Website Success Show: SEO & Website Tips For Local & Online Businesses Who Want More Website Traffic & Sales

002: Why You Don't Need To Keep Feeding The Algorithm: Use Your Existing Content Potential To Show Up In Search

Jules White: Website & SEO Consultant Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode, Jules White dives into the pressure of the content creation machine and how it can lead us to overlook the hidden potential in our existing content. We'll explore strategies for repurposing and optimizing your podcast episodes, blog posts, and other content to drive traffic to your website and ultimately generate more leads and sales. She also discusses the importance of human connection in content marketing and why AI-generated content often falls short.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the need to constantly create new content or are struggling to get your website to bring in the results you desire, this episode is for you.

Key takeaways:

  • Don't chase the algorithm: Focus on creating meaningful content that resonates with your audience.
  • Unlock the potential of your existing content: Repurpose and optimize your old content to drive traffic and generate leads.
  • Prioritize human connection: AI-generated content lacks the authenticity and warmth that builds lasting relationships with your audience.
  • Book a free discovery call: Learn how to create a sustainable content strategy that gets results.

Ready to take your content marketing to the next level? Book a free discovery call with Jules today and let's unlock the hidden potential in your existing content!

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So I wanted to talk this morning about feeding the algorithm and maybe the missed potential that we could have from trying to keep up with the content creation machine. 

I had a conversation with somebody yesterday we were talking about using AI to create new content and not just like blog posts and things like that but also using voice generating AI. 

It just prompted some thoughts in my mind of how we can kind of forget about the fact especially if we've been creating content for a while if you've been producing your podcast for a while and you've got lots of episodes out there or if you've got lots of blog posts or lots of YouTube videos or even if you've been creating content for social media and you've got lots there that's sort of just there floating in your world but you haven't really done anything with it. 

We can kind of think, have this feeling of I've got to keep producing more, got to keep producing more new content, new content, new content and there is so much potential there for what you already have. 

So all of that content is like the door into your website hopefully. 

That's the goal is the content is ideally there on your website so it's searchable from an SEO point of view. 

It's much better if you have content that is searchable but even if it's not, even if you've not got to that point yet where it's actually you've got your podcast episodes on your website, you've got a dedicated pages on your website for your podcast episodes, the potential is there and it actually, it's probably a lot easier to make the most of what's already around than trying to create new content or trying to learn how to use AI to do that or, you know, thinking about, okay, 

I've got to just keep creating new stuff whereas actually just by putting some thought into that of what have I already created and thinking of as well about what do I need to create, what needs to be out there around my business that are the topics that I need to be an authority on and I think we can kind of sometimes forget that critical part of that initial strategy of thinking,

okay, what are the main pillars that I need to talk about and what content have I already got around that, what can I optimize, what can I make the most of, what can I re-purpose, and re-purpose doesn't even necessarily mean changing it and making it different, it can literally be the case of updating it or if you've got an old podcast episode that's fabulous then getting that onto your website. 

So whether that is creating a dedicated page for your top episodes, start with that first and foremost, making sure that they're actually searchable so then having the show notes and having everything that would then help Google to understand that and then maybe you create a blog around that if you don't already have it or if you've already got blogs that relate to that topic then building some links between those content and those different pieces of content. 

So it's something that I think there's definitely a pressure there to keep creating and to keep up with this feeling of like the content creation machine and there is explosions of content out there but it doesn't mean it's good content doesn't mean it's content that people actually want to what to what's the word consume I want to say that's not the right way but like people as you want to listen to they want to read 

I know that I've heard a few podcasts where the podcasts I enjoy listening to and they have done maybe an AI generated version of that podcast and I always think that even if it sounds like them and even if it has like this because the big thing is obviously not sounding like a robot and even if it doesn't sound like a robot I think what I really miss is the little errors and the little them laughing at themselves or saying something silly 

Those little obviously don't want someone who's um um um all the way through but those little pauses and those little little mistakes are the things that make me really want to listen to those people again I think it's that human element. 

so I think it's definitely you know I think we will become more used to it but in terms of actually if you're trying to create a connection with people then I think making the most of what you've already got it seems silly to waste that opportunity really

so if you feel like you've got loads of content out there and it's not doing what you want it to if your website is bringing money into your business but it's not bringing as much in as you would like if it's critical for your success for your website to bring money in so if you've got courses if you've got group programs if you're selling products if you're doing high ticket coaching anything where you where there's something that can take place through your website even if you're selling as well like it's selling digital products selling anything really where it can actually happen where you're not limited on the number of places that you have then getting more traffic to your website help definitely. 

So that's where you can use your content strategically to actually make the most of that and make sure that does happen. 

So if you're feeling like actually yeah I've got that content now I would like to make the most of it, I would like to understand how to use that to generate traffic into my website then book a discovery call let's have a chat about it

let's see what we can do to get you on that pathway to success and whether that is starting with your podcast maybe it is maybe your podcast is the doorway into your website your website is the shop that's where everything happens your podcast is the doorway in and there's lots of things that can be the doorway into into your shop essentially your online shop maybe it is your blog posts are kind of like that that doorway into the sales pages maybe it is your social media and that's the doorway in but

I think it's good to focus on the things that can continue producing those continue getting those customers coming into your business and generally social media doesn't have a long shelf life so it's worth sort of thinking about what can you do that has a bit more longevity so having your podcast episodes structured in a way that it does encourage people to go to the right places on your website encourages them to take the action that you want them to take and

the same with your blog posts as well thinking about how you can naturally link it into your sales pages or into your email sign up if that's what you want people to do if that's the action you want people to take then thinking about how you can do that through your you know your content is really important so yeah

if you'd like to hop on a discovery call with me then you can do that through my website the website success the website success book and yeah book of our website potential discovery call and we can have a chat about whether it's your podcast you need help with or your website or just generally getting that strategy in place to understand what content you have what content you need to be creating and just building a more sustainable way of marketing your business