The Bud and Roscoe Show

EP 1. Welcome to our show!

June 15, 2024 Bud, Roscoe Season 1 Episode 1
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

We talk sports, movies, politics and everything in between. 

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Bud and Roscoe Show. Finally, a sports show for Christians. We talk sports, movies, politics and everything in between Most importantly, encouraging words and the Word of God. So get ready to listen to the two least qualified guys in Sports Talk today. Here are your hosts Bud and Roscoe. On today's episode, we're diving into the world of sports, movies, politics and everything in between. But don't worry, we'll also be sharing some encouraging words and a dose of the good book along the way. They may not be the most qualified guys in sports talk, but they sure know how to have a good time. So grab your favorite snack, settle in and get ready to laugh, learn and maybe even be inspired. It's time for the Bud and Roscoe Show, where sports and faith collide in the best way possible. Let's kick things off and have some fun.

Speaker 2:

Welcome everyone to the first episode of the Bud and Roscoe Show. Finally, a sports show for Christians. Now we want to tell you right off the bat what you can expect from this show. What you can expect is hearing the Word of God. You'll hear scriptures. We're going to have on special guests. As much as possible. We're going to have evangelists, preachers, pastors, authors, musicians. We're also going to have some celebrities. We're also going to have former MLB players, nfl players, college players. We're going to have guests of all kinds.

Speaker 2:

But we're always going to have one thing on this show and that's going to be positivity. We're going to have encouraging words, the word of God. You're going to hear scriptures of the week, prayer requests, things of that nature, and you're not going to hear profanity, sex talk. You're not going to hear anything that would be against the Christian beliefs. As far as the gay agenda, we're not going to be pushing anything like that on you for sure. Dei stuff. We're not going to be steering you in any kind of direction that would be other than straight ahead, and that's to the cross of Jesus Christ. We're only going to be teaching you positivity and having on people that are like-minded individuals. We're going to have on people that believe like we do. Long story short. I met this guy in the Pentecostal church when we were kids, even though I'm 46 this year and he's 248.

Speaker 2:

He's the oldest living man known in history other than the Bible days, like you would have fit in right, I would have fit in with joseph joseph and all them guys, moses, yeah, so you know, uh, but you know you're not going to hear anything about drinking, smoking, um, sex before marriage, anything that you would just be like, yeah, I don't want to watch this show because of this, because there's a lot of shows out there that will have all kinds of negative stuff. And there's a lot of shows out there that will have all kinds of negative stuff in it, and there's a lot of Christians that don't even watch TV anymore because they don't like the commercials. I've heard people complain about commercials, you know, like beer and cigarettes and even now marijuana.

Speaker 3:

Right like smoking a Marlboro.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean Marlboro man, right like smoking a Marlboro you know what I mean Marlboro man Then it's like, everywhere you turn now there's gay commercials talking about hey, prep, I think it's called where they can take tests to see if they have AIDS before they get together, and stuff like that. You're not going to see anything like that, you're never going to hear about anything like that, unless we're telling you something you need to know about certain topics Because, let's face it, a lot of people don't watch TV anymore and you've got to find out somewhere. So if you're listening on a podcast like Spotify or Apple Podcasts, something like that, we'll be able to inform you things of what you need to know. And one thing about this show that I thought, and I thought about my own life as a Christian. There's things that I want to know about throughout my day, like I want to know about sports, I want to know about politics, the things that's going on around the country, around the world, like Israel, for example.

Speaker 2:

And then I thought there was another thing that we want to do for you guys, the listeners. We want to do a lot of things that other shows aren't doing. For one, we want to make it a christian show for the christians, something that you guys can feel safe listening to. But one thing that we're going to be doing, off the top of my head, to tell you guys about, we're going to be giving you movie reviews, because there's movies that come out monthly. I would say, you know, new movies come out. Some old-school Christians now don't believe in going to the movies, but there are some Christians that do go to the movies. Then there's some Christians that will watch movies when they come out on, like Hulu, netflix, disney Plus, you know something like that.

Speaker 3:

So I just said that once they go to the movies usually come out like I'm disappointed.

Speaker 2:

So our goal is to tell you not what to watch. Unless it's something really bad. We'll tell you, you know, like you definitely need to stay away from this show, but we're not going to tell you what you should and shouldn't watch. That's between you and God. I know some people will say I'm not watching any movie for you know, unless it's rated like G or some PG stuff. But some Christians do go to the movie theater. I know the old school Christians don't Ninety nine percent of the ones I've ever met. But we're not going to tell you what to watch and stuff because I don't want to mess up and be like, oh, this movie could be OK, and then I miss something in it. It and then they email me or something and be like hey, you told me you had nudity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what I mean, like you didn't tell us about the nudity.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I didn't know, you know. So I'm never going to steer you in a way unless I know for a hundred percent fact that it's just a. Hey, I would definitely miss this. Don't let your kids watch it. You don't watch it. So, recap we will have special guests on with encouraging words and messages for you guys Pastors, evangelists, all kinds of different people, celebrities, different walks of life, actors, musicians, former sports stars. We're going to be doing movie reviews, playing little games called Celebrity Birthday and, uh, things like that. So we're going to basically cover everything that you care about. And one thing that we're going to do too is uh, kind of like throw in. We'll do like sports, obviously, because we're trying to do a sports show for christians, but we're also going to throw in things that you care about, like maybe a few stories from around the country or something to where we throw in politics, things like that, because let's face it.

Speaker 2:

I was gonna say like joe biden, speaking spanish so so, uh, we're basically making a show for christians that we cover everything, everything, even food, because, let's face it, I learned from a young age, especially the Pentecostals and the Baptists, we like to eat Pentecostals. I can tell you right now we like to eat and, that being said, I'll be mentioned in a restaurant here shortly to tell you guys about, and if you're in the Ohio area, you should check it out. But first we are going to go to the other team member that we have. What would be the correct, what would we call her?

Speaker 3:

I would call her a Christian correspondent.

Speaker 2:

Christian correspondent. All right. Well, her name is Nikki and she has the scripture of the week. Nikki, take it away. Thanks, bud.

Speaker 1:

Today's scripture is found in Proverbs 3, verse 5 and 6. Thanks bud. Today's scripture is found in Proverbs 3, verse 5 and 6. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. We should trust God, no matter what. In the good times and in the bad times, god never changes and God never fails. He is a God that cannot lie. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. So put your trust in him today and see what God can do.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, nikki. All right, so, as she said, that verse was found in Proverbs, chapter 3, verse 5 and 6, if you want to read it for yourself. And, like I said, we grew up in a Pentecostal church, so a lot of stuff that you will hear from us, and maybe a lot of our guests, preachers, evangelists, stuff will be most likely from the Pentecostal faith and their point of view and their point of view. So a lot of times when you hear, you'll hear from the King James Version and the views that we as Pentecostals carry. We are Trump-supporting, bible-believing, holy Ghost-believing.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

What is it?

Speaker 3:

Holy rolling, holy rolling, believing uh bible thumpers. But what is it? Uh, uh, holy roland, holy roland, uh what they, what they used to call us when we the the extreme metal guys be like they're jesus freaks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, uh, like I remember when my wife I've been married, uh, going on 24 years, when we met her grandma. Well, when we met her grandma, when I met her grandma and grandpa, I guess my wife already knew him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah that's uh clear, yeah, so when?

Speaker 2:

we first met him, they said, uh, well, we was talking about church and everything. And uh, they said, well, whatever you do, stay away from those holy rollers. And my wife looks over at me she says isn't that what we are? Yeah, that's what we are. But yeah, so you will hear from the word of God. You will hear encouraging words, scriptures of the week, final thoughts, you know, things of that nature.

Speaker 2:

So we're trying to make this show for you guys. That being said, if you want and we're going to make this show interactive if you guys want to be involved in a sports show for Christians, that we're trying to make everything on this show for you, everything that you guys care about as Christians and you want to get involved, if you want to have something said as far as a thought that you may have on something we're talking about, if you have questions, comments, if you have prayer requests, we want you to reach out to us at 937-288-3773. Message that number, give us your thoughts, your questions. It could be about sports, movies, politics, it could be a prayer request like, say, you have a surgery coming up or you're just feeling sick, or you have a sick family member. Whatever it is, message that number and we will shout you out on the show. That way, especially the prayer requests, we can have everybody watching just praying for each other and we can make this thing work.

Speaker 2:

Man and prayer works. I can tell you that I'll be be sharing stories throughout the episodes telling you how God's moved in mighty ways. So I'd love to be able to share the listeners' prayer requests and then, hopefully, their testimony of how God moved. Yeah, I mean.

Speaker 3:

I got testimony, I mean I can tell you guys how God actually works in mysterious ways. Yeah, he really does. You know I've got my own experiences with the Lord.

Speaker 2:

We will be sharing things with you guys experiences from when we were kids in a Pentecostal church. Yeah, and I know I don't look it, but you know I'm on a sports show but I am a preacher so I can you this stuff about uh stories that I have from different times I've preached over the years and, as you can see, we have a lot of sports stuff on the wall. We representing uh baseball, football, basketball. We got the old nba jam game going in the background. Uh, we even got star wars here, yoda in the background.

Speaker 3:

If you notice, he's wearing Cleveland. I'm wearing Cincinnati, okay.

Speaker 2:

We might as well throw this out. I'm a Browns fan Pretty much. If I was rooting for any team in any sport, it would be all Cleveland. This guy, as you can see, has a Reds hat on Cincinnati, has a Cincinnati Bengals jersey on. I think he dug that out of a closet or something or the basement, Because that's not 85 Higgins, that is 85 Chad Johnson. We'll just say it's Higgins. Hey, there's the first lie of the show.

Speaker 3:

Let's lie to the people immediately. Look what's sad about it, though, is it's not. It doesn't even say like ocho cinco on the back, it actually says c johnson, so it's really old and I got a deshaun watson jersey.

Speaker 2:

Now, since we're going to jump into sports and, uh, what we're going to do too, let me tell you, I kind of have the show set up to where we'll do sports, kind of throw something else in before the next sports segment, like say we transition from is that the right word? Because I know transition today is.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, no, yeah, okay, transparent Okay.

Speaker 2:

So, we'll be going from like football. Then we'll go to like some other kind of news, like world news, maybe a top couple of stories that we want to talk about, to inform you on things. Then we'll jump to sports. Then we'll jump to like um, you know something else, so it won't be straight sports all the way through. Uh, it'll be like off and on, like every other thing that we, we do, every other segment that way. Uh, it's not just straight sports talk, and then towards the middle or the end we get to like movie reviews, things like that, because there may be people listening that want to hear you know the word of god, or they want to hear, uh, sports. Then they or they might want to hear the what do you got for world news?

Speaker 3:

you know, I mean, so I, we kind of ain't talking about politics at all.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they've been talking about the Browns and Bengals for like an hour. Okay, so we're going to try to mix everything up, so we're getting this first episode on the road. That way you guys can kind of have an idea of what to expect. Now, since we're going to go into sports, I just have to say I'm wearing a Deshaun Watson jersey and I wanted to tell you this.

Speaker 2:

The other day I ran into a guy uh, he saw I had a regular Browns shirt on and he's probably in his 70s, if I had to guess and he says to me, uh, browns fan. Huh, I said yeah, he's like, I used to be a Browns fan until about two years ago when they signed that quarterback. I stopped being a Browns fan. Okay, I, I get that, like you have like your convictions and stuff, but like that's his business for one and two, two grand juries didn't, uh, didn't like convict him, convict him. So I don't know, man, if he says he didn't do it, I'm not god, I can't judge the man, so only ones that know if he did it was him, the women involved and god. So, that being said, he's on my team, he's not doing anything inappropriate on the field, but I I don't want to call a person like that a non-sports fan.

Speaker 2:

But I couldn't do that. Like, even if the guy like well, obviously if he did it and there's proof he did it, he wouldn't even be on the team, right? So I mean, I I'm not going to run off and just all the years I have invested and, like I said, this guy's say he was like a fan long time ago. He's like in his 70s, you know, like, imagine being a fan that long. They'd just be like nah, you know I couldn't do that. Nah, I can't do that. I've got to invest too much time Right.

Speaker 2:

Look, I've got to see it out. I've got to see this thing out, man, because I mean I know there's still people. I heard one woman say I can't even say his name and it's like okay, look I get it, but let's.

Speaker 3:

Can you not say his name because you can't pronounce it? You know what I?

Speaker 2:

mean, like I get that, there's emotional ties there with like being a woman and stuff like that. And then this guy you know has been a fan for a long time and he may be really against, like, if this guy did it, I don't want to support him. Okay, I get that, but what about all the other guys that are committing crimes and stuff throughout the NFL? You know what I mean and, like, you stick around for that. We've had Browns players do some shady stuff over the years, but you were a fan all the way up until Deshaun Watson.

Speaker 2:

Bengals players do all the time Getting arrested all the time. You know Pac-Man Jones and all them guys.

Speaker 3:

Joe Mixon. Joe Mixon, he's been in trouble a lot of times, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I'm not supporting Deshaun Watson off the field. I'm not wearing his jersey right now to support him off the field. I'm supporting him as my starting quarterback and on the field. You know things that he does. I'm not supporting his life outside. That'd be weird if you bought somebody's jersey to support him off the field. You know what.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I don't even think the money goes to him, I mean it might, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I've literally never looked that up before. I don't know if they get any of that money. I would assume they would. I don't think they do Maybe some kind of a royalty or something, maybe like a 10% or something.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I don't think you get 10% of every jersey Because you got to think man, man, if you're a music artist, you get like three cents to every cd you sell. You know what I mean, and they cost like 15 bucks. Now, if you're a theater and you put a movie out, they get like 50 of the box office, the company that sends you the movie, but they don't get nothing from like the snacks and refreshments.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of refreshments, I tore the water, the water bottle. I said bottle the tag off. So I don't get like sued for oh look, they're displaying our drink, so it's literally just a water bottle with some flavoring in it, yeah, Okay. So I'd like to point out for anybody who can see this and can't see this I have a water bottle with some orange flavoring and Roscoe here has a like crate or like oil container full of like a big vat of v8 it's.

Speaker 2:

It's like a, an oil container man, like they brought it over on a ship and he's just drinking it. This thing is massive. He has to hold it with two hands.

Speaker 3:

That's how big this thing is and it didn't even come off right. Look at that.

Speaker 2:

If you're listening on Spotify or Apple or wherever you're listening, do yourself a favor and go on YouTube, and we will be on Fire Stick and Roku at some point soon. I was going to say this is your grandma's drink. Yeah, I mean, my mom used to drink that back like 30 years ago, v8 keeps your body straight, I guess. Wow.

Speaker 3:

That's a.

Speaker 2:

You move that around too much, man, it's going to knock the table over Two servings of vegetables per every eight ounces.

Speaker 3:

That's like 300 ounces. Yeah, I know that's like 300 ounces. Yeah, I know by the time I get done drinking it.

Speaker 2:

I'll look like I'm like a. I'll be tubby tubby like. All right, let's go to some nfl news, that's. That's enough of this b8 talk. We're not getting paid from them. B8, if you're listening, we would uh we would like to get paid I'd like the money.

Speaker 2:

He would like free drinks, all right, right in nfl news because it's kind of, you know, just mini camp, training camp and things of that nature. We're not even in the pre-season yet. There's not a whole lot of stories, but there are some worth mentioning. Justin jefferson signs a big deal with Minnesota, so Minnesota signed Justin Jefferson to a four-year $140 million contract extension. That includes $110 million guaranteed NFL insiders. Let's see Ian Raport and uh, tom palacero reported on monday that jefferson now announced himself the deal. But jefferson now himself states that he is happy that this happened. Yeah, I bet you're happy, man, you just got 110 million guaranteed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah are you happy? He stated that, like you know what I'm happy about this. Oh, good for you, man. Yeah, I bet you're happy, man, you just got $110 million guaranteed. Are you happy? He stated that, like you know what I'm happy about this. Oh, good for you, man. Good for you. I'm glad this worked out for you. No, I'm just kidding. He's a good player, but this makes you a Minnesota. They've been good over the last couple years. Would you live in Minnesota? Oh, heck, no, I would not. So they check us out. He finally signed a deal right and he feels like he's a little kid.

Speaker 2:

The Vikings will soon announce after that they signed the three-time pro bowler to the massive extension. Now, okay, it resets the receiver market. So that means all these receivers like Jamar Chase and Stefan Diggs, and then all the rookies coming out. If they have a good year this year, then they, you know, next year they come out and have a good year. Third year they have a good year and you know what they're going to be thinking, because of Justin $115 million guaranteed.

Speaker 2:

Yep, instead of the 110, I want 115, 120 guaranteed. So, look, jamar chase we're going to talk about him later. So he, he's the next receiver to get the big contract. So we got to see what cincinnati will do with that. But check us out the uh, where was it? Jefferson has the biggest non-quarterback contract in the NFL right now Non-quarterback 110 million. Dude is good though, I have to admit, but you know what? That is a lot of money, it says it puts an end to an off-season saga that grew with rumors like would he or would he not sit out, would he ask for a trade and all that. So, yeah, let me see here the, the vikings who lose kirk cousins to. Well, they didn't lose him, but they let him go in the trade. Um, to the falcons, yeah, they got jj mccarthy, now former champion michigan wolverines. By the way, he likes ohio state, I like michigan.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, did you see my face? How you sit?

Speaker 2:

I was like I mean, I can't imagine what jerry rice man like. If anybody back in the day would have got money like that jerry rice would have got that kind of money, you know I mean. But like he got so much less money jerry rice I don't even know. I'd have to look it up. I wonder if he even made a hundred million like million in his whole career.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he probably made like three million a season it's crazy to think of man, oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

So uh, justin jefferson, though they were worried. I know a lot of people were talking about when Justin Jefferson um, he's staying in Minnesota who would be his quarterback? Before the draft they got JJ McCarthy and it's like, okay, if McCarthy ends up being a good quarterback in the NFL, you know it's going to make Justin Jefferson happy. You know, right, you got the money. Now you got a young quarterback. Kirk cousins was good. I always liked Kirk Cousins, but now that Kirk Cousins moved on, the one thing that people were talking about was if you bring in a quarterback rookie or not. He had chemistry with Kirk, but you bring in somebody and he struggles how happy is he going to be, even though he's making all the money? Like, if he's not getting the ball, things of that nature, because we've seen pre-madonna's before, where the guys have come out they'll be making them, be making a bunch of money and then still be like I want the ball.

Speaker 2:

Chad johnson, yeah give me the ball give me the ball and then it's like the money is good, but it's not everything. Everyone, even though it seems like it in some ways, like it seems like they're money hungry. Some guys want the ball because they're like actually caring about what they're doing, they actually care, they want to play, they want the ball, they want to make a play, they want to help their team win.

Speaker 2:

Jj McCarthy even though I'm a Michigan fan, I don't know if I've seen enough from him and I'll be honest that he would be that guy coming into Minnesota. If he plays year one, I don't know if he'll start unless he shows some really good play in like preseason and stuff and and OTAs and the mandatory workouts and everything. But I don't know if I've seen enough. In college he had some good games, but he also had some games I felt was mediocre as a fan. Like you know, wow, you know, like good thing, we had a running back, uh, quorum, that could get like three or four touchdowns a game, but there was times I actually seen him struggle and I I think if he gets out there and he struggles, well, jefferson, even though he got this big contract, is he going to be like you know what man?

Speaker 3:

I'm not getting the ball, I'm not happy, so it's kind of one of those he's throwing the ball to him, but he's throwing it off and watching, watching it sell like you're technically just throwing it over me, dude you're technically getting the ball, even though you're not getting the ball like it's coming to you.

Speaker 2:

It's just not getting to you you know, you know.

Speaker 3:

I mean, we don't know what kind of quarterback is gonna be. So, justin Jefferson, signing this big contract really doesn't mean anything from Minnesota, because you have an unproven quarterback.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I want to say that a big receiver but an unproven quarterback.

Speaker 2:

I want to say that I'm, I am, I'm probably really 50 50 on uh JJ because, like I said, I mean the NFL is so much faster. So it's like, is he, if he struggles, it's going to be way worse struggle in the NFL than it's going to be when he was in college. I mean, it's a different animal. You hear all the time people saying, man, it was so much faster when I got to the NFL and then it was funny. I've seen Justin Fields.

Speaker 2:

I think it was his rookie year, it had to be his rookie year. And he's like ask that question, how do you feel about the speed of the game? And he was like, it's all right, it's not that fast, or something dumb like that the game. And he was like, uh sorry, it's not that fast, or something dumb like that. But then he'd like he got after what? Three years he gets kicked out of of uh chicago to go to pittsburgh. So it's like, don't be all cocky and arrogant. Like, all right, you know, it'd be different if he was like pat mahomes good right.

Speaker 3:

No, I mean like the only look. This is the only thing I can say is in the last couple of years, last five, six seasons, the only quarterback I've seen come out and actually destroy in their first season, make it look like the speed didn't matter. The speed of the game didn't change, was CJ Stroup.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean he had a couple dicey games, you could tell he was a rookie.

Speaker 3:

But when they come to him and talk to him, even though I'm not an Ohio State fan, I have to give him credit.

Speaker 2:

But when they come to him and talk to him, he was humble Now here's the thing about CJ, and to show you the kind of world we live in right now, cj Stroud comes out and I want to say it was ABC, nbc, something like that, probably CBS, to say it was abc, nbc, something like that, probably cbs, I don't know. But uh, it was after a game and he gives credit and praise to jesus christ.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that's what I'm saying. He's humble. They edited out they edited.

Speaker 2:

I said edited they did an edit at cbs, I think it was, and they took that part out. They said the woman says cj, how do you feel about blah, blah, blah. And he said first and foremost, I'm going to give credit to my lord and savior, jesus christ, and they cut that out. And then you heard that on if you're watching the show, but if you go back later and see it on, I keep saying cbs, I think that's probably who it was, um, but they did the replay of it and it was like cj, how do you feel about today's game? Oh man, we did good and you know, like, totally just took it out, just cut it out, cut it out because it was jesus christ.

Speaker 3:

That's what I was saying about being humble.

Speaker 2:

The first thing he always says when they question him is I gotta give credit to my lord and savior, jesus christ yeah, and I mean I I don't like ohio state, but the guy you know, he seems like a good kid, talented player. I have to give him respect and love. As far as he's out here saying I don't care what you say, I'm giving credit to Jesus, I wouldn't be here without him. I've got God-given talent, things of that nature. That being said, since we're talking about things that Christians care about, it's June, it's Pride Month, and so the second thing I wanted to talk about in the NFL news was, out of the 32 teams, 10 teams did not participate in Pride Month. As far as sending out tweets, tweets, things of that nature like, oh, we're the so-and-so team of the nfl and we want to celebrate pride month, 10 teams said, nah, we're good, so we want to get 32 teams need to say on yeah, you know I mean.

Speaker 2:

So, out of those 10 teams, I I looked and I was like, oh man, please let the browns be one of them, because I love the browns, that's my team. So, yeah, uh, there were. I'm I think I got this on here. There were 10 teams. Uh, I do know it was the browns, the steelers, the bingles, um, which both ohio teams, thank god. Um, right, like we're not putting up with this stuff, yeah, we're good man, this is about football. That's off-field stuff. We don't care. The Chiefs were one of them I want to say the Bills, but I could be wrong about that. But yeah, they had 10 teams all together and I just want to give a shout-out to those 10 teams. Like, I'm not a Steelers fan, especially not a Steelers fan, but I respect them for that.

Speaker 2:

Good for you for standing up and saying we're not going to bow down to this. We're not going to participate in this nonsense. Give it into your agendas has nothing to do with football. So we are not going to sit here and send out a bunch of tweets like, oh, happy pride month, okay. Out a bunch of tweets like, oh, happy pride month, okay, are there any players on your team? That's openly gay, no, okay. So what's the point? And how many I?

Speaker 3:

I just don't get it, man, like it's not even that. How many fans are lgbtq that you're putting out these tweets and stuff for? Yeah, you know, I mean probably none I would.

Speaker 2:

I would say probably none, because I don't. I've never been in our town going down the road and seeing you know people with pride shirts on but like a bengals helmet, but in pride colors or browns or something like that. So there can't be that many people out there and I get you want to try to make people happy because it's their month, but when you're trying to force something on people like us that don't want to see or hear this, I'm glad these 10 teams were like nah, we're, we're good man, you know we're good this is their month.

Speaker 3:

It's supposed to be their month.

Speaker 2:

I thought this was month for veterans I mean I, I think, I think it is and for us, the people who fought and lost limbs and you know that's who we should be celebrating.

Speaker 2:

I don't recognize it, but let's see. Okay, here we go. This might tell us the teams real quick. So out of the 32 teams it says, the Atlanta Falcons, cincinnati Bengals, cleveland Browns, new Orleans Saints, tennessee Titans and the Cowboys have all been silent on this topic this year, saying, yeah, we're not getting involved in that, right, we're not wearing a rainbow jersey. I've got to be honest, man.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad the NFL season doesn't take place during pride month I'm glad pride month isn't like september through february, because if it was, you'd be seeing like rainbow uh commercials everywhere like oh we love the nfl.

Speaker 3:

Then you'd have nfl players like oh we love, yeah, right, no no, and here's the thing, man um baseball which is going on right now, during Pride Month, I want to say last season, like three or four players were suspended because they would not participate in wearing the jerseys.

Speaker 1:

Good for them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah right, Like if it's what you believe in, you don't believe in that.

Speaker 2:

Let them have their beliefs I, I don't like how everybody can have an, a belief or an opinion unless you know like the only people left out of that they. You can't be about against it. Yeah, you can't be. Let me start over. I got tongue tied, I was trying to say two things at once and my brain went all right. I don't think that it's fair that everybody can have their own opinion. They can have, uh, their thoughts. They can uh tell you everything that's on their mind and heart and uh, you have to be like, okay, it's fine, but you know, when it comes to christianity, it's like no, no, everybody, but you, you know, like you know what I mean, right?

Speaker 3:

no, when we were't believe that way, you gotta believe this way.

Speaker 2:

When you were saying that we want to share our feelings, our thoughts, our opinions and we want you to accept us, we were talking about everybody but the Christians. You know, and that's how it is. And if you don't believe me, just turn on the news, go online and see how people are hating on Christians and Jews and and anybody that God cares about, and you know his people, like Israel, has chosen people.

Speaker 3:

Right Free Palestine.

Speaker 2:

Free Palestine, but yet they're the ones that are the terrorists. So I mean, if that doesn't tell you that everybody matters except for the Christians, I mean, you even got the dummies that are and I don't mean to say dummies, but like no, they're dummies I mean in some ways they're dummies.

Speaker 2:

But it's like you have people in washington putting a gay flag, pride pride flag on one side of the door and on the other side of the door, palestinian flag. Don't you know that they hate gays? Like, why would you put that together? Like, oh, we support the gays, no, you don't.

Speaker 3:

You would throw them off the building, like if they went to palestine, they went to gaza strip in your, your gay man or gay woman or whatever, like we're here to support you, yeah follow me up to the rooftop.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna yell it from the rooftop.

Speaker 3:

The lighting's better up on the roof. The yelling is you falling off the building? Yeah, that's, that's because they're throwing you off of it now. These people are so dumb.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I mean yeah I mean like, yeah, now I I found an interesting stat and I I'm a stat guy, I like stats, I do too. Now check this out they have a top 10 quarterback by targeted depth in 2023. So I want to see if you can name a couple of the quarterbacks that you think would be on there. So basically, they have it in three categories, and the first category is the short passing game under 10 yards, minimum of 200 attempts. So they have a top 10 list. Give me a couple names who you think will be on top Powell Holmes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, dude for the 49ers, pretty, he said dude for the 49ers. Pretty uh, he is not on there oh really, I don't know if he's pretty or not, I'm just saying let's throw that out there.

Speaker 2:

We don't know. Yeah, you know, like all men are ugly to me. That's correct, okay. Well, how about this? I'll do from work my way back from 10 to number one and you, you tell me if you're surprised that they're on there, or maybe somebody that you were surprised they're not on there. So you got from 10 down to one Baker Mayfield, joe Burrow, dak Prescott, jared Goff, jordan Love, patrick Mahomes, kirk Cousins, trevor Lawrence, justin Herbert and Josh Allen Josh Allen's number one, yeah, of short passes.

Speaker 3:

Of short passes, like he only throws two, three yards basically.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, uh well, check it out. Of those yards, passing yards, he threw 2,274. So to me, that being said, he's basically throwing like a 10 or less yard pass and of that 22 000 or 22 000, 2274 yards, that means the receiver did all that work, because you threw like a three yard pass and he, like, ran for like 50. So I mean he was like run, make my stats look good. All right, now I'm better than I look.

Speaker 3:

No, I mean, I'm not as good as I look.

Speaker 2:

Between 10 yards and 19 yards. Okay, they call it intermediate passing, intermediate yeah. I said it right Medium passes Intermediate passing.

Speaker 3:

All right, so I'm going to say Burroughs on there.

Speaker 2:

No, burroughs, not on there.

Speaker 3:

Mahomes is on there, all home. No, burrow's not on there. My home is on there, um, all right. How about this from josh?

Speaker 2:

allen might be on there. 10 to 1, you have russell, wilson, dac, prescott, jared, golf jared or josh allen. Sorry at number seven. He was number one on like a two yard pass, but anything over 10 he's like yeah, I'm about seven now justin, herbert, kirk, cousins two attack, I don't even two uh I hate trying to say his last name, taga viola uh patrick mahomes, josh allen uh, I already said him, sorry.

Speaker 2:

Jalen hertz and lamar jackson I already said him. Sorry, jalen Hurts and Lamar Jackson. All right, so then you go into the long bombs 20 or more yards 20 or more yards. A minimum of 50 attempts. Russell Wilson, jared Goff, geno Smith, dak Prescott. Dak Prescott made all three lists there Tua at six, trevor Lawrence, justin Fields, matthew Stafford, cj Stroud. At number two he had 1,204 yards and then number one at throwing the most 20 or more yard passes.

Speaker 3:

was Brock Purdy Really and you know who wasn't on that list, that's the only list he showed up on was that one person.

Speaker 2:

What was funny?

Speaker 3:

and I'm trying to be funny, but it's 49ers quarterback pretty Pretty yeah.

Speaker 2:

Check us out. Deshaun Watson not on the list. You know why. He only played six games he didn't have a lot of opportunity. Joe Burrow, though Anybody Joe Burrow even though he was hurt a lot of games, he was only on that list once.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that was like the short pass.

Speaker 2:

The short passes and it's like.

Speaker 3:

Bengals are paying $217 million guaranteed for that. For him to lob it to a guy and have him run Like run, mixon run.

Speaker 2:

It was a lot of screen passes, but all right. So look, we're going to take a break from sports for a second and we're going to do a little segment that we're going to call Head Scratchers of the Week. What do you mean by head scratchers? I'm saying when you see something or hear something, you just kind of scratch your head and be like what in the world is going on, like why did they say that? Why did they do that? So we're giving you the top three head scratchers of the week. At number three, we have for anybody out there that plays video games. As you can see, we have one in the background here. There's a game called MLB the Show and it's a Major League Baseball game Made by Sony. This guy right here plays religiously.

Speaker 3:

Um, I got uh. Let me see on the last one I've racked up about uh 55 000, 5500 hours in the 5500 hours, this guy right here playing baseball.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so the reason I brought this up for the head scratcher is because this year, coming out for the 2024 game, they will now feature and all games in the past have featured where you can create yourself. I can make a Bud character and let him be an outfielder.

Speaker 3:

You can even make him look like you as close as you can, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that was a feature in the game you can make yourself, create yourself. So then they decided to come out this year, roscoe, and put in the game. You can now create a woman and play in major league baseball Cause.

Speaker 3:

that's realistic.

Speaker 2:

Right. So, and it says, and I quote MLB, the Show 24 will feature a career mode that allows gamers to create a female player and steer her journey to the big leagues.

Speaker 3:

And why do we need to do that? Because it's DEI. I mean, like what? The game?

Speaker 2:

draws the experiences of female baseball players. For the first time, women will don major league baseball jerseys in the mlb, the show game, the long-running popular video game. You know what? You just killed it. It might not be that popular anymore to where it might be a long-running, but that long run may be coming to an end because there's a lot of people out there that are Christians, non-christians, atheists, it doesn't matter. They liked the game because it was a realistic way for them to play, because people like me can't play baseball.

Speaker 3:

So I got played on a video game, I was gonna say, or people who just thought realistically like, okay, look, if you're a girl gamer, that's cool. Yeah, there are a lot of girls, a lot of girls that play games, but if you're playing mlb the show you're not playing it to be a female character I would never in a million years would thought that would happen.

Speaker 2:

That's what we're living in today, the dei world. They're trying to involve everybody and everything. And what's crazy is, can girls play baseball? Sure, mostly softball mostly softball.

Speaker 2:

Let's let's just be honest that there's some things that men are better at than women and there's things that women are better at than men. Like I'm cooking. I was just gonna say, like, maybe, making a sandwich I was I'm just kidding, though, ladies. No, I'm kidding, I'm not. They cook better than me. I mean, yeah, they. Yeah, I mean, I, I'm a terrible cook. My wife is way better than I am.

Speaker 2:

But I mean, come on, if there was a reversal here, and let's just say, they did have a uh game for women, you know, and it was around a sport that they loved and they only wanted to be them, and then all of a sudden they say, hey, we're going to make a guy, and then they put them in the game. I'm sure they would feel the same way. Right, and it's nothing against women, it's just the fact that we live in a society today that wants to include everybody. They want to make everybody uh, like, we got to put this person in because they're gay. Why, like, why are you adding gay people to everything? Like he's non-binary? We'll check this out. Uh, christian radio, and I'll I'll talk about it at another episode so I can have the uh radio and I'll talk about it in another episode so I can have the uh information. But, um, there was a christian radio and I want I don't know if it's k love or what it is, but they had a, a song. I cannot think of the name of it offhand, but the person that sung it, they said, was an openly queer individual. And you're playing that on Christian radio. Shame on you for bringing in somebody that supports the LGBTQ. Isn't it not just a supporter but a member of the group? And you're bringing them in on the Christian radio.

Speaker 2:

So there's there's times that people shouldn't be involved. If you're in school and you're playing kickball, everybody should be involved. Everybody doesn't matter. Black, white, you know, like young, the older kids doesn't matter. Everybody should be able to play. There's times and places where everybody should be involved. Going to church everybody should be allowed to go. And go to church everybody should be welcomed in a church, you know, the doors open. Doesn't matter who you are muslim, chinese, uh, african-american, white doesn't matter you should be allowed. There's places and times, but things like this it's just stupid to include. And, and my question is and it just popped in my head, you see, stuff like Bud Light. What happened to them when they brought the transgender in Target. Target Things of that nature. If you're making millions, if not billions of dollars a year on a product, why would you see them do something like that and say, hey, I'd like to lose money or possibly go out of business. Right Like um.

Speaker 3:

I don't, I don't get it. Mlb the show. They're going to lose money and possibly go out of business. Well, they won't go out of business because, uh, San Diego studios and it's also Sony, but All right, number two Head Scratcher of the Week, this one.

Speaker 2:

It really got to me because I thought it was stupid and funny at the same time. So you know, if anybody's been paying attention, you have what they call snatch and grabs, to where one or more people will come into a store. They'll start snatching stuff up, grab it and run. They won't pay because we now live in a society where you can do it as long as it's like $900 or less.

Speaker 3:

Right, you can do it as long as it's 900 people.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but here's the funny thing. First one why would you put an amount on it to where people could go in and case the place and be like, well, if I grab these shoes, this shirt, blah, blah, blah, I'll?

Speaker 3:

just run out with it and I got a whole wardrobe. It cost me 280 dollars and or even 700, I got 700 worth of stuff.

Speaker 2:

I'm I'm good, it'll be like a misdemeanor. They'll probably just dismiss it because there's so many other cases and I won't see any kind of probation or anything. Okay, that's one. Why put a number on it to where people can actually calculate how much they could steal? And then two, I've seen a video online of a snatch and grab and I leave a comment, you know, basically against it because I am against it, right? Okay, so person response they say what you're against this. Are you telling me you don't steal? My response was yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. I don't feel I mean. Religion aside, even if I wasn't a christian, I still don't steal, like it's. It's just something I don't do because it's wrong and, and especially if you throw when you put religion into it, it's one of the ten commandments thou shall not steal. I work two jobs. You know what I mean. Like, if anybody should be stealing it, it should be me, but I don't.

Speaker 3:

You know I don't, I don't steal yeah, because we, uh, we was raised differently so that made me scratch my head like did somebody just, did he really just ask you that? Did he just ask me? If I so, you don't?

Speaker 2:

steal. You know what I mean. That's the kind of world we live in now. Like, what do you mean, man? Everybody on here steals. You're the only one You're missing out.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I am. No, we stole before.

Speaker 2:

How much do you want to bet, though? If I went to Walmart right now and I tried to do a snatch and grab, You'd get arrested. I'd get arrested and go to jail.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was just the Star Wars man.

Speaker 2:

I just really wanted the Star Wars figure to go next to Yoda, you know.

Speaker 3:

All right, well, that one cost, but we have stolen. You and me both oh yeah, back when I was a little kid. Oh no, no, no, I'm not talking about that we stole our woman's hearts oh my god, our wives. That was. That was really bad, I thought it was okay.

Speaker 1:

I stole my wife's heart you know now she hates it we'll ask her to what she thinks.

Speaker 3:

She's glad I'm gone right now.

Speaker 2:

She's like I can sleep quietly or now that he's gone, I can actually get some real sleep, yeah, you know. All right. So look, number one Head Scratcher Okay, it will be, and it has to be, I think, out of all the things that I thought of this week, star Wars, oh God, wants to go out of business now because they have a new show. Wants to go out of business now because they have a new show, and I told you before, when we do the movie reviews, we're not going to tell you one way or the other unless it's really bad. What not to watch, just in case I miss something, and I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction, but this is something I would not watch and if you know your kids like Star Wars, I would definitely make sure they're not watching this.

Speaker 2:

Is it on Disney, right? It's on DEI Plus, okay, which we call Disney, all right. So it's called Star Wars the Acolyte, and this is the heading that I've seen on one of them, just to give you an idea of what we're about. To tell you what it's about, star Wars the Acolyte, it said a queer galaxy isn't too far away. So basically, this show is a bunch of non-white characters that are all pretty much gay right, pretty much.

Speaker 3:

You're either female, you're either black, you're gay, you're non-binary. Uh, leslie headland is the showrunner, she directed it, wrote it, and she's also the, the former personal assistant of harvey weinstein, who went to prison for his sex island where she was taking that. Why is she even working? Working for Disney? Disney is a children's company and you got this chick who's I'm openly fanboyant gay.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand why everything has to turn gay, and I don't hate gay people. I have friends that are gay, no, but you got to think about it, man.

Speaker 3:

I mean, you got Star Wars action figures over there, okay, what's?

Speaker 1:

their sexuality.

Speaker 3:

You don't know. No one that well, that's what I was going to say.

Speaker 2:

Women over there, but you don't know what their sexuality is because they don't make it known when they originally made the star wars movies, there was no nudity, no cussing, there was no mention of sex whatsoever, no gender talk, nothing like that.

Speaker 3:

It had to do with a story, a well-written, driven story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and a lot of people that like Star Wars. Even if, again, if I didn't go to church, I still wouldn't watch this. No, Because it's stupid the fact that they, even away from this, they had the Obi-Wan show, like the like the series of ob1 gay he's supposed to be bisexual now, yeah, and it's like why?

Speaker 2:

why? Like there's? No, it was all good like season one. I enjoyed a lot of it, like seeing him and darth vader go at it, but why did you have to turn him gay if you're going to? It makes no sense. It doesn't help the story move along. It doesn't help the story at all at all.

Speaker 3:

Like literally nothing to do with the story with his sexuality means anything.

Speaker 2:

I mean story plot if I the second and I wouldn't I'm not even going to watch it. If they do that, I'm not going to watch season two, but especially like if I saw a clip of him going up to a guy in a bar or something and they start flirting or something, like he's on tatooine yeah, and he's like yeah, and he goes up and looks like hey, you know I mean, like I'm not even starts making out you're gonna throw up yeah, I mean, I don't want to see two guys kissing on star wars, I don't want to see two women kissing on star wars I don't want to will

Speaker 3:

yeah, you're probably going to oh, no, no with this series, um, um, according to the sources I've heard, um. Tonight, when they release episode three of the series, they're going to have pronouns uh. Leslie headland, the har, the Harvey Weinstein's assistant, said that C-3PO is gay and R2-D2 is lesbian. They're droids.

Speaker 2:

They don't have sexual body parts, so they're going to probably bleed it up To the first gay kiss on Star Wars, like any show or whatever. So we're probably going to see it on the Acolyte the first lesbian kiss, or something, and they're going to try to turn it into a big thing like it's history, like, oh, for the first time ever on the star wars uh movie or show, you know, the first gay kiss. They do that like it's such a big deal. Man, I don't care, I've seen it before years ago and it's like it's nothing new. It's not something I want to see, especially being a man, I don't want to see two guys kiss you know, I mean I don't want to see anybody kiss I mean.

Speaker 2:

There's times I've seen straight people kiss and I'm like I don't want to see

Speaker 3:

it like there's right. You know, I don't know what it is.

Speaker 2:

It's just. I mean my wife. She hates public displays of affection. She don't care if it's a a beautiful woman with the handsome man, she don't care like, she'll just be like. Why do they have to kiss in the movie?

Speaker 3:

like you know, I mean right, she'll just call it out like, why are they doing this? But they're also saying that um, the force does not need men.

Speaker 2:

Yeah they're trying to take their.

Speaker 3:

No, they got a covenant of lesbian witches who can impregnate each other with the force thread.

Speaker 2:

They're making it so complicated and weird that nobody's going to be able to follow it.

Speaker 3:

It's not even that they won't be able to follow it. Nobody's going to want to follow it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's take. Take just for a second for argument's sake, and I'm not just saying this because of going to church, being a christian and stuff.

Speaker 2:

If I was an atheist and I was a star wars fan I would still think I would still think it was stupid because the storyline itself, talking about the sisters and all this stuff, it doesn't sound interesting. But then when you try to force the, the woke gay galaxy and stuff on me, I don't want to hear that, I don't want to watch that man. But like, especially being a christian, knowing what the bible says about, um, homosexuality and stuff like that, almost said homosexuals, but I kind of threw homosexuals homosexuality.

Speaker 2:

But knowing what it says, it makes me not want to watch it even more. Right, but I, I don't. I never in a million years thought when I was a kid that star wars something as cool as that was when I was growing up, would be ruined one day by something like this. Because when I was a kid, being gay was something that was never talked about because everybody stayed in the closet.

Speaker 2:

Now you can't watch anything and like I said earlier days, or some type of something yeah, and like I said earlier, like you can't even listen to the radio now the christian radio channel without knowing if the person's gay or straight, I don't think that you should be gay on a christian radio channel. It doesn't make sense. I'm not saying and and again, I don't hate gay people. I have gay friends and you know, they know where I stand. They ask me questions about the bible and about heaven and hell, things of that nature. So and I talk to them, I tell them the truth. You know, this is what the bible says, right, you know. So it's not that I hate gay people, it's just I don't want things shoved down my throat if I can't talk to you openly about Christianity.

Speaker 3:

I can't talk to you about Jesus. You can't talk to me openly about being gay.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. It's not fair. I have to hear about everything, like your struggles, your triumph and all this stuff, but when I start to talk about how Jesus saved, my soul hey, let's talk about Jesus' struggle.

Speaker 3:

Oh no.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to hear that. You know, like I don't get it. Man, like you can try to tell me about how you just met a guy and you're a man, you know a gay man, or you're a woman who just met a woman, but yet I can't tell you what Jesus did for me to save my life. You know it's not fair, you're right it's. You know it's not fair, you're right it's not fair. And and I'll tell you, man, but let me say this too, real quick if star wars made a show where the force comes out to be christianity, for example, like we're christian jedi, everybody who's in this camp right, they would be like oh no out there saying it's the worst thing ever made yeah, they, yep, they would be putting it down.

Speaker 2:

So I mean it's, you have to understand where we're coming from. Also, like it's not just all about you, it's not all about, uh, you know, it's pride month, blah, blah. None of that stuff matters, man. What all matters when it comes down to it, are people going to watch it. That's what I'd be looking at if I was a producer, or you know, or um the creator of something yeah, yeah, is anybody gonna watch this? There's not that there can't be that many gay people watching star wars.

Speaker 3:

I've never anybody. Star wars, there can't be that many point eight million views, and if in the first two episodes released on the same day last week, 4.8 million they were talking about ahsoka had 11.12 point something, 14.4 million views in the first five days, and it didn't really do that good, and you're gonna do worse with this now. Here's the thing, though even if star wars wasn't the, the acolyte wasn't a gay show which it is it's a. It's a gay star wars that's just.

Speaker 2:

I'm not laughing like I mean, I'm laughing because how stupid that sounds, when you just said that I just I just said it's so stupid I wouldn't watch, stupid, I wouldn't watch it A gay Star Wars.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't watch it if it wasn't yeah that's what I'm saying A gay. Star Wars Only because the lead character, Amandla Stenberg, is 100% a complete racist.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

She hates white people. Guess what she's half Dutch. She grew up in a white family. She hates white people. Guess what she's half Dutch. She grew up in a white family. She hates white people. How stupid is you, is you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I said it like that.

Speaker 2:

How stupid is you? How stupid is you? You sound like Yoda. Yoda would be like stupid you are.

Speaker 2:

You know, all right, I'm not going to support anything. This chick's in, yeah, I just I don't get it. Man, like every show now it seems like over the years, every show is mom, dad, I have a secret, or they, or, uh, you know, they're struggling, they're struggling with something, and then it's always and me and my wife got it down it's always they're gay. So every show, my wife, you can't even watch cartoons. Now she was watching the show the other day, uh, maybe a week or two ago, and it was like a cartoon, uh, jurassic park. My grandbaby, she loves dinosaurs. So I just happened to sit down for a minute seeing two girls talking and they talked about I don't know relationship, something. That one walked away mad. I was like, wait a minute. I was like, are they lesbians? And she said yeah, and I was like so you can't even watch cartoons now without gay people being in it? You know, like it.

Speaker 2:

Why can't you make?

Speaker 3:

your own stuff. You can't turn anywhere without something being in it that's what I don.

Speaker 2:

I understand why you can't make your own shows and movies and stuff like that, instead of just shoving them in everything that we used to like and now we can't like, because I don't want to be a part of this. You know what I mean. And, matter of fact, wrestling I used to love wrestling when I was a kid. I still watch it with my daughter because she has a mental handicap and like wrestling is her life. There's now a transgender. Uh well, he was born a man, but he, he pretends to be a woman, but uh, he's transgender, not just some guy coming out in the way. He fights women, he fights women, Wow, and uh yeah.

Speaker 3:

And it's like gee, who's going to be the winner?

Speaker 2:

There was one match where he was just dominating and doing all these moves but they were like hard, stiff hits man and it's like I. I would be so mad if I was one of these women taking these shots from this grown man. You know, I mean, like you know, they're going to hit harder and hit, you know, in a different way than what these women do, but anyways, yeah no, we're getting on a rant here anyways.

Speaker 2:

Well, these, you know we're getting on a rant here. Anyways, we're trying to give you things that you need to know about. You should know about, Like the Star Wars thing. If you are a Star Wars fan or your kid likes Star Wars, we're telling you don't watch it.

Speaker 3:

Don't watch the Acolyte. We're telling you.

Speaker 2:

We're trying to give you the heads up, because if you come home and you're watching hey, what do you want? Or you see your kid watch something, what are you watching? All this new Star Wars show? Is it called the Acolyte? Yeah, turn it off.

Speaker 2:

You know, we're trying to give you the heads up Because we use the force, because they say in the Acolyte Jedis are actually bad and the Sith is really good, and one thing that we want to do when I'm a Christian, when I'm a Christian as a Christian, I should say I don't know where I was going with that as a Christian there's shows and movies I'll see a trailer for, and it doesn't really give you any info like what it's rated, what's in it, stuff like that. That's why we're going to do, uh, movie reviews for you guys. We're going to let you know what we know about the shows, because there's times I'll see a trailer and think, oh, that looks good, but then, without looking it up, I could watch something to be like, oh man, it has this in and I have to turn it off, you know? So I'm, I'm we're trying to give you the heads up before you make that mistake. You may see or hear something you don't want to.

Speaker 3:

So we're going to try to save you and tell you hey, this is what we know about this certain thing. I mean, like I said don't get me wrong I would not entertain watching the Acolyte, but if you're the giantest, the biggest Star Wars fan and you got to watch it, then that's on you.

Speaker 2:

Now college football. There's one thing in college football that I want to point out to you. There's a ohio state recruit coming in. He, uh, is a four star, I believe, running back and I want to say they said he was like the ninth best in the nation or it was ninth best in ohio, I can't remember. But anyways, he was going to ohio state and this will be his first season freshman and, uh, his name was is given name lamar jackson jr and immediately people saying is he in relation to lamar jackson? Well, considering lamar jackson is like early 20s, mid 20s at the latest, right, and still calls his mom for campbell soup.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I'm pretty sure that's not his son, no relation. But what's funny is Lamar Jackson. Jr Said you know what? There's a Lamar Jackson in the NFL. I want to make a name for myself. I don't want to have the same name with this guy, so I'm going to come up with a name that nobody knows and it's different from everyone else. So he came up with the name. Instead of lamar jackson, he wants to be known as bo jackson how stupid is this man?

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying he's stupid, I'm just saying no, he is my, my biggest takeaway. Look why wait? Okay, if you told me this, uh, you know, all right, but I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna go by bo jackson. My very first thing I'm saying out of my mouth is going to be you know, there was a Bo Jackson that was a running back back in the eighties, right, like you know, like right.

Speaker 3:

Like he's one of the best of the eighties he plays the same position as you.

Speaker 2:

You're a running back. Lamar Jackson is a quarterback, so you wouldn't be compared to him as far as the play style and stuff, because two different positions. Now you're changing your name to Bo Jackson, which you actually are a running back, and he was a running back. So if anything, if you're ever going to be compared, it's going to be compared to Bo Jackson instead of Lamar.

Speaker 3:

Jackson Right, who averaged five yards a carry in his career.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so why wouldn't?

Speaker 3:

you just change your name to Vincent Edward, vincent Edward Jackson, anything. That's Bo Jackson's real name. A lot of people don't know that Bo Jackson's real name is Vincent Edward, so if you went by, vincent, vincent Jackson.

Speaker 2:

The two things I take away from this and I agree with it. Just totally change your name. I take away from this and I agree with it, like you know, just totally change your name. The two things I take away from this is one. Well, I would say the most important thing is no one. In my opinion, this is just me, the two things I take away. The most important one to me would be not one person said to me no, there was a Bo Jackson that's the one thing, nobody knows, that's not one like no one's ever heard of Bo Jackson before.

Speaker 2:

Like oh, bo, that's a good one. Where'd you get that? Oh, I just came up with it.

Speaker 3:

I mean, like that's the biggest thing. He was the first two sport player that's the biggest thing for me.

Speaker 2:

No one's saying anything but two. I have to say, if you were going, like I said, if you're going to be compared to someone, it's going to be someone that was a fellow running back, which would be bo jackson, because there's players in the nfl right now that have the same name but they play different positions so they're not compared to each other. You just say, hey, this is josh allen the defender, this is josh allen the quarterback. They're not compared to each other, they just have the same. People might mention it every once in a while. If they were both defensive ends or quarterbacks, cornerbacks, running backs, then they might compare like, oh, this Josh Allen is better than this Josh Allen. Right now you can't do that. Two different positions, but you're coming in as Bo Jackson.

Speaker 3:

People are going to say as a running back.

Speaker 2:

As a running back. As a running back, you're no Bo Jackson, he'll never be as good as the original Bo.

Speaker 3:

No, bo knows everything that's funny to me.

Speaker 2:

That's just funny to me. Now it's time, since we are local in Ohio. Here we got two teams to talk about. We got Browns and Bengals. So first, with the Browns news, we got Kevin Stefanski says he wants in 2024 the best version of Deshaun Watson.

Speaker 1:

And you know who else wants that Deshaun Watson.

Speaker 2:

And literally every Browns fan coach owner like locker room equipment guy.

Speaker 3:

Especially the owners who are paying his check.

Speaker 2:

Literally everybody wants that for Deshaun Watson. Man, like literally everybody wants the best version of Sean Cause. We have not seen that in Cleveland. So when I saw that I just kind of laughed at it. Like really, man, right, you know, of course we want that. Like who doesn't want that? And then I'm giving you this right now. I'm telling you this as a Browns fan. I can see this coming. If he has a terrible year, which we don't know, I mean, they brought in more weapons for him If he can stay healthy, there's a possibility he could do good Next year. Do not be surprised if he struggles and he stinks.

Speaker 2:

They draft the grounds will draft the quarterback, especially if we don't make the playoffs and we have a decent spot, the browns may trade up and say, hey, we're going to try to get a quarterback early as possible. They're predicting this is just a prediction that in uh, an early 2025 mock draft that was shared online the draft wire he's on the draft wire Kurt Papajoy of the Cleveland Browns I think he works in Cleveland. They have the Cleveland Browns selecting a Georgia quarterback, carson Beck, and in the 14 games last season that he played, the six foot four, 215 pound Beck completed 72.4% of his passes for 3,941 yards, 24 touchdowns, six interceptions. So I mean he had almost 4,000 yards. The touchdown to interception ratio is it bad? I mean it's all right. I mean 24 to 6.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, 72.9 passing completion rating, that's really good.

Speaker 2:

I just wish it was like 34 touchdowns to six interceptions. Well, we can't all be Aaron Rodgers. He's viewed by some to be one of the top quarterback prospects that would come out in 2025. So let's just say the Browns struggle. What I'm predicting that will happen if they struggle and Deshaun, you know it'll probably be like this we're going to draft this quarterback and he's going to sit on the bench to learn from you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know what that means. You know what that means you don't.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to be an expert to know what that means. If you get a drafted quarterback drafted and you're the starting quarterback you know that as well as I do, and I've been watching football for a long time that means your days are numbered. You better start playing well, or this guy right here is going to come in and take your job. That's what that means. So, deshaun, if you have anything left in the tank, you need to actually come out. Play your heart out, not get hurt, not do anything stupid. Beat the Deshaun of at least 75% of the Deshaun Watson. He was in 2020 when he was lighting up the NFL with passing yards stuff, 60% of that even 60, would be better than the last six games that he played this last season.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that was all 12 games he's played with Cleveland. It was stupid. He'd play one good game, get hurt. Come back back, play a good uh game, got hurt. It's like come back, play a quarter, get hurt. And it's like, dude, come on, like every time you have like a really good game and people start getting excited, like myself, like oh my gosh, he's doing so good and you know you start to get happy. Then it's like deshaun watson's not playing this week but he could be out for a few weeks, and then the last one's like he's out for the season. It's like are you kidding me?

Speaker 3:

you're right, you know, I mean like come on man it's just like joe burrow. Oh man, I was speaking to joe burrow. Uh, joe burrow misses out on uh, cj stroud's top five quarterbacks list.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So they asked I seen that that they asked CJ Stroud, who do you think the best or the top five should be? And he answered truthfully what he thought. He said Patrick Mahomes, lamar Jackson, josh Allen, dak Prescott, and he named himself. And they asked him. They said well, what about Joe Burrow? And he said, look, I've modeled some of my game after Joe Burrow. I respect Joe Burrow, he's a good quarterback, but he was hurt last year. But people ran with this story and said, oh, he basically disrespected Joe Burrow. It's like, dude, you're reading way too much into that. He had every right to leave Joe Burrow off that list. He was going by last season and he named himself because he played well and the other guys played well. Mahomes won the Super Bowl.

Speaker 3:

I don't see anything wrong with it. Look, and he was still being humble. He put himself on the list, but he put himself last in the top five, you know what I mean when you were probably better than Dax.

Speaker 2:

You know what I I mean. But it's like why try to start something that's not there? The guy made a good point. He was hurt. It'd be different if Burrow was in there and went to like the championship game lost to the Chiefs but had an amazing year. That'd be different.

Speaker 3:

Maybe leave Dak off and put Burrow on, or well. I mean, I would actually think, I would actually say that CJ Stroud was better than, uh, josh Allen last season.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, I mean I would have took CJ Stroud was better than Josh Allen last season. I mean, yeah, I mean I would have took CJ Stroud's numbers and what he accomplished and stuff. I would have definitely taken that over a lot of quarterbacks. But I don't see anything wrong with that. I don't see anything wrong with leaving Burrow off that list. No, I don't either. He hasn't finished a season since he's been in the NFL.

Speaker 3:

Man, he's never finished a season since he's been in the nfl man never finished, never finished the season.

Speaker 2:

So what are you getting mad at? Why even started a season? He's?

Speaker 3:

injured the first game. He's injured the last eight games, or something like that and again, that's 217 million.

Speaker 2:

that's guaranteed, right man? He just bought a house. Well, thinking about, uh, injuries, because you mentioned injury running back Nick Chubb still doesn't know when his return date is and they were hinting that it could be as early as week one through three, and that would be amazing. As a Browns fan, he's my favorite player. As you can see, we've got a Chubb jersey on the wall autographed. I love Nick Chubb, my favorite player.

Speaker 2:

I don't want him to rush back too soon where he gets injured, and then that's the last time we see him in Cleveland, but we're not seeing at all right.

Speaker 2:

But I also want to see Nick Chubb on the field because he's the best player on our offense, I believe. When he's healthy the guy is amazing. He's a team first guy. You never hear any complaints from him when they're losing or even when he struggles. If there's a game he was struggling and Kareem Hunt had a better game. You'd hear him on the sideline talking with Kareem Hunt. He'd be like oh, today ain't my day and that's it. You know how many people would be throwing their helmets and like kicking the net. You know the field goal net when they're practicing and stuff. He's.

Speaker 2:

He's a team first guy and that's one of the reasons I love him. He can score three touchdowns. I've seen him do it three touchdowns in one game and Stella, instead of celebrating, he takes the football, hands it to referee, goes back to the sideline, right, doesn't do nothing, man. That's one of the reasons, many reasons I love Nick Chubb. So I'm hoping that he does come back quickly, but I hope it's at the right time. I hope they do his training and rehab and everything at the right pace to where he comes back 100% healthy, because now that we have Jerry Judy, for example, and a few other additions throughout the team offense and defense. You guys got Judge Judy yeah man, we got judge judy.

Speaker 2:

She's gonna be awesome. I can't wait to see judge judy. Now, uh, what's going on with their running back situation in cincinnati?

Speaker 3:

uh, running back, zach moss says he has big shoes to fill after mixon's exit, which I think is he's just being nice yeah, yeah, I mean, come on man We've been waiting to get rid of Joe.

Speaker 2:

Mixon for years. Well, check this out, this is a stat for you. So, for Joe Mixon's career right now, he has 6,412 rushing yards with 49 touchdowns. Okay, zach Moss has 2,0776 yards with 14 touchdowns. He has, let's see, joe Mixon has played 2017 to 2023. And then Zach Moss has played from 2020 to 2023. So, he's only been in the league for three years well, four years.

Speaker 2:

He played the 2020 season, 2021, 22, 23. So four seasons, and when you look at his numbers though, look at, look at the one year he had 91. He has 481, three, 45, three 65, seven, 94.

Speaker 3:

This last year, like besides that last season, he looked like he was kind of a backup.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, when you look at his numbers in 2023, he played in 14 games. He had 183 carries, 794 yards, five touchdowns. His longest run was 56 yards and no fumbles.

Speaker 3:

But he averaged 4.3, which is way better than what Mixon could do.

Speaker 2:

He averaged 5.4 in 2022, but he only ran the ball 17 times. Now Mixon his average. He has never averaged five yards.

Speaker 3:

He's barely averaged 4.9 there. That was during his best season, though 3.6 is no, 3.5 is his lowest.

Speaker 2:

Was that last season? That was, uh, 2017 rookie year?

Speaker 3:

oh, rookie year yeah he sucked that year and he sucked every.

Speaker 2:

So four point average last year he was 0.1 better than 2022. He got a 0.1 better on his average. And then, yeah, he has 49 touchdowns. I mean, he's only had double digit touchdowns one time in his career. So I don't know, man Like going off of those numbers. I don't know what to say to that man.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what to say to that. I would take Zach Moss all day long, every day, over Joe Mixon.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Mixon has been a disappointment for the Cincinnati fans since we got him.

Speaker 2:

If they did finally improve their offensive line and Joe Burrow has a running back that will start and Moss starts and actually gets carries like a starting running back, should, I mean you never know they could have a good running back, finally One that you know a better he could be better than because he's only been in the league four years and he hasn't got a lot of wear and tear on him as far as all the hits Cause the one game or the one year, I mean he only had like 17, 17 carries, but he might've got injured.

Speaker 3:

I mean, we don't know, but then again he was only in five games, so, but the crazy, he was starting them, or he?

Speaker 2:

could have just been that bad. He might not have been worthy of a start, so you guys might've actually downgraded really bad. No, I start, so you guys might have actually downgraded really bad. No, I know the name. I know the name of zach moss. I just never followed him because he was never a good enough. Uh, running back to where you'd be like, oh, he's a household name. Yeah, no, all right, so check us out.

Speaker 2:

Jerry judy, not judge judy, bring something special to cleveland wide receiver group. That is kind of comparable to running backs. He has the ability to run. No, seriously, he can run and he can make juke moves and stuff like that, almost kind of like what you would expect out of a running back, and his yards after the catch and just broken tackles, things of that nature. You would think that he was a running back in a lot of different stats and different plays that you see. But he's actually a wide receiver, so he brings an extra set of special skills to that position and that's why the Browns wanted to grab him up and I'm glad they did, as long as they can get Deshaun Watson on the same page with this guy him and Amari Cooper the six games that he did play. There was a couple of games there, man, where him and Cooper were just hooking up and it was just like, wow, this could be something really special.

Speaker 2:

If he can get on the same page with Amari Cooper and we'll stay on the same page, I should say, with him him and then Elijah Moore and Jerry Judy I think that they could have something special there. And if Nick Chubb can come in, be healthy, play like Nick Chubb can. There's a chance. Man like the Browns could really have a powerful offense like three good receivers, plus David Njoku came on last season when Joe Flacco came in showing you like, hey, give me the ball, I can make plays.

Speaker 2:

So I mean we really have a good chance. And if our defense can be in top five again last year we was in number one in a lot of categories we really could be a dangerous team, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Browns fan. If it was the other way around, as the Bengals Steelers Ravens, I'd say the same thing. So I mean it's one of those things where Deshaun Watson is the one key to pretty much all of this, because if he plays well, the team can play well, if he plays bad, it's going to affect everybody else. You're right.

Speaker 3:

So I mean, Well, yeah, Deshaun Watson is the key there, Because you've got to figure when Deshaun okay, and Joku, you know he picked up with Flacco, but Deshaun Watson really didn't use him. He didn't utilize him that much when he was in the game and Flacco comes in and it's like and tears it up with him.

Speaker 2:

He's the best tight end in football. All of a sudden it's like there was times. I've just watched him and I'm just like where was this all year?

Speaker 3:

Where was this last year? He just turned into Kittle, you know what I mean. He turned into Kelsey with Joe Flacco, you know like, yeah, no, deshaun Watson has to utilize him, and then it'll be pretty good.

Speaker 2:

So with Tyler Boyd, we know his situation, we know T Higgins' situation. What about Jamar chase?

Speaker 3:

Well, Jamar chase says he wasn't doing an extension until Justin Jefferson did his.

Speaker 2:

So see, to me that's greedy man, and I'm not just saying that if, even if he has a Browns receiver, I'd say the same thing.

Speaker 2:

To me it's greedy, you know like. I got to see what this guy gets before I sign a contract. That, right there, tells me that you're not a team player, you're not a team guy, you're a you guy. I got to take care of me first and I understand Let me say this real quick. I understand that you have to make money because the NFL is violent at times to where a lot of people can lose their career, and for nothing. A lot of people, especially back in the days 60s, 50s, 70s getting hurt, nothing to show for. Their bodies are destroyed, nothing to show for.

Speaker 3:

Early 90s Bo Jackson gets attacked, breaks his hip, never plays another game, so I get that.

Speaker 2:

But this day and age man, it's just I can't sign a contract Like, okay, what if we give you $100 million? No, I'm going to turn that down for now. I got to see what Justin gets. That's terrible.

Speaker 2:

That right there shows that you're not a team player. In my opinion. You're only caring about money. And I know again that you're playing in a violent sport. Your career can end at any time.

Speaker 2:

You could be in your 20s and you know like, and your career is over and you got nothing to fall back on because you kind of was betting everything on football. You didn't get a degree or anything in college that can actually make you some serious money. Like you're not going to go out and be a doctor, you know. I mean like you put all your eggs in one basket. But to me it comes off greedy, especially when you have t higgins saying like, hey, I want a contract. And we've talked many times and I've talked with other bingles fans. If he was a true team guy, he'd say don't give me all the money. I want this guy on the other side of me because when he's double teamed I'm open, I'm gonna get the ball more, I'm gonna get bonuses, I'm gonna get you know this and this and I'll do a big contract later. He could have easily said okay, Justin got 150. That's 110 guaranteed. Give me like 90 million, like 75 guaranteed. I can live off 75 million the rest of my life man.

Speaker 3:

Right, I was going to say give me 150 guaranteed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know something like that. So give me because I'm a better player better player, you know, not trying to be this high, I'm thinking, not trying to be, you know, mean or rude or, you know, like cocky or any arrogant, but I'm the number one receiver. Give me 100 million, 75, guaranteed I can. I can make that work the rest of my life. Give the other 50 or 75 or whatever ridiculous number he was going to add to it. Pay t higgins as the the proper number two guy that he is, and he'd be happy with that, I'm sure. If you offered him like $50 million, I'm sure he'd be like yeah, I'll take that.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean like you still want. I don't know, is he gone?

Speaker 2:

No, tyler Boyd. Oh, tyler Boyd, yeah, he's gone See Like you See, like you want, you still want.

Speaker 3:

You wanted Tyler Boyd to be there too.

Speaker 2:

I believe, man. I've seen so much on Tyler Boyd. Let me make sure here because I've seen stuff with Pittsburgh it says he went to Pittsburgh man.

Speaker 3:

That would be crap.

Speaker 2:

Okay, he is signing a one-year deal with Tennessee Titans worth up to $4.5 million.

Speaker 3:

Wow, really $4.5?. Yeah, we couldn't have re-signed him. You know what I?

Speaker 2:

mean Keep your trio of wide receivers together.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, you couldn't give him like $6 million or something Like.

Speaker 2:

He only went there for $4.5? Yeah, so.

Speaker 3:

I mean, that's what I'm saying. Hey, man, we got you right here for five, you gave burrow all his money.

Speaker 2:

Now you're about to give chase all his money. You know you got hendrickson on the defense. Talk about he wants out. You can't pay like a couple people all this money and then expect why you think the patriots were good for so long tom brady took less money.

Speaker 2:

He always took less money bringing people like Randy Moss, even though he didn't win that year, when they didn't go undefeated. But it's just the fact that you could bring in big stars or then meet kind of mediocre or middle-of-the-pack players but pay them good enough money to where they come to you instead of someone else and, bam, look how many Super Bowl appearances you have. I mean, that's a big part of it, man, you can't pay just jamar chase and and uh just or justin uh joe, burrow all the money and then expect everything else to work out. Everybody's going to want to leave man because everybody's so greedy this day, in these day and age and so well, I mean you're not gonna have a team yeah, I mean, you can't just have two guys.

Speaker 2:

You know what's going to happen if higgins somehow gets out of there. They're going to fall apart. They're going to have one receiver. What are you going to do? You're going to double team this guy and then dare him to run with a guy that may or may not be worse than joe mixon so I mean I'm going to say he's better regardless. Joe mixon was your these last two years. I didn't fear Joe Mixon, the running game against the Browns.

Speaker 3:

I didn't fear him yeah, whatever man, he wasn't that great now chatbot AI.

Speaker 2:

Okay, there's a, a site where it tells you that, uh, they can do anything. You that, uh, they can do anything. They can do like scripts. They could write scripts, they could do all kinds of stuff. That's supposed to be like really like cool, they can make meatloaf. They, yeah, they can make meatloaf if you want them to. Now chatbot ai came out with an app and they, they said you know what? You can ask it anything and it'll perform it for you. So I asked chatbot AI to tell me some jokes about some sports jokes, and I'm going to see if I can make Roscoe laugh here. So let's see if I can make anybody laugh with these chatbot AI generated jokes. All right, here we go. Why did the football team go to the bank to get their quarterback?

Speaker 2:

That's cheesy, all right Basketball joke. Why did the basketball player bring strings to the game? To tie the score, to tie the score.

Speaker 3:

That's also cheesy that one did not get me to chuckle quarterback I heard a baseball joke from chatbot ai.

Speaker 2:

All right baseball. Why are frogs so good at baseball? Because they always catch flies.

Speaker 3:

Man, these are like AI dad jokes.

Speaker 2:

Right, all right. Here's an AI soccer joke. Why did the soccer player bring a pencil to the game To draw the match?

Speaker 3:

That's so bad, I don't get that one.

Speaker 2:

I don't even get it. I don't watch soccer, so I'm assuming that might make sense.

Speaker 3:

I don't get that one, I don't even get it like I don't like watch soccer, so I'm assuming that might make sense. I don't know, like is it soccer or is it football right.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I don't know. Here's a golf joke for you. Why do golfers carry an extra pair of pants?

Speaker 3:

okay, in case they get a hole in one.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, yes, ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hockey. Why don't hockey players like to tell jokes on the ice?

Speaker 3:

Because they might crack up, I was going to say because it could be an icebreaker. Yeah, pretty much.

Speaker 2:

So overall, how do you grade the sports jokes from chatbotai?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, they were stuff you could tell your grandkids you know, not be, you know like full of profanity or right now, like that, I'm gonna go out here and say the wnba before this season never watched it, never knew anyone's name, except for maybe Rebecca Lobo. I don't think, I don't even know, if I say her name, I don't even know, who. That is All right, so never paid attention to it. It's just because it's not because they're women and I'm not supporting them because they're women. It was just they're not as good.

Speaker 3:

It was boring.

Speaker 2:

When you watch the NBA and you watch people like over the years, like Michael Jordan and even though I can't stand the guy because he's so woke LeBron James, you got to see pure talent. You know what I mean, like the shots they can make from three-point land and the dunks and jordan can make a shot from anywhere and then the dunks.

Speaker 2:

You know, like the windmills, all these, you know 360s and all this stuff that they do. You know, like that, that's so entertaining. But when the women man, like they would play and I'm not saying they're not talented, but when you go from the nba then watch how they play it was kind kind of like watching a middle school sometimes, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

It was just bad, so never had any interest in it. Then Kaitlyn Clark comes along and it got me interested, just like a bunch of other people got interested in women's basketball because of Kaitlyn Clark. So now she's getting all kinds of hatred because everyone's saying they're only talking about her because she's white and she's pretty.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she's pretty. She's got white privilege and pretty privilege. Yeah, that's what they were saying and I was going to say no offense. Um, where's the pretty privilege?

Speaker 2:

yeah, she's she's not.

Speaker 2:

She's an average looking woman yeah, and, and even if she was drop dead gorgeous, that has nothing to do with it. She is shooting threes from almost half court. She'll run around somebody and just off the back of hills just flip up a three and hit it. I mean she's exciting because especially three-point land man, this chicken hit threes like steph curry, right, and it's like that's why she brings an excitement of her play and where she can just shoot from anywhere and make it makes it exciting. It doesn't matter if she's black, white, chinese, asian, short, tall, doesn't matter any of that, it's just the fact that she brings excitement to the game because of how well she could shoot.

Speaker 2:

She set records in the dub or the college ranks oh yeah, she set records and stuff and I mean she's just an exciting person. So check us out. Caitlin clark is the first player in wnba history with 200 points and 75 assists through a player's first 12 games. Oh, wow, yeah, 75 assists in 12 games, man, you know what that tells me? She's not a ball hog. She will pass somebody the ball, okay, so that's a good thing.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm not going to mention the woman's name, but she's a basketball player and a lot of people are hating on her because she's white, which is wrong, you know. And a lot of people are hating on her because she's white which is wrong, you know. And a lot of people were hating on her because she was straight. A lot of people were hating on her because she was Catholic. So here's my thing, man. They say there was a woman on there. She said before Caitlin Clark, people watched us, you know, like it's not just about one person, okay, so last year, before Caitlin Clark came in, okay, the average audience for the top team was 9,551 people. Okay, game, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's terrible that is terrible.

Speaker 2:

Okay, indiana, the team Caitlin Clark plays for, was only getting about 4,066 viewers.

Speaker 3:

Okay, now it's getting over 10.

Speaker 2:

Now Kaitlin Clark being in there, it went from 4,066 up to almost 17,000. Oh wow, that's higher than. I thought, yeah, okay, and they are now the number one watched team in the WNBA. The team that was talking trash is only at a little over 10,000 average.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but see, here's the thing If you look at the averages from last year and you go back and you look at them from this year, they're all higher and it is because of Kaitlyn Clark. Because of Kaitlyn Clark. She's bringing excitement to wnba and they want to hate on her because she's a white girl. Yeah, and that's the thing like hating on her. Appreciate it. Like charles berkeley said appreciate it. You guys have never flown personal. You know you never had personal jets or anything like that.

Speaker 2:

And now, you do and they hate it on her because she has a shoe deal with Nike. Oh, no girl or woman has ever had a shoe deal. No one has been as good as Caitlin Clark has been man coming out of college and stuff, setting records and doing all the stuff that she's doing and did you hear?

Speaker 3:

I think I just read it yesterday. She's been axed from the USA team. She's not getting paid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she got snubbed for the.

Speaker 3:

She said she's going to turn the beast off. It's going to turn the beast on in me.

Speaker 2:

I don't that's like you would never, you would never see LeBron James left off the NBA. Well, they said he's a rookie. Right, but if LeBron James was coming out playing as good as he is, they would have found a way to put him on there Exactly, and you know, michael Jordan playing as good as he did, they would put him on there.

Speaker 3:

They snubbed her because, I'll be honest with you, she's white, she's a rookie.

Speaker 2:

And did you know that they said like it was something staggering, like 98 of the wmba was lesbian or some kind of gay, she's straight and catholic.

Speaker 2:

So a lot of them were saying, before she even showed up, that they're going to hate on her and stuff because, uh, she's basically not one of them. And it's like how stupid can you be that this woman is going to put more money in your pockets than you've ever had because she's basically not one of them? It's like how stupid can you be that this woman is going to put more money in your pockets than you've ever had because she's so good, because you know what happens when she goes on the road. People's going to travel to sell out your stadium and your fans are going to be there, so you're going to have packed houses. People's going to watch you more on television because you're playing against Kaitlyn Clark. She's helping the sport. You get a couple more Caitlin Clark's in there over the next couple years through the draft and stuff. All of a sudden, wnba is going to be huge. You know, because you're going to have megastars in there like Caitlin Clark.

Speaker 2:

You know you get like right man what if there was like 10 Caitlin Clark's, like like almost all the teams had at least one Caitlin Clark, then you, you have like oh wow, this team is awesome. Man, did you see Caitlin Clark? Yeah, but did you see such and such, like it would be a someone's finally talking about your sport. Why are you mad? Well, it's like the.

Speaker 3:

NBA From the mid-80s to the mid-90s. It was huge. You had all these great players. Now don't get me wrong michael jordan wasn't the first one, but technically, to me, caitlyn clark is like the first great wnba player like I said, I can only think of like one name and I don't even know if I got her name right rebecca lobo, I think I said how do you say her name?

Speaker 2:

I don't even know I don't know, like.

Speaker 2:

Once I saw videos of them missing a bunch of shots, and it was like a bunch of air balls and stuff. I found no, why are we watching this? I found no interest. But then you finally bring in Caitlin Clark. But then there are, uh um, a lot of players in the WNBA, though, that are actually really good shooters, and I didn't know that until I started watching Kaitlyn Clark. You know girls on other teams, like Angel Reese, for example. She's a good shooter. I never would have known, though, if it wasn't for Kaitlyn Clark. Ain't she a rookie?

Speaker 3:

is she?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Angel Reese.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I think so. I think she was the one who was the one I was telling you the one day.

Speaker 2:

Or she might be a veteran. She was the one.

Speaker 3:

Well, there's somebody who was drafted this season with Kaitlyn Clark and she was like ah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, just talking smack Mm-hmm. Like she's not the only one in the draft. That's good this year. Right, right, I'm in the draft and she named off some other girls and we're like, yeah, we get that other girls. And we're like, yeah, we get that, but she's the biggest name in the draft.

Speaker 2:

I mean, she's the one that broke all the college records. Before we go to movie reviews, there was something I saw on the news I just wanted to bring up because it was so stupid. I had two different stories I'm just going to touch on quickly. There was two men got arrested, okay, okay. One man gets arrested. He was caught by the US Coastal Guard and he had $63 million of cocaine and he had a shootout with them and there's like a drug smuggling thing going on there. So he gets arrested, he's going to prison. There's another man that he's going to prison. There's a man another man that also is going to prison. This man is 71 and he got arrested after lapd finds nearly 3 000 boxes of stolen lego sets at his house. Oh, wow. So could you imagine the conversation? How long is he? How?

Speaker 3:

71 years old. How long has he been stealing them?

Speaker 2:

3 000 boxes of stolen lego sets. Could you imagine these two going to jail at the same time? They're shackled together on the bus, like in the movies, and they're going, you know, like on a three-hour trip to prison and the guy's like what are you in for? He's like I got busted smuggling 63 million dollars of cocaine, plus having to shoot out with the, the Coast Guards and stuff, and uh, and he was like, oh man, that's crazy. What are you in for? I stole 3 000 boxes of.

Speaker 3:

Legos right.

Speaker 2:

You know, like that dude would probably be thinking like I'm gonna shank this dude as soon as we get in there, like how do you know?

Speaker 3:

he even stole him at 71 years old.

Speaker 2:

He could have bought him over a year well, uh, there's a close-up of all the different legos that he stole and it's like why, of all things? He's got the molyneux falcon right of all things, though you know, I mean like that the, the drug dealer and stuff, was probably thinking like I'm gonna like just shank this guy as soon as we get in there right this guy's like you know, I mean like legos man, you got, you got caught up on legos.

Speaker 3:

You didn't commit no like major crime, that's all in legos.

Speaker 2:

That's, that was funny to me. All right, guys, we're gonna do a movie review and again, I'm just gonna tell you what the movie's name is because they're currently out what the rating is and a few things that's in the movie. So it's up to you pray about it if you are a moviegoer. Like I said, the old school christians, they don't really, um, they don't really go anymore.

Speaker 3:

But this one is called the old school christian. Yeah they'll?

Speaker 2:

they call you a sinner if they find a my uncle mean like my Uncle Dave in Antwerp you go to the movie theater.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't allowed to watch Disney growing up Right.

Speaker 2:

This movie. I mean you could kind of guess by the name. It's called Tarot or Tarot, I don't know how you say it Like tarot cards. Tarot, yeah, tarot, okay. I guess the other T is silent. So it's rated PG-13, and this movie has horror, violence, terror, bloody images, some strong language and drug content and, on a scale of 1 to 10, of how mild to how severe it is, sex and nudity is a 2, violence and gore is a 7, and language is a five.

Speaker 2:

But just the fact that it's called tarot or tarot however you say it I'm gonna go on the limb here and say that it's about, uh, tarot cards and stuff. So it's probably going to be something that I would say almost every christian would probably not want to see and then not really, because if you believe in tarot cards, then you believe in well, I'm saying christians.

Speaker 3:

I don't know any christians that believe in it, I cards, then you believe in. Well, I'm saying Christians, I don't know any Christians that believe in it. I don't either. I mean, but look, what I'm saying is tarot cards, man, they kind of Wouldn't you say the devil controls those? I mean like, yeah, you know what I?

Speaker 2:

mean, well, I've seen one guy do them and to me, man, it was so made up, it was like he'd flip a card. I'd flip a card. This was way back before I was in church, I was like 16 or something. He flipped it and then he'd look through the book and be like, well, this card means. It's like aren't you supposed to know? This All right. So there is Furiosa, oh terrible, A Mad Max saga. I remember seeing Mad Max when I was a kid.

Speaker 3:

Do you remember that? Yes, mad Max, beyond Thunderdome.

Speaker 2:

Check us out. It's rated R. Sex and nudity is a 5. Violence and gore is a 7. Language is a 3. Mad Max in it is a 0. Yeah, Mad Max is not in it, if you're a child that remembers this movie. So it says that the rating has been assigned for sequences of strong violence, grisly images and things of that nature. Then it goes into inappropriate things that are in this movie.

Speaker 3:

Like heavy petting zoos Claws with dust on them.

Speaker 2:

You know, I always thought, though, when I started as a Christian, when I was an adult, something that popped my mind if a movie is rated r, that r to me should mean repent, because I shouldn't be watching this movie. It's rated r, so uh, then you got the strangers, chapter one. Rated r. Sex and nudity is a four, violence and language seven. It says uh, there's drug use, uh, violence, uh, language, scenes of murder, uh, talking about how people are shot and killed different ways, uh, yeah, so that one is called the strangers.

Speaker 2:

And all these movies are currently out right now. So if you are a moviegoer, or your kids you have teenage kids that go to the movies with friends Don't go. Yeah, you might want to find out what they're watching, so you can know ahead of time. That's one of the reasons why we're doing this, so you and your family will know what these movies are rated, what's in them. That way you can avoid them if they need avoided. And the sad thing is, one of these days they're going to be coming out with cartoons you don't think oh, it's fine, go see them with your friend, their parents are going to drop you off, it's fine. Then they come back, and now they're saying stuff like I'm transgender. No, you're not.

Speaker 3:

Right, I'm non-binary. I just watched Turning Red, okay.

Speaker 2:

So the Fall Guy it is rated PG-13. Sex it is rated PG-13, sex and nudity a three. Violence and gore is a six. Language a five. And they say this one has strong language and action and violence throughout drug content. Why's everything got drug?

Speaker 3:

content. You know what I mean. Like I kind of thought that Is it really so important to the story that you see a dude smoking a doobie or something?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I don't understand. Yeah, it's funny because, as you said, that, it kind of was popping in my mind at the same time, like a split second after you did I don't know that's like with profanity, why you have to have profanity in every movie, and especially like a gangster movie I used to watch when I was a teenager.

Speaker 2:

Uh, it was like every other word was a cuss word. But I mean, they did talk like that in real life. But you talk about like good fellas, good fellas and stuff like that, because I watched that when I was, yeah, before I went to church and stuff. But it's like you can still follow a story without the cuss words. I still would know what you were saying. I'm it's not like the cuss words help me understand more. So I never understood why you had to throw cussing in there so much. Right, it'd be like a kingdom of the planet of the apes. You remember that the planet of the apes stuff? I was never a planet of the apes guy. I heard.

Speaker 2:

This one was terrible uh, you have a pg-13 sex and nudity at one, violence and gore. Six, language, a three. And it says that, uh, it has uh, sci-fi violence in action and that's pretty much all they assign to it, because I guess it's pretty much all this violence in action. And then, uh, if I don't even know what that is, but it's rated ryan reynolds. Okay, um, yeah, it's rated pg. And uh, it says, uh, it's a PG. And it says it's a kid's movie. It's a kid's movie rated PG. Sex and nudity, a one. I don't even know why they would be a one. It should just be a zero Right. Violence and gore. Two, language two. So what would it be? Language two, I mean, would there be cussing in it? Then it says that it's rated this because of mild language. Why would you put mild language in a pg movie for kids?

Speaker 3:

how can you put language in?

Speaker 1:

I thought pg meant yeah you know, what I mean yeah, or maybe it's just g.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, it might just be g, because pg might be parental guidance so maybe because there's like a word or two the Garfield movie rated PG, I'd go see it. It's rated PG. Has again sex and nudity a one, violence and gore, a three language a one. It says that it's been assigned that for action and peril mild thematic thematic, thematicatic, thematic elements, and that's it.

Speaker 3:

Well, no, and maybe, um, they list everything like the lower you go, maybe they go down, they don't have a zero, maybe they only have a one. Okay, I know I hold my hands up like I'm holding up a one.

Speaker 2:

Now, guys, this is just our first episode. We're trying to get everything in order, trying to get everything flowing naturally, to where everything will look and sound as amazing as possible, and we'll have everything going for you. You know it's not every day we sit behind a mic, but you know what? One thing that we want to do is give you a final thought and a word that we can leave you with. You know something positive.

Speaker 2:

And then, in Ezekiel 18, 30 to 32, it says therefore, I will judge you, o house of Israel, everyone according to his ways, sayeth the Lord. God, it says new spirit, for why will you die, oh house israel? And then god says in chapter 18, verse 32 for I have no pleasure in the death of him, that dieth saith the lord god. Wherefore, turn yourselves and live ye. So when you, a lot of people will say god doesn't love me, god doesn't care, god doesn't care if I go to heaven or hell. You know, they always say negative things like that, like god doesn't care if I go to heaven or hell. They always say negative things like that. Like God doesn't really know where I am, he doesn't know what I'm going through when I pray.

Speaker 3:

I don't get it.

Speaker 2:

God doesn't listen to my prayers, yeah, he doesn't listen to me. I pray, I get no answer. God doesn't care. God doesn't care. I hear that all the time, like over the years. But he even said in that last verse man, I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, like when I see someone die, I get no pleasure in that. I don't like sending people to hell. He actually is open up in his heart, opening up his heart right there, telling people like look, I get no pleasure in this, I don't want you to go to hell. I don't wait for someone to die and then get enjoyment from it and say, oh, I was hoping they wouldn't repent, I'm glad they go to hell, right, that's gonna make my supper better tonight watching that guy die, like I mean that's how people make it sound like god doesn't care.

Speaker 2:

But I'm telling you right now there's so many verses throughout the bible and this one just spoke to me this week and God is telling you repent, turn from your wicked ways and live not just here on earth as a Christian, but live the Christian life to where, when you do die or the rapture happens, you'll come to heaven and be with me. And if you do, unfortunately go to hell. God is telling you up front I'm not going to get any enjoyment from it. I'm not going to enjoy watching you go to hell and imagine, from the beginning of time till the end of time, all the people that God's going to watch go to hell. And it has to be heartbreaking, knowing that he created this individual I was actually going to say that.

Speaker 2:

They had a chance to make it to heaven. He has no pleasure. He is never, ever going to say that they had a chance to make it to heaven. He has no pleasure.

Speaker 3:

He is never, ever going to have pleasure in anyone going to hell. Ever. Think about this man, you know? Um, everybody on the planet's had a broken heart at one point in time. God's heart has been broken the most no one will ever understand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we'll never understand how god's heart works like, we'll never understand how much he loves us, why he loves us so much, why he put the plan of salvation into place. We'll never understand any of that. So that's one thing. No one ever thinks about the heart of god. Yeah, you know, he opens up his heart a little bit right there and tells us, like look, I get no pleasure in this. I will never look at an individual, no matter how wicked they are, and say, oh, I'm glad they went to hell. He'll never do that, right.

Speaker 2:

So therefore, he's telling you today that if you are a sinner, repent, turn from your wicked ways and live. Live here on earth, live here on earth, live for God, and then one day you'll live eternally with him. So therefore, if you think that God doesn't love you, you are dead wrong and as alive from the devil. God loves you, god wants to save you and he wants to do everything he can to prove himself to you, because he wants you to live with him in heaven for eternity. And it has to be heartbreaking for them and our final thought it has to be heartbreaking for God to see an individual die without him knowing what their judgment's about to be. So, guys, this is our first episode. We're trying to get the kinks out. We're trying to bring a show that you guys are going to like and enjoy. We want you to like, subscribe Facebook. We'll be on Facebook, youtube, spotify, apple Podcasts, all these different places.

Speaker 3:

I was actually going to say call that number we gave earlier.

Speaker 2:

The number 937.

Speaker 3:

Anything we can work on, anything we can do better.

Speaker 2:

Let me put it like this before we go. Final thought is if you want to be part of the show, if you want to have your voice heard, whether it be about sports, politics, uh, movies, food if you want to hear, uh, anything about whatever you care about on the show, you want a prayer request? 937-288-3773? Message me, I'll give you a shout out on the show, especially a prayer request. You know we'll like 937-288-3773. Message me, I'll give you a shout out on the show, especially a prayer request. You know we'll like.

Speaker 3:

I said call, don't call.

Speaker 2:

We'll definitely put the prayer requests online where everybody can hear them, and then everybody could pray for one another. And, that being said, we're getting out of here and if you live in the Ohio area, go to Der Dutchman. That place was amazing. It has a buffet and a regular menu, amazing food. I forgot to mention it earlier. So go to Der Dutchman, check it out and, if you do for the first time, message me, let me know what you think, and I promise you every episode is going to get better and better and you're going to love us. God loves.

Sports and Faith Show for Christians
Christian Correspondent and Sports Show Integration
Supporting Athletes on and Off
Justin Jefferson's Massive Contract Extension
NFL Players on Pride Month
MLB the Show Gender Inclusion
Star Wars LGBTQ+ Controversy
Media Representation and Controversies
Quarterback Name Change and NFL Predictions
Player Contracts and Team Dynamics
Player Contracts and Team Dynamics
Kaitlin Clark's Impact on WNBA
Rating Movies and God's Love
Voice Your Thoughts and Prayer Requests