The Website Success Show: SEO & Website Tips For Local & Online Businesses Who Want More Website Traffic & Sales

024: The Goal Of Our Website Is To Make Sales

Jules White Season 1 Episode 24

In this episode, Jules White discusses the importance of remembering the job of your website is to drive sales and grow your business. Reflecting on a week spent organising and strategising, Jules explores why dedicating time to your website's content and optimisation is crucial for achieving better results.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Importance of Website Focus: Jules emphasises the value of investing time in your website, highlighting how quality content like blogs and podcasts can more effectively nurture potential clients compared to social media posts.
  • Strategic Content Mindset: Jules explains why it's important to think strategically about the content you create and how it aligns with different stages of customer awareness.
  • Bringing Traffic Back to Your Website: Jules explains the need to direct traffic from social media and email lists back to your website, where conversions are more likely to occur. She discusses the importance of optimising your website to support this goal.

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If you're looking to understand why focusing on your website is key to increasing sales and driving your business forward, this episode provides valuable perspectives to help you get started!

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 Hello,  hope you're well. I've been having a week of paperwork, like my, my desk is covered in paperwork.

Organizing and Prioritizing Tasks

I had a  post it note party yesterday, which was me diving into, um, all the different things that I can help people with and how it all fits together and what the different stages are and what.

We need to have in place to be able to move on to this next part and it's been great doing that has been really good just to get all because I feel like this has been swirling around my brain for so long all the different things and you know when I start introducing new offers and things it all there's always something something else that goes in and just makes  even more things that we can look at really so it's been good to do that to get it out of my brain and just get it A little bit more mapped out of, okay, what's the most important things to focus on first?

What are the things that are going to give us quick wins and gonna help to get results quickly? So that's been really good.

Focusing on Website and SEO

I've been diving in a bit more with the podcast SEO and where we can get quick wins with that and how I can help people and then lead that into Getting more traffic to your website and ultimately the whole thing  Everything that i've been doing with all of these all of these pieces of paper and everything It's all ultimately coming down to your website earning you more money So making more sales for your website and I just have to have that as a big post it note that Ultimately, that's where I'm trying to get people to and help people get to.

It's just that your website is making more sales. And that's fundamentally, if I just keep remembering that, then that's, it's all good. It's all good. Everything else that seems like, oh, we need to remember to do this and do that and all the other bits, then just remembering that actually the goal is to make more sales through our website.

And I think it's, it, I've definitely been thinking about all of the like the social media aspects and how much time we spend on there. And actually if we can just keep that focus in our mind of the goal is to make more money and, or, you know, to make sales, to support our business. in what we want to do and support our lifestyle and have it be as easy as it can be and as fun as it can be and ultimately if we're making more money through our website then That's good.

That means that we can have more flexibility and more  freedom to do the creative parts that we want to. So I think that focusing on your website is really important, focusing some of that time, even just a small amount of time that we spend creating posts for social media and thinking about that and posting and re responding.

If we can focus some of that time on our podcast and on the con, the other content that we own. So things like our.

Content Strategy and Repurposing

If we focus that on our websites, um, but yeah, thinking about the content that we own, so it's our podcasts, our YouTube channels, our blogs,  the things where it's actually content that can last and we can keep using and that nurtures people as well.

So not just posts where it's like a billboard, we've got Just putting posts out there and it's not really doing anything, it's not really helping people along that journey to becoming customers and clients. Then, yeah, just taking a little bit of that time from, from  social and just spending that on something a little bit more sustainable in your business.

Um,  the thing with focusing on content that's, that is stuff that we own as well is we can then be thinking about the bigger plan with that. So we can think about what content we've got already and  How can we expand on that? How can we break it down? How can we like go in both ways thinking about, okay, talking about it as a whole.

So if there's one particular topic, so if I wanted to talk about SEO, I could talk about the basics of SEO, but then I could also dive into the specifics of a small part of SEO as well. So I think thinking of ways that we can expand on it and  not necessarily creating the same things over and over again, but just thinking about how we can then link that stuff together as well, I think is really important.

I spoke about this last week about repurposing  our content and actually, rather than just churning more and more and more and more out, actually, if we can be really strategic about what we're creating, where the gaps are,  where we can also help people move along that journey to becoming clients and customers with us as well.

Creating Quality Content for Different Stages

So thinking about the content we're creating for the different stages of where people are in the industry. that no like and fact and no like and trust factor. Um, yeah, if we can, if we can think about content in that way as well. So thinking about the, the content buckets that we have, the type of content that we're creating and how aware does somebody need to be?

So what, what's missing in that stage of awareness? If somebody doesn't really know that we're the solution to their problem or whether they don't know, even know that they're there is a problem, the problem that they have is actually what they, they think they have.  And that's what it's all about with Google as well.

So creating quality content that addresses that need, and that's where doing keyword research can be really helpful so that you actually understand what people are searching for and How you can create content around that as well. So, , that felt like a little bit of a ramble there, but it's basically focus on your website, focus, spend some time improving your website and that quality content that you're creating could be your sales page.

Often it's not. Often you need some information or pages like blog posts and like your podcast where it helps to lead people along that journey. But if you, if you find the right keywords, then certainly your sales pages could be the page that's answering the question that somebody's typing into Google that they want a solution to their problem right now.

And your sales page is there and what you're selling is going to solve that problem that they have. And that's, that's you know, that's, that's where the gold is. That's where you can then make sure that actually you are converting those people who are directly looking for what you are, are selling for the solution to their problems.

Then that, that can, that can be so powerful really. So, think about that.

Optimizing Sales and Engagement

How much time have you spent on your website this week? How have you thought about your content and creating that journey that takes people to you? knowing, liking and trusting what you do  and helping to get them out of socials.

If you can, if you are posting on social, how can you bring them back to your own content? So whether that's bringing them back to your own podcast  pages on your own website, or even bringing them into your podcast on podcast player apps, if that's, that's where you've got it, or if it's, if it's in your podcast hosting platform, but ideally the.

Goal is to bring them back to your website, even with your email list. Yes, you want to get them on your email list, but your email list is still directly directing them to your website, which is where the sales take place. So what can you do to make that more likely to happen? What can you do to tweak your sales pages or your checkout pages or your blog pages or anything?

What can you do to tweak it to help people? to be that one step further along the journey to actually making a purchase from you. So .

Conclusion and Upcoming Tasks

I'm going to finish this post it party. I have a Google profile optimization this afternoon.

So I've got a half VIP day looking forward to doing that. I really haven't done one for a while, so I love doing them because it's literally step by step. This is, this is what we need to do. And it can be really powerful, especially for this is a local business that.  actually showing up in the area she's in  for what she's doing can be really powerful.

It will, it will make a big difference, I think.  So I'll see you next week. Bye.