Stewart in the Studio

Stewart In The Studio E05 - Stewart - From Mortgage Data to Mortgage Servicing

June 13, 2024 Thomas Hoff
Stewart In The Studio E05 - Stewart - From Mortgage Data to Mortgage Servicing
Stewart in the Studio
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Stewart in the Studio
Stewart In The Studio E05 - Stewart - From Mortgage Data to Mortgage Servicing
Jun 13, 2024
Thomas Hoff
Ever wondered how to transform mortgage servicing from a mundane task to a revolutionary experience? Tune in as we uncover the secrets with industry experts Rich Kugler, Shannon Santos, and Matt Jenkins from Stewart. They promise to change your perspective on mortgage servicing by revealing cutting-edge data analytics and valuation solutions that can dramatically improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance borrower interactions. From lead generation to loss mitigation, Stewart is not just a title company anymore; it's a comprehensive mortgage lifecycle partner.

In this episode, Shannon Santos enlightens us on how innovative data solutions can boost customer retention and optimize portfolio analytics using a blend of credit, public records, and marketing data. Meanwhile, Matt Jenkins dives into tech-forward valuation solutions for needs ranging from PMI removal to REO valuations, leveraging AI and intelligent quality control platforms. Finally, Rich Kugler discusses how seamless integrations with systems like Black Knight can bring unparalleled efficiency for lenders. Don't miss out on learning how Stewart's one-partner, one-agreement approach can benefit your mortgage servicing operations.
Show Notes Transcript
Ever wondered how to transform mortgage servicing from a mundane task to a revolutionary experience? Tune in as we uncover the secrets with industry experts Rich Kugler, Shannon Santos, and Matt Jenkins from Stewart. They promise to change your perspective on mortgage servicing by revealing cutting-edge data analytics and valuation solutions that can dramatically improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance borrower interactions. From lead generation to loss mitigation, Stewart is not just a title company anymore; it's a comprehensive mortgage lifecycle partner.

In this episode, Shannon Santos enlightens us on how innovative data solutions can boost customer retention and optimize portfolio analytics using a blend of credit, public records, and marketing data. Meanwhile, Matt Jenkins dives into tech-forward valuation solutions for needs ranging from PMI removal to REO valuations, leveraging AI and intelligent quality control platforms. Finally, Rich Kugler discusses how seamless integrations with systems like Black Knight can bring unparalleled efficiency for lenders. Don't miss out on learning how Stewart's one-partner, one-agreement approach can benefit your mortgage servicing operations.
Speaker 1:

Mortgage servicing is in the spotlight In this episode. You'll hear how your mortgage servicing operation can leverage cutting-edge data analytics and unique valuation solutions to bring efficiency, lower costs and improve borrower interactions.

Speaker 2:

From the Stewart headquarters in Houston, texas, usa. It's Stewart in the Studio.

Speaker 1:

We're live in 3, 2, 1. And we're on the air.

Speaker 4:

Welcome everyone to this week's episode of Stewart in the studio. We're live in three, two, one and we're on the air. Welcome everyone to this week's episode of Stuart in the studio. Today, our thought leaders include Rich Kugler, shannon Santos and Matt Jenkins. Rich, you regularly rack up miles talking to mortgage lenders of all shapes and sizes all over the country who really still think of Stuart as just a title company. Can you shed some light on how Stuart has really changed to become that full mortgage lifecycle partner?

Speaker 2:

Sure Marvin, and it's interesting because, while some people do still think of Stewart as primarily a title provider, there's so much more to the story. In addition to our title solutions that we've built over time, stewart has added an offering that really spans the entire lifecycle of a loan, starting with lead generation and pre-qualification, moving into application, then into your familiar underwriting and processing normally associated with title. But then we've also added appraisals and other services that help get through loan approval, closing and funding and, most notably, servicing, and most notably servicing. A number of servicers have partnered with Stuart, as a matter of fact, in default servicing portfolio management, lead generation, retention and loss mitigation.

Speaker 4:

Sounds good. And, shannon, you lead the Informative Research Data Solutions Division, which has created some very unique solutions for mortgage servicers. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Speaker 5:

Sure Informative Research Data Solutions currently helps our lender partners with a number of things. Specifically, we're focused in four pillar areas, which is our customer acquisition or lead generation solutions, risk and retention, upsell, cross-sell and custom data analytics, and we do this through utilizing a number of tools, specifically as it relates to our data assets which we use credit data, public record, property, demographic and marketing data. So we are very adept at combining these disparate data sets and our customer data to come up with unique and hybrid solutions to help drive better retention and portfolio analytics for our customers.

Speaker 4:

Great. So that's on the portfolio level. And now on the property level, Matt, our Steward Valuation Intelligence Division is one of the largest and most tech-forward AMCs in the country. Can you share a bit about the wide range of valuation solutions that you offer mortgage servicers?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sure, marvin. So we have a full suite of valuation solutions for all of your servicing needs, from portfolio analysis to PMI removal, loss mitigation, default, all the way through REO. Valuations include AVM property condition reports, broker price opinions which is the most common evaluations desktop appraisals all the way to full appraisals. All those valuations are powered by our integrated market data, computer vision, ai and our intelligent quality control platforms.

Speaker 2:

Great. So really a full range of services, so Rich with that. One area we haven't talked about is integrations, and obviously integrations are a key component. Can you touch on that? And in the origination space we're very familiar with integrations that are standard, whether it's in Compass or Black Knight, but we're also seeing that servicers are starting to take advantage of the process advantages and the efficiencies that integrations will offer, and Stuart has both the integration expertise for large systems like a Black Knight, msp or Loan Sphere, but we also have dedicated APIs for each of the service offerings that we have, and the technology strength and expertise that we have as a 130-year-old company really do span that whole light of loan cycle, and Stuart is more than titled.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, of course it certainly is Big changes over the last few years. One of the things that we hear from servicers is these different service providers out there that they have to deal with. Rich, to kind of put things together, can you just shed some light on the breadth of Steward that one partner, one agreement, one integration type of a mindset, and how that benefits lenders in the servicing space?

Speaker 2:

That's a huge benefit because, as you mentioned, multiple touch points make for a lot of confusion in the process, makes for a lot of additional administrative overhead and also makes it a little more disjointed rather than a full-on process view of things. And as we approach solutions with our lender clients and our servicing clients, we know that providing them with a holistic solution really allows them to take advantage of the best of the offering and to tailor that offering that best fits their needs.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well said. And then, shannon, I'm just going to ask you one quick question. I know you have a wide variety of solutions. You mentioned numerous databases that you work with. Does it matter which system they're on, or can you pretty much help any servicer on any system out there?

Speaker 5:

We can help any servicer on any system out there. We can help any servicer on any system. We have a lot of clients who work with MSPs of the world. However, we do custom one-off integrations for our clients.

Speaker 4:

Great. And then, Matt, on the valuation side, it sounds like you can go from BPO all the way to full valuation. Is there any valuation or appraisal product that you really are missing that a servicer would need, or do you really have a full suite of solutions?

Speaker 3:

We have the full suite of solutions that any servicer would need from an evaluation perspective.

Speaker 1:

Meet the Stewart team in Orlando, florida, at the NBA Servicing Solutions Conference coming up soon this February 20th through 23rd. Thank you.