The Website Success Show: SEO & Website Tips For Local & Online Businesses Who Want More Website Traffic & Sales

004: Don't Let Your Website Visitors Bounce: Optimise Your Hero Section & Make More Sales!

Julie White Season 1 Episode 4

Hero Sections: The Key to Keeping Visitors on Your Website

In this episode, we're diving deep into the world of hero sections – the topmost visible area of your website that holds immense power over your visitor's first impression. Learn why this section is crucial for grabbing attention, conveying your value proposition, and guiding users to take action.

Key takeaways:

  • Prioritize benefits over features: Highlight how your product or service will improve the lives of your target audience.
  • Keep it simple and clear: Avoid jargon and make sure your message is easily understandable, even for those not familiar with your industry.
  • Use visuals strategically: High-quality images or videos can enhance your message and create a visually appealing experience.
  • Incorporate trust elements: Showcase testimonials, awards, or guarantees to build credibility.
  • Optimize for mobile: Ensure your hero section looks great and functions well on all devices.
  • Don't forget the call to action: Guide visitors towards the action you want them to take with a clear and compelling CTA.

Remember, your hero section is the gateway to your website's success. By crafting a captivating and informative experience, you can significantly increase your chances of converting visitors into loyal customers.

If you're looking for expert guidance on optimizing your website's hero section, consider booking a Power Hour to get personalized advice and strategies tailored to your specific needs.

Tune in to this episode for actionable tips and insights on how to create a hero section that not only stops visitors from bouncing but also drives conversions and boosts your bottom line.

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Introduction to Hero Sections

Hi!  So, I wanted to talk this morning about hero sections. This is the most important section on any webpage, I think. I, I, I know I have a habit of saying this is really important, this is really important, and also this is really important and there are so many important parts of your webpage.

So whether I'm talking about your website, your landing page, a sales page, whatever you wanna call it, that page on the internet that you are sending people to, or hopefully they're finding. without you having to actually send them there manually. 

Importance of the Hero Section

It's really important that that first section before they start scrolling.

So whether you want to call it the hero section, you want to call it above the fold, above the scroll, whatever it is, it's basically that bit before they start moving down the page. And hopefully, I mean, The ideal scenario is they see that hero section in this, they fall so in love with what you say there that they just click straight away on that button.

Realistically, that doesn't happen. We just want to capture people's attention there to  let them know that what they landed on was the page that they were actually expecting and hopefully just keep them scrolling down to that next section and then the next section and then the next section until they do take that action that you want them to take.

So when you're thinking about your hero sections on each page, I would especially if you're first starting to do this and just first starting to think about how can I change my messaging? How can I make this better? How can I make it clearer? How can I improve my conversion rates? Oh, my conversion optimization.

Crafting Compelling Headlines

Think about what else is missing from the page first, because sometimes you can get really stumped on the hero section, and especially on trying to craft a compelling headline for that hero section. And it can trip us up and we can end up spending hours, days, thinking about something which you realistically you probably will come back and change it again really you know i can't tell you how many times i've changed my h1 heading on my home page like and it's still it's still evolving i still still not happy with it still not 100 percent like yeah that sounds great and i know it will keep changing and this is where we can just keep trying and testing things I would say, think about the other, other sections on your page first.

So make sure that you've got the, um, you've got the trust, you've got your authority, you've got the important information throughout the page. Make sure you've got something in the hero section, but don't spend hours and days and things on it. without them doing anything on the rest of the page.

Sometimes it's easier, especially if you're talking about a sales page or something like that.

Focusing on Benefits Over Features

Sometimes it's easier to think about the features before you start thinking about the benefits, but that from a, from a customer point of view, and from a visitor point of view,  the benefits are the most important part, but it's not always easy.

Sometimes you can, you can sort of start making a list of, okay, this is what's included with this product. And that's like,  A fact based thing. So it makes it easier for you then to, to  compartmentalize that in your brain or to actually just start that process of doing it. So, start with the easier sections first on a page.

If I'm doing a power hour and we're just looking, focusing on one particular page, then we won't necessarily start with that first. The top of the page will look at what are the easier things first that we can do. And sometimes it's as easy as actually thinking about, okay, what do I need in my footer?

What do I need in my navigation menu? If it's not a sales page and you have got a navigation menu, thinking about whether that's clear.

Practical Tips for Hero Sections

But I've gone off on a bit of a tangent because I'm talking about hero sections today. So even, even if you think, okay, right, I'm going to dive straight in with my hero section.

I'm going to start thinking about that. Or I've done the rest of the page and I'm ready to now tackle my hero section. And I don't want to say tackle because actually that does make it sound like it's harder than it needs to be. We've got AI to help us. We can just, we can ask our customers, ask people  what they think of it and whether it's clear.

So the most important thing when we come into that hero section is that people understand what we do, how it's going to make their life better and what they need to do to get that. So the, what we do that can be part of either literally naming what we do or naming. How we help people naming what problems they're dealing with and how what we we do is going to help them with that, basically.

So we want to try and have features in this hero section. We want to try and have a headline that's going to  grab their attention  and be something around either, as I say, what problems they're  suffering with or they're experiencing and how we can help them with that. Ideally, if we can have three features, no, I keep saying features, benefits, benefits, benefits, benefits.

If we can have three benefits  within that hero section, very clear and compelling and  No, just so anybody could look at it. So my my 80 year old mom, my eight year old nephew could look at it and have an idea about what you do. And obviously if you are in an industry where you're, where it is very techie and you're kind of almost trying to exclude people who aren't right for you, then again, making sure that that,  is  the right sort of messaging there really.

For most of us, when we're not in that, you know, certainly most of us here, we're not in those techie industries where we actually are trying to exclude people who aren't ready to work with us at this point. We want it to be clear and, and you know, for the majority, people could look at it and understand what we do.

Ensuring Clarity and Responsiveness

So when you're thinking about that as well,  Think about the page they're coming into and realistically where people would be coming into that page from. So we don't always know this. People come into our world and they swirl around our website and all the different things that we do and social media and everything and we don't always know where they do actually come into and it can, it can be different people in different stages of within that, their biojourney with us.

We have an idea of realistically where we're expecting people to come into this page and what job that page is doing. So how is that page helping people? How is that page, um, answering the question that I, you know, if we're thinking about it from an SEO point of view, how is that page answering the question that people are typing into Google or any other search engine?

So  when you're thinking about that and thinking about the headline and what you've got in that hero section, think about also does that immediately.  let people know that they're in the right place. They're finding what they were actually searching for. And it can be if you're sending them there from a Facebook ad or from a social media post or somebody that you're having a conversation with at networking, you know, or in an email as well, make sure that that page does make sense for what people were for, why you're sending them there really.

So that's really important. Definitely make sure that that's aligning with what they were actually searching for. And. Is it clear? So, is it immediately clear that   is going to solve that problem for them or is going to, 

so is it immediately clear? So, have you also checked that it's responsive on mobile and tablet? So, checking, making sure that it looks good on every device. So.  You can look in your analytics and see where most of your customers are coming from.

You should be able to see where the most of your customers are on desktop or mobile.  And if they, regardless of what, which one they're on,  we want to make sure that it looks good on mobile because realistically the majority of people are visiting websites on the mobile now, but just make sure, making sure that it does do the same job on every device you're on.

And quite often on the hero section, this is something that does get a little bit tripped up. So it might look great on mobile. But not so good on desktop, the most important part  and the most common problem that I see is where the text is obscured by the image behind it. So you might have a fantastic hero section, a  banner or an image behind behind you what you do, but then when you look at it on a different device.

That's actually you can't read the text properly or it's, you know, you might think, oh, yeah, yeah, I kind of can read it. But if it's not really clear, you want to try and avoid busy images behind your text unless you're going to use something like an opaque box. But even with that, ideally, you know, the writing needs to be the thing that stands out on that page.

And that's the thing that you want to  really make sure that that's working on all devices as well. And then within that section, making sure.

Building Trust and Authority

that you've got across the trust. So ideally if you can use something like if you've got any reviews or you could have a little banner saying rated five star on  Trustpilot or rated five even better rated five star by 150 happy customers or something like that and even if you haven't got something like Trustpilot or your Google business profile set up  you can still put that there as you know as just some text.

If you've had lots of reviews or you could even if you've got a really good review that really ties in with what people are looking for that solution on this page.  And you've got a really good review around that, that where you can like take out three or four words from that review and literally just put that there within that section with a little star next to it.

So people immediately know what you're talking about. That can be really helpful, especially if it's high on the page and people can see it when they're actually about to click on that button to take the action that you want them to take. That's really important. So having something like that there, you can also have the trust.

If you have something like free delivery or money back guarantee or anything like that. If you can get that into that section above the fold as well, then, and it doesn't have to be, um,  a big thing. It can be, you know, literally across your banner at the top of the page or  a small snippet that says, you know, money back guarantee or something along those lines, especially if you are an e commerce business or a product based business where,  there's going to be more information in that above the fold section really.

Having your authority there as well. So making sure that the, that comes across. And again, that's, that can be something where, which you can do by just having a small snippet of a review or something there that basically lets people know why they should trust you. And it might be that you would, that you weave that into your H1 heading, your hero heading on, you know, on that page.

And then just making sure that that is going to grab their attention. So is it clear within that section, if my 80 year old mum went and looked at that page, would she immediately know  what you do and how you help people?  I think that's probably the, the, the biggest thing is just, we can often try and be clever or try and be different.

And actually just being clear is probably the  The biggest thing that's going to help with with your conversions, really.

Conclusion and Offer for Help

So I hope that's helpful about hero sections. So whichever whichever page it is you're bringing people into, think about does it  immediately connect with what they were searching for and how you're actually capturing their attention, letting them know what you do, how you're going to make their life better and what they need to do to get it.

If you feel like you need some help with this, then let me know. I can help you in a power hour , send me a DM and we'll have a little chat about what you need. But I love helping people with this. This is one of the, as I say, one of the hardest places on your website to.  Try and get this across and it always will be a work in progress, but if you need some help, let me know.