk yeah, my mars is in gemini, so a lot of it is about the communicational aspect of it for me. Like I get turned on by the banta, I love the the preamble the preamble it'ster.

Speaker 3:

I love the preamble.

Speaker 2:

The preamble. It's the best yeah.

Speaker 3:

The preamble.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just before. Sometimes the actual sex ruins it.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm. If anybody is listening to this right now and you've read the article about the woman who jerked off her best friend's husband to create a baby, let us know. We're sorry to create a baby. Let us know we're sorry.

Speaker 2:

We'll start email good boys at for themcom.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, next headline after the ocean gate implosion. The ultra wealthy still can't resist the deep sea for fuck's sake, bad boys, stop doing things that are completely unnecessary.

Speaker 3:

That cost billions of dollars, please yeah, right, can we be done?

Speaker 1:

can we be done?

Speaker 2:

can we just be done with that yeah, ocean gate here's the thing where are there any good billionaires? Rihanna would be the only gosh, totally spingsteen just became a billionaire then bruce yes, bruce. And rihanna. My dad has opinions what about beyon Is? She a billionaire.

Speaker 3:

Maybe together they're a billionaire. They have to be.

Speaker 2:

They have to be yeah.

Speaker 3:

I feel like she's good she's a good boy.

Speaker 1:

She could be doing a little more with her platform Period Totally. But all of them, everybody can, all of them can, yes, of course, yes, even Rihanna. I mean about to say about rihanna, no way she put johnny depp in her fenty campaign, quite literally months after the trial ended and I'm like you're gonna risk, like that pr for and listen, respect like rihanna credit where credit is due. That was a crazy decision and maybe it wasn't her decision, but of course I have to imagine she gets final, I think so approval.

Speaker 1:

But I'm like you're gonna risk all of that for someone who doesn't like look at like he's not. I didn't know he was in a fancy yeah I'll show it to you after it was like this video for like a new campaign launch, and so it was like this highly produced thing. It's not like he just like walked in a runway, like it was this. He was on set for something interesting and it was like right after and everyone was like wait, what I?

Speaker 2:

didn't know about that yeah maybe she didn't believe.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I know that's what's confusing can you google fenty johnny johnny depp, I'm happy to be fact-checked on this, but it happened you gotta, you gotta assume that she then doesn't believe that he was abusive.

Speaker 3:

Do you know what?

Speaker 1:

I mean because I think of course it came into the conversation of, like rihanna girl, like you survived 100, but you got it. That's what I mean wow what did he wear?

Speaker 2:

that's what this is where I'm stuck.

Speaker 3:

He didn't look good, I'll tell you that's how, using a platform to make you that totally she okay.

Speaker 2:

Her platform is I don't believe women right.

Speaker 3:

So I'm just saying she, that is my criticism of her and I I stand on that, rihanna, if you're listening, you're not, but if you are, if you are, I'm a good boy and I'll be in your campaign, yeah we'll all be good boys in your campaign yeah anywho, and the ocean thing, oh, the ocean gate, yeah, I do think it's.

Speaker 1:

So. It's annoying because what is it? 10 of earth's ocean has been explored and I'm like, can, can y'all, just can you give all your money to the scientists and the people who are trying to do this, instead of like getting in a container and dropping to the bottom?

Speaker 3:

of the ocean. Is it a thing where the money that they're paying to go towards these crazy trips are getting funneled into investigative stuff? That'd be really cool. We say things on this podcast that we don't know the answers to, but everybody, please correct us, or you know, we'll do a corrections corner. Next headline here we go. Carol director casts joaquin phoenix and danny ramirez as lovers in new gay drama I have bad boys up and oh I switched, I forgot we can disagree, oh okay no, I I don't.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're, they're playing lovers and are they?

Speaker 3:

are either of them gay I'm gonna say no, I have opinions, oh go so I'm of the opinion, cancel me.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that every gay character has to be played by a gay actor, as long as it's at least written by a gay person, or at least the person who writes it is not falling into stereotypes or anything harmful, because I do. I'm like listen actors. Actors play that they have cancer and they don't have, you know, and I do think that the writing and like the people behind the camera is more important. Um, but my issue with that and maybe walking, I don't know, maybe Joaquin is is queer Um my thing is the.

Speaker 1:

This is the carol director who made carol. We just had the hundred best lesbian films come out and a lot of people listed carol. I'm like that is, I don't think, a good movie, but those two women are straight so now now it comes to a thing where I'm like okay, now you're making a second gay movie and you're still not casting. Queer people got it that's where it gets kind of annoying yeah right totally.

Speaker 3:

But I also think we always I mean you sort of said it but we always are assuming that these people are straight.

Speaker 2:

But we don't know, of course we don't know that kate blanchett is gay exactly straight.

Speaker 1:

Totally, I thought I could be wrong. I thought she had like gone on record to be like I would love for her to be gay listen I feel like half of the population is pansexual. Yeah, yeah, and then of course, when we start criticizing this, then we get into the thing of like oh, does every actor have to be out in order to, like, get these roles? And that that's an issue on itself, which is also why I hold that belief of like let's just yeah, nuance at the same time.

Speaker 3:

You know, I've auditioned for so many roles and they're like non-binary trans roles and then people get them that are not non-binary we talked about this the other day and I'm not gonna say names, but but it's, and that's tough. That's tough because there's right now at least there's not a bunch of these roles you know, and so it's like, if you're not, if you don't have the experience at all like you know, maybe let me and go for those roles yeah, yeah, even with like lesbian roles.

Speaker 2:

Like I've found a lot of of stuff that I've gone in for that are, like you know, lesbian roles, and then they're like you know who would be great for this? Bleep that out, bleep out her name, we'll bleep it. We'll bleep it, but it's usually her.

Speaker 3:

Very interesting.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know. I like Joaquin, I really love him. To be honest, I'm sure, let I don't know that second name, danny Ramirez. Do you know that? Oh, he was in no Exit, which I watched. He is in it. He's sexy in that as well. Who's the girl, the beautiful girl from Bottoms?

Speaker 1:

She's the heiress Havana Rose Liu she's the heiress to that Tie the Knot website. Her parents started the knot and she is the heiress. Britt and I looked it up because we were like where did she? All of a sudden she's in bottoms in this movie and interesting. What do you think? I think she's beautiful yeah, I think she's beautiful as well she is beautiful yeah I'll shoot my shot after this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, good for you.

Speaker 2:

How do y'all shoot your shot in this day and age?

Speaker 1:

oh, you want to go, you go um, well, right now I don't, because I'm in a loving monogamous with oh, pretty me. I did. I did a fantastic job shooting my shot with brit migs. I had recently become single and I had. I was aware of brit because to me, I'm like this is that hot redhead that goes viral on twitter all the time because she's got some viral tweets, whatever. Um, and I never knew if she was queer or not, but she would like every single one of my like thirst traps on twitter and I'm like that's not a very straight thing to be doing in my opinion, especially because it was like pre-top shirt, not that that matters, but you know it was a queer thing.

Speaker 1:

So I at the time was running a monthly all queer lineup show and so I dm'd her and I said hey, I produced this show, but it's an all queer lineup. I think you're really funny and I want to put you on my list to book are you?

Speaker 1:

sorry to be really blunt about it are you queer? Because I first wanted to know if she was queer. She responded and she was like yes, and of course she wanted to drop in that she was not only single but divorced. And if she was queer, she responded and she was like yes, and of course she wanted to drop in that she was not only single but divorced. And so she was like yes, I'm queer, like so queer. In fact I divorced my husband over it and I was like, oh, so she wants me to know she's single and available, not just queer. And then weeks go by and we finally meet each other at an in-person event and we're all talking with our friends and I kept bringing up how I needed to be super clear to me that someone's into me. I don't approach people. I need someone to literally slap me in the face and say I want to go on a date with you because I have so much internalized lesbophobia and like whatever, whatever of like.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to hit on someone if it's not welcome and so she sits next to me, she goes you should take down my number, and so we did that, but really the way that I shot my shot at at our first date, we went to this party under a bridge hi okay troll vibes, okay, and we were like neither of us were like saying that it was a first date, because we were like what if it isn't?

Speaker 1:

and then she was. We were telling each other about how hot we thought each other were and I go do you want to make out about it? And then we had our first kiss I love that and so that's kind of how I, that's how I shot my shot I love that's hot, that is hot yeah she loved. We talk about it to this. She's like I can't believe you did that. That was so hot.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's awesome yeah, I'm not gonna be able to compete with that I have. I have this issue where, when I was a dyke, I would like walk up to any woman in a bar. I wouldn't care if she was getting straight. I'd be like, hey, what's going on? I'm kylo, it's like your boyfriend don't even worry about it. I'd be like doing all this stuff like so confident, and now I'm a trans guy and I just like awkwardly sit in the corner and avoid eye contact and I don't I don't know why that's occurred, and so I also now need people to hit on me, and I do not notice.

Speaker 3:

Now, when women are chatting to me, I'm like they're probably just being super polite, you know. So they have to like, take off their shirts and get on top of me, and I'm like got it.

Speaker 2:

You're still like are you mad at me?

Speaker 3:

Exactly, but as a friend, right, I'm like do you need help with some sort of clothing?

Speaker 2:

I don't know um, so I'm recently renavigating this because I'm like recently single and and I don't know, the shot was shot to me in my last relation. Okay, um, it was like. It was like come to my birthday party, and then I was just like okay, but then I shot my shot at the birthday party. I was just like you know, should we go on a date after like looking at each other's birth charts and stuff? Yeah, now I'm kind of trying to renavigate it because I don't necessarily have 100% clarity on what I'm looking for right now, like or what types of relationship I'm looking for. I know I don't want to like get into anything like monogamous or like serious or committed at the moment, but that I mean that could change tomorrow, that could change today. I'm really just like one day at a time, like one moment at a time, vibing it with relating and dating and romancing and sorkin and jorkin and forkin. Yeah, the other day I I said I'm going to kiss you on the mouth to somebody before kissing them.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my god and then they were like you didn't have to tell me like you know that's hot, that's great.

Speaker 1:

I think that's fun.

Speaker 3:

It also gives them the opportunity if they didn't want that to be like no, thank you, yeah, yeah, and you're, you're monogamous, multi, right, I'm monogamous. Yeah, I'm taught to spot that so I'm flexible with my agami.

Speaker 1:

I've I've been in relationships thatami. I've been in relationships that started open. I've been in relationships that turn into open. I've been in two different open relationships where I have been cheated on. Believe it or not, yes, it's possible. It's possible. Usually, people have follow-up questions and I'm like just think about a thing where the entire point of it is that you have a list of agreed upon rules and if those rules are broken rules and if somebody just breaks them all, yeah, like I think I think people think that like openness just means like anything.

Speaker 1:

I'm like it's a converse, it's 10 conversations, um and and whatever. No hate to these people that this has happened with everyone's cool whatever, but um anyway, so I'm flexible with it. I like to say that it depends on the my partner, if my partner has a super specific preference for that, and so my current partner is like, literally, if we were open, I'd kill myself.

Speaker 2:

Not in a jokey way, not in a manipulative way.

Speaker 1:

And I like monogamy too. I like monogamy too. I get everything that I need that I could get from her. I get from her, or like my friends and family, whatever. So we're monogamous.

Speaker 3:

I started off in a monogamous relationship and then I feel like and this coincided with my transition too, because I think I feel like we talk about this all the time that, like, I'm coming of age a little bit Like my body feels different.

Speaker 3:

You know I have testosterone coursing through my body, um, and so we talked about, yeah, like we feel super safe in our relationship, there's loads of communication, and so we were like let's be open and sort of see what happens. And I think half of that is is is so I can start to sort of explore my own sexuality and body in how I am now you know, um, but to be honest, I haven't done anything. Really it's funny, I think, once someone says, yeah, do whatever you want, go on. You know you're just sort of sat there like, okay, yeah but isn't it nice to have the trust yeah, 100% like that's the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

Like, for me at least, is is that for me, the, the non-monogamy piece is really just about trust, not permission, and I think that's a common misperception. Is that like? Is that a word, misperception, misconception, misconception, misconnections. And I believe in romance within platonic relationships too. I have romances with all of my close friends. It's just not sexual, but you know, if any of my friends wanted to make out, I would be like absolutely down to be of service um and that's me being a good boy again.

Speaker 3:

Um, how do you figure out the lines, the, the boundaries of that?

Speaker 2:

oh ask, I've had a couple situations where, like, there was like a friend that, um, I was really attracted to and there was like palpable vibes with us and I'm like, hey, listen, like there are really two ways this could go we stay friends or we become more than friends.

Speaker 2:

Those are the two types of relationships that you can have with somebody Friends or friends, plus the new streaming service. But yeah, I don't know, I think it's, I think it's kind of sexy to like throw that in there too, like if, if there is a vibe that you're like kind of uncertain on, there was a phase that I had during the pandemic where a lot of, um, you know, my close friendships were like maybe leaning into like a romance situation and, um, I think all but one of them ended up being just like a platonic thing that you know, sometimes I, I see somebody and I think I'm like attracted to them in a sexual or like romantic way, um, and then it just like really dawns on me that like we're really good friends which I think is beautiful, but yeah, I don't know, I think it's just different, differing like levels of intimacy, like in in all relationships, right?

Speaker 2:

I? Don't know totally but it's nice to just like get it out there. If I, if I think somebody's hot and I want to make out with them, I like I let them know pretty soon into knowing them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah you know I love that. Yeah, I sort of just that that gives me sort of hope because I sort of just want to like flirt and make out with someone you know, I love making out, you know.

Speaker 2:

I love making out. Sometimes that's the other thing is like sometimes I don't want to fuck, I just want to make out. But right, but my, I think it's something about my, my past, past life as a coke whore like I you know, it just goes. You know, my brain just goes. I want to fuck, but like what's behind? That is like, no, maybe I just want to like make out and cuddle also me and you.

Speaker 1:

Previous coke and it's like, it's like the making out is the key bump and then the, the fork. Should I get a bag?

Speaker 2:

yeah, an eight ball.

Speaker 1:

It's like oh there we, you need things in moderation sometimes, especially people, people is the best drug okay, yeah dead silence um tea time.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, tea time, go intro okay okay.

Speaker 1:

So rifka this we have a portion of the podcast that we um so kylo and I are on different regimens of testosterone, um, and we're on different timelines. We have different stuff going on. I don't have a ton of updates on I just had my 16th shot and I don't have a ton of updates on anything that's going on with me, but, um, I I do know this is a good opportunity to talk about a non-testosterone transition thing, which is names actually my update is that I'm getting a little frustrated probably with, like, the lack of growth, not bottom growth, although sure yeah, but just just the lack of movement I think I've got to be patient, but anyway, yeah, there's, there's lots of different ways to transition and we have all name transitioned, I think, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I made the decision in 2020 to go by my Hebrew name, you know, because my transition, gender wise, has been more of a like slow and educational, like spiritual one. Um, I basically just to give the craig's notes. What is it? Cliff's?

Speaker 1:

notes who is craig and what are?

Speaker 2:

they? What notes is he taking? He's with the list. He is what he does the list okay craig does the list cliff, does the notes?

Speaker 2:

got it, got it. Got it. Cool, cool, cool. Yeah, the the clip, the clip, the clip notes. That was a Freudian tit, I mean slip.

Speaker 2:

Um, no, the the cliff's notes version of my like transition slash gender journey is that I met a non-binary person, um, while I was working on a play in Chicago in like 2015, and I had never met somebody that used they them pronouns before and I, um, I for some reason had seen like myself in that person, just on a like you know, I don't know, I saw something that I wanted, something that I already had in them, and I was just like, I think I might be non-binary too, and I did the, you know, she, they thing.

Speaker 2:

I had a staunch they them phase. I chopped off all my hair during the pandemic and thought I was a trans boy, as I earlier mentioned, and then I just realized I had PCOS and, um, once I got like you know, the proper treatments and started like a recovery journey and in the PCOS department, um, I, you know, realized that I I may not be a trans man, that I may not be a trans man, which is, which is chill and cool and fine, but yeah, I don't know. The last, the most important thing for me was like ditching my government name, because it just never felt right, like I was always like a nickname girl, like people never called me by my name, it was always some like random nickname. It's like hey, oil tits.

Speaker 2:

Like you know you know, um, or like you know my initials, or or you know some some name that was just not my name and Rivka is like something that's just like so, um, so, jewish, um, lets people know Jewish, but not Zionist, ding, and, and I love, uh, when people call me riv like that makes me really happy and I get people using my name is like one of the the maybe like four things.

Speaker 2:

That gives me gender euphoria and otherwise I'm not living in a state of like dysphoria necessarily, but like more, like, just like gender neutrality, yeah, and like mental neutrality around it. But yeah, I'll never forget the first time I um walked into a zoom meeting with the name Rivka and somebody said, hi, rivka. And I was just like yep, this is right, this is correct yeah, and you've changed your name.

Speaker 3:

I have changed my name. Um, I can't remember now when I changed it. I feel like that was so hard for me to do. I felt like I was so established as Chloe, happy to say it. Oh, I know I'm happy to say it. Um, I'm not ashamed, but it just it just, it just felt so disconnected from me. Um, but then everyone knew me. You know, my company is in this, my I booked these roles with this name and it just felt too much of a big hill to to change it. And then my family, I think, was struggling with it and it's this you know, it's this thing like your mom is like named you you know it's like looked at you, yeah, my mom kind of did take it like not great at first.

Speaker 2:

I'm like it's like only a couple of like sounds off from the name that you gave me. Like my, my government name is rebecca, which, like even saying it it feels like a weird word that I've never like said before and I'm like struggling to pronounce like just feels gross coming out of my face.

Speaker 2:

Like nobody ever called me that and when they did it didn't feel right. Um, like I just I know. I look at myself and I see I'm like I'm it's not giving Rebecca like you couldn't have picked a like a closer it is literally the same name it's just like in a different language.

Speaker 2:

Um, but yeah, I had, I struggled too with that as well of the like sag, of it all, like getting my name changed like for work purposes, but it was surprisingly so much easier than I thought it was going to be, at least in my experience. I know not everybody has that experience, but yeah, and I thought it was gonna like hinder my career too, but it definitely, like, actually helped. Nobody names named becca gets an award. You know what I mean rivka does, though rivka gets awards.

Speaker 3:

Such a strong name, award-winning filmmaker, that name the only problem with my name is that when I'm like in starbucks or whatever and I say kylo and then everyone says star wars, fun yeah you know, have you seen, do you?

Speaker 1:

yeah, yeah, I guess, like kylo ren is yeah, or?

Speaker 3:

whatever, no well, hold on sorry okay that's what the guy in the coffee shop told me um, he's not he's not sorry okay but he's adam driver

Speaker 3:

he's adam driver. Okay, fine, yeah yeah sure which who we love, um, so that's the only thing and I didn't really think about that when I, when I changed my name but I'm very happy I feel super, super affirmed and my family of now they can't say kylo for some reason, it's just kai, but that's fine do you like that? I like kai. Yeah, yeah, it's cute, you know, but then I think people think it's k-a-i which is a very which, it's one of the names it's one of the names and I don't love that.

Speaker 2:

I'm like it's k, it's ky, yeah, kylo you know, when I was thinking about what I would want, to change my name to I river was one of the options which is also one of the names. Yeah, like I have like 10 like trans friends named river girls, guys and in-betweens um dogs and dogs, um. But I'm, yeah, I'm glad that rivka is like not far off from that but yeah, money how? About you? How about you?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I have a pretty unique situation in that um I'll also full government. Full government name emily moddy, my full irish catholic name.

Speaker 2:

It's just so great emily patricia cecilia moddy yo, the cecilia of it all is that your like confirmation, confirmation, that's my mom's too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's my grandmother's name that I like never met.

Speaker 2:

And then Patricia is my patron saint of music. She is, and then Patricia.

Speaker 1:

Patricia is my paternal grandmother's name and so I have my two grandma's names, which is nice. But, um, from middle school, early high school, I was a varsity athlete and it's a very like athlete thing to just go by your last name on the field, and it carried over like, also like emily.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm so hot, also like emily. There's like I. I went to. Not only did I go to school with other emily's in my class, but other emily m's, so I'm sure yeah and so, and especially soccer player. I always make the joke that, like every emily you know, is either gay or a cunt and I stand by that.

Speaker 1:

That is true, there's so many lesbian emily's and there's so many cunts name. I'm like, and maybe it's just because it's like a basic white girl name, whatever it might be, but like no shade to my parents but like I know they picked emily but like my mom was not like you're emily, because my grandma, like it wasn't those vibes there. So I always went by moddy. Even when I was the the highest femme straight cis girl, it was always modi. So when I transitioned I'm like I I love modi. I don't know any. I actually know two other. I know two jewish guys named modi, because it's like the shortened like mortify but like other than that I don't know other modis it feels very unique.

Speaker 1:

it feels me. If it feels insane to me to pick a different first name, so what I'm thinking of doing is I always? I also say like, say, me and my partner get married, I would just move Madi to my first name and then use her last name, which would be an insanely Italian name. Yeah, wait, what's her last name? My name would be Madi Mignonelli.

Speaker 1:

Oh my fucking God, which is just so Italian your name might as well be which is whatever, but so what I've decided, what I think I might do, is like, instead of moving moddy and I also feel weird about like, if I have kid, my brother doesn't want to have kids to carry on the moddy last name because my sister took her husband's last name, I think my sister's gonna take her wife's last name, if they have anyway, not that that's like the most important thing, but I'd love to pass down Madi. So what I'm thinking of doing is legally changing my first name to read, which is my mother's maiden name, and it's a pretty cool name also a pretty trans name.

Speaker 2:

It's one of the names.

Speaker 1:

It's one of the names um r-e-e-d and then be read moddy legally. So when I go to the doctor's office it's at least not emily, you know, and it's at least this neutral name, but still go by moddy, that's cool it's very brady hobbs of you. Is that us miranda section city?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah um, it's, it's every time. Oh my god, my sister.

Speaker 3:

My sister and I too are sex in the city fans and we were just walking around.

Speaker 1:

It's every time.

Speaker 2:

Oh my. God, my sister, my sister and I too are sex in the city fans and we were just walking around the city just going, pointing at random things and going, miranda, no.

Speaker 1:

I think we've referenced sex in the city Every episode.

Speaker 3:

I feel worried about it. I'm rewatching it right now. So who on?

Speaker 2:

sex in the city, are you? And it's okay if you're not one of the girls. It's okay if you're not one of the girls. It's okay if you are and it's okay if you're a combination.

Speaker 3:

I can answer this for you, oh my God, because I can, because you're Aiden, right, yeah, you're Aiden.

Speaker 1:

I'm Aiden and Steve hybrid. Yo, that's real. Yeah, that's very true, which not to drive us. I want to go back to Sex and the City, but in girls characters. I'm Ray and Charlie Whoa.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm a Ray Charlie hybrid.

Speaker 1:

And I'm a Steve Aiden hybrid, that's wild.

Speaker 2:

Who do you think I am in girls? Everyone gets this wrong.

Speaker 3:

A mix of all beautiful, a mix of like Shosh and Hannah, you're just saying that because I'm Jewish.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm not, I swear, oh my god, because you've got a strong personality in a good way, which I think is the case for shoshana.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I love shoshana, she's my favorite character on the show I would say you're right. About shosh, I would say that I'm a hybrid of shosh and jessa with like an adam rising. You're right, I like forgot about jessa for a second.

Speaker 1:

I was actually I was gonna guess jessa yeah, period.

Speaker 2:

I was because I'm spiritually british, exactly that is because you keep doing the accent. I'm like jessa yeah a hundred percent.

Speaker 3:

Yeah um, what, what sex? In the center do you have to do it for me now. I did it for you I think you're gonna insult me.

Speaker 1:

I'm ready for it all right, no, no, okay. Well. So when I think of you, I think like very business-minded, very smart, and when I think of like business, i'm'm thinking of well, samantha but Miranda, but no. I'm trying to think of, like I don't know who you are. Could you possibly be a Samantha big hybrid? Samantha big, do you mean?

Speaker 3:

Miranda big or Samantha big, samantha big hybrid. Is that bad? No, I don't think so. Well, they're both 10% assholes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I don't think so well, they're both 10 assholes. Yeah sure, yeah, yeah, yeah, it could be 10. Yeah, you know. Yeah, I think all people are at least 10 asshole.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I'll take it I'll take it and I mean I mean like the best qualities from both of the characters. So like big, I don't like big, but you know he's suave and he's got the. You know he's got the driver and he's like I think he's got the driver.

Speaker 3:

I just want to point out I don't have a drive. I don't want people to think no, my accent. And then they're like, oh, kylo's getting driven around the city, of course, I just mean that you're a fucking cyber truck.

Speaker 2:

I recently went on a date with somebody I'm not gonna say their name. We, we really well I, I think I'll just say I'll say it to get the reaction, but then we absolutely have to bleep it and like cover my mouth. I went, I had a lunch date with when I was and he no way yeah, he took me to lunch and gave me a ride home in his sprinter van, which was why is he driving?

Speaker 3:

he's not driving it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh okay um, yeah, because it's easy for him to like answer emails in a sprinter van while he's being driven around. I don't know that it needs to be in the episode at all, but it was very mr big coat and he was like oh that that right there, like pointing to a scent diffuser, was like I make those. It's hinoki, you want to say. I was like are you gay or not?

Speaker 3:

that's so interesting. Oh my god, I love that.

Speaker 2:

It was beautiful it was a beautiful, beautiful time little kiss in a flirt and lady never kisses and tells fair enough I'm so sorry, I should not over the pants, hand job my favorite to receive.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I love it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love over the pants stuff I'm realizing I'm like not, um, I think sex has become such a choice for me it's like I have to be very intentional with it that it's actually made me like very cognizant of the fact that I don't actually want to be forking all the time, and sometimes I just want to jerk and sometimes I just want to be forking all the time, and sometimes I just want to dork and sometimes I just want to make out and sometimes I just want oysters.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you just want to ride around in a sprinter van with a hinoki scent diffuser.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, that's so funny. Wait. So what sex? I don't think we got your sex.

Speaker 3:

We didn't, we didn't okay, what do you think?

Speaker 1:

oh, we're gonna do it okay um, but surely samantha's a little bit of a samantha.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, come on, I mean, I can feel it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, so half I've got a dark samantha past you've got half samantha and half of charlotte's non-binary child like it's a non-binary, but you can't bring rock I'm not rock we're bringing we're bringing um do you think I'm a little we're bringing the next gen.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no we have to stick with the original seasons. Okay, okay, okay. We can't bring rocket, no that you can't be just 100 samantha.

Speaker 1:

I'm definitely not 100 samantha?

Speaker 2:

no, I think that I am a hybrid of samantha and um and carrie.

Speaker 3:

Okay yeah, okay, that makes sense I felt very carrie.

Speaker 2:

In my last relationship I felt I was a carrie dating an aiden I. Usually it's the character that I I cringe at the most, that I um end up being the most like um not on girls, though, because I could never be a marnie, no you could never see I've got. I've had friends who told me that I was a marnie in their mind.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but she's very beautiful. She's very beautiful yeah are you saying that I'm beautiful? Yeah, um no, I'm not panicked.

Speaker 1:

This is what happens to me on a date I think when he intro'd you, he said said the beautiful Rivka, oh, I did, yeah, you are, Of course I mean everyone can see you. You're extremely beautiful. Well, that's awesome, yeah, so that's tea time.

Speaker 3:

That's tea time, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Thanks, Rivka. Do you have any advice you'd like to impart on some of our young and old and everything in between listeners?

Speaker 3:

Maybe how to be a good boy. How to be a good boy.

Speaker 2:

I would say open and honest communication with every fucking one you meet, like not just romantic partners, but also your friends. Tell your friends how you're feeling, like I share how I'm feeling publicly. And then, when it comes to my friends, it's very much like are you good and me just being like I'm good. And then, like a week later I'm having a mental breakdown and my friends are like why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you say you were actually like feeling like garbage? When you're feeling like that, and.

Speaker 2:

I think it's because I do have this like kind of mommy or daddy energy, like in my friend group. I try to be like the most, I try to be like the listener in my friend group and I try to also be the advice giver and not in an unsolicited like annoying way. But I am a very spiritual person, so people tend to come to me for, you know, wisdom, guidance, whatever.

Speaker 2:

I think it's like a clairvoyant thing too, like a little bit now that I'm like I'm navigating a breakup, like an engagement falling apart you know, that's, that's pretty heavy yeah and the impulse is for me to be like I'm good, yeah, I'm doing great, I'm straight up killing it, and by it I mean my penis.

Speaker 2:

Um, we keep on going back to that format and it's beautiful, um. But yeah, I think like there's something so sexy and cool and fun about like sharing your, your shadowy self with your close friends. Um, especially if you're a person who is like a public figure or like a creative or an actor, an artist or an influencer who does a lot of like public sharing of of life, I'm just like making sure that you're bringing that balance into your friendships and your relationships personally, too. That's great advice, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Good job.

Speaker 2:

Hey, thank you, oh my God.

Speaker 1:

You're like wait, you've unlocked something Just super quick.

Speaker 2:

Do you have any projects coming up? Should we be seeing you in anything? Plug? Um. Yeah, if you're in the los angeles area, august 17th uh howl a full moon party. It's also around my birthday, so we're gonna be doing a theme tbd. But I'm leaning towards I want to do like disney channel original movie themed party maybe, or like just disney channel in general and have everyone dress as their favorite dcom or disney channel character. Um, I hope to see many, many cheetah girls there, um, and girls of the future, even at honey's at star love, which is one of the only lesbian bars in the country I found out there are so few um very recently 37 oh my god, it's too few.

Speaker 1:

Autostraddle did a list of it, yeah, yeah yeah, but honey's is super cute.

Speaker 2:

I dj there um, sometimes and um, yeah, it's a good, good place to be. Um. Other than that, I'm working on an album right now. Um, this is a non-funny music album, um, we'll update everybody on social media and like when stuff's coming out. Um, my instagram is at rivkareyes and that's my tiktok as well. Don't follow me on twitter x. They go by x now, um, and don't follow me on that um, but if you want to, it's at rivka reyes. No, no, period, great, we'll link all that okay, beautiful, amazing, thank you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, good boy good boy okay, this is.

Speaker 2:

You have to say it back.

Speaker 1:

It's like good boy good boy, good boylo, good boy, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus, I'm sus.

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