Pains Purpose

Pains Purpose Episode 6 - Die Before You Die

Evan Season 1 Episode 6

Above the entrance to St Paul's monastery in Mount Athos in Greece reads the inscription: "If you die before you die, then you won't die when you die."
Sarah and Evan Discuss why this has been a critical aspect of maintaining peace despite painful life circumstances.

This is How Richard Rohr said it:

"Death is not just our one physical dying, but it is going to the full depth, hitting the bottom, going the distance, beyond where I am in control, and always beyond where I am now. 

No wonder it is scary. Such death is called “the descent into hell” in the early Apostles’ Creed, while in other sources, “the pit,” “the dark night,” “Sheol,” or “Hades.”

We all die eventually; we have no choice in the matter. But there are degrees of death before the final physical one. If we are honest, we acknowledge that we are dying throughout our life, and this is what we learn if we are attentive: grace is found at the depths and in the death of everything."

The Book title by Sue Monk Kidd was misnamed, the correct title is, "When the Heart Waits."

The other book that was recommended is entitled, "The Middle Passage" by James Hollis