Good Boys

America's Good Boys

August 02, 2024 For Them Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode of Good Boys, Kylo and Motti receive gifts from the cis people in their lives, figure out what makes a good political candidate, and home wrecking straight couples. 

Good Boys is a For Them podcast co-hosted by Kylo Freeman and Motti, and audio engineered by timalikesmusic. Submit advice questions to

Speaker 1:

What I loved about it, too, was the detail around it, because humping a couch, okay fine, you hump it, you get over it, you move on with your day. This was like an inside out, like latex glove that was put between the couch cushions.

Speaker 2:

Innovation that excites. I don't know, like, how is that different than a pocket pussy?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's innovative, do we?

Speaker 1:

not want an innovative candidate yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, it's innovative.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we not want an innovative candidate yeah, well, okay, no, that was a joke welcome back to good boys. Welcome back to good boys, episode five.

Speaker 2:

This is the fifth episode, great our third solo episode no guests today great no guests, just me and you kai just me and you, kai.

Speaker 1:

I've never asked you no, because we said on the last one, because it's k-a-i, no, I don't mind I always type it, so it's specifically k-y.

Speaker 2:

Totally okay, kylo, I'm fine with that.

Speaker 1:

Big Mark, big K, oh my God. Okay, so I've just been told that by a producer that Big K means ketamine in the UK, which is not very on brand for me, to be honest.

Speaker 2:

For the US listeners Kylo saying ketamine.

Speaker 1:

Where did ketamine originate, do you think?

Speaker 2:

Are you quizzing me because it's the UK? I don't know. I'm hoping. I'm hoping someone's going to correct me later.

Speaker 1:

That's been happening a lot. Speaking of Marti and I have some corrections corner, which is essentially where we apologize for all the mistakes that we've made already on this podcast Already.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, episode five. Do you want to go first you go? Okay, I think I only have one.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty egregious, one that makes me feel so old and unfun and out of touch, which is that I messed up the gay dating app and I kept calling it scruffies, when there's no such thing as scruffies. There is an app called scruff for gay men and I'm sure whoever wants to be on there, and then there is a web app which is the one I was referring to called sniffies, and so I combined sniffies and scruff and I said Scruffies, which just goes to show how cool and getting laid I am. But that is my correction corner.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I want to add to your corrections corner. I did what you said and I went onto the app store and I searched for Scruffies and it didn't come up. But Scruff did come up and I downloaded it and it just literally looks like a clone of grinder and I was like, okay, and then I found snuffies no, sniffies, sniffies which is look lightly explicit. It's not lightly explicit. It's well, that's what I was. It's extremely explicit. There's much more than sexual wait.

Speaker 1:

There's much more than sexual intimacy, yeah, happening on sniffies. You know what made me think, though there doesn't seem to be a sapphic flinter type equivalent to these, like very, you know sexually intimate apps yeah, you know, I guess cruising app yeah, like cruising app yeah but then is it because there's no demand. I feel like I'd cruise, I'm like I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I all every sapphic person I know is on hinge. Yeah, like it's, that's the place for it.

Speaker 1:

But but like I don't know, like obviously lesbians and sapphic people are like fucking right it should be it feels so stereotypical yeah, you know what I mean, that we've just created these spaces for predominantly gay men but not for anybody else, and I feel like I was thinking that we should. We should make one we should make one.

Speaker 2:

You brought up field. Field isn't sapphic, specific and, if I can say something that's so arrogant, I spent a little bit of time on field. I have never seen an attractive person to me, to me, to you, someone who I am attracted to personally, right on field interesting and it's cup. And it was like you know couples, when I was like trying to date couples and stuff and I'm like neither of you, because sometimes it's like, oh, the girl's hot and the guy's ugly, right would you do that? Would I do that?

Speaker 2:

hot girl ugly guy I have done that, so I guess the answer is yes, because I have done that a couple times, but presently no, would you no?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I've only had one threesome in my life, and it was with a girlfriend and a hot girl. I think it needs to be girl heavy for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, I mean that's definitely my preference at the time that I was doing this. The only time that I think it's fun is because, like so, I've had many threesomes sorry to flex on you, um and it's usually and a lot of them was like when I was dating bi girls who would like want a guy in the room and the only reason it worked for me, even though I wasn't wanting to sleep with the guys.

Speaker 2:

It worked for me because it always ended up being this thing of like I'm teaching the guy now how to fuck his girl properly, Right, and so like that worked for me. Yeah, that's kind of hot, yeah, incredibly hot. Like I wasn't really having to do much with the guy I was, I just got to kind of like show him up, um, so yeah, so that worked for me okay in that way and then lex I mean, like people are like trying to get get fucked on lex.

Speaker 2:

They are oh yeah, but I don't know how successful it is for them, but there's no photos, right? Yeah, not that I'm trying to be vain, but like I need, I think they introduced photos, but I don't think they could be, like you know, schlong or or lip you know, like. I don't think that it can be that, um, but like people will absolutely for like years now, we'll like write, like pillow princess looking for you know, it's very in search of.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to sound like an absolute wanker, but um, I'm on Raya.

Speaker 2:

It's okay. I don't want to sound like an absolute wanker, but I'm on Raya, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

I was on Raya too. I'm on Raya, but that feels well the opposite of your experience to field. Everyone seems to be hot, every single person is hot. No one really talks to you, though.

Speaker 2:

No, you know you match with someone and then you just, I guess, look, you just look at each other and just consider how hot you both are, but no one says anything. Yeah, I'm assuming it's like me going after like really hot celebrity women and they're like content creator, influencer. I'm not gonna fuck you.

Speaker 2:

No, I would never put influencer, because then they'd look at my page and they'd be like what um, but content creator or like comedian or whatever, but, um, there's one specific celebrity woman who I'm not even that attracted to, but I she kept first. I feel like I'm like, if it's not a match, take her out of my feed. You know what I mean. Is it cara? Who? Cara delavigne, I would never swipe right on, okay, I'm so sorry, but no, it's um, it was okay. Respect, love her, but she kept coming up on my feed even though, like, clearly she wouldn't. She's not swiping, right, is that?

Speaker 1:

what you mean. Yeah, but I'm like get her out of my feet then, but then I try to show you that there's like hot celebrities on there, so you'll stay maybe because it's 20 a month, yeah, but like I would keep liking it and I'm like, okay, this is cruel. At this point, take her out and we can bleep her name constant reminder that she doesn't want you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, but I've met a couple people on Ryan. It was fine, but what I realized, I had it set to only show me women, and then it would show me women everywhere and it was mostly LA, even though I was had been set to New York. And then if I tried to look at the map specifically for New York, it would give me every gender right. What's up with that user experience?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it's not great but I think it's because there's, I think it's because there's not a bunch of queer people on there. I guess you know what I mean yeah, so it's trying to just find queer people anywhere yeah they should. They should put more queer people on there, they should okay okay, we got distracted.

Speaker 1:

But my corrections corner is that there are many, many nudist speeches in the UK. I said that there was zero. Yeah, apparently there's many, quoting my friend becky, who texted me after the after the episode, and said there is no shortage of nudist speeches in the uk, but there is a shortage of people you'd want to see nude oh, that's what.

Speaker 2:

That's what she said. Okay, kind of like field exactly.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I know I now want to go and field and see what's going on.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure I bet you, you'll go in there and you'll probably you know I'll be proven wrong and whatever. But I also have a particular taste, like everyone has hot redheads. You know, I don't want people out here listening to it, who are on field to think that they're ugly. That feels bad. That feels bad, it's just.

Speaker 1:

I have a particular taste totally hot, which is when I see it. When I see it, no, because brit.

Speaker 2:

I would never put brit in like, oh, she's my, my type. First of all because she's out of my league so I would never even consider it, um. And secondly because I don't have a physical type, it's a personality type oh physically any, anything, anything goes but this is.

Speaker 1:

This is contradictory to what you're saying about field.

Speaker 2:

Well, because it's like when I know it, I see it got it or sorry when I see it yeah, it's, it's, it's a vibe thing, got it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I actually do have another correction, okay that I forgot, because my sister texted me after listening to our episode with Rivka Jorkin it your sister's hot. And my sister was like and I had been talking about my name change and how I want to keep Madi as my last name, cause none of my siblings are going to give Madi to their kids. And she was. She texted me and she goes well. First of all she was like listening to the episode and then like 20 minutes later, was like I to the episode and then like 20 minutes later was like I'm not taking my, my wife's, last name, oh shit.

Speaker 2:

And I was like I just would have assumed, but I guess they don't like that the last name that's cool yeah so that's my that's your correction.

Speaker 1:

Great, I think that's. I think that's all my corrections for the week, okay, so how was your week?

Speaker 2:

my week was great and a fantastic week, a long week I'd say um. And when I was thinking about how I've was great, A fantastic week, a long week I'd say Um. And when I was thinking about how I've been a good boy this week, there's been so many ways I've just been such a exemplary good boy. The way that I'd love to highlight that I've been a good boy is that I finished week three of my strength training program.

Speaker 2:

And you can see biceps on my arms now. No way you can on my arms now. No way you can like see it. You can like see like pec definition on my chest now, like it's not just flat from the top surgery but it's like muscle is building. That's big, and you can see a little bit of trap, which is something I know to say now. Um, on my you know, shoulders, yeah, and it feels really good. That's awesome and I feel strong.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing, yeah, very cool. What about you? So it's my birthday week. Yes, my birthday this week You're a July Leo.

Speaker 2:

July. Leo, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Which Cancer? Leo, you know. Cusp, I hear from the lesbians that that's a good cusp you do. Yeah, that's what I was told, I think on a date. So maybe, maybe, not true, not true?

Speaker 2:

not true, you know, I'm not so qualified cancers are a little scary sometimes really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you're not very cancery. I thought cancers were like like to stay in really homely. Is that wrong, that's?

Speaker 2:

not what I understand them to be. They're so emotional, oh yeah, interesting, like I have a joke in my stand-up set about how both of my parents have survived cancer and then the joke is that I am too, which is why I only date libras. Now that's how scary cancers are to me. Got it? So I have like a cancer mars, cancer, venus, which is aggression and love and sex. Like those planets rule those things and I'm like what I understand that to be is that I'm so emotional in sex, aggression and love. Wow, okay, it's an emotional thing.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god okay and I feel like I'm quite non-emotional yeah, no interesting, but you're a leo through and through, which is like what ego confidence confidence, leadership, charisma, natural leader yeah, so in true leo fashion, I guess in my notes of like how I was a good boy this week I was like my friend baked me a cake for my birthday.

Speaker 2:

How does that? I want to know how that makes you a good boy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just thought it was really beautiful because it's my, he's my best friend, he's a straight dude, and I just thought it was quite a beautiful thing of like a straight dude, he's like a tech bro, you, you know, like baked me a cake from scratch. This is jeff. Yeah, shout out. Um, baked me a cake from scratch, brought it over. We all ate. It was just so sweet, so I just had it in my notes.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I felt very, you know, loved and cared for um and then another um thing that made me feel good this week. None of these things make me a good boy, um, but it made me feel good for the first time my life. A waitress, like slipped me her number while I was having lunch, I know, Were you at lunch with your partner? I was at lunch with an advisor Okay, you know who was a woman and then she was really pissed after she was like that waitress didn't know that we went on a date.

Speaker 2:

I was like they knew was gonna say she was definitely like watching from like the host and the body language and everything.

Speaker 1:

100 yeah and she like slipped it in the in this little like bottle cap. She came over to give us these bottle caps and said if you drop these in these jars, you can choose which charity we give to for the month, right?

Speaker 1:

oh my gosh and in this little bottle cap was a folded up piece of paper and I was like, oh my god, what's this? And I opened it and it was her number and I thought this is so. This is the nicest thing that has ever happened. Yeah, are you gonna use it? No, okay, you know, I think I was gonna text her. I think, what do you think I was gonna text her?

Speaker 1:

I'm not interested in going on a date with her okay um, but I was gonna text her and say like, thank you so much, that made my day and you know. But do you think that's mean to to do to just leave it?

Speaker 2:

I don think it's mean. I think there's no way that you could go wrong here. I think when someone gives a number, especially if it's like server customer, I think you're like throwing something into the wind, and if someone picks it up it's fine, but I don't think it's something where like it'd be really like it wouldn't brave to do.

Speaker 2:

It's so brave and I want to like validate that bravery, yeah you know, made me think god, I never do, you ever do stuff like that only only a couple times, but like I've been a bartender and server my whole life and so I have given out my number before and then I've also gotten a lot of numbers bartending which I have feelings about. I don't. I'm not a fan of it um even though I love being hit on. It makes me feel so good, whatever.

Speaker 2:

There is something and I think I didn't really feel this until the past couple years where it used to be really exciting to me, and now I'm like you know- where I work totally and like I'm being paid to be nice to you, Like I guess there's this like I guess I don't know when the shift happened for me, but I'm like this is my job.

Speaker 2:

I don't really flirt on the job because of just like I don't know when you're bartending and it's so busy, whatever, I'm like so you've perceived this niceness of me in a customer service role and you've perceived that as me hitting on you or maybe you just think I'm cute and you're just shooting your shot, but I'm like it does make me uncomfortable when I'm like if now, what do I do with this? Because you know where I work, you potentially know what shifts I'm like when I'm here and like what. Maybe I don't know, maybe I've just had enough bad experiences with people like repeatedly showing up to my job and like when you're a bartender and someone sits down and like they're by them, they like bring a book and they're just drinking a beer at the bar and they're reading a book to like be there with you. So you're trapped. It's like baby reindeer yeah, exactly you're kind of trapped and so I have.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's like one of those things where it's like a hard and fast rule don't give your number to like bartenders. But it's kind of just like don't come and now like show up and have a regular schedule at my bar totally, it does make sense.

Speaker 1:

I also feel like we've sort of missed, we've lost this idea of like really reading energies. And then, no, not everybody can. But there's like nuance, because sure, give your number to a bartender if they're giving you vibes right like you can feel that yeah but like, maybe don't do it if they're not.

Speaker 2:

But maybe that's hard because you've got to be nice to all customers and you do have to be like that is your job to be nice to all customers. I think there's also like opportunities for like there's been times where I'm like, hey, this was really. But so I guess what I'm thinking about is like I worked at a lesbian restaurant, like lesbian bar, and it's like wait, there's lesbian restaurants there, yeah, just filled with lesbians. It's a Colombian restaurant in Bushwick.

Speaker 2:

And it's run by a Colombian dyke and she's brilliant. It's called my Tay on Central Ave in Bushwick and it's really good and they play like the soccer games on the TV and everything. But I've had the situation where someone gave me their number. They were super duper drunk but they were a regular and so like they would come all the time and then like I didn't do anything with the number. Now you're in every single and and yeah, totally.

Speaker 1:

I guess it's the same the other way too, and I'm going to go about this.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm going to text her and just say like thanks, so much yeah, you know I feel I didn't want to squander your good boy about jeff baking you a cake. I've found a way that it makes you a good boy. Oh my god, to receive the cake. Thank you so much. Clearly you have done something in your friendship with jeff, a cis straight guy, to show him this like brotherly love and like healthy masculinity that he felt comfortable as your gift maybe he got you an additional gift, but like to home bake you a cake, like there. You had to have done something to nurture that friendship that would make him want to do that gesture for you and I think that's what makes you a good boy. I really love that.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, and I like to think I've done that and we have a very special bro. Yeah, you know bromance for sure. Yeah, shout out jeff, shout out jeff. Thank you for the cake it was, it was wonderful oh, brit bought me flowers this week no way beautiful.

Speaker 2:

I forget what they're called that's cute for any particular reason. No, I think. I think just to be really nice, because she loves me cute, beautiful orange flowers I forget what they're called we have. We're pretty limited in what flowers we can take home because of the cats. So many flowers are, oh, like that are toxic to cats um, but they're these beautiful. And she just showed up home from like being out of the house with a bouquet of flowers for me that is adorable.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's definitely done something wrong you're gonna find out about it over the next few days, yeah okay, boys in the news.

Speaker 1:

Okay, boys in the news where we read out headlines without reading the article and tell them whether they have been good boys or bad boys. Trump's assassination getting eclipsed by jd vance's couch story I don't know, just the idea of this, okay, so basically, on Google trends, this is where I got this. On Google trends, it tells you like interest over time of searched things Okay. And then Trump's assassination.

Speaker 2:

I'm just trying to see if who I'm judging is a good boy or a bad boy, I guess we're saying do we like the fact that Vance couch has been Googled more aggressively than Trump assassination? And I would say I do like that, yeah, I do like that.

Speaker 1:

It's a good. Also, I'm like assassination attempt. Let's be clear, come on, I mean still, look, let's use the language we shouldn't? I don't want to encourage this in any way. Please, not encouraging we're encouraging assassinations? I don't want to know. I told you.

Speaker 2:

I told you, uk it is. We cannot. We were not allowed to talk about presidential assassinations in america.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we will have the f. Oh my god, you said that do we can we bleep this out?

Speaker 2:

no, we, we can say this because we're reading a headline. But let's just, let's just be don't come and arrest me.

Speaker 1:

I'm british and I didn't know. Um, listen, let's talk about uh jd vance and this couch. Look, apparently I have to say I read a little bit about it and this is not true and it's like a terrible rumor started by someone. But just hilarious that everyone thinks it's true and it's googling it over and over and over again.

Speaker 2:

I know I'm like I know the page number in hillbilly elegy that they're saying it happens on it's page 178. I have thoughts, though. Please tell me who of us afab folks did not fucking hump an arm of their living room couch to Buffy, the Vampire Slayer or some other horrible TV show in their youth?

Speaker 1:

Yes, have you ever humped a couch? I haven't humped a couch, I've humped a pillow.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so like who amongst us, I've humped stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I've humped stuff. Yeah, I'm not judging him necessarily, it's just Listen. Yeah, I've humped stuff, yeah also.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm not judging him necessarily, it's just listen, I'm not. Also I'm not defending jd, by the way, not defending jd vance but I'm like, on this, we have to be careful what precedent we're setting of shaming fucking couches, when the majority of the lesbian community has a couch, we should probably put that in the poll on this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Have you, have you? Have you humped a couch? What I loved about it, too, was the detail around it, because humping a couch, okay, fine yeah you hump it, you get over it, you move on with your day. This was like an in an inside out, like latex glove that was put between the couch cushions innovation that excites.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, like how is that different than a pocket pussy?

Speaker 1:

yeah, that's what I'm saying, yeah it's innovative. Yeah, we not want an innovative candidate? Yeah well, let's okay no, that was a joke, that was a joke, that was a joke that was a joke, but I'm not.

Speaker 2:

I'm. I'm just like. I'm not bothered by the couch fucking, I'm bothered by many other things of course. It's just so funny that we like it's hilarious, but I'm like can we run with something concrete and legitimate, yeah and and in the process, not shame couch fuckers I'm challenging you because you are so offended by this and it tells me it's funny to have done this multiple, multiple times I was, you know, an adventurous child, sure, also.

Speaker 2:

It's just a stereotype that, like I don't want to get into murky waters, you're talking about, like, being a young girl. That is a fact of life, and you're exploring your body and you're going to help a couch, yeah, yeah, okay. Next headline Mark Zuckerberg is in talks to become a part owner of Supreme. This is so you. I have zero opinions on this you have zero opinions. Well, I will have opinions after you talk.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Here's the thing.

Speaker 1:

Bad boy oh, I forgot it to vote Bad boy, bad boy, bad boy. Oh I forgot it to vote bad boy. But in the sense that, like bad can be good, sometimes look zuck's ridiculous. And so many did. You see that ridiculous fucking interview he did for bloomberg?

Speaker 1:

no no, because it's yeah sorry, um, it's okay. He said I'm not endorsing any candidate at all, but I have to say that, like you know, watching Trump almost get shot and then come up with his fist in the air was badass. He said it was badass and talked about that for a little bit, and so everyone was like well, you have just endorsed someone.

Speaker 1:

I don't understand why all these tech guys that are supposed to be liberal in some sense are like voting for Trump. Anyway, the Supreme thing I don't know if you've this is so niche and everyone's gonna be like kylo, shut up. No one knows anything about this, but zuck has gone from, like you know, wearing only white t-shirts and jeans, and yeah specific shoes to now, like he has a gold chain, his like hair is growing out.

Speaker 2:

Well, hold on, I was. I was duped by a photoshop thing that happened you saw this, yeah, and I turned to brit and I was like he's hot and brick goes.

Speaker 1:

That is literally fake it is fake, but but it was. It was like over exaggerated, yeah, but ultimately he's changing his style here.

Speaker 2:

I was like he kind of looks good yeah, he did, he did look good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, so I feel like this supreme thing is him driving towards this idea of being a little cooler, and I thought that was really funny.

Speaker 2:

Is he just like, trying to like, adapt to like black culture?

Speaker 2:

like is that not just what it is, I don't know putting on a gold chain and thinking you have swag now like I don't know, I don't know it's, it's ridiculous I saw something on twitter the supreme artwork was stolen from a female designer wait I don't have all the facts and maybe we can get a producer check or something, but it was this thread about how supreme copied that like the black, the red background and that type treatment from this, like female designer, graphic designer perhaps, and that she did not sue supreme until supreme sued somebody else for copying their artwork and in the lawsuit cited like took smart and like credited her. And that's when she's sued, but they credited her in it. They were kind of like it's too close to the artwork of of x. Insert this name okay, wait, producer.

Speaker 2:

She was like well, now that you're saying that your artwork is, then it's mine and I can sue you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, wait, producer producer clarification to sue you. Okay, wait, producer clarification.

Speaker 2:

Barbara Kruger.

Speaker 1:

Barbara Kruger.

Speaker 2:

Look and you see that.

Speaker 1:

UCLA art professor and very prolific artist. You'll recognize her work. Oh my gosh, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Good for her. Listen, I've never been able to afford Supreme anything so I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I don't have any horses in the street. To be fair, the only supreme stuff I've ever bought is from second street or you know, like a vintage store. But I'd like to know this. This is good, yeah. Next headline this is this is a throwback to our episode with rivka last week. So the headline is no, the jd and jd vance does not stand for jork and a penis.

Speaker 2:

It's so good I have not much to say about it other than other than it does it does stand for that, so you are a good boy joseph dean.

Speaker 1:

You know I actually have no idea. Is that bad? I don't think that's bad and it was posted by my friend with the caption I stand against misinformation. I saw a thing um on instagram, lots of accounts were talking about it, talking about, like his makeup and his cosmetics that you know cosmetic injections or surgery or whatever he has had to his face and they were paralleling it to. You know, this is gender affirming care and you're really against gender affirming care and you know what do you?

Speaker 1:

what do you think about this? I understand the rationale of it, but I don't love this whole outing somebody or telling someone that they're doing gender-affirming care when they haven't opened that door at all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, can I give you a gentle correction? Yes, those comparisons are for what the hell is his name?

Speaker 1:

Oh my.

Speaker 2:

God, not JD, it's not.

Speaker 1:

JD Vance, it's the other guy. I'm so glad.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for doing this in person, so I didn't get a mad corrections corner in my dms. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, matt gates, yeah, gates, right I'm sorry. Yes, how racist of me too and you know, and you know it was it was racist.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sorry, same questions stands though. What do you think about it?

Speaker 2:

I'm glad that you said this and I have opinions. Great, I'm not a fan of it. I don't like these like gotcha moments, I know. Um, I do agree. It is gender affirming care. Do we need, like an infographic about how? Like, because I think, at the end of the day, like body shaming is body like. I don't think it's a win for us to like dunk on the god, like how about he's awful and he's a predator and he's a republic? He's like a far right extremist and like why not all of that, instead of like he's had botox and face surgery, because then you're, you know by the transient property, like shaming other people for that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know Like it's just not my, it's not my favorite type of like liberal gotcha moment to be like. You've had plastic surgery. You might as well be a drag queen.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Like I don't know. That's not my thing, I don't think it's helping.

Speaker 2:

I don't think it's helping keep drag performer safe. It's the same thing as like I hate it when when liberals are like, oh, this guy hates women so much he must be gay. Like he must be, like closeted. And I'm like you're not helping gay people by saying that like you must be closeted because you're angry and homophobic, right, and you're not. And you're going to make this guy more homophobic by calling him gay.

Speaker 1:

Totally, I don't know so I'm not a fan of it. I agree and it also diminishes the idea of gender and sexuality to these things that we can see yeah which I've. I'm like that is not helping us either and it's not what we're saying you don't have to have had any sort of change to your body aesthetics to be anything yeah right um.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I don't love it I'm like this guy can do whatever he wants with his face. Let's focus on how he's a monster also. Yeah exactly so that's okay. I'm glad you brought that up.

Speaker 1:

Sorry for derailing. I'm sorry for mixing up too white guys literally don't ever let it happen.

Speaker 2:

Um okay, next headline why so many gen zers and millennials have, quote unquote, money dysmorphia, even if they are financially better off than they?

Speaker 1:

realize. Listen, the person that wrote this article is a bad boy. Yeah, in my opinion, I think we're saying that millennials and Gen Zers feel like they don't have any money, when actually they have money right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they think that they're like we're catastrophizing it right that feels completely untrue on so many statistical levels.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, we're poor. We can't afford to buy assets, houses I will never buy a house in my life, definitely not, no, definitely not whereas our parents, who are I'm yeah, I assume, our parent sort of generation that have written this article, are able to do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, also like I'm just like who I'm so transparent about my fine, like I'd be happy, like let's literally open up my bank account. Like no, we don't. Like I am seventy thousand dollars in student loan debt and I went to a state school and I like got graduated cum laude for my four-year degree. I went and I got my master's degree and like everyone's like, you're guaranteed to make x amount of money and this amount of thing. If you do these things and I did all those things and look at me, seventy thousand dollars and that's low. Like if I went to a private school, I would be like 150 300 000 debt and then, plus you tack on um, what is it? I'm so gonna get this wrong. Things are like seven times the price. Meanwhile, like salary and salary and minimum wage rates that's hard for me to say with my speech impediment have remained the same. The price of housing has gone up. It's bullshit. Fuck these guys.

Speaker 1:

It is bullshit. I'm also in lots of debt. I have a bit of credit card debt and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I think I'm in 20K of UK student loan debt.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I thought all that shit was free over there it's, but it's pretty free. I mean, no, it's not free when I was it's. It's slowly got more expensive each year. So I think my sister, who's like four years older than me, paid a thousand pounds a year for three years for university, which is insane. Then when I came four years later, it was three grand. But then because we didn't, they also give you in the uk save. You don't have like parents to help you out while you're at university and it's in a different city.

Speaker 1:

They give you these like very cheap loan grant things to live exactly so. So that's why mine's like 20, because we didn't have any cash. So it's like the three years of 3k and then a bunch of like money to live on and then interest, and then interest, yeah absolutely. There's interest and do you guys have interest.

Speaker 1:

No, um, we do have interest. But what's shitty is that I feel like the uk and I'm going to get this all wrong and my uh friends that are into politics are going to say shut up. But I feel like the uk is driving slowly towards us mentality because the interest on all these things are going up. Apparently the NHS is like slowly which people don't know. We have sort of like universal medical that is free. I mean, everything is free in theory. You often have to wait. It sounds really sexy, but you might have to wait like two years to get a surgery. That's pretty serious. So there's all the problems with it. But apparently the NHS is starting to get privatized and there's all these things going on. So I apparently that's the nhs is starting to get privatized and there's all these things going on, so I don't even know that we're any better than than what's going on in the us?

Speaker 1:

yeah, damn so anyway this, whoever wrote? We should reach out to the person that wrote this.

Speaker 2:

We are all poor factually not in a dysmorphia or dysphoria, it's saying dysmorphia and I'm also like shut the fuck up like shut up. Stop bringing that into this yeah, yeah dysmorphia. Well, I don't like, I I don't know. Maybe, yeah, maybe we should read it. I just hate this, like using these buzzwords to be like I don't know, to gaslight. That is what that is. Is gaslighting?

Speaker 2:

it's the same shit as like millennial, like gen z doesn't want to get up and work I know and I'm like I mean, there's just some of the I'm kidding, I agree, I'm fine, we can get into it listen, every group of people have the bad apples and I think that I have, yes, worked with gen z, people who do not want to fucking work, and then all they do is complain about working. I get it. I've seen that. I'm happy to go on record and say that that has to exist in every other generation.

Speaker 1:

100, there's just no way, someone reminded me of this the other day I was talking to an advisor and they were like everyone's complaining about gen z, but I used to complain about millennials in the same way yeah, and I think yeah, people just don't like the generation below them.

Speaker 2:

It's like when you're a senior, you don't like the juniors, because it's like who are you?

Speaker 1:

yeah, totally I'm gonna debate with myself, probably now, but what annoys me, I guess, is that what I love about gen z is the information, the education layer that everyone has around, like what they're worth and value, um, because I feel like my generation didn't really have that and so, for example, there was just the, the discrepancy, and what women and men were paid was super. I think we're still it's still super high, but I think there's more education around what you're worth, what you can ask for, what you should ask for. You know, you know, um, what employers should give you.

Speaker 1:

But then, on the other side of that, it's like people aren't willing, I don't think, to like work super, super hard yeah, and work their way up the ranks in the same way, because I feel like when I came out university I was like I don't know anything and I have no experience, so I'm just gonna like do an internship for like basically nothing and like work super hard and get it done, whereas I feel I don't hear that a lot as much with gen z. They're like hey, well, what you said, I have 100k worth of debt. Yeah, and I need a good job and I need to earn, you know, 75k out of uni yeah so I get it, but it's also.

Speaker 2:

It's a big shift from what I had, and so you're always gonna have that like hey, I worked really hard for a very long time for no money, you know I'm a gen z millennial cusp and I think that comes out a lot with these things like this, I have an incredible work ethic, but I but I'm also like anti-establish, you know, like in the same uh, same uh sentence basically, and I think that in some instances it's okay to hustle and and work out long hours sometimes and put in that extra effort to get that promotion or to secure that paycheck or whatever do I think you need to be like worked like a dog and like treated like shit all the time absolutely not. But I think like this idea that you shouldn't have to hustle or you shouldn't have to like really put in the time and sometimes work over hours and stuff.

Speaker 2:

I'm like that's not abuse Right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like it's, it's sure, like abuse exists in workplaces and stuff like that, but like I don't know, I think that sometimes Gen Z will put words to something and be like how horrible is it that I had to like work an hour late and I'm like girl I know that happens sometimes, but I'm caught.

Speaker 1:

You know what? I'm trying to find a balance with these things all the time because obviously I have a company that's not a secret but I I hate a lot of the companies I've worked for for all of these reasons, and so I'm trying to like create a new type of company, but then also we need people to work hard and do it, otherwise we're not going to be able to get our products out to people and make stuff and yeah you know.

Speaker 1:

So it's a balance, I think. But anyway, this isn't a finance podcast, but equity solves this problem, I think, or at least help solve this problem which I know my ipad can I say something to you?

Speaker 2:

yeah, some of our listeners might not even know what you mean by saying equity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally so. So for them, which is my company, we give away tiny pieces of the company to our employees as salary. They still get paid a salary, but on top of that, it's like a little sweetener that over time, parts of the company drip out to employees and all companies. Well, no, that's not true. Some companies do that and it's really cool, um, but um, I love it because, as we're talking about, we can't buy houses, we don't have asset wealth, and so this creates, I think, a bit of intergenerational wealth, at least for the small amount of people that work for us yeah um, so that if anything ever happens with the company, we sell it, we get some more money into it, whatever it is, um, then all the employees will get a big payout and that feels like at least we're all working towards the same yeah welcome.

Speaker 1:

This is now trans boy finance.

Speaker 2:

Well listen one episode. I will have you sit here and like mansplain finance to me, because, as you do it to me, I think everyone listening will also get it, because you just are good at that and I'm not. Thank you appreciate it. You're welcome. Well, thanks, question, of course, thanks, yeah, yeah, it's a compliment. I'm not financially.

Speaker 1:

I'm not very financially literate I'm super financially literate, but it doesn't always translate into like I said. I have a bunch of credit card debt and shit going on. I think we all, you know, are the same in that way. But yeah, happy to talk about it. Yeah, do we have more headlines? We have one more headline. Okay, here we go. Pete budaj is sorry. Pete budaj's masterclass fox news interview takes off online. So you, you gotta tell me about this, because I didn't see it yeah, and first of all I'm gonna say, oh, sorry yeah, I mean boy.

Speaker 2:

I've said I like him yeah, I've said this before on the on the podcast. I don't like any politicians, just like as a general. You know, baseline rule is like they are there to earn my support and not for me to admire them. You know, makes sense Because we have been burned so many times.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but so this I actually saw. I saw it on TikTok, my number one news source, and you know it was very interesting. He went on Fox News, which like in and of itself is like whoa, and he just like showed up with the fucking facts and he spoke very eloquently and he knew what he was doing and he just like dispelled a bunch of incorrect information about crime rates and like all these Trump, like Trump's campaign promises from the last campaign and how he has not fulfilled them, even though the right things that he has and kind of like showing like the actual data of like what's happened under Biden's administration versus Trump's. And I think that's doing something like that on Fox news is pretty fucking powerful because of the people you know. I mean, if you're watching Fox news, who knows how you receive your information anyway, but I think it was a pretty cool thing to do pretty good boy thing to do did he get annihilated by whoever was interviewing him?

Speaker 1:

were they being very aggressive? No not at all interesting. Yeah, I mean, that's kind of cool. Yeah, you know what I don't get? I was gonna say in this country, but actually it could just be a lot of countries. You know, I was like half watching the um, the, the debate, or no, I wasn't half watching, I watched 45 minutes of it and then was like I can't do this anymore. Um, but the amount of like why we're not fact checking live, like why someone says I don't, we should right.

Speaker 1:

We should do a thing where someone says something and if it's a lie, statistically untrue, we should have a buzzer that says no, yeah, no, dude lie, yeah, but we don't. And so then people are listening to it, not knowing what's true and what's not and just taking it and then it becomes this like weird you know charm fest, where it's just who is loudest, and you know, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, in this case it was like who can put a string of fucking sentences? I guess it's going to be a little political during this election.

Speaker 1:

It is going to be a little bit we've said nothing about. I mean, I saw a video of Kamala getting a call from the Obamas. Did you see that? Fake, fucking phone call. That phone call didn't happen well, it did, but like it was probably not organically also there's this rumor going around that Obama cheated on. Michelle, with Jennifer Aniston, shut your mouth, shut your mouth. I don't want to hear that.

Speaker 2:

Because in the video, kamala answers and goes oh, you're both there together. Everyone's like see. It's weird that they're definitely separated, because why would she be surprised that they're?

Speaker 1:

there together.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like Jen Aniston.

Speaker 1:

Do you believe?

Speaker 2:

that I don't probably no.

Speaker 1:

In my mind he's dedicated to Michelle. I would hope so.

Speaker 2:

I think so I would support her lemonade moment. If she's getting cheated on, holy crap, no way.

Speaker 1:

Also, Jen wouldn't do that.

Speaker 2:

She doesn't feel like a homewrecker like that. The combination of you calling her jen and like saying she wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

We're friends, we're not no, I, I guess she's. She's been homewrecked. She's been homewrecked. That's what I mean. She's not a homewrecker.

Speaker 2:

Anybody could be a homewrecker have you homewrecked, like, have I taken someone's girl or whatever? Yeah, never in like, only for straight couples, so it doesn't count. In my early 20s I was hooking up with a lot of girls in bar bathrooms while their boyfriends were at the bar. Yeah, okay, but they never left the boyfriend for me, right Ever.

Speaker 1:

So it's not like I never home wrecked but I was the cheat, like I helped people cheat. Is this a universal trans boy experience I've had? I mean a lesbian experience. I've had this a bunch yeah from it was.

Speaker 2:

It was definitely. It was like cis lesbian era for me yeah, yeah it was very like drinking and coke heavy times for me as well. The boyfriends were like really scary, muscular, like men and I'm like I could have gotten my shit rocked?

Speaker 1:

no, because they wouldn't even count it as cheating.

Speaker 2:

This is the in my earlys they're like oh, you can kiss a girl, that's true, you know yeah when they should be very worried. They should be worried what I was doing in the bathroom. Give me an eight. Give me an eight ball okay, let's talk about content.

Speaker 1:

What media are you consuming right now?

Speaker 2:

we just finished the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders docuseries on Netflix. I haven't even heard of this. It is really good and really well done and I have so many feelings about it. We watched it like over the course of like two to three days. It's a docuseries so like are you, how are, how familiar, are you here? I?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm very not mineplain it dallas cowboys like one of the biggest institutions, organizations in america. It is dallas, texas. It's their cowboy team, it's their football team I was like not following it's their football team.

Speaker 2:

they're called cowboys, and they have these dancers, the cheerleaders, called the dallas. They're america's sweethearts, great and um, not every nfl team like has a giant cheerleading team, but they do, and it's the president of the cheerleading team is the daughter of Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, and so it's just huge money. Like people love the those girls as much as they do the NFL players, and so they go through this rigorous audition where you have to like they take like 500 girls from like an online submission, take them down, make them all solo audition and then you go through train training camp.

Speaker 2:

oh, my god and it's this intense thing and it reminded me a lot of like, sorority life, of like when I was in a sorority of like you have to have your hair right, this right. Like a girl, a 50 year old woman, will, woman, will say to your face that your eyebrows look fucked and like you'll and like give you an eating disorder. It's like so crazy. Um, but I kept fighting with myself the whole time watching it, because I'm like this is awful, this is all these girls want, though. So in my head, I'm like this is borderline abuse. But they're the ones experiencing it and they're like this is part of this, is what it takes. This is why this is so coveted and why I've worked so hard for it. But here's the here's the thing. So they go through all this.

Speaker 2:

It's during the football season, the head captain, who's like a fourth year veteran, a fucking nurse. During the day, so she's like 7 am to 4 pm4 pm. She's a private nurse for a girl with disabilities, and then she clocks in and is like the most coveted one, a world-class athlete, by the way. This is not easy stuff that they're doing. They're jumping into splits and another girl's an orthodontist. Someone is a financial advisor, like an accountant, and so you have these. And so there's all this talk about how they're underpaid. I think these girls make like 75 K and but they have like jobs on top of it. It's wild. There's like legacy anyway. So you they always have like a reality show about the auditions, but this is the first time that it's like documentary team that like interviews the girls that they like go back to jersey to like see what their home life is like.

Speaker 2:

It's really intriguing very cool and it made me respect that. Not that I didn't respect them I didn't know anything about them but it made me be like, oh my god, this is like real shit, this like they're such athletes, they're so strong, but it's toxic, and of course it's. I can't talk about this without saying how white it is right, like during you're watching the auditions and like there's, to begin with, it's like nine, it's nine to one the ratio here, and then, like they cut four black and brown girls and I was like, are you?

Speaker 1:

fucking kidding me. Yeah, that's fucked. I was gonna say this reminds me of bring it on. Do you watch? Yeah, oh my god, yes, yeah, like how it's like rivalry of like east of like compton.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean it's. It's not like that, but it's just like there's 36 girls on the team and maybe four of them are women of color. Yeah, fuck it's fucked.

Speaker 1:

I love when people have like day jobs and then passions that are like real you know incredible passions, yeah it reminds me of that. Did you watch um? This isn't what. This isn't a movie I've watched recently, but um, is it called the worst girl in the world?

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen it. You haven't, no, but I've. I know people love it and I know you should watch it. Art of it.

Speaker 1:

You should watch it, it's it's a really good movie, but there's an amazing actor in there and I don't know his name so I'm gonna butcher it, so I won't do it, but he, um, he's a doctor or surgeon in the day and then just did this like as a like a side thing yeah and it was unreal anyway that just reminded me of that.

Speaker 2:

Well, brit and I kind of like disagreed on it because she's sitting there and she's like, like if you're a nurse, like what are you doing? Like why do you want to be a cheerleader and subject yourself to this abuse? And and like feeling bad about yourself and this rigorous routine. And I'm like brit, like you have a day job and then you're a brilliant comedian, like it's the same thing. You're a comic. Like why it's a, it's a passion, it's it's this, it's an honor, it's a privilege to be a dallas cowboys cheerleader and that's what they want. They grew up fans of the organization and maybe their mom, whatever. But I'm like I could say the same to you. Like you work hard all day. Like why bother going on stage and telling jokes? I'm like because it's what you're passionate about. Right, a hundred percent.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, and we'd be.

Speaker 2:

you know, we must mention specifically has more than one gig just because, oh yeah, it's needed to live, exactly, yeah, okay, so great, so I'll watch that netflix. Yeah, um, I'm trying to think if there's anything else. Oh, I saw twisters. What is that? Uh, twister from 1996, the year I was born, is just like a classic, uh like tornado chasing movie, and so they did like a. I don't know if they're considering it a remake or just like a revival, but it's twisters and it's with glenn powell, who I'm really charmed by, love them. So he's a white cis het dude.

Speaker 1:

That just you love a sweet. You love a sweet white, straight cis het dude he just like.

Speaker 2:

I like, I've liked everything that he's been in wait. Hold on, what'd you say? That I like a sweet? Oh, like when they're sweet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just like it's this charm, like the aiden thing, the you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm just like you remind me of like again, what has taught me to be a good boy, because, like you're well-mannered and you're nice, whatever. I'm charmed by glenn powell. I've liked everything that I've seen him in and it's daisy, edgar jones, nice british and, um, it was really good. I was like movies are back, like I saw it in the theaters and it's just like one of those things where I'm like, oh, there's no political comment, like there's no. I don't know, I'm just like I don't have to worry about anything. But like watching these guys chase tornadoes. There was not. There wasn't even a sex scene. There's one kiss in the entire movie. I don't know, I'm just like I was able to shut off my brain and just be entertained for two or so hours and it was really fun.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I need to go to the movies.

Speaker 2:

I haven't been, yeah, so long it's like my third weekend in a row going. I gotta be an AMC Stubbs member. Oh, you are one, I gotta.

Speaker 1:

Be well now I'm like at this volume um, I didn't watch that much this week because my birthday week and I was out and about, you know, being birthday boy, but I did see that todd phillips released on instagram another snippet of um the joker 2 trailer. Oh, and I am incredibly excited. I couldn't be more excited when I, if I can be honest, when I first heard that lady gaga was going to be in it. I like her, by the way, I think like she's, you know, I think she's dope and I think she stands for good stuff. And, um, I read a thing the other day about her um making her lawyers fire diddy because they were they were representing him and it's her lawyers and she was basically like you, can you fire?

Speaker 2:

him or I'm out. Yeah, I thought that was really cool, that is cool.

Speaker 1:

So I really like her, um, but, um, I don't think that she's the best actress personally. Oh, come on, you know what I mean. I struggled with Star is Born. I struggled hard, okay, I know everyone loved it and it's a controversial view, yeah, but I really struggled. Yeah, that's fine, you know, but anyway. So when I heard that she was in it, I was like, oh, I don't know, cause, like Joaquin's, so good and, like you know, but the trailer looks unreal. Yeah, I'm very excited for it and so let's see maybe she'll surprise me and she'll be great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do you think she's good?

Speaker 2:

um, like an actress, yeah, I have no like to stand on with giving acting notes to anybody. What I do think is really funny is that, like this is now her second time. I'm sure she's acted more, but like it was, a star is born and now it's this. She did that, gucci. Oh yeah, I didn't watch that. I didn't watch either.

Speaker 2:

Um, I was like nope, but I heard she was in it and oh, and I mean she was like in the woods in american horror story roanoke but she's just like humping things in the woods in like two times speed.

Speaker 2:

she keeps doing this thing in interviews where she just like explains acting and everyone keeps thinking it's yeah. People on twitter like it's so funny that when she does these so for this one she's talking, she's like, well, obviously, like I'm lady gaga, right? So like I am a singer, I'm a performer, but now I'm playing a character who sings, but it's not lady gaga, so I had to really figure out how to sing as this character. And everyone's like Whoa, yeah, that's acting. That is quite literally what that is. And she did the same thing for press tours for a star is born, where she's like I forget what she was saying for that one, but it was kind of just like so like I had to just become this other person and you're like yeah, that's the definition of acting, so that's the definition of acting, so that's it.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I haven't watched that much, but I I I will have a look at the documentary next week, but you just said um, what is it called that? You said lady gaga was in the star is born.

Speaker 2:

No, uh, oh, american horror story. Do you watch? That I did, did you watch?

Speaker 1:

it with kim in no, I did not.

Speaker 2:

I stopped watching. After Apocalypse, I want to say Okay. It was just getting so bad. Oh really, I love everybody involved in those shows. Well, I don't know, I'm not going to think of everybody, so if someone's canceled in it assume that I don't support them.

Speaker 1:

But I love it. Dude, you can't assume that because they've been canceled they're a bad person.

Speaker 2:

If they are a bad person, assume that I don't support them. I am using those interchangeably and perhaps I should not. If they are rightfully canceled, we should talk about cancellation. Yeah, we should. American Horror Story Asylum is some of the best, and Murder House up until the ending some of the best television I've ever seen.

Speaker 1:

I've never watched it. It's fantastic. I I don't watch it because I don't love horror. I'm scared, yeah it's scary and then I can't sleep and it's just like it infiltrates my life too much okay, I love horror.

Speaker 2:

Asylum is really. Why am I blanking on the other? The first three were murder house, asylum and coven. I want to say which which Stevie Nicks comes?

Speaker 1:

in on.

Speaker 2:

But Roanoke was awful, which is the one that Lady Gaga's in Hotel I could not watch, even though that's everyone's favorite Anyway. But I stopped watching after a little while because it got bad.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I was wondering if I haven't really watched Kim in it, but I wondered. I heard that there was lots of critics saying that she was really good.

Speaker 2:

And I was surprised. I'm like are we saying good for kim? You know what I mean. Like, is it like I was so?

Speaker 1:

surprised. She was good, yeah, yeah, 100, sure, but no again, no gay stuff, I don't know there's not a lot of.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying, of course there's a lot of gay stuff happening. There's not a lot of gay stuff happening right now that I'm either interested in or have not watched already. Have you finished bridgeton? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah like way finished.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, like when I was talking to you about it in like episode one I had finished and they just okay. So this is fun. They just announced that the so they each season focuses on a different character and like gives them the full, like the majority of the episodes, and the fourth season will be benedicts, which is the bisexual guy.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so the fourth season will focus on the bisexual guy and he's, you know, bopping around, having threesomes and stuff. Bisexual pride, bisexual pride. People are gonna be like bisexual people don't have I mean they do, you can be.

Speaker 1:

I mean you can have a threesome and I'll be bisexual, yeah, question mark yeah, absolutely yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that's exciting. I was hoping it was going to be claudia's um, not me using the actress's name, um, I forget the character's name, but the one that like, the one that's like asexual, that everyone wants to be a lesbian, but the showrunners are like hey, just because she's not interested in men doesn't mean she has to be interested in women she could just be interested in, like herself great, and her pursuits and so I think that's cool.

Speaker 1:

Um, I think it's tea time. Oh my god, tea time I forgot yeah, have you thought about it well, I think that's all I think about tell me.

Speaker 2:

Well, so I am. I just did my 17th shot. I think is what it is 17 and you're doing them weekly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 17 weeks I know, isn't that crazy. April 5th, my ex-boyfriend's birthday, was. The last one was the first one. I went to a mets game with my. My parents like brought three like me and my two siblings and our partners to the mets game and it, and it was like bring your kids to the Mets game day. Um, which was really cute. My mom was like, are you sick? And I was like she was like, no, that's just your voice. So she like recognized that my voice got deeper, which was really cool and, like my brother who's so hairy, was really fun. I got to show off my new muscles to them and they were impressed. Um, but yeah, I, uh, I'm 17 weeks. Nothing hugely different. My voice is definitely getting deeper.

Speaker 2:

I have since shaved my mustache. I was holding on to it. I got one singular tiktok comment that was like from a cis dude. That was like, hey, little bro, gotta shave that mustache. And I was like, okay, literally all it takes is one person. I'm so bad, I'm not a role model in that way, but I shaved it and, um, how do you feel? It feels great. I mean, I listen, it's gonna come back. What's really keeps coming back is under my chin. It's so like I shave it every day and like three hours later it's back.

Speaker 2:

I'm not exaggerating when I say that, um, I feel stronger, I'm feeling myself put on muscle. What else? Um, yeah, a little bit of acne, but I think it's. I don't think it's like acne from the tea, I think it's from. I think I have to do a better job, like exfoliating when I shave my face. Okay, um, to avoid that.

Speaker 1:

And horny, just horny, every week horny yeah I'm trying to feel good about that, though I do feel good yeah I think it's not like distracting, it's not like ruining your life or anything like that. Are you, like you know, dissociating about sex while you're, while you're no?

Speaker 2:

absolutely not. But it is the same, as I said last time, where it's like if I'm home alone, I'm like all right let's jerk off. I'm like I'm home alone. I finished my work.

Speaker 1:

What else is it to do? All right, let's jerk off, but no other than that. Yeah, yeah. But what about you? I suppose I keep saying over and over again it's my birthday. But we went to um like an outdoor bar space and had a few of my friends around and I wore like a really tight tank and a pair of shorts and I felt like for the first time and I like caught myself in the mirror, like in the window mirror, and I was like for the first time, I feel like my muscles are coming in.

Speaker 1:

My chest feels really good and I felt like really good and affirmed, you know yeah, which was really amazing, but I think that I love what you said about your workout getting your chest. It's really. By the way, I found it really hard to build my chest muscle after top surgery. It was like almost like concaved. Yeah, um, I don't, but my right side still is.

Speaker 1:

It's really only my left, but they say I'll get there and I didn't realize that they were coming in, like my chest was coming in so much. But then having a really tight shirt on and seeing that, and then I was like this is really cool. But you know what I didn't realize. Maybe this is something to do with the surgery, but I thought that I used to work on my chest when I had breasts and so I thought I was building muscle under there.

Speaker 1:

But then they did the top surgery and then everything feels like it's just been completely removed but it shouldn't be anything to do with the muscle right.

Speaker 2:

The muscle should be underneath they leave a little bit of yeah, please don't make me get into I don't know, please don't ask me to go through the layers of thermos. But yes, I know what you mean, you know and I was like it's completely concaved.

Speaker 1:

It looks like I've never worked on my chest in my life maybe someone could, maybe someone smart, a doctor or someone can answer this for us.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I'm sure some of that muscle went with the tissue, but also could have just been from like sitting on your ass for two weeks at when you were recovering and that could have just gone away a little bit, or it just looks different, I don't know and I'm talking to my doctor about upping my tea um, because I'm only on four.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I've ever said this one because I didn't know it, but I'm only on four milligrams. Okay, she's like with the gel. Okay, um, that's because and we can get into this, maybe next episode, but that's because I'm trying to freeze my eggs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I have to do that first. So I'm doing that in like September, October, and then I'll start like upping my testosterone a little bit. So we should maybe talk about fertility at some point.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, absolutely, because I also did that perfect cervix, by the way, not to brag I was like surely I have to have something wrong. And he was like it looks great, how did? You feel, did they do that thing where they like, clump open your body and I wasn't clamped like I am at the gyno sometimes that's what I'm saying, but he just lubed up a an internal ultrasound wand got it he just lubed that up and I am very dysphoric, but I have a lot of bottom dysphoria yeah and so it's just the what.

Speaker 1:

It's my worst moment going to the gyno and doing all these things do you have that on them?

Speaker 2:

no, surprisingly, not because I'm still like down for penetration, nice. But but I, I I mean, I don't know if this is gross to hear, but this is just a reality of like being a transit. Going to the doctor, I was on my period and I'm sitting doing the consult with him, right, and he was like well, if you want right now, like part of this consultation, we can do an ultrasound. We'll just count and see where you are. And so I was like okay, but and he was so funny, he was so affirming, he like knew, he was like not just calling it testosterone, but he was like, oh, cause you're on T and you won't want to go back off T, like trying to explain it, like he knew what he was talking about.

Speaker 2:

And so I'm sitting there and I was like, um, I'm on my, on my my period right now, now, so I don't think we should do the ultrasound. He was like, are you kidding me? Like I do ultrasounds on people menstruating all the time. And I was like, oh, but I have a tampon in. And he was like we have tampons.

Speaker 1:

Like it was kind of just like why are you so worried?

Speaker 2:

and I'm like okay, but you're gonna like enter me when I'm on my period and he did and I didn't. That was the only thing that was dysphoric, because then I like got up from the exam and there's like a little because like I bleed you know and so and that was the only thing that was like dysphoric but I was.

Speaker 2:

I I thought I had probably so many things wrong with my cervix. I was like there's probably a cyst or two or like something, and he was like they look great, and then my egg count is normal. So that's so cool. Well, average.

Speaker 2:

I should say and you're still bleeding heavily, even on the t uh, yeah, maybe not as bad, but and it's like a different kind of blood I don't know how to describe it interesting but yeah, god, because I was hoping that would go away. My doctor said it just depends. Sometimes it just like goes away for people. Sometimes it gets worse before it goes away. I don't know that there's like an exact science to it well, tea time, tea time sounds like it's going well.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, it sounds like it's going well, it's going very well, yeah, yeah, I feel great. I feel energetic and horny too, but maybe not as much as you I guess I wish I was feeling a little bit more energy.

Speaker 2:

That everyone keeps talking about that. You feel on on tea. I'm not bouncing out of bed in the morning and I'm not like running down the street, I don't know. Like that's what everyone says I have. I have to be patient, but like I don't feel any uptick in energy levels really yeah interesting at all, it's wild it's funny because you feel so horny.

Speaker 1:

In my mind those two things sort of come together. You know, I rarely feel really lazy and really horny at the same time. I often am am feeling really energetic. I'm really horny yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, I wouldn't say that it's lazy, it's just like it's this like baseline, like I'm a pretty active.

Speaker 1:

I wasn't calling you lazy, I got to say that, but it's like more, like mental horniness, and it's a different kind of horniness. Like now I want to watch. Someone told me yesterday that they watch. The answer I feel like you're gonna know they watch porn on twitter. Oh x, oh, okay, is that it? And I had no idea that that was a thing um, yeah, I mean you.

Speaker 2:

You can get away with posting some pretty explicit stuff on on twitter, for sure but that's not where, not like posting there like I mean, yeah, that's well because you like post a teaser and then you have, like, your only fans in the bio.

Speaker 2:

So it's kind of like you like this, come see the full video there, because, because it's, it's allowed on there right, um, without it, fucking with, like your community guidelines or whatever. But I'm scrolling through my feed and I see lip, that's's wild. Yeah, I had no idea I'll be on the subway Totally and I'm like whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like fuck Once again.

Speaker 2:

not saying you shouldn't be allowed to post that, but I should probably find a way to filter yeah, and sometimes it will be like explicit content Do you want to see this and you have to click yes but it's not always the case.

Speaker 1:

Damn, yeah, I'm just shocked, I didn't realize, because obviously instagram, you, you show up in a nap and it, yeah, has a meltdown?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I don't know. I'm just. I'm on a, a porn site, and I'm like the one where the girl enjoys it. That's what I'm like looking for search search results zero. Yeah, I'm like female orgasm.

Speaker 1:

All right, okay, that's it good boy kylo, good boy marty, thanks so much, thank you.

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