The Website Success Show: SEO & Website Tips For Local & Online Businesses Who Want More Website Traffic & Sales

022: What To Do If You Don't Know Where To Get Started

Jules White Season 1 Episode 22

In this episode, Jules White addresses the common struggle of not knowing where to start when making website changes to attract more clients. She provides clear guidance based on your current website traffic levels and goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • No Traffic? Start with Analytics: If you're unsure about your website traffic, begin by setting up Google Analytics and Google Search Console to gain insights into visitor behaviour and search visibility.
  • Low Traffic? Focus on Driving Visitors: If your website receives minimal traffic, prioritise attracting visitors through networking, social media, guest appearances, and freebies.
  • Some Traffic? Optimize for Conversions: If you have a decent amount of traffic, focus on improving your conversion rate by clearly communicating your value proposition and having strong calls to action on your website.
  • Understanding Your Client's Problems is Key: Regardless of your traffic level, deeply understanding your clients' problems and using their language in your website content and keyword research is crucial for attracting and converting visitors.

Jules emphasizes that the specific actions you take will depend on your unique situation, but her advice provides a solid starting point for improving your website's effectiveness in attracting and converting clients.

Remember: Even small changes can make a big difference. Start by identifying the area that needs the most attention and take action today!

For a deeper look into where to start - listen to last week's episode 021:SEO vs CRO Which Comes First: Should You Focus On Traffic or Conversions?

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Introduction and Purpose

Morning! I just popped on this morning because I asked, in the group, what's holding you back from making changes to your website that could help you to get clients. And the most popular answer was, you don't know what to do first that will make, or you don't know what to do that will make the biggest difference.

And unfortunately, the answer to that. Is it depends that you knew I was going to say that to be honest with you. So it depends on. So, you are in your business and whether you've got traffic already coming to your website. So, if you, so I'll start there first.

Understanding Website Traffic

So, if you don't even know if you've got traffic coming to your website, you're not sure whether people are actually visiting, you don't know how many visits you're getting each month, you don't know where people are coming from or how long they're spending on your website.

I would say, Setting that up and finding that out could make the biggest difference to begin with because then at least you know whether what you're doing on social media is helping, if that's actually bringing people through and you might find that actually You're not getting quite as many people coming through LinkedIn, but you are spending half the amount of time creating content for LinkedIn or spending time on LinkedIn as you are on Instagram, and the people that come from LinkedIn are spending twice as long on your site or them, you know, they're actually signing up for your freebies and that, that kind of thing.

So understanding that kind of information can make a big difference.

Using Google Tools

You can also use Google Search Console, so you would do that through Google Analytics. You can also use. Use Google Search Console so that you understand how, how Google sees your website and you can understand that part. So definitely that would be where I would say to start if, if you don't know where you are right now with your, with your website.

So if you have already got some traffic coming to your website, or let's say, okay, let's say you traffic coming to your website.

Generating Traffic to Your Website

So you need to just not getting many visitors a month. So I would say the biggest thing that can make a difference would be getting some traffic there. Even before you start thinking about how you can do that through Google, sending some people to your website yourself.

So when you are, if you're doing any networking, if you're attending a summit, if you're being a guest in somebody's podcast or something like that, make sure that you're sending people to your website. Make sure your social media. That you're bringing people back to your website. So, having a freebie on your website can make a difference. Something that's going to bring people into your site and make them spend some time there and maybe get them on your email list as well, that's going to make a bit of a difference.

Also, um, so yeah, that would be if you haven't got any traffic coming in then, so thinking then about If you want to try and start getting some traffic from Google, what's going to make the biggest difference in terms of getting started with that?

Keyword Research and Content Creation

The thing I would say there is it kind of comes back to another big thing, which I do go on about, which is really understanding the problems that you solve for your clients.

So really understanding

what kind of language your, your clients would be using or your potential clients would be using. Type would be typing into Google that tie in with your solution. So thinking about it from a client point of view, you could use some AI to help you with this. If you're struggling, you could just use to get some ideas from AI and then so, so yeah, doing that, working out exactly what people are actually looking for, what problems people are searching for help with and then doing some keyword research around that.

So trying to find some. Good potential keywords, ideally long tail keywords, which are the keywords where they're normally more than three words. So it's like a key phrase and they're more specific about what you're doing. So that could be something that relates to a blog post. You could then start creating some content around that.

So if you've maybe got work out your. Your pillars of how you help people maybe think of three problems that you help people with in their own language There's the things that they need help with rather than how your solution to that problem So thinking of like the benefits of what you do and how you can turn that into the language of the problem that you're actually Helping them solve and then doing some keyword research around that.

So maybe coming up with some topics and content Topics, , this is the problem, these are the general things that people are asking around this problem. And trying to find some key words that would be useful. related to that. So, um, some long tail keywords and starting to create some content around that.

So creating a blog post to say, or on your sales page, if you can find a long tail keyword that would be really relevant for your sales page and making sure you use that throughout that page and making sure you're using it in the URL. So the address bar, the title and the description for that page. And then scattered throughout the content and your h1 heading.

So you should have one h1 heading at the top of your page and then scattered throughout the content. Even if you weren't doing that, even if you weren't using that keyword in all of those places, and there's like 10 places on a page that you can use the keyword. Even if you weren't doing that, if you were just writing your content with that in mind, with that particular keyword in mind and making sure you were using it throughout your content, that's going to make a difference and it's going to start to help Google to then see your website as an authority from that point of view.

So that can help with getting traffic. If you have got a little bit of traffic come to your site. So it doesn't necessarily mean traffic from Google. So if you, if you are sending people regularly to your site directly, or if it's coming through referrals, if you've got backlinks, if you've got links from other people's sites, from things like, as I say, summits and podcasts, interviews, and those kinds of things, if you've got some traffic coming to your website, then making sure that those people are actually spending time there and making sure that those people are converting into clients would be the thing that's going to make the biggest difference.

Optimizing for Conversion

So then you would be thinking about, okay, so it's conversion rate that I need to look at. So if you're. Thinking about conversion rate, you would be thinking, okay, how do I get this information across on this page that lets people know within five seconds, the top of the page, the bit before they start scrolling, it lets them know what I do, how it's going to make their life better and how they can get it.

So having, having those three things there and the how they can get it, make sure it's a really clear, direct call to action as well. So having a button that says book an appointment now, or. Sign up get this great free guide today or something like that So it's very dynamic from very clear what they need to do so that you can start Increasing the conversion rate on your page.

That would be the the Thing that's gonna make the biggest difference in terms of if you've already got traffic coming in you understand the metrics a little bit It doesn't you have to fully understand them, but you understand that. Yes There is traffic coming to your pages, but those people aren't then turning into clients Then you could that's where I would say to start with that.

Conclusion and Final Tips

So I hope that's helpful anyway, let me know if there are any more questions that come out of this then let me know and I'll see you soon.


Let me know if you have any other requests or changes you'd like to make!