Brightside Business

From $5K to $100K: Maximizing Revenue with Targeted Actions Ep 001

June 13, 2024 Joey Young
From $5K to $100K: Maximizing Revenue with Targeted Actions Ep 001
Brightside Business
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Brightside Business
From $5K to $100K: Maximizing Revenue with Targeted Actions Ep 001
Jun 13, 2024
Joey Young

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What if I told you that focusing on just a few needle-moving activities could skyrocket your online business from $5,000 to $100,000 a month? Join me, Joey Young, as I share the insights and strategies that helped me grow my family's services business to over $100K in monthly revenue without an MBA or fancy credentials. We'll explore how to avoid time-wasting tasks and zero in on what truly drives revenue, providing actionable steps to help you break through the $20,000 ceiling.

In this episode of Bright Side Business, I'll walk you through the process of reverse-engineering your ambitious goals into manageable, revenue-driving tasks. Learn how to set priorities, improve your sales funnel, and make consistent progress by leveraging past successes. If you've been feeling stuck or overwhelmed, this conversation is tailored for you. Tune in to transform your business strategies and unlock the momentum you need for scaling success.

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What if I told you that focusing on just a few needle-moving activities could skyrocket your online business from $5,000 to $100,000 a month? Join me, Joey Young, as I share the insights and strategies that helped me grow my family's services business to over $100K in monthly revenue without an MBA or fancy credentials. We'll explore how to avoid time-wasting tasks and zero in on what truly drives revenue, providing actionable steps to help you break through the $20,000 ceiling.

In this episode of Bright Side Business, I'll walk you through the process of reverse-engineering your ambitious goals into manageable, revenue-driving tasks. Learn how to set priorities, improve your sales funnel, and make consistent progress by leveraging past successes. If you've been feeling stuck or overwhelmed, this conversation is tailored for you. Tune in to transform your business strategies and unlock the momentum you need for scaling success.

Welcome to Bright Side Business, where we talk to online entrepreneurs like yourself about tools and strategies to scale your online business to $100K a month in revenue and beyond. I'm Joey Young. I help grow my family's services business from $19K to over $100,000 in revenue per month. I don't have an MBA or any fancy letters after my name, but I do have a four-year degree in consistent quarter-over-quarter revenue growth and I have lots of lessons learned along the way, which is why I'm excited to talk to you about one of them that I learned priorities. If you're at a point in your business where you're making between like $5,000 and $20,000 a month you're a small you know small team, one-man show, one-woman show this is the right video for you, because we're going to talk about how to focus in on those needle moving activities that actually create the revenue and the results in your business. So if you're frustrated right now because you don't know what to focus on, or you feel like you're trying a lot of different things and seeing what sticks and you're not getting the momentum you want to get and you're scaling, this is what we're going talk about, because here's the reality. If you're a one-person show right now and you spend just 20% of each workday on activities that are really outside the scope of the core business you're trying to build, or just superfluous. You know, stuff that really doesn't matter. If it's just 20% of your workday as a one-person show, that's like your business taking a whole day off on superfluous activities that never should have been done in the first place. And that's why this is so important, as you and I, as business owners, need to focus on the things that actually create the revenue and the results when we're this small. So what is the needle-moving activity for your business at this stage to grow and scale your revenue? I'm going to give you three ideas to help you identify what your priorities should be to work on at this stage in your business. And the first idea is that your priority should be to work on at this stage in your business. And the first idea is that your priority should be something you can do to generate revenue. 

It seems simple, but let me explain. Let's say I told you to generate $100,000 in sales today and you told me like Joey, listen, I can't do that. I don't have enough sales calls. I need like 15 sales calls on my calendar to generate $100,000 in revenue today and I have one scheduled. I'm like, okay, so can you schedule 14 more sales calls today? And you say no, because right now my funnel is only converting X amount of people. So I get about three sales calls a week. I'm like, okay, all right, so could you improve your sales funnel to maybe convert let's start with five per week, and that would get us a little closer to our goal, up from one or two to five sales calls a week. And you might say, yeah, honestly, I've been thinking about working on that, but I haven't really dialed that sales funnel in. I know I can improve this and this on it. I'm like, okay, great, that's a priority. So see how we took that goal that we have of generating a hundred thousand dollars in revenue in one day, which is kind of crazy, but we just started working our way backwards into what we can actually do to generate that, that series of events that would cause the goal to happen. 

And this is where a lot of people get mixed up is that is, they think that, oh, that, oh, my task, my priority, is generating the revenue, when really you need to work your way backwards on the chain of events from that goal and focus on okay, what can I actually do today, tomorrow, next week, next month to have a lever to achieve that goal, which is 100K in revenue in this example? So revenue is the end goal. Priority is something that you can actually put on your calendar and you can work on today and tomorrow. And let's say you already have some success in a certain area. Make sure that you look at those opportunities that you have leveraged successfully and do an autopsy to say, okay, I had X amount of sales this month. It was 20% more than my previous months. What was different? How did I leverage different marketing channels? Maybe I got some more leads over here. Maybe I converted better. Maybe there was more repeat customers that month. Whatever it was, do an autopsy and then work your way backwards to how you can create similar results moving forward. That's a good priority. A priority is, again, something you can do in your business to grow and scale revenue, not a goal. The second idea to help you choose your priority right now in your business is a priority should be something that helps you scale revenue, helps you increase your peak customers or helps you increase your profit margin. Those are really the three big things you can do to scale revenue at this point More sales, more repeat customers and a higher profit margin on each sale. 

There's a lot of things you shouldn't be doing right now, like diversifying product lines or trying to be all things to all people, or trying to sell 15 bonus to all people or trying to sell 15 bonus things attachments onto your shopping cart if you're selling physical products. Those things are distractions. At this point, when you're between like 5 and 20k a month, what's really going to impact the bottom line the most is furthering whatever your core offering is improving it, selling it more, selling more to the same person or increasing your margin on each sale. So if you're diversifying, if you're kind of scattered around, trying too many things, shut all those side projects down and really hone in on that one customer and that one problem you solve for them and the one way that you reach that customer, that one funnel. But let's say you're really good at focusing and you don't have multiple business lines and you're really good at narrowing in on your core business and you're like Joey, I don't really know what to do at this stage. I know I'm supposed to focus on revenue and repeat sales and I'm supposed to increase profit margin, but like, how do I do that? Well, what I would tell you is you're probably not prioritizing some of those tasks that are a bit outside your comfort zone. 

See the methodical personalities in the viewership here. You might be the type of people who like organizing you, like filing you, like creating structures and systems. But at this stage in your business, if you're less than 20K a month, you you're still really just learning what your offer is, learning about your customer. You're learning what your core solution is and how to do fulfillment. It's not the time to really systemize yet. You need to get a little bit messy. You need to get out there, start having conversations, start having confidence about your offer and your messaging. So if you're a little bit more of a methodical systems type, remember that to scale revenue, repeat customers and to increase profit margin, you're going to have to get a little bit messy, okay. 

Third idea to help you choose a priority right now in your business. A priority should be an area in which you are a high performer, that is to say, a priority for you to grow. Your business should not be an area where you find it to be boring, kind of a drag and you have no passion for If you're like really good at like sales funnels through VSL and you love doing more like video, like focus on that, even if you hear some crazy good like email marketers say email marketing is the way to go, you have to grow your business through email marketing best conversion rates, best revenue, like it doesn't matter If you're're passionate about VSL, do that. Focus on that. Ignore the email list for now. 

You don't have the time again to focus on activities that aren't really core, needle-moving activities in your business, because you're a very small business at this point with very limited time, and if you work on things that are outside your core competencies the areas which you have a lot of experience, you have a passion for and you really enjoy then you're going to get less results for the input of time you put into them. So you need to focus on those areas which you're obsessed with, that you love, that you have some momentum in, because those will create a lot more interest and joy and it'll compound over time more interest and joy and it'll compound over time and all of a sudden you'll find yourself having success in, for example, the VSL, because you're really genuinely good at it and you have a lot of passion for it. Let's say that sales is not your thing at all and you're like listen, I don't actually like any part of sales and persuasion. So what do I do then? Well, you can also build a really successful business and scale it by focusing on the fulfillment side. Let's say you just deliver an out-of-this-world quality customer experience or you have a really awesome online product that you sell. 

Just focus on that. Help the customers who already have to be repeat customers. Give them tools, set up systems to remind them to buy again, or give them tools to be raving fans. Give them tools, set up systems to remind them to buy again, or give them tools to be raving fans. Give them the opportunity with an incentive program or referral program or something to help others buy from you and let them be your marketing team Like again. You don't have to go at this stage in your business. You're not trying to go too fancy with all these like different like marketing campaigns and different. Go too fancy with all these like different like marketing campaigns and different fulfillment systems. 

At this point, you're less than 20k. Just focus on how you can leverage your personal edge, your performance edge, your area of passion and experience to create more revenue. That's what's going to be super helpful at this point in your business. And hey, if you really enjoyed this conversation about prioritization and you're thinking how do I actually implement this, then download my Priority Clarity System. There's a link in the description. It's a totally free download and what it'll do is give you a worksheet to help you identify those needle moving activities for your business, based off of the content that we've talked through today. 

And if you do have any feedback or questions about the show, anything we talked about today, please reach out. I'd love to hear your feedback, your thoughts on what we talked about. You can email me, joey, at joeyhyoungcom, or send me a message on Instagram. That's at joeyhyoung. On Instagram, you can also find a link to book a 20-minute strategy call with me. On Instagram, you can just talk about your business and strategies to help you scale at the specific stage that you're at. And hey, don't forget to like and subscribe to this show on whatever platform you're listening to this on, and share the link with an entrepreneur friend who could use some resources around prioritization. And until next time, happy scaling.